Birthright 1889
Birthright 1889
Birthright 1889
Campaign Setting
A Guide to Steampunk Aebrynis
Introduction villages, and every dark forest or vine- covered ruin.
Dark clouds gather over the war-torn lands. Armies march In the Royal Observatory of old Anuire, cartographers
to battle once again, answering the ancient call to arms. The
traditionally divided Cerilia into five regions: Anuire, Rjurik,
banners of noble houses flutter raggedly before the
Brechtur, Khinasi, and Vosgaard. Each was named after the
onslaught; some will fall, but others will weather the storm.
principal people who dwelled there. Of course, over the
Across the ruined empires of Cerilia, the dogs of war are let
years the boundaries of kingdoms shift and fail. In many
loose. Somewhere on a muddy battlefield, a common man
places, the lands have fallen wild, or been claimed by one of
becomes a hero -and a hero becomes a king.
the awnsheghlien.
The BIRTHRIGHT campaign setting allows players to
explore the grand scope of national politics as they guide A Brief History of Cerilia
their domains and influence the events of the continent of When you understand how history molded the peoples of
Cerilia on the world of Aebrynis . In this setting, the player Cerilia, you will better understand the way it is today.
characters are kings and nobles, prelates and guildmasters, Humans were not always the dominant race of Cerilia. The
great wizards and royal heralds. They're the leaders of their true natives are the elves and dwarves, the keepers of the
own kingdoms and domains, wielding the power to wage forests and the guardians of the mountains. For centuries,
war or seek peace. At their command, armies march and they lived peacefully alongside each other, because each had
kingdoms fall. its own enemies to fend off – the humanoids.
Most characters in the BIRTHRIGHT campaign are Gnolls, goblinoids, and orogs swarmed through Cerilia.
descended from heroes of old. These ancient heritages are Creatures of night and darkness, these humanoids lived
called bloodlines. Scions of the bloodlines are gifted with where the elves and dwarves shunned. Yet they constantly
abilities beyond those granted to the common folk of Cerilia, raided, traveling through the dwarven mountains and the
and over hundreds of years they've naturally risen to elven forests to take treasure and lay siege to the humanoid
positions of power. There is some quality of kingship, an encampments. Matters continued in this vein for hundreds,
aura or divine right, that calls to the ancient blood; most of even thousands of years.
Cerilia's rulers are blooded scions. Then came the humans. Five tribes, the Andu, the Brecht,
Bloodlines wax and wane in strength with the quality of a the Masetians, the Rjuven, and the Vos, fleeing from the
king's rule. Hundreds have been extinguished since the domination of decadent empires and the wrath of an evil
earthshaking wars that shaped modern Cerilia, while others god, crossed a land-bridge into Cerilia from the southern
have risen in prominence and power. There are also continent of Aduria, and began making new homes. A sixth
bloodlines of evil in Cerilia, descended from the forces of tribe, the Basarji, joined them from the lands beyond the
darkness that besieged the land in the dawn of history. These Dragon Sea. The Cerilian wilderness was thus touched by
powerful adversaries are known as the awnsheghlien (aun- the hand of man, and would never be the same again.
SHEY-lin), an Elven word meaning "Blood of Darkness." Cerilia's dwarves, concentrating on holding back the
There is far more to the BIRTHRIGHT campaign setting orogish forces, had little time or inclination to investigate or
than political conflict. Cerilia is plagued by dangerous negotiate with the humans. The invaders, likewise busy, had
natural predators, bandits and pirates, tribes of humanoid more important things to do than to brave the mountain
marauders, and the dark forces of the awnsheghlien. passes the dwarves called home. The two races eventually
Naturally, these perils are only a distant threat to people developed an unspoken agreement with the other, namely,
residing in the Anuirean heartland or in a Khinasi city-state, that humans were welcome in the mountains as long as they
but wild mountains and deep forests – and their dangerous caused no trouble and would somehow contribute to society.
denizens – are no more than a week's ride from even the The elves, on the other hand, were competing with the
most civilized parts of Cerilia. humans for the most beautiful land in Cerilia. At first, the
elves thought they could live in mutual enjoyment of the
The Land of Cerilia forest, and this arrangement worked for a time. The presence
Cerilia is a troubled land. A chaotic patchwork of nations, of the humans drew the attention of the humanoids that
cultures, and religions is scattered throughout the land. Wars constantly raided through the forest. Despite the ferocity of
and feuds are common; even peaceful lands must vigilantly the humanoids, the humans proved to be resourceful enough
defend their borders against expansive neighbors and the to stand fast, and eventually the humanoids were beaten
plots of awnsheghlien. There can be no lasting peace until back. Not long after such battles became commonplace,
the Bloodlines stand united and end their eternal conflict. humans began looking to elven lands as places for
Yet even though the history of Cerilia is a tragic one, expansion.
there are glorious moments too. Strong kingdoms and rich The elves were fiercely resistant to this, for they had
cities stand from the Sea of Storms to the golden waters of fought long and hard to keep their lands. When the humans
the Dragonsea. It would be the labor of a lifetime to create began to force the elves from their ancestral homes, the
an exhaustive list of Cerilia's divided realms, its towns and elven leaders began the gheallie Sidhe, or Hunt of the Elves.
Elven knights roamed the lands held by the elves, slaying The War of Shadow
any humans they found trespassing in their borders. Kings and priests set aside their differences to face the
Woodcutters and peasants gathering firewood were slain as threat of the Shadow. Rogues and merchants brought their
brutally as the warriors that would-be kings sent to conquer resources to the war, setting aside personal rivalries. Even
the elven realms. It was all-out war between the two races. the dwarves joined the humans against Azrai.
Still, the elves were pushed back year after year because The armies of the Shadow, made up of the Vos barbarian
of an element they had never seen before – priestly magic. tribes, the goblinoids, the beastmen, and the elves, pushed
The elves could call upon the forces inherent in wood and into Cerilia, dominating and destroying everything they
water, field and air, but had never worshiped deities and thus encountered. The Anuirean human armies were led by two
couldn't understand this new source of power. The human brothers, Haelyn and Roele, but the evil humanoids
priests were the deciding force against the elven expertise in overwhelmed them.
magic and combat; the gods favored humans to such an The gods knew the final victory of Azrai was at hand. In
extent that the elves found themselves practically powerless. a desperate attempt to prevent him from realizing goal of
The fair folk conceded the plains, the hills, and the coasts annihilating the Cerilians, they gathered their people's armies
to the upstart humans, and withdrew to the sanctity of their at the land bridge to Cerilia. Each god chose a champion or
forests, concentrating their efforts on destroying any human two from among their tribes, a champion that exemplified
foolish enough to venture there. The only ones who did were what the god loved best in humanity. All of them withdrew
those seeking elven knowledge or seeking revenge on the to wait on the slopes of Mount Deismaar. The armies of the
elves for their atrocities. Only rarely did either kind ever Shadow followed, with Azrai himself at their head.
return from the woods. The clash on the slopes of Deismaar was an epic battle,
The Shadow's Arrival man and monster struggling against each other in the vain
For a time, humans were virtually free to choose their attempt to triumph. Nonetheless, despite the bravery and
destinies in this new land. Though the ever-present threat of skill of the Cerilian warriors, it seemed certain that the
elven retaliation and humanoid incursion lingered, the humans would end the day by lying dead on the slopes of
humans found themselves all but unopposed in their efforts. Deismaar.
