Excel Work Book For Heat Exchangers
Excel Work Book For Heat Exchangers
Excel Work Book For Heat Exchangers
Units: ● Customary US SI
This Excel workbook includes Visual Basic for Application function subroutines.
Macros must be enabled for them to work.
1. Define the components in the hot and cold streams on the Process Fluids worksheet. Store the properties for new (previous
unknown) components on the Fluid Data worksheet.
2. Define the mass fraction of the components, flow rates, and temperatures on the Process Data worksheet
3. Use the Tubes Pressure Drop worksheet to determine the tube diameter, length and number of tube passes in the
exchanger, based on a pressure drop criteria
5. Determine the shell diameter and enter information about the tube bundle and baffles on the Shell Geometry worksheet.
7. Determine the pressure drop on the shell side on the Shell Pressure Drop worksheet
8. Compute the overall heat transfer coefficient, clean and fouled, on the Overall U worksheet; iterate until the assumed overa
U in Step 3 agrees with the calculated U-clean
10. The Conversions worksheet is used for data, including the status of radio buttons and checkboxes, and must not be
Use this worksheet to define the components present in the hot and cold streams for a heat transfer problem.
Multiple components from the Fluid Data properties table can be specified, and their properties will be averaged.
Averging properties for non-ideal solutions, such as polar mixtures (with water), gives poor results.
A better approach is to define the properties for the mixtures at several temperatures and add them to the database.
The composition (i.e., mass fraction of each component) is specifed on the next worksheet.
Use the dropdown list to view the Fluid Data content: Methyl Alcohol
To add new materials to the Fluid Data, go to the Fluid Data worksheet tab
Hot Side
Fluid name Distilled Water
Flow Total lb/h 396,000 Hot Side Flow
Temperature, in °F 90
Hot Side Temperature In
Temperature, out °F 77
Pressure, in psig 29 Hot Side Temperature Out
Press Drop Allowed psig 2
Fouling Resistance ft²-h-°F/Btu 0.0005
Cold Side
Fluid name Raw Water
Flow Total lb/h 1,188,000 Cold Side Flow
Temperature, in °F 68
Cold Side Temperature In
Temperature, out °F 72
Pressure, in psig 60 ● Cold Side Temperature Out
Press Drop Allowed psig 10
Fouling Resistance ft²-h-°F/Btu 0.0005
mass frac
Component Density
Hot Side Fluid Components mass fraction mole fracti lb/ft3
1 Water 1 61.91
2 Methyl Alcohol 0 -
OK 61.91
Heat Transferred
5,002,748 Btu/h
Temp, C
Temp, C
mass frac
Viscosity Sp Heat Therm Cond H Vap Density Viscosity Sp Heat
cP MW Btu/lb-°F Btu/h-ft-°F Btu/lb lb/ft3 cP MW Btu/lb-°F
0.774094394 18.02 1.00 0.35 971.63 62.11 0.902497 18.02 1.00
0.515864406 32.04 - - 472.91 - 0.562399 32.04 -
22.33 Heat 5,002,748 Btu/h 1,466,306 Watts
0.35 -0.256061
0.34 0.015857
Viscosity Based on the Wall Temperatures
Viscosity using Eq 27-3 If Shell Side If Tube Side
cP ln(cP) cP ln(cP)
-0.10259 0.94347 -0.058191 0.92645 -0.076395
0 0.576321 0 0.570588 0
Fluid flowing in tubes Raw Water Standard tube lengths in
Assumed overall U Btu/h-ft²-°F 520 the US are 4, 8, 12, 15,
and 20 ft
Safety factor for fouling 20%
Tube OD in 0.750
Minimum = number of shell passes, or
Tube wall thickness BWG 14
may be a multiple of 2 times the shell
Tube length ft 15 passes. This is the total number of tube
Tube Passes 1 passes, example: 3 shells, 2 tube passes
Shell Passes 1 in each shell = 6 tube passes
Tube inside diameter in 0.584
Flow area per tube ft² 0.00186
Tube area available ft²/ft 0.1963
Log-mean temp diff °F 12.74
Mean temperature difference °F 12.74
Adjusted duty Btu/h 6,003,298
Tube area required ft² 906
Total tube length req ft 4,615
Number of tubes 308
Tubes per pass 308
Actual area ft² 907
Typical value is
Flow rate per tube lb/h 3,857 0.5 to 2.5 m/s or
Velocity in tube ft/s 9.26 2 to 8 ft/s
Reynolds Number #VALUE!
