San Enrique National Comprehensive High School Basic Education - Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP+)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Year 2021-2022


Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 1

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID) – 19 outbreak impacted not only the

economy of the country as tourism industry, airline operators, mining operations,
and other small scale markets continue to deteriorate. It has likely unequal
impacts on education as interruptions has occurred in students’ learning,
disruptions on internal assessment, and cancellation of many school programs and
activities that provides holistic training amongst learners.

The uncertainties faced in the opening of this school year 2021 -2022
brought about by the COVID – 19 outbreak positions the education sectors to abide
by the many government policies regarding quarantine and social distancing and
challenging its moral obligation of not allowing circumstances to jeopardize the
rights of every learner to education, thus, the School Level Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP +).

This BE-LCP+ was made possible through the collaborative efforts of school
key officials, community stakeholders, teachers and learners and with high hopes
be implemented through the paralleled united efforts of the aforementioned.
Amidst the pandemic disturbing our country today; amidst the social differences
and different insights of the leaders of the nation that create barriers to take
drastic measures; amidst the economic crisis that grips the neck of every Filipino
citizen; the Department of Education spearheaded by Secretary Leonor Magtolis
Briones and the school trusts that:

we will continue to uphold our mission so that education will still be within
the reach of the Filipino people, for education remains as a basic human right: a tool
for survival in the forthcoming and a key towards recovery and nation-building;

we must ensure the health safety of our learners, teachers, parents,

and the community as we fulfill and deliver quality, accessible, relevant and
liberating education;

we shall overcome this pandemic, this too shall pass.


Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 2

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I

General Objectives

This program aims to continue providing quality, accessible, relevant and

liberating education in response to the “new normal” in education amid the
Coronavirus Disease (COVID) – 19 pandemic.

Specific Objectives

The San Enrique National Comprehensive High School aspires to:

a. adhere to the standard protocols implemented in the locale;

b. craft and disseminate the BE-LCP+;
c. maximize engagement and communication among stakeholders.
d. put emphasis on the improvement and strengthening of SBM -WinS
e. spearhead the Teachers’ Preparatory Training (TPT) and other form of
orientation to disseminate information regarding BE-LCP+ and other
preparatory school plan amid the COVID – 19 pandemic;
f. validate learning modality upon enrolment based from the current
situation and learners’ preference;

The implementation of the School Learning Continuity Plan (SLCP) in the
previous school year has brought several challenges to its implementation both to
learners, parents and teachers:

Challenges and Actions Taken (2020-2021)

Challenges Action Taken

Fluctuating number of COVID 19 cases The school, given no choice, postponed
in the locality which has resulted to the module distribution when COVID cases
occasional postponement of the school’s spikes in the municipality. Moreover, to
module distribution. cope with the delay in the module
distribution, delayed LMs in the recent
week were given the following week.
Insufficiency of operational expenses in The school tapped the alumni
the printing of learning modules. association, the teachers’ and
employees’ association, PTA and
solicited donations from the barangays,
private individuals and private
Delayed uploading of learning materials The delayed modules were given the
to DepEd distribution portals. succeeding week.
Lack of learning modules on some Teachers were encouraged to create
disciplines or MELCs. their own learning material/activity
sheets that suited the MELCs.
Lack of access to mobile devices and Learners are given consideration and
internet connections, by a few students, maximum tolerance were implemented.

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 3

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
hampered communication and The advisers conducted home-visitation.
information distribution.
Offline materials were not compatible The school reproduced and provided
with the devices learners use at home. printed modules for the learners.
Poor results in formative and summative The council made intervention to
tests. address the learners needs.

Best/Effective Practices (2020-2021)

The school has made initiatives in order to make quality education

accessible for all in the time of pandemic. The San Enrique National
Comprehensive High School Community has exerted time and effort in order to
make the delivery of education for the previous school year unhampered.

