Sri Prahalada Bhakta Vijayam

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Sincere Thanks To

SrI hayagrIva likhita kaimkarya goshTi


their assistance in preparing this manuscript


PrahlAda bhakta vijayam - Introduction 1 - 17

Act 1 19 - 54

Act 2 55 - 90

Act 3 91 - 106

Act 4 107 - 168

Act 5 169 - 212
SrI varadarAja perumAl - tirukkacci
(Photo Courtesy: SrI SaThakopa Tatachar swAmi)
Picture Courtesy : 2
SrImate SrI lakshminrsimha parabrahmaNe namaH



Dear SrI nrsimha bhaktAs:

aDiyEn will cover Saint tyAgarAja swAmigaL's gEya nATakam of prahlAda

bhakta vijayam to celebrate the unique bhakti of the child prahlAdan.
This nATakam has five acts. It has 45 kIrtanam-s in 29 rAgam-s interwoven
with Telugu/Sanskrit poetry, grammar features like kanda padyam, sIsa
padyam, dvipadai, utpala mAlA, campaka mAlA, daNDakam. These unique
features add to the charm of prahlAda bhakta vijaya gEya nATakam as a
dynamic opera-dance. The handling of these unique features of poetry in
prahlAda bhakta vijayam reveals the genius of Saint tyAgarAja as one of the
greatest poets in Telugu language. The anubandham (appendix I) carries the
details on the eight gaNam-s, the laghu, guru letter combinations that
constitute those gaNam-s, prAsam, yati, vrttams/Meters, the padyams and the
mAlA-s forming the various angams of Telugu/Sanskrit poetry. aDiyEn will be
following the insights provided from the research monograph on prahlAda
bhakta vijayam (1966 vintage) by the Late Musicologists sangIta bhUshaNam
S.Ramanathan and T.S.ParthasArathy.

In gEya nATakams, the rAgam used for the first kriti should be used for the
last kriti. Saint tyAgarAja follows this tradition and uses sourAshTra rAgam
for the first and the last kriti in prahlAda bhakta vijayam.

aDiyEn refers you to the delightful YouTube archive of the kAlakshepam of

SrImati ViSAkhA Hari on this gEya nATakam of SrI tyAga brahmam for
enjoyment. Her kAlakshepam is based on the bhAgavata purANam and the hari
kathAmrtam book prepared by her revered father in law, SrI KrishNa Premi
Swami ("ANNA").

- This video is about Saint tyAgarAja’s gEya nATakam and other gEya naTakam-
s and vAsu devayani

SrI tyAgaraja swAmigaL has saluted Lord nrsimhan in many kriti-s and has
considered himself to be the heir apparent to bhakta prahlAdan. The two

exclusive kIrtanam-s on Lord nrsimhan relating to tyAga brahmam's visit to the

divya desam of ShOLingar (cOLa simha puram) are:

1) SrI nArasimha mAm pAhi, kshIrAbdhi kanyaka ramaNA ! -- rAgam phala

ranjani. Here tyAga brahmam seeks the protection of the Lord, who blossoms
the heart lotus of prahlAdan.

- This audio is SrI-nArasimha--phalaranjani--Adi--BMK-SrI-tyAgarAja

2) narasimha nanu brOvave SrI lakshmI narasimha-- bilahari rAgam.

Here tyAgrabrahmam says: "Oh lakshmi narasimha! Pray protect aDiyEn....with

the foremost of Your devotees, prahlAda, being unable to bear the taunts of
hiraNya kaSipu, took refuge in You and prayed to You to come to His succour,
You saved him.....vouchsafe to me Your grace in a liberal measure, so that I may
always do Your japa, have Your meditation, worship Your holy feet, and always

associate myself with those who are Your own ".

The other kriti-s, where SrI tyAgabrahmam refers to SrI nrsimhAvatAram


1. dIna janAvana -- bhUpala divya nAma kriti. This kriti is about the
daSAvatAram-s of the Lord.

2. jagadAnandaka--nATTai rAgam ("pApa gaja nrsimha"). He recognizes the

Lord as the nrsimhan who destroys the sins that are in the form of elephants.

3. jAnakI-ramaNa--Suddha sImantini rAgam ("bhakti hIna jana matagaja jAla

Here, He salutes the Lord as the Lion that destroys those who do not have
bhakti for Him and are like wild elephants in rut roaming all around.

The source material for the gEya nATakam of Saint tyAgaraja is bhAgavata
purANam (7th skandam). This is also the source of inspiration for Melattur
VenkatarAma SAstrigaL, who was elder to tyAga brahmam, who composed the
prahlAda nATakam in yaksha gAnam style. This was enacted in Melattur,
UtthukkADu and sUlamangalam villages.



General Remarks: hiraNya kaSipu is not mentioned specifically in this operatic-

drama. Reference is made to him through flashbacks by the other actors.

hiraNya samhAram by Lord nrsimhar is also not mentioned at the end of this
drama either. samudra rAjan, prahlAdan, garuDan, Sage nAradA, lakshmi devi,
bhagavAn SrI hari are the characters in this gEya nATakam. As one of the
greatest rAma bhaktAs, Saint tyAgarAja considers SrI hari as Lord
rAmacandra and eulogizes Him through the tongue of bhakta prahlAdan
although rAmAvatAram was later than nrsimhAvatAram. Because of his
limitless bhakti for his upAsanA mUrti, tyAga brahmam has reversed the order
of daSAvatAram-s to salute Lord rAmacandran in this gEya nATakam focused
on nrsimhAvatAram.

Saint tyAgarAja's reverence for prahlAdan:

There are many kriti-s of Saint tyAgarAja, where
we hear the adoration of prahlAdan and his
sincere bhakti. tyAga brahmam wanted to emulate

the asancala bhakti of prahlAdan. Here are some

excerpts from swAmigaL's kriti-s relating to
prahlAdan, who had the same AcAryan (Sage
nAradar) as tyAga brahmam. Their thought
processes are similar. Like prahlAda who refused
to eulogize anyone but hari, Saint tyAgaraja
refused to sing about human beings and sang only about SrIman nArAyaNan -
"koramAlina narulu koniyADanu" (SrI nArasimha kriti - phala ranjani rAgam).

prahlAdan was joyous on seeing his Lord and sorrowful, when he was separated
from his Lord. Similarly, Saint tyAgarAjA was so happy, when he had the
darSanam of Lord rAmacandra and heart-broken when he was separated from
the vision of the Lord. The joy and sorrow of the Saint over his union and
separation with his ishTa daivam are etched in his kriti-s:

1. bhAgavatAgresarulaku nArada prahlAda parASara rAmadAsulu-- kaligiyuNTe

gadA kriti - kIravANi rAgam

2. ala nADu kanaka kaSipu niNDAru, calamu jesi sutuni sakala bAdhala beTTaga

madinitALaka niccaluDaina prahlAdu koraku kambamu lOpalanuNDaga lEdAyA
rIti nEDu -- endu dAkginADO kriti - tODi rAgam.

3. munu hema kaSipu bAdhala sahimpaleka, murahariyana rAmacandra canuvatO

prahlAdu santApa munu dIrci soukyamo sagina rAmacandra"-- munnu rAvaNa
kriti - tODi rAgam

4. cinta dIrci prahlAduni brOcina-- nArada guruswAmi kriti - darbAr rAgam

5. ala nADu nirjara vairi bAluni jUci brOcitivi-- dari dApulEka kriti - sAvEri

6. kanaka kaSipu suta nArada tumburu pavanasUnu bAlacandra dhara Suka

saroja bhava bhUsura varulu parama pAvanulu, ghanulu SASvatulu kamala
bhavasukhamu sadAnubhavulu gAka -- endaro mahAnubhAvulu kriti - SrI rAgam
7. sakalESwara prahlAduDu jAlicE SaraNanaga hitakaruNDai brOcitivE
tyAgarAjuni mATa -- pariyAcakamA kriti - vanaspati rAgam

8) manasuna nijamuga nammina vAri manasu konca phalamAsincaga rAdanucu

ghanuni jEsina nI biruduku kanaka kaSipu sutuDu sAkshi gAdA --
varAlandukommani kriti - ghurjari rAgam

9) Their (prahlAdan's and tyAga brahmam’s) matching joy on seeing the Lord
flows through these 2 kriti-s:

“Anandam Anandam Ayenu"-- prahlAdan in prahlAda bhakta vijayam and “inta

kannAnandamu Emi” --tyAgarAja kriti in bilahari

We will now cover the summary of the FIVE individual angam-s of this gEya
nATakam. The gist of these angam-s will be provided first and the actual text
and the kriti-s of each of these angam-s will be covered next.


At the outset, SrI rAmacandra mUrti, viSvaksenar, saraswati are saluted. Next

guru nAradar, tuLasi dAsar, purandara dAsar, rAma dAsar, pANDurangar, nAma
devar, jn~Ana devar, jaya devar, tukkArAm, nArAyaNa tIrthar and other
daasAs of the Lord are eulogized.

Next vinAyakar arrives. The gatekeeper arrives at the same time singing the
praise of vAsudevan. The dialog between the stage manager and the gatekeeper
at SrI vaikuNTham reviews the happenings until then in the life of prahlAdan.
The gist is: prahlAdan bound by poisonous snakes is thrown into the ocean on
command from the angry hiraNya kaSipu, the father of prahlAdan. The king of
the oceans welcomes prahlAda and takes him to His home. He invites garuDan to
chase away the poisonous snakes. Once garuDan arrives, the poison from the
snakes does not affect prahlAdan. Now prahlAdan prays to the samudra rAjan
and asks Him to instruct him on the upAyam (means) for reaching hari. samudra
rAjan asks prahlAdan to eulogize hari.


prahlAdan praises the kalyANa guNams of hari. Sage nAradA arrives now from
SrI vaikuNTham.

He describes the vaibhavam of SrIman nArAyaNan at SrI vaikuNTham in a

cUrNikai. Next He describes the dialog (samvAdam) between lakshmi and hari
at SrI vaikuNTham. In their dialog, hari bound by the love of prahlAdan wishes
to arrive at bhU lokam and lakshmi tries to stop that journey and hari pacifies
Her and starts on His journey to meet His bhaktan.


At bhU lokam, prahlAdan sings with sorrow: "What is the use of the eyes, which
do not have the bhAgyam of seeing hari? What is the use of the hands that do
not perform arcanai of hari with flowers? What is the use of the tongue that
does not sing about the glories of hari?". He faints over the non-appearance of
hari and now hari comes before prahlAdan, lifts him up and embraces him
fondly. prahlAdan experiences the bliss of union with hari and sings: "E nATi

nOmu phalamu?" in bhairavi rAga kriti. (What penance I must have done to gain
the darSanam of hari?).


hari now looks at prahlAdan and asks him to seek any boon that he desires and
that HE (hari) would grant them. prahlAdan responds: "Oh Lord! When the
karpaka tree is in front, what is the need for dried up stalks from the
harvested field ? It is only fools who will seek such boons. aDiyEn does not need
any boons. aDiyEn longs only Your pAda sevanam. aDiyEn wishes to attain
tanmayatvam through dhyAnam about You". hari is immensely pleased with the
vairAgyam and bhakti of the child and praises those blessed qualities.

After this dialog, hari returns to SrI vaikuNTham and prahlAdan sinks into
inconsolable ocean of sorrow over the loss of hari from his side. He condemns
his durbhAgyam. hari and lakshmi return now and bless him. prahlAdan is
immersed in Ananda sAgaram and invites hari with joy to his home. brahmA,
indran, sages, nAradar, samudra rAjan and others arrive to witness this joyous
scene. sUryan arises.


We will provide later the word by word meanings of these kriti-s as we cover
the five angams in detail:

1. SrI gaNapatini -- rAgam sourAshTram, tALam Adi: at the very beginning, the
arrival of gaNapati dancing to different tALa gatis is described. gaNapati is
identified by tyAgarAjA as One who has SrIman nArAyaNan's sacred feet in
His heart.

2. vAsudevayani-- rAgam kalyANi, tALam Adi: The entrance of dvAra pAlakan

of SrI vaikuNTham singing the praise of vAsudevan is announced next.

3. sAgaruNDu-- rAgam yamunA kalyANi, tALam rUpakam: The arrival of

samudra rAjan to help prahlAdan, who was thrown into the ocean bound by
poisonous serpents is described now by the dvAra pAlakan.

4. vinatA suta-- rAgam husEni, tALam rUpakam: samudra rAjan prays to garuDa
bhagavAn and asks Him to drive away the poisonous snakes biting prahlAdan.

5. vishNu vAhanu --rAgam SankarAbharaNam, tALam rUpakam: vishNu's

vAhanam, garuDan responds to the appeal of samudra rAjan and arrives on the
scene to help prahlAdan. garuDan freed him from the nAga pAsam-s and
afterwards returned to SrI vaikuNTham to serve His Lord.

6. vAridhi nIku --rAgam tODi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan expresses his vandanam-
s to samudra rAjan and seeks his guidance on attain hari and be with Him

7. vaccunu hari--rAgam kalyANi, tALam rUpakam: samudra rAjan instructs

prahlAdan to eulogize the Lord to have darSana soubhAgyam.

End of First angam

8. vandanamu-- rAgam SahAnaa, tALam Adi: prahlAdan performs stotram of the

Lord in many ways and begs Him to appear before him and protect him and
extends his vandanam-s to the Lord.

9. eTla kanugondunE -- rAgam ghaNTa, tALam Adi: With a heart filled with
bhakti, prahlAdan prayed to the Lord and hari did not arrive. prahlAdan was
very sad and wondered aloud about how he is going to succeed in seeing hari.

10. indukAyI tanuvunu -- rAgam punnAgavarALi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan is

heartbroken about his misfortune and wails. He asks why his body was saved
from the snake bites and why he has become an object of ridicule before the
common folks due to the neglect of hari.

11. nijamaitE mundara-- rAgam bhairavi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan challenges the
Lord to appear before him, if the upadeSam on hari nAmam that he received as
an infant in the womb of his Mother is true. Sage nAradar hears these

lamentations of prahlAdan and rushes to his side.

12. nArada muni-- rAgam pantuvarALi, tALam Adi: prahlAdan is overcome with
bhakti for his guru, Sage nAradA and places his faith in him and prostrates
before him.

SrI prahlAda varadan with tAyAr - SrI ahobilam

Picture Courtesy:

13. ipuDaina nanu -- rAgam Arabhi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan asks nAradar
whether hari is thinking about him and whether he is the object of hari's dayA.
He states his deep desire not to be born in this samsAric world and asks
nAradar to tell him about hari's disposition towards him. nAradar summarizes
the conversation between hari and lakshmi and about the favorable decision on
the part of hari towards protecting prahlAdan and to appear before him.

End of Second angam

14. ennaga manasuku -- rAgam nIlAmbari, tALam Adi: Although nAradar broke
the good news about the favorable disposition of hari to come to his rescue,
prahlAdan is grief-stricken in not enjoying the pratyaksham of hari. His sorrow
grew further. He questions the value of the eyes that have not seen hari. He
considers that the hands that could not perform arcanai for hari are worthless.

He begs the Lord to appear before him.

15. ETi janmamidi -- rAgam varALi, tALam cApu: hari did not appear still.
prahlAdan wails over the futility of his birth without seeing the Lord, converse
with Him and embrace Him. This indifference of the Lord overpowers him and
he faints.

16. entanucu varNintunE -- rAgam sourAshTram, tALam cApu: The concerned

Lord rushed to child prahlAdan and embraced him with great affection.
prahlAdan woke up and felt blissful and expresses his deficiencies in describing
adequately the divine beauty of the Lord standing before him.

The End of the Third angam

17. E nATi nOmu -- rAgam bhairavi, tALam Adi: prahlAdan's supreme joy in
seeing the Lord in front of him makes him wonder about his indescribable good
fortune and eulogizes the Lord to his heart's content.

18. nannu brOvakanu -- rAgam SankarAbharaNam, tALam cApu: prahlAdan

declares that he will not let go of hari until He promises to protect him.

19. aDugu varamula --rAgam Arabhi, tALam cApu: hari wants now to test the

asancala bhakti of prahlAdan and tempts with the granting of any boon that he
desires. hari says that He is so overwhelmed by prahlAdan's unwavering bhakti
that He is ready to bless him with anything he desires.

20. vArija nayana nIvADanu nEnu -- rAgam kEdAra gouLa, tALam Adi:
prahlAdan says that he belongs to the lotus-eyed Lord and that he is not
interested in any perishable wealth of the world and asks the Lord to protect
him. He seeks unfailing devotion at the sacred feet of the Lord.

21. tanalOnE dhyAninci -- rAgam devagAndhAri, tALam Adi: prahlAdan

elaborates on what he seeks from the Lord. He states that he wishes to
experience the tanmayatvam through deep dhyAnam of the Lord in his heart
lotus. With mature brahma jn~Anam, prahlAdan rejected vishaya sukham and
longed for the moksha sukham.
22. O rAma rAma -- rAgam nAga gAndhAri, tALam cApu: prahlAdan states now
that he believes totally in hari and cannot understand why the Lord will cheat
him and think of abandoning him.

23a. and 23b. SrI rAma jayarAma SrngAra rAma --rAgam madhyamAvati in Adi
and ghaNTa cApu tALam-s: prahlAdan explains the sufferings that he is
undergoing and asks the Lord whether is angry at him over his balavanta bhakti
(forceful bhakti). He declares that his mind does not seek any vishaya sukhams.

24. sarasIruha nayana nI kaTAkshamE -- rAgam bilahari, tALam cApu:

prahlAdan states with courage and bhakti that the Lord's glances alone are
sufficient for him and the Lord has no doubts anymore about the sthira bhakti
of prahlAdan.

25. vaddayuNDEdE bahumElu -- rAgam varALi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan

continued to tell the various joyous activities that he is going to engage in the
form of kaimkaryam-s to the Lord. He presses his point that the best thing for
him would be to near the Lord.

26. tIruna nAlOni -- rAgam sAvEri, tALam ghaNTa cApu: prahlAdan laments
now: hari! Will my deep longing for You ever be quenched? Will I hold Your
sacred feet and place them in my heart lotus? Will I be able to perform
blemishless kaimkaryam to You always?

27. rAmAbhirAma raghurAma -- rAgam sAvEri, tALam ghaNTa cApu: prahlAdan

asks the Lord why he is displaying anger towards him and is being indifferent.
“Is it fair for You to forget me? Please extend Your secure hand and uplift
from this samsAram.” hari declares now that He is overwhelmed by the nija
bhakti of prahlAdan and blesses him.

28. daya rAni-- rAgam mOhanam, tALam ghaNTa cApu: prahlAdan is overjoyed
with the dayA of the Lord and invites the Merciful Lord. He says that his
bhakti for the Lord reduces the worth of the world to an insignificant blade of

grass. “My eyes are filled with tears of bliss and all my worries are destroyed
when you are next to me.”

29. daya sEyavayya -- rAgam yadukula kAmbhOji, tALam Adi: Oh Lord! Please
grant me a small portion of the dayA and Anandam that You granted to sItA
pirATTi on Your svayamvaram day.

30. AnandamAnanda -- rAgam bhairavi, tALam Adi: prahlAdan offers

ArAdhanam for hari with sixteen upacAram-s and expresses his joy over
performance of that ArAdhanam with this song set in bhairavi rAgam. He
assesses that his Anandam is equivalent to brahmAnandam, nityAnandam
(eternal bliss) and sadAnandam (everlasting bliss).

31. jaya mangaLam -- rAgam ghaNTA, tALam ghaNTa cApu: Here tyAgarAja
swAmigaL salutes the Lord with many divya nAmAs: The One with the merciful
glance, the One worshipped by Lord Sivan, One who traverses in all the vedA-s,
The One who is the Lord of SrIdevi and blemishless and wishes mangaLam to
Him in a pallANDu manner.

The End of the Fourth angam

32. nannu viDaci-- rAgam rIti gouLai, tALam cApu: Now, hari wanted to test
prahlAdan's bhakti further and stated that He has been away from SrI
vaikuNTham for too long and wishes to return there to be with mahAlakshmi.
prahlAdan feels like he has been hit by a bolt of lightning and begs the Lord not
to leave him even for a minute. He says that he is like a fish out of water, when
the Lord is not with him.

hari is fully satisfied the mature bhakti of prahlAdan and reveals that he has
been caught in the net of matchless bhakti of prahlAdan and seeks prahlAdan's
understanding to visit mahAlakshmi and then return.

33. anduNDakanE-- rAgam pantuvarALi, tALam cApu: prahlAdan asks the Lord
to make a promise that He will return back to his side without delay and the
Lord promises to return within three days. prahlAdan describes his suffering,
when the Lord is not with him. prahlAdan states that his status is like that of a
pativratai separated from her husband.

34. Emani vEgintunE -- rAgam husEni, tALam Adi: prahlAdan is distraught over
the departure of the Lord and wonders loud as to how he is going to bear the
separation from the Lord. He says that he has become a paradeSi now and is
immersed in the ocean of sorrow.

35. enta pApinaiti -- rAgam gouLi pantu, tALam cApu: prahlAdan's sorrow
increases and he laments about his sins that have caused his separation from
his Lord. He says: "Alas! though my jIvanam (life) was all about serving my Lord
but my fortune has turned otherwise".

