LESSON 2 The Professional Teachers Are Competent and Global - Crissalyn Joy Sanico BSED 1

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Lesson 2

Pre – Activity

Directions: Observe the image of a teacher in different situations. What

professional attribute is portrayed by the teacher in image A? in image B? What

professional attitude is manifested by the teacher in image C? in image D?

a. The attribute shown here is rapport, because the teacher relates easily and

appropriately to children, youth, and others responsible to him or her,

providing leadership or direction.

b. The attribute shown is Flexibility and Patience, because the teacher

displays a willingness and ability to adapt to changes in events,

conditions, activities, and tasks, and an overall patience for circumstances

and human interactions.

c. The teachers have health & ableness because they have the ability to

interact with others and perform other special movements associated

duties and cooperation, too.

d. The attribute shown is enthusiasm, she is showing a humorous approach

to teaching which leads students to engage & participate in class

Activity 2.1

Exercise # 1 Directions: Compare teaching as a

vocation/mission/profession to something by completing the statement:


Answer: Teaching is Like Baking Because Everyone’s Pie Will Look

Different. When I first learned to bake pies it was in a class with about

ten others. We all followed the same directions, had the same ingredients,

and were cheered on by the same instructor. Guess what, each of our pies

turned out a little different, and that’s okay! In our classrooms, things are

going to look different for different people. We as teachers can be given

the same set of directions and still present it to our students in different

ways, who can then in turn process the information in different ways still.

This is the magic of a classroom because no one size fits all.

Exercise # 2

Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. What attributes are expected of a professional teacher in facilitating


Answer: A professional teacher should have dispositions and skills to

approach all aspects of his/her work in reflective, collegial, and

problem-solving manner. View of learning to teach as a lifelong

process and dispositions and skills for working towards improving

his/her own teaching schools because facilitating learning involves

student to be taught how to think critically, learn how to go beyond

the basic facts, be curious/question the world around them and

understand how learning process works.

2. Are good teachers born or made? Justify your position.

Answer: Being a good teacher depends or vary. Some, are born as

good teachers because they know from the start that teaching is their

calling n life while some others are made because they undergo

processes that enhances or made them good teachers as they are today.

I wouldn’t choose any side because it really depends on each person

but personally, I would say that good teachers are made, because I am

currently at the process of being taught how to be a good an efficient

teacher because ever since teaching isn’t my calling.

3. Which is more important to you as a teacher – your personal attributes

or professional attributes? Your competence or your commitment?

Support your answer.

Answer: Both attributes are important, professional attributes is

important when it comes to how you handle yourself with your

colleagues and how you behave around co-teachers as well, while

personal attributes is on how committed you are to teaching and how

you want to teach your students. I choose the both of them because

teaching without professional attributes can cause mess in the

workplace and with your colleagues and how can you be a n efficient

teacher if you can’t handle stuff like this professionally and how can

you be an efficient role model to your students if you are not

committed in teaching and sharing them knowledge that they need for

future reference in life.

4. Does it make a difference if teaching is simply regarded as profession,

not a vocation and a mission?

Answer: Teaching is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It is a noble

profession and a lot of children around the world depend on them for

their bright future. Their mission is to accomplish the course on time.

It is also a vocation, a calling for some people who really have the

guts to do all the lesson plans, talking in front of students for long

hours, and have an extended patience all the time. You need to be

dedicated to become one. In this profession, I believe teaching as a

vocation and mission should not be regarded.

Qualities of a Professional Teacher Henry Brooks Adams said: “A teacher affects

eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Think of a teacher whom

you admire most. Make a list of the personal and professional attributes you have

observed he/she possessed. How can you model your behaviour on that teacher?

Answer: The teacher whom I admire the most is my grandmother, she was an

elementary school teacher. So the list of her personal and professional attributes

are : passion, patience and enthusiasm. I can’t guarantee to model all her attributes

but I will try my best to be an efficient teacher in my own unique ways.