Kings rose and fell as tribes settled and tamed the land. Five Then, without warning, the elves came across to the
centuries passed. human side of the battlefield, slaughtering the Vos and
Then the Shadow came to Cerilia. This god of evil, southern warriors as they came. The elven generals had
known as Azrai, made his way to the new land. When he discovered Azrai for the evil that he was, and realized they
found that humans had prospered in Cerilia, Azrai realized had been deceived. A handful of elves remained with the
that he would need to muster a significant force to destroy shadow, unable to cast aside the blindness of hatred. Of
them. First, Azrai took his teachings to the goblinoids and these, Rhuobhe Manslayer is the most famous. The elves’
gnolls of northern Cerilia, in the land called Vosgaard. By change in alliance helped to even the odds considerably.
inclination, they had always believed in the power of the It was then that Haelyn, champion of Anduiras and the
Shadow; now he granted them priestly abilities to prove it. Anuireans, stepped forward to do battle with the most
Naturally, those of greatest evil inclined toward Azrai's powerful of Azrai's champions – Haelyn's half-brother,
priesthood, and they rose to power quickly among the Raesene the Black Prince, a man who had sold himself to the
tribes of humanoids. god of evil. All across the Mount, the gods' champions
Next, the God of Shadow went to the Vos, the humans of squared off against Azrai's henchmen. Likewise, on the
the area. Not realizing that Azrai was the Shadow from slopes of Deismaar above, the gods took physical form to try
whom they had fled hundreds of years ago, they took his to defeat Azrai once and for all.
words of strength and power and made them their own. The gods poured everything they had into the effort to
When the Vos had been thoroughly corrupted by the very destroy the shadow that had fallen across Cerilia. The
teachings they had escaped to Cerilia to avoid, Azrai traveled heavens shook; the earth rumbled. In a final bid for freedom
to the elves and dwarves, whispering to them of revenge from Azrai, the deities risked all by facing each other in
against their enemies, the destruction of all things unclean, physical form. All was chaos; then an explosion destroyed
and the restoration of Cerilia as it had once been. He sought the landscape, leveling the lands for miles around the mighty
them out in dreams and omens, signs and portents, and spoke mountain Deismaar. The old gods and most of their forces
to them of the excellence of the past, when no humans died in the smoking crater of the mountain.
defiled the surface of Cerilia. Despite the force of the explosion, many warriors from
The dwarves found nothing in Azrai's words to provoke both sides survived. The divine essences of the dying gods
them, and so they steered clear of his temptations. The elves, were released in their death throws; this essence washed over
on the other hand, had burned with the desire for revenge the surviving warriors and changed them forever.
against humanity ever since their exile to the deep woods. The Birth of the New Gods and the Abominations
They cleaved to the teachings of Azrai and pour their energy The survivors of the battle on Mount Deismaar were,
into preparations for war. With the humanoids, elves, and with few exceptions, those who best exemplified the
Vos to support the Azrai’s Adurian forces, his victory was qualities the gods strove to uphold. Power flowed through
assured. and about them, reflecting the natures of the gods who had
sacrificed these energies. neighbors into submission.
The chosen champions of the gods absorbed much of the So it was that the next struggle for domination of Cerilia
divine essence that washed across the land. Standing so close began. Would-be conquerors now sought the takeover of a
to the gods, and closest to the gods in their ideals, they kingdom and the death of the previous king, both to ensure
absorbed enough divine energy to become gods themselves. the legitimacy of their claim to the throne and to consume
The new gods were: Haelyn, a noble warrior and successor the bloodline. The land was torn asunder yet again, this time
to Anduiras; Erik, high druid of Erik; Sera, high priestess of by power-hungry people of the blood seeking the ultimate
Brenna; Avani, high priestess of the Basarji and successor to power – rule of Cerilia by absorbing the blood of the gods.
Basaïa; Kriesha, a high priestess of Azrai; Belinik, war chief The Formation of the Anuirean Empire
of the Vostian tribes arrayed under the banner of Azrai; Though the new gods had made a pact that they would never
Nesirie, a priestess of Masela; and Ruornil, the weaver (high interfere physically in the world again, they were not above
magician) of Vorynn. giving advice to their people, for they were still human
Others who did not so perfectly mirror the old gods still enough then to feel ties to their old ways of life. Haelyn
absorbed some of their energy. Abilities they had never walked with his brother in dreams, and promised support if
possessed before were suddenly at their fingertips, aching to Roele would only try to bring order to Cerilia.
be used. These survivors came to be known as blooded Roele chose to use his new powers not to glorify his own
scions. station, but to forge an empire of justice that would stand
A brief but bloody battle ensued as the survivors fought over time. With his friends at his side and using his divine
their way free of the battlefield. During these conflicts, power, he united the southwestern corner of the continent.
scions discovered that they could rip the godly power from When he added most of the Heartlands and the Southern
their enemies and thereby make themselves that much Coast to his rule, those who saw his power flocked to his
stronger. This usurpation is now known as bloodtheft. banner.
Many of Azrai's minions escaped to remote hiding Roele called his kingdom Anuire after those who had first
places. They emerged occasionally throughout the next settled the land. Granting lands to those who had first
hundreds of years to kill those who carried the divine supported him, he ensured their loyalty and thus the loyalty
bloodlines. The use of the dark power running through the of their vassals. With his core of power behind him, Roele
veins of Azrai’s chosen began to warp and transform them was ready to try to bring the rest of Cerilia under his rule.
over this time. Their powers seemed to create outward The Emperors of Anuire looked next to the east and
shapes or forms that matched the blight of their spirit. The north, seeking to dominate the Brechtur and Rjurik. Success
elves were the first to notice the change, and to realize the with the Rjurik was limited, for the warriors of the frozen
cause of it. They called the abominations the awnsheghlien tundra knew the terrain far better than his knights could. The
(aun-SHEY-lin), or "blood of darkness." In time, only the Empire retreated from Rjurik lands, and instead won their
uneducated referred to these creatures as abominations. leaders over with kind words and gifts.
