Identi Fication and Management of Fetal Anaemia: A Practical Guide
Identi Fication and Management of Fetal Anaemia: A Practical Guide
Identi Fication and Management of Fetal Anaemia: A Practical Guide
12740 2021;23:196–205
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Please cite this paper as: Castleman J, Gurney L, Kilby M, Morris RK. Identification and management of fetal anaemia: a practical guide. The Obstetrician &
Gynaecologist 2021;23:196–205.
196 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in
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Castleman et al.
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 197
Fetal anaemia
Table 2. Identifying pregnancies with increased chance of fetal anaemia and instituting appropriate management
198 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Castleman et al.
Table 2. (Continued)
Complications of Fortnightly scans in local unit from 16 weeks of gestation for all multifetal pregnancies with shared placenta
monochorionicity Refer monochorionic multifetal pregnancies to a tertiary Fetal medicine centre if:
- Hydrops
- Cardiac dysfunction
- Unexplained polyhydramnios
- Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry
- Single twin death
(These fetuses need Doppler assessment of MCA-PSV to detect TAPS)
Weekly ultrasound surveillance using MCA-PSV after fetoscopic laser ablation for fetofetal transfusion syndrome and in
selective fetal growth restriction (estimated fetal weight discordance ≥25% and an EFW <10th centile)
Assess neuroanatomy of co-twin survivor(s) with ultrasound and later with MRI
Fetoscopic laser ablation before 26 weeks, and after 26 weeks IUT for anaemia and exchange transfusion to dilute the
polycythaemic circulation with Hartmann’s solution can be considered32
Abbreviations: CMV = cytomegalovirus; EFW = estimated fetal weight; G6PD = glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; HDFN = haemolytic disease of
the fetus and newborn; IgG = immunoglobulin G; IgM = immunoglobulin M; IU = international unit; IUT = intrauterine transfusion; MCA-PSV =
middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; SCT = sacrococcygeal teratoma; TAPS = twin anaemia
polycythaemia sequence
and specificity of cffDNA RhD genotyping is almost 100%, so sufficient to cover 4 ml of fetal RBCs) is confirmed with the
it can be considered a diagnostic test when used in this Kleihauer–Betke test, or with flow cytometry if the sensitising
context.14 Rhesus D, c, C and e are detectable from 16 weeks event occurs after 20 weeks of gestation.7
of gestation and Kell from 20 weeks. Routine cffDNA-based
testing reduces unnecessary anti-D administration and can be
Fetal infection
cost effective.15 Clinicians should be aware of the small risk of
false negative ‘diagnosis’ and, if high-risk alloantibody level Anaemia can be the result of fetal viral infection following
increases, then serial ultrasound surveillance should be vertical transmission from a symptomatic or asymptomatic
considered, as for a sensitised pregnancy.16 Determination woman. The gestational age of infection and previous
of paternal RBC antigen status and zygosity may be infections or exposure should be considered when assessing
considered and, very rarely, invasive testing (chorionic fetal risk. Human parvovirus B19 is probably the most
villus sampling or amniocentesis) remains necessary for common cause for viral-related fetal anaemia in the UK. It is
diagnostic certainty (if the father is heterozygous). a single-stranded DNA virus usually transmitted via
Alloimmunised women require blood tests every 4 weeks up respiratory droplets. In children, viraemia is usually
to 28 weeks of gestation and fortnightly thereafter. Absolute heralded by flu-like illness, then manifests as a rash
levels of alloantibody (see Table 2), or a rapid rise in level spreading from the face (‘slapped cheek syndrome’) to
(doubling over a 14-day period), are important.17 Levels and affect the trunk and limbs – possibly with arthralgia.
