CG Chap 5

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3D Transformation in Computer Graphics

 In Computer graphics, Transformation is a process of modifying and

CHAPTER V re-positioning the existing graphics.
 3D Transformations take place in a three dimensional plane.
 3D Transformations are important and a bit more complex than 2D
Computer Graphics Transformations.
 Transformations are helpful in changing the position, size,
1. 3D transformation
orientation, shape etc. of the object.
2. Matrix representation Transformation Techniques
In computer graphics, various transformation techniques are
3. Homogeneous coordinates
4. Combination of transformations


3D Translation in Computer Graphics

 In Computer graphics, 3D Translation is a process of moving an
object from one position to another in a three dimensional plane.

 Consider a point object O has to be moved from one position to

another in a 3D plane. Let

 Initial coordinates of the object O = (Xold, Yold, Zold)

 New coordinates of the object O after translation =
(Xnew, Ynew, Znew)
 Translation vector or Shift vector = (Tx, Ty, Tz)
 Given a Translation vector (Tx, Ty, Tz)  This translation is achieved by adding the translation coordinates to
the old coordinates of the object as
 Tx defines the distance the Xold coordinate has to be moved. • Xnew = Xold + Tx (This denotes translation towards X axis)
 Ty defines the distance the Yold coordinate has to be moved. • Ynew = Yold + Ty (This denotes translation towards Y axis)
 Tz defines the distance the Zold coordinate has to be moved. • Znew = Zold + Tz (This denotes translation towards Z axis)

 In Matrix form, the above translation equations may be represented as
Problem:- Given a 3D object with coordinate points A(0, 3, 1), B(3, 3, 2),
C(3, 0, 0), D(0, 0, 0).
 Apply the translation with the distance 1 towards X axis, 1 towards Y
axis and 2 towards Z axis and obtain the new coordinates of the
 Given Old coordinates of the object = A (0, 3, 1), B(3, 3, 2),
C(3, 0, 0), D(0, 0, 0); Translation vector = (Tx, Ty, Tz) = (1, 1, 2)

For Coordinates A(0, 3, 1)

Let the new coordinates of A = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Applying the translation equations, we have-
Xnew = Xold + Tx = 0 + 1 = 1
Ynew = Yold + Ty = 3 + 1 = 4
Znew = Zold + Tz = 1 + 2 = 3
Thus, New coordinates of A = (1, 4, 3).
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For Coordinates B(3, 3, 2) For Coordinates D(0, 0, 0)

Let the new coordinates of B = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew). Let the new coordinates of D = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Applying the translation equations, we have
• Xnew = Xold + Tx = 3 + 1 = 4 Applying the translation equations, we have-
• Ynew = Yold + Ty = 3 + 1 = 4 • Xnew = Xold + Tx = 0 + 1 = 1
• Znew = Zold + Tz = 2 + 2 = 4 • Ynew = Yold + Ty = 0 + 1 = 1
Thus, New coordinates of B = (4, 4, 4). • Znew = Zold + Tz = 0 + 2 = 2

For Coordinates C(3, 0, 0) Thus, New coordinates of D = (1, 1, 2)

Let the new coordinates of C = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew). Thus, New coordinates of the object = A (1, 4, 3), B(4, 4, 4), C(4, 1, 2),
Applying the translation equations, we have D(1, 1, 2).
• Xnew = Xold + Tx = 3 + 1 = 4
• Ynew = Yold + Ty = 0 + 1 = 1
• Znew = Zold + Tz = 0 + 2 = 2
Thus, New coordinates of C = (4, 1, 2). Continue……
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3D Rotation in Computer Graphics This rotation is achieved by using the following rotation equations
 In Computer graphics, 3D Rotation is a process of rotating an object • Xnew = Xold
with respect to an angle in a three dimensional plane. • Ynew = Yold x cosθ – Zold x sinθ
• Znew = Yold x sinθ + Zold x cosθ
 Consider a point object O has to be rotated from one angle to another
in a 3D plane. In Matrix form, the above rotation equations may be represented as
• Initial coordinates of the object O = (Xold, Yold, Zold)
• Initial angle of the object O with respect to origin = Φ
• Rotation angle = θ
• New coordinates of the object O after rotation = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew)

In 3 dimensions, there are 3 possible types of rotation-

• X-axis Rotation
• Y-axis Rotation 9

• Z-axis Rotation
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For Y-Axis Rotation- For Z-Axis Rotation-

This rotation is achieved by using the following rotation equations- This rotation is achieved by using the following rotation equations-
• Xnew = Zold x sinθ + Xold x cosθ • Xnew = Xold x cosθ – Yold x sinθ
• Ynew = Yold • Ynew = Xold x sinθ + Yold x cosθ
• Znew = Yold x cosθ – Xold x sinθ • Znew = Zold
In Matrix form, the above rotation equations may be represented as
In Matrix form, the above rotation equations may be represented as

