Module Title: International Finance: Module Handbook 2020/21 Module Code: BMG704 (86968)
Module Title: International Finance: Module Handbook 2020/21 Module Code: BMG704 (86968)
Module Title: International Finance: Module Handbook 2020/21 Module Code: BMG704 (86968)
Table of Contents
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Coursework 1 ........................................................................................................................ 6
Coursework 2 ........................................................................................................................ 7
This module provides students with an introduction to financial management theory and techniques
required for entrepreneurship and managerial decision making within an international business
Kind regards,
Module Coordinator
May 2021
Module Details
Module Title International Finance
E-learning Online/Blended
Module Coordinator Philiph Pryce (See cover sheet for contact details)
Module Rationale
Businesses now operate in a highly globalised and competitive market where
access to, and control of, finances are necessary for survival. This module
focuses on the international financial management techniques essential
throughout the business life cycle. The module provides a broad overview of
international financial management theory and practices which are imperative to
creating and sustaining a successful international business venture. The module
probes the financial landscape in which modern day international businesses
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome 1
Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and critical appreciation of the key concepts
and topical issues of International Finance.
Learning Outcome 2
Act autonomously in the analysis of new and/or abstract data using a range of
techniques appropriate to the discipline of International Finance, synthesising evidence
and critically evaluating complex problems in International Finance.
Learning Outcome 3
Be proactive in leadership, work effectively within a team or group as appropriate, make
and sustain arguments/alternative points of view related to the discipline of International
Learning Outcome 4
Demonstrate confidence and flexibility in critically evaluating complex problems and the
application of appropriate knowledge, tools or methods to their solutions in the context of
International Finance. Be confident in the application of their own judgement.
Coursework 1
Assessment Task
b. Discuss the following key elements of the MNE’s international financial and/or risk
management strategy (and how they appear to have affected the financial
performance of your chosen company):
Sources of finance
Dividend policy (14 marks)
c. With reference to your chosen Multinational Enterprise (and using the most recent
annual report published), analyse the financial performance (in terms of profitability,
liquidity, efficiency and investment) of the company in the two most recent
consecutive financial periods (e.g. 2018/19 or 2019/20, ) using 8 different accounting
ratios (prior year comparative figures will be available in the annual report).
(32 marks)
(i) You must advise your tutor of your chosen multinational enterprise to ensure
suitability for use and avoid duplication;
2) Detailed guidance will be given in the tutorials in weeks 1 and 6 to explore the factors for your
chosen case study and provide advice on the use of mediums/technologies for this assessment
3) This element of coursework accounts for 60% of the overall assessment. Students should refer
to the marking criteria attached to provide them with fuller details of marking criteri a for each
classification band.
4) Completed assignments must be submitted via Turnitin by 12.00 noon on Sunday of week 9 in
semester 1. This date and time is final, and a late submission will be penalised by the
deduction of marks.
5) All submitted assignments should have the file name:
BMG704 (86968) Student B00xxxxxx
6) View additional ‘Standard Assessment Guidance,’ for further guidance applicable to all
coursework elements.
Coursework 1 FEEDBACK
Feedback on the assessment will be provided via Blackboard within three weeks of the submission
Coursework 2
Online activities will comprise of 40 questions which students are required to answer.
Coursework 2 FEEDBACK
Feedback on the assessment will be provided via Blackboard within three weeks of the submission
Jeannet J.P. and Hennessey H.D., (2004) Global Marketing Strategies. 6th ed. Houghton Mifflin.
More detailed guidance is available in the ‘Guide to Referencing in the Harvard Style’. We
encourage you to avail of the Academic Support via the Library’s Support Service , further details
in the Library Support Services Section.
4. Learning Resources
I know reading intrudes on your social life, but reading is a major part of your degree.