titres are less informative in a second at-risk pregnancy, when Infections occurring in adulthood tend to be asymptomatic,
earlier referral is required. With Kell alloimmunisation, there is although more severe disease, including aplastic crises, can
a lower threshold for specialist input because these occur in people who are immunocompromised. More than
alloantibodies can cause severe and unpredictable fetal half of pregnant women will be immune because of infection
anaemia (caused by suppressed erythropoiesis) irrespective before pregnancy, but in those without such immunity, an
of antibody levels and previous pregnancy outcome. Follow-up infection in the first half of pregnancy can cause fetal anaemia
testing for lower risk alloantibodies is individualised. and hydrops secondary to viral destruction of fetal erythroid
Where available, routine use of RhD immune globulin has progenitor cells.18 The risk of fetal loss is estimated to be 13%
reduced the rate of red cell alloimmunisation, with developed with parvovirus B19 infection before 20 weeks of gestation
countries following established protocols for and 0.5% with infection occurring later in pregnancy.19
immunoprophylaxis with anti-D IgG.7 An additional dose of There is no preventive strategy or licensed vaccine available
anti-D is required within 72 hours of a recognised sensitising for parvovirus. Most women infected give a clear history of
event where there is possible fetomaternal haemorrhage exposure to a child with the acute viral illness. Useful
(Box 1). Adequate dosing (500 IU injection of anti-D is guidance is available from Public Health England,20 with
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 199
Fetal anaemia
pregnant women advised to notify a clinician promptly of haemolytic anaemia, which is commonest in African
any contact with, or development of, rash and to avoid ancestral groups. In G6PD deficiency, red cells are less
exposing other pregnant women.20 tolerant to oxidative stress, which becomes apparent in the
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is another important maternal context of infection, maternal fava bean ingestion or drug
infection that can cause fetal anaemia. Avidity is an toxicity.26 Pyruvate kinase and glucose phosphate isomerase
important property in testing, with the strength of the IgG deficiencies also cause fetal anaemia.
and antigen complex gradually increasing with time after
primary infection, thus indicating the latency of infection.
Vascular tumours
Low avidity is suggestive of recent infection.21
Approximately 2% of cases are associated with reactivation Any tumour of the fetus or placenta that sequesters red blood
after a previous primary infection. This is helpful to identify cells can cause fetal anaemia. Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT)
the timing of the primary infection and to stratify risk to the is the commonest fetal tumour, in which red cells can be
fetus. Rarer infective causes of fetal anaemia include consumed or damaged as they pass through, or there can be
toxoplasmosis, syphilis, malaria, rubella and herpes. Apart bleeding within the tumour leading to fetal anaemia. A large
from fetal hydrops, there may be other ultrasound signs of cohort study27 found that 9.1% of fetuses with SCT
congenital infection, including echogenic bowel, hepatic developed hydrops, although such ultrasound findings with
calcifications, organomegaly, a suspicion of dysplastic tumours may be attributed to high output cardiac failure
kidneys (often with accompanying oligohydramnios), rather than to anaemia. A ‘giant’ placental chorioangioma,
ventriculomegaly and fetal growth restriction. Myocarditis seen on ultrasound with colour Doppler as a ‘mass’
and hepatitis may be important sequelae of vertical protruding into the amniotic cavity from the placenta with
transmission of viral infection. high vascularity, may cause a hyperdynamic circulation with
Detailed descriptions of the investigations and associated polyhydramnios. Fetal anaemia results from
management of viral conditions in pregnancy are outside sequestration and destruction of fetal RBCs within the
the scope of this article, but Table 2 outlines a basic thrombosed vascular mass of the tumour.28 Other tumours,
approach. Further information can be found in the National including haemangiomata (for example, in the fetal liver) and
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical arteriovenous malformations can similarly cause
Knowledge Summary (for parvovirus)22 and the RCOG fetal anaemia.
Scientific Impact Paper (for CMV).23
Fetomaternal haemorrhage (transplacental
Disorders of erythropoiesis haemorrhage)
Fetal anaemia can result from problems at any stage of red Any antepartum haemorrhage can cause loss of fetal red
cell production in the bone marrow. It can be secondary to blood cells into the maternal circulation. A woman may
inherited anaemias, metabolic syndromes or bone marrow present without overt clinical signs of bleeding, and reduced
failure. Aplastic anaemia can result from toxicity of drugs or fetal movements may be the only clue. Fetomaternal
radiation, or an underlying genetic problem. Alpha- haemorrhage (FMH) can be detected by the Kleihauer–
thalassaemia, predominantly in couples of Mediterranean Betke test, or by flow cytometry.7 The effect on the fetus
and Asian origin, is the commonest type of inherited depends on gestation (because considerable volume
anaemia, in which the alpha-globin chains in haemoglobin expansion occurs in the fetus and placenta throughout
are reduced or absent. Less normal haemoglobin results in pregnancy) and timescale, with a gradually evolving chronic
less oxygen delivery to fetal tissues. A fetus born to two anaemia being better tolerated. In pregnancies with recurrent
parents with alpha-thalassaemia trait has a one in four chance FMH remote from term, without acute maternal or fetal
of having alpha-thalassaemia major. In this condition, the compromise, supportive care with ultrasound surveillance
complete lack of normal haemoglobin leads to the so-called can be offered; however, the outlook is unpredictable and
Barts hydrops fetalis, which can be ‘mirrored’ by maternal these cases require caution.
pre-eclampsia and is associated with antepartum A sudden large bleed, as in a massive placental abruption
haemorrhage.24 A markedly thickened placenta is a classic or ruptured vasa praevia, will cause fetal hypotension,
sonographic sign. acidaemia and eventually death. Placental abruption is an
Genetic disorders of red cell production include congenital obstetric emergency, usually occurring without warning and
erythropoeitic porphyria, Fanconi anaemia and Diamond– mostly in low-risk pregnancies without modifiable risk
Blackfan anaemia. Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) factors.29 Other causes of FMH are listed in Box 1.
has a particular association with trisomy 21.25 Glucose-6- Guidance for the management of antepartum haemorrhage
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an X-linked, is provided by the RCOG.29
200 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Castleman et al.
