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Llomeluilt: A Lwo-$eater Llesiun

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A llomeluilt lwo-$eater

Poureneil $ailplane:
$ome llesiun Consiilenations

Arizon! Stale tltrirersily

An atlenpl is desc.ibed 1o combi're a rersonablc soaring
lhe s-.r hJ\ heen desitsncd ro be l3ctrngabe erdescrip
trun J irmrl) rnnrorSlider. lor rhe delaner rhi. ne:nr
pcrformance (L/D 15. sink .a1e l20 frlmin) vith sood rh.'r rhcr. s^uld b( -o pre..urc ror lh( best l]osibt(,..rJ.-
cross country po*er-on p.rfo.nr?nce, comparable ro !hr1oi irg p<riurrrrn"<. I'regoa hasbecn\e hoscter, omJlct-.
the Cessna 150/152. I! is found thal wilh a 15 meler, vc.y in powered flight. the known pertolnance of ihe Cessna
high aspecr.alio wing. a lo* wcight siructure can be buill 105/152, wilh pe.haps a bit less bassage. and in soaring
and tha! less than l0 bhp are rcquired lor nrore rhan 100 flishl 1o giw N pilot a good chance 10 fly his FAI Badges.
mph in level 6ght or nro.e than 500 ltlmi. cli b jn lhc two- Whilc the superior aerodynamic cleantincss of a sailpline
seatc. contiquralion- al osl automatically gua.anrees a h;gh speed or low power,
:, ! ..r Lrun n,e ui.limb -nd(' poser rrqu e. I trghr
y lhetine a prospectivc homebuilder is financiallyin a Dl'ti ,e tl!irs fo lAIBudscsre,ruire,J red,on-btt la,L
posilion to conside. building his o*n srilphnc he is drign. J Al,de r"riu I Dolt0u-beilerandr.o$,ntr.,re
likcly to be old enough to rcalize the impo.tance of ol rround 2 ft/lec, obrainzble lo|| speed. The lerm /,,
shrring thc masic ol llishl with his wifeor tumi1y membcro. .??(/ should be emphasized ^t here in order to separatc
a liiend. UnidlDnalely lhere lre no kils o. the arket rhat pow€red sailplanes from some modern light plan€s. *hjch
would nt the avcrase *ould-be buildcr's chcckbook and his sporl slrong. mostly VW dcrived engjnes in rhe tusetage
wishes. I1 ldcl. rhc.c rrc no more lhrn . handlul ol hone- rosc. huSe t.ril-dr.8ger hnding gea. and tow wing coniigD-
hur I s.. (rl(r. or -r. ,l..clt ro, l' gJ rl i rrn" fu!ions. vhile slill sNrislying the FAA definjrion oi a no(or
Evcrsincethe pl.tns lbr theautholsS-2 fowc.ed sailplanc sl d.. Wl i, rhp.( lrgt,. ptJn(. cJn .u,r i- \ rJnd
bccamc rvrilable, a surprisingly lx.sc pcrcerlage ol enqui condilio s rs can the Cessna 150 lnd can relch high atli-
rics conccntrlled on the luture S 3 (wo scrter This coukl bc ludcs in clouds (N bold pilol in the 150 can do rhe same), they
based prrtll on thc sDbconscious wish ol some $oukl-be !.e prcdonrinanlli used lor poveron cros country ltving.
("theorelicrl ) buildcrs to postpone nrkinS a conl\ !nd l)er Chims hlvc becn madc for their usef!tness as soari.! lfuin
haps hindi g decision rnd to bcgin Norkirig: p.rll!. hoecver.
it had to do Bitlr the Jacl thrt m.nl, lctlers c! ic liom poscr outlrrdings, t\rc ve.) inrportrnt plrts of giider' trxining,
pilols, spoilcd by flying sjdc-bl side two sc!L.r power pl.res. crn bc 1rulhl in rhern

