Buried Installation of Optic Fiber Cable: Application Notes
Buried Installation of Optic Fiber Cable: Application Notes
Buried Installation of Optic Fiber Cable: Application Notes
Buried Installation of
Optic Fiber Cable
November 2013
Plowing, Trenching
1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction 2
3. Advantages of Buried Plant 2
4. General Procedure 3
5. Precautions 5
5.1 Cable Handling 5
5.2 LED and Laser Precaution 5
5.3 Material Safety 5
5.4 Safety During Installation 6
5.5 Personal Protective Equipment 7
5.6 Traffic Safety 7
5.7 Placing Equipment 7
5.8 Cable Protection and Handling 7
6. Preparation for Cable Placing 8
6.1 Pre-Construction Survey 8
6.2 Cable Staging 11
7.Tools and Materials 11
7.1 Innerduct and Micro-Ducts 14
7.2 Lubricant 14
7.3 Winches 14
7.4 Cable Blowing and Pushing Engine
8.Buried Cable Placing Methods 15
8.1 Trenched Construction 15
8.2 Plowed Construction 16
9.Manhole or Handhole Housekeeping 17
9.1 Cable Coiling 17
9.2 Racking Cable and Innerduct 17
10 Further Assistance 18
2. Introduction
Buried plant is usually placed into a narrow trench or plowed directly in the ground. Sometimes
a fiber cable is placed in an open trench with several empty sub-ducts for use when future
service demands require more cable infrastructure.
A general description of placing fiber cables will be presented in this Note. The Direct buried
cable placing methods described in this document are intended as guidelines. National, state,
local, and corporate specifications, regulations, and industry recommendations normally take
precedence over these. It is impossible to cover all the conditions that may arise during a
placing operation. Individual company practices for placing fiber optic cable should supersede
any conflicting instructions in this document whenever they do not exceed the cable's optical
and mechanical performance specifications. This note is not intended as a replacement for
instructions or operations described by the manufacturer's procedures for the materials and
equipment being used.
Special techniques such as directional drilling and boring may need to be used to cross roads,
railroad tracks, or paved areas. Areas that have rocky or frozen soil may need to be pre-ripped
in advance of attempting to place cable using a plow.
4. General Procedure
Buried cable is placed directly in the ground, without being encased in a conduit system. It is
commonly placed with several feet of soil cover over the cable with the depth of cover
depending upon the type of soil, surface loads, and applicable regulations. Generally, one or
two cables are placed in an open trench dug by a trencher or plowed directly into the soil.
If the cable is placed with a trencher, a narrow trench is dug and covered with a bed of fine
granular soil, several inches thick to serve as a protective bed for the cable to cushion it from
any sharp rocks at the floor of the trench. The cable is then covered with the same granular
material to a depth of approximately 6 inches. The granular backfill provides good cushioning
of the cable with protection from stones that could migrate into the cable from years of surface
loading and climatic conditions. The remainder of the trench is normally backfilled with clean
soil, usually the original soil excavated from the trench. The surface is compacted, usually, with
a roller or flat plate soil compactor. Occasionally, if the applicable construction regulations
permit, a large rubber tire or track from a tractor mounted backhoe or trencher is run over the
backfilled trench to compact the soil.
Plowing is often used to place buried cable. The process is well suited for some soils, such as
granular, rock free soil. The plowing operation usually requires a large tractor type vehicle to
pull the plow through the soil. The tractor is usually a large diesel powered, tracked vehicle,
although rubber tires are used on some vehicles. The plow share must be properly designed to
feed the cable through the share and into the soil without violating its minimum bending radius.
The share must provide a smooth entry for the cable and no sharp edges to damage the cable.
Most plow trains are arranged with the front end of the tractor modified to carry the cable reel.
The cable is passed over the top of the tractor to the plow share with its pathway controlled by
a series of rollers on top of the tractor that capture the cable and keep it safe and aligned with
the plow as it passes over the tractor. The cable is tended by an operator to feed it into the top
of the plow under zero tension.
If plowing is attempted in difficult soil, it may be necessary to use a second tractor, in tandem
with the primary tractor power unit. Rocky, frozen, or poor quality soils may need to be ripped
in advance of the plowing operation.
Buried optical cable needs to have a robust design to resist damage during its service lifetime.