Description Implementation Impact

The SENCHS Project This is by establishing This was done during the
“Dul-ong” - This project module retrieval and first quarter as a part of
has been implemented by claiming stations to every the psychosocial
the school in partnership barangay facilitated by debriefing and mental
with the local barangay teachers and barangay awareness campaign of
officials to bring quality officials on a weekly basis. the school in order to ease
education closer to every This is to ensure that the mental stress
home. learning modules were experienced by learners
brought to every learner brought by the drastic
and to elicit maximum shift of educational
learning participation in paradigm in the new
the modular learning normal. The program has
modality. been successful with its
aim to create a smooth
transition from former the
face-to-face instructions
to the later introduction of
the modular approach.
Crafting of Teacher- It is known concern that Module distribution were
made Learning Modules occasionally DepEd unhampered and MELC’s
- This initiative was done supplied learning modules were addressed through
in order to ensure that are not always obtainable teacher-made learning
modules are readily on time. With this concern materials
available on a weekly the school administration
basis especially to those encourages teachers to
subject areas with delayed produce teacher-made
or no LM’s. learning modules aligned
with the Most Essential
Learning Competencies
(MELC’s) in order to
ensure that module
distribution is
unhampered on a weekly

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 4

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Project “Pagulikid” – The respective grade level Improve learners’
This is an intervention council conducts LAC performance in
initiated by each grade sessions spearheaded by accomplishing the
level council to address their council chairperson learning tasks.
the arising concerns of and being delegated later
each council in the on with the JHS
implementation of the Coordinator for another
distance learning. separate LAC session and
make it an avenue
providing solutions to
address the needs and
concern of the council.

Lessons Learned (2020-2021)

If there is one positive aspect of the pandemic's major emphasis on alternate

learning modalities and instruction, it is that students are given more opportunity
to work independently and at their own pace, and as a result, they are becoming
better problem-solvers.

At least, that's the perspective of educators who work in schools where

individualized and flexible learning is the centerpiece of instruction – the new norm
of the academe. It is notable in many institutions today, that the shift to remote
and alternative learning modalities and instruction has allowed them to strengthen
their commitment to learner-centered approaches and develop new strategies that
will be used once all students can return to school buildings at full capacity for
face-to-face instruction.

When we needed to switch to alternate learning methods, we already had

established a favorable mindset, the concept of fostering independent learners, of
making learners own their own learning which should be coupled with strong
parental support. Learning is both tough and time-consuming for teachers when it
comes to using alternate learning methodologies. People are unaware of how much
longer it takes teachers to deal with schoolwork and cope with the new workload
scheme. Teachers do not receive immediate feedback from students, therefore they
cram in reviewing students' work and creating modules.

Teachers, on the other hand, had been left with no choice but pursue the
seemingly insurmountable task as part of the new normal, all with high hopes:
“para sa bata . . . para sa bayan.”

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 5

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I

School Profile
Projected Enrolment

The table below shows the possible number of learners for school year 2021-
2022 based from the early registration conducted for incoming grade 7 and grade
11 learners and the survey conducted by every grade level:

Key Stage Grade Level Enrolment

Junior High Grade 7 274
School Grade 8 356
Grade 9 346
Grade 10 431


Teachers of San Enrique National Comprehensive High School are

committed to uphold the mandate of the Department Education. With 70 strong
teaching force, 55 of which from the junior high school and 20 from the senior high
school, all willing to embrace the “new normal” of the Philippine educational system
in this time of pandemic. Most of its teaching staff are aged 20 to 40 years old, with
most of them having lived teaching-experience for over ten (10) years. This can be a
good indicator that the teaching population are adept, seasoned, and experienced
in different teaching styles and modalities, with the different transition in the
country’s educational system and curricula they have been in.