Activity 2.2

Exercise # 1 Read the downloaded material, and using the Pattern Fan

describe the desired features/competencies of the identified PPST


Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Dimensions of

Teacher Practice

1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Learning Environment-

recognizes the importance of teachers’ mastery of content

knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across curriculum


2. Learning Environment- highlights the role of teachers to provide

learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in

order to promote learner responsibility and achievement.

3. Diversity of Learners- encourages the celebration of diversity in

the classrooms and the need for teaching practices that are

differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a

changing local and global environment.

4. Curriculum and planning- expects teachers to communicate

learning goals to support learner participation, understanding and


5. Assessment and Reporting- concerns the use of assessment data in

a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and learning

process and programs. 

6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement- concerns the

importance of teachers’ understanding and fulfilling their

obligations in upholding professional ethics, accountability and

transparency to promote professional and harmonious relationships

with learners, parents, schools and the wider community.

7. Personal Growth and professional Development- recognizes the

importance of teachers’ assuming responsibility for personal

growth and professional development for lifelong learning.

Exercise # 2. The seven Domains of PPST collectively comprise 37 strands that

refer to more specific dimensions of teacher practices. Using the matrix, fill in

the table with the strands in each domain

Domain PPST Strand
Dimensions of
Teacher Practices

1 Content 1. Content knowledge and its application within and

across curriculum areas
Knowledge and 2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching
Pedagogy and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and
7. Classroom communication strategies

2 Learning 1. Learner safety and security

Environment 2. Fair learning environment
3. Management of classroom structure and
4. Support for learner participation
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior

3 Diversity of 1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths,

learner interests and experiences
2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic and religious backgrounds
3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and
4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups

4 Curriculum and 1. Planning and management of teaching and

Planning learning process
2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning
4. Professional collaboration to enrich
teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including
5 Assessment and 1. Design, selection, organization and
reporting utilization of assessment strategies
2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner
progress and achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress
and achievement to key stakeholders
5. Use of assessment data to enhance
teaching and learning practices and

6 Community 1. Establishment of learning environments

Linkages and that are responsive to community contexts
2. Engagement of parents and the wider
school community in the educative
3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures

7 Personal Growth 1. Philosophy of teaching

and Professional 2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
Development 3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to
improve practice
5. Professional development goals

Exercise # 3. Using a graphic organizer, describe the 21st century teacher

by completely presenting the 21st century skills.

Activity 2.3

Exercise # 1 Directions: Fill in the table with some problems originating

from the community that are experienced by teachers in the school.

Component Problems of the community that poses challenge to teachers

in school
Availability of water Water availability is the quantity of water that can be used for
human purposes without significant harm to ecosystems or
other users. Surface waters receive water from both runoff
and discharges from ground water. Ground water, in turn,
relies on water recharge from the land surface
lighting system Insufficient light-not enough (too little) light for the need.
Glare- too much light for the need.
Improper contrast.
Poorly distributed light.
Transportation The transportation problem is a type of linear programming
problem designed to minimize the cost of distributing a
product from M sources to N destinations. The transportation
problem can be described using examples from many fields.
Security measures for Regularly update school safety plans.
students Make staff, students and parents aware of all safety policies.
Provide teacher safety training.
Organize a school safety team.

Exercise # 2 Describe how school and community officials work together in given


Events How school and community collaborate?

Socio-cultural students are exposed to community service and
activities societal concerns. A lot of it involves practical work
where in students interact with the physically
disabled population.
Peace and order Community-Schools Partnerships offer communities
situation - In school - the opportunity to support the needs of children and
Outside the school
families with an intentional, enhanced and supported
academic, social and emotional health experience in
the school settings as well as at other local agency
and community- based sites.
Projects The members of the community in addition to the
parents relatives like the government officials, the
professional and all the residents are highly
motivated to participate in the parent-teacher
activities and projects.