36. O jagannAtha -- rAgam kEdAra gouLai, tALam Adi: Tossed about by the
waves of his sorrow, prahlAdan asks why the Lord of the world is not
responding to his appeals to return. He says: "This is not the time and I cannot
bear this. I have no recourse except You".

37. celimini -- rAgam yadukula kAmbhOji, tALam Adi: The grieving prahlAdan
looks at the bhaktA-s of the Lord around him and asks them: "Dear ones! Please

let me know if You see the lotus-eyed Lord anywhere. I beg you to tell me. He is
the one with bow and arrow in His hands.”

38. pAhi kalyANa rAma-- rAgam kApi, tALam Adi: hari heard the wailings of
prahlAdan in the far off SrI vaikuNTham and rushed to His dear bhaktan's
side to comfort him.

39. rA rA mAyiNTidAka -- rAgam AsAvEri, tALam Adi: prahlAdan is thrilled

now and invites the Lord to his home with choice vandanam-s.

40. kamala bhavuDu--rAgam kalyANi, tALam cApu: brahma devan from His satya
lokam, indran from deva lokam arrived at prahlAdA's home to enjoy the
delectable conversation between hari and His bhaktan. Their arrival is
described in this kriti by tyAgarAja swAmigaL.

41. dorakunAyani --rAgam tODi, tALam rUpakam: prahlAdan now enjoys

offering sixteen kinds of upacArams to hari along with the devAs, indran and
brahmA and describes the scene of bhagavad ArAdhanam.

42. callarE -- rAham Ahiri, tALam cApu: prahlAdan invites the bhakta goshTi to
shower the lord with lotus, pArijAta, SeNpaka flowers from gold vessels. He
asks the bhaktAs to rain in their heart lotuses to hari.

43. varamaina -- rAgam paras, tALam cApu: prahlAdan describes the bhakti
paravaSam of brahman, indran, nAradar, sanakar, samudra rAjan and other
bhAgavatOttamAs in performing kaimkaryam for hari.

44. jaya mangaLam — rAgam mOhanam, tALam ghaNTa cApu: jaya mangaLam
and Subha mangaLam to the Lord is expressed in this and the next kriti to the
ishTa daivam of tyAgarAja swAmigaL, Lord rAmabhadhran.

"nityamai satyamai nirmalambaina Aditya kula tilakunaku dhIrunakunu jaya

mangaLam, nitya Subha mangaLam" is the mangaLASAsanam

45. nI nAma rUpamulaku-- rAgam sourAshTram, tALam Adi: This is the famous

mangaLa kriti heard at the end of Carnatic Music concerts, where tyAgarAja
swAmigaL hails Lord rAmacandra and invokes mangaLam-s to the Lord's sacred
name, beautiful roopam, the lotus feet held by AnjanEya, the lap on which sItA
pirATTi sits, the chest with moving pearl necklaces and the enchanting smile
that defeats the beauty of the Moon.

The End of Fifth angam

The nATakam starts and concludes with the mangaLa rAgam of sourAshTram.
In between, it has kritis in the apUrva rAgams like nAga gAndhAri and paras
besides traditional ghana rAgams like tODi, kalyANi, SankarAbharaNam,
Arabhi, varALi and bhairavi. Altogether, this gEya nATakam is a musical treat.

namO SrI nrsimhAya,
Oppiliappan KOil V.Sadagopan

SrI MAlOlan and HH SrImad azhagiya singars - SrI ahobila maTham
(Image Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi) 18
prathamA Angamu - FIRST ACT


SrI jAnakI manOhara

rAjIva-bhavAdi-vandya raghukula tilaka

rAjIva nayana munijana-

pUjita pAda rAmacandra puNyacaritra!


Oh Lord who has won over the mind of sItA pirATTi! Oh Lord worshipped by
brahmaa, Sivan and other devAs! Oh tilakam for the raghu vamSam! Oh Lord
with the sacred feet worshipped by the Sages! Oh rAmacandrA! Oh Lord with
the most auspicious life history!

dhyAninceda madi viSvaksEnuni SrI vishNu caraNa sEvA niratun nAnA-vighna

nivAraNu sEnAdhipu apramEyu Sritajana pOshun


aDiyEn prostrates before viSvaksenar, the glorious commander in chief of all

the vishNu gaNams (armies) with matchless repute, who performs eternal
kaimkaryam at the sacred feet of His Lord, removes all obstacles to satgati,
who protects all who sought His refuge.

vANi ninu vEDEdanu purANI nA racanayandu ranjillavE kalyANi veeNA pustaka

pANI mAdhurya vANi padmaju rANI!


Oh sarasvati! aDiyEn stands before you seeking your blessings. Oh Ancient

One! May Thou shine on my tongue! Oh Auspicious One! Oh sweet voiced One!
carrying a book and veeNA vAdyam on Your two hands! Oh brahmA’s divine

consort! Please shower Your anugraham on aDiyEn!

nArAyaNa puNya kathA

sAramu prOlucunu sarva samata varagu SrI

nArada guru pada yugamulu

sAreku madilOnanunci sannuti sEtun


aDiyEn places the sacred feet of My AcAryan nAradar in my mind, who

extracts the essence of the auspicious vaibhavams of SrIman nArAyaNan and
spreads it to one and all.

tuLasee kAnanam anduna

vilasitamuka harini jUci vismaya yutuDai

pulakI krta tanudagu nA

tuLasI dAsa varu sannutulu sEtu madin


aDiyEn eulogizes always in my mind tuLasI dAsar, who saw hari in the tuLasI
forest and became rapturous with joy.

durita vrAtamulellanu badi mArceDi hari guNamula bADucunepuDun

paravaSuDai velayu purandara dAsuni mahimamulanu

dalaceda madilOn


aDiyEn is filled with joy thinking about the glories of purandara dAsar, who
sang all the time about the Subha guNams of hari, which chases away the
assembly of our sins.

kali yugamuna vara bhadrA-calamuna nelakonna rAmacandruni pada bhaktulakella

varuDanandaki velasina SrI rAma dAsu vinutintu madin


aDiyEn places in my heart lotus, SrI rAma dAsar, who is the loftiest among the
bhaktAs in this kali yugam, who worship SrI rAmacandran presiding over the
celebrated bhadrAcalam.


ishTa devatAbhivandanambunu, satguru dhyAnambunu salpi, pUrva bhakta

vratAmbunu goniyADi mariyu pANDuranga, nAma deva, jn~Ana deva, saha deva,
jaya deva, tukkArAma, SrI nArAyaNa tIrthAdi bhagavat dAsulanellam
praNamilli nA yonarpambUnina prahlAda bhakta vijayambanu prabandhambunaku
krti nAyakuNDagu SrI candruni sambOdhana vAkyambunanjEri

This is the way aDiyEn eulogizes and requests permission from the the Master
of the prabandham of prahlAda bhakta vijayam, SrI rAmacandra, after saluting
my ishTa daivam, meditating on my satguru and ancient bhaktakoTis of hari like
pANDurangar, nAma devar, jn~Ana devar, Saha devar, jaya devar, tukkArAm
and SrI nArAyaNa tIrthar:


SrI kalyANa parampara

sAkEta purAdi vAsa sAmaja varadA

nI kAruNyamucE nEn(I)

kAvyamonOarcinADan impuga vinumA

SrImat panca nadambanu

bhUmini vilasillunaTTi puravaramuna SrI

rAma svarUpuDanaDagu

rAma brahmArya sutuDa rAga rahituDan


Oh Lord who resides in AyOdhi, the seat of auspicious ancestors of raghu

kulam! Oh Lord who rushed to the rescue of gajEndran! aDiyEn is engaged in the
creation of this kAvyam with Your anugraham. Please hear this with desire!

aDiyEn is the son of SrI rAma brahmam considered as the incarnation of Lord
rAmacandran and born in the great city on earth known as SrI pancanadapuram
and aDiyEn has conquered desires for vishaya sukhams.


AgamAnta vihAruDai yalaru nIku

rAgat ALAdiyuta gAna rasamucEta

bAgu mIranga santOsha parucunaTTi

tyAgarAjanu bEriTa danarinADa


Let me introduce myself to You, who roams in the sporting grounds of

vedAntam as tyAgarAjan, who makes You happy with samarpaNam-s of kriti-s
with sweet rAgam-s, appropriate tALam-s filled with ghAna rasa bhAvam.


SrI cEta vilasillu SrI rAmacandra vAcAlakuni gani varamiccu taNDri nATakam
okaTi nE nayamugA nIkunATakA vinipintu hATakAbharaNa A
nATakambunanamaru marmamula SrI nAtha palikeda Sritula mrokki j~nAna
vairAgya vij~nAna satbhakti dIni bhAvamulella divyamai velugu

kanaka kaSipuDu munnu gADu chalambunanu tanayuni sakala bAdala beTTi

mariyu nAga pASambunu naDamuna gaTTi sAgarambuna vEya selaiccu modalu

prahlAda yOgiki prabhala vAridhikinAhlAdamagu vAdamandu rAjillu ghanuDaina

nAradAgamanambu cEta janiyimpa bADi jAli jendi mUrchilla

nA mIda mAdhavuNDAvirbhAvinci sAmarthyamulanEchi salalituNDagucu
mummArunedurugA mudamutO nilci

sommasilina vEDka sompugAnuNDu rAga tALa mrdanga ravaLicE migula

nAgarikambabi nayamucE celagu bhaktAgragaNyuDai paragu

prahlAda bhakta vijayambana bAgaina krtini aniSambunidi pushpa hArambugAnu

danivAra dhariyincu dhara sutA ramaNa

saguNa nirguNamula samamugAnencu suguNa rAma brahma sutuDaina

tyAgarAju balkina kAtha rasam evvaraina rAjilla jEsina ramyAmai vinina kOrina
cadavina koniyADukonna vAriki phalamulavvAriganosagi tappuloppulunna dAlimi
jEsi eppuDu daya cEtanElukOvaiyya


Oh rAmacandra! shining in the company of sItA pirATTi! Oh Father, who grants
the desired boons to those who pray for them! Oh Lord with golden jewelry!
aDiyEn presents a gEya nATakam in a sporting manner.

Oh lakshmI pati! aDiyEn salutes the elders and would now explain the subtleties
of this drama. The bhAvams of jn~Anam, vairAgyam, vijn~Anam and satbhakti
shine beautifully here.

In the ancient time, hiraNya kaSipu with great anger had exposed his son to
many sufferings and later had his waist tied up with poisonous snakes and
ordered his servants to throw his son in the ocean (This is the beginning of this
gEya nATakam).

After that, yogi prahlAdan had a joyous conversation with the famous king of
the oceans. Sage nAradar arrived at this site, where such dialog was taking
place. The anguish of separation of prahlAdan from His Lord made him swoon.

After that, bhagavAn appeared in recognition of the fitness of prahlAdan as

His bhaktan and made prahlAdan happy with His darSanam thrice. prahlAdan
was ecstatic over that Ananda anubhavam.

Oh Lord consider this prahlAda bhakta vijayam nATakam embellished with

rAgam, tALam and the dhvani of mrdhangam as the samarpaNam to adorn Your
chest as a flower garland and make use of it to Your heart’s content.

Oh Lord Of bhUmi DEvi! Please protect aDiyEn, the son of rAma brahmam, who
considered saguNa and nirguNa upAsanais of You as equal in status and with
Your matchless dayaa, please bear with any mistakes in my composition.

Please bless those who explain the essence of this gEya nATakam to others or
listens to it, desires it, reads it or praises it.


I prahlAda bhakta vijayamanu nATakArambamuna sakala vighna nivAraNuNDagu

vighnESvaruNDu vEncEyu vidambeTTulanina

hari! This is the way (Your nephew) Lord vignESwarar, who removes all
obstacles at the beginning of this performance, arrives on the stage:


karirAja vadanuNDu karpUra nibhuDu

girisutA suthudu sangIta lOlUDu

ambuja sambhavAdyamarulu goluva

jambhU phalambhulu chavi jUcukoncu

dharmAdi phalamula daya sEtunanucu

nirmala hrdayuDai nirvikAruNdu

sokkucu sOlucu sogasuga veDalE

mrokki sEvintamu mudamuna rArE


He has the elephant face. He has the brightness of white camphor. He is the
son of the daughter of himavAn. He is a sangIta lOlan. brahma and other devAs

salute Him as He dines on nAval fruits and out of his pure and blemishless mind
promises the purushArthams like dharmam and charms the people and walks
towards us beautifully. Let us welcome Him and offer our worship to Him!



SrI gaNapatini sEvimpa rArE Srita mAnavulArA

ु ारा
ौी गणपितिन सेिव रारे िौत मानवल

Oh Devotees! Come together! Let us offer our salutations to Lord gaNapati!

vAgadhipaAdi supUjala cEkoni, bAka naTimpucunu veDalina

ु नु ु वॆडिलन
वागिधपािद सपूु जल चेकॊिन बाग निटच

Let us offer salutations to gaNapati, who is coming towards us dancing

beautifully after accepting the worship of brahmaa and other devAs.


panasa nArikELAdi jambU


ghana tarambuganu mahipai padamulu

ghallu ghallananunci

anayamu hari caraNa yugamulanu hrdayAmbujamununci

vinayamunanu tyAgarAja vinutuDu

vividha gatula dhit-taLangumani veDalina (SrI gaNapatini)

पनस नािरके ळािद जू

ु ारिगि

घन तरगु न ु मिहप ै पदम

घु घननि

अनयम ु हिर चरण यगु मल ु मनु नि

ु न ु दयाज ु

िवनयमनु न ु ागराज िवनतु डु ु

िविवध गतल ु वॆडिलन

ु िधळांगमिन (ौी गणपितिन)


Enjoying jack fruit, coconut, nAval pazham, planting His feet firmly on ground
with the sound of “gal-gal” and meditating always on hari’s sacred feet in His
heart gaNapati appears, dancing dhittaLAngu in many gatis (tALa pramANams)

and is worshipped by tyAgarAja with humility.

At the beginning of this joyous nATakam named prahlAda bhakta vijayam, the
dvAra pAlakan (gate keeper) arrives on stage in this manner: With a quick,
resounding and speedy gait, he places his feet on the earth and arrives praising
hari and looks at the audience as though he has some questions/requests for


The dvAra pAlakan now arrives on stage singing the praise of hari and
conversing with the audience in-between.

This kriti in rAgam kalyANi has been made famous by sangIta kAlAnidhi SrI
G.N. Balasubramanyan:

dde20893887b/2.vAsudeva-yani-kalyANi--Adi--GNB UT


vAsudevayani veDalinayI douvArikuni kanarE

वासदेु वयिन वॆडिलनयी दौवािरकुिन कनरे

Please see this dvAra pAlakan hailing the name of vAsudevan!


vAsavAdi sura pUjituDai,

vArija nayanuni madini talacucunu (vAsudeva)

ु मिदिन तलचच
वासवािद सरु पूिजतडु ,ै वािरज नयनिन ु नु ु (वासदेु व)

Please see this dvAra pAlakan, who is worshipped by the indrAdi devAs and, who
has the lotus- eyed Lord hari in his mind!

The three caraNam-s
nIru kAvi dOvatulanu kaTTi

niTalamunanu SrIcUrNamu peTTi

sAri veDaliyI sabhalO juTTi

sAreku bangaru kOlanu paTTi

ु न ु कि
नी कािव दोवतल

िनटलमनु न ु ौीचूणमर् ु पॆि

सािर वॆडिलयी सभलो जि

सारॆकु ब कोलन ु पि

Please see this dvAra pAlakan wearing the ochre colored pItAmbaram and
adorning SrIcUrNam on His forehead and sporting a golden cane in his hand and
walking around the stage repeatedly singing “vAsudeva yani”.

mATi mATikini mIsamu duvvi

manmatha rUpudDu tAnani krovvi

SrI prahlAda varadar with nAccimArs - SrI ahobilam
Image Courtesy: SrI Suresh swAmi and SrI Balaji Ankem swAmi 28
dATi dATi paDucunu tAnivvi

dhambuna palukucu paka paka navvi (vAsudevayani)

मािट मािटिकिन मीसम ु ि

मथ पडु ु तानिन बॊि

दािट दािट पडुचनु तािनि

धनु पकुच ु पक पक नि (vasudevayin )

Please see this dvAra pAlakan twirling his moustache and feeling proud that he
is equal to manmathan in beauty, jumping around the stage and speaking to
himself and laughing noisily.
bAgu mIra naTanamu sEyucunu

patita pAvanuni tA vEDucunu

rAga tALa gatulanu pADucunu

tyAgarAja sannutuni pogaDucunu (vAsudeva)

बाग ु मीर नटनम ु सेयच

ु नु ु

ु ता वेडुचनु ु
पितत पावनिन

ु न ु पाडुचनु ु
राग ताळ गतल

ागराज सतु िु न पॊगडुचनु ु (वासदेु व)

This dvAra pAlakan is dancing beautifully, eulogizing hari who comes to the
protection of dIna janam-s, singing in appropriate rAgam-s about the Lord
worshipped by tyAgarAjan, while maintaining the correct beats of tALam.


ivvidhambuna dauvArikuNDu vacci

I nATakamonarincu sUtra dhAruni gani

I sabha Emi I divITala prabhalEmi

I mrdangAdi vAdya ghOshamulEmi

I sogasaina vEshamulEmi

I nATakambunaku pErEmi dIni phalamEmi

I nATakam baDumani evarAnaticcirO

I vivarambunerigimpumanaga

A sUtra dhAri erigincu mArgam eTTulaina

Now, the dvAra pAlakan stops his singing and asks the sUtradhAran (manager
of the stage) the following questions: Who are assembled here in this sabhA?
Why the torch lights? What for is the sound raised by mangaLa vAdyam like


What is the occasion for these beautiful dresses? What is the name of this
nATakam? What is the phalan of enacting this drama? Who ordered this drama
to be enacted? Please brief me on all these details.


yatulaku suralakunellavAralaku satulaku sutulaku satbhaktulakunu

nATulaku viTulaku nAlgu jAtulaku jaTula kaThOrulai celagu daityulaku

vinnAnu gannAnu vivarambugAnu pannuga janulella paTiyincinAnu

iha parambulu galigi ilanu vardhila mahi ki vElpulu vacci mari brOcunaTluNDu

lEnApadalenta vaccinanu bandinci abdhilO baDavaicinAnu

mandukainanu vAni madi veta lEka andaru kIrtinci AdukonunaTlu

tyAgArajunicE krtambugA velasi bAgagu

prahlAda bhakta vijambu nATakambugu sabhA nAyakul

mammu nATagAvimparE ani Anatiyya

caitrOtsavambuna jelagucu mEmu citrambuga sEva sEya kOredamu

sUtradhAran explained that the nATakam is for sanyAsis, devAs, women,
children, bhAgavatAs, actors, people of loose conduct, and the people belonging
to all the varNams and for the heartless asurAs.

