Read Aloud: 修改 2 题:#011185 Sleep behavior, #011187 Artificial Neural Networks
Read Aloud: 修改 2 题:#011185 Sleep behavior, #011187 Artificial Neural Networks
Read Aloud: 修改 2 题:#011185 Sleep behavior, #011187 Artificial Neural Networks
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修改 2 题:#011185 Sleep behavior, #011187 Artificial
Neural Networks
While blue is one of the most popular colors, it is one of the least appetizing. Food researchers say that when
humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black or
purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.
When countries assess their annual carbon emissions, they count up their cars and power stations, but bush
fires are not included – presumably because they are deemed to be events beyond human control. In Australia,
Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year; in both 2004 and more recently, the
figure has been over one million hectares.
Tesla's theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power systems. Thomas Edison
promised him almost one million dollars in today's money to undertake motor and generator improvement.
However, when Tesla, the ethical Serb, asked about the money, Edison’s reportedly reply was "Tesla, you don't
understand our American humor." The pair became arch-rivals.
The core of the problem was the immense disparity between the country's productive capacity and the ability
of people to consume. Great innovations in productive techniques during and after the war raised the output of
industry beyond the purchasing capacity of U.S. farmers and wage earners.
Father #011005
Every morning, no matter how late he had been up, my father rose at five-thirty, went to his study, wrote for a
couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read the paper with my mother, and then went back to work for the rest
of the morning. Many years passed before I realized that he did this for a living.
Himalayas #011006
Although it hails from a remote region of the western Himalayas. This plant now looks entirely at home on the
banks of English rivers, and colonized river banks and damp woodlands. In the Himalayas the plant is held in
check by various pests, but take these away and it grows and reproduces unhindered. Now it is spreading
across Europe, New Zealand, Canada and the US.
Pluto #011007
Pluto lost its official status when the International Astronomical Union downsized the solar system from nine to
eight planets. Although there had been passionate debate at the General Assembly Meeting in Prague about
the definition of a planet, and whether Pluto met the specifications, the audience greeted the decision to
exclude it with applause.
At the beginning of each fiscal year funds are allocated to each State account in accordance with the
University's financial plan. Funds are allocated to each account by object of expenditure. Account managers are
responsible for ensuring that adequate funds are available in the appropriate object before initiating
transactions to use the funds.
Lincoln #011009
Lincoln's apparently radical change of mind about his war powers to emancipate slaves was caused by the
escalating scope of the war, which convinced him that any measure to weaken the Confederacy and strengthen
the Union war effort was justifiable as a military necessity.
A young man from a small provincial town, a man without independent wealth, without powerful family
connections and without a university education, moves to London in the fifteen eighties, and becomes a
remarkable playwright of all time. How is an achievement of magnitude made? How does Shakespeare become
Akimbo #011012
Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in the language and puzzles us in part because it doesn't
seem to have any relatives. What's more, it is now virtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found
in arms akimbo, a posture in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one
signalling impatience or hostility.
Yellow #011013
Yellow is considered as the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most often in
yellow rooms and babies will cry more. The reason may be that yellow is the hardest color for eyes to take in, so
it can be overpowering if overused.
Elephant #011014
The elephant is the largest living land mammal. During evolution, its skeleton has greatly altered from the usual
mammal, designed for two main reasons. One is to cope with the great weight of huge grinding cheek teeth
and elongated tusk, making the skull particularly massive. The other is to support the enormous bulk of such a
huge body.
The situation is similar to a pregnant woman that has twin babies in her belly, says Avi Loeb of the Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He's proposing the idea in a paper that's been accepted for publication in
the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
How do we imagine the unimaginable? If we're asked to think of an object - say, a yellow tulip – a picture
immediately forms in our mind's eye. But what if we try to imagine a concept such as the square root of
negative number?
Few things in the world produce such amazement as one's first glimpse of the Grand Canyon; it took around
more than 2 billion years to create this vast wonder in some places. 17 miles wide, largely through the
relentless force of the Colorado River, which runs 277 miles along its length and a mile beneath its towering
Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. This trend
began in the middle of the 20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists and
governmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly from the effect of increased
concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
Furniture #011023
There are perhaps three ways of looking at furniture: some people see it as purely functional and useful, and
don't bother themselves with aesthetics; others see it as essential to civilized living and concern themselves
with design and how the furniture will look in a room. In other words, function combined with aesthetics; and
Modern buildings have to achieve certain performance requirements, at least to satisfy those of building codes,
to provide a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment. However, these conditioned environments demand
resources in energy and materials, which are both limited in supply, to build and operate.