Some of these awnsheghlien survive to the present day, their Anuire found the sea-faring Brecht a much easier target
lives prolonged by the dark powers of Azrai. From time to than the Rjurik. The Brecht eventually capitulated to the
time, new awnsheghlien are created when bloodlines tainted Anuirean forces, and the Empire was free to move on to the
by Azrai’s derivation happen to breed true. Regardless of Basarji. Though the Basarji mages were formidable, the
their origins, the awnsheghlien continue to be the greatest Empire's stratagems and power were enough for the Basarji
danger facing Cerilia. to be brought under the Anuirean heel. They did not go down
The mightiest of the awnsheghlien was the Gorgon, the without a fight, but they eventually submitted. After the
remnant of humanity that once was Raesene, the half-brother Basarji, the Empire turned its attention north, to Vosgaard
of Haelyn and Roele. The Gorgon's hatred of his brothers where the combined forces of the Vos and their inhuman
drove him to acts of destruction far greater than those neighbors turned the might of the Empire.
schemed by his followers, and thus his power grew more Although Roele and his descendants did not conquer the
rapidly than theirs. Even so, the other awnsheghlien were not entire continent, they did a fair job of uniting an empire that
to be regarded lightly – their power still derived from Azrai. would stand strong for almost a thousand years.
However, the awnsheghlien were not the only ones who The Ruins of Empire
cultivated the powers of their gifts. The children of those When Roele died, his heirs continued to rule the Empire
who'd been infused with divine essence of the other gods wisely and well, even granting some measure of
also grew in stature. They, too, gained vitality from their independence to the various people within it. Those who
fallen foes – provided their enemies were also of the blood possessed bloodlines continued to squabble with each other,
of the gods. Those of the blood who established themselves challenging each other for the right to rule and the right to
as lords learned that they could also gain even more might continue a bloodline, but the Empire stood strong for a
from their populace and the earth itself, as well as increase thousand years, with Roele's line dominant above all until,
the power of their kingdoms by pouring the blood back into Michael Roele, the last of the line, had the foolish audacity
it. Those with native intelligence, brute strength, or a to challenge the Gorgon himself. Michael braved untold
combination of the two learned how to increase their power dangers to face the most powerful of the awnsheghlien.
through wise rule and the knowledge of when to pound their Unsurprisingly, he was slain by the Gorgon and upon his
death the Empire crumbled. Everyone who had anticipated spark carried by a blooded scion is known as their bloodline
vying for Michael's crown and his Iron Throne found strength. Scions with powerful sparks are capable of
themselves trying to achieve their dreams. manifesting this power through blood abilities. The
Continuous civil war racked Anuire for many years. manifested abilities differ from scion to scion, but are always
Instead of trying to make the Empire cleave together, the related to the original derivation of the bloodline – the
power hungry dukes and lords sought to take land for essence of the old god that flows most strongly in the scion's
themselves. The men and women ruling in Anuire sought veins.
personal glory, and ignored the needs of the Empire as a Domains and Regency
whole. The regents and kings sought each other's heads
Politics in Cerilia is largely dominated by the actions of
rather than minds, and kingdoms rather than kinship.
blooded scions. Political power stirs the semi-divine blood in
The Empire fell apart into so many warring kingdoms.
a scion’s veins in the same way that worship empowers a
The subjugated people threw off the Anuirean shackles and
deity. This spiritual power, or regency, provides significant
reclaimed their own destiny. Every ruler sought only his or
advantages to scions, both personally and politically. The
her greater glory, ignoring the needs of the Empire as a
most common way for a scion to gain such power is through
whole. The regents and kings sought each other's heads and
the control of an organized social or political power base
kingdoms. After a few hundred years of this chaos, all
known as a domain. A scion controlling a domain is known
eventually settled enough that roughly stable borders could
as a regent.
be drawn. Bloodlines emerged from this new chaos, as did
Domains take many forms. One domain might be a
new kings.
powerful kingdom and the nobles that are responsible for the
At the time of Deismaar, the Anuireans were known as
defense of its land and people. An ancient and revered
the Andu. They were a federation of tribes. We know that the
church, the clerics in its hierarchy, its
Deretha, the Fifth House, became the folk of Diemed,
cathedrals, and the lay brothers who work the
and the Elins became the people of Elinie. The lands
fields of church-owned land also constitute a
of the twelve most powerful tribes were reorganized as
domain. Even a small association of
Duchies after Roele's conquest. The original Twelve Duchies
craftsmen who band together to increase
were: Avanil, Boeruine, Mhoried, Diemed, Alamie, Osoerde,
profits could constitute a domain.
Aerenwe, Taeghas, Elinie, Cariele, Ghieste, and Dhalaene.
Provinces represent areas of land
All these lands still survive today, although Cariele has
that in which tax-paying common folk look
suffered in the expansion of Thurazor and the Five Peaks.
to the regent for military protection and
In addition, new domains have been formed during the
succor in times of hardship. The relative
wars that have plague Anuire since Michael's death.
size of the province is represented as the
Tuornen split off from Alamie; Ghieste and Dhalaene
province level. Any domain that includes a
were united as Ghoere; Medoere, Endier, and Ilien
province is referred to as a realm. Holdings
all declared independence from Diemed; and
represent an organized power base, and the
Roesone was carved out of Diemed and Aerenwe.
places, people, and things that constitute it. The
Even now, five centuries since the passing of
relative size of a holding's power is represented
the last Roele emperor, the land is uneasy and
as the holding's level. There are four holding
divided, and even peaceful kingdoms must
types: guild, law, source, and temple.
watch their borders against aggressive
neighbors. The people yearn for peace. In truth, all the Magic in Cerilia
land needs is the hand of a wise and noble leader to guide Cerilia is a magical land. The land teems with
it, and Empire could be reborn. Every ruler believes that magical energy called mebhaighl (meh-VALE),
that he is the one, and only one, to accomplish this but only few can access it. Fewer still
task. Because of this, the land continues its needless understand how to control it. Cerilian
strife, and will until a true leader emerges from the spellcasters recognize several types of magic
many bloodlines. that differ in the amount of knowledge about
Bloodlines and control over mebhaighl that their
practitioners must exercise. These types of
When the old gods died on Mt. Deismaar, the
Cerilian magic include: lesser arcane
divine essence cascaded over those present on
magic, greater (or true) arcane magic,
the field of battle and transformed them. Those
divine magic, and realm magic.
who survived had sparks of divinity imparted
Divine magic is the magic
to them. These sparks of divinity and the
wielded by Cerilia’s rangers,
manifestations of power associated with
druids, paladins, inquisitors,
them, bred as true genetic traits in the heroes'
oracles, and clerics. The ability to
children. The descendents of these divine
channel divine energy is provided by
bloodlines are now known as blooded
the caster’s strength of will and through
the channeled might of greater powers. All
The strength of the divine
clerics, druids, oracles, inquisitors, and paladins receive their Realm magic exceeds the capability of any mortal
spells from a patron deity. Rangers are unique among divine spellcaster who doesn’t have a regent’s supernatural
spellcasters casters in that they do not act as a conduit for the connection to the land or its people. Spellcasters can achieve
power of a deity, but instead, channel the subtle powers of spectacular results by tapping into this power, but only
nature without the aid of a patron deity. greater spellcasters who control source holdings (such as
Lesser arcane magic is the magic wielded by Cerilia’s wizard or sorcerer regents) or temple holdings (such as cleric
bards and magicians (a BIRTHRIGHT-specific class). Their or druid regents) can do so without destroying themselves
arcane lore is not based upon the channeling of immense utterly.
