8th Grade World Geography Lesson Plans Week 2

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08/01/2021 - 08/07/2021
Mr. Salber

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08/02/2021 08/03/2021 08/04/2021 08/05/2021 08/06/2021

8th Grade World 8th Grade World 8th Grade World 8th Grade World 8th Grade World
Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography
Evaluate the Evaluate the Evaluate the Evaluate the Evaluate the
advantages and advantages and advantages and advantages and advantages and
disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantages of
using different maps using different maps using different maps using different maps using different maps
and geospatial and geospatial and geospatial and geospatial and geospatial
technologies for technologies for technologies for technologies for technologies for
analyzing spatial analyzing spatial analyzing spatial analyzing spatial analyzing spatial
distributions and distributions and distributions and distributions and distributions and
patterns on Earth. patterns on Earth. patterns on Earth. patterns on Earth. patterns on Earth.
Utilize maps and Utilize maps and Utilize maps and Utilize maps and Utilize maps and
geospatial geospatial geospatial geospatial geospatial
technologies to technologies to technologies to technologies to technologies to
explain relationships explain relationships explain relationships explain relationships explain relationships
among peoples, among peoples, among peoples, among peoples, among peoples,
places, and places, and places, and places, and places, and
environments. environments. environments. environments. environments.
Categorize the Categorize the Categorize the Categorize the Categorize the
geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic
organization of organization of organization of organization of organization of
people, places, and people, places, and people, places, and people, places, and people, places, and
environments using environments using environments using environments using environments using
spatial models. spatial models. spatial models. spatial models. spatial models.
Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction
Do Now - Challenge/ Do Now - how do you Do Now - Review - Do Now - Review - Do Now - Define
Assessment read this What are the 5 What two landforms 1) Adapt
Label as much as 30° 22' 2.7120'' N themes of geography are connected? 2) Change
you can on this map and 89° 5' 34.1484'' Guided Practice How? Be sure to use your
It will be graded this W Guided Practice own definition, create
Guided notetaking -
time Bonus points of you a visual
50 Landforms Provide students with
Guided Practice can find where this is representation and
an example of how
Guided Practice compare and contrast
How does your Students will identify they may want to
the two terms
phone know where Exploration of Google and define 50 complete the
you are? Earth different landforms. Landform Scavenger Guided Practice
How does it know Ensure google earth Hunt activity. What it means to
how to get you to the works on student Independent Practice adapt to the
baseball field, the devices. Character is on an environment
Brain Breaks -
grocery store, the Explore what you can island. The island Situation
beach? do on google earth could be formed by a I live in a cold climate
Out of the 13
Independent Practice volcano. The island is I live in a hot climate
landforms covered so
PPT on GPS and in the ocean. - 3 of The air is polluted
Students are given far try and name
Geocaching the required with yellow dust
13 sets of them without peeking
landforms are done I live on the side of a
Geocaching video right there. mountain - I can't
Student need to Out of all the
plant crops
identify what country landforms covered so
5 Theme project Options for
they are in and what far which ones are
share storytelling. What it means to
the significant most interesting to
Standards http://storybird.com/ Change the
landmark is. you
http://www.storyboard environment
ITG.1 Investigate
that.com/ Situation
the world using Name one landform
I live in a cold climate
that we have talked

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08/01/2021 - 08/07/2021
Mr. Salber

