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Skill Area: language Grade Level: 3rd thru 8th grade Reading Level: 1.5 thru 2.5 linguiSustems LinguiSystems, Inc. 3100 4th Avenue East Moline, IL 61244-9700 1-800-PRO IDEA 1-800-776-4332 FAX: 1-800-577-4555 E-mail: service @ Web: TDD: 1-800-933-8331 (for those with hearing impairments) Copyright © 1986 LinguiSystems [Al of our products are copyrighted to protect the fine work of our authors. Copying this entire book for any reason is prohibited. You may, however, opy the worksheets as needed for your ‘own use with students. Any other reproduction or distribution of these Worksheets is not allowed, including Copying this book to use as another primary source or “master” copy. Printed in the U.S.A. ISBN 1-55999-061-9About the Author Suzanne Mayer Watt, M.A., CCC is a Speech-Language Pathologist. She has worked with language-earning disordered students in San Diego area public schools for the past eleven years. Her experience has been at the elementary and secondary levels in both classroom and therapy settings. No-Glamour Grammar is her first publication with LinguiSystems. January 1986 Dedication | would like to acknowledge Carolyn Matzinger, my close friend and associate, for her unending inspiration and guidance. She not only helped me to see the need for this program, but also provided assistance in each step of its development. Sincere thanks also to my husband, Larry, for his contributions and support, and for allowing me the time to work on this project. Also, special thanks to my sister, Roxanna Johnson, for all of her efforts.Foreword The special education students that | have worked with in the elementary and secondary school systems as both a speech pathologist and a classroom teacher have presented a variety of teaching challenges. Some had auditory-perceptual or visual-perceptual disorders. Some were bilingual with a perceptual disorder. Others were environmentally depressed and simply had missed too much school. All of these students had at least two things in common. First, they functioned two or more years below grade level in reading, writing, or spelling. Additionally, they were frustrated because they knew their potential ability was greater than their actual performance. I needed a thorough grammar program appropriate for older students (ages nine through adult) to develop their language skills properly. After much research, | came to the conclusion that a program that fit my specific needs did not exist. The programs | did find had one or more of the following deficiencies: The subject matter was too limited in scope. The print on the page was too small or too close together. The progression in difficulty level was too rapid. The reading level was too high. The directions for each exercise were too complicated. There were not enough practice exercises to completely master each concept. Therefore, | was forced to piece together parts from many different grammar programs. The inconsistencies among the various programs only complicated matters. It was time-consuming to gather and review all these materials and, in many cases, | stil felt | was not adequately remediating the students’ language deficits. ‘No-Glamour Grammar provides a comprehensive solution to the problems outlined above. It is my hope that this program will help older students to master basic grammar skills and allow instructors to focus on their students rather than on gathering or developing materials. SMWTable of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Nouns...... . ees 1 Pronouns 17 Verbs «2... eee e eee eee . 40 Verb To Be..... 49 Sentences 73 Present Tense. .... 95 Future Tense......... . 115 Past Tense, Regular Verbs . 124 Past Tense, Irregular Verbs. weceeeees 146 Contractions . 172 Plurals. 189 Adjectives. 221 Possessive Nouns ..... eee ee eeeeeeees 243 Possessive Pronouns. ....... 259 Conjunctions ..............eeeee eee ee 274 Adverbs . 287 Negatives . 300 Prepositions 311 Questions... ecco 329 Tests....... 350Introduction No-Glamour Grammar is a basic grammar program designed specifically for language-delayed individuals from the fourth grade through adulthood. This program has been designed to deal with one aspect of grammar at a time, and provides sufficient practice to master each concept. Each task is broken down into small increments of learning. No-Glamour Grammar assumes as little as possible in information content. Another advantage of No-Glamour Grammar is that it can be tailored to fit the needs of an individual as well as of an entire group. The program can be presented in separate units as needed, or as an entire program. It can be used to supplement or to provide a complete grammar curriculum geared for success at every level. No-Glamour Grammar includes twenty-one units of worksheets featuring specific points of grammar. The order of presenting the program is important since the units progress in difficulty, building upon information presented in preceding units. Each unit follows a general pattern from the first to the last worksheet. Here is the pattern of a typical unit: ‘An explanation of the grammar concept to be presented ‘Some examples of usage ‘An exercise involving the identification of the grammar concept A fillin-the-blank and/or a multiple-choice exercise ‘An exercise that involves creating sentences using target words from that particular unit veers The last section of this manual includes a pretest and a post test for each unit. Instructors may use these tests to assess grammar functioning before, during, or after training. The tests also offer a quick way to determine whether review is necessary before introducing a new concept that assumes mastery of a concept previously taught. Suggested Presentation and Testing Introduce one concept at a time. Present the examples given. If the students do not appear to grasp the ideas presented, then explain the concepts again and give additional examples. Review all worksheet instructions with the students before they begin each task. Spot-check students for comprehension of worksheet materials and instructions. Ask them to explain the new information or to give examples of usage. It is also important to monitor students’ independent seat work activity. Strive for a balance between directing the students and allowing them to work as independently as possible. Instruction in small groups is often desirable. If a student finds the reading difficult, however, it may be necessary to use a helper, such as another student within the class or a classroom aide. This person may then help with the reading, spelling, and general instructions. Care should be taken, however, to see that the helper does not simply provide answers for the student. All of the written work must be done by the student. Keep in mind that this is not a reading or spelling exercise. The intent of this program is to help the student understand and, hopefully, master basic grammar skills. viiNo-Glamour Grammar worksheets have been designed for use within the classroom or therapy setting under direct supervision. However, they can also be used to review and reinforce information at a later date or given as homework. Supplemental materials can be created to reinforce any of the grammar units. These worksheets can be tailored to fit the students in their environment. Many things familiar to a student, such as his name, school, street, city, state, and country, can be used in the worksheets. This tailoring is beneficial in two ways. First, it helps reinforce important information about the students and their environment. Second, the students enjoy personalized worksheets. One or all of the pretests can be administered as needed. Individual or small group settings are desirable for testing. Someone should be on hand to explain the instructions and to help with reading and spelling. No help should be given in determining answers. When administering the pretest, assure the students that they are not expected to know all the answers on the test. However, they will be expected to do the best job they can. Explain that the pretests are given mainly to determine how best to help them. The appropriate post test can be administered after a grammar unit is finished. A recommended passing level is eighty percent. if a student is not able to pass a post test, then he needs to be reinstructed. Note the type of errors on the test. Then address these errors when the program worksheets are re-presented. Any of the post tests can be readministered at a later date to check for continued mastery of a grammar concept. When the students complete the program, they should be familiar with the parts of a sentence. A natural adjunct to No-Glamour Grammar is sentence diagramming. Sentences taken directly from the program can be used for diagramming. viii
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