natural powers, but rather on the refinement and evocation of The Shadow World
a more precise and subtle lore. Any person of sufficient
Cerilia has a dark counterpart – a parallel world of cold
intelligence and training can comprehend lesser magic. The
eternal twilight that exists when night falls over the land. The
practice of lesser magic consists principally of the arts of
intangible border between Cerilia and its sinister twin can be
knowing (divination), seeming (illusion), commanding
breached only by powerful magic, but this border is weak
(enchantment), summoning (conjuration [summoning]), and
and vulnerable in places where great evil has occurred and
healing (conjuration [healing]).
on the darkest winter nights. Its landscape is a dark and
Greater (true) arcane magic is the magic wielded by
distorted version of Cerilia. Mountains and rivers stand
Cerilia’s sorcerers, witches, and wizards. The casting of true
where similar features exist in the daylight world, but the
magic in Cerilia requires the harnessing, mastering, and
land is cold and empty. The denizens of this distorted
channeling of mebhaighl. The ability to harness and shape
counterpart are undead horrors and creatures of nightmare
this immense magical essence cannot be taught; it is a matter
that roam through its darkness. In places where the barrier
of heredity - true mages must be born with the stuff of magic
between the worlds is particularly weak such horrors can
in their veins. This ability is exceedingly rare, only those of
travel through to wreak terror on the living – for the living
elven descent or blooded scions (whose ancestors were
can stumble though to a land of terror. Halflings are said to
touched by the gods) have any hope of mastering the forces
have come from the shadow world, fleeing its rising danger.
of greater magic.
Chapter One: Characters from the barbarians and savages who surround the states of
Character Race the old empire. Commoners strongly identify with their
Cerilia is home to many peoples, ranging from fierce orogs lords, and the dealings and alliances of the noble families is a
and goblinoids to graceful, deadly elves. The BIRTHRIGHT topic of constant discussion throughout Anuirean lands.
campaign allows players to choose from nine character The Anuireans were once the overlords of nearly the
races: dwarves, elves, half-elves, halflings, and five distinct entire continent. Following the lead of Emperor Roele, they
human cultures (Anuirean, Brechtur, Khinasi, Rjurik, and dominated the other cultures of the land, and it seemed
Vos). Each of the Cerilian races has some a slight certain that they would be the ones to bring the disparate
advantage and slight differences over the equivalent bloodlines together and unite the land forever. However,
races presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. the death of Michael Roele (the last ruler of a 1,000-year
These differences are detailed in this section. dynasty) changed all of that. The Anuireans as a whole are
now no more and no less powerful as the other peoples
Humans, Cerilian of Cerilia.
Humans are the most populace race in Cerilia and Still, the Anuireans have the advantage over their
inhabit every part of the continent. The humans of comrades, in that they have the lushest part of Cerilia
Cerilia were divided into several tribes of people to work from. The weather is temperate, the fields
in the ancient past. These tribes founded the yield a bountiful harvest, and there's a plentiful
nations that now claim much of the continent. supply of goods coming through the
Five human nationalities or cultures currently former capital of the Empire. It's no
exist: the Anuireans, the Basarji, the wonder that the Anuireans were able to
Brechtur, the Rjurik, and the Vos. dominate Cerilia for centuries.
Racial Abilities: Cerilian humans have Anuirean leaders are usually warriors, or at
the following racial traits: least cultivate a warlike aspect. After all, the
+2 to One Ability Score: Human chief god of Anuire is Haelyn, the god of war.
characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability Also, every Anuirean ruler knows that Roele
score of their choice at creation to represent their established his Empire by taking over one
varied nature. kingdom at a time, and every regent thinks she
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and can duplicate the feat. This means that the
receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Anuireans' advantage over the neighboring cultures
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed is wasted because the small kings spend their time
of 30 feet. squabbling among each other.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at Anuirean cultural traits: The Anuireans
1st level. are a stubborn, proud, and warlike people who
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill respect social order and take great pains to
rank at first level and one additional rank maintain a demeanor appropriate to their rank
whenever they gain a level. and duties. Reserved and formal, Anuireans are
Human cultural trait: Cerilian humans sensitive to even slight changes in body
receive bonuses based upon the culture of their nation. language and mannerisms. Furthermore, the
These traits are only available to human characters dealings and alliances of noble families are
of the appropriate race/region (see below). favored topics of continuous discussion
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Anuirean, throughout Anuirean lands. You gain a +1 bonus
Basarji, Low Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos, based upon their home to all Will saves, Bluff checks, Sense Motive checks, and to
nation. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any Knowledge (Nobility).
languages they want (except secret languages, such as Automatic Language: Anuirean.
Druidic). Brecht
Anuirean The Brecht (BREH-cht) folk inhabit north-central Cerilia.
Anuireans (an-WEER-ee-ans) are native to the southwestern They tend to be short and stocky, with dark hair and eyes.
portion of Cerilia. The ancient Anuireans were a fair- Early in their history, they were under the rule of Anuirean
skinned, red-haired people, but over centuries of extensive governors, and the nobility declined drastically in power and
contact with other cultures Anuireans have lost any defining importance. When the Anuirean Empire fell and the Brecht
physical characteristics. gained independence, the guilds and merchants came into
Anuirean society is semi-feudal, founded on a class of power.
free farmers and craftsmen; slavery is an offense to the The Brecht believe in free enterprise, and Brecht society
Anuireans. Regents are usually titled nobles. Anuireans revolves around wealth. The nobility is weak in Brechtür,
respect nobility, and look to their leaders to protect them and several states have declared themselves republics. The
Brecht have a fierce love of independence and a tradition of Cerilia. Like the Brecht, common Khinasi are traders and
self-reliance; they don't wait for their lordlings or rulers to merchants, but a person's decorum, hospitality, and conduct
solve problems for them. Commerce and trade are are far more important than gross wealth.
expressions of this belief, and Brecht commoners owe their The Khinasi make much of their living by trade. While
first loyalty to guilds and companies. the Brecht tend to trade to the north and west, as well as to
The Brecht are sea-faring traders, plying their ships the Vos and Rjurik, the Khinasi practice their commerce with
through the frozen Krakennauricht to reach foreign ports. the Anuireans and their ancestors across the Sea of Dragons.