Exercise # 3 How is the community assisted by the school in return?

Engagements How school extended assistance to the community?

As a resource show their gratitude and appreciation by keeping their
person schools surroundings clean and comfortable for the children
and by sharing resources whenever needed.
Participants in town During historic celebration in both places,
celebrations participation by each is easily elicited with such
positive and civic-conciousness activities enjoyed
by the school and the community; a strong feeling of
togetherness become evident.
Helping in The school official actively participate in the community
community project projects such as literacy assistance project for out of school
children and campaign for healthful project.

Activity 2.4

Exercise # 1 Make a Reflection

1. Can an outstanding teacher in the neighborhood school whom you have

interviewed be classified as a global teacher? Why? Why not?

Answer: Yes, in terms of years of service, competency level, competency

trainings and seminars, competency and professional ratings, she can pass to be a

global teacher.

2. Can one be a global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your insights.
Answer: You can be a global teacher in your home town by being aware of what

happens around the world and sharing that information and perspective with your


3. Reflect on the statement: As a global teacher, act locally but think globally.”

Answer: To think globally means to consider the equal value of everyone in the

world when we act. “Act locally” means what we do for the community is a part

of the whole scheme of things, a good perspective to keep in mind as we do the

good that we do.

Exercise # 2 Using the framework, outline the Educational System of Selected Countries of

the World

Name of Country Levels of Description of Each Special Features

Education Level

Australia Primary School Seven or eight years, starting Australian

at foundation(also called education is student
kindergarten/preparatory/pre focus.
-school) through to Year 6 or 7

Secondary School Four years from Years to 7 or 8

to 10
Senior Secondary Secondary School: two years education
School from years 11 to 12 developed students'
minds and bodies

Tertiary Education:includes Australian students

higher education and are taught to think
Tertiary School vocational education and how to learn

Australian teachers
promote active
China Primary School In China, primary school 1.Primary
education is compulsory and education in China
it lasts 6 years. Children start is mandatory and
schools at age six (seven in free of charge for
some areas). The language of all children
instruction is Mandarin between age 6 to
Chinese with the exception age 12.
of the primary schools that 2. The courses
mainly admit ethnic minority offered in primary
Middle Education students. schools are
Chinese, Math,
foreign language
Junior(lower)secondary English),arts,
education lasts three years natural sciences,
following the completion of history, P.E. Upon
primary school. In order for graduation,
students to obtain a students will
receive a Primary
certificate of graduation,
School Certificate
Secondary students are required to pass of Completion.
Education graduation examinations and
meet minimum physical
education standards.

After the completion of

junior (lower) secondary
school, students can choose
to enter either general
Vocational academic senior secondary
Education school lasts 3 years and
vocational senior secondary
school lasts 3 or 4 years.

Vocational Education
Tertiary Education programs are offered at both
the secondary and post
secondary levels. Vocational
senior secondary schools
provide subject and
occupation specific
education and training.

Higher education is provided

by institutions of various
types including general and
technical universities,
specialized institutions,
professional universities,
military institutions, medical
schools and colleges,
independent colleges and
adult higher education
institutions of various types.
Japan Primary Education Education through middle Almost every
school is compulsory in school requires
Japan where schools remain uniforms. Japan's
school attendance
structured after the american
rate is 99.99
model. Following elementary percent. The
education at kindergartens academic year
and day care centers, starts in April.
children move on to primary Japanese students
schools, where they complete study subjects that
6 grades in preparation for give them respect
for their traditional
junior years.
culture. After a
Middle Education school classes are
very popular. One
At junior high school, the test decides the
focus for the next 3 years is future of
increasingly academic. 95% university- bound
of middle schools are state- students. The
university years are
funded and the 96% of their
the best time in a
Secondary pupils opt to study study person's life
Education further. Although high
school is neither compulsory
nor free, 94% of junior high
school graduates choose to
enter institutions of which
half are privately funded, and
Vocational half are owned by the state.
Education There they enter a general
stream that after grade 9
divides into vocational and
university entrance

