Survey of Echinoderms in The Intertidal Zone of Goso-On and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines
Survey of Echinoderms in The Intertidal Zone of Goso-On and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines
Survey of Echinoderms in The Intertidal Zone of Goso-On and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines
Original Paper
The health status of marine ecosystems can be fundamentally determined by the abundance and diversity of marine echinoderms.
Philippines as part of the Indo-Pacific region is very rich and diverse in echinoderm species. In this study, the echinoderms of the
intertidal zone of Goso-on and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan del Norte were collected and identified. A total of 18 species were identified;
five sea stars (Asteroidea), six sea urchins (Echinoidea), and seven sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea). Protoreaster nodosus, Linckia
laevigata, and Diadema setosum were found to be abundant based on visual observation. The asteroids and echinoids collected were not
yet assessed by the IUCN while the seven sea cucumbers were either least concern or data deficient. It is good to note that Holothuria
scabra, an endangered sea cucumber was present in one sampling site. The low diversity, compared to some related studies, might suggest
that exploitation is predominant particularly for sea cucumbers, considered a local delicacy. It is recommended that further studies must
be conducted to evaluate the population of Holothuria scabra and other marine organisms to further evaluate the health of this marine
ecosystem. Efforts must also be increased to further protect and conserve the marine faunal diversity of the study area.
Study area
The study was conducted in the intertidal zone of Goso-
on and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan del Norte, Philippines as
shown in Fig. 1. The Municipality of Carmen is located in
the province of Agusan del Norte of CARAGA Region or
Region XIII. It is strategically located along the Western
Agusan Corregidor, surrounded by the Butuan Bay in
the north, Buenavista in the south, Nasipit in the east,
and Misamis Oriental in the west. The geography of this
municipality is characterized by a rolling hills planted
by different kinds of orchard, 500 hectares of which are
devoted to mango plantations.
The coastline of Barangays Goso-on and Vinapor
was divided into eight sampling plots (Fig. 1) along a
transect parallel to the shore line. The sampling plots were
established 40 m from the shore line and were 50 m apart. Fig. 1. Geographic location (top) and establishment of sampling
The respective coordinates of each sampling plot is shown sites (bottom) in Goso-on and Vinapor, Carmen, Agusan del
in Table 1. Each sampling plot has a diameter of 2.5 m. Norte.
Sampling was performed twice, July 9, 2017 and October 7,
2017 during their respective low tide. which is similar to the results of Llacuna et al. (2016)
and Alvarado et al. (2012). The abundance and diversity
Collection and identification of echinoderm species of Asteroidea and Echinoidea can be attributed to the
Echinoderms present in each sampling plot were recorded relatively good cover of seagrass and corals, which serve
and identified. Two to three representative samples per as both food and habitat for these organisms (Alvarado et
species were collected using tweezers and tongs and were al. 2012; Llacuna et al. 2016) and were minimally observed
preserved using 10% formaldehyde solution (Llacuna in the sampling sites. Low abundance of holothuroidea
et al. 2016). The collected samples were brought to the species can be attributed to different human activities that
laboratory for further identification using morphological directly affect immediate intertidal ecosystems (Llacuna
characteristics with the aid of available literature (Clark, et al. 2016). Several disruptive anthropogenic activities
Rowe 1971; Barnes 1987; Vandenspiegel et al. 1998; Schoppe were noticed in the area like improper waste disposal in
2000; Stöhr et al. 2012; Pechenik 2015). nearby communities, gleaning activities, active fishing
Echinoderms of Goso-on and Vinapor, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Table 2. Echinoderm species collected and identified at different sites in Goso-on and Vinapor, Carmen
in deeper portions, and recreational bathing in shallow C. granulatus (Fig. 2B) is commonly known as granular
parts. Many species were collected compared to the studies sea star, which can be found singly or in groups all over
conducted by Walag and Canencia (2016) and Llacuna et al. reefs and in rocky substrates. Colour has been found to
(2016) since the sampling sites were established near their vary from place to place (Bos et al. 2008). This organism
respective marine sanctuaries that have been protected and possesses an arsenal of hydraulic tube feet connected to an
conserved by local authorities. Meanwhile, the number of elaborate water-vascular system that surrounds the mouth,
species identified is very minimal compared to the study extending through five radial canals down the central disc
by Sadhukhan and Raghunathan (2011), where 57 species (Schoppe 2000).
were collected in rocky and sandy shore within a healthy C. novaeguineae (Fig. 2C) is commonly called cushion
ecosystem in Rutland Island, South Andaman. This can be star. It is pentagonal in shape and appears to be inflated with
due to the healthy coralline ecosystem which is considered an abbreviated arms. Tube feet are found on the underside
to be habitat and source of food for these marine organisms. with its central mouth. The colour can vary from a mottling
Furthermore, it was also emphasized that the quality of with darker and lighter shades of fawn, brown, orange,
environment of these organisms plays an important role yellow and green. The body wall is made of calcareous
in their distribution since they are sessile and slow moving ossicles, supported internally by pillars, where body cavity
animals (Sadhukhan, Raghunathan 2011). is filled with water (Mah 2017; Schoppe 2000).