Though they have the most exposure to other continents and Unlike the Brecht, the Khinasi assimilate the aspects of other
cultures, they are, strangely, also one of the most insular of cultures they find valuable, while still maintaining a core of
peoples. They've seen how other people live, and while they being that is Basarji in origin.
don't necessarily disapprove, they're far more comfortable The Basarji became known as the Khinasi because of
with their own way of life. their most famous leader in times past. The mage-king el-
Brechtur leaders are typically of the rogue class, though Arassi rose during the Anuirean occupation of Basarji lands,
they call themselves merchants. Their patron deity is Sera and forced the Anuirean Empire to grant a measure of
(called Sarimie by the Anuireans), goddess of fortune and independence to the Basarji city-states through his skillful
commerce, and so the Brecht base their lives on living up to manipulation of politics and magic. In gratitude, the Basarji
her ideals. Therefore, the merchant class is the highest rank named themselves "Khinasi," or "people under the protection
one can gain in Brechtur society, and many sailors give their of el-Arassi." Though they still retained their tribal name of
lives trying to achieve it. Money, not nobility or knowledge, Basarji, they became known as the Khinasi through the rest
is the driving force behind Brecht society. of Cerilia.
The folk of Brechtür are, above all, pragmatic. They The Khinasi live in city-states scattered about their lands.
generally won't fight a battle they're sure to lose, instead Each kingdom tends to hold only one city of any importance;
preferring to bargain their way out of it. Most of them won't the king rules the surrounding provinces, which provide
betray friends for the sake of a profit, but it has been known livestock and other goods, from the comforts of the city. In
to happen. This is not to say that they're entirely cold to the most city-states, the people are free to travel from the
needs of others, but they do tend to weigh the costs and provinces to petition the king. Khinasi rulers are usually
benefits of their actions. wizards, for the Khinasi value intelligence in their people
Brecht lands are surrounded by mountains on one side above all else. It's known that there are regents of other
and the sea on the other. They have been beaten once by a professions, but their reigns are usually unsuccessful.
landbound army, they're determined not to let it happen Khinasi cultural traits: The Khinasi people are well-
again. The passes through the mountains are now well educated traders and merchants that know that an
guarded, and the Brecht see themselves as unbeatable at sea. individual’s decorum, hospitality, and conduct are far more
Combine this with their skill at commerce, and they become important than gross wealth. Unlike other cultures, the
somewhat full of themselves, viewing their position as Khinasi have no fear of magic; to them it is considered the
unassailable. noblest of callings. You gain a +1 bonus to all Diplomacy,
Brecht cultural traits: The Brecht society revolves Knowledge (Choose one), and Spellcraft checks. All
around wealth and the sea. The Brecht believe in free knowledge skills are considered class skills for you at first
enterprise, sharp wits, and nimble fingers. The Brecht are a level.
fiery and quick-witted people and often act before others Automatic Language: Basarji.
have had time to consider a matter thoroughly. You gain a +1 Rjurik
bonus to initiative and to Reflex saves when wearing no The Rjurik (RYUR-ick) inhabit the taiga and highlands of
armor or light armor. The Appraise skill and all profession, northwestern Cerilia. They're a tall, broad-shouldered people
craft, and knowledge skills related to naval or merchant with blond or red hair and fair complexions. Both men and
trades are considered class skills for you at first level. women wear their hair in long braids. The Rjurik are
Automatic Language: Low Brecht. stubborn individualists who don't swear fealty to anyone
Khinasi besides their own kin; the family is most important part of
Khinasi (kih-NAH-see) characters are native to the region Rjurik life.
known as Khinasi. Unlike the other human races, they're Most Rjurik follow the god Erik, old father of the forests,
descended from the dark-skinned Basarji (bah-SARgee) and and druids are revered throughout Rjurik society as teachers,
speak a language known by the same name. The Basarji leaders, and advisers. Common Rjurik have a deep respect
didn't come to Cerilia with the other human tribes; they and love for Cerilia's wilds, and carefully avoid over-hunting
colonized the southern shores of Cerilia from lands across or clearing virgin forest.
the Bair el-Mehire. They are tall and lanky, with aquiline Living in the wind-swept land north of Anuire, the Rjurik
features and dark eyes. They range from a light coffee to a make their living by hunting across the hills and moors of
dark brown complexion. their territory. The Rjurik rely on individuality to see them
Unlike the other human cultures, the Khinasi have no through, yet they also place a strong bond on the clan. They
fear of magic. The study of magic is considered the noblest are nomads in the summer, but return to their halls at first
of callings, and the universities of Khinasi are the finest in snowfall, there to keep the cold at bay with feasts and
roaring fires in the mammoth hearths. They venture out into to its neighbors as the Land of Darkness, the Brutal Lands,
the cold in hunting parties, replenishing their larders as or the Lands of Midnight Sun. It's populated heavily by
necessary. Because of the harshness of the landscape and the humanoids and monsters. The gods of the Vos are harsh and
ever-present danger of monsters, the Rjurik almost never evil, and the Vos themselves have a reputation for being
travel alone. nearly as cruel as the humanoids they hunt. Though all these
Though the Rjurik have jarls to lead them, and can things are true of the Vos, there's also something about them
demand the jarls step down if they fail to do a good job, the that most people don't take into account: The Vos live in the
true rulers of the people are the druids in their groves. They harshest part of Cerilia, surrounded by inhuman creatures.
bend the Rjurik opinions, and conduct the rites that keep the Though they once worshiped the god of the moon and
Rjurik mighty. The jarls seek out the druids in the oaks and magic, they've found little solace in his teachings. Small
taiga, searching for words of wisdom to guide their people. wonder, then, that they turned to gods more suited to their
There's little war in Rjurik. For one thing, the Rjurik land, gods of cold and rage.
people don't see the need to glorify themselves through The Vos rulers are priests of the Ice Lady and the Terror
massive battles. For another, the nearest clans are usually a God. They earn the Vos their reputation, for they are the ones
good distance away, making the logistics of battle uncertain. constantly warring on each other and those surrounding
Finally, the Rjurik prefer to face off in one-on-one them. Those who are not priests rarely have power in
challenges when an insult is dealt or when an upstart seeks to Vosgaard, for one of the few threats the Vos leaders unite
become the new jarl, rather than wasting precious lives. against is a leader whose visions don't come from the gods.
This is not to say that the Rjurik will not fight wars. Taken individually, the Vos are actually decent people.