The phalans of witnessing this nATakam was explained this way:

Those who listen to the gadyam, padyam and songs in detail and those who study
this nATakam will get protected and be blessed with sukham-s here on earth
and in the life thereafter. The act of seeing this nATakam will give protection
like the one provided by the devA-s descending from their places in superior
worlds and will chase away all kinds of dangers to the body and serve as a
suitable medicine to cure them from their illness and prevent them from
acquiring any sorrows.

ivvidhambuna balki sUtra dhAruNDu dauvArikuni jUci

nIveccaTi vADaviccOTa vaccine vidambEmi erigimpumanaga

dauvArikuNDu erigimpa jEyu mArgam eTTulanina

Now it is the sUtradhAran’s turn to ask the dvAra pAlakan one or two
questions; Sir! Which is your native place? How did you arrive here? Please tell
me and the dvAra pAlakan responded this way:

IDu lEnaTuvaNTi I purambunu

vaiDUrya maNulella vasudapai parachi

pandiLLukIn kAvu paTTutO vEsi

mandla mEl kaTTu mari bAga gaTTi

panasa rambhA drAsha phalaguccamamara

kanakambucEnalankAramul jEsi

varamaina sAmbrANi vattula nilipi

sura vAra satulanIkshONi rappinci

ghana nAtyamulalella gAvimpumanucu

ghanuDApagEzhuDu Aj~nApincinADu

neraya singAramul nEnaTu cEsi erigimpa bOyedu

nilavivu kaDaku


I am from the kingdom of the Lord of the oceans. He ordered me to decorate a

stage in this matchless city with precious vaiDUrya gems and create a pandal
decorated with jack fruit bunches, banana plants, grape bunches and use gold
liberally to enhance the beauty of that stage and then plant fragrant incense
sticks and invite thereafter the celestial women to come and dance on that
special stage. I have executed the tasks given by the samudra rAjan and I am

returning to my Lord’s side to brief him on the completion of those assigned


sUtradhAran now becomes curious and asks the dvAra pAlakan about the
reasons for creating such a special stage and what was the occasion for
decorating the city so well.



ani paluku dauvArikun ganungoni iTlu purAlankArambu sEyaTaku

gAraNambEmanaga dauvArikuNDerigimpa jEyu mArgambeTulanina

danujESvaruni mATa tappaka kinkarul SESa pASambucE jEsi

gaTTi abdhilO baDa vEyinci acalamul pai vEyan

ambudhi prahlAdani eringi sAdhu sangati sEva samayambanucu

santasambuna gangAdi satulatOnu navaratna maNi bhUshaNamulacE

velasillu asura putrinininetti Adarinci kanula bAshpambulolukanga kaugalinci

lasitamaunaTTi nagarambalankarincumanucu selaviccaDana

mukhya mantrulakun sabhaku vEncEyu vELa sAgaruNDu

The obedient servants of hiraNya kaSipu could not go against the command of
their king and tied prahlAdan with fiercely poisonous snakes and threw him
from the top of a mountain into the ocean below. The samudra rAjan rushed to
the scene knowing who was thrown into his lap and wanted to gain the
relationship with the parama bhAgavatan, prahlAdan. Knowing that this was the
right time, the King of the oceans arrived with his wives like gangA and
embraced tightly the child prahlAdan adorned with many gem-studded
AbharaNams and shed tears of joy. The samudra rAjan ordered then for his
servants to decorate his city to celebrate this special occasion of prahlAdan’s
arrival and thereafter the king of oceans returned to his sabhA.


ivvidhambuna samudra maharaja prahlAda svAmi koraku ghanamagu

SrngAramulu sEyuTaku kAraNambEmanaka dauvArikuNDu palukuTa eTTulanina

What is the reason for the king of the Oceans to order such a special
decoration of his capital city?


hariyu prahlAduNDunamrtambuloluka

sari sari vAdamulu salupa bOyedaru

kananabbega nEDu kanula paNDuvuga anucu

vAridhi rAju Anandamandi

merupu kOTlanu gEru mEnunu dAchi

karaku bangaru valve kaTiyandu gaTTi

ANimutyambula hAramul meraya

mANikya mayamagu mAkuTambu gadala

prakaTamau rathamupai prahlAdununci

sakala vAdyamulella sannidhi mrOya SrngAramulacEta

SrI mincu sabhaku bongAra jala rAju bOruna veDalen

SrI hari and His bhaktan, prahlAdan conversed with each other as if the
delectable nectar was flowing. The samudra rAjan considered that his eyes did
attain the matchless bhAgyam of seeing this union between his Lord and His
bhaktan. He was filled with bliss, adorned golden pItAmbharam matching
crores of lightning in lustre, decorated himself with bright pearl necklaces,
sported a gem-studded crown and placed prahlAdan on his famous chariot and
ordered the playing of all mangaLa vAdyams and arrived at his court hall, where

SrngAra lakshmi dances.


rUpaka - Sri.Ramamurthy


sAgaruNDu veDaleniDO sArEku gana rArE

सागण्डु वेडलेिनडो सारेकु गन रारे

Please witness this scene! Please see to your heart’s content the procession of
the samudra rAjan!


bAguga prahlAduni vara yOgini gougiTa jErci (sAgaruNDu)

बागगु ूािन वर योिगिन gaEigq जेिचर् (सागण्डु)

Please see the bhavani of samudra rAjan embracing the child-yogi prahlAdan to
his chest

Three caraNam-s:

mandara dharuDAnanda

kanduDu tana hrday-

aaravindambuna nelakonna

soundaryamulanu dalacucu (sAgaruNDu)

मर धडान

कडु तन दयारिवनु नॆलकॊ
ु न ु तलचच
सौयर्मल ु ु (सागण्डु)

Please see the samudra rAjan meditating on the beauty of the Lord blissfully
seated in his heart lotus, the very same Lord who held the mandara mountain on
His back during the churning for the nectar!

vAraNamulapai bhErI vAdyambulu mrOyaga sura-

vArastrIla nATyapu varusala jUcucu vEDkaga (sAgaruNDu)

ु ॆोयग सरु
ु प ै भेरी वा

ु ु वेड्कग
वार ील नाप ु वसल जूचच (सागण्डु)

With the sounds of drums positioned on the back of the royal elephant
spreading around, please enjoy the scene where the samudra rAjan is enjoying
intensely the dances of the celestial women.

rAjillina SrI tyAgarAja sakhuni manasAra

pUjincunuNDu danujarAja kumAra sahituDai (sAgaruNDu)

रािजिन ौीागराज सखिु न मनसार

ु नु ण्ड
पूिजच ु ु दनजराज
ु कुमार सिहतडु ै (सागण्डु)

Please see the samudra rAjan united with the son of the asuran, prahlAdan
worshipping the friend of tyAgarAjan, hari to his heart’s content!


antaTa samudra maharaja nAga pASa baddhuDaina prahlAduni

navaratna khacita kanaga simhAsanamupainunci

nija bhakti sambhAshaNamandunAsa galavADaiyaTTi

nAga pASa vimOcanamu sEvu kOrakunu

Anjalimpucu garuDa prArthana jEyuneTTulanina

After that ride on his chariot to the rAja sabhA, samudra rAjan placed
prahlAdan bound by nAga pASam (serpent noose) on his golden throne studded
with many precious gems and was eager to have a conversation with bhakta
prahlAdan on nija bhakti and to realize this goal, samudra rAjan folded his
palms in anjali mudhrA and prayed to the king of birds, garuDan this way:


kaga rAju nIku mrokkeda gaganambunanuNDi veDali

grakkunanu balOraga bAdhalella dIrpumu

vaga teliyani bAluDaiya varaguNa sAndra

Oh King of Birds! My salutations to You. Please descend from the sky and chase
away the sorrows caused by the snakes to prahlAdan! Oh ocean of auspicious
guNams! He is a young child, who does not know the different things (vakai
aRiyAta siRu piLLai).

The samudra rAjan engages in further appeals to garuDa bhagavAn through a

song (husEni rAga kriti - vinatA suta rA rA) and a vacanam describing the
arrival of garuDa bhagavAn follows along with a dvipadai that describes the
upakAram of garuDan in destroying the nAga pASam binding bhakta prahlAdan.

samudra rAjan continues to pray for the arrival of garuDa bhagavAn to free
prahlAdan from the nAga pASam in the husEni rAga kriti: “vinatA suta rA rA” T

vinatAsuta--husEni--Adi--S-Ramanathan TH TH


vinatA suta rArA nAvinuti gaikonarA
ु ग ैकॊनरा
िवनता सतु रारा ना िवनित

Oh Son of vinatai! Oh garuDa! Please come. Please accept my prostrations.


ghana nAga pASambula khaNDinca rArA

ु खिण्ड रारा
घन नाग पाशल

Oh vinatAsutA! Please come to remove the dense tangles of nAga pASam tying
prahlAdan down (vinatA suta)

Three caraNam-s

amarESuni gelici nIvamrtamu tecci,

vimala kIrti vahinci velasillana vIrA (vinatA sutA)

अमरेशिु न गॆिलिच नीवमृतम ु तॆि

िवमल कीितर् विहि वॆलिसिन वीरा ु

(िवनता सत)

vinatA sutA - SrI garuDAzhvAr at tiruveLLiyankuDi
Picture Courtesy: SrI Sriraman swAmi 38
Oh Brave One with blemishless fame by winning over indran in a fight and
bringing the nectar home!

hariki vAhanamou mAyayya vEga rArA nI

sariyou bhaktuni brOva samayamidi rArA (vinatA suta)

हिरिक वाहनमौ मा(य) वेग रारा नी

सिरयौ भुिन ॄोव समयिमिद रारा ु

(िवनता सत)

Oh My Master who is the transport for SrI vishNu! This is indeed the time to
save a bhaktan equal to You in vishNu bhakti.

tyAgarAjanutini dAsuDou dhIrA

nAgASana ninnu vinA gati yevvarurA (vinatA suta)
ागराज नतु िु न दासडौ
ु धीरा

नागाशन िन ु िवना गितयॆरा ु

(िवनता सत)

Oh hari bhaktan worshipped by tyAgarAjan! Oh Valorous one! Where is the

recourse for me besides You?

ivvidambagu yarNavuni stOtramulacE suvarNuDu santOSAkranduDai

suvarNa pakshamulu meraya samudra majArAju vaddikki vacceDu


The way in which the king of birds, garuDan with shining wings appeared before
samudrarAjan after being pleased with latter’s stotram is:


TkanakAdri dharalOna kadalinayaTlu ghanamaina mEnutO

garuDa dEvuNDu nija bhakta tApambu nirvahimpakanu

bhuja bhalambulacEta bhuvikEgu vELa

pakshapAtamulEni bhaktAgragaNyu pakshapAtamu cEta

pakshamul gadala iTTi vEDkanu vacci

ilanu bAlakuni gaTTukonuNDETi kAla sarpamula khaNDinca

duNDinci kALLacE cIra daNDinca

jalarAju dalapununuNDu ushNamu challAranuragASanuNDu

krshNa krshNayani kIrtigA veDala- -

garuDan was like a moving Meru mountain and with His gigantic body and
incredible martial powers arrived on earth because of His inability to witness
any further the sufferings of bhakta prahlAdan. He descended on earth
reciting ”krshNa, krshNa” and cooled the tapAm in the heart of samudra
rAjan. Out of His great affection for the vairAgyaSAli prahlAdan, garuDan

arrived swinging His wings and immediately attacked the poisonous snakes
binding prahlAdan and cut them to shreds with His sharp nails and beak and
destroyed them.



vishNu vAhanuNDidigO veDale jUDarE

िव ु वाहनिण्डिदगो
ु वॆडलॆ जूडरे

Oh People! Please see the arrival of the transport of mahA vishnu!


krshNa caraNa bhaktulalO kIrti galgu bhAgyaSAli (vishNu)

कृ  चरण भुललो कीितर् ग ु भाग्यशािल (िव)ु

Please enjoy the arrival of the greatest and blessed among the bhaktAs of Lord

Three caraNam-s

rangapatini pongucu hrdrangamunanu talaci,

bangaru sari rangu gala patanga rAju tAnanucunu (vishNu)

ु ु िमनु न ु तलिच
रपितिन पोच

ु नु ु
बंग सिर र ु गल पत राज ु ताननच (िव)ु

Please enjoy the sight of the arrival of the golden-hued garuDan holding Lord
ranganAthan in His heart lotus and introducing Himself as pakshi rAjan (The
King among birds)

varuNAlayu moraliDa vini karuNA pUrituDai,

hari bhaktula paritApamu hariyintunanucu vEDkaga (vishNu)

वणालय ु मॊरिलड िविन कणा पूिरतडु ै

हिर भुल पिरतापम ु हिरियनन

ु चु ु वेड्कग (िव)ु

Responding to the appeal of the King of the oceans for help, the compassionate
garuDan landed with the desire to chase away the sufferings of hari bhaktan,

rAjillu virAjAdhipuDI jagamunakEgi ahi

rAjarAjabhOji tyAgarAja nutuni tA pokaDucu (vishNu)

ु जगमनु के िग अिह
रािजु िवराजािधपडी

राज राज भोिज ागराज नतु िु न ता पॊगडुच ु (िव)ु

Please enjoy the descent on Earth of resplendent garuDa bhagavAn, whose food
is snakes. Please see Him descend singing the glories of hari worshipped by


IlAguna vainatEyuNDu vEncEsi

Parama bhAgavata kulAlankAruDaina prahlAduni

mEniyandu baddhamaiyunna nAga pASamulanu jUci

atyanta kOpamutOnEmi sEyutunnADanina - -

Thus appeared on the scene garuDa bhagavAn and angrily addressed and
attacked the fierce snakes bound to the body of prahlAdan, the gem adorning
the bhAgavata kulam.


mAyAtItuni tanuvunu bAyani nAgamula goTTi

bAguga madilO hAyiga dalancucu mauni dhyEyuni dA jUDa

vainatEyuDu veDalen- -

garuDan pulled apart the snakes binding the body of the yogi prahlAdan, who
has transcended the mAyA and became tranquil and returned to SrI
vaikuNTham to the side of hari, Who is meditated upon by the sages.


antaTa nAga pASa vimOcituDaiyini

antarangamuna SrI hari caraNa kamala cinta parAyuNDai

mai maraci AnandAmbudhilOnOlalADucunuNDu prahlAda svAmiki

bAhyA bOdha kaluguTakai samudra maharaja

Atyantamagu prEmAtiSayamuna balukuTeTTuvalEnanina - -

samudra Rajan spoke endearingly and brought back to the external world
bhakta prahlAdan freed from the nAga pASam as he stayed immersed in the
nectarine ocean of dhyAnam about hari’s sacred feet.


prahlAda nA bhakti bhAgyambu nIvalla

dharalOna sajjanul dalacanAya

sAdu sangati nEnu salupagA vacciti

mAdhurya vAkucE mAtalAdu

amrtAnangapu rAjyamanubhavimpuTa nilpi

bhAvambu bAguga bayalu barapu
vardhilluduvu nIvu vArijAkshuni jUci

daddhilla pani lEdu dharma SIla

vainatEuNDu pASamul vadala jEsE mEnu vetalella deliyaka

migula nIvu padmajAnanda jaladhilO

bAgu mIra pavvaLincuTalika cAlu bAlayipuDu

Oh prahlAdA! It is only through you the good fortune of my bhakti is beginning

to be appreciated by the good people of the world. I have come to your side
seeking the blessed relationship that a parama bhaktan like you can give.
Please speak sweet comforting words to me. Please stop enjoying internal bliss
and reveal through your speech what is on your mind. Oh dharmaSIlA! you are
going to shine through the manifestation of your bhakti to the lotus-eyed hari.
Please do not be afraid. garuDa bhagavAn came to your side and has removed
the tormenting nAga pASam-s. It is time to stop your immersion in the ocean of
brahmAnandam to escape the external pains.


sAgaruDu mariyunu prahlAda svAmini jUci atyantai abhyAntaranguDai

palukuTaneTTulanina - -

This way, samudra rAjan spoke again to prahlAdan with affection and

sAguruDaiyEnu vacciti bAguga ganulAra jUci bhAshimpavaiyA

bhAgavatula celimini anurAgamunanu jEyuvAru rAjilludurE

Oh prahlAdA! I am samudra rAjan. I came to your side on my own accord. Please

look at me without distraction and speak to me. It is said that those who
cultivate the friendship of bhAgavatAs and receive their abhimAnam shine in
this world.


ivvidhambuna balikina sudhA mAdhuryamagu gambhIra dhvani vini

E mahAtmulO E peddalO erigi satkarincaga uNTinEyanu

bhaya bhaktilO gUDinavADai kanulu vikasimpaga

taruNArka prakASudaina karuNa mUrtiyagu varuNAlayuninganunkoni

Atyanta harshASru pulakimpuDai

sAshTAngamuga mrokki palukuDeTTunanina - -

When prahlAdan heard this majestic and nectarine words of the King of the
Oceans, he opened his eyes and was filled with bhayam and bhakti and
regretted his oversight and not offering upacAram and maryAdai not knowing
the identity of the mahAn in front of him. He bowed before the King of
Oceans, the karuNaa mUrti having lustrous eyes like bAla sUryan, shed Ananda
bAshpam (joyous tears) and with roma harSaNam spoke these words after
prostrating before samudra rAjan:

eppuDu vEncEsitirO appuDE mariyAda lEka alasuDanaiti

tappu sahimpumu sAgara ippuDu padamulaku daNDamiDedanu summi

Oh King of the Oceans! Please forgive me for my indifference, when You

arrived. Please forgive me and overlook my lapses. aDiyEn prostrates before
You now seeking Your grace.


iTuvalE namaskArincina prahlAduni ganukOni samudra maharaja

kAnukanosagi pUjincuTeTTulanina - -

samudra rAjan lifted up the bhaktan prostrating before him and offered
him worship and upacAram-s through the presentation of gifts.

varamaina maNula cEkonu hari eTlO nAku nIvunAlAgu sumi

hari bhaktulanarcincani nara janmambilaku mEpu nAlagu diSalan

Oh Dear prahlAdA! Please accept these priceless gems. Just like hari is to
me, you are at the same level to me. The human body that does not offer
its worship to hari bhaktAs will only be a burden to this earth in whichever
direction it is born (hari bhaktulunarcincini nara janmam bilaku mEpu nAlugu


abhyarcayitvA gOvindam tadiAnnArcayantiyE na tE viSHNOH

prasAdasya bhAjanam DAmbika janAH

arcAyAmEvatu harEH pUjayA SraddhayEhyatE na ta bhaktEshu

cAnyEshu sa bhaktaH prAkrta smrtaH

Those who worship vishNu but ignore the performance of worship of His
bhAgavatAs are haughty people and will never become object of the Lord’s

grace. The one who engages solely in the worship of bhagavAn and does not
engage in the display of bhakti to His aDiyArs will be considered as un-
cultivated (un-evolved).

tulayAmalanEnApi na svargam na punarbhavam bhagavat

sangi sangasya martyAnAm kimutASishaH

amrta SrtimIpsitArdha lAbham nidhi sandarSanamaindramAdipatyam

apavarga phalOdayOpi pumsAm na tulAmarhati satsamAgamasya

For the humans, svarga bhOgam or freedom from the cycles of births will not
equal in value to that of satsangam with the bhAgavatAs of the Lord. The glory
resulting from the arrival of the bhAgavatAs at one’s house cannot be
exceeded by the good fortune of either listening to the sweet words addressed
to one, gaining desired objects or attaining even the seat of indra.


Ividhamuga mahA kAvyambulan baliki kAnukanosagina

mahA prasAdamani gaikoni prahlAduNDu samudra mahArAjuni jUci

bhakti paravaSamucE stOtrambu cEyu mArgambeTulanina- -

prahlAdan accepted as mahA prasAdam the gifts presented to him with

adulatory words by samudra rAjan and spoke to him with great bhakti:

sthiti layOdbhavamulu SrI hari vEDkaga gAvinchi cUci

tA gAsi dIra nIyandu bavvaLinci

nirmalAtmuDu yOga nidra salpenu gada nityamuganu

nA pUrva puNyambu nayamunanuNDanga

nIvaNTi mahimAtmuyippuDu gaNTi

bhramara kITakumu rIti bani bUni sEyavE

harini sEvincuTa tAsagoNTi

nIku sari lEdu jagatini nirmalAtma

vanda sarvaj~na lOka jIvanuDavaiya

jagamu bAlincucunnAvu satyamuganu

dalugonunaTTi bhAgyambu tanaku galugu

Oh samudra rAjan! Have you seen the sportive creation, protection and
dissolution of the three worlds by hari with joy? Doesn’t the blemishless Lord
lie down on you always and engage in yoga nidrA? Because of my pUrva janma
sukrtam, I have been fortunate to see a mahAn like You. Oh Lord of the Ocean!
You have to transform me like the bee converts a worm into a butterfly. I long
to see hari. Oh pure minded samudra rAjan! Oh sarvaj~nan (Omniscient One)!
Who can match your glory in this earth? You are the foundation for this world.
You are the protector of this world. Please help me achieve my heartfelt desire
(viz) the darSanam of hari.

antaTa prahlAduNDu AtmArthamai sAkshAt bhagavantuDagu

SrImannArAyaNa mUrti pratyakshambauTakai samudra mahArAjunu

vEDukonu mArgam eTTulanina

This is the way prahlAdan prayed to samudra rAjan most sincerely for help to
have the darSana soubhAgyam of sAkshAt bhagavAn, hari.


sAgara nIyandE hari bAguga bavvalincunala upAyamu

dayatO vEgamE telupumu

nE nIvE gatiyani namminAnuvEmArulakun

Oh samudra rAjan! hari is reclining on You and therefore I beg You to reveal me
the means of realizing the sAkshAtkaram of hari. aDiyEn is convinced that You
are my sole refuge.




vAridhi nIku vandanamonarinceda

वािरिध नीकु वनमॊनिरॆद

Oh the King of Oceans! My salutations to You!


sAreku nI hrdayAravindamunanu,

mA ramaNuDu gUDu dAri delupumu nAtO (vAridhi)

सारॆकु नी दयारिवमनु न ु

मा रमणडु ु कू डु दािर deपमु ु नातो (वािरिध)

Oh samudra rAjan! Please describe to me the way in which lakshmi pati is

seated in Your heart lotus always.

Three caraNam-s:

nAyeDa dayayunci sAkumI yeDa

bAyakuNDu dAri delupumI muni

dhyEyunitO mATa balukumI yE upAyamaina

jEsi prANamu nilupumI (vAridhi)

नायॆड दययिु  साकुमीयॆडबायकुण्डु दािर delupuमी मिु न

ेयिु नतो माट plukuमी ए उपायमैन जेिस ूाणम ु िनलupuमी (वािरिध)

lakshmIpati - vaDuvUr SrI kodaNDarAmar with SrI SitA devi and lakshmaNar
Picture Courtesy: SrI VaDuvUr Rajesh swAmi

Please have compassion and take me into your protection. Please describe to me
the way that will make sure that hari would not leave me. Please recommend me
to Him, who is worshipped by the sages. Please take any steps to retain my

danuja bAdha lella dalacanu bhOga dhana

sampadalaku jEyi jAscanu nA manasuna

harini nEmARanu nA kanulAra nAthuni gana

delupumu nAtO (vAridhi)

ु बाधलॆ dलचन ु भोग धन


सदलकु चेिय जाचन ु ना मनसनु

हिरिनन ेमारन ु ना कनलार

ु नाथिु न gन

delupuमu नातो (वािरिध)

I won’t think about the sufferings caused by the asurAs. I won’t extend my
hand for bhOgams or wealth. I will not give up the salutations to hari in my
mind. Please tell me the way to see and enjoy hari to the delight of my eyes.

