Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Fre
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Fre
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Fre
Vu Van Tuan
English Faculty B1
Hanoi University of Business and Technology
Vinh Tuy Ward, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Ha Noi City, Vietnam
This quantitative research aims to investigate the language learning strategies used by Vietnamese
EFL freshmen, and to examine the differences in the students’ use of English language learning
strategies according to their English proficiency. A total of 124 first year students from Hanoi
University of Business and Technology were selected as the respondents using probability
sampling methods. All the participants learned English as a compulsory academic subject. The
data collection instruments of the study were questionnaires adapted from Language Strategy Use
Inventory by Andrew D. Cohen, Rebecca Oxford, and Julie C. Chi (2005). The major findings of
the study showed that the success of language teaching and learning are determined by the effective
choices of language learning strategies. The findings of the study benefit for not only the teachers
being aware of students’ learning styles and language choice, but also the students cooperating
firmly with their teachers to master the effective language learning strategies.
Keyword: Language Learning Strategies (LLSs), English as a second language (ESL), English as
a foreign language (EFL), Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Second Language (L2).
Cite as: Giang ,B.T.K.,& Tuan,V.V. (2018). Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL
Freshmen. Arab World English Journal, 9 (3), 61-83.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 9. Number 3. September 2018
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Freshmen Giang & Tuan
1. Introduction
Language is the most important and meaningful tool among people. People use one language to
exchange with each other. In fact, a few languages are spoken commonly by million people
whereas many other languages are used by particular people. Currently, English is regarded as an
international language fluently used by 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, (Sawe, 2017). Thus,
English is taught as either foreign language or a second language (L2) at all levels of the
educational system in many countries in the world. Many researches have been done on second
language acquisition (SLA) in general and English learning in particular. Moeller and Catalano
(2015) state that ‘foreign language learning and teaching refer to the teaching or learning of a
nonnative language outside of the environment where it is commonly spoken” (p. 327). In fact,
learners may have different ways of acquiring L2, many researches have shown the importance of
language learning strategies for learners who want to be successful at SLA. Language learning
strategies (LLSs) are likened as a means that learners need them for the acquisition, storage, use
of information, retrieval, and enhance learners’ self-confidence.
The term “language learning strategies” can be interpreted by Oxford (2002, p. 124) as
“specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques that students (often intentionally) use to improve
their progress in developing second language (L2) skills”. LLSs direct English as a second
language (ESL)/English as a foreign language (EFL) learners to get improved in their language
proficiency development in their own way. The term “language proficiency”, or in other word
“linguistic proficiency” means that an ESL/EFL learner has a good command of using English. As
shown in the studies on LLSs such as Oxford (2003), Kato (2005), Lee and Heinz (2016), and
other authors, the results confirmed that ESL/EFL learners have employed a variety of LLSs to get
advanced in learning English, and the extent of their use is not too low. In fact, it is necessary for
EFL/ESL learners to adapt LLSs because learning approach is changing day after day in order to
keep up with the social development.
Vietnam has implemented many innovated policies in order to update school leavers with
a good command of foreign languages, especially English competence. To improve the foreign
language ability of Vietnamese learners, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) launched
National Foreign Languages Project scheme, period 2008-2020 with the focus on teaching mainly
English as a second language, not as a foreign language. Although the government has invested a
lot of effort and money in improving the quality of SLA, the result has not come up with the
expectation of the whole society. In fact, there is a strong practical bias in finding effective methods
on improving the teaching SLA. Not many studies have been done on LLSs until now. In other
words, there is a shift from teacher-centered teaching to learner-centered teaching, the role of LLSs
has not got much attention in terms of SLA in the Vietnamese educational system. From this
situation, the study is conducted on English language learning strategies used by first year students
at Hanoi University of Business and Technology (HUBT). This study clarifies the frequency of
English LLSs used by first year students and the possible link between their strategy use and
language proficiency based on their first semester GPAs. The findings of this study would
contribute to help students not only at HUBT scale but also other universities choose appropriate
LLSs in SLA.
