2020 Digital Marketing Plans: Strategies, Tactics and Trends

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2020 Digital
Marketing Plans

Research Series Conducted in Partnership with Leading Providers of

Marketing Technology and Digital Marketing Agency Services.

Table of Contents
4. 2020 Digital Marketing Plans 10. Most Effective Tactics

5. Primary Objectives 11. Investment in Marketing Technology

6. Strategic Success 12. Metrics Used to Measure Success

7. Critical Challenges 13. Resource Allocation

8. Digital Versus Traditional Media 14. Ascend2 Research Partner Programs

9. Objectives Versus Challenges

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Survey respondents
Methodology Primary Marketing Channel
Ascend2 benchmarks the B2B 43%
performance of marketing B2C 38%
strategies, tactics and the
B2B and B2C equally 17%
technology that drives them
with a standardized online Number of Employees
questionnaire and a proprietary More than 500 18%
3-Minute Survey format. 50 to 500 23%

This survey was fielded Fewer than 50 59%

to a panel of marketing Primary role in company
professionals and marketing Owner / Partner / C-Level 46%
research subscribers.
Vice President / Director / Manager 38%

Non-Management Professional 16%


2020 Digital Marketing Plans

Marketing dollars have shifted from This Survey Summary Report, titled 2020
traditional media to digital channels, like Digital Marketing Plans, represents the
email and social media, because the opinions of all the market segments
economies of digital marketing level the responding to the survey. Specific market
playing field for companies of all sizes.  segments from the survey are reported
on separately and exclusively by our
But what will an effective digital marketing participating Research Partners.
plan look like in 2020?
This research has been produced for your
To help you answer this question, Ascend2 use. Put it to work in your own marketing
and our Research Partners fielded the strategy. Clip the charts and write about
2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey. We them in your blog or post them on social
thank the 278 marketing professionals who media. Please share this research credited
responded to this survey during the week of as published.
November 11, 2019.

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Primary Objectives
As marketers develop digital marketing strategies for the year ahead, their ultimate goals revolve
around the sale. Marketers responding to the survey report that increasing sales leads generated
(54%) and increasing customer acquisition (49%) are the top primary objectives for a digital
marketing plan to achieve in 2020.

What are the PRIMARY OBJECTIVES for a digital marketing plan to

achieve in 2020?

Increasing sales leads generated 54%

Increasing customer acquisition 49%

Increasing customer engagement 43%

Improving brand awareness 38%

Improving customer experience 33%

Increasing website visitor traffic 30%

Improving contact data quality 14%

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Strategic Success
Investing in the implementation and optimization of digital marketing strategies pays off. Nearly
all marketers (96%) have deemed digital marketing plans successful to some extent at achieving
primary objectives of an overall strategy. About four-in-ten marketers (39%) would describe their
digital marketing plan as very successful, or best-in-class compared to competition.

Which best describes the SUCCESS of a digital marketing plan at

achieving the primary objectives?

Unsuccessful, 4%

Very successful


2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Critical Challenges
Optimizing a digital marketing strategy to fill up the funnel and increase revenue with sales is
a challenging process. Nearly half of marketing professionals surveyed (48%) report that both
increasing customer acquisition and increasing sales leads generated will be the most difficult
obstacles for a digital marketing plan to overcome in 2020.

What are the most CRITICAL CHALLENGES for a digital marketing plan to
achieve in 2020?

Increasing customer acquisition 48%

Increasing sales leads generated 48%

Increasing customer engagement 38%

Increasing website visitor traffic 35%

Improving customer experience 31%

Improving brand awareness 29%

Improving contact data quality 27%

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Digital Versus Traditional Media

As media evolves, the more traditional print and broadcast forms are taking a backseat in
marketing strategies. Only 13% of marketers surveyed consider traditional media forms to be more
effective than their digital counter parts. 40% of marketers report that digital media (online, web,
and social) is significantly more effective in a marketing plan.

Which best describes the effectiveness of DIGITAL VERSUS TRADITIONAL media?

40% 47% 12%

Digit al/online/web/social Digit al/online/web/social Traditional print/broadcast Traditional print/broadcast

media is significantly more media is somewhat more media is somewhat more media is significantly more
effect ive effect ive effect ive effect ive

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Objectives Versus Challenges

Marketers report that the primary goals for a 2020 digital marketing plan to achieve are also the
most critical challenges to success. As marketers strategize for the year ahead, focusing on the
alignment of digital efforts with sales will lead to more successful outcomes.

Comparing primary objectives versus critical challenges.

Primary objectives Critical challenges

Increasing sales leads generated

Increasing customer acquisition

Increasing customer engagement

Improving brand awareness

Improving customer experience

Increasing website visitor traffic

Improving contact data quality

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Most Effective Tactics

Although tactics such as AI and chatbots are growing in popularity, marketers still consider the
more tried and true digital approaches as the most effective. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
and social media and blog posting are considered the most effective digital marketing tactics used
according to 49% and 47% of marketers, respectively.

What are the most effective digital marketing TACTICS used?

Search Engine Optimization 49%

Social media/blog posting 47%

Search and social ads 43%

Personalization/content 43%

Email/enewsletters 42%

Videos/motion graphics 33%

AI/Chatbots 5%

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Investment in Marketing Technology

Marketing technology (MarTech) is fast becoming a necessity for an effective marketing strategy.
Only 4% of marketers report that they are not planning to invest in MarTech in 2020. Over a quarter
(27%) of marketers say they are, and will continue to, invest significantly in marketing technology in
the year ahead.

Which best describes the investment in MARKETING TECHNOLOGY

(MarTech) in 2020?

27% 53% 15%

Continue to invest Continue to invest Planning to star t Not planning to invest

significantly moder ately investing

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Metrics Used to Measure Success

Optimizing digital marketing efforts includes closely considering the appropriate metrics. Half of
marketers (50%) report that the cost per customer acquired is the most effective metric used to
measure digital marketing results. Conversion rate and engagement rate are also top metrics to
consider according to 46% and 45% of marketers, respectively.

What are the most effective METRICS USED to measure digital

marketing results?

Cost per customer acquired 50%

Conversion rate 46%

Engagement rate 45%

Campaign ROI 37%

Cost per lead generated 35%

Channel-specific traffic 16%

Brand sentiment 15%

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.

Resource Allocation
The landscape of digital marketing is rapidly evolving. That is why implementing digital marketing
tactics in 2020 will involve outsourcing at least some work to specialists for an 82% majority
of marketers surveyed. 71% of marketers report that using a combination of outsourced
professionals and in-house resources is the most effective strategy.

Which best describes the most effective RESOURCES USED to

implement digital marketing tactics?

Outsourced to specialists,
In-house resources only,

Combination of outsourced
and in-house resources,

2020 Digital Marketing Plans Survey.

Conducted by Ascend2 and Research Partners. ADD YOUR INSIGHT!
Published November, 2019.


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This Survey Summary Report is part of a series conducted in partnership with our
participating Research Partners.

You may adapt, copy, distribute and transmit this work. However, you must attribute the
work as produced by Ascend2 and its Research Partners, but not in any way that suggests
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