L. laevigata (Fig. 2D) prefer benthic, inshore,
Species identification and characterization continental shelf, coral reef ecosystems. These organisms
The 18 echinoderms species collected were described and are characterized by a uniformly blue, grey, pink, purple
characterized. or fawn all throughout the body although specimens in
A. planci (Fig. 2A) is commonly known as crown-of- the Pacific are all shades of blue (Schoppe 2000). These
thorns sea star. This species is widely distributed throughout organisms exhibit their color from a blue pigment called
the Indo-Pacific Region and is particularly common on the linckiacyanin and some accessory yellow carotenoids
Great Barrier Reef in Australia (Moran, 1988). A. planci (Clark, Rowe, 1971).
bear 8 to 21 arms, radiating from a central disc. Adults P. nodosus (Fig. 2E) can be found in tropical, Indo-west-
of A. planci are normally 250 to 350 mm in diameter, central Pacific Ocean with a depth of 0 to 30m ranging
while some individuals are over 700 mm in diameter from benthic and inshore ecosystems. It is quite abundant
(Humphreys, Humphreys, 1981). The mouth can be found in the areas of Guam, New Caledonia, Ceylon, East Indies,
on the underside of the central disc while light-sensitive north Australia, Philippine, China, south Japan and South
eyespots are found at the tips of the arms. Individual Pacific Islands. These organisms are characterized by yellow
colouration varies from red and orange to purple, which tubercles with orange tips (Humphreys, Humphreys 1981;
can be attributed to diet (Moran, 1988; Schoppe, 2000). Schoppe 2000).
A.M.P. Walag, A.G. Layaog, G.U. Garcia
Fig. 2. Different species of sea stars and sea urchins collected from Goso-on and Vinapor, Carmen. A, Acanthaster planci; B, Choriaster
granulatus; C, Culcita novaeguineae; D, Linckia laevigata; E, Protoreaster nodosus; F, Astropyga radiata; G, Diadema setosum; H,
Echinometra mathaei; I, Echinotrix calamaris; J, Salmacis sphaeroides; K, Tripneustes gratilla.
A. radiata (Fig. 2F) can reach up to a diameter of 20 cm intertidal sea urchins in the tropical indo-pacific, especially
with a flattened or slightly concave on the aboral side of in coralline ecosystems. They are believed to have an
its body. The spines can reach up to 4 cm long, grouped in important ecological role, especially in grazing algae
five vertical clusters. In between these are V-shaped areas (Clark, Rowe, 1971). Its tests are slightly dorso-ventrally
with no corresponding spines due to the interambulacral compressed which long spines protrude outward from
plates (Clark, Rowe 1971). These areas with no spine are the center of the body. The spines are extremely long and
characterized by red with lines of iridescent blue dots. The narrow relative to its body. The spines are often black
colour of the rest of the spines differs from reddish brown although some are brown-banded. This diadema can be
to purple, dark brown or even nearly black (Clark, Rowe distinguished based on the presence of five white spots
1971; Schoppe 2000). on its test, found between the urchin’s ambulacral grooves
D. setosum (Fig. 2G) is one of the most common (Schoppe 2000).
Echinoderms of Goso-on and Vinapor, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Fig. 3. Different species of sea cucumbers collected from Goso-on and Vinapor, Carmen. A, Bohadschia argus; B, Bohadschia koellikeri;
C, Bohadschia vitensis; D, Holothuria leucospilota; E, Holothuria fuscopunctata; F, Holothuria scabra; G, Pearsonothuria graeffei.
E. mathaei (Fig. 2H) has a dark maroon to dark brown outwards in all directions (Clark, Rowe 1971). The spines
colour with spherical shape, exhibiting pentamourous on the ventral surface are smaller in size and are separated
symmetry. The test is surrounded by short spines extending in the center. Spines are similarly smaller on the aboral
A.M.P. Walag, A.G. Layaog, G.U. Garcia
surface with color ranging from various shades of green, Australia and Hawaii It is characterized by a deep charcoal
gray and purple. A unique characteristic that can be used to to grey colour on all surfaces except the tube feet, which
distinguish this organism is the pale ring found at the base is pale grey. The body is smooth and covered with soft
of each spine (Schoppe 2000). papillae (Humphreys, Humphreys 1981). Its spicules are
E. calamaris (Fig. 2I) are found in Indo-Pacific ocean at characterized by smooth, low spired tables, simple buttons,
depths 0 to 90 m (Clark, Rowe 1971) and is characterized and with variable holes (Rowe 1969).
by a purplish to brown oval test with two sets of spines H. fuscopunctata (Fig. 3E) inhabits shallow waters up
(Humphreys, Humphreys 1981). The spines are hollow and to 10 meters deep, with preference under coral rubbles
blunt and are grouped such that five bare zones appear on and seagrass beds (Humphreys, Humphreys 1981). This
the central part of the test, which can be coloured, often organism is characterized by its loaf shape, with brown
blue (Schoppe 2000). spot speckles on a white to yellow dorsum. Numerous black
S. sphaeroides (Fig. 2J) is a medium-sized urchin with wrinkles boldly traverse the dorsum while its ventral body
many thin spines that are relatively short (Clark, Rowe, is white (Clark, Rowe 1971; Schoppe 2000). No Cuevierian
1971). It is usually found covering itself with debris and tubules are present while its spicules are in the form of
shells for camouflage purposes against potential predators. tables and buttons (Carpenter, Niem 1998).