2. Literature Review
Arab World English Journal 62
ISSN: 2229-9327
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 9. Number 3. September 2018
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Freshmen Giang & Tuan
In comparison with Oxford’s opinions, O’ Malley and Chamot (1990, p. 1) consider LLSs as the
special thought or behavior whereas Oxford (1990) viewed LLSs as steps that learners use to
enhance their own learning. Some years later, Chamot (2005, p. 112) stated that strategies are most
often conscious and goal-driven especially in the beginning stages of tackling an unfamiliar
language task. Some researchers proposed to replace the term “strategy” to “self-regulation” such
authors as Dornyei and Skehan (2003), Tseng, Dornyei, and Schmitt (2006), Gao (2007), … To
defend their viewpoints, Tseng, Dornyei, and Schmitt (2006) propose a “conceptual approach
highlights the importance of the learners’ innate self-regulatory capacity” (p. 79). Besides, Gao
(2006) came up with a study entitled “Has language learning strategies research come to an end?”
(pp. 615-620) in which he concludes that learners’ strategy complemented well the potential
advance of self-regulation in language learning research.
The replacement of these terms, however, has not been supported by many researchers. It
has been reflected in renewed conferences, workshops, and publications on the strategy subject.
Remarkably, Cohen and Macaro (2007), Griffths (2008, 2013), Oxford (2011), Rose (2012),
Oxford and Macaro (2014), Dornyei and Ryan (2015) and ongoing authors have contributed their
opinions on the disagreement of the two terms shifted. Take some authors’ viewpoints for example.
Rose (2012) argues that “movements towards self-regulation are not incompatible with language
learning strategies” (p. 92). Griffths (2013) put it “the slippery strategy concept hangs on
tenaciously and refuses to be so easily dismissed” (p. 6). More recently, Dornyei & Royan (2015)
confirm that “neither self-regulation nor learning strategy has to become a casualty of the
controversy, caught in the cross-fire of the various arguments” (p. 169).
1. Analytic versus global refers to whether the learner focuses on the details or concentrates on
the main idea or big picture.
2. Visual versus auditory versus hands-on or tactile refers to different sensory preferences in
3. Intuitive/random versus concrete/sequential learning refers to a difference between thinking
in an abstract or nonsequential way versus a focus on concrete facts or a preference to
approach learning in a step by step, organized fashion. (p. 331).
Although there are many style aspects to be influential to L2 learning, Ehrman and Oxford (1990)
mentioned 9 major dimensions. Of which 4 strong associations with L2 language are discussed in
this study, namely sensory preferences, personality types, desired degree of generality, and
biological differences.
2.4 Research studies on the relationship between language learning strategy and language
Kitakawa (2008) investigated the patterns of strategy used by Japanese university learners of
English. He concluded that the more frequent use of LLSs learners employ, the higher proficiency
they get. However, Chamot (2005) did a research on language learning strategy invention studies,
the author had different viewpoints by claiming that strategy instruction decided the development
of learner mastery and autonomy, and increases teacher expertise. Astonishingly, in the same year,
Deanna, Evie, and Alan (2005) carried out their research on LLSs and English proficiency of
Chinese students by comparing between Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language
Learning (SILL) and an institutional version (ITP) of the Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL). Their findings revealed that there is no significant differences between males and
females on eight measures of learning strategy preferences and language proficiency.
Very recently, Shyr, Feng, Zeng, Hsieh, and Shih (2017) investigated the relationships
between LLSs and achievement goal orientations in Taiwanese engineering students taking an EFL
class. The findings revealed that there is a significant correlation between LLSs and achievement
goal orientations. The study highlighted the results that the influence of the LLSs on the learners
are not equal to all instruments (SILL) in their study.
3.1 Design of the study
This study was explored through quantitative research methodology. It was designed to investigate
which English learning strategies were frequently used by 124 Hanoi University of Business and
Technology (HUBT) first year students and examined whether there was a difference between
students’ English learning strategy use and their language proficiency. This research combined
two types of research design, survey design and correlational design together (Creswell, 2005).
The survey design allows finding out which English language learning strategies has been used
most popularly and less popularly by the first year HUBT EFL students. Besides, the correlational
design analyzes the differences in the use of English language strategies by multi-level students at
The table 4.1 shows the sample population of the respondents between male and female EFL
freshmen. From the table, it reveals that 52.4% of male respondents compared with 47.6% female
ones seems to be acceptable figures. The relatively equal distribution based on genders can lead to
high reliability, which contributes to the better significance for the later of the study.
There are 4 levels involved in the years of respondents learning English. The table 4.2 states that
all respondents have spent a long time studying English. Particularly, 84.7% respondents have
learnt English for 11 to 15 years, only 15.3% respondents have spent longer years studying English
– 16 to 20 years, no respondents have acquired English for less than 11 years. This data may denote
that EFL freshmen have gone through many LLSs until the time of doing this survey so that they
can give more reliable findings.