Since buried cable is generally laid in the trench or placed using heavy machinery, the
difference in cable handling due to the jacket stiffness is not too significant during cable
placement, but will be noticed during reel handling and splicing operations. Armoring is
recommended for standard size buried fiber cables. Depending upon the quality of the soil and
the amount of rocks encountered, it may be necessary to use an armored dual-jacket cable as
opposed to a single-jacket armored cable. Table 1 provides a comparison between armored
single- and dual-jacketed cables.
Single Jacket Dual Jacket
Suitable for direct burial and underground Suitable for direct burial and underground
applications. applications.
Cable is lighter and easier to install. Extra protection for direct buried applications.
Cable is more flexible, easier to prepare. Cable is heavier than single jacket cable.
Metallic armoring requires the cable to be Best rodent protection.
properly bonded and grounded. Most robust design, good crush and impact resistance.
Metallic armoring requires the cable to be
properly bonded and grounded.
Extra weight makes cable more difficult to place.
Requires more time and is more difficult to
prepare for splicing.
Table 2 provides a tabular summary of the types of applications served by various forms of
buried optical plant.
Table 2– Commonly Used Forms of Buried Plant for Various OSP Applications
= Used often in this application
= Can be used in the application under certain circumstances
Buried cables are generally terminated and spliced 1in handholes or pedestals.
Underground/buried inter-connection usually occurs in a manhole or occasionally in a handhole.
The buried placing methods described in this document are intended as guidelines. Most fiber
optic cables are usually ordered in lengths as calculated by an OSP (Outside Plant) Engineer
to match the span they will occupy. Their lengths are determined by measuring the distance
between selected splice point plus the excess cable length required for splicing and slack
storage for maintenance. In addition, extra length should be included in the ordered length to
be available if errors are made during the construction operation. If the excess splice length is
not known, the splicing foreman should be consulted. Never cut a fiber cable without first
consulting the OSP Engineer responsible for the job.
5. Precautions
5.1 Cable Handling
All optical cables are sensitive to damage during shipping, handling, and installation.
Some of the important parameters that need special attention during cable installation are:
Cable bending radius: Optical fiber cables are designed with a minimum bending radius
and maximum tensile strength.The cable should never be bent below its minimum bending
radius. Doing so can result in bending losses and/or breaks in the cable's fibers.Generally
the minimum bending radius of a fiber cable under load is 20 × D, where D is the diameter
of cable; the minimum bending radius of a fiber cable under no load is 15 × D.
Cable Placing Tension: Optical cables are designed with a maximum tensile strength. The
cable should never be loaded beyond its maximum tensile strength. Exceeding this value
provided by Sterlite in the Cable Data Sheet / Specification, can alter cable and fiber
performance and shorten its service lifetime.
A handhole is a dielectric structure providing access to small underground systems and buried plant.
Its top opens to store splice closures and spare cable. It is small in size, too small for a worker to enter.
The National Electrical Code covers handhole specifications.
Primary treatments for exposure to Isopropyl alcohol or Hexane in cleaning fibers or cables are
presented in Table 3.
Hexane Isopropyl
Type of Effect of
Exposure Effect of Emergency Treatment2
Emergency Treatment2
Exposure Exposure
Working Safely:
To minimize the risks of an accident in the work area, follow the existing rules for
setting up warning signs, barricades, manhole guards, and cones.
Ensure that the tools and equipment used for the cable installation are in proper
working order. Improperly functioning equipment may damage cable or cause injury to
Be careful when working near electrical hazards, if electric lines are passing through or near
the right-of-way where installation is being performed.
Bond all metallic components in the cable and buried system together. At all points where
anyone may come in contact with the metallic components of the buried cable system,
ground the bonded metallic components to a proper earth ground to avoid electric hazards
produced by power lines or any other means.
Seek Emergency treatment for inhalation, ingestion, severe contact with skin, and contact with eyes.
5.5 Personal Protective Equipment
Placing optical cable and jetting micro-duct cable require sophisticated operations and use
equipment that many placing crews may not be experienced with. As a result, Sterlite
recommends using a placing crew that is familiar with and has experience with the cable being
placed and the procedures and equipment being used. Approved personal safety equipment,
such as hard hats, safety shoes, safety glasses, reflective traffic vests, and gloves shall be used
for all outside plant construction activities.