The test of this urchin is generally greenish white with H. scabra (Fig. 3F) is characterized by grayish-black
spines banded with maroon to purple dispersed throughout colour on the dorsal side with dark traversing wrinkles
their entire lengths (Schoppe, 2000). but paler on the ventral side. This organism is flat and firm
T. gratilla (Fig. 2K) are common to the water of Indo- to pliable skin while its spicules are well developed tables,
Pacific, Red Sea and Hawaii. It is commonly known by the while Cuevierian tubules are also absent (Clark, Rowe 1971;
locals as “suwaki”, an edible urchin exploited by locals It is Carpenter, Niem 1998; Schoppe 2000).
usually dark in colour, but mostly bluish-purple with short P. graeffei (Fig. 3G) has a a subcylindrical, dorsally
white spines. The spines are generally orange in colour while arched, and slightly flattened ventrally body. On the bivium,
some are orange-tipped or completely white (Clark, Rowe the conical papillae are sparsely distributed while the podia
1971; Schoppe 2000). This sea urchin inhabits intertidal to are long and large. The calcareous disc has an average
subtidal shallow reefs and seagrass beds. diameter of 240 µm (Carpenter, Niem 1998; Schoppe 2000).
B. argus (Fig. 3A) is a cylindrical, dorsally-arched, and Pseudo-tables (large base with large holes) and rosette
flattened ventrally sea cucumber with podia on small, (numerous) spicules are found on the dorsal and ventral
conical, and irregularly arranged smooth bivium (Schoppe tegument (Carpenter, Niem 1998).
2000). The mouth is located on the ventral portion
surrounded by 20 short and dark tentacles while the anus Echinoderm conservation status
is found on the dorsal portion surrounded by 5 groups of The echinoderm species collected varied in terms of their
papillae. Spicules are found on the ventral tegument with conservation status (IUCN 2014). As shown in Table 3, only
biscuit-like nodules, and sometimes with a small hole H. scabra was classified as endangered, while the rest of
(Clark, Rowe 1971). This sea cucumber is found in shallow holothuroid species are least concern except for B. koellikeri
waters, particularly in coralline ecosystems, and has of little and B. vitiensis. The rest of the asteroids and echinoids
commercial value. like P. nodosus, L. laevigata, D. setosum, and T. gratilla
B. koellikeri (Fig. 3B) are found burrowed under were not yet assessed due to their abundance in different
sediments of reef flats, and release milky white and marine environments. Both B. koellikeri and B. vitiensis
pointed Cuvierian tubules in large quantities especially are classified as data deficient. A taxon is categorized
when disturbed (Clark, Rowe 1971). This cucumber is as data deficient when there is insufficient information
characterized by a bold deep brown and beige camouflage to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of
pattern while its tube feet are wide spread over the surface, extinction based on its distribution and/or population
which give a white dotted surface (Humphreys, Humphreys status (IUCN). Furthermore, a taxon in this classification
1981). may be well studied, and its biology is well known, but the
B. vitiensis (Fig. 3C) is similar to B. argus, it is a cylindrical, appropriate information on its abundance and distribution
dorsally-arched, and flattened ventrally sea cucumber. This are insufficient. This further signifies the importance of
organism’s mouth is ventrally surrounded by 20 small, conducting studies on the abundance and distribution
yellowish short tentacles, while its bivium is yellow with of organisms under this category to provide sufficient
brown bands and the trivium is lighter encircled with information for further classification of threatened taxa.
brown spots. Spicules are found on the ventral tegument The sea cucumbers B. argus, H. leucospilota, H.
with a variety of biscuit-like nodules and pseudo-rosettes fuscopunctata, and P. graeffei were classified as least
with a few rods (Clark, Rowe 1971; Schoppe 2000). concern while H. scabra is endangered. It is very important
H. leucospilota (Fig. 3D) is a widespread species in to note that although these are classified as least concern,
the Indo-Pacific region, South Africa, China, and up to their populations are known to be decreasing, like these
Echinoderms of Goso-on and Vinapor, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
of B. vitiensis and H. scabra. These organisms are heavily the sea cucumbers collected and identified were classified
exploited in the Philippines and there is limited scientific to be least concern although it was noted by IUCN that
information available needed to support conservation their populations were decreasing, especially of B. vitiensis
and management of these marine organisms (Jontila et al. and H. scabra. Furthermore, it is recommended that
2014). These organisms are at high risk due to unregulated intensive follow-up studies must be conducted especially in
collection for trading and local consumption particularly monitoring the population of H. scabra and the rest of these
of H. scabra. Furthermore, it was also reported that the marine echinoderms. Special protection and attention must
collection of sea cucumbers in the Philippines can be also be given in conserving and improving the quality of
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Received 21 January 20178; received in revised form 4 February 2018; accepted 21 February 2018