In order to investigate the relationship between English Grade Point of First semester of the
respondents, the researcher consulted the respondents on 5 levels of Vietnamese Marking Scales.
The table 4.3 shows that the majority of the respondents passed their English subject, however,
58.9% of the respondents got the average scale as shown in the table, following that 25% for good
level, 10.5% for above good level, and small number 5.6% for excellent level. These figures depict
the reverse fact that the respondents have spent many years of learning English, but their results
are not persuasive or otherwise very disappointed.
Table 4.3: Distribution of Respondents Based on English Grade Point of First Semester
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid From 5.0 to 6.9 grades (average) 73 58.9 58.9 58.9
From 7.0 to 7.9 grades (good) 31 25.0 25.0 83.9
From 8.0 to 8.9 grades (above 13 10.5 10.5 94.4
From 9.0 to 10 grades (excellent) 7 5.6 5.6 100.0
Total 124 100.0 100.0
Concerning with the poor results of English Grade Point, the table 4.4 investigated whether the
respondents studied other foreign languages affected English subject. The finding pointed out that
91.9% of the respondents studied English, only 8.1% studied other languages. These figures denote
that the number of studying other foreign languages rather than English may not have an effect on
the poor results of the respondents in terms of LLSs.
Scale Mean if Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha if
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Item Deleted
Listening Strategy Use Q1 57.31 338.621 .657 .982
Listening Strategy Use Q2 57.35 336.215 .731 .982
Listening Strategy Use Q3 57.40 337.428 .751 .982
Listening Strategy Use Q4 57.44 335.420 .776 .981
Listening Strategy Use Q5 57.34 333.852 .811 .981
Listening Strategy Use Q6 57.38 334.188 .791 .981
Listening Strategy Use Q7 57.35 334.149 .796 .981
Listening Strategy Use Q8 57.29 335.460 .746 .982
Listening Strategy Use Q9 57.44 328.460 .898 .981
Listening Strategy Use 57.43 330.767 .902 .981
Listening Strategy Use 57.49 330.626 .909 .981
Listening Strategy Use 57.45 331.046 .891 .981
Listening Strategy Use 57.46 334.332 .816 .981
Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted
Translation Strategy Use 11.80 13.691 .824 .922
Translation Strategy Use 11.78 13.261 .842 .920
Translation Strategy Use 11.76 13.583 .822 .922
Translation Strategy Use 11.71 13.460 .802 .925
Translation Strategy Use 11.75 13.197 .858 .917
Translation Strategy Use 11.69 15.047 .714 .935
Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient = 0.936
df 325
Sig. .000
Component Matrixa
Listening Strategy Use Q1 .677
Listening Strategy Use Q2 .751
Listening Strategy Use Q3 .768
Listening Strategy Use Q4 .792
Listening Strategy Use Q5 .826
Listening Strategy Use Q6 .809
Listening Strategy Use Q7 .812
Listening Strategy Use Q8 .764
Listening Strategy Use Q9 .907
Listening Strategy Use Q10 .912
Listening Strategy Use Q11 .917
Listening Strategy Use Q12 .901
Listening Strategy Use Q13 .832
Listening Strategy Use Q14 .886
Listening Strategy Use Q15 .830
Listening Strategy Use Q16 .921
Listening Strategy Use Q17 .871
Listening Strategy Use Q18 .811
Listening Strategy Use Q19 .801
Arab World English Journal 73
ISSN: 2229-9327
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 9. Number 3. September 2018
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Freshmen Giang & Tuan
Component Matrixa
Vocabulary Strategy Use Q27 .458
Vocabulary Strategy Use Q28 .440
Component Matrixa
Speaking Strategy Use Q45 .783
Speaking Strategy Use Q46 .709
Speaking Strategy Use Q47 .640
Speaking Strategy Use Q48 .746
Speaking Strategy Use Q49 .775
Speaking Strategy Use Q50 .751
Speaking Strategy Use Q51 .651
Speaking Strategy Use Q52 .670
Speaking Strategy Use Q53 .687
Speaking Strategy Use Q54 .709
Speaking Strategy Use Q55 .687
Speaking Strategy Use Q56 .687
Speaking Strategy Use Q57 .732
Speaking Strategy Use Q58 .747
Speaking Strategy Use Q59 .662
Speaking Strategy Use Q60 .709
Speaking Strategy Use Q61 .632
Speaking Strategy Use Q62 .794
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a
a. 1 components extracted.