Reading List
Books Required (Must read)
Bekaert, G. J., & Hodrick, R.J., (2014), International Financial Management, 2nd Ed.,
Pearson, London. ISBN-10: 129202139X (also available as e-book)
Jacque, L. (2014) International corporate finance. London: Wiley. ISBN 1-118-78186-4
(also available as e-book)
Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice. 9th ed., London:
Cengage. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (also available as e-book)
Books Recommended (Should read/ Could read)
Alexander, D. Britton, A., et al., (2017) International financial reporting and analysis. 7th ed.
London: Cengage. ISBN 978-1-473-72545-4
Alexander, D., and Nobes, C. (2016), Financial accounting –an international introduction.
6th edition. Harlow: Pearson Education. ISBN 978-1-299283-46-6 (also available as e-
Atrill, P., & Mc Laney E. (2017) Accounting and finance for non-specialists. 10th Edition.
Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. ISBN 9781292135601 (also available as e-book)
Bender, R. (2013) Corporate financial strategy, 4th ed. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-
64041-5 (also available as e-book)
Eiteman, D.K., et al., (2016), Multinational Business Finance, 14th Ed., Pearson, London,
ISBN-10: 1292097876
Hill, C. W. L. (2017) International business. 11th ed. New York: Pearson. ISBN
Pilbeam, K. (2013) International finance. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN
Ward, A. M. (2014) Finance: theory and practice. 3rd ed. Dublin: Chartered Accountants
Ireland. ISBN 978-1-908199-48-5
Watson, D. & Head, A. (2016) Corporate finance 7th ed. New York: Pearson. (also available
as e-book)
Useful Journals
International Business Review
Journal of International Business Studies (12 month full-text embargo)
Journal of World Business
Harvard Business Review
International Small Business Journal
Useful Library Databases & Websites
Nexis (for news, business & company information)
LexisLibrary (for legal/regulatory, accounting and taxation)
Business Week ( )
Financial Times ( )
International Monetary Fund
International Financial Reporting Standards
Ulster University is part of the SCONUL network. This allows students to visit other university
libraries and use their books. If you’d like to do this, contact QA Library and we will arrange SCONUL
membership for you.
Ulster University subscribes to Studiosity, which enables students to receive feedback on draft
assignments. Simply upload your draft, select the type of feedback you want (eg grammar,
referencing etc), and submit. Feedback will be provided within 24 hours.
These are the types of learning activities that will make up your weekly timetable.
International Finance, is a 20-credit point module, this requires 200 hours of your
commitment, distributed through the following learning and teaching activities over
the 15-week semester:
Independent Study – Assessment Activities & Tutorial Preparation 8.5 hours 104
These are the type of learning activities you will experience in this module.
The module is delivered fully online and will be facilitated through the
provision of the following learning and teaching activities:
Lectures one hour and thirty minutes utilising live WebEx sessions and
recorded session videos will be sent to you after the lecture.
Seminar: one hour and thirty minutes via WebEx including individual/
groupwork activities
Discussion Board: These will be utilised to continue in-class
discussions and/or discussion of new set topics. Blackboard Learn, Discussion Board Tool will be
Online Resources: These will be an integral part of the delivery. See the library reading list
below which is also accessible via Blackboard Learn. You will be directed to academic,
professional and open content resources to extend your knowledge, understanding and
Wk 4 Tutorial Tutorial Topic/Task: Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
Appreciate the importance of the 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chap 21; pp. 519-
dividend decision 532)
Understand the impact of dividend Session notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
policy appropriate).
the dividend decision
the impact of dividend policy
Understand the concept of financial Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
intermediation 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chap 15; pp. 348-
Content: 371)
EMH Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
global capital market and financial London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 8; pp. 235-259; Chap 12;
system. pp. 356-363)
financial intermediation Session notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
Wk 8 Tutorial Learning Objectives: Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
Understand the concept of market 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chap 15; pp. 348-
efficiency and EMH 371)
Understand the nature of the global Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
capital market and financial system. London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 8; pp. 235-259; Chap 12;
Understand the concept of financial pp. 356-363)
intermediation Session notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
Content: appropriate).