Ajanmamasura bAdhalAyenu jalarAja


tyAgarAja sakhuDu rADAyenu

vinu mAjAnu bAhuDu agapaDa delupumI (vAridhi)

आजमसरु बाधलायॆन ु जलराज

ु दै ारायॆन ु

ागराज सखडु ु राडायॆन ु

िवनमाजान ु बाडु अगपड delupuमी (वािरिध)

I have suffered from the asurAs from the day of my birth. Oh samudra rAjan!
I am now five years old and yet the friend of tyAgarAja, hari has not blessed
me with His darSanam. Please point out the way to gain Lord hari with arms
extending all the way to His knees.

ivvidhambunanati dInuNDai palikeDu prahlAduni jUci atani

antaranga bhakti delisi samudra maharaja koniyADu


samudra rAjan heard the pitiful request of prahlAdan with compassion,

understood his antaranga bhakti and praised him this way:


ella kAlamu nIvu ErpaDi madini gollagA pUjincukonnadi vinumu

cittamau bangAru simhAsanamunann uttamOttamununci

Urjitambaina dhyAnamau pannITi dhAracE hariki snAnambu gavinci

santa sillucunu abhimAnamanu vastramamaranga gaTTi

vibhunipai januvanu vinta ratnamula ghana bhUshaNamuliDi

kanikarambuganu nIdu puNyamulanu nirmalambaina

svAdhyannamulu beTTi svAnandamunanunAnandamanu viDambamaragAnosagi

manasAra jUcucu danuvunu maraci aniSambunEkamai Anandamandi

tyAgarAjArcitu daSaratha putrunAgama sancArunakhila lOkESu

ganulAra sEvimpa gancincinAvu vinutulu sEyavE viSvAsamuganu

Oh prahlAdA! You are worshipping Lord hari in your mind with great control.
Listen! You seat him in the golden seat of your mind and joyously perform
abhiSEkam (sacred bath) for Him with the waters from the stream of
dhyAnam. You clothe Him with the vastram of abhimAnam and adorn Him with
the gems of bhakti and become happy. You present Him with the delectable and
Suddha naivEdyams (sacred food offerings) named (your) puNyams with sincere

love and thereafter the tAmbUlam known as Anandam. You feast your eyes on
the Lord, become one with Him and forget about all the worlds around you and
treat the world as an insignificant blade of grass and shine as a victorious king.
You long to see the daSaratha kumAran worshipped by tyAgarAjaa, Who
delights in immersing in the ocean of vedA-s and is the God of all the universe.
Please prostrate before Him with mahA viSwAsam!


I vidhambula samudra maharAju prahladunaku bhagavat darSanOpAyamu

balku samayambuna tanalO tAne sAtvika bhakti pAravaSyamucEn

Ananda bharituDari SrIman nArAyaNa nAma sankIrtana seyan

upakramincu samayambuna samudra mahArAju mariyun


As the samudra rAjan described the means to see hari, the sAtvIka bhakti of
prahlAdan overtook him and made him start the nAma sankIrtanam on the Lord.
samudra rAjan was moved and expressed his feelings.


SrIpati pAdAbjamulE dApani unnAvu ganuka dhanyuDa nIvE

I proddu kOmaLAnguni gOpAluni jUDa delusulkoNTivi gAdE

SIruni Sita panca SarAkAruni satatambu prNa kAmuni

bhaktAdhAruni daSaratha rAja kumAruni nutiyampavaiyya


Oh prahlAda! You are a dhanyan (fortunate one) since you seek the lotus feet
of the Lord as your sole gati! Did you learn today the means to gain the
darSanam of Lord gOpAlan of beautiful body? May you continue to praise
daSaratha rAjakumAran, the great raghuvIran of matchless beauty, Who
fulfills all wishes of His bhaktAs.



vaccunu hari ninnu jUDa,

vaccunu hari ninnu jUci

meccunu hari ninnu jUci

वनु ु हिर िन ु जूड

वनु ु हिर िन ु जूिच
मॆनु ु हिर िन ु जूिच

hari will come to see you. After seeing you, He is going to praise you profoundly.


kuccita vishayAdula ciccu rItinenci nIvu,

heccugAnu mA svAmini maccikatO nutiyimpu (vaccunu)

कुित िवषयाल िच ु रीितयॆि नीव ु

ु ु मा ािमिन मिकतो नितय

हॆगान ु  ु ु (वनु )ु

May you worship my Lord with passion after developing dispassion for
detestable vishaya sukhams!

Three caraNam-s

dhIruni sItA rAmAvatAruni sakala lOkAdhAruni

nija bhakta mandAruninutiyimpavayya (vaccunu)

धीिन सीता रामावतािन सकल लोकाधािन

िनज भ मािन नितियव (वनु )ु

May you worship the raghu vIran incarnating as sItA rAman, who is the
AdhAram (base) for all the universes and is like a kalpaka tree to His true
dhanyuni vElpulalO mUrdhanyuni prati lEni

lAvaNyuni parama kAruNyuni nutiyimpavayya (vaccuni)

ु वेल
धिन ु लो मूध ु ूित लेिन
र् िन

लावण्यिु न परम काण्यिु न नितियव

ु (वनु )ु

May you worship the Lord of devAs (imayOr talaivan) of matchless beauty and

E japa-tapamulaku rADu yAjanAdulaku rADu,

rAjigA nutiyimncu tyAgarAja nutuni nIvELa (vaccuni)

ु कु राडु याजनालकु राडु

ए जप तपमल

रािजगा नितिय ु ागराज नतु िु न ई वेळ (वनु )ु

He is not attainable by any tapas or japams (except through nija bhakti). May
you praise the vaibhavam of Him, who is longingly worshipped by tyAgarAja!

|| prathamAngamu samAptamu:||

The First angam is completed

The second angam covers the many stotrams of prahlAdan on hari.


antaTa prahlAduDu samudra rAju palikina vAkyambulanAlakinci

SrI hari pratuakshambuga koraku stOtrambhu sEyu mArgam beTTulanaina

After hearing the words of samudrarAjan, prahlAdan started eulogizing hari to

gain His pratyaksham.

peddala mATala vallanu gaddani satyambu varada kaDu nammitinEn

oddanu rAkuNDakurAyaddapunimmOmu jUDanalasiti gadarA

Oh hari! Based on my experience in listening to the words of bhAgavatAs,

aDiyEn firmly believes that You truly exist. varadA! Please do not stay away
from me. I am longing to see Your mirror like face and am exhausted waiting
for that Ananda anubhavam.


SrI bhakta hrt-tApa gADhAndhakArayutArtha prabhAkAra divyambu

nEtrOtsavambunu jUpinci rAma prabhO nIvanEkANDa kOTlan

vidhIndrAdi dEvAsura sthUla sUkshmambula nIvu puTTinci

kApADi nashTambu sEyan

sadA mUDu rUpambulan dAlci lOkESuDai

vishNuvai, rudruDai cAla lIlA vinOdambulan sEya

martyul sadA shaNmatambaina kUpambulO buTTi

kAmAdi shaDvarga krtyambulan salpi

SrI hari with the lustre of kOTi sUryA-s!
SrI lakshmInrsimhar (utsavar) at NewYork SrI RanganAtha swAmi Temple
Picture Courtesy: 56
garvAcalArUDulai mUDulai cAla dATArbhakAgAragO

bandu lOkambulam jUcucuppongucun

gukshi pUrNambu sEyangalEyeppuDum

duhkha vArASilO magnulaiyedaru

SrI rAmuninjEruyA rAja mArgambulan

svapamandaina sAdhimpa lErayya

nE namminAnayya rAvayya

nA okka bhAgyambu nIvancununnAnu

SrI tyAgarAjArcitAkhaNDalAdyashTa dikpAla samsEvya

mAm pAhi mAm pAhi mAm pAhi mAm pAhi

Oh hari with the lustre of kOTi sUryAs to chase away the tApam and the
darkness in the hearts of Your bhaktAs! Please bless aDiyEn’s eyes with the
feast of Your darSanam. You create, protect and destroy many universes and
the gross (sthUla) and subtle (sUkshma) SarIrams of brahmA, indran, devAs
and others. You take on the three rUpams of brahmA, vishNu and Sivan to
perform these three tasks and perform wonders. The human beings are born in
the well of six mathams, subjugate themselves to the temptations of the six
kinds of enemies like kAmam, mAtsaryam et al, climb the peak of garvam
(pride), get locked up in the prison of wife, children, engage forever in filling
their stomachs, plunge in the ocean of sorrow and suffer.

Even in their dreams, they cannot find and follow the royal road to gain You. Oh
rAmA! I have placed my total hope and faith in You and consider this as a good
fortune that happened to me. Oh Lord eulogized by tyAgarAjan! Oh Lord
worshipped by indran and other dik-pAlakAs! Please protect me! Protect me!
Protect me!


vandanamu daSarathAtmaja vandamidE nIku bhakta vatsala dEvA

vandanamu lOka nAyaka nandaka dhara parama purusha narada vinutA

Oh Son of Emperor daSarathan! dASarathi! My vandanam-s to You! Oh bhakta

vatsalA! Lord of the Universe! My vandanam-s! Oh Lord sporting the sword
revered as nandakam! Oh Lord worshipped by Sage nAradA! My vandanam-s!




vandanamu raghu nandhana! sEtu bandhana! bhakta candana rAma

वनम ु रघ ु नन! सेत ु बन!भ चन राम

Oh raghunandanA! Oh Builder of rAma sEtu! Oh delectable nectar for your

bhaktAs! Oh rAmA! aDiyEn’s salutations to You!


SrIdamA nAtO vAdamA nE bhEdamA

idi mOdamA rAma (vandanamu)

ौी-दमा नातो वादमा न े भेदमा

इिद मोदमा राम (वनम)ु

Oh Lord, the grantor of all kinds of wealth! Do You want to debate me? Am I

different from You? Does that thought make You happy?

Eight caraNam-s:

SrI ramA hrccAramA brOva

bhAramA rAyabAramA rAma (vandanamu)

ौी रमा ारमा ॄोव

भारमा रायbaरमा राम (वनम)ु

Oh Lord who resides in the heart lotus of mahAlakshmi! Is it a burden for You
to protect me? should I send a messenger asking You to come and protect me?
Oh rAmA! My salutations to You.
viNTini nammukoNTini SaraNaNTini rammaNTini rAma (vandanamu)

ु ॊिण्टिन शरणिण्टिन रिण्टिन राम

िविण्टिन नक (वनम)ु

aDiyEn heard about Your vaibhavam as SaraNAgata rakshakan and thereafter

performed my SarANAgati. aDiyEn sought Your arrival at my side. Salutations
to You, Oh rAmA!

ODanu bhakti vIDanu orula

vEDanu nIvADanu rAma (vandanamu)

ओडन ु भि वीडन ु ऒल वेडन ु नी-वाडन ु राम (वनम)ु

I am not going to back-off from my efforts in seeking You as my rakshakan. I

will not abandon my bhakti for You. I will not seek any other god as my
rakshakan in Your place. I belong to You always. Oh rAmA! my vandanam-s to

kammani viDemimmani varamu

kommani paluku rammani rAma (vandanamu)

किन िवडॆिमिन वरम ु

कॊिन पकु रिन राम (वनम)ु

Please bless me with the tAmbUlam used by You. Please come near me and offer
the boons for me! Oh rAmA! My salutations to You!

nyAyamA nIkAdAyamA inka

hEyamA muni gEyamA rAma (vandanamu)

ायमा नीकादायमा इंक

हेयमा मिु न गेयमा राम (वनम)ु

Is it Fair (to treat me like a stranger)? Is there any gain to you by this

(merciless) act? Oh Lord eulogized by the sages! Am I repulsive (for You to

avoid)? Salutations to You, Oh rAmA!

cUDmI kApADu mI mammu

pODimigA kUDumI rAma (vandanamu)

चूडुमी कापाडुमी म ु

पोिडिमगा कू डुमी राम (वनम)ु

Please bless me with Your glances! Please protect me! Please mingle and unite
with us! Oh rAmA!

kshEmamu divya dhAmamu nitya

nEmamu rAma nAmamu rAma (vandanamu)

क्षेमम ु िद धामम ु िन न ेमम ु राम नामम ु राम (वनम)ु

Your abode is the One to grant us auspiciousness. Your sacred name is the One
to be recited every day. Salutations to You, Oh rAmA!

vEgarA karuNAsAgarA SrI

tyAgarAjuni hrdayAgAra rAma (vandanamu)

वेग रा कणा सागरा ौीागराज दयागारा राम (वनम)ु

Oh Lord having the heart lotus of tyAgarAjan as Your cherished abode! Oh

Ocean of Mercy! Please hurry to my side! Salutations to Thee Oh rAmA!


nA mora vini brOtuvanucu, nEmambuna madini dalaci

nera nammitinE, sAmaja varadA

nAyeDa, vEmaru nI karuNA rAni vidhamEmOgA.

aDiyEn believed firmly that You will respond to my appeals and rush to protect

IlAgunanaEka vidhambula stOtrambulu salupaga

SrI hari pratyakshambugAlEdani prahlAda swami

atyanta vyasanAkrAntudai paluku mArgambeTTulanina

Even after pleading with hari and eulogizing Him through many stutis, He did
not appear before prahlAdan, which made him very unhappy and led to the
expression of his sorrow in a long dvipadai:


mujjagambulakAdi mUlamai paragu

sajjana hrt padma sadanuli krpanu

sakala sampat bhOga sAmrAjyamulanu

pragaTamugA bondi prakhyAti galgu

kanaka kaSyapu daityu kaDupuna buTTi

dina dinamuna buddhi delisinavADu

vAjiga jAdula vaikarul galigi

rAja bhOgamulanu ramiyincu janula

kanugoni hari pAda kamala yugamamunu

nenaruna dhyAninci nE jUcucuNTi

Subha SObhanamulacE SObilli mariyu

vibhavambucE janul veDalanga jUci

A vELa hari mAyambanucu nA madini

bhAvana sEyucu balumAruyuNTi

nA madi SOdhimpa nA taNDri nAku

bAmula garipinci badrEbhamulanu mEnuna grumminci

migula kOpamuna dAnavul ciccuna dagilincunaTTi

pari pari vidhamula bAdhalanella

hari lIlalanucunEnapuDencucuNTi

intaku SrI hari hrdayambu karigi

centapu raDAyE jeluvonda nEDu

aDiyEn is born in the famous asura kulam of hiraNya kaSipu known for his
enjoyment all kinds of wealth and bhOgams; aDiyEn learnt all military arts
(riding elephants and horses), grew my jn~Anam every day while watching the
people around seeking all kinds of pleasures and yet thought all the time about
hari’s sacred feet. aDiyEn looks at people with Subha SObhanams and consider
that the world is vishNumayam. aDiyEn considers the attempts made by my
father to kill me with elephants, poisonous snakes and fire as bhagavAn’s leelai-
s. Even after all these trials and tribulations, hari does not come near me.


mariyunati cintAkrAntuDai cintincu eTTulanina

prahlAdan became filled with remorse after these thoughts and began to
reflect this way

nA madi korkElella raghu nAthuDu cittamunElanencaDO

nE mora beTTa gAnu vini nErpuna mungalanEla nilvaDO

rAmuni jUDa nA manasu rayiDi jendi karangunaTlugA

dAmara chUli nA nuduTa dappaga krUrapu vrAta vrAsegA

When I long to see rAman and my mind is gripped with sorrow over not getting
my wish fulfilled, why does not raghunAthan respond to my pleas? Even after
He hears my wailings and appeals, why is it that He does not appear before me?
Has brahma devan written a bad message on my skull?
barulaku sAdhyambagunaTayari shaDvargamula dagiliyASincitinE

daru phalamandani candamu hariyeccaTu nEnu vEDanani cintencan

How can aDiyEn, subject to the influence of the six inauspicious guNam-s like
kAmam, krodham et al., long for the object that is easily attainable by mahAn-
s? It is like wanting the fruit from a tall branch that is beyond my reach. My
desire is like that. I have to think, “Where is hari and where am I” and be
contented with my lot.



eTla kanugondunO SrIhari nE


@ट्ल कनगॊनो ौीहिर न े

How can I see SrIhari?


cuTTara gaDiya dOvaku nA madi lOni

jAli telisi vibhunitO telpuvAri (eTla)

ु गिडय दोवकु ना मिद लोिन


जािल तॆिलिस िवभिनतो तॆवु ािर (@ट्ल)

How can I get together with those, who can understand the sorrow of my heart
from not seeing hari and serve as a personal messenger to the Lord and brief

the Lord about my sufferings ?


dharalO galgu sampadala rOsi tanuvunu

maraci harini gUDu mahArAjulaku gAka (eTla)

धरलो कग ु सदल रोिस तनवु नु ु

ु ु गाक
मरिच हिरिन कू डु महाराजलक (@ट्ल)

How will my Lord hari appear to those other than the parama vairAgyasAli-s,
who are immersed totally in bhakti for Him ?

malayani madamuna teliyakuNTini kAni

alanADE sadayuninanusarincaka pOdinE (eTla)

मलयिन मदमनु तॆिलयकुिण्टिन कािन

अल नाडे सदयिु न अनसिरक

ु पोितन े (@ट्ल)

With a merciless heart and haughtiness, aDiyEn led a life not knowing anything
(about SrI hari). All those days, aDiyEn did not seek the most merciful SrI hari
(for my redemption).

cinna prAyamu nADE SrIharipainAsa

konna jeIvuDagAnu kOdaNDapANi nE (eTla)

िच ूायम ु नाडे ौीहिर प ैनास

कॊ जीवडु कान ु कोदण्ड पािण न े (@ट्ल)

Oh kOdaNDam wielding rAmA! From early childhood, aDiyEn had great love for
SrI hari.

I janmamI bhAgyamI sommulella
pryOjanamA tyAgarAja vinutuni nE (eTla)

ु ॆ
ई जमी भाग्यमी सॊल

ूयोजनमा ागराज िवनतु िु न न े (@ट्ल)

What is the use of this life, the wealth and all other bhAgyams, when aDiyEn
does not get blessed to see SrI hari worshipped by tyAgarAja ?

After singing the kriti eTla kanugondunO SrI hari nE in ghaNTA rAgam,
prahlAda swamy continues with a vacanam and SIsa padyam.


IlAgana natyanta prEmAvESamu galavADai yati dInuDagu prahlAda svAmi


Thus prahlAda swAmi filled with devotion to SrI hari continued in great sorrow
over his inability to see SrI hari.


talli garbhamulOna dagili nEnuNDagA

nila mauni nija marmamEla delipE

unnatambuna uNDi urivini baDa vEya

I bhUmi dEvi nannEla baTTE

harini gAnani dEhamani abdhilO vEya

I sAgaruDu gaTTukEla deccE

gOmukha vyAghrambangulugAnu goniyADi

IlAgunanu nilpirElanciTa

edukIlagu marulaitinipuDu hariki

evaritO delpudIvELa Emi sEtu

jIvuDI mEnukASinci cikkukonenu

ISu ganalEni janmambu ilaku mOpu

Why did sage nAradA instruct me on bhagavad tattvams, while I was still
growing in my mother’s womb? Why did bhUmi dEvi catch and hold me, when my
father’s servants threw me from the high mountain top? Why did samudra
rAjan get this body of mine ashore, when I had not seen SrI hari? Why did He
hold me here standing like a tiger adorning the coat of a cow? Why did I
develop this prEmai to SrI hari? To whom can I tell about this? What can I do
now in this predicament? The jIvan causes more untold suffering because of its
love for this body. The janmam that does not have the good fortune to see
bhagavAn is a burden for this earth.


indukA I tanuvunu sAkina

इका यी तनवु नु ु सािकन

Is this why this body was protected?


indu mukhuDu rAka hrdayamu pagulaga

nandharilO jAli-jendaniyaniyanda

ु डु ु राक दयम ु पगलग-
इ मख

निरलो जािल जॆिनयिनय

Was my body saved for the sake of others seeing my sorrow arising from my
broken heart over the non-appearance of the moon faced SrI hari before me?

