July 4
July 4
July 4
Core Values
II. Objectives: Enumerate and describe the eras involve in Big Bang Theory.
A. Daily Routine
B. Simple Recall/Review
C. Motivation:
Name: Date:
Strand and Section: Rating:
CN # 3
I. Topic: Big Bang Theory
Reference: Baltazar, Raymond A. 2016 Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life
Science. Brilliant Creations Publishing Inc. pg 4 – 5
II. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Enumerate and describe the eras involve in Big Bang
III. Concepts:
Think the following terms:
Electroweak era
After GUT era, there were three forces operating in our universe during this era:
gravity strong force, and electroweak force. The electroweak force was actually a
unification electromagnetic and weak forces.
During this era the universe continued to expand and cool. At this temperature,
electromagnetic and weak force started to freeze out from electroweak force finally
separating. At the end of this era all four fundamental forces in the universe were
forever distinct.
II. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Enumerate and describe the eras involve in Big
Bang Theory.
Read and understand the: Particle era, The Era of Nucleosynthesis, Era of
Nuclei, The Era of Atoms and The Era of Galaxies.