The table below shows the number of teachers for the junior and senior high
school department for school year 2021-2022:

Classification No.of Teachers

JHS 55
SHS 20
Total 75

Age (years) No.of Teachers

20-30 18
31-40 24
41-50 19
51-65 14

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 6

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Experience (years) No.of Teachers
0-10 41
11-20 16
21-30 10
31-40 8

Program Offerings

San Enrique National Comprehensive High School is known as the Mother

Secondary School in the 4th Congressional District of Iloilo, Municipality of San
Enrique. To cater the diverse skills and potential abilities of the learners, the school
offers the following in the
Due to the school’s demographic setting and the center of education in the
municipality, learners come from different barangays within and beyond the town.
Many learners would want to enroll to the school because of the outstanding
delivery of quality basic education and effective holistic development of learners’

Regular Class Program

This includes all learners enrolled in the current school year, not
including students with special needs within or outside the enrolled school.
Learners’ placement is based primarily on age, grade level and cognitive
abilities as assigned by the school Administration.

Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program

Special Curricular Program in Science, Technology and Engineering
(STE) has been offered which envisions highly responsible, morally upright,
globally competitive, and intellectually-competent learners. This program
aims to widen access to quality secondary education with the vision to
develop learners with the interest and aptitude for careers in or for higher
learning in Science, Technology and Engineering.

Analysis (Gaps, Crucial Resources, etc.)

Gap Analysis for School Year 2021-2022

The table below shows that Gap Analysis of San Enrique National
Comprehensive High School for School Year 2021-2022. It presents the school’s
targets for the incoming school year and the specific actions that should be
undertaken to concretize the targets.

School Target Data Currently Inhibitin Actions to be Groups

Retrieve Contributing g Factors Taken that
d From Yes/ Explana Requires
No tion Attentio

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 7

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Improve Year-end Yes At an Modules Communicate School
Resource Module average, were not and Administ
Utilization for Appraisa only religiousl encourage rator,
Module l 96% y learners to Subject
Production modules returned return the Teachers
that by modules and
were learners learners
reprodu during Allocate
ced and the school fund
distribu schedule’ (MOOE) for
ted to s weekly the
the retrieval reproduction
learners of copies of
the lacking
previous modules
d to
that are
in good
Continuous Schedul Yes In a The Gradually School
and es of quarter, postpone adopt Administ
unhampered module two (2) ment of online/digitiz rator,
distribution of distribut to three module ed Subject
learning ion (3) distributi distribution Teachers
modules weeks of on is of modules and
module brought learners
distribu about by
tion are fluctuatin
postpon g
ed numbers
cases in
ity and
Unavailability/ Number Yes In This Teachers Subject
delayed of and several results to creates Group
uploaded complete subject delayed modules/acti Heads
uploading of ness of areas in module vity sheets and
learning modules the JHS distributi suited for the Subject
materials to based and on target MELC’s Teachers
Dep. Ed. from the SHS,
distribution files modules
portals. uploade are not
d by availabl

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 8

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Dep. Ed. e for
Inaccessibility Learners Yes At an Limited Improve School
of few learners response average learners procedure on Administ
to mobile s on 30 out resources printed rator,
devices and class/su 40 to module Subject
internet bject learners purchase distribution/r Teachers
connection. group have /avail etrieval to and
chats mobile mobile cater all learners
phones phone or learners
or internet
access connectivi
to ty
in their

Crucial Resources
Learning Resources and Facilities

A pleasant, safe, secure, accessible, well-lit, well-ventilated, and aesthetically

beautiful physical environment should be provided by an effective and functional
school facility that responds to changing and challenging educational delivery
programs. It also has an impact on the health, behavior, engagement, learning, and
achievement of learners with complex needs in order for effective learning to take

The facility is more than just a passive container for the educational process;
it is an integral part of the learning environment. It includes not just the physical
structure, but also a wide range of building systems such as electricity and power,
telecommunications, and security. Materials and supplies, equipment, and
information technology are also available, as well as various components of the
building grounds, such as sporting fields, outdoor learning areas, and vehicular
access and parking.

In this difficult time of crisis, providing a safe, clean, and hygienic learning
environment is extremely important and required. Hand washing facilities,
disinfectants such as hand soaps, alcohol, sanitizers, and other items should be
provided in classrooms. The physical and mental health of children and teachers is
dependent on the physical environment, making it critical to construct safe,
healthy structures.