When foreign armies invade the tundra, the Rjurik can Though they don't believe in mercy, they understand
mobilize better and faster than nearly any army in Cerilia. compassion. While they're savage in battle, they have a firm
Since they know their land well, they can travel across it far code of honor. And while they hunt their enemies ruthlessly,
faster than their enemies, and reinforcements seem to arrive their friends are their most treasured possessions.
at supernatural speeds. The other human races of Cerilia are inclined to view the
The Rjurik themselves are a hardy race of foresters, Vos as evil barbarians, savages, and marauders, but this isn't
hunters, and warriors. Their jarldoms and clan-holds are an entirely accurate assessment. The Vos have their cities and
scattered along the forbidding coasts of the Mhiere Rhuann kingdoms, and there are heroes of noble bearing among
and the icy Thaelasian passage, although a few small holds them. It's important to remember that by their own standards
can be found as far east as the Krakennauricht. The Rjurik Vos warriors are acting with honor when they raid and
are a free-minded people who place little importance on pillage the lands of the Brecht or the Basarji. And while no
titles or rulers; a Rjurik jarl reigns by the consent of his folk one will ever accuse a Vos of subterfuge or subtlety, it's also
and can be replaced if they don't like the way he's doing his true that a person always knows where he stands with a Vos
job. warrior.
Rjurik cultural traits: The Rjurik are a wild and hardy The code of courage and violent tendencies of Vos
people. They are taught from an early age a deep reverence warriors and rulers have made north-eastern Cerilia a
and respect for Cerilia’s wilds and are notable foresters. You battlefield for the settling of their differences and feuds. The
gain a +1 bonus to all Fortitude saves, and have a +1 Vos hold "weaker" cultures in contempt and view the other
bonus to all Survival checks in forests and hills. peoples of Cerilia as potential slaves or enemies, but they
Survival is considered a class skill for you at first absolutely hate each other. Travelers in Vosgaard should go
level. to great lengths to avoid associating themselves with any
Automatic Language: Rjuven. particular chieftain or baronet – it's dangerous to take sides,
Vos even by placing oneself under a chieftain's protection.
The Vos (VAHS) are a barbaric race from the cold Vos cultural traits: The Vos are a strong and warlike
mountains and forests of northeastern Cerilia. They are people with a rigid code of face and honor. The Vos know
tall, thick-boned people with flat features, light eyes, what it means to fight for survival – both against their
and a sallow hue. Male warriors are fond of shaving their foes, and the bitter cold of their homeland. You
heads and wearing long, drooping mustaches. gain a +2 bonus to strength when determining
The Vos have a rigid code of face and honor that carrying capacity or making a strength check,
demands blood for even unintentional insults. Their leaders and a +1 bonus on all Survival checks in cold
are war chieftains known as tsarevos, advised by the priests wasteland or tundra. Intimidate and Survival
of the grim Vos gods. Almost all Vos men are are considered class skills for you at
warriors and hunters – any other profession is first level.
considered unmanly. Vos women are greatly Automatic Language: Vos.
limited in their freedom by custom, although a few Dwarves, Cerilian
women have succeeded as warriors or tsarevas.
Dwarves lived in the mountains
The Vos are by far the most brutal and
of Cerilia long before humans
misunderstood of the humans. They live in the area
came to the land. Over the years, the
of Cerilia known to geographers as Vosgaard, but
dwarven holds have chosen a
defensive strategy, fortifying their approaches and retreating Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
to their cities under the mountains whenever threatened. Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to
Dwarves have a fierce hatred of orogs (orc-like beings), the AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
result of uncounted wars fought under the earth. Greed: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise
The typical dwarf stands about 4’ to 4’6” in height, with checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that
an exceptionally stocky build and thick, sturdy bones. contain precious metals or gemstones.
Dwarves are creatures of stone, the children of the Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls
mountains, and their bodies are twice as dense as those of against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes
other creatures; in this respect they're closely related to stone because of their special training against these hated foes.
giants. Dwarves often weigh as much as 250 to 300 pounds Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
despite their size. A dwarf's skin is gray, stony, and cold to against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
the touch. All dwarves have eyes that are dark as jet, and Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their
their hair and beards are black or dark gray in color and Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip
normally cropped short. attempt while standing on the ground.
The dwarves of Cerilia usually adhere to friendly Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception
neutrality; thus they are on good terms with most other races, checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden
including the elves. They're masterful craftsmen and traders; doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check
dwarven caravans roam through Cerilia laden with goods. to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of
Dwarven arms and armor are the best in Cerilia and them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Dwarven mercenaries are highly prized. In the privacy of Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with
their own homes, the dwarves of Cerilia are hardly the dour battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any
and grim sentinels that they are first appear. Though they still weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial
have the responsibility of keeping the orogish population in weapon.
check under the mountain, their lives are filled with Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Karamhul.
merriment and gaiety. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
Dwarven kingdoms are generally organized around the following: Sidhelien, Orog, Ogrish, or any regional human
clan, and clan members are expected to be loyal to their clan dialect (Anuirean, Basarji, Low Brecht, High Brecht,
first and king second. The clan leaders, in turn, first serve Rjuven, or Vos).
their people and swear fealty to the dwarven king. The Elves, Cerilian (Sidhelien)
dwarven king must therefore be an adept negotiator and a
There is only one race of Cerilian elves; they
shrewd politician to keep his people together.
call themselves the Sidhelien (SHEE-lin). The
Dwarves learn the arts of war at an early age, for
Sidhelien hold court in deep, mist- wreathed
they see their duty as containing the orogs in the
vales in the darkest heart of the ancient
caverns under the mountains. The orogs have, strangely,
Cerilian forests. The elves of Cerilia are a
grown ever more mighty in their years of confinement, and
graceful but reclusive race, suspicious of
the dwarves have had become that much better to deal with
humankind. Early in Cerilia's history they
the orogish menace. It is partly for this reason that they
contested human settlement of Cerilia's
prefer not to deal with outsiders - visitors distract the
vast forests, and a strong current of ill
will towards the human nations still runs
In addition to being skilled fighters, the
strong in the elven woods.
dwarves of Cerilia are also excellent miners.
Elves stand as tall as humans, but
Each dwarf clan tends to specialize in a certain
they're far more slender and graceful.
sort of mining, so that one clan searches out
Most average between 5’6” and 6’ in
gems, while another specializes in ores. The clans
height, but weigh only 120 to 140 pounds.
within a kingdom tend to complement one another, so
They are pale, with fair skin and dark hair,
no clan is left with a useless skill. Dwarves are the
and their features are exquisitely formed.
most technologically advanced race of Cerilia; their
Elves possess an unearthly beauty, and their
level of technology is roughly equivalent to the
perfect voices can hold a mortal spellbound.
historical cultures during the close of the Edwardian
Unfortunately, elves are very conscious of their
perceived superiority and treat others with
Dwarf Racial Traits
coldness or condescension.
