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20 Collaborative Learning Tips and Strategies For Teachers

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20 Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers

1. Establish clear group goals

Effective collaborative learning involves the establishment of group goals, as well as individual
accountability. This keeps the group on task and establishes an unambiguous purpose. Before
beginning an assignment, it is best to define goals and objectives to save time.

2. Keep groups midsized

Small groups of three or fewer usually lack enough diversity and may not allow divergent
thinking to occur. Groups that are too large create ‘freeloading’ where not all members
participate. A moderate size group of four or five is ideal.

3. Establish flexible group norms

Research suggests that collaborative learning is influenced by the quality of interactions.

Interactivity and negotiation are important in group learning. In the 1960’s studies by Jacobs and
Campbell suggested that norms are pervasive, even deviant norms were handed down and not

If you notice a deviant norm, you can do two things: rotate group members or assist in using
outside information to develop a new norm. You may want to establish rules for group
interactions for younger students. Older students might create their own norms. But remember,
given their durable nature, it is best to have flexible norms. Norms should change with situations
so that groups do not become rigid and intolerant or develop sub-groups.

4. Build trust and promote open communication

Successful interpersonal communication must exist in teams. Building trust is essential. Deal
with emotional issues that arise immediately and any interpersonal problems before moving on.
Assignments should encourage team members to explain concepts thoroughly to each
other.Studies found that students who provide and receive intricate explanations gain most from
collaborative learning. Open communication is key.

5. For larger tasks, create group roles

Decomposing a difficult task into parts to saves time. You can then assign different roles. A
great example in my own classroom was in the science lab, fifth grade students assumed
different roles of group leader, recorder, reporter, and fact-checker. The students might have
turns to choose their own role and alternate roles by sections of the assignment or classes.

6. Create a pre-test and post-test

A good way to ensure the group learns together would be to engage in a pre and post-test. In
fact, many researchers use this method to see if groups are learning. An assessment gives the
team a goal to work towards and ensures learning is a priority. It also allows instructors to
gauge the effectiveness of the group. Changes can be made if differences are seen in the
assessments over time. Plus, you can use Bloom’s taxonomy to further hone in on specific

Individuals should also complete surveys evaluating how well the group functioned. ‘Debriefing’
is an important component of the learning process and allows individuals to reflect on the
process of group learning.

7. Consider the learning process itself as part of assessment

Many studies such as those by Robert Slavin at Johns Hopkins have considered how
cooperative learning helps children develop social and interpersonal skills. Experts have argued
that the social and psychological effects on self-esteem and personal development are just as
important as the learning itself.

In terms of assessment, it may be beneficial to grade students on the quality of discussion,

student engagement, and adherence to group norms. Praise younger groups for the following
(for digital collaborative learning, for example) standards. This type of learning is a process and
needs explicit instruction in beginning stages. Assessing the process itself provides motivation
for students to learn how to behave in groups. It shows students that you value meaningful
group interactions and adhering to norms.

8. Consider using different strategies, like the Jigsaw technique.

The jigsaw strategy is said to improve social interactions in learning and support diversity. The
workplace is often like a jigsaw. It involves separating an assignment into subtasks, where
individuals research their assigned area. Students with the same topic from different groups
might meet together to discuss ideas between groups.

This type of collaboration allows students to become ‘experts’ in their assigned topic. Students
then return to their primary group to educate others. Strategies here include using clusters, buzz
groups, round-robin, leaning cells, or fishbowl discussions.

9. Allow groups to reduce anxiety

When tackling difficult concepts, group learning may provide a source of support. Groups often
use humor and create a more relaxed learning atmosphere that allows for positive learning
experiences. Allow groups to use some stress-reducing strategies as long as they stay on task.

10. Establish group interactions

The quality of discussions is a predictor of the achievement of the group. Instructors should
provide a model of how a successful group functions. Shared leadership is often useful here.
Students should work together on the task and maintenance functions of a group. Roles are
important in group development. Task functions include:

Initiating Discussions
Clarifying points
Challenging assumptions/devil’s advocate
Providing or researching information
Reaching a consensus
Maintenance involves the harmony and emotional well-being of a group. Maintenance includes
roles such as sensing group feelings, harmonizing, compromising and encouraging, time-
keeping, relieving tension, bringing people into the discussion, and more.

