BUS172.17 Course Outline
BUS172.17 Course Outline
BUS172.17 Course Outline
The instructor will present the concepts of statistics through lecture and guided discussion. The principles
will be applied to a variety of business conditions and will be presented from a “real world perspective.”.
Classes will be conducted using a variety of methods. These will include lectures, small group discussions
and exercises. You are encouraged to actively participate in all aspects of the class as significant learning
occurs when all members of the class make contributions. I see my role as to facilitate learning through a
varied and collaborative experience, not simply by lecturing.
The final grade will be a percentage of the accumulation of all points received over the course as
follows (eg: your earned points/total points)100
Note: This assigned percentage letter grade may be altered at the instructor’s discretion
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Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism
(copying others work and representing it as our own—in part or in total— without tile appropriate
citations) and copying others responses during the exams. In addition, classroom professionalism is to
be maintained at all times. This means that when the professor is speaking or when Students are
presenting their ideas. The classroom should he silent, with the exception of invited questions. As in
any academic environment questions are welcome, but informal chatter or communication among
class members becomes a distraction for all those in attendance and will not be tolerated.
No talking or other forms of communication with other students will be allowed when exams are
being distributed. The ‘no talking’ requirement is enforced during the exam and continues until all
students have handed their exam in to the instructor. Any talking during the exam will disqualify you
from taking the exam. It is my (and all other professors) expectation that your academic work for the
course will be performed without resorting to cheating, plagiarism, lying, and/or bribery. Any student
engaging in any of these behaviors will be dealt according to North South University's code of
Quiz may or may not be announced and may not be made up for any reason. All exams will be given
over the designated class period. The exams must be taken at the scheduled times. Exams may not be made
up unless arrangements are made prior to the class period for which they are scheduled.
In order to foster a collaborative learning experience where shared student participation is important,
attendance is critical. We recognize situations may develop where a student may miss class due to illness,
unique family considerations. In such a case, the student isstill responsible to ensure his/her assignments are
submitted on time and that the information covered in that session is collected properly. Arriving late for
class is rude, unprofessional, and detracts from the learning experience of your fellow students. Consistent
tardiness has the following consequences. First late arrival - no penalty, second late arrival and thereafter -
½ %off final course grade. North South University mandates to fail students who are absent 25% or more
from their classes, even if such absences are excusable.
The lecturer reserves the right to make adjustments in the course requirements consistent with the course’s
overall objectives. Total course workload and available time will be considered in any such adjustments. You
will be notified at the earliest possible time if changes are to be made.
Instructor will use his email and the website to communicate with students. Students are responsible to check
their emails and the website regularly.
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All members of the North South University community must use electronic communications in a responsible
manner. The University may restrict the use of its computers and network systems for electronic
communications subject to violations of university policies/codes or local laws or national laws. Also, the
university reserves the right to limit access to its networks through university-owned or other computers, and
to remove or limit access to material posted on university-owned computers.
North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and reasonable
accommodation to students who have disabilities/special needs that may affect their ability to participate in
course activities or meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their
instructors to ensure that their needs are met. The University through its Special Need section will exert all
efforts to accommodate special needs.
Students at North South University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other
students. The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more information
about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the students’ handbook.
Course outline
BUS 172: Introduction to Statistics
Probability CHAPTER-4 7
Probability CHAPTER-4 8
MID-1 (CHAPTER 1 TO 4 10
Exam-2 (Chapter 5 to 7) 18
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