Historian #011026
As a historian, if you really want to understand the sensibilities of those who lived in the past, you must be like
a novelist and get into the skins of your characters and think and feel as they do. You are asked to imagine
what it's like to be a peasant in medieval times, asking the sort of questions a peasant might ask. What the
writer is saying is that a historian needs imaginative sympathy with ordinary people in the past.
Humans need to use energy in order to exist. So it is unsurprising that the way people have been producing
energy is largely responsible for current environmental problems. Pollution comes in many forms, but those
that are most concerning, because of their impact on health, result from the combustion of fuels in power
stations and cars.
Rehabilitation #011031
The primary application we're targeting at first is to give people a decision aid during rehabilitation, following
an acute knee injury, to help them understand when they can perform particular activities, and when they can
move to different intensities of particular activities. A useful thing to take a crack at.
The border itself between Mexico and United States is fraught with a mix of urban and desert terrain and spans
over one thousand nine hundred miles. Both the uninhabited areas of the border and urban areas are where
the most drug trafficking and illegal crossings take place. Crime is prevalent in urban cities like El Paso, Texas
and San Diego, California.
Moods #011038
Moods may also have an effect on how information is processed, by influencing the extent to which judges rely
on pre-existing, internal information, or focus on new, external information. Positive moods promote more
holistic and top-down processing style, while negative moods recruit more stimulus-driven and bottom-up
In the photo, the wild cat's huge paws are clamped onto the side of the white safari Jeep in which Chappell was
a passenger. Almost as tall as the Jeep on her hind legs, she appears to be forcing her muzzle into the back
Networking #011058
Networking is easy and fun because it taps into this human predilection to talk about ourselves when asked.
Consider successful networking as little more than the process of guiding a person to tell you about his life,
what he's doing, the company that employs him, and his current industry.
It's not that human activities didn't impact wildlife at all of course. Heavily hunted species, like white-tailed
deer, grey squirrels, and raccoons, were photographed somewhat less often in hunted areas. Coyotes showed
Trade unions originated in Europe during the industrial revolution. Because of the machinery that had become
commonplace, skilled labour became less in demand so employers had nearly all of the bargaining power.
Employers mistreated the workers and paid them too little for the work they did. Trade unions were organised
that would help in the improvement of working conditions.
Marijuana #011066
Another administration option is to bake marijuana at a relatively low temperature to kill any dangerous
microorganisms and then allow that patient to eat it or drink it. Both of these methods of administration make
smoking the drug unnecessary. However, criticism of medical marijuana has also been raised because as a
natural plant, it cannot be patented and marketed by pharmaceutical companies and is unlikely to win
widespread medical acceptance.
Introvert, or those of us with introverted tendencies, tends to recharge by spending time alone. They lose
energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds. Extroverts, on the other
hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much
time alone. They recharge by being social.
Microbes #011089
Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals. But Gore studies the same sort of mutualism in
microbes. He and his team demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective relationship in
drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-resistant E. coli bacteria: one resistant to ampicillin, the
other to chloramphenicol.
Botanic gardens are scientific and cultural institutions established to collect, study, exchange, and display plants
for research and for the education and enjoyment of the public. There are major botanic gardens in each capital
city. Zoological parks and aquariums are primarily engaged in the breeding, preservation, and display of native
and exotic fauna in captivity.
It is difficult to tell whether the speaker approves of Hemingway's lifestyle or not. He was famously macho and
spent a lot of time hunting wild animals, going to wars and getting into fights. All these things got into his
books, and the speaker thinks that this is not necessarily a good thing as it means that too many people prefer
to read about his life than read his books.
How quickly is the world's population growing? In the United States and other developed countries, the current
growth rate is very low. In most developing countries, the human population is growing at a rate of 3 people
per second. Because of this bustling growth rate, the human population is well on its way to reaching 9 billion
within lifetime.
Augustus #011101
Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as the preserver of
republican traditions. He treated the Senate, or state council, with great respect, and was made Consul year
after year. He successfully reduced the political power of the army by retiring many soldiers, but giving them
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land or money to keep their loyalty.
