Ateneo de Davao University: School of Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Program
Ateneo de Davao University: School of Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Program
Ateneo de Davao University: School of Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Program
SEA Vision A premier Catholic school for engineers and architects formed by
Filipino Jesuit teachings as models of excellence, competence and
character for the global arena.
SEA Mission To promote excellence and passion for knowledge through holistic
instruction anchored on the Ignatian spirit while providing the
appropriate setting for industry-relevant research and community
service performed in the Filipino Christian tradition.
Civil Engineering Program Ateneo de Davao University Civil Engineering graduates will:
Educational Objectives
1. excel in the corresponding technical competencies expected for
the following fields of specialization:
a. Structural Engineering
b. Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering
c. Transportation Engineering
d. Water Resources Engineering
e. Construction Engineering and Management
5. live out Filipino and personal faith values by the ethical practice
of their professional expertise in the pursuit of the common good.
Course Number: CE 4174
Course Name: Steel and Timber Design
Course Description: This course focuses on the design of structural elemenets that are
made up of steel or timber. Also included in the focus is the
familiarization of the AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
Manual and NSCP (National Structural Code of the Philippines)
where all the requirements to design and construction as well as the
properties of the commercial standard sections.