Friction Factor #VALUE!
Pressure Drop, tubes psig #VALUE!
f shell passes, or
times the shell
al number of tube
ells, 2 tube passes
Problem Statement:
Calculate the LMTD configuration correction factor
Cold Side
Fluid name Raw Water
Temperature, in °F 68.00
Temperature, out °F 72.20
Tube passes 1
Shell passes N 1
Intermediate value R 2.999
Intermediate value P 0.195
Intermediate value S 1.581
Intermediate value W 0.517
Intermediate value W' 0.805
General Case
Numerator (1.042)
Denomenator (1.107)
R=1 Case
Numerator 0.341
Denomenator 0.345
Data (from the Process Data and Tubes Pressure Drop worksheets)
Assumed overall U Btu/h-ft²-°F 520.0
Outside surface area ft² 907.1
Tube outside diameter in 0.750
Tube inside diameter in 0.584
ft 0.049
Tube length (one path) ft 4,620.00
Bulk viscosity cP 0.99
Viscosity at tube wall cP 0.93
Bulk heat capacity Btu/lb-°F 1.00
Bulk thermal conductivity Btu/h-ft-°F 0.34
Reynolds Number #VALUE!
Inside surface area ft² 706.36
Overall U based on inside area Btu/h-ft²-°F 667.81
Average temperature, shell side °F 70.10
Average temperature, tube side °F 83.30
Mean wall temperature, inside °F 74.96
Temp, C 23.87
Sieder-Tate term (visc ratio^0.14) 1.01
Prandl Number 6.98
Number of shells 1
Shell inside diameter in 21.25 <-- Minimum diameter is 23.3 in
Outer tube limit (diameter) in 19.00
Baffle cut fraction 0.25 Typically, the outer tube limit is (shell diam
mm for shells 635 mm (25 in) and larger; (
Baffle spacing in 10.00
diameter - 22 mm) for shells that are 254 t
Baffle diameter in 21.00 (10 to 24 in) and slightly less for smaller sh
Number of sealing strips per side 2
Minimum baffle spacing is generally one-fift
Tube pitch layout 90
diameter and not less than 2 inches. Maxim
Tube pitch ratio 1.330 limited by the maximum unsupported tube
inches, equals 74 d^.75), divided by 2, redu
Data (from Tubes Pressure Drop worksheet) for Al, Cu, and their alloys.
Number of tubes in the exchanger N 308 Optimum baffle spacing is between 0.4 and
Outside diameter of tubes in 0.75 shell diameter
Tube length ft 15
Tube passes 1
Tube pitch in 1.00
Longitudinal Tube Pitch in 1.00
Cross section for 1 tube equivalent in2 1.00
Cross section for all tubes in2 306
Area corrected for tube passes in2 306
Minimum calculated shell diameter in 21.25
Standard diameter from table in 23.25
Approximate max unsupported tube span in 59.64
Number of effective crossflow rows in each window 4.26
Number of baffles 16
um diameter is 23.3 in
Flow rate lb/h 396,000
lb/s 110.00
Assumed overall U Btu/h-ft²-°F 520.0
Outside surface area ft² 907.1
Tube outside diameter in 0.750
ft 0.063
Number of tubes in the exchanger N 308
Viscosity at tube wall cP 0.93
Bulk viscosity, shell cP 0.84
lb/ft-s 0.00056
Wall viscosity, shell cP 0.94
Bulk heat capacity, shell Btu/lb-°F 1.00
Bulk thermal conductivity, shell Btu/h-ft-°F 0.35
Btu/s-ft-F 0.000097
Shell inside diameter in 21.25
Tube bundle outside diameter in 19.00
Baffle cut fraction 0.25
Baffle spacing in 10.00
Pitch layout 90
Pitch Ratio 1.33
Tube Pitch in 1.00
Tube Pitch, normal to flow in 1.00
Tube Pitch, parallel to flow in 1.00
Number of sealing strip pairs per side 2
Average temperature, shell side °F 70.10
Average temperature, tube side °F 83.30
Mean wall temperature, outside °F 73.56
Temp, C 23.09
Velocity in crossflow at widest diameter
Velocity ft/s 3.77
Material of construction, tubes Cr-alloy (0.5% Cr)
Assumed U Btu/h-ft²-°F 520
Film coefficient, tubes Btu/h-ft²-°F #VALUE!