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma:
Cerilian elves are creatures of faerie and
Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff.
starlight, gifted with immortality and powers of
Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and
mind and body beyond those of humankind.
receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
They're neither a force for good nor a force for
Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of
evil; an elven wood can be perilous for human
20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or
travelers, but even more so for goblinoids or
gnolls. The elven heart is unfathomable to
mortals; they're moved to wild delight, dark melancholy, or development is the responsibility of the individual. The path
burning rage with the only the slightest of causes. More than that an elf takes is a decision that only he or she can make.
anything else, elves are unpredictable, doing what pleases So strong is this belief that if an elf chooses to worship one
them from one moment to the next. of the human gods, so be it. The only restriction placed upon
Elves resist aging and normal disease – only magical such rare individuals is that they not discuss their religious
diseases such as lycanthrope can harm them. They cannot ideologies within elven realms.
see in total darkness, but can see by starlight or moonlight as Elf Racial Traits
well as a human sees by daylight. Elves don't need to sleep, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Elves are
but they can become physically exhausted and must rest nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail.
quietly, studying spells or standing watch, for about as long Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and receive no
as a human needs to sleep. Cerilian elves can move over bonuses or penalties due to their size.
heavy snow, soft sand, or a mountainside as easily as a Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
human walks across a level surface. Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans
The elves of Cerilia are not the run-of-the-mill elves that in conditions of dim light.
most might expect. These elves, though civilized enough that Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep
their music can bring tears to the eyes of even the roughest effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against
forester, also have a core of savagery that permeates their enchantment spells and effects.
being. Having lived with the brutal humanoids for thousands Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster
of years, the elves have had to learn to deal harshly with level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition,
those who oppose them. Besides, they've watched everything elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks
they built over the past millennia come crashing down made to identify the properties of magic items.
around them with the arrival of the humans such a short time Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on
(about two elven generations) ago. Perception checks.
As such, they harbor deep hatred in their collective breast Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with
for those who've dispossessed them. This extends to humans longbows (including composite longbows), longswords,
or humanoids, or whoever stands in the way of the elven rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and
dominion. However, there are elves who take a more rational treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a
view to the whole thing, seeing the humans as the next step martial weapon.
and a needed catalyst for change. These elves look to the Languages: Elves begin play speaking Sidhelien. Elves
humans for ways to improve the elven kingdoms, to teach with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they
the elves the realities of living in modern Cerilia. want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
The Elven Court has fractured from a single large Half-Elves
kingdom into many small ones, just as the human Empire
From time to time, a particularly handsome or beautiful
has shattered. Every elven settlement now has its own
human with courage and a gracious manner can walk among
version of the Elven Court, but none of them can match the
the Sidhelien and return unscathed. A few humans have even
glories of the original. The elves hope to reunite the elven
been accepted as equals in the elven courts. Mortals quickly
lands to recapture the beauty and grace of the past. Even so,
become lost in the elven spell; the years reel by in splendor
elves remain one of the most technologically advanced races
and celebration, while the world outside comes to a halt or
of Cerilia; their level of technology is roughly equivalent to
leaps centuries ahead. The mortal may return home to find
that of historic cultures during of the close of the Edwardian
that only a single night passed, or that a hundred years have
passed him by. More often than not, his life runs out in an
The type of elven ruler varies from court to court,
eye blink, like a moth dancing too close to the flame.
depending on what the elves of that nation value. The elves
Half-elves are the children of these unusual men and
of Tuarhievel favor warriors, while those of the Sielwode
women and their elven hosts. The elves regard them as
prefer mages as their leader. Of course, each court prefers its
Sidhelien, and welcome them in elven society. Humans are
type of leader over all others. If elves are to reconcile, they
more suspicious of half-elves, referring to them as bewitched
must first set aside these differences.
or as changelings. It is rare for half-elves to leave the elven
When the humans began to force the elves from their
ancestral homes, the elven leaders began the gheallie Sidhe,
Like elves, half-elves are beautiful and graceful, but their
or Hunt of the Elves. Elven knights roamed the lands held by
builds are heavier – they're well within the human ranges of
the elves, slaying whatever humans they found trespassing in
height and weight. They share their elven parent's night
their borders. Most elven lands have long since called a
vision, but have to sleep as much as a human.
cease to this hunt, but individual elves and some entire elven
Half-Elf Racial Traits
nations continue the battle to this day.
+2 to One Ability Score: Half-elf characters gain a +2
The elves are aware that gods exist, but they do not pay
bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to
homage to them. Particularly after their deception and
represent their varied nature.
betrayal by Azrai, the elves have been adamant in their
Medium: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no
refusal to worship human gods. To the elves, spiritual
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet. small humans. They tend to be plump, and are fond of
Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as creature comforts. Halflings can pierce the barrier that
humans in conditions of dim light. separates Cerilia from the Shadow Land by concentrating.
Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus This allows them to detect evil, detect undead, or detect
feat at 1st level. necromantic magic with a high degree of reliability.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans Exceptional halflings can develop this ability to allow them
for any effect related to race. to enter and exit the shadow world in places where the
Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic barriers between worlds are thin. Halflings avoid revealing
sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against these abilities to people they don't trust.
enchantment spells and effects. Halfling Racial Traits
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are
Perception checks. nimble and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at weaker than other races.
first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever Small: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size
they take a level in either one of those classes. bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1
Languages: Half-elves begin play speaking Sidhelien or penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on
the language of their human parent. Half-elves with high Stealth checks.
Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want Slow Speed: Halflings have a base speed of 20 feet.
(except secret languages, such as Druidic). Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all
Halflings, Cerilian saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus
granted by halfling luck.
Halflings seem to be harmless, good-natured folk, but they
Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all
harbor hidden secrets. Most people assume that the name
saving throws.
halfling refers to their stature, but only a handful know the
Shadow Sense: Halflings possess the ability to sense the
truth. Halflings were once creatures who could
presence of the shadow world or its taint. By
pass freely between Aebrynis and the Spirit
concentrating (and making a Search
World. In the early years of the Anuire Empire
check) a halfling may sense as if using
a darkness arose in the Spirit World (now
Detect Evil, Detect Magic
called the Shadow World) and halflings
[Necromancy only], and Detect
made Aebrynis their permanent home.
Undead simultaneously. The DC for
Halflings in Cerilia have little
the Search check varies according to
culture of their own. Instead,
the strength of the aura: Dim (DC
they've adopted the language,
25), Faint (DC 20), Moderate (DC
culture, and customs of the Big
15), Strong (DC 10), Overwhelming
Folk around them, while keeping
(DC 5).
a few aspects of their own culture
Shadow Walk: Halflings
intact. They'll never take up arms
can use dimension door or shadow
against each other – halflings feel
walk 3/day.
free to use weapons in the
Weapon Familiarity: Halflings
defense of their homes or
are proficient with slings and treat any
families, but consider fisticuffs the
weapon with the word "halfling" in
only acceptable form of violence
its name as a martial weapon.
against other halflings.