San Enrique National Comprehensive High School has 46 regular

classrooms situated in a 2.5-hectare school grounds at the outskirt of the town.
The school does not have enough classrooms to handle interim timetables due to
its rising population.

We have sketched out the areas that will be used for the classes based on the
current circumstances and the aforementioned scheme.

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 9

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
• Classrooms. For instructional purposes, a total of 46 conventional classrooms
will be employed. If limited face-to-face lessons are shortly to be introduced,
each classroom can hold 20 learners to adequately execute the physical and
social distancing.

• Isolation Rooms. These rooms are for students who may be manifesting
evident COVID-19 symptoms. In these rooms, medical assistance is provided.
These are also used as waiting areas for students to be picked up by their
parents to go home or seek additional medical help. Six (6) of the 46
classrooms will be designated as isolation facilities, one for each grade level.

• Teachers’ Room. Teachers will use the remaining unoccupied classrooms for
instruction in preparation for their lessons and consultations with learners. For
the senior high school, a separate teacher's room will also be made available.

• Online Class Lounge. This section can be found in the computer laboratories.
Since it is equipped with stable internet connectivity, this will function as the
online class space. For this purpose, the JHS and SHS computer rooms will be

• LR Center. A space within a school that houses a variety of information

sources. It serves as a hub for introducing, reinforcing, and expanding student

• Hand Washing Stations. Hand washing stations are strategically placed

throughout the campus. Gates, fronts of classroom buildings, and other sites
fall under this category. Foot baths are also offered in each classroom's

• Other Facilities. Other school facilities are equally important and can have
an impact on the performance of students and teachers. These may include
comfort rooms, Home Economics Building, offices, nursery, Kapit-Bisig Teen
Center, canteens, etc.

• Science Equipment. The school had been a recipient of various science

instrument and equipment that is currently stored at the School Science
Laboratory for future use.

• Modules. These learning materials had been playing a pivotal role in the
distance learning modality implementation and has been made available for

Human Resources

• Internal Stakeholders. The faculty and staff are introduced to the “new
normal” practices of the school and undergo upskilling by virtually joining in
various in webinars and trainings.

• External Stakeholders. The Local Government Unit of the municipality,

various associations and organizations from both public and private sects had
been extending help to the schools pursuits and operations.

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 10

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Learning Delivery Modalities, Platforms, and Strategies

The following enumerates the possible learning modalities “options” that will
be used by San Enrique National Comprehensive High School depending on the
possible situation that may arise in the near future and description on how it will
be implemented.

LMP 1: Printed Modular Learning Mode – This learning mode will use
printed learning materials to be provided by the Department of Education. In
this learning there will a scheduled module distribution and retrieval on a
weekly basis. Parents will claim the learning modules and shall return the
activity notebooks over the scheduled day of the week.

LMP 2: Digitized Modular Learning Mode – This learning mode will involve
the distribution of digitized learning modules either via the class Facebook
group chat or through the flash drives. There will be scheduled activity
notebook retrieval on a weekly basis.

LMP 3: Limited Face to Face Learning Mode – This would involve face to
face instruction in which learners would spend two days in school for four
(4) hours each day and complete the remaining activities three days at home.

Modalities Platforms Strategies

LMP 1: Printed Modular Printed Modules When COVID cases in the
Learning Mode municipality are at the
minimum or during
MECQ or GCQ; Parents
will retrieve the printed
modules and deliver the
activity notebooks at
school on a weekly a
LMP 2: Digitized Modular Digitized Copy of the When COVID cases are
Learning Mode Modules increasing or during ECQ;

Option A: Digitized
module will be sent via
Facebook group chats and
parents will deliver the
activity notebooks at
school on a weekly a

Option B: Digitized
module will saved on a
flash drive, claimed by the
parents and deliver the
activity notebooks at
school on a weekly a
LMP 3: Limited Face to Face to Face Classroom When COVID cases are at