Tt.HI] 5OAR N'i

Al rhe begirning ol the dcvelopmcnr ol (he S I rso sellcr T7
r decision hld 1o bc mrde whelher Lo procccd in thc dircction
olr"lighl phre rs dcscribed rbolc or ir lhc dirccrio. o1 . frrL.rf - l
$arlble "sai\rhnc " To cl.rily rhc silurlion ir should bc k ,F!rr,t'
rcnrcnbered Lhrt thc $r.inS Nrldnricc oi ! sdilptane de
pcnds Lpor lilo outside prrNnr.tcA. erch crsily measur
.hlc by !\ing onl) x vrrdslick rnd I scrle. To bc cfiicjenl in
r. r"s rhrr,.,1 .rilnl (rr,. , . r!,rr, t,rr.,..,
brl5j {b }if gsn!n. S wing r.c.) rnd r lo\ $iis to.ding W/S
(Wer)sslrighl) Erch ol lhe\e prr!nrcr.r\ rfr). ol couNc.
'.'r. $i ,1. ,r, ^n lir.rl{,$r
Ir' h., rh(r.'r . \n.,J.i,$i
,.t\\rr.' \\/ n (\ tt,.I r,,.. s,.1
U\ing lhc drt! in the Nov. 198:r isueol.S0lli/'\(i,g.ors
weighl (W) hls bc.n rlolred .grinsl siig sprn ( b) in lisure
I rnd r re.\' sinde nr.xns lourd ro scrr re nrcrorglidcry- ; /yorr. r{hl1 rrl'!
rlir I l,- 1 ..J, .,'.,'l .'1p1... I (F r.' J .,
r.'bul:.\.1,-,,. {r.urrJJ.\\ h u.t .r.d .'nt.( r.
rs r hervy cure ii Fig. L ll tlre (hlr in lil.lRlNc rre
.orrecl nol r sirgle nrolorglidci (r lhc lcl( ol r|. serrr.
rion cune clinrbs iJr thenn!]s Ns.lii.icnlh rs a/r N$ered
srilphnc lo Lhc right ol rhc W/b2 : 015;etrfutnn line
Thi! rnelhod ol trcsenliig soxr!bilit! is nol new 1r hrs
bccnusedb)ll Zlch.r(Rel. I ) in his pr.se.lllion rt rhc ts

l,1lh Corgress OSTMn Wxikerie in lr)7:1. IAA couid use

rhis e.sil] nr.xsufuble W/b2 : 0 :15 dividine tirc lo get o l
ol the mcss it crcdred *ilh Advistr\ (liJ.uhr Aa 6l 94
The Iollowirg rcport f.esenls th. co.siderrlions Nlong
both polei .nd nnring li.es lhNL lcd 10 developine thc
Figure 1: Grossweiqhtvs. winqspan to.motoElide6
At lhe bcginning ol rhc dcvcbprnefl ol lhc S 2 single,
serter ( Rel. 2, l, .l) rc did nor knos to s h.t ertcnl our thcn
ncw tcchnoiog,!- iD thc pn)dlc1io 01 libcrghss tri g qui.e regxrdi.g dirloil dccuracy nnd wrvire$ ol rh.
would i!ilhstrnd lhe pres{rcs ol line. Alrcr llvc lcrr!'kins the surhce'enls
A\ lhe contftJl suri ces scem lo have been compurcd
-.nsi .c"d,.F\| .r l.r"rrr rf lr\...r'. u rchlivcly srll. il w.s dccid.d to int.oduce nocssenrial exLcr
hrle inc.crscd slighrl! ovcr rhc yca6 No slep Nbovc the nrl dincnsionrl changcs in the S,l as comprrcd to the S 2.
sl)!r. rs noticcd on some comnrcrcirl liberfhss s.ilfhncs. The wingsrri 115 nr) rrd lusclrse lenglh rhcr.fore re .in
hrs becn obscrlcd. Accxuse ol uncerrxinrr rcgr l g lhc srr unch.rlcd ld thc lwo+e.lcr.
hili[ ol Lhe skins. x fulh€. corrserlrtivc Wod.u n ri.loil T\( ii( b) .,i .e.'r ,,! r!r, r.u
wrs sclected lor thc S 2. Todrl $e lccl conlid.nl rhll lhe th.lus.hgc |fud. thc S 2 hld a slcndcrncss furio r/VA (l
.(i r(, || , t^j. I ||v,t , rr I rt,e \- ..,r.\'r r..,,A... rr- length oi the pod, A nrrxinu r cro$ sccrion) ol rpproxi


Figun 2: Wing weiqhl vs. wingspanrn 15 saitptanes

ntlt.lv 4.5 ln the S-l il is rtprcxinurcl! 2.1). tluring rhe
scrrch ior rn otiiDunr rcrcdydlfric shxf. *e lound ltlrr
ertcnsi\e \rork hxs ilrer(l) bccn donc (Rcl 5), rnd on cof-
lrcting rhe.rthor ol lhe rbovc iourcc, B. ( l., ichrct, ve
qc.c able lo sh{pc the lLrschge lbr mininruJn we(ed ar.l
rnd lor a hoped lor !mounl ol lxnriixr Ilo* xlong thc pod. A
tracticdl r ourl of lxnrinrr Row depends. rs is generlll).
known, on th€ excculion ol lhe luscl.ge/crnopy 8rp, on lhc
plxcernetrl ol lhe )rs sr.irg lrnd on the l)osirion and trerl
ol lhe hnding !e.r.
Prrrrrolric perlbrnrncc r.lhsis indic!les lhxt so re
ovcrall perlbunance grin in a ls-nrcrcr two,se.rcr cdn be
expcctcd wilh a wing ol vert high aspecL rxrio, using a rcta,
1ivcly high-lill airloil. TIe choice ol rn aspcct rlrtio of 25 (in
lhe S 2 il is l9) is lurther supportcd by rhe cxpc.i,nentat fact
th!t lhc i!ing weight in cornpositc wings stighltv dec.crses
$ilhd<Jr. ., ! $,ngJrcJ,,,rr,ln"rcd rn [icurc2.Sn ctter 4t
1 4- I 6r\ ) ","
J,h,on n,p lo1c. cdn bc \ \ |ecril, Jl.,ra k,l .m:,ttcr rorF ?^r
zonlal lxil volunre and pe.h!ps l lilLle smxller lerticat tail
rll ol Bhich contribule to a lower empty weight. Thc win! x_ ;^:",:;_

