Field Astromy MCQ

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Different grades are joined together by a

(A) Compound curve

(B) Transition curve
(C) Reverse curve
(D) Vertical curve
Answer: Option D

The chord of a curve less than peg interval, is known as

(A) Small chord
(B) Sub-chord
(C) Normal chord
(D) Short chord
Answer: Option B

Over-turning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using

(A) Compound curve
(B) Vertical curve
(C) Reverse curve
(D) Transition curve
Answer: Option D

The curve composed of two arcs of different radii having their centres on the opposite side of the
curve, is known
(A) A simple curve
(B) A compound curve
(C) A reverse curve
(D) A vertical curve
Answer: Option C

The angle of intersection of a curve is the angle between

(A) Back tangent and forward tangent
(B) Prolongation of back tangent and forward tangent
(C) Forward tangent and long chord
(D) Back tangent and long chord
Answer: Option A

Rankine's deflection angle in minutes is obtained by multiplying the length of the chord by
(A) Degree of the curve
(B) Square of the degree of the curve
(C) Inverse of the degree of the curve
(D) None of these
Answer: Option A

Setting out a curve by two theodolite method, involves

(A) Linear measurements only
(B) Angular measurements only
(C) Both linear and angular measurements
(D) None of these
Answer: Option B

Astronomy is the science which deals with

A) Star
B) Moon
C) Polaris
D) All of above

Field Astronomy is the science which deals with

A) Only absolute location
B) Only absolute direction
C) absolute location or absolute direction
D) None of above

Whenever the absolute position of any point is desired, reference has to be made to one
or more heavenly bodies such as
A) Sun,
B) Star,
C) Polaris
D) All of above

Following is the not the use of field astronomy

A) To determine the Azimuth of the starting base of the Triangulation series.
B) To determine the Azimuth of starting and closing sides precise traverses.
C) To carry out relative position
D) To carry out exploratory triangulations.
A section of sphere is called a great circle when the cutting plane passes through
A) The Centre of the sphere.
B) The Centre of the North pole
C) The Centre of the South pole
D) None of above
A spherical triangle is a triangle bounded by
A) Three arcs of small circle
B) Three arcs of great circle
C) Two arcs of great circle
D) Two arcs of small circle
Following is the property of spherical Triangle
A) The subtraction of any two sides is greater than the third
B) The sum of any two sides is greater than the third
C) The sum of any three sides is greater than the third
D) The sum of any two sides is smaller than the third
The imaginary sphere on which heavenly bodies i.e. stars; sun, moon, etc. appear to lie is
known as the
A) Great Circle
B) Observers Meridian
C) Celestial Sphere
D) None of above
In practical filed astronomy we are not concerned with the
A) Angular observation
B) Linear Distances
C) Time of observation
D) None of above
In field astronomy centre of the earth may be assumed as Centre of the
A) Earth
B) Celestial sphere.
C) Moon
D) None of above
It is found more convenient to consider the earth as fixed and the celestial sphere as
revolving from
A) West to East
B) East to West
C) North to South
D) South to North
The points on the celestial sphere exactly above the observer’s station, is known as the
A) Nadir
B) Zenith
C) Altitude
D) Declination
The points on the celestial sphere exactly below the observer’s station, is known as the
A) Nadir
B) Zenith
C) Altitude
D) Declination
The great circle of celestial sphere obtained by a plane passing through the Centre of the
earth and perpendicular to the Zenith-Nadir line is known as the
A) Visible Horizon
B) Celestial Horizon.
C) Sensible Horizon
D) None of above
The point at which the earth’s axis of rotation meets the earth surface is known as
A) Celestial poles
B) Terrestrial Poles
C) Axis of rotation
D) None of above
Great circle passing through the Zenith and Nadir, they all cuts the celestial horizon at
right angle called as
A) Observers Circle
B) Vertical circle
C) Celestial horizon
D) None of above
The vertical circle which passes through the Zenith and Nadir of the station of
observation as well as through the poles is known as
A) Observers meridian
B) Vertical circle
C) Celestial horizon
D) None of above
The great circle of the celestial sphere which the sun appears to describe with earth as
Centre during a period of one year is known as
A) Vertical circle
B) Celestial horizon
C) Ecliptic plane
D) None of above
The point where the sun crosses the equator from South to North on or about 21 st March,
when day and night are of equal
A) First point of Arise
B) First point of Libra
C) Declination point
D) None of above
Angular distance measured from the equator towards the nearer pole along the meridian
of the place is
A) Longitude
B) Latitude
C) Altitude
D) Declination
Distance between the meridian of the place and the standard or prime meridian
(Greenwich) is
A) Longitude
B) Latitude
C) Altitude
D) Declination

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