Languages: Halflings begin play
The halflings aren't a
speaking the language of their
numerous people, but they can
home region. Halflings with high
be found almost anywhere humans
Intelligence scores can choose
live. Living in the shadow of
from the following: Karamhul,
their larger neighbors,
Sidhelien, any regional human
halflings don't see the sense in a
dialect (Anuirean, Basarji, Low
government larger than a small
Brecht, High Brecht, Rjuven, or
village or their extended family, and are
Vos), and Goblin.
happy to count themselves citizens of
whatever human land surrounds them. It's Goblins
not unusual to find a handful of halfling farmers near a Goblin-kind includes goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. In
human village, or a neighborhood of halfling craftsmen in a fact, in Cerilia, the term “goblin” can refer to all of these
larger town. Nor is it unusual to see halflings walking the species, because all are part of goblin society. The only real
streets of a human city, mimicking the lives of the humans variations are in size and strength. Goblins hold extensive
around them, or playing courtier in an elven court. realms including Thurazor and Markazor, and the great
Cerilian halflings stand about 3’6” tall and resemble khanate of Kal Kalathor.
Goblins aren't considered monsters in a traditional sense, equipped, fierce fighters led by powerful shamans and
although no one wants them for neighbors. Their kingdoms spellcasters, but they're nearly helpless in sunlight.
are strong and stable enough to stand as nations with laws, In recent years, orogs have been carving out subterranean
borders, and courts. They engage in trade with nearby lands, passageways to mount raids into lands far beyond their
hire themselves out as mercenaries, and occasionally strike mountain strongholds. Orog activity above ground has
deals with bordering lands. However, goblins are short- increased drastically, imperiling several Brecht trade routes
tempered, avaricious, and violent; only a fool trusts goblins and making the mountains unsafe for travel. Some observers
very far. suspect that a new leader is coordinating orog armies
Goblin society is loosely organized in tribes and clans. throughout Cerilia – a frightening thought, indeed.
The kingdom of Kal Kalathor comprises no less than thirty- Orog Racial Traits
seven distinct tribes. Goblin kings tend to be weak figures, +4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2
unable to control their contentious supporters; however, from Charisma: Orogs are brutal and savage.
time to time a particularly powerful, intelligent, and Orc: Orogs are humanoids with the orc subtype.
dangerous goblin may forge an army of conquest from his Medium: Orogs are Medium creatures and have no
squabbling subjects. bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Goblins live by herding livestock, mining, selling their Normal Speed: Orogs have a base speed of 30 feet.
services as mercenaries, and raiding. They are slave holders, Darkvision: Orogs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
and the weak among them perform most hard labors. Light Sensitivity: Orogs are dazzled in areas of bright
Goblin Racial Traits sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
+4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, –2 Charisma: Goblins are Ferocity: Orogs can remain conscious and continue
fast, but weak and unpleasant to be around. fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. Orogs are
Goblinoid: Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point
subtype. each round as normal.
Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size Weapon Familiarity: Orogs are always proficient with
bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word
penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Stealth checks. Languages: Orogs begin play speaking any one regional
Fast: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base human dialect (Anuirean, Basarji, Low Brecht, High Brecht,
speed of 30 feet. Rjuven, or Vos) and Orog. Orogs with high Intelligence
Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet. scores can choose from the following: Karamhul, Giant,
Skilled: +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks. Gnoll, Goblin,
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. and Undercommon.
Goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose from the Gnolls
following: any regional human dialect (Anuirean, Basarji,
Wandering marauders and brigands, gnoll tribes have
Low Brecht, High Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos), Draconic,
troubled the peoples of Cerilia since before the arrival of
Karamhul, Gnoll, and Orog.
humankind. Even the Anuirean heartland is not immune to
Hobgoblin Racial Traits
harassment by gnoll marauders, although such an even is
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: Hobgoblins are fast and
rare. Gnolls are nomads and plunderers, existing from day to
day with little thought for what the next day holds.
Goblinoid: Hobgoblins are humanoids with the
Gnoll Racial Traits
goblinoid subtype.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution: Gnolls are strong and
Medium: Hobgoblins are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Gnoll: Gnolls are humanoids with the gnoll subtype.
Normal Speed: Hobgoblins have a base speed of 30 feet.
Medium: Gnolls are Medium creatures and have no
Darkvision: Hobgoblins can see in the dark up to 60
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Gnolls have a base speed of 30 feet.
Sneaky: Hobgoblins receive a +4 racial bonus on Stealth
Darkvision: Gnolls can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Natural Armor: Gnolls have a +1 natural armor bonus
Languages: Hobgoblins begin play speaking any one
regional human dialect (Anuirean, Basarji, Low Brecht, High
their Armor Class.
Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos) and Goblin. Hobgoblins with high
Languages: Gnolls begin play speaking Gnoll. Gnolls
Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic,
with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following:
Karamhul, Infernal, Giant, and Orog.
any regional human dialect (Anuirean, Basarji, Low Brecht,
Orogs High Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos), Karamhul, and Orog.
The orogs are a dangerous and cunning race of warriors that
live in caverns and fortresses beneath Cerilia's mountains. Character Class
They consider all other races of Cerilia to be their enemies, The classes for a BIRTHRIGHT campaign are generally the
but hold a special hatred for dwarves. The orogs are well-
same as those presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game. The information contained in this section focuses on
campaign-specific modifications to these standard classes to
more accurately their roles in the BIRTHRIGHT setting.
Preferred Class Races/Cultures: Following the
discussion of each class is a listing of lands or cultures in
which training for the class tends to be available. For
example, Brechtür is a land famed far and wide for its
relatively enlightened culture. Aristocrats, bards, and rogues
are common in Brechtür. Barbarians are not. Characters do
not have to hail from a land in their class’s preferred regions
list. However, whether your character comes from a region
suited to their class may affect their social position in their
Barbarians of almost any race can be found wherever large
tracts of wilderness remain unclaimed by civilization.
Preferred Class Races/Cultures: Most barbarians are
humans, half-elves, orog, or goblinoid-kin. Most Human
barbarians inhabit areas deemed to be inhabitable by their
more cultured brethren. The largest concentration of human
barbarians is found in the depths of the heartless wastes of
Vosgaard. Humans and half-elf barbarians can also be easily
found in the Rjurik highlands and elsewhere in the north.
Goblinoid barbarians are pervasive in every region claimed
as a goblinoid kingdom. Most other societies have developed
far beyond barbarism, yet rumors of outcasts and lost tribes
that have regressed into barbarism cannot be completely
Archetypes by Culture
Anuirean --> Brutal Pugilist, Mounted Fury, Urban
Brecht --> Drunken Brute, Urban Barbarian
Khinasi --> Brutal Pugilist, Invulnerable Rager, Urban
Barbarian, Serene Barbarian
Rjurik --> Breaker, Savage Barbarian, Sea Reaver,
Superstitious, Wild Rager
Vos --> All except Elemental Kin.
Elves --> Invulnerable Rager
Dwarves --> Breaker, Drunken Brute, Hurler, Serene