Fouling resistance, tubes 0.00050
Fouling resistance, shell 0.00050
Film coefficient, shell Btu/h-ft²-°F 1,183
Outside diameter, tubes in 0.75
Inside diameter, tubes in 0.58
Thermal conductivity, tubes Btu/h-ft-°F 24
Heat transferred Btu/h 5,002,748
Mean temperature difference °F 12.74
Max Velocity, tubeside nozzles ft/s 5.00
Max Velocity, shellside nozzles ft/s 3.00
Flow rate lb/h 1,188,000
Inlet density lb/ft3 62.25
Outlet density lb/ft3 62.19
Flow rate lb/h 396,000
Inlet density lb/ft3 61.91
Outlet density lb/ft3 62.11
Volumetric flow rate, tubeside inlet ft3/s 5.30
Minimum ID of nozzle in 13.94
Selected nozzle in 15.624
Selected nozzle designation in 16
Velocity ft/s 3.98
rho-v2 lb/ft2-s 986.84
Weight lb 146
Volumetric flow rate, tubeside outlet ft3/s 5.31
Minimum ID of nozzle in 13.95
Selected nozzle in 15.624
Selected nozzle designation in 16
Velocity ft/s 3.99
rho-v2 lb/ft2-s 987.90
Weight lb 146
Volumetric flow rate, shellside inlet ft3/s 1.78
Minimum ID of nozzle in 10.42
Selected nozzle in 12.39
Selected nozzle designation in 12
Velocity ft/s 2.12
rho-v2 lb/ft2-s 278.80
Weight lb 90
Volumetric flow rate, shellside outlet ft3/s 1.77
Minimum ID of nozzle in 10.40
Selected nozzle in 12.39
Selected nozzle designation in 12
Velocity ft/s 2.12
rho-v2 lb/ft2-s 277.90
Weight lb 90
Problem Statement:
Estimate the weight of the heat exchanger
Tubesheet thickness in 1
Baffle Thickness in 0.5
Shell Inside Diameter ft 1.770833
Shell Thickness ft 0.0625
Shell Length ft 15
Number of Baffles 16
Tube Outside Diameter ft 0.0625
Tube Inside Diameter ft 0.048667
Number of Tubes 308
Shell metal volume ft3 2.65
Shell weight lb 1,299
Add for heads lb 456
Add for four flanges lb 720
Add for nozzles lb 180.00
Total, Shell lb 2,788
Units Conversion
Index Customary US Multiply to = SI Unit
1 volume gallons 3.785412 liters
2 length in 25.4 mm The format for accessing the Units Conversion table is:
3 area ft² 0.09290304 m² =INDEX( units_conv, index, 2)
4 heat flux Btu/h-ft²-°F 5.678263 W/m²-°C returns the second column (i.e., US units name)
5 conductivity Btu/h-ft-°F 1.730735 W/m-°C
6 Heat transfer Btu/hr 0.2931 W Example
7 flowrate gal/min 3.785412 liters/min Index = 8 (fouling)
8 fouling ft²-h-°F/Btu 0.1761102 m²-°C/W formula:
9 pipe sizes inches DN result:
10 spec heat Btu/lb-°F 4.1868 kJ/kg-°C
11 length feet 304.8 millimeters
12 velocity ft/s 0.3048 m/s 3.280839895
13 area ft² 0.09290304 m²
14 pressure psig 6.894757 kPa(g)
15 mass flow lb/h 0.4535924 kg/h
16 heat of vap Btu/lb 2.326 kJ/kg
17 dynamic viscolb/ft-h 0.000413379 kg/m-s
18 density lb/ft3 16.01846 kg/m3
Units 1 2 User Inputs 0
Solve For 6 Calc Results 0
Distilled Wate Shell 2 Mech Detail 0
Raw Water Tubes General Inputs 0
Pipe Sizes
ID Pipe Size Nozzle Wt ID Pipe Size Nozzle Wt ID Pipe Size
in in lb in in lb mm DN
1.049 1 3 1.049 1 3 26.6446 25
1.049 1.61 1.5 4 1.61 1.5 4 40.894 40
1.61 2.067 2 6 2.067 2 6 52.5018 50
2.067 3.26 3 12 3.26 3 12 82.804 80
3.26 4.26 4 17 4.26 4 17 108.204 100
4.26 6.357 6 28 6.357 6 28 161.4678 150
6.357 8.329 8 44 8.329 8 44 211.5566 200
8.329 10.42 10 56 10.42 10 56 264.668 250
10.42 12.39 12 90 12.39 12 90 314.706 300
12.39 13.624 14 118 13.624 14 118 346.0496 350
13.624 15.624 16 146 15.624 16 146 396.8496 400
15.624 17.624 18 170 17.624 18 170 447.6496 450
17.624 19.564 20 202 19.564 20 202 496.9256 500
19.564 23.5 24 275 23.5 24 275 596.9 600
(i.e., US units name)
Flange Weight
lb lb kg
28 28 13
40 40 18
61 61 28
83 83 38
106 106 48
108 108 49
148 148 67
180 204 93
204 204 93
210 210 95
230 230 105
240 240 109
260 260 118
270 270 123
185 185 84
300 300 136
310 310 141
330 330 150
360 360 164
380 380 173
420 420 191
460 460 209
505 505 230
550 550 250
590 590 268
630 630 286
675 675 307
720 720 327
805 805 366
890 890 405
Nozzle Wt
Use this area to enter raw data. The coefficients are calculated, ready to be pasted (use "Paste Spe
