Principles and Practices of Management

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Question Option 1

Which one of the following statement is correct? Planning and controlling are
essentially one and the same.

The decisions are benficial if they are Taken timely

To run the business, person needs to have Well equipped with skills and
Following are the nature of business except Producing goods and services

There are basicaly three components of business except Owner

Owner of the business is not responsible for Preparing objectives

Employess are treated as Manager

Customer satisfaction is an_________type of objective Organisational Objectives
14 Principles of Management are profounded by____ Peter Drucker
The Pricnciple which deals with only one boss for each employee is Initiative
Following are the sense that organisation need to grow into the employees Belongingness
To manage any organisation what is required? Division

Adopting any system depends on Complexity

Management is Process of organised activity

Management is process of co-ordinating its resources choose odd one out finance
Which is not the factor included in 4 M of Mangement Men
The objectives of management are achieved by functions like Planning
Manangement accepts social changes and introduces Innovative Technology
Manager must have following skills except Technical skills
The niddle level manager need to have more technical skills related to Planning

Political skill relate to Influencing people.

The skills under which manager can identify key factors is Decison making skills
From the list given below which is not a managerial role Working on Objectives
Leadership role does not involves Directing
Productivity of an organisation depends on Ability
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answers
Planning and controlling are Controlling is a part of the A control process is
not same. planning process. meaningless without pre-set 3
Taken correctly Timely and correctly Taken with the help of people
should be able to manage both 1 and 2 none of above
people 3
Profit Organisation Distribution and exchange of Rendering services to needy
finished products 2
Employee Customer Infrastructure 4
Mission to carry over Decision making Environmental conditions
business 4
Supervisor Executor Worker 3
Social Objective Personal Objective Technical Objective 1
Henry Fayol Taylor Harold Koontz 2
Unity of Direction Unity of Command Discipline
Team spirit Unity Knowledge
Decentralisation Centralisation Division and Decentralisation
Size of organisaiton Infrastrcture Size and complexity of
organisation 4
Continuous process Process of human interaction Organized activity,
continuous process and 4
human interaction
People Raw material infrastructure 4
Machinery Management Body Material 3
Organising Working Directing 3
New path to follow New processes New idea 1
Analytical skills Communication skills Bossing skills 4
Organising Planning and Organising both Directing worker to work on
production 3
Handling people Managing people Thretening people 1
Analytical skills Interpersonal skills Political skills 2
Motivating employees Creating n following budgets Developing personal skills 4
Controlling Co-ordinating Couselling 4
Employee's contribution Ability and Employee's Finance
contribution both 3

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