Legendary Business Builder Explodes Client Profits by $21 Billion
Legendary Business Builder Explodes Client Profits by $21 Billion
Legendary Business Builder Explodes Client Profits by $21 Billion
Call 888-997-7778
generating results
• Maximize response to all advertising/marketing from the same or less
72-hour deadline to get free • Better tap the minds and motivations of prospects to produce multiple
sales and explosive profits
THE ABRAHAM GROUP profit building resources • Quickly get more clients buying at higher amounts more often
This notification is for larger companies who are grossing at least one million dollars per year in profit, but preferably more. If your company does not meet this requirement, we recommend you visit 50 Shades of
Jay: www.abraham.com/50Shades to receive an amalgam of valuable and totally gratis business growth resources. Or, you may visit The Jay Abraham Story: www.TheJayabrahamStory.com to watch a feature-length,
made-for-television documentary on Jay. All company names in this article are the property of the companies and not an indication of endorsement. ©2019
have had an amazing array of might attest). preeminent. Or have openings coming soon.
experiences that I can draw on. People ask me why I pay Jay Abraham the ethos and To fill those times and days, I
This makes me shockingly differ How is the so much. Well, with just two ideas values aren’t in wanted to search for the latest
ent from the common generalists. mixing of ideas alignment. But and greatest that could massively
There are some very topic- from multiple from his genius mind, my business went when that IS benefit from my expertise and
specific specialists out there. industries going from $40million to $110million apparent, my vise versa.
Finally, there is a ratified and
rarefied breed of “phenoms” they
to help?
I freely borrow
in less than a year! That’s why!
n Chuck McDowell.
associate Rob
” It’s a part of my belief system
has the integri to ALWAYS be proactively
call synthesists who, due to their ideas from multiple ty to say so to looking for promising, stimulat
expansive grasp and vast realms domains, compile you right away, ing, collaborative profit-sharing
of experience--can combine them into brand-new hybrids, to harness maximum profits while so neither side wastes the other’s opportunities I can meaningfully
knowledge from a dizzying forge them into totally new and providing the maximum amount time--or money! monetize for both sides.
collection of diverse domains different performance contexts of service. Whether your successful busi Again, there is NO guarantee
and produce blockbuster break that few competitors can begin And, yes, my normal rate for ness is older and mature, newer I will want to work with you.
through thinking few others can to grasp, let alone match. This an entire day is $120,000. But and competing in ruthlessly Nor any certainty YOU will
match. I’ve now reached that allows someone like me to be far that is only if I do not share in challenging markets, high-tech, want to work with me. But
level in my career and expertise, more effective at innovating a cli any ongoing profits. Your com low-tech, no-tech, service-based, exploring possibilities probably
and each of my clients are the ent’s business! Another, perhaps pany keeps all the profits and you professional services, manufac makes sense—if your business
beneficiaries. (NOTE: It has simpler way of thinking about will be the hero. turing, distribution, financial seems suitable. When you talk
been conservatively estimated what I can do is that innovation services. Whether you sell on to my associate Rob Colasanti
that his strategies have generated involves applying, combining, If a project turns into a line, offline through distribution, you’ll be given an outstanding
over $21,000,000,000 in PROF- existing sometimes seemingly long-term relationship with a direct marketing etc.—chances collection of private resourc
ITS over the years). prosaic—factors—but in totally client, how does that work? are great my direct involvement es from my high-end client
new ways! For longer-term, more collab could add (long-term) zeros to support library at no cost. It’s
How does a company know orative client relationships I get your bottom-line. (NOTE: Jay’s my way to show my apprecia
if they need YOU? Can you really create more ONLY a low five-figure monthly client testimonials are packed tion. Ask Rob to also, send you
They know. They know they profits with NO RISK? base and share along with your with praise about the bottom line my 200-question, performance
need help. Often they don’t even The shortest answer here company in the increased profits profit growth). assessment, REALITY CHECK.
know WHAT they need. Some is, yes. But there is another produced. I far prefer being You’ll be stunned to see HOW
times, in my humble we experi question that my clients need to “in for a penny/in for a pound,” How can a company sample MANY UNTAPPED PROFIT
ence, they miss huge opportunity answer: Are you willing to listen long-term and receive the bulk of your proven strategies with- POSSIBILITIES ARE HIDING
hiding in plain sight. to (then apply) broad and new compensation based heavily on out costing a fortune? IN YOUR BUSINESS. CALL
So, I ask the decision maker information—from outside your results. (That presupposes your For smaller growth-driven busi 888-997-7778.
ONLY to allow me to socratically industry--in order to command
examine their business first, on a major profit advantage? If so
MY dime to discover the true (and your business is already
untapped potential. reasonably profitable, has support
With this close examination,
huge opportunities are routinely
staff, infrastructure and resources
to deploy)—you and I might be a
He’s the go to guy. Most “
discovered. Then, a strategy is good fit to work together. mentors you know have been
put in place to harvest the profits. I can eliminate the old risks
and multiply the quantity, quality
influenced by Jay. ”
Putting it bluntly, would you and convertibility of ALL the -Tony Robbins
say you know how to achieve prospects, leads, opt-ins, seminar
more for/from any business? attendees, and trade show booth
Yes. And again, I know that visitors your efforts generate.
sounds like bragging, but I’ve I’ve done it for so many other
been doing this type of profit companies. I can also increase
growing work for decades and I
know what I’m doing. I rec
the size and profit of almost
every sale/transaction--as well
ognize the diverse possibilities as the number of transactions
the business world offers. I can with a buyer. I can also devise
move the needle forward in ways far better performing marketing
and at speeds few others can. I approaches, advertising and sell
routinely challenge convention ing methods than the ones you
al “follow-the-herd” industry currently use. Beat the 72-hour deadline and get a
mentality and even feel that
traditional “best-practices” are a
If you are interested in
doubling, then redoubling, and custom set of proven profit strategies
limited-yield concept. Some say ultimately redoubling-again your at no cost from the private high-end
I’m the type of adviser/strategist
most underperforming businesses
annual profit growth, I am the
one to call. I’ve done this for
files of Jay Abraham
Call 888-997-7778
need—someone who clearly sees companies and icons you know
opportunities by reaching across and admire.
multiple domains. You may find There may be a need to find
I am just the striking contrast and help negotiate one (or many)
to status-quo thinking you are strategic alliances that bring
looking for. you access to new markets,
new products to sell, new sales
How do you help a business
find more “PROFIT ALPHA”?
representation. I’ve done all of
that and more, and ALL with you
By being a MASTERFUL ONLY PAYING FOR PROFIT This notification is for larger companies who are grossing at least one million dollars per year in profit, but preferably more. If
THINKING PARTNER. This ABLE RESULTS THAT THESE your company does not meet this requirement, we recommend you visit 50 Shades of Jay: www.abraham.com/50Shades to re-
means my contributions and per PARTNERSHIPS DELIVER. ceive an amalgam of valuable and totally gratis business growth resources. Or, you may visit The Jay Abraham Story: www.The-
JayabrahamStory.com to watch a feature-length, made-for-television documentary on Jay. All company names in this article
spectives transcend mere passive, That’s zero-risk! are the property of the companies and not an indication of endorsement. ©2019
static, linear-type advice and Then, from the ultimate