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 11

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Face Learning Mode Instruction the minimum or when
quarantine status are
lifted; Class size will be
reduced to 25 or 30
learners. There will be a
morning and afternoon
shift with classes of every
grade levels assigned on
different days to offer
provisions for social

Readiness of the School in case of the implementation of

limited face to face classes

Class Programing

Sample JHS and SHS Level Weekly Class Schedule Distribution

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Grade 7 Grade 9 Grade 7 Grade 9 Checking of
Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 8 Grade 10 Activity
Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 12 Notebooks and
Recording of

Sample JHS Teacher’s Program

Teacher: Moby Lyn E. Tutana

Subject: English
Year Level: Grade 8
No. of Sections: 6 Sections

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:30-8:00 8 Falcon A 8 Falcon A
8:00-8:30 8 Crane A 8 Crane A
9:00-9:30 8 Pelican A 8 Pelican A
9:30- 8 Nightingale 8 Nightingale
10:00 A A
10:00- 8 Swan A 8 Swan A
11:00- 8 Cardinal A 8 Cardinal A
11:30- Lunch Break
1:00-1:30 8 Falcon B 8 Falcon B

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 12

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
1:30-2:00 8 Crane B 8 Crane B
2:30-3:00 8 Pelican B 8 Pelican B
3:00-3:30 8 Nightingale 8 Nightingale
3:30-4:00 8 Swan B 8 Swan B
4:30-5:00 8 Cardinal B 8 Cardinal B
5:00 Dismissal

Sample JHS Learner’s Program

Class Adviser: Moby Lyn E. Tutana

Section: Nightingale
Year Level: Grade 8

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7:30-8:00 English English
8:00-8:30 Filipino Filipino
8:30-9:00 Mathematics Mathematics
9:00-9:30 Science Science
10:00- TLE TLE
10:30- EsP/Homeroom EsP/Homeroom
11:00 Guidance Guidance
11:00- Araling Araling
11:30 Panlipunan Panlipunan
11:30- Lunch Break
1:00-1:30 English English
1:30-2:00 Filipino Filipino
2:00-2:30 Mathematics Mathematics
2:30-3:00 Science Science
3:00-3:30 MAPEH MAPEH
3:30-4:00 TLE TLE
4:00-4:30 EsP/Homeroom EsP/Homeroom
Guidance Guidance
4:30-5:00 Araling Araling
Panlipunan Panlipunan
5:00 Dismissal

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 13

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Classroom Set-up

The illustration below presents the proposed classroom structure for the
JHS and SHS when limited face to face classes will be approved by the Dep.Ed.


• There shall only be one Entry and Exit point in the classroom.
• Alcohol, foot bath, and thermal scanner will be provided by the school at the
entry. Temperature will be scanned by the security guard prior to the entry
of the learners from the school gate.
• Windows and doors shall be kept open to allow free movement of air, use of
electric fan is encouraged.
• A maximum of 25 learners will be admitted in the room per shift with a 1
meter distance for each arm chair.
• Learners are required to wear face mask and face shield.
• There will be teacher’s movement as transition from one subject to the next
to minimize mobility. There would be no recess breaks and students will be
advised to bring packed snacks for the same reason.

Classroom-Student Ratio

JHS Classroom Student Ratio

Number of Number of Projected Classroom-Student

Classrooms Learners Ratio
32 1407 1:44

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 14

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
Provision of Food through Home Gardening

This new DepEd policy will be another first in the department. This would
ensure that there will food to every Filipino table give the fact that some don’t have
livelihood in this time of the pandemic. This will encourage every learner to become
active participants in their households to create a sustainable food source.

This DepEd policy will be possible to be spearheaded by the TLE Department

in the Junior and Senior High School. Teachers will be encouraged to have a lesson
integration in agriculture in order to teach and guide learners in developing
backyard or urban gardens. TLE teachers shall integrate this in their lessons and
will be part of the quarterly performance of learners for grading. The TLE
Department will create specific guidelines for the home gardening activities of the
learners. There are already existing “farm-schools” near the community that could
serve as benchmark for the school to identify areas of improvement and at the
same time its many potentials.