Three caraNam-s
pAmulakE mEnu balu gaTTigAnuNDe

nEmO kAraNamani encucunTi nE

ु के मेन ु ब गिगानण्डॆ
पामल ु -

ु ने
ु िण्ट
न ेमो कारणमिनयॆच

I wondered why the poison of the serpents did not affect my strength

manakEla nepamani mannincirO lEka

tanuvu bellamu kAdu tALadu daiva

मनके ल नॆपमिन मििरो लेक

तनवु ु बॆम ु का ताळ दैव

Perhaps the serpents thought why we should have enmity with prahlAdan. This
body is not jaggery. daivam won’t stand for any harm.

nA jayamanu jUci nammarE dEvuni

The bhagavAn Who protected bhakta prahlAdan - SrI MAlOlan - SrI ahobila maTham
Picture Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi 68
rAjillu SrI tyAgarAja varaduDu tA

ना जयमनु ु जूिच नरे देविु न

रािजु ौी ागराज वरडु ता

The people of the world do not believe in bhagavAn even after seeing what
happened to me and how I survived all these ordeals. Did the bhagavAn who
granted boons to tyAgarAja protect my body this way?


iccaTanilAguna prahlAda swami moraliDucunna samayambuna sanaka

sanandAdulayoddaku SrI nArada guru swami vEncEsi arghya pAdyAdulu gaikoni
atyanta harshamutO prahlAduni vrttAntambu palukuTeTTulanina
At this time when prahlAdan was complaining about his lot, Sage nAradA
arrived and received arghyam, pAdyam et al and described happily prahlAda


sanakAdi munulArA saukhyAtmulArA majhavyAlakincarE

madhu vairiyandu j~nAna vairAgya SrngAra sadbhakti mAnaka vinj~nAna

marmambu teliyu j~nAnavantuDani ghanamugaA velayu mAnavuneccOTa
maunISamEmu kAna lEmani mIru kaDagi palikitirE kAna balkudunidE kala tIru

bhuvini prahlAduNDu buddhimantuNDu avivEkamulanellanaDaca yOgyuNDu

harini gAnakanudAraDi jendi mari mari jintimpa madhavuNDerigi vihitamau

bhaktuni vetalanni dIrci mahimalanniyu jUpi mannana sya mahikEgunani dOcE

madi harshamunanu sahitamai pOdAmu sAnandamuganunanucu narada mauni

eTavAri jUci vinayambutO balki vencEsE sabhaku

Oh sanakAdi munis! Oh rSis with sukha jIvanams! Please listen to my appeal. You

said that it is impossible to see a human being with deep jn~Anam, vairAgyam,
hari bhakti, prEmai for the Lord and with awareness of the subtleties of
vijn~Anam. Let me reveal you what I have seen. In the bhU lokam, there is an
intelligent human being by the name of prahlAdan. He has the power to destroy
avivEkam (nescience). He is sorrowing over his inability to see His Lord, SrI
hari and the Lord in turn knows about this bhaktan’s deep desire and is about to
appear before him in bhU lokam to chase away his true bhaktan’s sorrows. Let
us proceed where prahlAdan is pouring his heart out about his misfortune.


antaTa nArada mauni hari guNa mahimAnanda jaladhilO vallakI anu deppanu
baTTiyIducu SrImannArayaNa smaraNa jeyucu SrI hari sabhaku bovu vEla
iccaTa prahlAda swAmi EmanucunnADaninA-

After that, Sage nAradA began to travel on the ocean of hari guNAnubhavam
with the help of his boat mahati (his veeNai), reflected on hari nAma-s and
sailed towards hari’s sannidi.


kOrina dEvuni gAnaka EriItO japamu tapamulEmOyanucun

nA rAmamandu boralaga dUrapu nAdandu jevula dUramuna vinian

Now wafted across from a nearby distance the wailing of prahlAda: “What is my
lot, when I cannot see the ishTa daivam whom I long to see? What is the
purpose of japam-s and tapas, when one cannot see and enjoy one’s ishTa

ivvidhambuna prahlAduNDu nArada veeNA nAdamunu vini EmanucunnADanina-

prahlAdan heard now the veeNA gANam of Sage nAradA and spoke:

I vELa dana kOsanI dESamunu kOri

Ela vatturu peddalimpu mIra

nA mIda dayayunci nannAdarinceDu

varunnAnnindirA varuDu rADE

tanavArulandAmO dhana jana taruNulu

sukha hInuDani painasUya gAka

rAmuni bhaktulai rakshimpa vaccine

jayamu telpanuninta jAlamEla

sArva kAlambu nE satyasandhuDaina
vElpulevarai nanu brOva veDaliyunna

nAdamIvELa samukhambunandu rAni

parama kalyANa vaikuNTha vAsa varadA

Oh vaikunTha nAthA of limitless auspicious guNam-s! Oh boon-granting varadA!

May this veeNA nAdam come near! Which great soul is arriving today to this
place seeking me? Even when I have such great and compassionate souls
blessing me, bhagavAn has not appeared before me. If I want to consider that
the arriving mahAn-s are bhAgavatA-s, will they be angry with me and consider
me as one bereft of wealth, servants, wife and family and discard me? If I
think that the arriving mahAn-s are rAma bhaktA-s, I have not heard yet any
jaya goSam (joyous sounds). Has one among the devA-s approaches thinking
that I am wedded to satyam? May this veeNA gANam come near so I can see
who is the great soul that is approaching towards me.




nijamaitE mundara niluvumI vELa

ु ी वेळ
ु र िनवम
िनजमैत े म

If my bhakti were true, May Thou appear before me.


ajuDaina hari hayuDaina nAbhaktiyu (nijamaitE)

ु न हिर हयडु नै ना भिय ु

अजडै (िनजमैत)े

If the mahA purushan that is approaching is brahma devan, appear before me if

my bhakti is true.

Three caraNam:

gAsi jenducu nEnu gharbhamulOnuNDa

dESika varuDu padE Sincinadella (nijamaitE)

गािस जॆच ु न ेन ु गभर्मल ु

ु ोनण्ड

देिशक वडुपदेिशिनदॆ (िनजमैत)े

If all what Sage nAradA instructed me is true, when I grew sorrowfully in my

mother’s womb, May this mahA purushan with divine veeNA gANam appear
before me.

unnatamunanuNDi paDa drOsina vELa

urvI dhEvi nannetti brOcinadella (nijamaitE)

ु पड-िोिसन वेळ
उतमनु निण्ड

उिवर् देिव नॆि ॄोिचनदॆ (िनजमैत)े

If it were true that bhUmi devi caught me in Her hands, when my father’s
servants threw me from the top of a tall mountain, May this mahA purushan
appear before me.

The mahApurushan!
SrI prahlAda varadar with ubhaya nAccimArs - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Suresh swAmi and SrI Balaji Ankem swAmi

nAga nAgamulu nannu bAdhincaga

tyAgrAja nutuDu nannu gAcinadella (nijamaitE)

ु न ु बािधग
नाग नागम

ागराज नतु डु ु न ु कािचनदॆ (िनजमैत)े

If it were true that I was protected from the torments of royal elephant and
the snakes by bhagavAn, may the mahA purushan generating the auspicious
nAdam of veeNai appear before me.

If my bhakti were true, May Thou appear before me.


ivvidhambunanEka viSambulam balka Sapathambulanu vini nArada mauna

prahlAdunoddakunati tvarimuga vEncEyunadi eTTulanina-

After hearing these complaints and challenges of prahlAdan, Sage nAradar

arrived before His Sishyan in this manner rapidly.


tellani dEhamutO kara pallavamuna vINe meraya paramAmunidAnullamuna dalaci

sokkucu sallapamutODa mauni saraguna veDalen-

With a beautiful white body, carrying His mahati veeNai in His tender hands,
reflecting on the Supreme Being in His mind, Sage nAradar arrived before
prahlAdan joyously.



nAradamuni veDalina suguNAtiSayamu vinarE

नारद मिु न वॆडिलन सगु णाितशयम ु िवनरे

Oh People! Please hear about the wonder of the arrival of Sage nAradA to bhU
The sacred lotus feet of SrI hari!
tiruvaDi-s of vaDuvUr SrI kodaNDarAmar
Picture Courtesy: SrI VaDuvUr Rajesh swAmi

sAreku SrI hari pada sArasamula dhyAnimcucu

nArAyaNa nAmamulanu pArAyaNa monarimcucu

सारॆकु ौी हिर पद सारसमल ु ु

ु ािनच

ु न ु पारायणमॊनिरच
नारायण नाममल ु ु

Please see this wonder of Sage nAradar arriving with ceaseless dhyAnam of SrI
hari’s sacred feet and reciting always the nAmA-s of SrIman nArAyaNan.

Three caraNam-s

bhEdAbhEda rahitamagu vEdAnta

rasa bharituDAhlAdamu mIraganu

prahlAdunaki Subhamu telupanu

भेदाभेद रिहतमग ु वेदा

रस भिरतडु ाादम ु मीरगन ु

ूािनिक शभु म ु तॆपन ु

Immersed joyously in the vedAnta rasam devoid of bhEdam and abhEdam, Sage
nAradar is arriving to convey auspicious news.

kaDu tella dEhamuna pasiDi vINE merayaga

tAneDa bAyani prEmatO naDugaDuguku vAyincucu

कडु तॆ देहमनु पिसिड वीणॆ मॆरयग

ु ु वाियच
तानॆडबायिन ूेमतोनडुगडुगक ु ु

With the golden light from the veeNA shining upon the white body of Sage
nAradar, He plays on the veeNA during every step of his travel with great joy.

rAjillina SrI tyAgarAjasakhuni marmamulanu

I jagatini vinnavArikE jayamu jayamu jayamani (nArada muni)

रािजिन ौी ागराज सखिु न ममर्मल

ु नु

ई जगितिन िववािरके जयम ु जयम ु जयमिन (नारद मिु न)

The sage arrives declaring that all auspiciousness will come the way of those in
this world, who hear about the subtle doctrines of bhagavAn, the friend of


Ilaguna pratyakshamaina SrIman nArada guru mUrtini jUci prahlAduDu atyanta

bhakti viSvAsamutO sAshTAngamugA namaskArinci nUti jEyu

When Sage nAradA appeared in this manner before prahlAdA, he fell at the
sage’s feet with great bhakti and faith and eulogized him this way:

ashTanga yOgISa marESa sannuta

sAshTAngamuga mrokki sannutimpu

gashTangamuga dolagenu gannappuDe mimmun

ishTamul cEkUrEnipuDu tanaku

dushTul mimu jUci dUramauduru gadA

tushTuDaitini brahma nishTa suguNa

SrshTyAdi kartayau SrI vallabuni gUDi

nishTatO velaseDu nirmalAtmA

gOshTi vinavayya nA lOni kOrkelella

gushTuyavunaTTu sEyavE pUjanIya

IshTuDau sarva jagadISu ipuDu jUDa

SrEshTuDau ninnu nE nammi ceppukoNTi

Oh Sage nAradA well versed in the practise of ashTAnga yogam and realization

of siddhi in that yogam! Oh Sage worshipped by indran! aDiyEn falls at your
feet and offer my sAshTAnga namaskAram. Immediately after your darSanam,
my sorrows have vanished. My wishes have come true. The evil people stay away.
Oh Ocean of auspicious guNam-s staying rooted in your brahma nishTai! I am
filled with joy. Oh pious One, enjoying the bliss of Your union with lakshmi
kAntan! Please listen to my request. Oh worshipful One! Please make all my
desires from the heart come true! aDiyEn prays to You to bless me with the
darSanam of my jagannAthan dear to me.


nArada nIku vandanamu nADupadESamu cEta dhanyuDan

vAramu vishNu kEtanavu vancana lEkanunoppagincucun

gOriti gannulAraga nA kOmala dEhuDu centa rAkanE

AraDi jendinAnu danayArtini tIrpu virinci nandana

Oh Sage nAradA! aDiyEn’s salutations. I have become blessed for the very day
aDiyEn received Your upadeSam-s. aDiyEn has permanently deeded my SarIram
to hari without deceit. aDiyEn wished to see SrI hari to my eye’s delight.
aDiyEn was sorrow-stricken by SrI hari of divine body not appearing before me.
Oh brahma putrA! Please chase away my sorrows!


IlAguna tana manOrathambu telipina vini prahlAduni jUci narada guru swami
atyanta harshamutO stOtramu cEyunadi eTTulanina-

Listening to the expression of the wish of prahlAdan, the joyous nAradar

praised prahlAdan this way:


vinavOyi prahlAda vivarambugAnu

dana prAyamulunenna daramu gAdippuDu

taganindra paTTamul dhAta paTTamul

aga cApu praLayambulaTu jUcinAnu

karmEndriyamulanu gAla kinkarula

marmamul delisi I mahikinda naDaci

anayamu hrdayambu harikoppaginci

kanula paNDuvagAnu gana gOri ghanuni

gADhambu nA madi gaugiTa jEci

gUDhamunokaTigA gUDanencaDi

nIvaNTi bhaktuni nikhila lokamula

nEvankanE gAnanIpradESamuna
bAlaka ninu gaNTi bAhu mIranga

jAli viDuvumu vaccu sauri vELa

prahlAdA! Listen attentively! My age cannot be estimated. I have seen many

indrA-s, brahmA-s and praLayam-s. I have not come across anyone like you so
far in any direction, who considers karmEndriyam-s as the spies of yama
dharmarAjan and has stepped aside hence from the alpa sukham-s of the world
in favor of placement of your heart at SrI hari’s sacred feet and long to be
with Him in ekAntam and to embrace Him. Now I have seen You. Please shake
off Your sorrows. With delight, hari will appear before You now with joy.


ani paliki nArada mauni SrI vaikuNTha prabhAvambunu balukuTeTTalanina-

Now, Sage nAradA began to describe the glories of SrI vaikuNTham this way:


jaya jayA sakala nigamAgama kuSala, kinnara kimpurusha siddha vidyAdhara

paramapadam on Earth - SrI mAlOla sAmrAjyam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi 80
gIyamAna, bahu jagadudaya rakshaNa, laya hEtu bhUta caturAnana hari hara
prabhrti cintyamAna maNi dvIpE, jita sAdu hrtApE sakala sura muni nikara nija
bhakta jana nicaya hrdaya kAmita santAna soubhAgya dhana kanaka vAhanAdi
ashTaiSvarya dAyaka cintAmaNimaya mahA vaikuNTha nagarE,
nEtrAnandakarE, caNDa mArtANda maNDala vilasat-saptahEma prAkArAntara
SObhayamAna bhAskara kOti samAna vajra sthambhAyuta sahita suvarNa
maNTapAntarE, SubhatarE, navaratna kacita kanakamaya hamsatUlikAtalpE
carccandra kOti sannibha SESatalpE, suranAyakAdyashTa dikpAla makuTa
maNI gaNa nIrjita padAravindaH jagadAnandaH

ananta garuDa viSvaksEnAdi nitya sUri jana samEta mahA prabhAva sampanna:
akhila bhakta jana prasannaH ubhaya pArshvOjvalita karNa-kuNDala: sEvita
muni maNDala:, bhakta trANa parAyaNa: SrIman nArAyaNa; lakshmi samEtO
mahA bhagavAn.

Hail to Thee My Lord, who is eulogized by experts in vedam-s and Aagamam-s,
kinnarA-s, kimpurushA-s, siddhar-s and vidyAdharar-s! Oh Lord responsible for
the creation, protection and dissolution of all the universes and their beings! In
the maNi dvIpam of SrI vaikuNTham, the object of thought of brahmA, Sivan
and others, in that land that creates bliss to the eyes of sAdhu janam-s, You
reduce the tApam of such devotees and bless the deva rSis and bhaktA-s with
eight kinds of aiSwaryam-s (progeny, gold, cattle, good life et al) that they
desire. In that auspicious space of SrI vaikuNTham with seven golden
prakAram-s resembling crores of Sun in lustre, there are tens of thousands of
gem encrusted pillars and a golden maNDapam at the center, where the Lord
rests in a hamsa dhULikA manjam on the bed of resplendent AdiSeshan evoking
the cool lustre of crores of Sarad rtu candran-s. He receives there the worship
from the eight dik pAlakA-s, whose gem enmeshed crowns appearing like lit
lamps touch the sacred feet of the Lord as they prostrate before Him and
offer as it were dIpa ArAdanam for His pAdAravindam-s. He is the creator of
joy for the world and its beings. He has the vaibhavam of being with the
eternally liberated souls like AdiSeshan, garuDan, viSvaksenar and others.

He blesses the nitya sUri-s and mukta jIvan-s with His delightful darSanam. He

has shining kuNDalams on both ears. He is praised by the assembly of sages. He
is totally concentrated on coming to rescue of His bhaktA-s. The Lord of SrI
vaikuNTham is SrI mahA lakshmi samEta SrIman nArAyaNan.


Thus Sage nAradar described the vaibhavam of SrI vaikuNTham and the
happenings there.


sAregu veeNA mIDusunu--samSaya mellanu dIrpa vaccitin

(Sage nAradA continues): Oh prahlAdA! As I played on my veeNA and offered

my salutations to SrI VaikunTha-nAthan, I heard the assuring words of the

Lord with mahA lakshmi regarding you and hurried back to your side to explain
the meanings of those words.


When prahlAdan heard the auspicious words of nArAdar, he was filled with joy
and shed tears of happiness and spoke:


prahlAda says: Oh My guru devA! SaraNam to Thee! Did the Lotus eyed
Lord explain to His divine consort mahA lakshmi my plight and did she respond
compassionately and supported Her Lord to bless me with His darSanam? Did
the divya dampati-s discuss my situation? Did they want to shower their
anugraham-s on aDiyEn? There is nothing superior to that gesture. Oh
mahAnubhAvA! Sage nAradA! On hearing your descriptions on the conversations
between the divine dampatis, I feel like the Lord is right next to me, embracing
me, blessing me and protecting me.


Oh Sage nAradA! aDiyEn is now going to hear about SrI hari, the Father of
manmathan talking about me to mahA lakshmi with dignity and dayA.


prahlAdan reflected on his bhAgyam and with great happiness addressed Sage



ipuDaina nanu talacinArA swAmi ?
ु न नन ु तलिचनारा ािम

Did my swAmi think about me atleast now?


krpaku pAtruDanani kIrtincinArA ?

कृ पकु पाऽडु निन कीितर्िनारा

Did my swAmi praise me as being fit for His krupA?

Four caraNam-s:

daya cEsi nA mATalella nA

tallitO palikina kolla

nayamuga viNTi mI valla nEDu

nA manasunanentO callanAyE (ipuDaina)

दय चेिस ना माटलॆ ना

तितो पिलिकन कॊ

नयमगु िविण्ट मी व नडे ु

ु ो चनायॆ
ना मनसननॆ ु न)

Oh Sage nAradA! aDiyEn is going to hear all the words of my swAmi spoken with
compassion to mahA lakshmi through Your mouth. Today, my mind is so cool and

unnata daya kAsakoNTi nEnu

bannamulaku pAlaiyuNTi

kannulAra mimu kaNTi nEDu

karNAmrtapu mATa viNTi swAmi (ipuDaina)

उत दयकासकॊिण्ट न ेन ु

ु कु पालैयिु ण्ट

ु िमम ु किण्ट नडे ु


ृ प ु माट िविण्ट ािम

कणार्मत ु न)

Oh Sage nAradA! aDiyEn went through many sorrows longing for my swAmi’s
dayA. aDiyEn has seen You to my eye’s content. I have heard your descriptions
about the happenings at SrI vaikuNTham, which are like nectar to my ears.

palu rUpamulu tAnu bUni nannu

bAdhinci vEDka jUcina

palumAru nannu Ecina puNya-

pApamu hari centa kAni yEmandu (ipuDaina)

ु तान ु बूिन न ु
प पम

बािधि वेड्क जूिचन

पमा न ु एिचन पण्य

पापम ु हिर चॆ कािनयेम ु न)


My swAmi took many forms, caused me lot of difficulties and amused Himself.
He tricked me many times. Those pApa-puNyams belong to hari. What else can
I say on this matter?

bhUmini puTTaga lEnu bhUyO

bhUyO harini namminAnu

tAmasamunu tALa lEnu vara
tyagarAjaAptuDu madi lOnu (ipuDaina)

ु लेन ु भूयो
भूिमिन पग

भूयो हिरिन निनान ु

तामसमनु ु ताळ लेन ु वर

ागराजाडु ु मिद लोन ु ु न)


aDiyEn does not wish to be born again and again in this world. I have placed my
total trust in hari. I will not tolerate acts driven by tAmasa guNam. Did hari,
the dear friend of tyAgarAja think of me atleast now?


Thus a joyous prahlAdan satisfied within himself addressed Sage nAradar.


Oh revered AcArya worshipped by indran! Please do not consider me as an

outsider among the assembly of strangers. Since You have directly heard the
conversation between the divine couple, Please describe it to me.


This is the way Sage nAradar described the conversation between hari and
mahA lakshmi (lakshmi-hari samvAdam).

lakshmIm prati SrIman nArAyaNaH

The talk of SrIman nArAyaNan looking at mahA lakshmi.


kalasa samudra rAja vara kanyaka --

Oh blessed daughter of samudra rAjan! Please listen to this strange happening.

The child of an asuran in bhUlokam has unshakable bhakti towards Me. I am
under the influence of his bhakti. My mind will not think of anyone else. This
asura child cannot stay away from Me. I will now go visit him and leave for


When lakshmi understood the mind set of Her Lord, she became sorrowful over
the separation from Her Lord and addressed Her friends this way:


Please listen, dear friends! Although I am born to be the consort of hari, my

previous karma-s seem to control me firmly. Yesterday night, I adorned Myself
with shining jewelry and was enjoying the company of My Lord immensely, He
moved His head on the bed of AdiSeshan, reflected on something deeply and
got up and told Me that He will travel to bhUlokam and return. My mind became

agitated over the implied separation from My Lord. How can I describe my
sorrow? He made all my alankAram-s for Him as fruitless. How can I bear with
this? She addressed Her lord now directly:


lakshmi addressed Her Lord and He responded to Her query.


From early morning to the late hours of the evening, Do not You have anything
else to do than rushing to protect Your bhaktA-s?

My dear One! This bakhtan is so special that you should not misunderstand this


Oh Father of manmaThan! You go to bhU lokam so often that I suffer very

much from separation from You.


Oh Lotus-eyed One! How many days and for whom have I left You behind ?