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Problem-01: For Y-Axis Rotation-
Let the new coordinates after rotation = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Given a homogeneous point (1, 2, 3). Apply rotation 90 degree towards X, Y and Z axis
and find out the new coordinate points. Applying the rotation equations, we have-
• Xnew = Zold x sinθ + Xold x cosθ = 3 x sin90° + 1 x cos90° = 3 x 1 + 1 x 0 = 3
Solution- • Ynew = Yold = 2
• Znew = Yold x cosθ – Xold x sinθ = 2 x cos90° – 1 x sin90° = 2 x 0 – 1 x 1 = -1
• Old coordinates = (Xold, Yold, Zold) = (1, 2, 3) Thus, New coordinates after rotation = (3, 2, -1).
• Rotation angle = θ = 90º
For Z-Axis Rotation-
For X-Axis Rotation-
Let the new coordinates after rotation = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Let the new coordinates after rotation = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Applying the rotation equations, we have-
Applying the rotation equations, we have- • Xnew = Xold x cosθ – Yold x sinθ = 1 x cos90° – 2 x sin90° = 1 x 0 – 2 x 1 = -2
• Xnew = Xold = 1 • Ynew = Xold x sinθ + Yold x cosθ = 1 x sin90° + 2 x cos90° = 1 x 1 + 2 x 0 = 1
• Ynew = Yold x cosθ – Zold x sinθ = 2 x cos90° – 3 x sin90° = 2 x 0 – 3 x 1 = -3 • Znew = Zold = 3
• Znew = Yold x sinθ + Zold x cosθ = 2 x sin90° + 3 x cos90° = 2 x 1 + 3 x 0 = 2
Thus, New coordinates after rotation = (-2, 1, 3).
Thus, New coordinates after rotation = (1, -3, 2). Continue……. 13 14

3D Scaling in Computer Graphics This scaling is achieved by using the following scaling equations-
In computer graphics, scaling is a process of modifying or altering the • Xnew = Xold x Sx
size of objects. • Ynew = Yold x Sy
• Scaling may be used to increase or reduce the size of object. • Znew = Zold x Sz
• Scaling subjects the coordinate points of the original object to change.
• Scaling factor determines whether the object size is to be increased or In Matrix form, the above scaling equations may be represented as
• If scaling factor > 1, then the object size is increased.
• If scaling factor < 1, then the object size is reduced.

Consider a point object O has to be scaled in a 3D plane.

• Initial coordinates of the object O = (Xold, Yold,Zold)
• Scaling factor for X-axis = Sx
• Scaling factor for Y-axis = Sy
• Scaling factor for Z-axis = Sz
• New coordinates of the object O after scaling = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew)
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Problem-01 For Coordinates B(3, 3, 6)
Given a 3D object with coordinate points A(0, 3, 3), B(3, 3, 6), C(3, 0, 1), D(0, 0, 0). Let the new coordinates of B after scaling = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Apply the scaling parameter 2 towards X axis, 3 towards Y axis and 3 Applying the scaling equations, we have-
towards Z axis and obtain the new coordinates of the object. • Xnew = Xold x Sx = 3 x 2 = 6
• Ynew = Yold x Sy = 3 x 3 = 9
• Znew = Zold x Sz = 6 x 3 = 18
GivenOld coordinates of the object = A (0, 3, 3), B(3, 3, 6), C(3, 0, 1), Thus, New coordinates of corner B after scaling = (6, 9, 18).
D(0, 0, 0) For Coordinates C(3, 0, 1)
• Scaling factor along X axis = 2 Let the new coordinates of C after scaling = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
• Scaling factor along Y axis = 3 Applying the scaling equations, we have-
• Xnew = Xold x Sx = 3 x 2 = 6
• Scaling factor along Z axis = 3
• Ynew = Yold x Sy = 0 x 3 = 0
For Coordinates A(0, 3, 3) • Znew = Zold x Sz = 1 x 3 = 3
Let the new coordinates of A after scaling = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew). Thus, New coordinates of corner C after scaling = (6, 0, 3).
For Coordinates D(0, 0, 0)
Applying the scaling equations, we have-
• Xnew = Xold x Sx = 0 x 2 = 0 Let the new coordinates of D after scaling = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew).
Applying the scaling equations, we have-
• Ynew = Yold x Sy = 3 x 3 = 9 • Xnew = Xold x Sx = 0 x 2 = 0
• Znew = Zold x Sz = 3 x 3 = 9 • Ynew = Yold x Sy = 0 x 3 = 0
Thus, New coordinates of corner A after scaling = (0, 9, 9). 17 • Znew = Zold x Sz = 0 x 3 = 0 18
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3D Reflection in Computer Graphics Reflection Relative to XY Plane:

Reflection is a kind of rotation where the angle of rotation is 180 degree. This reflection is achieved by using the following reflection equations-
• The reflected object is always formed on the other side of mirror. • Xnew = Xold
• The size of reflected object is same as the size of original object. • Ynew = Yold
Consider a point object O has to be reflected in a 3D plane. • Znew = -Zold
Let- In Matrix form, the above reflection equations may be represented as
• Initial coordinates of the object O = (Xold, Yold, Zold)
• New coordinates of the reflected object O after reflection = (Xnew, Ynew,Znew)

In 3 dimensions, there are 3 possible types of reflection

• Reflection relative to XY plane

• Reflection relative to YZ plane
• Reflection relative to XZ plane
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Reflection Relative to YZ Plane: Reflection Relative to XZ Plane:
This reflection is achieved by using the following reflection equations- This reflection is achieved by using the following reflection equations-
• Xnew = -Xold • Xnew = Xold
• Ynew = Yold • Ynew = -Yold
• Znew = Zold • Znew = Zold

In Matrix form, the above reflection equations may be represented as In Matrix form, the above reflection equations may be represented as

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3D Shearing in Computer Graphics Shearing in X Axis-

 In Computer graphics, 3D Shearing is an ideal technique to change the shape of an Shearing in X axis is achieved by using the following shearing equations-
existing object in a three dimensional plane. • Xnew = Xold
 In a three dimensional plane, the object size can be changed along X direction, Y • Ynew = Yold + Shy x Xold
direction as well as Z direction. • Znew = Zold + Shz x Xold
So, there are three versions of shearing-
1.Shearing in X direction In Matrix form, the above shearing equations may be represented as
2. Shearing in Y direction
3. Shearing in Z direction
Consider a point object O has to be sheared in a 3D plane.
• Initial coordinates of the object O = (Xold, Yold, Zold)
• Shearing parameter towards X direction = Shx
• Shearing parameter towards Y direction = Shy
• Shearing parameter towards Z direction = Shz
• New coordinates of the object O after shearing = (Xnew, Ynew, Znew)

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Shearing in Y Axis- Shearing in Z Axis-
Shearing in Y axis is achieved by using the following shearing equations-
• Xnew = Xold + Shx x Yold Shearing in Z axis is achieved by using the following shearing equations-
• Ynew = Yold • Xnew = Xold + Shx x Zold
• Znew = Zold + Shz x Yold • Ynew = Yold + Shy x Zold
• Znew = Zold
In Matrix form, the above shearing equations may be represented as
In Matrix form, the above shearing equations may be represented as

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Matrix Representation and Homogeneous coordinates

• Many graphics application involves sequence of geometric • We can combine that thing by expanding 2X2 matrix representation
transformations. into 3X3 matrices.
• For example in design and picture construction application we • It will allows us to convert all transformation into matrix
perform Translation, Rotation, and scaling to fit the picture multiplication but we need to represent vertex position (࢞,࢟)with
components into their proper positions. homogeneous coordinate triple (࢞ࢎ,࢟ࢎ,ࢎ)Where࢞=࢞ࢎ/ࢎ, ࢟=࢟/ࢎ, ࢎ
• For efficient processing we will reformulate transformation thus we can also write triple as (ࢎ∙࢞,ࢎ∙࢟,ࢎ).
sequences. • For two dimensional geometric transformation we can take value of
• We have matrix representation of basic transformation and we can ࢎis any positive number so we can get infinite homogeneous
express it in the general matrix form as:ࡼ′=ࡹ૚∙ࡼ+ࡹ૛Where ࡼand representation for coordinate value(࢞,࢟).
ࡼ′are initial and final point position, ࡹ૚contains rotation and scaling • But convenient choice is set ࢎ=૚as it is multiplicative identity, than
terms and ࡹ૛contains translational terms associated with pivot point, (࢞,࢟)is represented as (࢞,࢟,૚).
fixed point and reposition. • Expressing coordinates in homogeneous coordinates form allows us to
• For efficient utilization we must calculate all sequence of represent all geometric transformation equations as matrix
transformation in one step and for that reason we reformulate above multiplication.
equation to eliminate the matrix addition associated with translation • Let’s see each representation with ࢎ=૚
terms in matrixࡹ૛.
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Composite Transformation
• We can set up a matrix for any sequence of transformations as a
composite transformation matrix by calculating the matrix product of
individual transformation.
• For column matrix representation of coordinate positions, we form
composite transformations by multiplying matrices in order from
right to left.

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