Working With Alternatives in Adobe Forms
Working With Alternatives in Adobe Forms
Working With Alternatives in Adobe Forms
Step4: Create two global tables SPFLI and SFLIGHT to hold the data that needs to be
displayed in the output.
Step5: Code for fetching the data is written in the code initialization part of interface.
In code initialization the variables whose values are being passed to the code to fetch the
details of the output should be declared in the Input parameters and the variables to which the
results are assigned needs to be declared in the Output parameters.
Step6: Write the below code in code initialization part. Check for errors and activate the
select *
from spfli
into table gt_spfli
for all entries in it_spfli
where carrid eq it_spfli-carrid
and connid eq it_spfli-connid.
select *
from sflight
into table gt_sflight
for all entries in it_spfli
where carrid eq it_spfli-carrid
and connid eq it_spfli-connid.
Step7: After the interface part is done, create Form by going to SFP transaction.
Step8: In the creation of the Form, we need to give the name of the interface for which we are
creating the Form. This is the additional functionality in Adobe forms. One interface can be
used for many Forms if it is suitable.
Step9: In the Context tab of the Form we will find two sections Interface and Context.
In Interface we will find the data that was created in the interface. Content area will be blank
initially. We need to drag the elements that need to be displayed in output into the content
area.Drag and drop element FLAG into context area.
Step12: Drag and drop table GT_SPFLI from Global data to TRUE node and de-activate
fields which we don’t need.
Step13: Drag and drop table GT_SFLIGHT from Global data to FALSE node and de-activate
fields which we don’t need.
Step14: Select the Alternative conditions tab and create condition for alternative.
Create condition as FLAG = INITIAL.
Means subform TRUE will be triggered when the flag is initial and subform FALSE will be
triggered when there is some value in flag variable (NOT INITIAL).
Step15: Select tab page LAYOUT for going to Adobe layout.
In Layout, go to MASTER page decrease the page area and create the boiler plate elements,
such as text and image elements. We can create these from dragging the elements from
Step16: In data view we will find subform ALERNATIVE, with in it tables will be
placed in TRUE and FALSE subforms using choice subformset.Drag and drop complete
ALTERNATIVE subform into body page from data view.
Step17: Select body page and go to the object view from the pallets.
Go to Pagination, set over flow to ‘Go To Page “Page1″’.
This should be done in order to flow the content to the next page when first page is
filled completely.
Step18: Save and activate the form.
Select the table IT_SPFLI to give the input data. Give inputs to the table.Now there
are three entries in the table IT_SPFLI and the FLAG is BLANK.
Step19: Subform TRUE will be triggered when FLAG is INITIAL. And SPFLI table
data will be displayed in output.
Step20: Maintain same data in IT_SPFLI and give ‘X’ in FLAG. Scenario 2 will be
Output screen displays SFLIGHT table data.
In this way, based on flag input we can display data of two different tables.
Thank you..