Oh My Lord! Did You not rush to the side one dhruvan before leaving Me at SrI
vaikuNTham ?


dhruvan is a gem among crores of human beings. It is for that reason I rushed
to bhU lokam and suffered also from being separated from You. Oh Moon-faced
One! Why do You have so much jealousy over this?

SrI mahAlakshmi - SrI sugandhavana nAcciyAr - tiruIndaLUr
Picture Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi 88

lakshmi understood now the inner mind-set of Her Lord, who responded to
every one of her protests and replied:


If that knowledgeable and clever little one imprisons You in his heart lotus,
what kind of statement will You make to comfort Me ?


I will come up with many reasons and charm him. I have decided to remove his
sorrows and make them as non-existent.

As hari concluded in this manner and got set to travel to prahlAdan’s side,
mahA lakshmi addressed Her Lord:


Oh My Lotus-eyed Lord! Please take a vow that You will argue with the child as
needed so that You won’t be imprisoned in his heart lotus and You will be free
to return to My side as soon as possible. Please be cognizant of My wish!


Sage nArada conveyed thus to prahlAda the conversations between mahA

lakshmi and hari and concluded: 


At sAketa puri, mahA lakshmi and hari had mutual consultations and exchanged
opinions. I will share with You Their merciful words arising from that


Oh child! You are blessed and Your prayer has become fruitful. hari is
under your influence. Why do You worry any more. Please look now at the sky!

sAketapuri - SrI rAmar and SrI sItA devi at tiru ayodhya

Picture Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi

|| dvitIyangamu samAptamu||

The Second Act is completed.



After hearing this exquisite description of SrI vaikuNTham, prahlAda swAmi

was overcome with joy and in his Ananda anubhavam, the whole world appeared
as hari Himself and now he looked in all the four directions for hari to appear
in person. He could not find hari yet. He became grief stricken that hari had
not yet appeared before Him and began to wail in sorrow.


Adi delisina mATa ---palikenu tALa lEka
After listening to the words of omniscient, tri-kAla j~nAni, nAradar, my
anguish has only increased. When the fire of sorrow (from not seeing hari in
person) was burning, the sage's words were like the ghee poured into that fire.
As that flame was ascendant, the words of nAradar were also acting like the
wind that whipped up the flames. As I went on hearing the Sage's description
of SrI vaikuNTham and the kalyANa guNam-s of hari, my languishing body fell
into the sea of desire. Whether I keep my eyes open or had them closed, hari's
sweet words kept echoing in my head and my intensity of longing for Him grew
many folds. Not being able to bear this, I keep repeating hari's thousand



ennaga manasukurAni

pannaga SAyi sogasu

pannuga kanukonani kannulElE

kannulElE kaNTi minnulElE ( ennaga)

ु ु रािन पग शािय सॊगस ु

ऎग मनसक

पगु कनकॊनिन ु ले

ु ले किण्ट िमले
कले ु ले

When the beauty of the Lord sleeping on the bed of AdiSesha cannot be
visualized by the eyes even after deep meditation, what is the use of those
eyes? What is the benefit of the lustre in those eyes?

Three caraNam-s

mOhamutO nIlavAri

vAha kAntini kErina

SrI harini kaTTukonani dEhamElE

dEhamElE I kEhamElE (ennaga)

मोहमतु ो नील वािर

वाह काििन के िरन

ु ॊनिन देहमेले
ौी हिरिन कक

देहमेले $ गेहमेले

What is the use of this body that cannot succeed in embracing the Lord tightly
and with ardour? What is the use of this house?

sarisaja malle tulasi

viruvAji pArijAtapu

virulacE pUjincani karamulElE

karamulElE I kApuramulElE

ु िस िववािज पािरजातप ु
सरिसज मॆ तळ

ु ेले
िवलचे पूिजन्चिन करमल

ु ेले $ कापरम
करमल ु लु ेले

What is the use of these hands, which do not engage themselves in performing
arcanai for the Lord with lotus, jasmine, iruvAtci, pArijAtam and other
flowers? What is the use of this abode ?

mAlimitO tyAgarAju

nelina rAmamurtini
lAlincu pogaDani nAlikElE

nAlikElE sUtra mAlikElE

मािलिमतो ागराज ु

न ेिलन राम मूितर्िन

लािलिन्च पॊगडिन नािलके ले

नािलके ले सूऽ मािलके ले

What is the use of this tongue, which cannot eulogize Lord rAmacandrA, who
protected tyAgarAjan with love? Where then is the need for the japa mAlai?


prahlAdan's repeated thinking on this matter goes this way.

SrI vasudAti nATha sura sEvita---nArada sannuta vEga jUpavE

Oh Lord of SrI devi and bhU devi! Oh Lord worshipped by devA-s! Oh Lord of
lotus feet! aDiyEn believes that those lotus feet of Yours are my refuge.
aDiyEn meditated on You and prostrated before You to have Your
sAkshAtkAram. Oh Lord of SrI devi! Oh rAmacandra! Oh hari whose sacred
feet is the object of my meditation! Oh mAdhavan with the tEjas of crores of
manmathA-s! Oh auspicious One! Oh utterer of sweet words! Oh great
raghuvIrA! Oh Lord, who has His home in the hearts of muni-s! Please protect
aDiyEn! Oh Lord, the supreme One among the devA-s (imayOr talaivA)! Oh Lord
worshipped by Sage nAradA! Please reveal Thy divine form to aDiyEn!


This is what prahlAdan said further with a mind agitated by sorrow:


ETi janmamidi hA O rAmA !

ऎिट जिमिद हा ओ राम

Oh rAmA ! What kind of janmam is this?


ETi janmamidi entuku galikenu

entani sairintu hA O rAmA !

ऎिट जिमिद एकु किलगॆन ु

एिन स ैिर ु हा ओ राम

What kind of janmam is this? Why did I take this janmam? How much can I
bear? Oh rAmA !

Four caraNam-s:

sATi lEni mAra kOTi lAvaNyuni

mATi mATiki jUci maTalADani tana

सािट लेिन मार कोिट लावण्यिु न

मािट मािटिक जूिच माटलाडिन तन

What kind of janmam is this when I cannot see You, the Lord with beauty
greater than crores of manmathA-s and frequently converse with Him?

sAreku mutyAla hArayuramu pAlu
kAru mOmunu kannulAra jUDani tana

ु ाल हारयरु म ु पा
सारॆकु म

का मोमनु ु कलार

ु जूडिन तन

What kind of janmam is this, when I cannot see to my heart's content all the
time Your divine chest with the pearl necklaces moving there and My Lord's
ever youthful face?

ingitamerigina sangeeta lOluni

pongucu tanivAra kougalincini tana

इितमॆिरिगन संगीत लोिन

ु ु तिनवार कौिगिलििन तन

What kind of janmam is this, when I cannot embrace my Lord, who is the
connoisseur of sangItam to quell my passion for Him?

sAgara Sayanuni tyAgarAja nutuni

vEgame jUDaka vEgEnu hrdayamu

ु ागराज नतु िु न
सागर शयनिन

वेगमे जूडक वेगनॆ ु दयम ु

My heart wont stay put until I have the darSanam of my Lord resting on the
ocean as He is being worshipped by tyAgarAjA.


Even after many appeals like this, hari did not present Himself and prahlAdan
talked aloud with great worry.


karivaraduniga gOrucu---mUrccilen

prahlAdA's heart softened and his eyes became filled with tears. He wondered
whether the Lord who came to the rescue of the Elephant king is here or not
and if he were to be present, He is not of easy access even to indran and
brahmA. This thought made him miserable and he fainted.


During this time, when prahlAdan fainted,


anurEuNuvulayandu --satyavanTuni jUDa SouridA vEDalen

Ancient SrI VaikunTha nAthan (hari) without beginning or end, who is present in
the atom, small speck of dust, the lofty mountain, who is blemishless, who is
comprehended by the vedA-s and who relates to the sufferings of His devotees
left the side of mahA lakshmi seated on the golden maNDapam on the milky

ocean and rushed to prahlAdan's side with His shining pItAmbaram and the
pearl necklace on His chest moving rapidly and with droplets of sweat forming
in His divine face and with the fragrance from the flower garlands following
Him, He arrived in front of prahlAdan, the asura child, lifted him up , embraced
him and placed him on His lap.

The Ancient Lord! - SrI prahlAda varadar in Sesha vAhanam - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Suresh swAmi and SrI Balaji Ankem swAmi


The most merciful way in which the mighty Lord of all universes arrived from
SrI vaikuNTham is like this:


Please enjoy the sevai of hari, the Moon that makes the kumuda flower of mahA
lakshmi blossom! He in His blemishless form with the resplendence of the lustre
of crores of manmathA revealed in His toe nail appeared in bhU lokam with
total awareness of the mind set (bhakti) of the asura child.


Oh devotees! Please have the darSana soubhAgyam of hari, who protects the
universe with great affection and enjoy His sevai with the nectar of His
thousand names sweetening your tongue.


entanucu varNintunE I

indirA-ramaNanuni nEnu

ु ु विणर्नॆ
एनच ु ई

ु नॆन ु

How can I describe the saundaryam and the divya AabharaNams of hari, the
Lord of SrI devi?

anupallavi :
santatamu nammu sajjanula

Asanta tIrcu vasanta sukumAruni (entanucu)

सतम ु न ु सनल-

आस तीच र्ु वस सक

ु ु मािन

How can I describe the vasanta kumAran (the beautiful child of the spring/
Youthful One), who fulfills always the desires of the sAdu janam?

Three caraNam-s:
merugu bangAru cElamiruvonda mariyu

nUpuramulu ghallanaga bhaktula kani

karuNAmrtamu callaga yOgula

daharamulu callanaga vEncEsina (entanucu)

मॆग ु बा चेलिमवॊ मिरय ु
ु 
नूपरम ु घनग भुल किन

कणामृतम ु चग योगल

ु चनग वेिॆ सन

How can aDiyEn describe the Lord appearing with the gentle movement of His
lustrous pItAmbaram as He moves and with the downpour of the nectar of
dayA drenching the awaiting devotees and cooling the hearts of the Yogi-s?

tilakamu celagaga jalajAkshuDilanu

kadaluThIvi vinipimpaga tumburu

nAradulu kani nutiyimpaga surulu

sumamula vAna kuriyimpaga vEncEsina (enta)

ितलकम ु चॆलगग जलजाक्षिु डलन ु

ु ु
कद ठीिव िविनिपग त

vasanta kumAran! - SrI PrahlAda varadar - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi and SrI R Veeraraghavan swAmi 100

नार किन नितियग ु

ु ल
समम ु वान कुिरियग वेिे सन

How can aDiyEn explain successfully the scene with the AakASam ringing with
the stuti-s of tumburu and nAradar describing the majestic gait of the lotus-
eyed hari adorning the kastUri tilakam on His forehead, while the flowers rain
on Him from the joyous devA-s?

ghana nIlamunu kEru tanuvaipai punugu

chandanamu parimaLimpga bAgu-

yuramuna muktA maNUlADaga tyAgarAju

kani cElAgiyyaga vEncEsina (enta)
घन नीलमनु ु के  तनवु पु ै पनु गु ु

चनम ु पिरमिळग बाग-ु

यरु मनु म ु ाडग ागराज ु

ु ा मणल

किन चे लािगग वेिे सन

How can aDiyEn describe the beauty of the scene of the Lord appearing with
His dark blue body carrying the fragrance of punugu and sandal paste and with
the pearl and gem necklaces on His chest moving gently while giving a hand lift
to tyAgarAjA?


The most merciful Lord spoke this way to prahlAdA during the time of His
appearance before prahlAdA :

puDami celi magaDu tALaka-- prEmEyuDu uramula jEccan

The limitless lakshmipati with the facial beauty of a pUrNa candran rushed
towards prahlAdan, showered His blessings on him and embraced him tightly to
His chest.

prahlAdan was rapturous about his mahA bhAgyam and sings the following kriti

pallavi :

EnATi nOmu phalamO?

E dAna phalamO?

ए नािट नोम ु फलमो

ए दान बलमो

Which of my observed vratam yielded me this fruit (saubhAgyam of hari

darSanam)? Which dAnam of mine led to the realization of this phalan ?


SrInAtha brahma kainanu nIdu

sEva dorakunA? tanaku kaluguTa (E nATi)

ौी नाथ ॄ(कै )नन ु नी

सेव दॊकुना तनकु कगटु

Oh Lord of SrI devi! Can even brahmA realize Your darSanam? That great
bhAgyam has been realized by me today.

Three caraNam-s :

nEnu kOrina kOrkalellanu

nEDu tanaku neravErenu

bhAnuvamSa tilaka nA pAli-

bhAgyamA sajjana yOgyamA tanaku (E nATi)

न ेन ु कोिरन कोकर् (लॆ)न ु

ॆ ु
न ेडु तनकु नॆरवेरन

भान ु वंश ितलक ना पािल

भाग्यमा सन योग्यमा तनकु

All what I prayed for has been fully realized today. Oh the resplendent tilakam
of sUrya vamSam! Oh the bhAgyam that protects me! Which observance of
mine has led to this auspicious result?

nI dApu nI prApu dorikenu

nijamugA nE nI sommaitini

Adi dEva prANa nAtha

nAdangamandununci pUjinca (E nATi)

नी दाप ु नी ूाप ु दॊिरकॆ न ु

िनजमगु ा न े नी सोैितिन

आिद देव ूाणनाथ

ु पूिज
नादम नि

I have realized your proximity (closeness/sAmIpyam) and grace. I

have attained the real life and become Your property. Adi devA! My life's dear
Lord! I have realized today the greatest of good fortunes: Placing You on my lap
and worshipping You with prEmai. Which vratam or dAnam has led to this

The most beautiful Lord! - SrI prahlAda varadar - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI A Vasudevan swami 104
sundarESa suguNa brnda daSaratha-

nandanAravinda nayana pAvana

andagADa tyAgarAja nuta sukham

anubhavinca dorikerA bhaLi tanaku (E nATi)

ु बृ दशरथ
ु श सगु ण

ननारिव नयन पावन

अगाड ागराज नतु सख-

मनभिव दॊिरकॆ रा भिळ तनकु

Oh The Most beautiful One! Oh Lord surrounded by the bhAgavatAs! Oh Son of
daSarathA! Oh Lotus-eyed One! Oh Lord worshipped by tyAgarAjA! I have
indeed gotten the opportunity to enjoy the sukham of being next to You
(sAmIpyam) and worshipping You. Which holy observance of mine has led to this
auspicious phalan ?


Thus spoke prahlAdA enjoying once again the swim in the ocean of smaraNam
(reflection) and darSanam of the Lord :



paramAtmuni tannu marici paravasamucE

hari hari hariyanucuNDaga

varaduDu tArakamu baTTi vArtalU baliken

Once again prahlAdan immersed in the ocean of joy, forgot himself and in the
mood of tanmayatvam, the highest form of bhakti, chanted the name of hari

many times and spoke about the never-failing rakshaNa Sakti of the Lord.

True devotees of bhagavAn get immersed in the ocean of joy by HIS darSanam!
HH prakrtam SrImad azhagiya singar during brahmotsavam at upper ahobilam in
March 2012
Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi
(aasthAna photographer for SrI maTham)

||tritIyangamu samAptamu||

Third Act Completed



As prahlAdan was joyously reciting the names of hari, the Lord looked with
affection at the child immersed in brahmAnandam and was interested to reveal
to the world the purity of mind of His bhaktan and desired to converse with His
true bhaktan for that purpose.


arasika sambhASaNatO

rasika janESu vAg-kalaham SrEyaH
It is superior to engage in heated debate with rasikA-s rather than conversing
with those, who are not rasikA-s (appreciators of fine points of bhakti


hari had the desire in His mind to grant moksham for prahlAdan and wanted on
the outside for the pious people of the world to comprehend with joy the purity
of heart of prahlAdan and made up His mind to engage in debate with prahlAdan
for that purpose .


SrI hari looked at prahlAdan now and spoke these words to start His


eppuDu pUrNakAmi sumI

avApta samasta kAman! - SrI prahlAda varadar with ubhaya nAccimArs- SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI A Vasudevan swAmi 108
heccuga vElpulakAdi mUlamai

ceppa tarambu kAdu tana

cEtana janmamulE madhaj~nulO

goppa tapam bhonarccusu

gOrkela nimmana santasillucun

tappakaniTTu sampadaulu

dAnava putra varambulandukO

I (hari) is an avApta samasta kAman (pUrNa kAmi), the One Who has all My
desires fulfilled. I am the ancient One among the gods. I gladly grant boons for
matchless wealth for those who attain the difficult to get cEtana janmam, uses
his buddhi, performs lofty tapas and seek boons thereafter from Me. Oh the
son of the asuran! Please ask for and get desired boons from Me.


AanATi dAhammellanu

nEnArcanga ninnu jUci nErpunamadilO

pAnakapu pullarItini

hInampuku vArtta palukanidi samayambA

sadayAmara taruvunugani

mudamuna poLLaDuga pOvumUDuNDu galaDA

modalaina vElpulerukani

padamula kani viduvajAla patimArulakun

Oh Lord ! is this time for You to offer these boons for me and distract me, who
was looking forward to quench my deep longing for You through Your darSanam?
It is like a twig that fell into the pANIyam as one is about to drink and enjoy 
the pAnakam (jaggery water). Totally inappropriate and untimely is that event.

When the wish granting karpaka tree appears before You, which fool in this
world would ask that divine tree for worthless piece of straw? After having the
bhAgyam of seeing Your sacred feet not comprehended even by old devAs, Will
I think ever of losing them?


ivvidampuna paliki tiruga SrI harini jUci paluku eTTulanina

Thus prahlAda looked again at hari and said :


svalpamulaDukanu jUcuDa

kalpAntaramaina trupti kAdayamadilO

kalpana cAlu bilESaya

talpAmara vinuta bhrOvu tALanu nEnu

If we engage ourselves in seeking paltry things from You, the mind will not be
satisfied even at the end of a kalpa kAlam (very long period of time). Oh Lord
reclining on the bed of AdiSeshan! Oh Lord worshipped by the devAs! I cannot
bear this proposal of Yours to grant me boons. Please protect me from any such
distractions !


pallavi :

nannu brOvaganu viDavanuraa rAma

न ु ॄोवगन ु िवडवनरा
ु राम

Oh rAmA ! I won’t let go of You until You protect me.

Six caraNam-s 

kAsunu vetukaga kanna ratnamu rIti

dOSamu tolagimpa dorigitivi kAni (nannu brovaganu)

कासनु ु वॆतक
ु ग क रम ु रीित

दोशम ु तॊलिग दॊिरिगितिव कािन (न ु ॄोवगन)ु

I have gained You like coming across a priceless gem, while I was roaming
around for paltry money.

ambali tinu vELa amrtamabbina rIti
tumburu sannuta dorikitivu kAni (nannu brovaganu)

अिल ितन ु वॆळ अमृतमिन रीित

ु ु सतु दोिरिकितव ु कािन (न ु ॄोवगन)ु


Oh Lord eulogized by tumburu maharSi! I have gained you like one coming
across divine nectar, when he is all set to drink tasteless gruel (kUzh) .

ceyyalasina vELa teppa doraku rIti

ayyaa nApAliTi gamaritivi kAni (nannu brovaganu)

चॆलिसन वेळ तॆ दॊकु रीित-

ना नापािलिटगमिरितिव कािन (न ु ॄोवगन)ु

Oh Priceless Lord! You are seated waiting for me like a boat, when my hands
were getting tired during this swim in the samsAric ocean and was about to

ADa pOyina tIrtham eduraina rIti

IDu jODu lEni ishTuDavaitivi (nannu brovaganu)

आड पोियन तीथमर् ॆ रैन रीित

ईडु जोडु लेिन इड

ु वैितिव (न ु ॄोवगन)ु

You have become a matchless benefactor and are like the sacred water that is
sought for the destruction of the sins appearing before me suddenly.

siggu pOvuvELa cIralabbina rIti

oggiga mAyiNTiki vaccitivi kAni (nannu brovaganu)

िसग्ग ु पोव ु वेळ चीरलिन रीित-

ओिग्ग माियिण्टिक विितिव कािन (न ु ॄोवगन)ु

Just like gaining a vastram at the time of being disrobed, You have presented

Yourself in my house.

Aagama nigama cayArthamu nIvani

tyAgarAjanuta talaci yunnAnu rAma (nannu brovaganu)

आगम िनगम चयाथर्म ु नीविन

ागराज नतु तलिचय

ु ान ु राम (न ु ॄोवगन)ु

aDiyEn considers You worshipped by tyAgarAja as my sole refuge. Thou art the
meaning of vedam-s and Aagmam-s.

SrI hari looked at prahlAdan who described his happy status with great bhakti
and responded to him with the intention of testing his mind-set further.


nAyeDanAsagAni pati

nAlagu lokamulella satyamE

nIyeDa prEma koNDiniti

niScayamE anau juci labdamE

mAyenu nEti yEdanaka

martyulu lEdana nIvu navvarA

cayaku kIrti kAdu mana_

sArakaniTTu varampulandukO

Oh prahlAdA ! It is rare indeed to find some one like You having the depth of
bhakti to Me in all the fourteen worlds. This is true. This is why I have
the deep affection for you. This is for sure. Inpite of this, if the people of the
world ask you as to what you gained in the form of boons from Me and if you
answered nothing, wouldn't they all laugh at Me? That will harm My reputation
as a boon grantor. Therefore, You should accept the boons that I give with all
my heart.