Students who choose not to

Tertiary Education enter university almost
invariably undergo some
form of vocational training.
There, standards are high too
and success capped by
internationally recognized

Students are enrolled at the

nation's colleges and
universities at any one time.
Most study full-time where
popular undergraduate
courses are social sciences
(business,law, and
accounting) and also
engineering, humanities and
South Africa Primary Education Education in South Africa is Some of the basic
continuing to take strain as features of South
the government attempts to African education
continued into the
Middle Education achieve equal opportunities
post apart held
for all. The system is divided period. The system
Secondary into 3 strata, namely general was organized into
Education education and training, four three-year
further education and cycles: junior
training and higher education primary, Senior
Vocational and training. primary, junior
secondary and
Senior secondary.
The following 3 years are Schooling was
spent in middle school. compulsory for
Tertiary Education Subjects taught continue to students of all
be academic with a flavor of races from age
vocational training. seven to 16.
Completion brings with it a
basic education and training

Secondary education is
administered through a
network of previously
mainly white government
schools and private colleges.
Standards are generally high.
Unfortunately school fees
and tuition fees respectively
debar the poorest from

Vocational training is
administered by sector
education and training
authorities arranged across
functional lines. Training
itself is provided mainly by
commercial colleges
functioning party under
government subsidies.

Tertiary Education and

training is provided through
a large number of private and
state managed institutions
South Africa Education
under the overall control of
ministry of higher education
and training. Polytechnics
train technician is a wide
variety of disciplines while
universities award traditional
bachelors, masters and
doctorates degrees.
England Primary Education Primary education begins in Special features of
the UK at age 5 and British School
Secondary continues until age 11, Life. It is a dual
Education system consisting
comprising key stages one
of state and private
Further Education and two under the UK schools, English
educational system. Please schools are all-day
Higher Education visit the British Council page schools (lessons
for more information on from 9-12 and 2-4
primary education from Monday to
Friday) with school
meals provided at
From age 11 to 16, students
lunch time. State
will enter secondary school schools must
for key stages three and four provide religious
and to start their move education.
towards taking the GCSE's
learn more about secondary
education in the UK and
what it will involve. Primary
and Secondary education is
mandatory in the UK; after
age 16, education is optional.

Once a student finishes

secondary education they
have the option to extend
into further education to take
their A-LEVELS , GNVQ's,
BTCE's or other such
qualifications, UK students
planning to go to college or
university and must complete
complete further education.

Probably the most important

subject area on this site, this
explains more about the
higher education system in
the UK and how it works for
international students. Most
international students will
enter directly into the UK
higher education system,
after completing their home
country's equivalent to the
UK's "further education".
United States of Preschool Preschool helps children Private colleges
America Elementary School (ages 3 and 4) development. and universities are
Middle School Some schools will start usually smaller
also called Junior children in preschool at 2½. than public
High School Preschool helps them be institutions and can
High School ready for school at age 5 or have a religious
6. One option for preschool affiliation or be
is called Head Start. single-sex schools.
Preschool aged children from
low income families can
attend Head Start programs.
Head start is a low-cost
preschool run by the

Children usually begin

elementary scho with
kindergarten (K) at age 5 and
continue through grade 5 or
6. They leave elementary
school around age 10 or 11.
Children learn many subjects
from one teacher in a single

Middle school teaches

students grade 6 through 8.
They are around ages 10 to
14. Middle School students
usually switch from
classroom to classroom.
They may have many
different teachers in one
school day . In smaller
communities , children will
not switch schools to go to
middle school. They will
keep going to elementary

Students attend high school

between the ages of 14 and
usually 17 or 18. The classes
are arranged by subjects. A
student may have many
teachers in one day. Some
students can take advanced
classes. Some students can
take classes that prepare to
them for work of for college.
High schools have clubs,
activities, sports, work-study
arrangements, and other