As to the Industrial Revolution, one cannot dispute today the fact that it has succeeded in inaugurating in a
number of countries a level of mass prosperity which was undreamt of in the days preceding the Industrial
Revolution. But, on the immediate impact of Industrial Revolution, there were substantial divergences among
Vanilla #011106
The uniquely scented flavor of vanilla is second only to chocolate in popularity on the world's palate. It's also
the second most expensive spice after saffron. But highly labor-intensive cultivation methods and the plant's
temperamental life cycle and propagation mean production on a global scale is struggling to keep up with the
increasing demand for the product.
In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information that they provide will be
important to know when you take tests. You must be able to take good written notes from what your teacher
It isn't rare for private equity houses to hire graduates fresh out of business schools, but nine times out of ten,
the students who nab these jobs are the ones who had private equity experience before even starting their
MBA program.
This book is no ordinary book and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many
different adventures, and the path you take will depend on the choices you make along the way. The success or
failure of your mission will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.
MBA #011112
Exhilarating, exhausting and intense. There are just some of the words used to describe doing an MBA.
Everyone's experience of doing MBA is, of course, different through denying that it's hard and a demanding
work whichever course you do. MBA is one of the fastest growing areas of studying in the UK so that must be a
sustainable benefit against form in one pain.
Legal writing is usually less discursive than writing in other humanities subjects, and precision is more
important than variety. Sentence structure should not be too complex; it is usually unnecessary to make
extensive use of adjectives or adverbs, and consistency of terms is often required.
Semiconductor #011114
The semiconductor industry has been able to improve the performance of electronic systems for more than
four decades by making ever-smaller devices. However, this approach will soon encounter both scientific and
technical limits, which is why the industry is exploring a number of alternative device technologies.
Two sisters were at a dinner party when the conversation turned to upbringing. The elder sister started to say
that her parents had been very strict and that she had been rather frightened of them. Her sister, younger by
two years, interrupted in amazement. "What are you talking about?" she said, "Our parents were very lenient."
Weakness in electronics, auto and gas station sales dragged down overall retail sales last month, but excluding
those three categories, retailers enjoyed healthy increases across the board, according to government figures
released Wednesday. Moreover, December sales numbers were also revised higher.
The Japanese tea ceremony is a ritual tour influenced by Buddhism in which green tea is prepared and served
to a small group of guests in a peaceful setting. The ceremony can take as long as four hours and there are
many traditional gestures that both the server and the guest must perform.
Russia #011119
Long isolated from Western Europe, Russia grew up without participating in the development like the
Reformation that many Europeans taking pride in their unique culture, find dubious value. Russia is, as a result,
the most unusual member of European family, if indeed it is European at all. The question is still open to
debate, particularly among Russians themselves.
For any marketing course that requires the development of a marketing plan, such as Marketing Management,
Marketing Strategy and Principles of Marketing. This is the only planning handbook that guides students
through step by step creations of a customized marketing plan while offering commercial software to aid in the
The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, not for military conflicts or political events, but
for a whole new age of globalization, a "flattening" of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now
means that suddenly knowledge pools and resources have connected all over the planet, leveling the playing
field as never before.
Orientalists #011122
Orientalists, like many other nineteenth-century thinkers, conceive of humanity either in large collective terms
or in abstract generalities. Orientalists are neither interested in nor capable of discussing individuals; instead,
artificial entities predominate. Similarly, the age-old distinction between "Europe" and "Asia" or "Occident" and
"Orient" herds beneath very wide labels of every possible variety of human plurality, reducing it in the process
to one or two terminal collective abstractions.
Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day without giving it much thought, unaware of the subtle
and not so subtle ramifications of their purchases. They just grasp a hamburger and unwrap it and tossed the
wrap into the bin. The whole experience is transitory and soon forgotten.
Australians speak English of course. But for many tourists and even some locals, Australian English has only
tenuous links with the mother tongue. Our speech is peppered with words and phrases whose arcane meanings
are understood only by the native speaker. It is these colorful colloquialisms that Australian slang is yet to truly
The provision of accurate and authoritative statistical information strengthens our society. It provides a basis
for decisions to be made on public policy, such as determining electoral boundaries and where to locate
First-year university students have designed and built a groundbreaking electric car that recharges itself. Fifty
students from the University of Sydney‘s Faculty of Engineering spent five months working together bits of
plywood, foam and fiberglass to build the concept car. They developed the specifications and hand built the
car. It's a pretty radical design: a four-wheel drive with a motor in each wheel.