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 201
Fetal anaemia
Figure 1. Middle cerebral artery Doppler assessment. This ultrasound image shows an axial section of the fetal head, with Doppler insonation of
the fetal middle cerebral artery, close to its origin from the internal carotid artery in the Circle of Willis. The peak systolic velocity is measured, using
angle correction and in the absence of fetal breathing movements.
the first objective sign of anaemia or sudden fetomaternal for fetal anaemia after IUT. Therefore, the timing of second and
haemorrhage and should trigger urgent senior review for subsequent IUTs relies on use of MCA-PSV and the calculated
consideration of imminent delivery. fall of fetal Hb with time.58 The use of measured reticulocyte
count in pre-transfusion fetal blood samples may give useful
Intrauterine transfusion information and aid timing of further IUTs. In anaemia caused
The first intrauterine transfusion (IUT) occurred in 1963 and is by RBC antibodies, the fetal reticulocyte count falls with
now performed as an ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle subsequent transfusions and is an indirect marker of
(usually 20–22G) procedure.49,50 Vascular access is commonly suppression of the endogenous erythropoiesis by the
via the umbilical vein (at the placental cord root or intrahepatic presence of a high proportion of donor-packed cells.59 This
vein, the latter with lower complication rates).51,52 Umbilical suppression is evidence that the proportion of circulating fetal
cord ‘free loops’ may be used. In obese women, or at earlier RBCs are predominantly transfused cells and may aid the
gestations (usually <20 weeks) when intravascular transfusion decision to space out the transfusions. In fetuses infected with
is technically challenging, intracardiac transfusion may be human parvovirus B19, the fetal reticulocyte count at initial
performed.53 In modern fetal medicine, intraperitoneal fetal fetal blood sample provides an indication as to whether the
transfusion is used to manage fetal anaemia (in a nonhydropic endogenous erythropoiesis is recovering after infection. A
baby) usually prior to 20 weeks of gestation, often used in reticulocyte count of greater than 10% can suggest recovering
combination with maternal intravenous immunoglobulin endogenous red cell production, thus allowing a more
(IVIg) therapy in severely alloimmunised women.54 The conservative approach to management. Parvovirus B19 is
evidence base most strongly supports in utero transfusion for usually associated with pancytopenia and, if significant
alloimmune anaemia and parvovirus B19 infection, but it can thrombocytopenia is observed, then a platelet transfusion is
also be used in selected cases of inherited anaemias.52 In a case also required. If the fetal haemoglobin is <4 g/L, clinicians
series from the Dutch fetal therapy centre in Leiden,55 must take caution not to over-transfuse the fetus because
alloimmunisation accounted for 86% of IUTs, with the next increases in circulating volume and haematocrit can adversely
commonest indications being parvovirus B19 (9%), TAPS affect fetal haemodynamics, and a significant number of fetuses
(3.6%) and FMH (1.3%). have associated parvovirus myocarditis.60 Fetal and neonatal
More than one in five women (with red cell top-up transfusions are made more likely by additional
alloimmunisation) undergoing IUT form additional antibody formation after transfusion and the suppression of
alloantibodies, which may complicate future pregnancies.56 fetal erythropoiesis, with a recent study showing that 88% of
Precautions to decrease this complication include extended neonates required further intervention.61
phenotype matching (Rhesus, K, Duffy, Kidd and S), use of a The risk of harm to the fetus from IUT is 1–3%; intervention
single, well-matched donor, or serial maternal blood donations at earlier gestations (<20 weeks) is more hazardous because fetal
for IUT.56,57 The presence of adult haemoglobin (from vessels are smaller.62 Intrauterine infection (0.1% per
transfused packed cells) in the fetal circulation affects blood transfusion)52 and ruptured membranes (1.4%)51 may
viscosity and MCA-PSV becomes a less specific screening test complicate transfusions and lead to iatrogenic preterm birth63,
202 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
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infection. Clinical Knowledge Summary. London: NICE; 2017 [
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authors approved the final version. 23 Congenital cytomegalovirus infection: update on treatment. Scientific
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