To remove an entry from the database, use Tools… Protection… Unprotect, then delete the row with the offending compound
Octane 0
Acetic Acid 0
Butane, n 0
Butyl Alcohol, n- 0
CALFLO™ AF Petro-Canada
CALFLO™ HTF Petro-Canada
CALFLO™ LT Petro-Canada
Chemtherm® 550 Coastal Chemical
Chemtherm® 650 Coastal Chemical
Chemtherm® 700 Coastal Chemical
Diphyl® LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
Diphyl® DT LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
Diphyl® KT LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
Diphyl® THT LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
DOWCAL™ 10/DOWTHERM™ 10 - 30 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ 10/DOWTHERM™ 10 - 40 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ 10/DOWTHERM™ 10 - 50 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ 20/DOWFROST™ 20 - 30 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ 20/DOWFROST™ 20 - 40 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ 20/DOWFROST™ 20 - 50 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ N/DOWFROST™ - 30 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ N/DOWFROST™ - 40 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWCAL™ N/DOWFROST™ - 50 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ - 30 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ - 40 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ - 50 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ HD - 30 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ HD - 40 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWFROST™ HD - 50 vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ 4000 - 30 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ 4000 - 40 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ 4000 - 50 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ A Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ G Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ J Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ MX Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ Q Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ RP Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ SR-1 - 30 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ SR-1 - 40 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ SR-1 - 50 Vol% Dow Chemical
DOWTHERM™ T Dow Chemical
DURATHERM 450 Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM 600 Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM 630 Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM FG Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM G Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM Lite Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM LT Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM S Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM XLT-120 Duratherm, division of Frontier
DURATHERM XLT-50 Duratherm, division of Frontier
Dynalene® 600 Dynalene
Dynalene® BioGlycol - 20 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® BioGlycol - 40 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® BioGlycol - 60 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® EG - 20 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® EG - 40 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® EG - 60 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® HC-10 Dynalene
Dynalene® HC-20 Dynalene
Dynalene® HC-30 Dynalene
Dynalene® HC-40 Dynalene
Dynalene® HC-50 Dynalene
Dynalene® HF Dynalene
Dynalene® HF-LO Dynalene
Dynalene® HT Dynalene
Dynalene® LO-170 Dynalene
Dynalene® LO-230 Dynalene
Dynalene® MV Dynalene
Dynalene® PG - 20 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® PG - 40 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® PG - 60 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® PG - 80 Vol% Dynalene
Dynalene® SF Dynalene
Ethyl Alcohol 0
