Llomeluilt: A Lwo-$eater Llesiun
Llomeluilt: A Lwo-$eater Llesiun
Llomeluilt: A Lwo-$eater Llesiun
Poureneil $ailplane:
$ome llesiun Consiilenations
Arizon! Stale tltrirersily
An atlenpl is desc.ibed 1o combi're a rersonablc soaring
lhe s-.r hJ\ heen desitsncd ro be l3ctrngabe erdescrip
trun J irmrl) rnnrorSlider. lor rhe delaner rhi. ne:nr
pcrformance (L/D 15. sink .a1e l20 frlmin) vith sood rh.'r rhcr. s^uld b( -o pre..urc ror lh( best l]osibt(,..rJ.-
cross country po*er-on p.rfo.nr?nce, comparable ro !hr1oi irg p<riurrrrn"<. I'regoa hasbecn\e hoscter, omJlct-.
the Cessna 150/152. I! is found thal wilh a 15 meler, vc.y in powered flight. the known pertolnance of ihe Cessna
high aspecr.alio wing. a lo* wcight siructure can be buill 105/152, wilh pe.haps a bit less bassage. and in soaring
and tha! less than l0 bhp are rcquired lor nrore rhan 100 flishl 1o giw N pilot a good chance 10 fly his FAI Badges.
mph in level 6ght or nro.e than 500 ltlmi. cli b jn lhc two- Whilc the superior aerodynamic cleantincss of a sailpline
seatc. contiquralion- al osl automatically gua.anrees a h;gh speed or low power,
:, ! ..r Lrun n,e ui.limb -nd(' poser rrqu e. I trghr
y lhetine a prospectivc homebuilder is financiallyin a Dl'ti ,e tl!irs fo lAIBudscsre,ruire,J red,on-btt la,L
posilion to conside. building his o*n srilphnc he is drign. J Al,de r"riu I Dolt0u-beilerandr.o$,ntr.,re
likcly to be old enough to rcalize the impo.tance of ol rround 2 ft/lec, obrainzble lo|| speed. The lerm /,,
shrring thc masic ol llishl with his wifeor tumi1y membcro. .??(/ should be emphasized ^t here in order to separatc
a liiend. UnidlDnalely lhere lre no kils o. the arket rhat pow€red sailplanes from some modern light plan€s. *hjch
would nt the avcrase *ould-be buildcr's chcckbook and his sporl slrong. mostly VW dcrived engjnes in rhe tusetage
wishes. I1 ldcl. rhc.c rrc no more lhrn . handlul ol hone- rosc. huSe t.ril-dr.8ger hnding gea. and tow wing coniigD-
hur I s.. (rl(r. or -r. ,l..clt ro, l' gJ rl i rrn" fu!ions. vhile slill sNrislying the FAA definjrion oi a no(or
Evcrsincethe pl.tns lbr theautholsS-2 fowc.ed sailplanc sl d.. Wl i, rhp.( lrgt,. ptJn(. cJn .u,r i- \ rJnd
bccamc rvrilable, a surprisingly lx.sc pcrcerlage ol enqui condilio s rs can the Cessna 150 lnd can relch high atli-
rics conccntrlled on the luture S 3 (wo scrter This coukl bc ludcs in clouds (N bold pilol in the 150 can do rhe same), they
based prrtll on thc sDbconscious wish ol some $oukl-be !.e prcdonrinanlli used lor poveron cros country ltving.
("theorelicrl ) buildcrs to postpone nrkinS a conl\ !nd l)er Chims hlvc becn madc for their usef!tness as soari.! lfuin
haps hindi g decision rnd to bcgin Norkirig: p.rll!. hoecver.
it had to do Bitlr the Jacl thrt m.nl, lctlers c! ic liom poscr outlrrdings, t\rc ve.) inrportrnt plrts of giider' trxining,
pilols, spoilcd by flying sjdc-bl side two sc!L.r power pl.res. crn bc 1rulhl in rhern
iAl l/--
I a,nu," u, r'o-"eale.powered sa,rprane s-3
otulcs. As I c.oss counrr), powered xtrc.ril. Uvinj: rr 120 tends lo los€ lts slruclurrl/wcighr supcriority. FjraltX lbr d
,,t"r s, J.J..',. .h, t...(JLr L' ,roui..hr ri J L, ,^ n(J-, r. , .( <. I r^d ., -
rtt',(n or .f. lF. ..,rornh\ I .,rtr. rrr.,.,,.,thr,] .f.' . rh m. n. .,^,sJ1i/.
ru ( i\ . .,.... pro.p-
r,il."dn!' rrhF.".I,'i.','.,.,. : -,, durc rl be\1. Should rnrthing go wrong, Bhjch is qullc tikcty
n(L -.1 .r(r'.. r,..,.. rlr r,'O .',1,. $,"L i.,'-.. bur sonr.rinrcs dilticull lo dis.over. thc e.tirc pmces! ot
, ,r ' (1..r d 1,. , d. .. .l buildire thc sfrr bccomes !cr! cosrly. t'hc xbove ndrcnre ls
'., t. .|l."'t. . , .\.... , .0
'\ . - ( ts , d r uJ, .