School Management Policy

• On Learners’ and Teachers’ Safety – The safety of the learners and teacher
is the primary concern of the school in the development of the SLCP.
• On Teacher Training – The conduct and attendance of webinars are
encouraged to broaden and improve teachers’ knowledge in the different
teaching and learning modalities.
• On School Personnel Welfare – Teachers and staff plays an important role
in this time of pandemic in order to ensure that the school operations continue,
their welfare should be taken cared off.
• On Curriculum – The school have conducted a meeting on how to deliver the
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) using modular, face to face and
blended instruction in lesson delivery.
• On Instructions – Teachers should be trained to the teaching and learning
approaches favored by learners.
• On Parents’ Involvement – Parents plays a key role on the decision of the
learners whether they would go to school or not but if learners choose to
continue schooling, they should do their best to assist their children while
doing task at home.
• On Stakeholder Partnership – School operations is perceived to continue
and with the support of the stakeholders, school year 2020-2021 will be
possible. Their continued collaboration, manpower, financial and moral
support would be of great help.

Pre-Enrolment Procedure
1. COMMITTEE ON ENROLMENT – A committee to take charge of the
enrolment was created. The manner of enrollment will be accommodated in
thru, two (2) options: “online registration” (Via Facebook and Google
Forms) or “drop-box” (Accomplished registration form in printed format).

a. Online Registration. The google form enrolment can accessed thru the
link: and The curriculum chairman shall
spearhead the enrolment process for every year level. The members were
the advisers and non-advisers who belong to the said curriculum year
level. The assistant principals for the junior and senior high school will

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 15

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
supervise the enrollment procedure for every department respectively. They
shall assign a teacher who will be in charge of the ICT that will soon
encode and manage the data from the enrollment. The council chairman
together with its members shall later take charge of sectioning and dividing
the learners into their respective cohorts
b. Drop – box. A communication letter regarding the enrolment procedures for
all the catchment barangays will be sent out by the committee. The printed
enrolment form and drop box for accomplished registration form will be
provided in every barangay which will be collected by the committee
member in-charge by the following weeks. The drop-box containing the
accomplished registration forms will be then returned to the school site for
encoding and management of data. The council chairman together with its
members shall later take charge of sectioning and dividing the learners
into their respective cohorts.


shall create an info graphics that will be later posted online and on
streets in order to disseminate the information of enrollment for school
year 2020-2021. Tw types of info graphics will be made, one in English
and one in Hiligaynon. The info graphics will provide a step-by-step
process on how to undergo the enrolment process, focal persons to be
contacted, and the learning modality option. Moreover, the info graphics
will contain the following information from the learner such as: the
complete name of the enrollee, LRN, grade level, classification of learner
(transferee or old student), date of birth, age, name of parents/guardian.

d. DESSIMINATION – The dissemination of info graphics together with the

enrollment survey from form the DepEd will be done by posting on the
official school Facebook account and other social media and online
platforms. To those areas that were not reached by the internet,
reproduction of info graphics and the form will be done for the
distribution to the barangays thru the barangay captains.

e. SUMMARIZING OF ENROLMENT DATA – Each respective council shall

take charge of consolidating the enrollment data from text messages,
online enrolment via Facebook and from the enrolment form. They will
then group the learners according to their preferred learning modalities
with a maximum of 20 learners per cohort. An official list of the enrollees
per cohort shall be given to the office for posting.