Figu@ 4: Power requied in ctimb, sea tevet

{ . . u dl<c .pcco |ohr tur rle 5.J h pr<\e1red rn Figurc s

rbr bJrl .rr- ul., Lrr e-oi.or I / I lb i'l JnJ p tor p'\rrn
g(r { 0 h lr/lllighr. ln.t,'(ot it. e\cettenr prr"onnJn(( as
J r u .( rcr r\( S l .leJr l biiolp\ ro \artptane. Jnd nol
l,gh nl.'n(\.:,. irdrdr<Li h\ i.c$ b2 - 0a;)lue. t-tosrd!
: \.rA e-.(.'r<r tlc \- ' cJn !lJnge . s inB loJd,ng trum o 8
1b/trr ^ n lc "r2 rt tu'ty battr\rcd tr mu\r bc re nerlbered
rh" rll(S t r,\nur bccrdengn<dr\Jrr,rng"i(rJtr. thir
i h(.r n..'r.f'\ J lrgh.pccd..whercir.pe-lormanccderefl-

Figure 3: Power req!ired in level llight, sairplane S-2 /

Poren @!!ao !@,s ltrR /
Pa0PMR FlcIm.Y 7' ,( /
loJd.ng rrl, rnn _.-, d o ilLl p.'..(lfL irrrr:..,\
n lo,
lI(.r p(r l r,,l u l.p:._ r"1.1 ' r) n. p .e...u , \unrfrvri \< A /
necess.fl. In the present casc dsF.t fulio ol abou( 25
onl) lbu. inches^n
resDlts in a sf.rr dccp whcn using x modilled
wortmann IX 67 ll0/17 airiiril. 7
[igu.e 3 shows the rffroxinrle posc. rcquired i. unac
'cle ,r,l l<\JL rlrEl| (\,,. I (,r',,ul
powc. ol slightl} l€ss thrn 5 bhp occurs 11 50 mph. fo. a
prcliminrrv calculalion 5 hp can bc assu red lb. the rwo I
scatc. rs well !t the economy cruisc." Inserl'ng this porer
inlo lhc sinrplificd g..errl clnnb dixgrunr (ligurc 4). one no
lices the cxpcctcd vcry strong dependencc oi thc .limb ratc
on thc gro$ wcight. hmply weishl ol lhe S 3 hNs bccn esli-
ntled r1500 pounds. With t*o rboxd aid some lLrcl. cl...
thc gross rleigh1 ay rnrount to 1000 founds According to
Fis.,l a clinrb rdie oJ 500 1(/min will rcquirc 10-25 bhp, --/,/
rssunring a 75% propeller €lljcidncy. Whilc thc cxpccted
enpl) wcight ol only 500 pounds seems .rlircr lo$r the
$eighing ol Lhe sp{r, lhc skins. alr spar, e1c.. on thc unfin
islred wing p.ovides us $ith nnnc inlbmrtioi. The rotrl
$eighl ol lhe wing should bc lcss thrn 200 pounds rnd lhe.e
idc rr.L/ the nuight linc indic.ting thc (rcnd ir wi g
wcights in lriA. 2 Fiqure s: Speed polarand power rcquned tor lhe S,3


-': t"