The preparation of abstracts is an intellectual effort, requiring general familiarity with the subject. To bring out
the salient points of an author's argument calls for skill and experience. Consequently, a considerable amount
of qualified manpower that could be used to advantage in other ways must be diverted to the task of
facilitating access to information.
Shrimp #011129
Shrimp farmers used to hold animals in nursery ponds for 30 to 60 days; now they try to move them into grow-
out ponds in less than 30 days. This reduces stress on the animals and dramatically increases survivals in the
grow-out ponds. Many farms that abandoned nursery ponds have gone back to them, and the results have
been surprisingly positive. They're using the old, uncovered, earthen, nursery ponds.
Along with customary classes on subjects such as finance, accounting, and marketing, today's MBA students are
enrolling on courses for environmental policy and stewardship. Indeed, more than half of business schools
require a course in environmental sustainability or corporate social responsibility, according to a survey of 91
US business schools, published in October 2005.
Public demand for education has remained strong, reflecting the importance of education as a means of social
progress. Aware of the added value of education to the world of work, the government continues to innovate
and update the education system in order to produce a qualified and competent workforce.
Business school admissions officers said the new drive to attract younger students was in part the result of a
realization that they had inadvertently limited their applicant pool by requiring several year's work experience.
Talented students who might otherwise have gone to business school instead opted for a law or policy degree
because they were intimidated by the expectation of work experience.
A unique characteristic of online shopping environments is that they allow vendors to create retail interfaces
with highly interactive features. One desirable form of interactivity from a consumer perspective is the
implementation of sophisticated tools to assist shoppers in their purchase decisions by customizing the
electronic shopping environment to their individual preferences.
A Hazard Assessment should be performed for work involving distillations of organic liquids and should
thoroughly address issues relating to residual water and possible decomposition of the solvent in question, as
well as the physical placement of the distillation apparatus and heating equipment to be employed.
Bookkeepers #011135
Traditional divisions of domestic work are understood to persist because of the strong association of the home
with femininity and paid work with masculinity, to challenge who does what in the home is arguably equivalent
to challenging what it is to be a woman or a man.
Imagine living all your life as the only family on your street. Then, one morning, you open the front door and
discover houses all around you. You see neighbors tending their gardens and children walking to school. Where
did all the people come from? What if the answer turned out to be that they had always been there, you just
hadn't seen them?
Perhaps the most measurable benefit of the program has been the opportunity to meet in small groups,
something that is difficult to arrange in such a desperate organization. Many officers would have to work
together for thirty years but would not know each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Teenage girls are continuing to outperform boys in English while the gender gap in achievements in math and
science has almost disappeared. The figures show that last year eighty percent of fourteen-year-old girls
reached at least the expected Level Five in English, compared with sixty-five percent of boys. But in math, the
girls are just one percent ahead of boys, while in science the difference is two percent.
Before the discovery of Australia, people in the old world were convinced that all swans were white, an
unassailable belief as it seemed completely confirmed by empirical evidence. The sighting of the first black
swan might have been an interesting surprise for a few ornithologists, but that is not where the significance of
the story lies.
Certainly, one of the important values of literature is that it nourishes our emotional lives. An effective literary
work may seem to speak directly to us especially if we are ripe for it. The inner life that good writers reveal in
their characters often gives us glimpses of some portion of ourselves. We can be moved to laugh, cry, tremble,
dream, ponder, shriek, or rage with a character by simply turning the page instead of turning our lives upside
Internal combustion engine enables the driver to decide which source of power is appropriate for the travel
requirements of a given journey. Major US auto manufacturers are now developing feasible hybrid electric
vehicles, and some are exploring fuel-cell technology for their electric cars.
Since its inception, the UN system has been working to ensure adequate food for all through sustainable
agriculture. The majority of the world's poorest people live in rural areas of developing countries. They depend
on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. This makes them particularly vulnerable to man-made
and natural influences that reduce agricultural production.
