Cmcu3 Supervision Function of The Energizing Current Input Circuit
Cmcu3 Supervision Function of The Energizing Current Input Circuit
Cmcu3 Supervision Function of The Energizing Current Input Circuit
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Application ............................................................................................ 2
1.2 Input description ................................................................................... 2
1.3 Output description................................................................................. 2
2. Description of operation............................................................................ 3
2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 3
2.2 Measuring mode ................................................................................... 3
2.3 Operation criteria .................................................................................. 3
2.4 Test mode ............................................................................................. 4
2.5 Registers............................................................................................... 4
2.6 Resetting............................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction
1.1 Application
This document specifies the function of the phase current supervision function block
CMCU3 used in products based on the RED 500 Platform.
For IEC symbols used in single line diagrams, refer to the manual “Technical
Descriptions of Functions, Introduction”, 1MRS750528-MUM.
Distribution Automation CMCU3
2. Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
When the analogue channels have been selected and configured in the dialogue box,
the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a graphical
worksheet of the configuration tool. The phase currents IL1, IL2 and IL3 are connected
to the corresponding IL1, IL2 and IL3 inputs of the function block and, in the same
way, the digital outputs of the function block are connected to the output signals.
CMCU3 can be used with two or three current measurement channels. If only two
channels are available, the remaining third analogue channel input shall be left
unconnected. If this is the case, CMCU3 will adapt the setting "Current select"
automatically according to the connected inputs. Changing this setting will not be
possible unless all three inputs are connected.
The function block supervises the energizing circuits by comparing the measured
phase currents. If one or two phase currents exceed the setting “High limit”, while the
measured phase current in the remaining one or two phases is below the setting “Low
limit”, the output ALARM is activated after the settable alarm delay.
The function block is disabled if all input currents are below the setting “Low limit”.
The ALARM output will reset automatically when the fault disappears.
CMCU3 Distribution Automation
The user can activate the ALARM output of the function block with the control
parameter “Test ALARM” either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial
2.5 Registers
The function block records the phase current values required for later fault analysis at
the moment of the supervision alarm, i.e. when the set operate time delay (parameter
“Alarm delay”) has elapsed.
Distribution Automation CMCU3
2.6 Resetting
The user does not need to acknowledge the ALARM output signal but it resets
automatically when the fault disappears.
Operation Recorded
indicators data
General parameter F001V011 1) X
General parameter F001V013 1) X X
Push-button C 1) X
Push-buttons C + E (5 s) X X
Affects all function blocks.
CMCU3 Distribution Automation
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for CMCU3 is 181.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
Distribution Automation CMCU3
High limit V3 10...20 % In 12 R/W High limit for phase current supervision
Low limit V4 2...8 % In 6 R/W Low limit for phase current supervision
Event mask 1 V101 0...3 - 3 R/W Event mask 1 for event transmission
(E0 ... E1)
Event mask 2 V103 0...3 - 3 R/W Event mask 2 for event transmission
(E0 ... E1)
Event mask 3 V105 0...3 - 3 R/W Event mask 3 for event transmission
(E0 ... E1)
Event mask 4 V107 0...3 - 3 R/W Event mask 4 for event transmission
(E0 ... E1)
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Current selection 1 = L1 & L2 & L3; 2 = L1 & L2; 3 = L1 & L3; 4 = L2 & L3
Test alarm 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
CMCU3 Distribution Automation
3.3.6 Events
Distribution Automation CMCU3
4. Technical data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency of the current measured: