Why Bother

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Why bother?

“...Your daughter has died. Why bother and distress the Teacher any further?” (Mk5:35

In our daily lives, it is almost impossible not to worry. To be seen and described as one who
does not worry is considered derogatory; because it is believed that such individual is
careless or unconcerned about the happenings in his environment or he is foolishly not
responding to them. Directly or indirectly, we are all encouraged to worry and bother
ourselves stiff. When you exhibit such trait(s) in excess it is sometimes assumed that you
care a lot and should you not show empathy, it is believed you are mean and heartless.

Sincerely, being phlegmatic to the happenings around you in this present world portends
you as an alien from a remote part of another Planet. Even the stiffening up of the upper
lips of the average British does not mean they don’t groan in the secret. But the scripture
enjoins us not to worry. In fact, there are many Bible passages that encourage us not to
worry. For example Phil4:6(cev) says “Don't worry about anything, but pray about
everything....” In other words, the Bible said we should turn every worry to prayer. So if you
are worrying about anything, according to the scripture, you are actually demonstrating that
you have not prayed about it or you have not prayed through to the point that worry is
gotten rid of.

In Mt6:25b,26a (GW) “...You cannot serve God and wealth. So I tell you to stop worrying
about what you will eat, drink, or wear.... “ In this powerful scripture, Jesus said when you
worry much about the affairs of life as it relates to what money can buy, you are actually
dividing your object of worship. That means you cannot be worshipping God and be worried
about your needs at the same time; it is idolatry. You have two gods in your life!!! That is
scary, but it is what the scriptures say. In other words, you either worry yourself sick about
your needs or you dig deep into prayer, worship, praise and trust in God. You cannot live in
both worlds.

According to the word of God, a believer that is full of worries is a believer who has not
committed everything in his life to God in prayer, he is also an idolater who does not fully
trust and rely on God meet his needs. Such believer is one who the Lord says worships Him
with his mouth but his heart is far from Him. In our modern lingo we call such persons
unbelieving believers. What an irony!!!

From God’s point of view then, to be a ‘world champion worrier’ is to be worldly. Little
wonder the scripture said you are in the world and not of the world. Your salvation
experience has made you different species and you are supposed to act accordingly. Not
only are you not supposed to live worldly lives as in dress provocatively, speak vulgar
languages, fill your ears with worldly music and every other worldly act you may consider
and know. But the Bible says our conducts should also differentiate us from others. We are
not supposed to fear what everyone is afraid of, and worry about what others worry about.
The Bible says we are to shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life
(Phil2:5b,16a). Through our knowledge and action on the word of God, we are supposed to
give everyone around us an alternative to life. People around us should see a difference in
our actions and reactions to every situation in life that befalls us. The Lord never promised
us a trouble free life, but He guarantees us that absolute provisions have been made
concerning every issues of life. As believers in God’s promises therefore, we respond to
every matter in life based on the provisions that God has made.

So, whereas it is abnormal not to worry in the world, it is out of place for the child of God to
be full of worries. I know some of you are battling with this truth right now. You might be
saying, “This person does not understand what I am going through, he is not feeling what I
am feeling, it is easier said than done.” Sincerely I share your thoughts, as a human I have
my own fair share of worries and challenges, but the scriptures say, “let God be true and
every man a liar.” My friend, God cannot lie and whatever He says is the truth
notwithstanding the testimonies of men and how you feel. My advice to you is to make up
your mind to live by the word of God instead of rationalising the truth, for it will take you

I want you to understand this issue of worry very clearly, especially if you are born again.
God said we must not worry about any situation that concerns our lives because we did not
come to this world on our volition, rather we all are the handiwork of God, given birth to in
other to fulfil His purpose on this earth. If this is so (and it is) then it is God’s responsibility to
make the provisions to meet and fulfil the purpose for which we are born. For example, in
our environment, it is abnormal for a child to worry about what to eat, wear or where to
live. To expect a child to eke out a livelihood for him or the family is what is termed child
labour or child abuse. In the same vein, we all are children of God and as His children it is
incumbent on Him to provide for our needs. Any attempt to worry yourself to death is to say
you are your own god or you are indirectly accusing God of child abuse.

Rather than worry about our needs therefore, we are supposed to bother God about them,
so to speak. Bother Him with your prayer requests, bother Him with your faith and He is
sure and ever ready to carry your burdens for you and in return He gives you His rest in the
midst of the storms of life. That’s the promise and that is how we are expected to live. To
live another way is to take your own destiny into your hands instead of committing it to

Our base scripture was a statement made by a man in desperate need of the divine
intervention of God for his daughter at the point of death. Against his initial belief, he
sought Jesus (for he was referred to as a leader of the synagogue; the sect that had problem
with Jesus). That is what I have discovered; when it comes to need for the supernatural,
people always know who to call. You do not need to fight with them about your faith, be
rest assured if they know you’ve got it, they will come to you not minding your differences.
When all chips are down, both believers and unbelievers know the people of God and they
always call on them in times of need. The most important thing is to be positioned for such a
time when you shall be in high demand even by your scorners. For there are many Jairus’
out there who will seek the anointing you carry when it matters most.

In the process of time, before Jesus got to his house, the child died and the people asked
him “why bother the master any longer?” The KJV translations says “why troublest the
master any further?” This is the irony of life, whereas the man took his worry to Jesus at a
critical point, because the child died, he was asked to leave Jesus and accept his fate. Let me
tell you, it is no worry to Jesus that you took your burden to Him no matter how gigantic it
might be. It is God’s jurisdiction to take your worry and give you His rest. As I have often
said, worry will only add to your woes, because you might develop ulcer, migraine and even
something more deadly like stroke or heart attack. At the end of the day worry will add to
your worries.

Like jairus how many times have people told you “it’s no use! Don’t bother God again”
about your healing, the breakthrough, the promotions, the new job, or even a job, the fruit
of the womb, the life partner, new projects, building a house, making heaven, being
forgiven and the list is endless. What informed such suggestions Jesus are premised most of
the time on what is seen, what had happened, what is happening or the prevailing situation
at hand. Many of us have heard “why bother”, either through people’s audible voices or
body language or at times we hear such statement in our minds. Like Jairus, whose girl was
already dead; you might be told things like; according to the doctors report; you are too old;
there are too many more qualified; you have committed unpardonable sin; the economy
situations says; who do you know?; there is no job now, there are too many young and
searching compared to you after two etc.

All these are meant to make you take the weight of the problem off Jesus so you may carry
it yourself and you are not designed to bear your burdens, they will crush you. I want you to
take note of what Jesus told Jairus after hearing what they said, “...Do not be seized with
alarm and struck with fear; only keep on believing.” Verse36. Jesus did not deny the fact
that the child was dead; He only addressed the expectations of Jairus. He made sure that
Jairus kept the burden and worry on Him because as long as that was so, solution was
guaranteed. Moreover, Jesus was yet to reach his house according to his request, so Jesus
had to keep his faith alive till they got to his home.

I want you to know for a fact too that Jesus hears all the voices of reason that tells you not
to bother believing anymore. But will you listen to His voice just like Jairus? Jesus told him to
allow the voice of faith speak louder than the voice of fear, he encouraged him to leave the
burdens where he had placed them, upon Jesus! He encouraged him to keep his eyes on
Him (Jesus) and not on the dead girl. He is saying the same to you my brethren; that despite
that the matter is going from bad to worse, keep the burden on Jesus, not minding the facts
presented to you by experts which indirectly tells you not to bother Jesus anymore, refuse
to carry the burden, even if the matter is as good as dead, let your prayer and your faith
remain tied to your maker, refuse to be alarmed and stricken by fear, keep believing that it
is not impossible with Jesus, though it might be impossible with you and others, keep
looking on to Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith. Shout the devil down by letting
him know you still believe that God makes all things work together for your good because
you have given Him your worry. Be assured and let the devil know that it is not over until
you win. Keep believing and ultimately like Jairus you too will carry your own baby, marry
your spouse, have a new job, get promoted, be healed, and receive deliverance and
everything you believe God for even this year; as long as you refuse to bother but rather
turn your worries to prayer and faith and give all that bothers you to Jesus.

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