Physical Education - A Preview Evolution of Human Life Started With Movements
Physical Education - A Preview Evolution of Human Life Started With Movements
Physical Education - A Preview Evolution of Human Life Started With Movements
We human beings have been very active and creative by nature and physical activity has been
part of their life all along evolution. The first physical activity was necessitated by his instinct for
survival i.e. search for food and shelter. Physical movement/activity was also the first mode of
communication and expression. As the society became more and more complex leading towards
the modern age, physical activity came to be recognised as an organised and supervised form of
education and was termed as Physical Education
It is an Education through physical activities for the development of the total personality of the
child, to its fullness and perfection of the body, mind and spirit. Immediately, it is concerned
with the development of physical fitness. In striving for such fitness however, physical education
has to train the child’s mental, moral and social qualities, arouse its awareness of environment
and develop alertness, presence of mind, resourcefulness, discipline, co-operation and the spirit
of respect, sympathy and generosity towards others—qualities that are essential for a happy and
well-adjusted life in a free and democratic world. Physical Education can thus, make a very
valuable contribution to our national life. (A National Plan for Physical Education and
Recreation) - A Report by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India).
Physical education is method in which a student learns through his/her own body movements and
activities. He/she practically experiences the effects of various situations he is asked to face and
the role of a PE teacher is limited to the extent of helping him, so that activities and experiences
may become useful. Physical education has been defined differently by various eminent physical
educationists. Some of the definitions are given below:
1- Physical education is that phase of education that deals with big muscle activities and
their related responses. –J. B. Nash.
2- Physical education is the sum of the changes in the individual caused by experiences
centring motor activity. -Cassidy.
3- Physical education is an integral part of the total education process and has its aim, the
development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the
medium of physical activities which have been selected with a view to realizing their
outcomes. – Charles A. Bucher.
4- Physical Education is an Education of and through human movement where many of the
educational objective are achieved by means of big muscle activities involving Sports,
Games, Gymnastics, Dance and Exercises. –Harold M. Barrow.
5- Physical Education is the process by which changes in the individual are brought about
through his/her movement experiences. - Edward F.Voltmer and Arthur, A. Esstinger.
6- Physical Education is education through physical activities for the development of total
personality of the child and its fulfilment and perfection in body, mind and spirit. - J.P.
Considering the above we can conclude that physical education is that part of education which,
through playful activities intends to bring about the desired change in the behaviour and attitude
of individuals. In more simple term it means education through physical activities and it may be
distinguished from other forms of education by the means employed to educate youth.
Aims of Physical Education
The most remote goal is referred to as an aim, it charts distance, it points the way. The aim
showed be general in character and beyond realization so that it can serve continually as a goal.
“Physical education should aim to provide skilled leadership and adequate facilities, which will
afford an opportunity for the individual or group to act in situations which are physically
wholesome, mentally stimulating and satisfying and socially sound”.- J.F.Williams.
One of the most concise aim of physical education was stated by Bookwalters, “the aim of
physical education is the optimum development of physically, socially and mentally integrated
and adjusted individual through guided instruction and participation in selected total-body sports,
rhythmic, and gymnastic activities conducted to social and hygienic standards.
The definitions stated above emphasize the holistic concept by providing ample opportunities
and sufficient facilities for development of integrated and adjusted individual so that he may live
an enriched, radiant and abundant life. In nutshell, the aim of physical education is the
wholesome development of human personality for complete living.
Objectives are the particular and precise means to realize an aim. Objectives are steps, advances
and realities in relation to the aim. They are considered worthwhile as they measure up to the
standard of the aim. The objectives are something desirable, which seems possible of being
attained and through which the final goal is brought nearer to realization.
In 1965, AAHPER (American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation) listed
five major objectives:
i- To help children learn to move skilfully and effectively not only in exercises, games,
sports and dances but also in all active life situations.
ii- To develop understandings of voluntary movements and the ways in which individual
may organise their own movements to accomplish the significant purpose of their life.
iii- To enrich understandings of space, time, mass-energy relationship and related
iv- To extend understandings of socially approved patterns of personal behaviour with
particular reference to the interpersonal interactions of games and sports.
v- To condition the heart, lungs, muscles and other organic systems to respond to
demands by imposing progressively greater demands upon them.
i-Cognitive Domain
ii-Affective Domain
iii-Psychomotor Domain
Physical Education has a special significance unique role and has made unlimited contribution in
the modern age as it caters to the biological, sociological and psychological necessity of the
man. It is of great value for the man not only for his present but also for his future. Emphasizing
the need and importance of physical education, Rousseu said, “It is the sound constitution of the
body that makes the operation of mind easy and certain. The Secondary Education commission
stated “The physical welfare of the youth of the country should be one of the ma9n concerns of
the state and any departure from the normal standards of physical well-being at this period of life
may have serious consequences.”
Modern life, as characterised by sedentarianism, automation and computerisation has created a
new class of human beings who just sit for hours each day. This century is an age of space and
technological gigantism, charged by speed, noise and other tension producing factors. The stress
created by the demands of our social and economical systems and our devotion to intellectualism
is tremendous. Urban life style has caused many tensions and it will grow worst for mankind.
Today’s man is facing, as never before, the crisis of existence and adjustment. To survive and
overcome this present crisis, the need of the hour is grooming up a courageous, bold, physically,
mentally, emotionally, socially and intellectually strong individuals. Physical education is the
agency which is fulfilling this social obligation very effectively by providing comprehensive and
diverse physical education programmes.