iAl l/--
I a,nu," u, r'o-"eale.powered sa,rprane s-3

otulcs. As I c.oss counrr), powered xtrc.ril. Uvinj: rr 120 tends lo los€ lts slruclurrl/wcighr supcriority. FjraltX lbr d
,,t"r s, J.J..',. .h, t...(JLr L' ,roui..hr ri J L, ,^ n(J-, r. , .( <. I r^d ., -
rtt',(n or .f. lF. ..,rornh\ I .,rtr. rrr.,.,,.,thr,] .f.' . rh m. n. .,^,sJ1i/.
ru ( i\ . .,.... pro.p-
r,il."dn!' rrhF.".I,'i.','.,.,. : -,, durc rl be\1. Should rnrthing go wrong, Bhjch is qullc tikcty
n(L -.1 .r(r'.. r,..,.. rlr r,'O .',1,. $,"L i.,'-.. bur sonr.rinrcs dilticull lo dis.over. thc e.tirc pmces! ot
, ,r ' (1..r d 1,. , d. .. .l buildire thc sfrr bccomes !cr! cosrly. t'hc xbove ndrcnre ls
'., t. .|l."'t. . , .\.... , .0
'\ . - ( ts , d r uJ, .
. i
rr. biLsed on the eipcricncc ol rhis !uthor, xrd ln!v nor be
thc bcst glid. rrtio' L/D:15
1 , l r
is Nor ltr r tarDct.. s,ril . r'lr 'r. a ! . .r ur \.1
thne lodr) s srridrds. tr shoukt bc rertizcd rhrl ccrt.in
by T"r \ , !,, .n,, I:.t,.rt, -,.b,\.t,,,r..r.u. r,tp
src.iliccs h.d 1o bc Drdc in rhc tcsign io. Lhc S,l ro bc I! .r1'r r\' q.i ,r i t,, rr rJ 7(, ) Ir,
l',' .,1 I rl JlL,,.r1r, F,r'\ ntr r^uc u..-. 1n.-,
All dal! in thc rhovc sc.lion rrc.rtcuhrcd !nd wi have ,i,,.t 1,,,l\,r s,, tt\\r,t ..f..\!.,n t,
1o bc !criilcd cxl)cri renL!th i .'h i.r ,,, . r t*.t.' n r. t ...r, ,...t' r,r th..c..t
, . *, .:
STRT,("tT]RAL ( (}\SIDERATrcNS *c,ahs oil\ 5ll Dou.ds
Whilc lhc S I ls strucrurrttr brsr{l on rhc S-t (rtutuinunr Iigrrc lishorvs rhc positlon ot ttr. Drif $irg
sprr. tiberghss skiis on the Rrng.nd c,j lrotsu.J!ccs. libcL L,I, d , d rr'\ r',,.t.r\. In.l. th..i:..dn.:sfr.. oj thc
Jc., ,,n
glass covdcd Iusch-qe rvith thwood butktjerds. rtuminudl r', rnr. 1. .,,, .'.rt,.,tr..\
boon), somr rinor.cli'renrcils hrve hccr tound rece\srrv
lt( rdr,.,r rt-..,"
'rJn.,l.,d,.1 ll., r., ' nrr ,,t .ir: rrJ .r...1(r t...rr,(
r^". ,.' r(. L qr. r,, \ rt... , rtr r" -r .,.re- r , ,. s,',, h:,\. ,,.,. (l ir,.,t p.,no,r. B..,Li.fr'(tc,d-
\ n rhl ,-urrrrft. !..r I \'(r ..1tr.\,.,. 1.,dJn 11! ' dr-, | , , ir ,rd(r r.r rh( r\r,
pcnsivdl)lests*ilhrcrd)onlib..sfjrl redc.,jonsrsdj!dc ol rctrrlin ol rhe Urp rnd lhc riteron io remrii ir on. L,ne.
to usc aluminum lo. thc nrr, wing strr
T',. r,. l\. I t,..,
r',,i| ir " i,'/,,. ., .n I t,,.- tr RI}.r:RtrN( l:S
I.,.,.,. r"J\.r I ll / , . .r \t i,. J... \.r
nraiuJlcluriig uncertrifLies l njri.g ol .to\tcs, ch!nAing t/.....
'(n ti. ,,,! . 1.., ,l 1i. L,' .,.'r ..,n,.nr. , rt,i ! l'ral , ll r

.nridcturer lo olcr dimcn\idr hj!ht\ \lrcsscd |r11s tJ onc Srn)inik. Delcl.fmenr .J I tl.nrcbr I Rr\rre{l Srit
,.(.r'J.. ni1, rl,- ll. r'' t..,t,, ,n, ..{. '1,' 1., t. \\\\..ri\,,.rn ,.,..{ !
the b.sis oi the dimcn\iofs to!id or c\..!jc(t rriLftrdes. one
\s,,r lr.,,, r \. I1.{.,nr '\,r,t ,,r .\//rk
Iinds thrt onlt r shril rirrl ol rlrc lhco,rricrlt\ rrIt(tcd I \ Srn)f I Ih.S l. Srrrl \\r'ri,rn. \l l,)st. r tJ
rtro.glh hrs heer rsufre,l tr\ lhr d.sigir^ tlrr clrrre ll ll (.rrn'.hxrl. t .rlr rrLcr Vrh ctr t)rr{ tt.du.ri(ri
qurncc is, o1 co!ise, rhrr ..Iboi Lr) rrr(r].lL .rftti.rrons Jh,trr!lr( lr..c.lStrrD0. .\l\,\ J,.rNrr)at,ij. ttrrLc t!66

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