One of the most attractive

features of the US higher
education system is the
flexibility it provides through
the number and diversity of
institution types it
Private colleges and
universities are usually
smaller than public
institutions and can have a
religious affiliation or be
single-sex schools.
New Zealand Early childhood Early childhood education Your child's
(ages of 0 to 5) provides education and care education is free
Secondary school for children before they are between the ages
(ages 11 to 12 old enough to go to school. of 5 and 19 st state
years 7-8) schools (schools
Tertiary Education New Zealand has more than that are
(ages of 18) 4000 licensed early government owned
childhood education services and funded) if
available , including they're a New
kindergartens child-care Zealand citizen or
centres, play centres home a permanent
base care and playgroups. resident. Schooling
is compulsory from
Primary school students age 6-16. The
study objects guided by the education system
New Zealand National for schools is made
Curriculum; English, the up of 13 year
arts, health and physical levels.
education, languages ,
mathematics and statistics,
science, social sciences and
technology .

Intermediate schools are a

bridge between primary
school and secondary school.

Primary education starts at

Year 1 and continues through
to Year 8. Years 7 and 8 are
offered either at a primary
school or at a separate
intermediate school.
New Zealand has tree types
of school:
State schools, where 85% off
Kiwi children go stay eh
integrated schools, which
may be fun by a religious
faith or use specialist
teaching methods private

New Zealand has eight state-

funded universities, 16
institutes of Technology and
Polytechnics (TEP's) which
include English Language
Philippines Primary Education Paaralang Elementarya or Education in the
Elementary of Education is Philippines is
Middle Education the first part of the offered through
educational system, and it formal and normal
Secondary includes the first six years of systems, Formal
Education compulsory education from education typically
Vocational grade 1 to 6, with an optional spans 14 years and
Education 7th grade offered by some is structure in a
schools. Major subjects 6+4+4 system:6
Tertiary Education includes Math, English, years of primary
Filipino and social Sciences. school education, 4
Optional subjects includes years of secondary
music, arts, physical school education,
education and health. Private and 4 years of
school students may select higher education,
subjects from a wider leading to a
curriculum including bachelors degree
religious instruction in the
dogma of their choice

Middle school education is a

part of primary (or
elementary) Education

Secondary education known

as Paaralang Sekundarya
comprises 4 grades that have
changed little since the
second world war. The
curriculum is prescribed for
both private and state
schools. Core subjects are as
follows: Year 1- Filipino 1,
Algebra-1, Integrated
Science, English 1,
Philippine History
Year 2-Filipino 2, Algebra 2,
Biology, English 2, Asian
Year 3-Filipino 3, Geometry,
Chemistry, World History,
Year 4-Filipino 4, Calculus,
Trigonometry, Physics,
Literature, Economics

Accredited mainly private

Institutions known as
Colleges after technical and
vocational education.
Programs offered vary in
duration from a few weeks to
two-year diplomas

Most institutions of higher

learning are regulated by the
commision for higher

Colleges typically offer 1 or

more specialized programs
while universities must offer
at least 8 different
undergraduate degree
programs in a wide area of
subjects and at least 2
graduate programs.


1. How could a teacher manage her classroom well? Consider some of the management

techniques that she might employ in carrying out the teaching and learning activities

in the classroom in developing your answer.

Answer: Effective classroom management is being to implement and maintain

classroom discipline in an effective manner.

2. How are you going to relate 21st century skills to the characteristics of the 21st

century teacher?

Answer: They are both essential guide for teaching because it provide a framework

for successful learning in the classroom and ensure students can thrive in a world

where change is constant and learning never stops. And they also tremendously

important for our nations well-being.


Using comparison/contrast matrix, fill in the table with similarities and differences of
the K to 12 curriculum. The features for establishing the similarities and differences

are given. Your output will be evaluated through.

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