Here are the words spoken by hari in this context to plant seeds of confusion in
the mind of prahlAdan.

edalEni prEma koNTini

kadu bhaktiyu nIku kaladani tAne

adiyAsa jUpi bhavamuna

vaDigA mOhimpa jEyu vArttalu baliken

hari spoke these words: "I have the greatest of affection for you. You have
deep bhakti for Me" and meant false hopes to prahlAdan and tried to tempt him
towards enchanting vishaya sukham-s.


“I Am thinking of you every moment! “ - SrI jwAlA nrsimhar - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi 114
pallavi :

aDugu varamulanicedanu

ु िनॆदन ु
अडुग ु वरमल

Oh prahlAdA ! I will grant you all the boons that you desire.


aDugaDuguku ninnE talacucunnAnu

adbhutamaina bhaktiki sokkinAnu

ु ु िने तलचच
अडुगडुगक ु ान
ु ु
ु मैन भििक सॊिनान ु

I am thinking of you every moment. I have lost myself thinking over your rare
and wonderful devotion to Me.

Three caraNam-s:

dhana kanakamulu yennaina nIku

dAraputrulu sogasaina iNDla

canuvuna nosagudu-samSayamEla

tanuvu cikkaganEla dAnava bAla

ु ऎ ैन नीकु
धन कनकम

दार पऽु 
ु सॊगस ैन इण्

चनवु नु नॊसगु संशयमेल

तनवु ु िचगन ेल दानव बाल

Oh son of the asuran! Please do not wear yourself through penance for the sake
of what you desire. I will grant with affection in whatever quantity you wish all
the wealth, gold, wife, children and beautiful palace. You do not need to have
any doubts on this matter.

akrama danujula koTTi nI

Apadalanu tala meTTi

vikramuna bahu vikhyAtigA vidhi

SakrAdula paTTamulanosagedanu

ु ल
अबम दनज ु कॊि नी

आपदलन ु तल मॆि

िवबममनु ब िवाितगा िविध

ु नॊसगॆदन ु
शबाल पमल

I will destroy the asurAs engaged in unrighteous acts, remove all the harms
that come your way, enhance your fame, extend it to all the worlds and will
bless you with the positions of brahmA or indrA.

vAji gajAndOLikamulu nIku

varamaina maNi bhUshanamulu

rAjiganosagaka rava tALa lEnu vara tyAga-

rAjAptuDa nEnu

ु नीकु
वािज गजाोिळकम

वरमैन मिण भूषणम

रािजगनॊसगक रव ताळ लेन ु वर ाग-

राजाडु नने ु

As the close friend of tyAgarAja, I will not hesitate for one moment to shower
on you joyously the gifts of horses, elephants, palanquins, precious gems and

(sanakAdayaH mAyA mOhAkArI)

(In the background, sanaka and others say: Attachment to vishaya sukhams
(mOham) will arise from mAyA.)


after listening to the deceitful words of the Lord of the universe, hari,
prahlAda swAmy could not bear them and stated:

Oh lotus-eyed Lord resting on the milky ocean! Please direct Your clever words
towards the simple folks. aDiyEn is one who never forgets Your sacred feet.
You are the AbharaNam for my mind.


Having spoken thus, prahlAdan looked at hari and said :


vArija nayana nIvADanu nEnu

vAramu nannu brOvu

वािरज नयन नीवाडन ु नने ु

वारम ु न ु ॄोव ु

Oh Lotus-eyed Lord! I belong to You. Oh Lotus-faced Lord! Please protect



sAreku mAyA sAgaramandu

nEraka munigeDu nEmamu lEdu

सारॆकु माया सागरम

न ेरक मिु नगॆडु न ेमम ु ले

aDiyEn has no intention of drowning in the ocean of mAyaa.

Three caraNam-s

dhana kanaka mulanu dAra putrula

kaikoni maravanu ravitanayuDu kAnu (vArija)

ु न ु दार पऽु ल
धन कनकमल ु

कै कॊिन मरवन ु रिव तनयडु ु कान ु (वािरज)

aDiyEn is not the sugrIvan, who gained wealth, gold, wife and putran and at the
end forgot about You.

vAji rathamunlanu vAramu kaikoni

rAjulanaDacu pArtharAju nE kAnu (vArija)

ु न ु वारम ु कै कॊिन
वािज रथमल

राजलनडच ु पाथ र् राज ु न े कान ु (वािरज)

aDiyEn is not the one like arjunan, who received horses, chariots from You and
engaged in war with the kings.

nI japamulu nava nidhulau tyAga-

rAja vinuta I durASala tagalanu (vArija)

ु ाग-
ु नव िनधलौ
नी जपम

राज िवनतु ई राशल तगलन ु (वािरज)

Oh Lord worshipped by tyAgarAjA! Since the japam of Your mantram is

equivalent to all the nine kinds of wealth, I will not be caught in the grip of
lowly desires.

Oh Lord! Of what use are the sukhams of the world to me? They are worthless.
Please grant me the true bhakti of Your lotus feet. aDiyEn is incapable of
following the path of Your sAmAnya bhaktA-s seeking boons on perishable
things and who get tired. Please protect me !


Thus, prahlAdan explained to hari his true disinterest in vishaya sukhams and
his deep attachment to gain Atma jn~Anam. He continued further :


Oh Lord! My mind refuses to believe that this world and this body made up of
the five bhUtams that appear to look true because of the delusion of the mind
and that they are the support for me. aDiyEn knows of Your deceit in tempting
me. Please see ! I am not being affected even a bit and will stay firm in my
resolve of not asking You for any boons.



tanalOnE dhyAninci tanmayamE kAvalerA

तन लोन े ािनि तयमे कावलॆरा

aDiyEn wants to meditate on You in my heart lotus and become totally absorbed
in that dhyAnam.


tana guhalO tAnuNDeDu

tAvunu teliyaga valerA

ु ु डु

तन गहलॊ तानण्डे

तावनु ु तेिलयग वलेरा

aDiyEn would like to know Your exact place in the cave of my mind.

Nine caraNam-s:

nI marma mA kshaNamE niScayamai telusunurA

नी ममर्मा क्षणमॆ िनयमै तेसनु रा

When I am blessed with that knowledge, immediately Your secret and sacred
quintessence will be revealed to me.

Enanu mAyAvELa nEvankO teliyadurA

ऎनन ु मायावॆळ नॆवॊ तेिलयरा

Once this is revealed, this delusion named "I" will disappear astonishingly
without leaving any trace of where it went.

toli karmamE balamu tOya kUDadu vidhiki

तॊिल कमर्म े बलम ु तोय कू ड िविधिक

The power of pUrva janma karma-s has a very powerful hold. There is no point
in blaming brahmA.

prakruti svabhAvamulu prajvalincucunuNDu

ु नु ण्ड
ु ूिलच
ूकृ ित भावम ु ु

While the inherent behaviour of tApa trayam-s scorch one,

lakshyamu jEyaru madilO lakshAntara mulakainA

लम ु जेय मिदलो लक्षारमल

ु कै न

The one with discriminative intellect (vivEki-s) will not pay attention to them
even for crores of years.

mrngina kaLLaku rucula mElu kanE vArevaru

ु मॆ कनॆ वारेव

मृिन कळ्ळकु चल

When the eyes are turned inward to see the paramAtmA seated in the heart
lotus instead of outward (to see material things and develop a lure for vishaya
sukhams), one cannot be affected by the ruci for external objects.

bhUtamulaidunu nIvu porala jEyucunnAvu

ु ाव
ु ै न ु नीव ु पॊरल जेयच
भूतमल ु ु

Thou art the One, who makes the panca bhUtams turbulently move from here to

niravadhi Sayyapai nIvu nityAnanda mununnAvu

ु ु
िनरविध शप ै नीव ु िनानमनु ाव

Thou art the One, who is seated on the AdiSeshan enjoying eternal bliss.

SrI tyagarAjuni cEpaTTi rakshincedavu

SrI MAlOlan seated on AdiSeshan - SrI ahobila maTham
Picture Courtesy: 122
ु चे पि रिक्षॆदव ु
ौी ागराजिन

Thou art the One, who gives hand lift to tyAgarAjan and protects him.


Our supreme Lord SrI nArAyaNa murti addressed prahlAdan deeply immersed
in the ocean of brahma jn~Anam this way :


I will grant the boon of being the merciful Emperor of this world for those like
you, who chase away the mAyA and the attachment to the body. I will not
appear even in the dreams of those greedy folks, who perform japam and tapas
for gaining perishable sukhams like residence in svarga lokam to enjoy the
pleasures there. If that were to be so, what would be the chances for me to
present Myself to common folks? None. Listen, My child! I will not be at peace
until I see you rule this land to my eye's delight. I will grant you all the boons
desired by your mind. May you please accept the boons and live peacefully in
your city !


The Lord of the universe, hari, spoke further:


How can I relate to those who desire vishaya sukhams and perform newer and
newer japam-s, dhyAnams and yaj~nams while standing in the middle of fire and
torture their body? Those brahma nishTA-s, who have blemishless minds,
engage in dharmam and auspicious karma-s, banish the desire for kAmam and
approach Me with the knowledge of tattva trayam-s and stay joyous, cross over

all obstructions and redeem themselves. For such blessed souls, I give My
darSanam and grant them boons even if they resist them. I bless them to
control the asurA-s and rule this earth in a benevolent manner. Therefore,
prahlAdA, please seek and get the boons that you desire.


Now, prahlAdan shed tears that flowed on his cheeks and addressed humbly the
Lord for treating him as an outsider and speaking such merciless words :


Oh Lord of SrI devi ! Don't You have the reputation of banishing the sorrows
of the helpless ones from time immemorial? Don't You have any concerns about

me, who has taken the vow to meditate only on You at all times?


prahlAda swAmi continued to speak further.


Oh kOdaNDa pANi! Oh One with pure heart! Oh Lotus-eyed Lord! Does Your
heart harden when You meet bhaktA-s who adamantly believe in Your
existence? Although You are considered merciful, will the butter (veNNai)
placed on old cooked rice become candran? Please do not deceive me with the
promise of boons. If You do so, Your reputation will be harmed. Your behavior is
strange. Let me explain. Please listen.


Thus prahlAdan engaged in the description of the guNa anubhavams of SrI hari.


Looking at His bhaktan with tears rolling in his eyes and agitated mind
eulogizing Him, SrI hari smiled in a deceitful manner and spoke :


My smile is free of deceit. For you who has controlled his pancEndriyam-s and
performed severe tapas, all kinds of happiness and indra bhOgam-s will come
their way without fail. You stood up bravely and stayed with un-agitated
mind. I have abundant mercy for you and therefore I must grant you the

The additional words of deceit spoken by SrI hari in this context are:


I am going to share with you a secret. I am going to grant you very special
boons beyond the reach of common folks. Please accept them. I have to travel a
long way (back to My supreme abode). My desires and the kaimkaryam-s for Me
are of many kinds.


pallavi :

O rAma rAma sarvOnnata nIkipuD-

Ora vancana ElarA ghrNAkara

ओ राम राम सवत नीिकपडोर-

वनयेलरा घृणा-कर

Oh rAmA! Oh the Supreme Most! Oh Most Merciful One! Why are you
performing this deceitful act (of offering me boons)?

Seven caraNam-s :

veda SiramulellanAdaraNatO

nIvE daivamani nammaga nammiti (O rAma rAma)

ु ॆनादरणतो
वेद िशरमल

नीवे दैवमिन नग निित (ओ राम राम)

aDiyEn believed that You are the Lord accepted by the upaniSads (veda Siras).

peddalaina vAri-yoddanE satyamu

kaddani nammitini sammatini (Oh rAma rAma)

पॆलैन वािरयॊन े सम ु

किन निितिन सितिन (ओ राम राम)

aDiyEn believed that truth (satyam) will flourish among the mahAn-s.

bandhu ratnamA dayA-sindhu nIvAni satya

sandhuDavanukoNTini rammaNTini (O rAma rAma)

ब ु रमा दया िस ु नीविन स-

सडु वनकॊिण्टिन
ु रिण्टिन (ओ राम राम)

Oh the gem among bandhus (Relatives)! Oh Ocean of Mercy! Knowing clearly

that You are the abode of truth, I sought Your presence.

bharatu carya saha-carunitO niNDAra

karagucu palikitivE gAcitivE (O rAma rAma)

भरत ु चयर् सह चिनतो िनण्डार

ु ु पिलिकितवे कािचितवे (ओ राम राम)


Oh Lord who protected bharatan, who melted over the tyAgam of bharatan and
described to sugrIvan as to how you were moved by the tyAgam of bharatan.
sati mATulu sadA kapijucE vini sam-

matini kaugilincina SubhAnana (O rAma rAma)

ु िविन
सित माट सदा किपजचे

सितिन कौिगिलिन शभु ानन (ओ राम राम)

Oh Lord of sweet face, who embraced hanumAn, when he described the words
spoken by sItA pirATTi as message to You at aSoka vanam.

munu bhakta kOTulu koniyADa nIvu

vArala brOcinadi lEdA mariyAda (O rAma rAma)

मनु ु भ कोटु कॊिनयाड नीव ु

वारल ॄोिचनिद लेदा मिरयादा (ओ राम राम)

In old times, You protected the assembly of Your devotees, when they sang
about Your limitless kalyANa guNam-s. Is it proper that You do not attempt to
protect me?

I jagatini tyAgarAjuni brOcuTakI

jAla mika tALanu nI vELanu (O rAma rAma)

ु ॄोचटकी
ई जगितिन ागराजिन

जालिमक ताळन ु नीवेळन ु (ओ राम राम)

aDiyEn (tyAgarAjan) cannot bear with Your jAlams (kapaTa nATakams) aimed at
not protecting me.


After listening to SrI hari's words announcing His intention to leave prahlAdan
and go to His supreme abode, prahlAdan became deeply sad and addressed SrI
hari this way:


When prahlAdan heard SrI hari's words that He wanted to leave, tears welled
up in prahlAdan's eyes and flowed like a flood and with great sorrow, the son of
the asuran appealed to the Lord in this manner:


Did I do the difficult penance for gaining a wife or beget children or to obtain
great wealth? Did I do this penance to subjugate my enemies or to gain their
kingdom? Did I stand in the middle of the water and perform penance aimed at
itara devatA-s (other gods)? Did I bear with any dangers knowingly ? Oh Lord
Who plays in Your mAyA! Don't You know about my mind? Please listen! Oh
Omniscient One! This world is a combination of sukham=s and duhkham-s. Who
else is there for me as refuge?

Is it fair? You indicated indirectly about Your intention to leave me. Can I bear
that decision of Yours? I cannot stand it. This is not the time for such action
on Your part. aDiyEn performs SaraNAgati at Your sacred feet now.


Oh My Father! You have emboldened Yourself to leave me. I won’t be separated

from You. Without any delay and without any fear, I will attach Your sacred
feet to my mind. I cannot bear this suffering anymore.


SrI rAma jayarAma SrngAra rAma

ौीराम जयराम ौृार राम
SrIrAma! jayarAma! SrngAra rAma!

caraNam-s with 17 lines :

gAravamuna brOvu karuNA samudra (SrI rAma)

गारवमनु ॄोव ु कणा समिु (ौी राम)

Oh Ocean of Mercy, who protects me with ardour!

nAlOni jAli nI kEla docaturA (SrI rAma)

ना लोिन जािल नीके ल तोचरा (ौी राम)

How is it that You do not fathom the sorrow inside me?

manasicci nAtOnu mATADunedepuDu (SrI rAma)

मनिसि नातोन ु माटाडुनदॆपडु ु (ौी राम)

When would You be conversing with me with undivided attention?

tALa nI vELanika jAlamA rAmA

The Lord of SrI bhUmi devi!
SrI prahlAda varadar on candra prabhai vAhanam - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Suresh swAmi and SrI Balaji Ankem swAmi 130
ताळनी वेळिनक जालमा राम

I cannot bear it anymore. Why still this deceptive play?

balimini valacitE calamA O rAmA

बिलिमिन वलिचते चलमा ओ राम

Are You angry at me thinking that my bhakti is balAtkAra bhakti that is forced
on You?

I saukhyamI bhAgyamendaina galaDA

ई सौमी भाग्यमॆनै गलदा

Is it possible to enjoy sukham and bhAgyam of this magnitude anywhere?
japamEmo tapamEmO aparAdham EmO

जपमेमो तपमेमो अपराधमेमो

I do not know of any japam to win You over. I am not aware of any tapas to the
same effect. Is this lack of knowledge a crime?

pankaja nayana nA kunkuma nIvE

पज नयन कुुम नीवॆ

Oh Lotus-eyed One! You are my entire blessed fortune.

avanijAdhipa nA sogasevaridE rAma

अविनजािधप ना सॊगसॆविरदे राम

Oh Lord of bhUmi devi ! For whom else is my beauty?

nIvu nimishamu lEni bhAvuka mElE

नीव ु िनिमषम ु लेिन भावक

ु मेले

After being separated from You even for a fraction of a second,

tOshimpakennALLu tOcunE rAma

तोिषकॆ ाळ्ळु तोचनु े राम

how long can I consider that to be a happiness-producing event ?

ella saukhyamulu manasolladE rAma

ु मनसोदॆ राम
ए सौम

Oh rAmA! My mind will not seek any other sukham-s.

pAyagA mEnu sagamAyenE rAma

पायगा मेन ु सग(मा)यॆन े राम

My body has shrunk to half its previous size after being separated from You.

IyandamI candamendaina galadA (SrI rAmA)

ईयमी चमॆनै गलदा (ौी राम)

Is it possible to see those charm and excellence anywhere else?

kUrcu vetalArcu kaDa tErcavE rAma

कू च र्ु वॆतलाच र्ु कड तेचवर्ु े राम

Please forgive me, chase away my sorrows and redeem me.

mikkili mrokki cE jikkiti rAma

िमििल ॆॊि चे िजिित राम

aDiyEn has expressed deep bhakti to You and have come under its spell.

rAjillu SrI tyAgarAjAdi vinuta (SrI rAma)

रािजु ौी ागराजािद िवनतु (ौी राम)

The Lotus eyed Lord! - VaDuvUr SrI rAmar and tAyAr
Picture Courtesy:

“antarAtmaa!” - SrI MAlOlan wearing swarNa ashTalakshmi hAram
Picture Courtesy: SrI Bharathkumar Raman 134
Oh rAmA who is worshipped by the kIrtirAjan, tyAgarAjan !

after the moving appeal, prahlAda swAmi experienced an inner jyoti and was
blessed with the anubhavam of aparOksha sAkshAtkAram and became
encouraged and felt comfortable that there was no need for suffering from
the sorrows created by nescience (aj~nAnam) and started swimming in the
ocean of courage.


SrI hari! When I have this bhAgyam, Why should I suffer from worries?
prahlAdan now recognized that the entire world is harimayam and spoke this
way :
When there is butter, why should one worry for ghee? When there is rice, why
long for malt hash (kUzh)? When the caring mother is there, where is the need
for the child to have the hired nurse to take care of it? If one comprehends
oneself (jIva tattvam), where is the need to study vedAntam? For the
completely healthy one, where is the need for cultivating a physician?

If one has his own money, where is the need for an almanac? For one who relies
on You as the sarvAntaryAmi, where is the need for differentiating between
other daivams (You are the antarAtmA in all of them). If you have courage
of conviction, where is the need to fear about enemies? Knowing my
antarangam, please protect me. I wont desire anything else. The greatest bliss
for me is experiencing You right next to me (sAmIpyam). Oh Lord of bhUmi
dEvi! Your own side glances are sufficient for me.



sarasIruha nayan nI kaTAkshamE

cAlu sajjana jIvana

सरसीह नयन नी कटाक्षमे

चा सन जीवन

Oh Lotus-eyed One! Your glances alone are sufficient for me.

Six caraNam-s

mInamArbhakula kAminci kannaTla

dAnamIlankanu daya jUcinaTla

मीनमाभर्कुल कािमि कट्ल

दानमीलन ु दय जूिचनट्ल

Just as the mother fish's loving glances at its children swimming by her
side results in the fullness of their stomachs, just as the benevolent look on
lankApuri just before its dhAnam to vibhishaNan, Your glances alone will be
sufficient for me.

sAdhu sangati nEnu salipinayaTla

mAdhurya bhOjana-maTu jEsinaTla

साध ु सित नॆन ु सिलिपनयट्ल

ु भॊजनमटु जॆिसनट्ल

Your glances falling on me would be like the bliss of gaining of the sAdhu
satsangam and partaking delicious food.

dhana kanakamulella tagilinayaTla

dinamu durAsalu tIrnayaTla

ु े तिगिलनयट्ल
धन कनकमल

िदनम ु रास तीन र्यट्ल

Your glances falling on me would be like the bliss of acquiring immense wealth
and gold and like the joyous mood after chasing away the lowly desires.

simhAsanamuna celaginayaTla

brahmEndra paTTAnubhavamandinaTla

िसंहासनमनु चेलिगनयट्ल

ॄॆ पानभवमिनट्ल

Your glances falling on me will create the equivalence of bliss arising from being
seated on the throne of an emperor and inheriting brahma and indra paTTams.
nAlugokka padi bhuvanamElinatla

kalugu kulamulella kaDatErinaTla

नागॊ पिद भवनमे

कग ु कुलमल
ु ॆ कडतेिरनट्ल

Your compassionate glances falling on me would create a sense of joy as though

I am a ruler of the fourteen worlds and like the members of my kulam getting

rAjIva bhavanuta ramaNIya carita

rAjilu SrI tyAgarAjAdi vinuta (sarasIruha nayana)

राजीव भवनतु रमणीय चिरत

रािजु ौी ागराजािद िवनतु (सरसीह नयन)

Oh Lord worshipped by the lotus-born brahma devan! Oh Lord of delectable

caritram! Oh Lord eulogized by famous bhaktAs like tyAgarAja! Your glances
alone are sufficient for me.

