Himanshu Sharma: Projects Tech Stack
Himanshu Sharma: Projects Tech Stack
Himanshu Sharma: Projects Tech Stack
News Popularity Prediction
Vlogs on Data Science
AlmaBetter Verified Project 2021
12/2020 - 01/2021, Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, Advanced
Tags : Regression, NLP, TF-IDF Vectorizer, Random Search, XGBoost, Goodness of Fit, spaCy Machine Learning
Built an XGBoost regression model to predict the popularity of news on different social
media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus.
Performed key NLP processing steps on news items such as lemmatization, POS-
tagging, Named Entity Recognition, stopword removal and tokenization using spaCy. EDUCATION
Generated the optimal document-word matrix as model input by tuning parameters
such as min_df, max_df, n_gram range, token_pattern in TF-IDF vectorizer.
B.Tech in Computer Science & Engg
Performed hyperparameter tuning using GridsearchCV & RandomSearchCV and
Presidency University, Bengaluru
achieved R2 score of 72%, 76%, 78% respectively for FB, LinkedIn & GooglePlus. 2016 - 2020,
CGPA - 9.24