Glycerol 0
Hexane 0
Marlotherm® FP Sasol
Marlotherm® LH Sasol
Marlotherm® N Sasol
Marlotherm® SH Sasol
Methyl Alcohol 0
MultiTherm® 503 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® FF-1 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® IG-1 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® IG-4 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® OG-1 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® PG-1 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® ULT-170 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® WB+14 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® WB-22 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® WB-40 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® WB-5 MultiTherm
MultiTherm® WB-58 MultiTherm
Octane 0
Paratherm CR™ Paratherm
Paratherm GLT™ Paratherm
Paratherm HE™ Paratherm
Paratherm HR™ Paratherm
Paratherm LR™ Paratherm
Paratherm MG™ Paratherm
Paratherm MR™ Paratherm
Paratherm NF™ Paratherm
Pentane 0
Petro-Therm™ Petro-Canada
Propyl Alcohol, i- 0
Propyl Alcohol, n- 0
PURITY™ FG Petro-Canada
SYLTHERM™ 800 Dow Chemical
SYLTHERM™ HF Dow Chemical
SYLTHERM™ XLT Dow Chemical
Thermalane® 600 Coastal Chemical
Thermalane® 800 Coastal Chemical
Therminol™ 55 Solutia
Therminol™ 59 Solutia
Therminol™ 62 Solutia
Therminol™ 66 Solutia
Therminol™ 72 Solutia
Therminol™ 75 Solutia
Therminol™ D-12 Solutia
Therminol™ LT Solutia
Therminol™ VLT Solutia
Therminol™ VP-1 Solutia
Therminol™ VP-3 Solutia
Therminol™ XP Solutia
Water NA
XCELTHERM® 500 Radco
XCELTHERM® 600 Radco
fficients are calculated, ready to be pasted (use "Paste Special… Values") onto the corresponding line in the
… Unprotect, then delete the row with the offending compound Units that the original data are in:
Specific Heat
Thermal Conductivity
Heat of Vaporization
Temp. Density Sp. Heat
°C kg/cu.m. KJ/kg-°K
Enter values at SIX temperatures -->>> -20 732.5191 2.128494
20 702.5186 2.218223
60 670.5874 2.315248
100 636.161 2.435187
120 617.7531 2.508629
140 598.3474 2.593657
The charts graph the input and predicted data. Large deviations may indicate a data entry error
800 3
400 1.5
300 1
0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Density Predicted Specific Heat Predicted
400 1.5
300 1
0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Density Predicted Specific Heat Predicted
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
99.9% pure base oils, crystal-clear, free of aromatic compounds with additives 15 315
99.9% pure base oils, crystal-clear, free of aromatic compounds with additives 15 326
Synthetic poly-alpha-olefins 4 288
Premium oil more thermally stable than mineral oils 93.33333333 315.5555556
Premium high temperature oil resists oxidation 10 343.3333333
Premium high temperature single compound formulation 37.77777778 351.6666667
High-temperature HTF based on diphenyl oxide/diphenyl eutectic for liq and vap phase 13 400
Isomeric ditolyl ethers with broad spectrum of applications in liq phase -30 330
Synthetic mixture of isomeric bynzyl toluenes with high thermal stability -45 350
Partially hydrogenated terphenyls for pressureless high temperature applications 0 345
Ethylene glycol with inhibitor package -10 170
Ethylene glycol with inhibitor package -20 170
Ethylene glycol with inhibitor package -35 170
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package 0 170
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package -15 170
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package -30 170
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, food grade -10 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, food grade -20 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, food grade -30 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package -10 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package -20 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package -30 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, dyed bright yellow -10 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, dyed bright yellow -20 100
Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, dyed bright yellow -30 100
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent orange -10 120
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent orange -20 120
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent orange -30 120
Biphenyl and diphenyl oxide eutectic mixture - liquid phase properties 15 400
Di- and tri-aryl compounds mixture -6 360
Mixture of isomers of an alkylated aromatic -80 315
Mixture of alkylated aromatics -20 330
Mixture of diphenylethane and alkylated aromatics -35 330
Synthetic diaryl alkyl liquid 10 350
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent pink -10 120
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent pink -20 120
Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent pink -30 120
Mixture of C14-C30 alkyl benzenes -10 288
Refined oil, non-aromatic 0 230
Refined and hydrotreated paraffinic oils, non-toxic and non-reportable 0 315
Refined and hydrotreated paraffinic oils, non-toxic and non-reportable 20 332
Refined paraffinic oils with additives, food grade 20 332
Polyalkylene glycol based fluid with additives 20 260
Same as Duratherm 600, but with fewer additives 0 315
Refined oil, non-aromatic -35 315
Refined oil, non-aromatic especially resistant to oxidation -40 340
Refined silocone oil, for cryogenic applications, food & pharma -84 65
Refined silocone oil, for cryogenic applications, food & pharma -46 176
Silicone-based product with enhanced resistance to oxidation 70 288
Produced from corn, better performance than propylene glycol -6.66666667 115.5555556
Produced from corn, better performance than propylene glycol -17.7777778 115.5555556
Produced from corn, better performance than propylene glycol -28.8888889 115.5555556
Inhibited ethylene glycol -6.66666667 121.1111111
Inhibited ethylene glycol -17.7777778 121.1111111
Inhibited ethylene glycol -34.4444444 121.1111111
Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications -10 60
Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications -20 60
Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications -30 60
Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications -40 60
Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications -50 60
Biodegradable aliphatic hydrocarbon blend, food grade -80 162.7777778
Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend, non-toxic, odorless -73 177
Synthetic organic hydrocaron 20 177
Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend -40 205
Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend 0 205
Biodegradable hydrocarbon blend -112.222222 162.7777778
Propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors -6.66666667 121.1111111
Propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors -6.66666667 121.1111111
Propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors -28.8888889 121.1111111
Propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors -28.8888889 121.1111111
Synthetic alkylated aromatics 0 315
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
Isoparaffinic chemical structure, clear liquid, bland odor 60 300
Skynthetic, organic, heat transfer medium 0 280
Skynthetic, organic, heat transfer medium, ideal 150 to 300 deg C range 20 300
Skynthetic, organic, heat transfer medium 20 340
pure component 0 0
Paraffinic hydrocarbon -5 260
Flushing Fluid -18 260
White mineral oil -20 288
White mineral oil -10 316
Hydrocracked mineral oil with oxidation inhibitor/stabilizer 0 290
White mineral oil, food grade -20 316
Hydrocarbon blend -112 38
Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance -10 121
Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance -30 121
Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance -40 121
Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance -20 121
Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance -50 121
pure component 0 0
Synthetic hydrocarbon blend -95.5555556 218.3333333
Alkylated aromatic for closed loop liquid phase heating 35 301.6666667
Hydrotreated heavy paraffinic distillate - mineral oil 52.77777778 310
Alkylated aromatic, for closed loop heating 25 357.2222222
Paraffinic hydrocarbon, for closed loop heating and cooling -49.4444444 248.8888889
Linear alkene, food grade 2.222222222 304.4444444
Linear alkene, fully saturated -3.88888889 248.8888889
Hydrotreated mineral oil, food grade 35.55555556 332.2222222
pure component 0 0
Mixture of severely hydrotreated and hydrocracked petroleum 25 315
pure component 0 0
pure component 0 0
Pure base oil, food grade, with additives 4 326
Silicone fluid - dimethyl polysiloxane -40 400
Silicone fluid - dimethyl polysiloxane -73 260
Silicone fluid - dimethyl polysiloxane -100 260
Premium heat transfer fluid, non-toxic, environmentally friendly 65.55555556 315.5555556
Premium heat transfer fluid, non-toxic, environmentally friendly 65.55555556 315.5555556
Alkyl aromatic derivatives -25 290
Mixture of diphenyl alkanes -45 315
Mixture of di- and tri-isopropyl biphenyl -20 325
Hydrogenated terphenyl and polyphenyls 0 345
Mixture of diphenyl ether, terphenyl, biphenyl, and phenanthrene -10 380
Mixture of terphenyl, quaterphenyl, and phenanthrene 80 385
Hydrotreated heavy naphtha (petroleum) -85 230
Diethyl benzene -75 315
Mixture of methyl cyclohexane and trimethyl pentane -115 175
Mixture of diphenyl ether and biphenyl 12 400
Mixture of cyclohexylbenzene and bicyclohexyl 2 330
White mineral oil -20 315
City water 4 150
Hydroprocessed napthenic mineral oil; high flash point 20 288
Hydrogenated polyalpha olefin -62 260
Hydroprocessed paraffinic white mineral oil 50 343
Synthetic alkyl aromatic -37 349
Diphenyl ethane and diphenyl oxide mixture 7 371
Diphenyl oxide and diphenyl 15 400
Synthetic alkyl aromatic -57 343
e corresponding line in the HTF_properties table
Btu/ft-hr-F W/m-K
Btu/lb kJ/kg
0.16 10
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
80 100 120 140 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.1
Predicted Thermal Conductivity Predicted Viscosity Predicted
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
80 100 120 140 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.1
Predicted Thermal Conductivity Predicted Viscosity Predicted
LOG(VP, mm Hg) = A + B / ((t, deg C) + C) cP = EXP(A+B/((T, deg K)+C)) kg/m3 = mt(deg C) + b W/m-K = mt(deg C) + b
A B C m b m
scosity Predicted
40 60 80 100 120 140 160
scosity Predicted
m-K = mt(deg C) + b kJ/kg-K = mt(deg C) + b Flash Point Boiling Point Type Molecular Wt Heat Vap
b m b kJ/kg
Specific Gravity
Specific Heat
Thermal Conductivity
Heat of Vaporization
-20 20 60 100
0 20 40 60
-60 -40 -30 -20
0 20 40 60
15 40 40 100
15 40 40 100
15 40 40 100
37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889 204.4444444
10 37.77777778 121.1111111 204.4444444
37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889 204.4444444
20 60 100 200
-30 10 90 170
-40 0 80 160
20 60 100 180
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 100
0 25 50 75
0 25 50 75
0 25 50 75
10 10 40 65
-20 10 40 65
-30 -20 10 65
10 10 40 65
-20 10 40 65
-30 -20 10 65
-10 10 40 65
-20 10 40 65
-30 -20 10 65
15 65 155 205
-5 15 115 195
-80 -60 0 80
-20 40 160 220
-35 0 80 160
10 70 130 190
-10 10 40 65
-20 10 40 65
-30 -20 10 65
-10 40 140 190
-1 49 99 149
-20 10 80 160
15 75 145 205
15 75 145 205
10 38 93 143
-20 10 80 160
-40 -10 60 140
-40 -12 60 138
-84 -68 -29 -1
-40 -29 38 77
70 100 130 170
-6.66666667 10 37.77777778 60
-17.7777778 -1.11111111 26.66666667 48.88888889