SBM-WinS Implementation

To satisfy and comply with the minimum health standards required by the
Department of Health (DOH), the school shall:

1. Conduct periodic disinfection of the school premises and facilities.

2. Mandatory observation of physical distancing at all times in the vicinity of
the school.
3. Implementation of the “No Facemask, No Entry” policy. Gates will be closed
at 8:AM and will be opened by 11:45. It will be closed again by 1:30 PM.
4. Wearing of mask and face shield and proper mask disposal is encouraged.
5. Observance of proper coughing and sneezing etiquette in the public.
6. Implementation of “One Entrance, One Exit” Policy

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 16

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
7. Mandatory thermal scanning of body temperature of all persons in the
entrance gate.
8. Persons with temperature above 37 degrees Celsius will not be allowed to
enter the school premises.
9. Provision for hand washing station and foot bath in the entrance gate.
Mandatory hand washing is required upon the entry of the school premises
10. Provision for alcohol for personnel use in the Biometric facility. Learners and
teachers are encouraged to bring their own alcohol.
11. Providing functional hand washing facilities on strategic areas around the
school vicinity
12. Ensuring adequate supply of alcohol, sanitizers and disinfectants on offices
and classrooms.
13. Presence foot baths in the entrance gate, office doors and classrooms.
14. Isolation of personnel and learners with flu like symptoms. The MAPEH
Room will be assigned as a temporary quarantine room.
15. Implementation of “Teachers Movement” policy to minimize person to person
16. Scheduling of different recess time for every grade level if schedule would
17. Teacher-advisers are obliged to create their own classroom-based health
protocols. Alcohols, hand washing facility and foot bath should be present in
every classroom.
18. Canteen personal should observe proper hygiene and must secure latest
health card certification and should be subjected to food g=handling and
other standard protocols specified by the DepEd and DOH guidelines
19. Coordination with the LGU and Municipal RHU for random monitoring as
external audit in compliance of specified minimum health standards.


We all know by now that COVID-19 can be easily transmitted in the

workplace. It is for this purpose that government, since day one, has been
instituting various policies and guidelines that will help establishments and
enterprises and institutions in COVID-proofing the workplace with the end goal of
protecting employees and other stakeholders in the workplace. The government’s
COVID-19 vaccination program is in the initial stage of roll-out and Dep. Ed.
employees are seen to have a crucial role in terms of awareness-raising, promotion,
and even making it a part of the institutions’ occupational safety and health

Personnel Vaccinated Unvaccinated Enlisted

JHS 14 41 37
SHS 6 14 14
Non-Teaching 4 4 4

Next Steps for Vaccination

The DOH urges the public to take the vaccine especially those who are in the
public and private workforces. Even though the vaccination campaign has started,
nonetheless, several challenges in the workplace remain. With the spread of new
variants, the level of vaccination required to achieve herd immunity likely still
unreachable in the current setting since the number of vaccines are still not
enough. The status of vaccine rollout is dependent still in the availability of

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 17

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
vaccines. Uncertainty remains regarding the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2
variants and implications for the efficacy of current vaccines.

The DepEd has the general duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably

practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees. The
pandemic will be with us for some time to come so, as we know, we need to have
plan for COVID-19 to be an ongoing issue despite the availability of vaccine. Even
employees who have been vaccinated may still not be comfortable with returning to
their workplace knowing that others are still not vaccinated. The school should
have health programs on how to manage a potentially mixed workforce of those
who have been vaccinated and those who have not yet come through or fully
completed the vaccination,

COVID-secure practices should continue to be in place until the government

guidance changes, even where teachers and employees have been vaccinated. The
administration may want to remind teachers and employees to continue to abide by
the COVID-secure measures and not to put on halt their efforts despite the vaccine.

Stakeholders play an important role in managing the schools. They are
partners of the school leader in making the schools conducive for teaching and
learning. With the common goal to develop the child to become a life-long learner
and acquire necessary skills to survive, the schools and its stakeholders work hand
in hand to achieve this common goal.