. i
rr. biLsed on the eipcricncc ol rhis !uthor, xrd ln!v nor be
thc bcst glid. rrtio' L/D:15
1 , l r
is Nor ltr r tarDct.. s,ril . r'lr 'r. a ! . .r ur \.1
thne lodr) s srridrds. tr shoukt bc rertizcd rhrl ccrt.in
by T"r \ , !,, .n,, I:.t,.rt, -,.b,\.t,,,r..r.u. r,tp
src.iliccs h.d 1o bc Drdc in rhc tcsign io. Lhc S,l ro bc I! .r1'r r\' q.i ,r i t,, rr rJ 7(, ) Ir,
l',' .,1 I rl JlL,,.r1r, F,r'\ ntr r^uc u..-. 1n.-,
All dal! in thc rhovc sc.lion rrc.rtcuhrcd !nd wi have ,i,,.t 1,,,l\,r s,, tt\\r,t ..f..\!.,n t,
1o bc !criilcd cxl)cri renL!th i .'h i.r ,,, . r t*.t.' n r. t ...r, ,...t' r,r th..c..t
, . *, .:
STRT,("tT]RAL ( (}\SIDERATrcNS *c,ahs oil\ 5ll Dou.ds
Whilc lhc S I ls strucrurrttr brsr{l on rhc S-t (rtutuinunr Iigrrc lishorvs rhc positlon ot ttr. Drif $irg
sprr. tiberghss skiis on the Rrng.nd c,j lrotsu.J!ccs. libcL L,I, d , d rr'\ r',,.t.r\. In.l. th..i:..dn.:sfr.. oj thc
Jc., ,,n
glass covdcd Iusch-qe rvith thwood butktjerds. rtuminudl r', rnr. 1. .,,, .'.rt,.,tr..\
boon), somr rinor.cli'renrcils hrve hccr tound rece\srrv
lt( rdr,.,r rt-..,"
'rJn.,l.,d,.1 ll., r., ' nrr ,,t .ir: rrJ .r...1(r t...rr,(
r^". ,.' r(. L qr. r,, \ rt... , rtr r" -r .,.re- r , ,. s,',, h:,\. ,,.,. (l ir,.,t p.,no,r. B..,Li.fr'(tc,d-
\ n rhl ,-urrrrft. !..r I \'(r ..1tr.\,.,. 1.,dJn 11! ' dr-, | , , ir ,rd(r r.r rh( r\r,
pcnsivdl)lests*ilhrcrd)onlib..sfjrl redc.,jonsrsdj!dc ol rctrrlin ol rhe Urp rnd lhc riteron io remrii ir on. L,ne.
to usc aluminum lo. thc nrr, wing strr
T',. r,. l\. I t,..,
r',,i| ir " i,'/,,. ., .n I t,,.- tr RI}.r:RtrN( l:S
I.,.,.,. r"J\.r I ll / , . .r \t i,. J... \.r
nraiuJlcluriig uncertrifLies l njri.g ol .to\tcs, ch!nAing t/.....
'(n ti. ,,,! . 1.., ,l 1i. L,' .,.'r ..,n,.nr. , rt,i ! l'ral , ll r
.nridcturer lo olcr dimcn\idr hj!ht\ \lrcsscd |r11s tJ onc Srn)inik. Delcl.fmenr .J I tl.nrcbr I Rr\rre{l Srit
,.(.r'J.. ni1, rl,- ll. r'' t..,t,, ,n, ..{. '1,' 1., t. \\\\..ri\,,.rn ,.,..{ !
the b.sis oi the dimcn\iofs to!id or c\..!jc(t rriLftrdes. one
\s,,r lr.,,, r \. I1.{.,nr '\,r,t ,,r .\//rk
Iinds thrt onlt r shril rirrl ol rlrc lhco,rricrlt\ rrIt(tcd I \ Srn)f I Ih.S l. Srrrl \\r'ri,rn. \l l,)st. r tJ
rtro.glh hrs heer rsufre,l tr\ lhr d.sigir^ tlrr clrrre ll ll (.rrn'.hxrl. t .rlr rrLcr Vrh ctr t)rr{ tt.du.ri(ri
qurncc is, o1 co!ise, rhrr ..Iboi Lr) rrr(r].lL .rftti.rrons Jh,trr!lr( lr..c.lStrrD0. .\l\,\ J,.rNrr)at,ij. ttrrLc t!66