-28.8888889 -12.2222222 15.55555556 37.77777778
-6.66666667 4.444444444 21.11111111 37.77777778
-17.7777778 -1.11111111 21.11111111 37.77777778
-34.4444444 -17.7777778 10 32.22222222
-10 0 10 20
-20 0 10 20
-30 -10 10 20
-40 -20 0 20
-50 -30 -10 10
-62.2222222 -40 15.55555556 60
-73 -60 0 50
20 40 100 160
-40 -30 10 60
0 10 50 90
-106.666667 -84.4444444 -28.8888889 15.55555556
-6.66666667 -1.11111111 15.55555556 37.77777778
-17.7777778 -12.2222222 10 32.22222222
-34.4444444 -28.8888889 -1.11111111 26.66666667
-34.4444444 -28.8888889 -1.11111111 26.66666667
0 20 90 160
-10 0 10 20
60 80 100 120
-20 0 20 40
20 60 100 160
0 40 100 160
0 40 100 160
0 40 100 160
-10 0 10 20
-20 0 60 120
-18 38 93 149
-20 -10 40 120
-10 0 60 140
-10 0 60 120
-30 -20 40 100
-125 -100 -75 -50
-10 0 25 50
-25 0 25 50
-40 -25 0 25
-20 0 25 50
-50 -25 0 25
-20 20 60 100
-101.111111 -73.3333333 -17.7777778 37.77777778
-6.66666667 37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889
15.55555556 37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889
10 37.77777778 121.1111111 176.6666667
-73.3333333 -40 15.55555556 93.33333333
-17.7777778 10 65.55555556 148.8888889
-17.7777778 10 37.77777778 93.33333333
10 37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889
-50 -30 -10 10
15 38 260 260
-10 0 20 40
-10 0 20 40
15 40 40 100
-40 0 120 240
-73 -70 -20 80
-100 -20 60 140
37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889 204.4444444
37.77777778 93.33333333 148.8888889 204.4444444
-25 25 75 125
-45 15 75 135
-20 40 100 160
0 60 120 180
-10 60 130 200
80 140 200 260
-85 -35 15 65
-75 -25 25 75
-115 -65 -15 35
12 72 132 192
2 62 122 182
-20 30 80 130
4 25 50 80
10 26.7 104.4 171.1
-62 -40 -17.8 71.1
10 26.7 104.4 171.1
-37.2 -17.8 48.9 148.9
7.2 48.9 126.7 204.4
15.6 48.9 126.7 204.4
-45.6 -17.8 48.9 148.9
Selection Values for Radio Buttons - this worksheet
Specific Gravity 2
Specific Heat 2
Thermal Conductivity 2
Heat of Vaporization 2
Predicted values in units of the table Predicted values in same units as input
Liquid Thermal Liquid Thermal
Density Sp. Heat Conduct. Visc. Density Sp. Heat Conduct. Visc.
kg/m3 kJ/kg-K W/m-K mPa-s kg/cu.m. kJ/kg-K W/m-K cP
734.97172232 2.108818 0.142625 0.8963272876 734.9717 2.108818 0.142625 0.896327288
701.49441786 2.223376 0.130212 0.559145157143 701.4944 2.223376 0.130212 0.559145157
668.01711341 2.337934 0.117799 0.371073781049 668.0171 2.337934 0.117799 0.371073781
634.53980896 2.452491 0.105386 0.259007093553 634.5398 2.452491 0.105386 0.259007094
617.80115674 2.50977 0.099179 0.219901963396 617.8012 2.50977 0.099179 0.219901963
601.06250451 2.567049 0.092973 0.188480878573 601.0625 2.567049 0.092973 0.188480879
120 140 732.5191 702.5186186 670.5874 636.161 617.7531281 598.3474242 2.12849379
m original source
Density, kg/m3 Specific Heat, kJ/kg-K
5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
pure component Heat Vap 395
Operating range: °C minimum
FP 39
°C maximum
BP 118.1
Perry's, 6th Ed Mol Wt 60.05
pure component Heat Vap 663
Operating range: °C minimum
FP 12
°C maximum
BP 82.5
Perry's, 6th Ed Mol Wt 60.1
15 1264.15 60 1136.555
20 1261.08 1293.347 80 1084.291
25 1158.02 -2.6132 100 1032.027
30 1254.95 120 979.763
140 927.499
160 875.235
Use this worksheet to capture parameters from Yaws publications, such as "Yaws' Handbook of Thermodynamic and Physica
Liquid Thermal
Temp. Density Sp. Heat Conduct.
K °C kg/cu.m. KJ/kg-°K W/m-°K
Row 4 253.15 -20 732.52 2.13 0.142
293.15 20 702.52 2.22 0.131
333.15 60 670.59 2.32 0.118
373.15 100 636.16 2.44 0.106
393.15 120 617.75 2.51 0.099
413.15 140 598.35 2.59 0.092
of Thermodynamic and Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds", then copy to the Fluid Data sheet for entry into the database.
Visc. Pressure
cP mm Hg
1.01 0.68
0.56 10.58
0.37 77.81
0.26 349.69
0.22 648.62
0.19 1,121.74
et for entry into the database.