SENCHS Parents-Teachers The association of internal and external stakeholders
Association (SENCHS PTA) of the school which is comprised by the learners’
parents, guardians, and teachers of the school. This
established association has been a long-time partner
of the school in improving the quality of service of the
SENCHS. The association were able to provide
monetary donations and material donations in the
form of paints and bond papers to the school.
SENCHS Teachers and this body was established by the teaching and the
Employees Association non-teaching staff of SENCH with the aim to unify the
(SENCHS TEA) organization for the common good of all the
employees. The association has been an active
mechanism in supporting the endeavors of SENCHS.
The association were able to provide monetary
donations and bond papers to the school for module
SENCHS Alumni Association This is comprised of past graduates if the institution
which is activity participating and helping the school
in their own collaborative effort to give back what they
have to their Alma Matter. The association were able
to provide monetary donations and bond papers to the
school for module reproduction.
Local Government Unit of the This institution spearheaded by local chief executive
Municipality of San Enrique has been very supportive to the endeavors of the

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 18

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
school and has extended help from funding,
partnerships, and many more.
Municipality of San Enrique The barangay officials have given their full cooperation
Association of Barangay to the activities of the school from solicitation,
Captains donation drives, bayanihan activities and manpower.
Private Individuals The generosity of San Enriquenhons, OFW’s, and to
those other individuals who have shown their support
and love to the school has were active mechanisms in
helping in concretizing the vision and mission of
schools. They were able to provide financial assistance
and materials needed for module reproduction.
Private Institutions Private partners from businesses, lending institutions,
corporations and organizations has been extending
their help to the school even before and these
partnerships have been strengthened by time. The
partnerships have been evident from financial and
material donations, projects, immersions, skills
training, and manpower.


Monitoring is seeing if you are doing what you said you would do and done
in a systematic approach to overseeing planning, learning, and teaching. This is
part of the evaluation that ensures that information is gathered so that judgments
can be made and questions answered accordingly. Evaluating, on the other hand,
is the measurements of success. This is done after there is a comparison between
outcomes, aims, and objectives. School monitoring and evaluation help in providing
a consolidated source of information showing the progress of the school. Monitoring
and evaluation give a basis for both questioning and testing assumptions.
Monitoring and evaluation should be an integral component of any particular
school since it helps in planning. A school should use technological tools available
to help in gathering information. Also, it shows the mistakes and creates paths for
both learning and improving.

Personnel Roles and Function

School Administrator To oversee the standard operation procedures of all aspects in
the school from the administration, accounting, learners and

To make sound and wise decision based from fair judgment

on what is good for the internal and external stakeholders of
the school especially for the learners.

To make sure that the mandates of the Department are

implemented and followed with the key role to conduct
consistent monitoring and evaluation of all aspects of the
school and look for areas of improvement for continuous
Assistant Principal To work hand in hand with the principal to ensure that the
different school systems are working coherently.

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 19

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I
To take part in decision making together with the school
principal to ensure that the ideals of the Department of
Education are properly followed and implemented, focusing
more on curriculum implementation, planning and monitoring.
Subject To perform the role as appointed frontrunners in every subject
Coordinators/Subject department in the junior and the senior high school with the
Group Heads main role to guide and monitor teachers’ performance in every
subject area.

To assist and guide teachers in their department in adherence

to the aims of the school and the department, focusing on
specific curriculum implementation, planning and monitoring
for every subject area.
SENCHS PTA President To serve as representative of the external stakeholder,
specifically for parents with the main role to voice out the
concerns of the parents with the key role to support the
endeavors of the school, monitor projects spearheaded by the
body and checks and balances the concerns which involves
the learners, the most important stakeholder.
SENCHS Teachers’ and To oversee the general welfare of every employee in the
Employees’ Association institution.
To lead the association in creating bylaws which are beneficial
to the teachers and employees’ welfare.

To also monitors and evaluates the programs that are

implemented by the association.
SBM WinS Coordinator To monitor the implementation of the minimum health
standards in the workplace and make necessary revisions to
health policies for improvement, as in this time of pandemic,
this function plays a key role in ensuring that stakeholders
are safe and healthy in schools.

Prepared by: Jesse Rey P. Villanueva, MT-I 20

Fhikery B. Ardiente, SST-I

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