global capital market and financial
financial intermediation
Wk 9 Lecture – Investment Learning Objectives: Independent Study 11 Hours
Appraisal and International Understand the methods of Directed Learning Activities 3 Hours
Considerations investment appraisal and potential Reading:
application to multinational Bekaert, G. J., & Hodrick, R.J., (2016), International Financial
enterprises Management, 2nd Ed. (pp. 543-570)
Discuss the potential for investment Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
by multinationals and factors 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chaps 3-6 ; pp.
influencing the investment decision in 28-119)
a global context Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
Consider the use of multinational London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 20; pp. 551-591)
investment appraisal as a FDISession notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
strategy appropriate).
Academic Year 2020/21 - Semester I Page 23 of 30
BMG704 International Finance
investment appraisal and potential
application to multinational
factors influencing the investment
decision in a global context
multinational investment appraisal as
a FDI strategy
Wk 9 Tutorial Tutorial Topic/Task: Bekaert, G. J., & Hodrick, R.J., (2016), International Financial
Understand the methods of Management, 2nd Ed. (pp. 543-570)
investment appraisal and potential Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
application to multinational 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chaps 3-6 ; pp.
enterprises 28-119)
Discuss the potential for investment Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
by multinationals and factors London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 20; pp. 551-591)
influencing the investment decision in Session notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
a global context appropriate).
Consider the use of multinational
investment appraisal as a FDI
investment appraisal and potential
application to multinational
factors influencing the investment
decision in a global context
multinational investment appraisal as
a FDI strategy
23:59 hrs, Sunday of Week 9 ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION DUE by 23:59 hrs, Sunday of Week 9.
principles of exchange rate
foreign exchange risk management
exchange rate forecasting
managing transaction, translation
and economic exposure
manage currency risk
Wk 10 Tutorial Tutorial Topic/Task: Bekaert, G. J., & Hodrick, R.J., (2016), International Financial
Understand the key principles of Management, 2nd Ed. (pp. 147-185; 187-218; pp. 219-250; pp. 259-290)
exchange rate determination Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
Understand the case for foreign 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chap 22; pp. 536-
exchange risk management 552; Chap 23; pp. 553-578)
Consider use of exchange rate Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
forecasting London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 2; pp. 23-49; Chap 3; pp.
63-90; Chap 7; pp. 185-226; Chap 16; pp. 438-467; Chap 17;
Understand key issues in managing pp. 477-492; Chap 18; pp. 507-520); Session notes/powerpoints
transaction, translation and economic & supporting learning materials/articles (as appropriate).
Understand the key tools used to
manage currency risk such as
Futures, Swaps and Options.
principles of exchange rate
foreign exchange risk management
exchange rate forecasting
managing transaction, translation
and economic exposure
manage currency risk
course ideas, concepts and aspects
of professional practice in
international finance to support
multinational enterprises
current issues in international finance
affecting multinational enterprises
Wk 12 Lecture -Revision Learning Objectives: Independent Study 11 Hours
Review the significance of key courseDirected Learning Activities 3 Hours
ideas, concepts and aspects of Reading:
professional practice in international Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2015) Corporate finance: theory and practice.
finance to support multinational 9th Ed., Cengage. London. ISBN 1-408-07989-5 (Chap 1; pp. 12 )
enterprises Jacque, L., (2014), International Corporate Finance. 1st Ed., Wiley.
Consider current issues in international London. ISBN 1-118-78186-4 (Chap 1; pp. 1-18)
finance affecting multinational enterprises Session notes/powerpoints & supporting learning materials/articles (as
course ideas, concepts and aspects
of professional practice in
international finance to support
multinational enterprises
course ideas, concepts and aspects
of professional practice in
international finance to support
multinational enterprises
current issues in international finance
affecting multinational enterprises
23:59 hrs, Wednesday of Week
ONLINE TESTS - SUBMISSION DUE by 23:59 hrs on Wednesday of week 13.
Students will be expected to engage in all prescribed activities that contribute towards final assessment.