All applicable federal, state, and local departments of transportation regulations and codes
shall be met including the use of safety equipment such as reflective safety vests, warning
signs, barricades, and lighting if work is being performed during non-daylight hours. All traffic
control requirements shall be met.
Therefore, the placing crew needs to read, understand, and be familiar with all operating
procedures as well the safety issues outlined by the placing equipment manufacturer.
The depth of plow should be kept constant, if possible. Changing depth while plowing is likely
to kink and damage the cable. Extreme care is required to make the plowed depth of cover
change as gentile as possible.
General Issues
If possible, select a route that has good quality, rock-free soil; thatis in an open area with
few crossing utilities or surface obstacles.
Before any visit is made to a prospective construction site, an up-to-date plot plan showing
the location of existing utilities shall be obtained from each of the utilities that will affect the
construction operation.The plot plan shall be noted with details characterizing each utility
and phone numbers to call if there are problems.
Select a route that provides easy access for workers, equipment, and materials.
The placing route shall have a spacious and safe staging area convenient to the job site.
The staging area shall be a location in which cable reels can be unloaded and stored prior
to use. It shall also be a location at which fiber measurements can be made.It shall be
secure from vandalism and theft.
The job site and staging area shall be protected from both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Buried splice locations shall be selected on the basis of their ability to serve as a good
cable branching points, near obstacles for which the cable must be hand fed, and locations
spaced at distances convenient with respect to cable availability.
The pre-construction survey of must include an inspection of the respective handhole,
pedestal, and manhole locations. In addition, there must be sufficient space on the ground
surface adjacent to these splice locations to support the splicing operation.
Placing operations in all types of plant (aerial, buried, and underground) are normally easier
when done downhill. Try to configure the placing operation downhill.
All splice locations and points where human contact may result in exposure to metallic
components in the cable, splice closure, or buried infrastructure need to be properly
bonded and grounded to an earth ground.
Sufficient space must be provided around the start of the cable placement location
(manhole or handhole) to provide a starting point for the plow. The plow share must start at
full burial depth for the cable. A trench (starting pit) approximately 6-inches deeper than the
cable depth and about 8 feet long should be provided aligned with the cable route. The
plow will start the plowing operation from inside the starting pit. Each buried cable will have
its own starting pit.
If cable pulling is required, the placing operation shall be arranged to have the cable enter
the most difficult bends first (bends with the largest central angle), as early in the placing
operation as possible. This will allow the cable placing loads to be as low as possible.
New construction must follow the National Electric Safety Code; OSHA Safety Requirements;
and state, local, and federal guidelines.
All placing operations require constant high quality communications for the entire placing
operation. Radios are the most common means of communications for placing operations.
The pre-construction survey should ensure that the radios will work properly in the entire
construction area.
Underground and buried utilities should be marked on the ground surface so the
construction crew can easily determine where it is safe to work. Most areas have a “Call
before You Dig” phone number to call for contractors to use to avoid damaging
underground utilities during construction. If required, call on the designated phone number
before digging that connects contractors to their local one call center. Each state has
different rules and regulations concerning digging.
It may be necessary to dig exploratory holes along the right-of-way to sample the soil
to be encountered.
Rocky soils and heavily cohesive soils may need to be pre-ripped in advance of plowing. It
may also be necessary to use multiple tractor units arranged in tandem to provide sufficient
power to plow the intended communications plant.
Portions of the right-of-way that may need surface restoration need to be noted during
the pre-construction survey.
All locations where buried plant crosses obstructing facilities need to be visited during the
pre-construction survey. Crossing utilities and roadways are usually traversed by tunneling
or directional boring; although with special planning, secondary roads can be trenched. For
plowed plant, the plowing operation is continued to a tunneling trench that runs parallel to
the obstruction and is intended as support for the tunneling or boring operation. Cable and/
or ducting is unreeled and pulled through the tunnel under the obstruction into a tunneling
trench at the far side of the obstruction. It is recommended that a splice handhole, pedestal,
or manhole be placed close to and on the far side of a crossing obstruction, allowing a
trench to be dug from the tunneling trench to the splice location.
New cables, sub-ducts, and micro-ducts will be staged at selected in safe, convent to the
right-of-way locations prior to their installation.
Staging locations shall be safe from vandalism and free of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
interaction. If possible, the staging area shall be flat and covered with an all-weather
surface that will not become a problem in wet or stormy weather.
The staging location shall be large enough to store the reels and placing equipment and
materials being used in the construction operation.