Component Matrixa
Reading Strategy Use Q63 .715
Reading Strategy Use Q64 .782
Reading Strategy Use Q65 .721
Reading Strategy Use Q66 .774
Reading Strategy Use Q67 .816
Reading Strategy Use Q68 .822
Reading Strategy Use Q69 .846
Reading Strategy Use Q70 .801
Reading Strategy Use Q71 .810
Reading Strategy Use Q72 .796
Reading Strategy Use Q73 .913
Reading Strategy Use Q74 .907
Extraction Method: Principal Component
Component Matrixa
Translation Strategy Use Q85 .881
Translation Strategy Use Q86 .894
Translation Strategy Use Q87 .879
Translation Strategy Use Q88 .864
Translation Strategy Use Q89 .905
Translation Strategy Use Q90 .794
Arab World English Journal 78
ISSN: 2229-9327
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 9. Number 3. September 2018
Language Learning Strategies of Vietnamese EFL Freshmen Giang & Tuan
4.2.4 English Grade Point First Semester and Language Learning Strategies
The table 4.18 reveals the relationship between the English Grade Point First Semester and LLS.
The analysis shows that only Vocabulary Language Strategy is not affected the results of EFL
freshmen’s semester school report. The other language strategies highly influence the results of
the first semester, which is similar in the other studies by Kitakawa (2008), Shyr, Feng, Zeng,
Hsieh, and Shih (2017).
Table 4.18: Comparison between English Grade Point First Semester and Language Learning Strategies
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Listening Between 5.598 3 1.866 3.725 .013
Within Groups 60.110 120 .501
Total 65.708 123
Vocabulary Between .472 3 .157 1.750 .161
Within Groups 10.801 120 .090
Total 11.273 123
Speaking Between 3.457 3 1.152 3.373 .021
Within Groups 40.988 120 .342
Total 44.444 123
Reading Between 5.814 3 1.938 3.963 .010
Within Groups 58.686 120 .489
Total 64.500 123
Writing Between 6.211 3 2.070 3.743 .013
Within Groups 66.377 120 .553
Total 72.589 123
Translation Between 4.382 3 1.461 2.818 .042
Within Groups 62.197 120 .518
Total 66.579 123
5 Concludions
The findings of the current study reflected the real situation of English language learning strategies
applied by the first year HUBT students. As a result, the results could make known to the teachers
about their students’ English leaning strategy preference, produce an effective plan for strategy
training in their English teaching class. The findings would raise the students’ awareness about
LLS, promote them to construct and adjust their language strategies, and sketch out the suitable
activities for applying English learning strategies.
From the result of the study, it is advisable for both the teachers and students to
acknowledge the students’ strategy preference in order to determine the students’ strengths and
weaknesses in English learning. The teachers cooperate with their students to decide which LLSs
are best for their students to improve and how their students could master the LLSs. Besides, using
the best LLSs encourage the students to become more independent and flexible in applying task-
appropriate strategies to enhance the effectiveness of their learning.
So as for the students to become aware of the importance of choosing the best LLSs for
them, the teachers are advisable to launch many activities for their students involve such as forums,
workshop, English competitions or even camping trips to English speaking communities.
According to Oxford (1990), language learning strategies are considered as teachable. The more
LLSs are trained, the more successful the students gain by mastering their learning styles and
During the class time, the teacher may introduce many practical activities to take explicit
and implicit strategy instructions into the regular lessons. It is only the teachers who understand
which language learning strategies are suitable for different students. The study shows that both
male and female students apply LLSs in their second language acquisition, otherwise, their first
semester school report or particularly English Grade Point is firmly related to their learning styles
and language strategies. The teachers’ tasks are to encourage them to develop the relevant LLSs
and adjust the factors or strategies they have not done well.
It is noticeable that students’ background plays an important role for the teachers to get to know
before expecting to introduce the instructions in the target language. The teachers are advisable to
know clearly about their students’ learning styles, learning goals or perception to the target
language. Generally speaking, the success of LLSs are trained under the cooperation between the
teachers and the students.
Second Author: Vu Van Tuan, PhD is a teacher at English Faculty B1 - Hanoi University of
Business and Technology, Hanoi City, Vietnam. Until now he has had many papers researching
English Language Teaching. He is trying to put himself forward with many studies in the near
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