spatial terms, 22.9519° S, 43.2105° about so far that you Independent Practice I live in a hot climate
concepts, and W Christ the have actually been Outline your project. The air is polluted
thinking and Redeemer to. Create a diagram the with yellow dust
employing maps and 39.9169° N, connects 10 of the 50 I live on the side of a
other geographic 116.3907° E Try and name as landforms mountain - I can't
representations, Forbidden city many landforms as plant crops
tools, and 40.6892° N, 74.0445° you can!! Begin to outline a Independent Practice
technologies. W Statue of Liberty No cheating! story for your There are numerous
ITG.1.1 Evaluate the 27.1751° N, 78.0421° There are 48 character areas of life impacted
advantages and E Taj Mahal landforms we
by changing and
disadvantages of 48.8584° N, 2.2945° reviewed! Create a presentation adapting to the
using different maps E Eiffel tower explaining your 10 environment.
and geospatial 51.5081° N, 0.0759° After reviewing all of landforms. You will explore
technologies for W Tower of London the landforms today, Homework these areas
analyzing spatial 41.8902° N, 12.4922° name one or more
This is a two part Economy
distributions and E Colosseum landforms that you
assignment. Be sure Energy
patterns on Earth. 29.9773° N, 31.1325° didn’t know about
to read all sections of Transportation
E Pyramids of Egypt until today.
ITG.1.2 Utilize maps the assignment Recreation
50.8450° N, 4.3500° Homework
and geospatial carefully. Be sure to Agriculture
E Manneken Pis
technologies to This is a two part check that you have Housing
13.7516° N,
explain relationships assignment. Be sure completed all of the Create two columns:
100.4927° E Temple
among peoples, to read all sections of required parts of How we adapt to the
of the emerald
places, and the assignment BOTH parts of the environment on one
environments. carefully. Be sure to assignment. side and How we
27.1127° S,
check that you have Part I change the
ITG.1.3 Categorize 109.3497° W Statues
completed all of the Demonstrate your environment on the
the geographic of the Easter island
required parts of knowledge of the five other.
organization of 43.8791° N,
BOTH parts of the theme of geography Homework
people, places, and 103.4591° W Mount
assignment. and the landforms
environments using Rushmore This is a two part
Part I through a PowerPoint
spatial models. 43.3373° N, 17.8150° assignment. Be sure
Demonstrate your presentations. It will
E Bridge of Mostar to read all sections of
knowledge of the five be a total of 12
Standards the assignment
theme of geography slides. The first is you carefully. Be sure to
ITG.1 Investigate and the landforms title slide which will check that you have
the world using through a PowerPoint have your name on completed all of the
spatial terms, presentations. It will the slide. The next 10 required parts of
concepts, and be a total of 12 slides will include an BOTH parts of the
thinking and slides. The first is you image of the assignment.
employing maps and title slide which will landform, an example Part I
other geographic have your name on of the landform, a Demonstrate your
representations, the slide. The next 10 definition, the exact knowledge of the five
tools, and slides will include an location (if possible), theme of geography
technologies. image of the and a description of and the landforms
ITG.1.1 Evaluate the landform, an example some characteristics through a PowerPoint
advantages and of the landform, a (climate). The final presentations. It will
disadvantages of definition, the exact slide will be a work be a total of 12
using different maps location (if possible), cited page. You will slides. The first is you
and geospatial and a description of use MLA format to title slide which will
technologies for some characteristics cite all of your have your name on
analyzing spatial (climate). The final pictures. the slide. The next 10
distributions and slide will be a work Part II slides will include an
patterns on Earth. cited page. You will You will demonstrate image of the
use MLA format to an understanding of
ITG.1.2 Utilize maps landform, an example
cite all of your how the landforms
and geospatial of the landform, a
pictures. interact through the definition, the exact

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08/01/2021 - 08/07/2021
Mr. Salber

technologies to Part II writing of a short location (if possible),

explain relationships You will demonstrate story. You may type a and a description of
among peoples, an understanding of standard paper in some characteristics
places, and how the landforms Microsoft word/ (climate). The final
environments. interact through the google docs. If you slide will be a work
ITG.1.3 Categorize writing of a short do you must use the cited page. You will
the geographic story. You may type a standard format of use MLA format to
organization of standard paper in Times New Roman, cite all of your
people, places, and Microsoft word/ 12 font, double pictures.
environments using google docs. If you spaced. However, Part II
spatial models. do you must use the you are free to use You will demonstrate
standard format of one of the sites or an understanding of
Times New Roman, any story telling site how the landforms
12 font, double to complete your interact through the
spaced. However, story. writing of a short
you are free to use Standards story. You may type a
one of the sites or standard paper in
ITG.1 Investigate
any story telling site Microsoft word/
the world using
to complete your google docs. If you
spatial terms,
story. do you must use the
concepts, and
Standards standard format of
thinking and
Times New Roman,
ITG.1 Investigate employing maps and
12 font, double
the world using other geographic
spaced. However,
spatial terms, representations,
you are free to use
concepts, and tools, and
one of the sites or
thinking and technologies.
any story telling site
employing maps and ITG.1.1 Evaluate the to complete your
other geographic advantages and story.
representations, disadvantages of
tools, and using different maps Fills out the graphic
technologies. and geospatial organizer.
ITG.1.1 Evaluate the technologies for Choose one category
advantages and analyzing spatial they found most
disadvantages of distributions and interesting and write
using different maps patterns on Earth. a summary/reaction
and geospatial ITG.1.2 Utilize maps to their findings
technologies for and geospatial Standards
analyzing spatial technologies to
distributions and ITG.1 Investigate
explain relationships the world using
patterns on Earth. among peoples, spatial terms,
ITG.1.2 Utilize maps places, and concepts, and
and geospatial environments. thinking and
technologies to ITG.1.3 Categorize employing maps and
explain relationships the geographic other geographic
among peoples, organization of representations,
places, and people, places, and tools, and
environments. environments using technologies.
ITG.1.3 Categorize spatial models. ITG.1.1 Evaluate the
the geographic advantages and
organization of disadvantages of
people, places, and using different maps
environments using and geospatial
spatial models. technologies for

Page 3 of 4 Week View

08/01/2021 - 08/07/2021
Mr. Salber

analyzing spatial
distributions and
patterns on Earth.
ITG.1.2 Utilize maps
and geospatial
technologies to
explain relationships
among peoples,
places, and
ITG.1.3 Categorize
the geographic
organization of
people, places, and
environments using
spatial models.

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