Reels shall be stored on the edge of both of their flanges with access to the side of the
reel for the pre-construction testing of the cable on the reel.
The thermal wrap shall be kept on the cable reel as long as possible to provide
thermal and solar protection to the cable as long as possible.
Pre-Construction measurements shall be made on all fibers in each new cable reel at
the staging location to confirm that they have survived shipment undamaged.
Cable Placing Truck(Canada) Side take-off winch with slip clutch (Condux)
Support Equipment
Innerduct ENDOT
Buried Cable Placing Equipment
7.2 Lubricant
Generally, lubricant is not required to place buried cable. The following section is
included to cover placement of cables in sub-ducts placed with buried cables.
As always, the encasing conduit, sub-duct, innerduct, or micro-duct must be lubricated prior to
the start of any pulling operation. Once the pulling operation begins, lubrication must continue
to be applied to the plant being placed as it is placed.
The cable manufacturer's recommended minimum bend diameter shall be maintained. If no
minimum bend diameter is recommended, use th e minimum diameters listed below.
7.3 Winches
Generally, winches are not required to place buried cable. The following section is
included to cover placement of cables in sub-ducts placed with buried cables.
Most standard size optical cables have a maximum cable placing force of 2700N or greater
(some cables have higher loads and some lower, consult the cable specification provided by
Sterlite to determine the maximum placing load for each cable). Fiber optic cable winches tend
to be smaller than the line truck bed winches used for copper cables. Capstan winches are
popular. Some of these winches are stand alone, using portable power packs (electric and
hydraulic) and some are truck or trailer mounted using the hydraulic power take-off from the
support truck for power. Fiber winches should all have or be coupled to cable tension
monitoring systems to ensure that the maximum cable tension is not violated. Slip clutches are
often used for side take-off winches on line trucks.
If plowing is attempted in difficult soil, it may be necessary to use a second tractor, pulling in
tandem with the primary tractor. Rocky, frozen, or poor quality soils may need to be ripped in
advance of the plowing operation.
The cable reel is loaded on the tractor and the cable is passed through the guide rollers over
the top of the tractor. The cable is hand tended as it passes smoothly into the top of the plow
share; it should enter the share under no tension with a small slack loop above the share. At the
start of each cable reel placement sufficient cable slack shall be carefully pulled through the
plow share to account for sufficient extra cable at the splice locations to satisfy splicing length
requirements, maintenance requirements, and spare length to compensate for any splicing
A starting pit for the plow must be dug in alignment with the cable alignment. It provides a
starting point for the plowing operation for each cable. The plow share must start at full burial
depth for the cable. A starting pit approximately 6-inches deeper than the cable depth and
about 8 feet long should be provided at the starting portion of each cable length. The plow will
start the plowing operation from inside the starting pit.
If a crossing obstacle is encountered, it should be hand excavated and the cable laid over the
top of the obstacle or hand fed under the obstacle. If the cable needs to be hand fed under the
obstacle, the obstacle should be near the start or end of the cable reel. If the obstacle is early in
the cable length, it shall be hand fed before plowing is started; if it occurs later in the cable
length, it shall be hand fed after plowing is completed.
Cable plowing should be started slowly and if things continue to work properly, the process can
be increased in speed. It is imperative that the plowing operation be kept at a nearly constant
depth. If the plow share rotates sharply up or down from changes in plow depth or surface
gullies, it will crush the cable and fibers will be damaged.
In some cases, a very narrow slot can be cut into a roadway with a rock saw. The cable can be
laid into this slotted trench after the trench is prepared with a bed of select granular soil. The
remainder of the slot should be filled with the same select granular soil.
Often surface obstacles are breached using directional drilling or tunneling. A starting pit needs
to be prepared for the drilling or tunneling operation. The plow placing the buried cable should
be brought to the starting pit. The buried plant is then hand fed through the tunnel casing.
Normally, it is advisable to locate a splice point on the far side of such a crossing.
Expressing micro-duct cable buffer tubes through a splice closures is not recommended. The
buffer tubes shall be opened in the splice closure and the express fibers shall be stored in the
closure's splice trays or routed in furcation tubing through the closure. If the buffer tubes are
expressed through the splice closure, an increase in attenuation may occur at colder
Additional Information
If there are additional questions on this topic or other fiber optic issues, please contact Sterlite
Technologies at:
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