Himanshu Sharma: Projects Tech Stack

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Himanshu Sharma

Data Scientist | Bengaluru

[email protected] +91-7354966990 linkedin.com/in/himan-10 github.com/Harsh1091996


Amazon Book Recommendation Framework Languages
Python, C, PHP, MySQL
AlmaBetter Verified Project
04/2021 - 05/2021,
Tags: Word2Vec, Content-based Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Cold start problem, Top-N metrics
Scikit-learn, Keras, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib,
Developed a book recommendation system for amazon customers using memory and OpenCV, NLTK, Plotly, Flask
model based collaborative filtering by utilizing the book description and user interests.
U s e d Word2Vec vectorizer on descriptions to obtain user-item interactions and Platforms
employed cosine similarity to measure user-item and item-item similarities.
Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, Git Version Control,
Created profiles for top active users by leveraging interaction strength with the PostgreSQL, Spyder, Terminal, PyCharm
recommended items and achieved test MAP@5 of 42% and MAP@10 of 53%.
Handled the cold start problem based on global and demographic-specific book
popularity and improved the efficiency of the user recommendation engine by 33% .
Email Campaign Creative Effectiveness Python for Data Science and Machine Learning
AlmaBetter Verified Project (Udemy) (09/2020 - 10/2020)
EDA, Linear/Logistic Regression , SVM, KNN, Decision Tree,
02/2021 - 03/2021, Random Forest, K Means, NLP, Neural Networks
Tags: Classification, KS Statistic, Gains table, SMOTE, Hyperparameter Tuning, Model Interpretability
Developed multi-class XGBoost model to characterize the email creative and predicted
its effectiveness that is ignored, read, acknowledged by the reader.
Performed missing value imputation using KNN-Imputer, implemented SMOTE PUBLICATIONS
boosting, and carried out hyperparameter tuning using Bayesian Optimization.
Leveraged SHAP plots to identify key model drivers such as limit of word count, Blogs on Data Science
keywords, campaign type, communication time, and personalization. 2021
Obtained F1 scores of 89% & 84% on train and test data respectively and estimated an Natural Language Processing (NLP), Hierarchical
overall increase in the customer acquisition rate by 15%. Clustering, Regularization

News Popularity Prediction
Vlogs on Data Science
AlmaBetter Verified Project 2021
12/2020 - 01/2021, Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, Advanced
Tags : Regression, NLP, TF-IDF Vectorizer, Random Search, XGBoost, Goodness of Fit, spaCy Machine Learning
Built an XGBoost regression model to predict the popularity of news on different social
media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus.
Performed key NLP processing steps on news items such as lemmatization, POS-
tagging, Named Entity Recognition, stopword removal and tokenization using spaCy. EDUCATION
Generated the optimal document-word matrix as model input by tuning parameters
such as min_df, max_df, n_gram range, token_pattern in TF-IDF vectorizer.
B.Tech in Computer Science & Engg
Performed hyperparameter tuning using GridsearchCV & RandomSearchCV and
Presidency University, Bengaluru
achieved R2 score of 72%, 76%, 78% respectively for FB, LinkedIn & GooglePlus. 2016 - 2020,
CGPA - 9.24

Face Recognition Attendance System

Presidency University Verified Project XII-Higher Secondary
02/2020 - 05/2020, The Sapphire School, Ratlam
Tags : Face Recognition, Deep Learning, Image Processing, OpenCV, Flask, Raspberry Pi, SQLite 2016,
Built an IoT-enabled Web app using Python, Flask a n d Sqlite where students can Percentage - 67.0%
register themself and faculties can sign in and initialize the attendance process.
Encoded a picture using the HOG algorithm to create a simplified version of the image.
Found the part of the image that most looks like a generic HOG encoding of a face. X - Secondary
Passed the centered face image through a Deep Convolutional Neural Network that Ratlam Public School, Ratlam
knows how to measure features of the face and saved those 128 measurements. 2013,
Developed an SVM classifier to find the person in our database of known people who CGPA - 7.0
has the closest measurements to our test image.
Obtained an accuracy of 99.8% and able to deliver accurate face recognition
attendance system with minimal human intervention , less time consuming compared to
manual attendance system and reduced discrepancies like proxy attendance . ACHIEVEMENTS
Best Paper Award for paper titled Face
Recognition Based Attendance System (FRAS)
at Presidency University, 2019

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