11. Use real-world problems

Experts suggest that project-based learning using open-ended questions can be very engaging.
Rather than spending a lot of time designing an artificial scenario, use inspiration from everyday
problems. Real world problems can be used to facilitate project-based learning and often have
the right scope for collaborative learning.

12. Focus on enhancing problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Design assignments that allow room for varied interpretations. Different types of problems might
focus on categorizing, planning, taking multiple perspectives, or forming solutions. Try to use a
step-by step procedure for problem-solving. Mark Alexander explains one generally accepted
problem-solving procedure:

Identify the objective

Set criteria or goals
Gather data
Generate options or courses of action
Evaluate the options using data and objectives
Reach a decision
Implement the decision

13. Keep in mind the diversity of groups

Mixed groups that include a range of talents, backgrounds, learning styles, ideas, and
experiences are best. Studies have found that mixed aptitude groups tend to learn more from
each other and increase achievement of low performers. Rotate groups so students have a
chance to learn from others.
14. Consider demographics

Equally, balanced gender groups were found to be most effective.

Some research suggests that boys were more likely to receive and give elaborate explanations
and their stances were more easily accepted by the group. In majority male groups girls were
ignored. In majority girl groups, girls tended to direct questions to the boy who often ignored
them. You may also want to specifically discuss or establish gender equality as a norm. This
may seem obvious, but it is often missed. It may be an issue you may want to discuss with older

15. Use scaffolding or diminished responsibility as students begin to understand concepts.

At the beginning of a project, you may want to give more direction than the end. Serve as a
facilitator, such as by gauging group interactions or at first, providing a list of questions to
consider. Allow groups to grow in responsibility as times goes on. In your classroom, this may
mean allowing teams to develop their own topics or products as time goes on.

After all, increased responsibility over learning is a goal in collaborative learning.

16. Include different types of learning scenarios

Studies suggests that collaborative learning that focuses on rich contexts and challenging
questions produces higher-order reasoning. Assignments can include laboratory work, study
teams, debates, writing projects, problem-solving, and collaborative writing.

17. Technology makes collaborative learning easier

Collaboration had the same results via technology as in person, increased learning
opportunities. Try incorporating free savvy tools for online collaboration such as Stixy, an online
shared whiteboard space, Google groups, or Mikogo for online meetings. Be aware that some
research suggests that more exchanges related to planning rather than challenging viewpoints
occurred more frequently through online interactions.

This may be because the research used students that did not know one another. If this is your
scenario, you may want to start by having students get to know each other’s backgrounds and
ideas beforehand on a blog or chat-board.

18. Avoid ‘bad group work’

As with any learning strategy, it’s important to have a balanced approach. Cynics usually have a
valid point. A New York Times article, cites some criticism of collaboration for not allowing
enough time for individual, creative thinking. You may allow some individual time to write notes
before the groups begin. This may be a great way to assess an individual grade.

19. Be wary of ‘group think‘

While collaborative learning is a great tool, it is always important to consider a balanced

approach. At times, group harmony can override the necessity for more critical perspectives.
Some research suggests that groups favored the more confident members. Changing up groups
can help counter this problem.

20. Value diversity

Collaborative learning relies on some buy-in. Students need to respect and appreciate each
other’s viewpoints for it to work. For instance, class discussions can emphasize the need for
different perspectives. Create a classroom environment that encourages independent thinking.
Teach students the value of multiplicity in thought. You may want to give historical or social
examples where people working together were able to reach complex solutions.

By definition, learning is social in nature. Using different mediums, whether it be books,

discussions, technology or projects we study and develop new ideas. We impart ideas and
share perspectives with others. Collaboration is a learned process. If managed correctly, it is a
powerful tool that can allow educators to tap into new ideas and information.

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