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Recycle #011148
When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural
resources. If used materials are not recycled, new products are made by extracting fresh, raw material from the
Earth, through mining and forestry. Recycling helps conserve important raw materials and protects natural
habitats for the future.
Investigators also compared those microbes with those living in fifty-two other soil samples taken from all
around the planet. The park had organisms that also exist in deserts, frozen tundra, forests, rainforests, and
prairies. Antarctica was the only area that had microbes that did not overlap with those found in Central Park.
Only a small percentage of the park's microbes were found to be already listed in databases.
There is no single method of learning that guarantees success. How we learn that depends on many different
factors. What works best for you will not necessarily be the same as the approach used for the other students
even if they study the same course. We are all unique as learners, although some patterns emerge from any
groups of students.
Electronic discourse is one form of interactive electronic communication. In this study, we reserve the term for
the two-directional texts in which one person using a keyboard writes language that appears on the sender's
monitor and is transmitted to the monitor of a recipient, who responds by a keyboard.
Magnetar #011156
The researchers said that the best comparison is likely a magnetar, a young neutron star with a powerful
magnetic field. Magnetars also produce bright X-ray flares. While magnetars are thought to be young stars, the
two flaring objects in this study reside near elliptical galaxies, which contain older stars. So the objects are likely
too old to be magnetars.
The department determines whether or not the candidate has passed the examination. In cases where an
appearance for the final public oral examination would constitute a substantial financial hardship for the
candidate, the director of graduate studies, may recommend to the dean of the Graduate School for a virtual ,
video-conferenced examination of the candidate.
Constellation #011161
A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of stars forms an imaginary outline or
pattern, typically representing an animal, mythological person or creature, or an inanimate object. The origins
of the earliest constellations likely go back to prehistory.
New research shows that during the global financial crisis, workers who stayed in jobs did not reduce their
working hours, despite the claims that cuts in hours have led to job losses. A study found that the life of people
who stayed with the same employer remained relatively unchanged.
The brain is divided into its hemispheres by a prominent groove. At the base of this lies nerve fibers which
enable these two halves of the brain to communicate with each other. But the left hemisphere usually controls
movement and sensation in the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere similarly controls the left side
Publication #011164
For the first two or three years after the Second World War, a new title would often sell out within a few
months of publication. However, unless public demand for the book was unusually high, they were rarely able
to reprint it. With paper stocks strictly rationed, they could not afford to use up precious paper or tie up their
limited capital with a reprint.
The latest scientific evidence on the nature and strength of the links between diet and chronic diseases is
examined and discussed in detail in the following sections of this report. This section gives an overall view of
the current situation and trends in chronic diseases at the global level.
Jacobson #011169
It was found that while many companies express interest in Jacobson's use case approach, actual scenario
usage often falls outside what is described in textbooks and standard methodologies. Users therefore face
significant scenario management problems not yet addressed adequately in theory or practice, and are
demanding solutions to these problems.
Australia has one of the world's most important mining industries. It is a major exporter of coal, iron ore, gold,
bauxite, and copper, and is self-sufficient in all minerals bar petroleum. Since the first discoveries of coal in
1798, mineral production has risen every year; in the decade to 1992, it doubled.
Yet it is precisely in observing the intertwinings of success and failure that Chasing the Flame makes its greatest
mark. With piercing insight and relentless logic, it reveals the pitfalls of international politics and details an
intricate struggle between individual and institution. It haunts us with the poignant truth that even a great man
can do only so much to reinvent the world.
A thesis #011174
A thesis is a claim that you can argue for or against. It should be something that you can present persuasively
and clearly in the scope of your paper, so keep in mind the page count. If possible, your thesis should also be
somewhat original.
The United States is at present the world's market for motor cars and trucks. An agent for the U.S. Bureau of
Foreign and Domestic Commerce reports a prosperous condition of affairs prevailing in Japan, which is buying
more automobiles, especially large cars, than ever before.
Moon #011177
The asteroid that slammed into the moon 3.8 billion years ago creating the Imbrium Basin may have had a
diameter of at least 150 miles, according to a new estimate. The work helps explain puzzling geological features
on the moon's near side, and has implications for understanding the evolution of the early solar system.
Telecommunication #011178
Today, telecommunication is widespread and devices that assist the progress are common in many parts of the
world. There is also a vast array of networks that connect these devices, including computer, telephone and
cable networks. Computer communication across the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging, is just one
Deaf children learning a language could certainly pursue the development of listening and spoken language
skills if desired, and doing so would carry much less risk knowing the child would have mastery in at least one
language. If a child does not succeed in mastering either a spoken language or a sign language, we must then
ask how much benefit the child derived from interventions in each language relative to the amount of time and
resources dedicated to those interventions
The terms summary and abstract are often used interchangeably resulting in some confusion. This problem
arises because there are two distinct types of abstracts, descriptive and informative. The informative abstract is
sometimes called summary; the descriptive is not. The descriptive abstract is usually only two or three
sentences in length, hence it is not a summary or very informative.
Food is one of the most important things you'll ever buy. And yet most people never bother to think about
their food and where it comes from. People spend a lot more time worrying about what kind of blue jeans to
wear, what kind of video games to play, what kind of computers to buy.
We all know about bacteria, viruses, and microscopic protozoa. We can watch the way that these tiny agents
move into our bodies and damage our organs. We have a growing understanding of how our body mounts
defensive strategies that fight off these invaders, and have built some clever chemical that can help mount an
assault on these bio-villains.
Conservation scientists have long tried to map how much of the planet remains undegraded by human activity.
Previous estimates using satellite imagery or raw demographic data found anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of
the globe was free from obvious human incursions, such as roads, light pollution or the gaping scars of
deforestation. But an intact forest canopy can hide an emptied-out ecosystem below.
How quickly this occurs depends on the dynamics of fertility, mortality and overseas migration. While a
moderate pace of demographic change allows for gradual adjustment of the economy and policies to the
changing population demographics, rapid changes are more difficult to manage. As a result, governments and
society as a whole may need to take actions to address these issues.
Sleep behavior is also known as sleep disorder. People with sleep disorder often talk or walk in their sleep. They
are not aware of what they are talking about or where they are going. There aren't any serious effects on the
body in general but it may be connected to mental health. People with childhood trauma, unspeakable
problems or depression are the ones with different sleep behaviors.
Participating regularly in physical activity has been shown to benefit an individual's health and wellbeing.
Regular physical activity is important in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and stroke,
obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancer. The National Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults recommends at
least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, preferably every day of the week, to obtain health
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Artificial Neural Networks #011187
Artificial Neural Networks have recently become the state-of-the-art technique for crucial signal processing
applications such as specific frequency classification, structural health monitoring, disease detection in power
electronics circuitry and motor-fault detection. This is an expected outcome as there are numerous advantages
of using adaptive and compact deep counterparts, which can be efficiently trained with a limited dataset of
signals, besides requiring data transformation.
Biology #011188
Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical
processes, physiological mechanisms and evolution. Certain unifying concepts consolidate it into a single and
coherent field that recognizes genes as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as the engine that propels
creation and extinction.
Data-driven #011189
These decisions are highly nuanced. Of course, we use a lot of data to inform our decisions, but we also rely
very heavily on iteration, research, testing, intuition and human empathy. Now, sometimes the designers who
work on these products are called "data-driven," which is a term that totally drives us bonkers. The fact is, it
would be irresponsible of us not to rigorously test our designs when so many people are counting on us to get
it right.
A total of five ozone ascents were taken at Indian mission Antarctica from April to June 2016 (two thousand
and sixteen). As stratospheric temperatures reduced to -82.24℃ (negative eighty-two point twenty-four degree
Celsius) on the twentieth of June 2016 (two thousand and sixteen) indicating the formation of stratospheric
clouds, leading scientists feared that Montreal Accord has not succeeded to control the emission of ozone-
depleting gases in the atmosphere.
Charlie Chaplin and his brother Sydney were placed in an orphanage at a very early age. Becoming a vaudeville
performer, he joined Fred Karno's company in 1906 (nineteen-o-six). He made his film debut in Making a Living
and introduced the famous seedy and soft-hearted gentleman-tramp routine, which became his hallmark.
Numerous films for various studios brought him world fame, all based on his mastery of pathos and slapstick
English colonies emerged along the eastern seaboard for a variety of reasons. People, primarily men, originally
migrated to Virginia to find gold and silver to make a quick profit. After it became evident that there were no
precious metals in the area, men came to Virginia to start cultivating cash crops like tobacco.