QP 83001 Rev 09 Non-Conforming Material Control Procedure

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Document Title

Non-conforming Product Control Procedure

Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 1 of 6

Revision History
Rev No DCN # Changes Effective Date Approved
01 0006 Initial release 08/06/04 MY
02 0017 Modification of procedure 10/08/04 MY
03 0046 Update procedure for product hold 10/19/04 MY
04 0071 Modification of flowchart 11/30/04 MY
05 0627 Clarify the authority of disposition of 01/24/09 YC
non-conforming products
06 0718 Change process owner & format 07/28/09 YZ
07 0966 Switched portion of contents to MRB 04/13/11 A. Qin
Procedure, re-wording, re-defined the
major non-conforming, Delete Form Q004.
08 1169 Yearly reviewing without change 05/20/13 A. Qin
09 1198 Change process owner 05/28/14 H. Li

Non-conforming Product Control Procedure

Process Owner: Hui Yao Date: 05/12/14

Department Manager: Hong Li Date: 05/23/14

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Document Title
Non-conforming Product Control Procedure
Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 2 of 6

1.0 Purpose

This procedure establishes the requests to ensure that the non-conforming products are
properly identified, segregated, and controlled to prevent the unintended use or delivery.

2.0 Scope

This procedure applies to non-conformities found during all product realization processes.

3.0 Authority and Responsibilities

 Inspection  Identifies and segregates non-conforming products.

person of all  Reports findings to his/her supervisor when necessary.
departments  Fill out the Non-conforming Material Report Form.
 QA  Conduct the MRB meeting.
 Issues Corrective Action Request when necessary.
 Customer  Informs customer if the non-conforming affects delivery
Service schedule.
 Works with customer to arrange field recall when needed.
 Production/  Verifies conformance of held and recalled products
Responsible  Identifies proper corrective action to reduce/eliminate the
Teams occurrence of non-conforming material

4.0 Definitions and Acronyms

CAR: Corrective Action Request

MRB Material Review Board

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Document Title
Non-conforming Product Control Procedure
Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 3 of 6

5.0 Flow Chart of Procedure

Flow Chart Responsible Notes Form

Identify the non- IQC, IPQC, Identify the products that Refer to Product
conforming OQC, are not conform to Identification and
Products product requirements Traceability
Production, Procedure (QP
ets. 75301)

Segregate the IQC, IPQC, Segregate the Non-

Non-conforming OQC, conforming products by
Products Production, areas or trays and not
ets. mixed with OK products

Production, Check, trace and

Clarify the Range QA confirm the products
of Products with Engineering, with same symptoms
the Same etc.

IQC, IPQC, Timely forward the non- Refer to MRB

Forward the Non- conforming product to Procedure (QP
conforming MRB 83002)
Products to MRB ets.

Conduct the MRB Members of

Meeting MRB

Implement the
Disposition Plan of Related
MRB Meeting

Request the Refer to Corrective

Initiate the correction and and Preventive
Corrective Action QA prevent the re- Action Procedure
Request currencites (QP 85201)

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Document Title
Non-conforming Product Control Procedure
Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 4 of 6

6.0 General Requirements

6.1 The Definition of Nonconforming Products

The non-conforming products are those products that not meet the pre-defined criteria or

The non-conforming products are found during the incoming inspection stages, in-process
inspection stages, final inspection stages, out-going inspection stages, contractor
manufacturing site and in the customer field.

6.2 Identification on the Non-conformity Products

Once the non-conformity products are found, the responsible department shall make
identification on them timely.

6.3 Segregation or Purge on the Non-conforming Products

The non-conforming products shall be segregated from the normal conforming product and
prevent from unintended use.

If the nonconforming symptom had been confirmed, if necessary, QA will request the purge
action and collect all of non-conforming products during different production stages/locations
to the assigned area(s) and waiting for further dispositions.

The purge request are released from QA and supported by related departments. All
non-conforming products after purge shall be collected and stored in a location with clearly

The disposition of the non-conforming products that had been purged shall follow the
decision from MRB meeting or further instructions from managements.

6.4 Classification of Non-conforming Products

The non-conformity event that has the high impact to the production or cost shall be handled

with high-priority.

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Document Title
Non-conforming Product Control Procedure
Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 5 of 6

Level Description of impact

Major  High defect rate of the incoming lot compared with normal cases.
 Defects impact that make the production line stop or delay.
 Large yield drop or process yield is lower than normal.
Minor  All other findings

6.5 General Guideline to Trace/Verify the Products

For the non-conforming products found, the Production and QA shall make evaluates
severity of non-conformity of product/material, analyzes the impact of current finding to other
similar products, escalate to top management if the issue is not resolved timely.

Case Root cause of the Non-conformity Trace/verify on the related products

#1 The design of the product. All product models based on the same
#2 Non-conformity of raw material. All products assembled with the same
raw material batch.
#3 The variance of current manufacturing All products built during the period that
process or using a unqualified process. the variance may occur.
#4 Malfunction of manufacturing equipment All products manufactured during the
(including testing equipment) period that the malfunction may occur.
#5 A consistent operation error of a specific All products produced by the particular
operator such as using wrong material, operator.
and/or not following the work instructions

6.6 Actions on the Non-conformity with High Impact

When necessary, a team will be organized to handle the case of non-conforming with high
impacts on concerns.

For general non-conforming that found in incoming or in-process inspection shall forwarded
to MRB for further dispositions. Please refer to MRB Procedure QP 83002. Incoming
Inspection Procedure QP 74301.

6.7 Actions on the Non-conformity Found on Customer Site

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Document Title
Non-conforming Product Control Procedure
Gateway Boulevard Document No: QP 83001 Revision Number 09
Fremont, CA 94538
USA Effective Date 05/28/14 Page Number Page 6 of 6

If the trace results show the non-conformity products will impact the contract manufacture or
customers, a notification shall be released to the external parties by Customer Service.

Customer Service will work with customer in handling the case such as contamination plan,
corrective actions, and recovery plan on the non-conformity in customer site. Please refer to
the Customer Complaint Handling Procedure (QP 72002)

7.0 Reference Documents

QM-001 Quality Manual

QP 72002 Customer Complaint and RMA Procedure

QP 74301 Receiving Inspection Procedure
QP 75101 Process Control Procedure
QP 82402 Outgoing Inspection Procedure
QP 83002 Material Review Board Procedure
QP 85201 Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure

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