Let aDiyEn eulogize the Lord of delectable caritram!
SrI prahlAda varadar at SrI ahobila divya kshetram
Picture Courtesy: SrI A Vasudevan swAmi 138

As prahlAdan spoke thus with bhakti and courage, SrI hari looked at him with
great compassion and wanted to let the world know about the true bhakti
mArgam followed by prahlAdan and spoke in this context :


Oh pure hearted prahlAdA ! If I were to be at your side, what would you like to
do? If you express your wishes, I will grant those boons and protect you.

prahlAdan was thrilled to hear these supportive words of SrI hari and looked at
the Lord with eyes filled with joyous tears. He addressed the Lord with a
choked voice :


Oh Lord! Please listen to my heart felt desires. I will spend my time adorning
You with beautiful jewelry, spray fragrant scents on You and look joyously at
Your divine form reaching up to the sky.


vaddayuNDEdE bahumElu vArijAksha

वयण्ु डेद े ब मे वािरजाक्ष

Oh Lotus-eyed One ! It is the best for me to have You next to me.


addampu mOmu kalaranga

anupama mOhanAnga

अ ु मॊम ु कलर

ु मॊहना

Oh Lord with the face like a beautiful mirror! Oh Lord of matchless beauty!

Three caraNam-s :

bangAru pUla pUjintu, bAkuga ninnu sEvintu

SrngArinci kougalintu sEri nE ninnAdhintu

बा पूल पूिज ु बाकुग िन ु सॆिव ु

ौृािरि कौगिल ु सॆिर नॆ िनािध ु

I will worship You with swarNa pushpams. I will prostrate before You. I will
adorn You with fragrant flowers and beautiful jewelry and then embrace You
heartily. I will perform ArAdhanam for You standing close to You.

mungala nE naTiyintu muddhu maTala tElintu

sangItamu vinupintu sAreku nE santOshintu

मु ल नॆ निटिय ु मु ु मटल तॆिल ु

सीतम ु िवनिप ु सारेकु नॆ संतॊिष ु

I will dance before You (nATya upacAram). I will make you very happy with
sweet stutis. I will sing before you with great joy (kIrtanam). I will be forever

satta mAtramA nIyandu cittamu kAni pOdendu

tattaramu tIrccukonDu tyAgarAja sulabhuDandu

स माऽमा नीय िचम ु कािन पॊदे

तरम ु तीक ु ड
र्ु ोु ागराज सलभ ु

Oh Lord present pervasively in all the objects of Your creation ! My mind will
not go anywhere except traveling to Your sacred feet. I will fulfill my heart's
desires of performing kaimkaryam-s for You with excitement. I will state loudly
that You were reached by tyAgarAjan readily through his deep bhakti.

SrI hari listened to prahlAdan's words laden with true bhakti and
understood his deep inner longings and addressed him this way :


Oh child of asura! I have now placed You on my lap. I have blessed you with
immense wealth and removed the many doubts of the devAs. In which other
way, do you wish Me to reveal my dayA for you?


After listening to his Lord's kind and comforting words, prahlAdan

expressed what was on his mind:


Oh foundation for the meek and destitute! My heart's desire will not be
fulfilled if I do not decorate You with flowers and jewelry, worship You with
daily ArAdhanam and offer You delectable meals. You cannot avoid these


tIrunA nALOni dugdha

तीना ना लोिन ग्ध

will the deep longing in me for You ever subside?


sAramou nI pAda sArasamu nAdu hrda-

yAravindamuna peTTi kaTTukOka (tIrunA)

सारमौ नी पाद सारसम ु ना द-

यारिवमनु पॆि कक

ु ोक (तीना)

Will that longing ever subside unless I unite Your sacred feet, which is the
essence of the universe and its beings, with my heart lotus?

Three caraNam-s

kamma viltuni kanna kAnti galigina harI

mummAru pAlannamu bhujimpa peTTi

kammani viDamosagi kaDu ratnamulu merayu

tamma paDiganu paTTi tAnipuDu nilavakanu (tIrunA)

ु क काि किलिगन हरी

क िविन

ु ा पालम ु भिज
म ु पॆि

ु मॆरय ु
किन िवडॆमॊसिग कडु रम

त पिडगन ु पि तािनपडु ु िनवकन ु ( तीना )

Oh SrI hari with the kAnti as the Father of manmathA! As long as I do not
present You three times a day the milk rice as naivEdhyam and offer delectable
tAmbUlam while holding the ratnakacita vessel for the spittle, how can I hope
to quench my heart's longing for kaimkaryam for You?

anudinamu nIdu pAdAbjamulanottucunu

kanakamayamou suraTi karamuniDi visari

ganamaina phaNitalpa munanunchi paaDusunu

ganulAra sEvinchi kaalamula gaDapakanu (tIrunA)

अनिदनम ु नी पादामल ु नु ु
ु नॊच

ु करमिु निड िवसिर

कनक मयमौ सरिट

ु पाडुचनु ु
घनमैन फिण तमनु नि

ु सेिवि कालमल
कनलार ु गडपकन ु (तीना)

Oh SrI hari ! As long as I do not press Your feet gently, move the golden fan to
remove Your fatigue, place You on Your lofty bed of AdiSesha, sing to You and
have Your sevai to my heart's content, how can I hope to quench my longing for
kaimkaryam for You?

rAjAdhirAja surarAja vandita pAda

SrI jAnakI ramaNa SrngAra jaladhE

rAja dharuDagu tyAgarAja pUjituDanucu

rAjillu nI kIrti rAjiga pogaDakanu (tIrunA)

राजािध राज सरराज वित पाद

ौी जानकी रमण ंगार जलधे

राज धडग ु ागराज पूिजतडु नच

ु ु

रािजु नी कीितर् रािजग पॊगडकन ु (तीना)

Oh King of Kings! Oh Lord whose sacred feet are worshipped by indrA! Oh Lord
of jAnaki! Oh Ocean of SrngAram ! As long as I do not sing about the vaibhavam
of Yours as the One worshipped by crescent Moon adorning tyAgarAjan (Lord
Sivan of tiruvArUr), how can I hope to quench my longing for kaimkaryam for


This way prahlAdan explained the secrets of his heart and addressed SrI hari
once again.


prahlAdan with tearful eyes bowed before the Lord and said: “Oh Lord with the
face as beautiful as the candran on the full moon day! Oh Lord reclining on
AdiSesha! Oh the enemy of asura kulam! Please do not leave me! This I request
You with folded palms. Please bless me with nija bhakti for You. This is my
prayer. Please bless me.”


prahlAdan became silent after advancing his prayerful request and SrI hari
spoke now.


prahlAdA! I have blessed you to be famous as the best bhaktan of Mine in all

the three worlds and for all to celebrate that exalted status of yours.
Therefore, there are no one in this world, who are more lofty than you as My


On hearing these uplifting words from SrI hari, prahlAdan decided that this is
the right time to make a request to the Lord.


Oh Lord adorning the pItAmbaram! OmkAra svarUpA! Oh Lord granting

abhayam ! Oh Lord sought by the gajendran as the SaraNAgata rakshakan!
Please confer on me nija bhakti just as You blessed garuDan.

SrIman nArAyaNan responded this way to bhakta prahlAdan, who desired to be

granted the boon of having nija bhakti to the Lord just as that displayed by


SrI hari who knew that prahlAdAn has been blessed by Him to have the level of
kaimkarya sampat, which is hard to gain even by brahmA, indran and others,
spoke to prahlAdan most sincerely.


Oh prahlAdhA ! When I desire to make you equivalent to Me, why this desire to
have the occupation of just being My servant? I cannot see anywhere firm and
lofty bhakti such as yours. It is not possible even for brahmA and indrA to see

OmkAra svarUpan - toNDanUr SrI yoganrsimhar
Picture Courtesy: SrI Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar swAmi 146
My divine form. I have however been bound tightly by the rope of your bhakti
and have come under the influence of your pure mind. I am indeed the witness
for your sAtvika bhakti. It is not fair for you to request repeatedly. Please ask
me for boons other than serving Me. I will grant it happily to spread your fame.
(The sanakAdi muni-s, who were hearing this conversation stated now: This
prahlAdan is the guru for his own Master!)


prahlAdan responded to the Lord, who addressed him that way.


Oh pItAmbaradhAri! is it not so that all the four purushArthams (dharma,
artha, kAma, moksham) are attained anyway through the power of my penance?
The good name as Your bhaktan will also be realized that way. Therefore,
please just grant me the boon of pious bhakti for You. I will serve only You.


nAsthA dharmE na vasu nicayE

naiva kAmOpa bhOgE

yat bhavyam tat bhavatu bhagavan

pUrva karmAnurUpam

Etat prArthyam mama bahumatam

janma janmAntarE api

tvat padambhoruha yugagatA

niScalA bhaktirastu

bhagavan! I have no attachment to dharmam. I have no desire to accumulate

wealth. Let anything happen befitting my pUrva karma-s. Yet, I seek only one

boon that will bless me with paripUrNa phalan. That boon desired by me is firm
bhakti at Your sacred feet in all future births (This is the 7th Slokam of
mukunda mAlai by kulaSekhara AzhwAr).


Again prahlAdAn continued with his request to the Lord.


Oh Lord who held mandhara mountain on Your back! Why this chiding speech?
Wont my relatives laugh at me? Oh Lord who is under the influence of Your
bhaktA-s! If You show enmity towards me and use Your deceitful ways to test
me further, what is the use?

Oh father of manmathA! Knowing fully the sorrow in my heart, why do you test
me further? Is it fair on Your part? It is unjust. Please rush to me and elevate


prahlAdan addressed SrI hari once again with a heavy heart.



rAmAbhirAma raghu rAma O rAma !

ु ओ राम
रामािभराम रघराम

Oh rAmA, the mind stealing Lord! Oh raghurAmA!


tAmasumulEla sItAmanOramaNa (rAmAbhirAmA)

ु ेल सीता मनो-रमण
तामसमल (रामािभराम)

Why this anger at me? Oh Lord Who enchanted the heart of sItA pirATTi!

Six caraNam-s:

paga sEyuTella nApAla nIdu

vaga lEla viDa jAlavu gajEndra pAla (ramAbhirAmA)
पग सेयटु े ल ना पाल नी

वगलेल िवड जालव ु गजे पाल (रामािभराम)

Why do You display all Your anger at me? Why won’t you leave Your deception?
Oh Lord who saved the king of elephants !

nI sommu nEnaDaga lEdu ninDu

mOsamau prapancamandAsa lEdu (rAmAbhirAmA)

नी सॊ ु न ेनडुग ले िनण्डु

मोसमौ ूपमास ले (रामािभराम)

I did not ask for Your wealth. I have no desire for this world and its "sukhams",
which cause nothing but disappointment and sorrow at the end.

Aasa nI yeDa tanakupOdu nija

dAsa rakshaka ninuvinA gatiyu lEdu (rAmAbhirAmA)

आस नीयॆड तनकु पो िनज

दास रक्षक िनन ु िवना गितय ु ले (रामािभराम)

The attachment that I have for You will never diminish. Oh Lord, who protects
Your true bhaktA-s! I do not have any recourse except You.

nI sarisamAna mevarilalO rAma

nIrajadhaLAksha chikkitirA nI valalO (rAmAbhirAma)

नी सिर समानमॆविरललो राम

नीरज दळाक्ष िचिितरा नी वललो (रामािभराम)

Who is there to match You in this world? rAmA! Oh Lord with lotus soft eyes! I

have been caught in the net of Your bhakti.

kallalADani teliya lErA nI

Valla nEramu kAni ne nIku vErA? (rAmAbhirAma)

कलाडिन तॆिलय लेरा नी-

व न ेरम ु कािन न े नीकु वेरा (रामािभराम)

I had no idea that You are a liar or a deceitful One, the fault is because of You,
otherwise am I an alien to You? Why this delay?

SrIpatE nanu marava tagunA idi

pApamE kAni eDabAya manasagunA (rAmAbhirAmA)

ु इिद
ौी पित नन ु मरव तगना

पापमे कािन ऎडबाय मनसगना (रामािभराम)

Oh Lord of SrI dEvi! Is it fair to forget me? It is all due to my inauspicious

past deeds and my mind however will not consent to forget You.

AjAnu bAhu karamIrA SrI

tyAgarAjuni bhavAbdhi dAtinciparamIrA (rAmAbhirAmA)

आजान ु बा कर(मी)रा ौी

ु भवाि दािटि परमीरा (रामािभराम)


Please extend Your long hands stretching all the way to Your knees and lift me
up. Please also grant the boon for this tyAgarAjan to cross the ocean of

After hearing the appeal of prahlAdan, SrI hari wanted to know more about the
bhakti path of prahlAdan and addressed him this way.
In this world, the same conduct is hailed as honorable at one time and
dishonorable at another time. Except you, I do not know any one who has always
the equi-poised conductance of himself.

Be it Sarasvathi's husband or whomever, I will not accept him, if he has bhEda

buddhi. I become bound to the one, whose tattva anubhavam blends with his
bhakti. Then, the bhaktan and Myself become one.

After hearing the Lord, prahlAdan wanted to share his mind's anubhavams this

Oh Lord saluted by nandan, Your servant in SrI vaikuNTham! Oh Lotus-eyed
One ! Oh the most beautiful One! Oh Lord who helps the entire world! Even if
there are so many "gods", my mind has been totally immersed in You and You

alone. Did You not recognize this earlier?

7f9902e22f80/9.Dhaya-raa-nI mp4 downloadable version

daya rAni daya rAni dASarathI rAma

दय रािन दय रािन दाशरथी राम

daSaratha rAmA! Hail (welcome) to Thy dayA! Hail to Thy dayA!

Eleven caraNam-s:

vivarimpa taramA raghuvIrAnandamu

िवविर तरमा रघवीरानम ु

Oh raghuvIrA! How can I describe my great joy?

talacitE mEnella pulakarincEnu rAma

ु न ु राम
ॆ पलकिरॆ
तलिचते मेन

When I think of You, my body has rOmaharshaNam/puLakAngitam.

kanukonAnandamai kannIru niNDenu

कनकॊननानमै की िनण्डॆन ु

My eyes shed tears over the joy of seeing You.

Aasincu vELa jagamanta trNamAyEnu

आिस ु वेळ जगम तृणमायॆन ु

When I experience bhakti for You, the whole world feels worthless like a blade

of grass.

caraNa kougili vELa calaga maimaracenu

चरण कौिगिल वेळ चॆलिग मै मरचॆन ु

When I embrace Your holy feet, my mind loses all reality and is totally lost to
the outside world (mey maRanthu pOkiREn).

centanuNDaga nAdu cintalu tolagenu

चॆनण्डग ना िच तॊलगॆन ु

When You are next to me, all my worries are banished.

marmahInalu kUDa karmamananaiyyEnu

ु कू ड कमर्मननॆन ु
ममर् हीनल
I consider it my misfortune, when I have to be in the company of those, who do
not comprehend Your inner tattvam (ISwara tattvam as the Lord of the
Universe and its indweller).

tanakai SrIrAmAvatAramettitivO

तनकै ौी रामावतारमॆिितवो

Did You take on rAmAvatAram for me alone?

nAvaNTi dAsulua brOva veDalitivO

ु ॄोव वॆडिलितवो
नाविण्ट दासल

Did You arrive here on earth just to protect Your bhaktAs like myself?

mUDu mUrtulakAdi mUlamu nIvE rAma

र्ु कािद मूलम ु नीवे राम

मूडु मूतल

You are the Adi daivam for the trimUrti-s.

SrI tyagarAjuni celikADu nIvE rAma

ु चॆिलकाडु नीवे राम

ौी ागराजिन

Oh rAmA! You are the true friend of tyAgarajan.

After prahlAdan explained his antaranga anubhavams, SrI hari wanted to know
about the inner workings of prahlAdan's mind and addressed him this way:


Oh prahlAdA ! You spoke because of your resoluteness and determination to

fulfill your wish and I am not responsible for your mental sufferings. They say

that the mind of the Supreme Being is soft like butter and melts, when He sees
the true bhaktan. Oh son of Asura King! Do you not know about this?

alas! I do not understand your mental agitations even now fully. Oh child! Please
explain what is on your mind for the people of the world to understand.


When SrI hari said this way, prahlAdan realized that this topic cannot be
avoided anymore and articulated his inner most thoughts buried deep in his
mind this way:


Oh Lotus-eyed One! I will tell you the wishes that I have in my mind always.
Please listen. Oh Lord who protects the weak and helpless! Oh Lord of the
devAs! You are like the Sun to the Lotus, candran to the Ambal (kumuda)
pushpam and like husband to a chaste woman.

Oh Lord of bhU dEvi! Oh Lord who is beautiful like manmathan! Oh Lord of

delightful face! Oh abode of all sattva guNams! Oh prabhu who resides in the
heart of all sAdu janam-s! Oh pAvana nAmA! Oh Lord who chases away one's
assembly of sins! kaNNA ! I will ask You a boon with love in my heart.


dayasEyavayyA sadaya rAmacandra

दय सेयवा सदय राम च
Oh rAmacandra of infinite mercy ! Please grant me the boon that I desire with

anupallavi :

dayanu koncamaina nADu

talacucunna sItA sukhamu (daya sEyavayyA)

दयन ु कॊॆमनै नाडु

ु 
तलचच ु सीता सखम
ु ु (दय सेयवा)

Please grant me even the miniscule portion of the dayA and Anandam that You
conferred on sItA pirATTi in days of yore.

Five caraNam-s:

kshitinAthula rAkayu

sammati lEka SrI sAkEta

pati rADEyana vacunanina

satiki kalgina Anandamu (daya sEyavayyA)

SrI sitA - SrI rAma svayamvaram
Artwork Courtesy: Sou R Chitralekha 156
ु राकय ु सित
िक्षित नाथल

लेक ौी साके त

पित राडेयन वनिनन

सितिक किनयानम ु (दय सेयवा)

During Her svayamvaram, many kings attended and yet the prince from
ayodhi had not yet arrived. The worried sItA shared this with worry with Her
friends and they told Her that He is on the way and sItA pirATTi became
immensely happy. Oh rAmA! Can’t You grant me the fraction of the Anandam
that sItA pirATTi experienced at that time?

celiyarO nA vale nAthunaku
galarEmO rAlEdani jAli

telisi mrokkukoni brOvu vELa

baliminineduraina sukhamu (daya sEyavayyA)

चॆिलयरो ना वलॆ नाथनु कु

गलरेमो रालेदिन जािल

तॆिलिस ॆॊुकॊिन ॄोव ु वेळ

ु ु
बिलिमिननॆरैन सखम (दय सेयवा)

Oh dear friends! To My Lord, there are many wives like Me. He has not arrived
therefore at the svayamvara sabhA and sItA devi felt sad over this thought.
The friends consoled Her fruitlessly. Then suddenly, rAmacandran arrived at
the court of Her father and sItA DEvi was thrilled with joy at the sight of
rAma. tyAgarAja swAmi asks here through prahlAdA to bless him with a
miniscule of joy that sItA pirATTi experienced, when She saw rAma arriving at
the court.

koncemI rUpamA villu

vancakUDaga pOnOyani

enci jAli jenda mEnu

penci kanipincinaTla (daya sEvyavayyA)

कॊॆमी पमा िवु

व कू डक पोनोयिन

ऎि जािल जॆ मेन ु

पॆि किनिपिनट्ल (दय सेयवा)

sItA wonderd whether rAma, who looked like a young boy could lift and string

the Siva dhanush to win Her hand in the contest. She became worried. At that
time, You showed her alone Your viSva rUpam and She became ecstatic with
joy. tyAgarAja swAmi asks here through prahlAdA for the boon of experiencing
an iota of that joy experienced by sItA dEvi.

eTTi vArikaina doraka

naTTi janakajanu boTTu

kaTTi karamu paTTu vELa

kAntakunna sukhamu tanaku (daya sEyavayya)

ऎिवािरकै न दॊरक-

नि जनकजन ु बॊ ु

कि करम ु प ु वेळ

काकु सखम
ु ु तनकु (दय सेयवा)

rAmA! When You garlanded sItA, who could not be won over by any except You
and when You held Her hand in marriage (paNigrahaNam), She was immensely

joyous. May You bless me with a small portion of Her joy !

kOrina vAralanu nEnI

rIti brOtunani sabha

vAralaku teliya jEyu

dAri tyAgarAjunaku (daya sEyavayyA)

कोिरन वारलन ु नने ी

रीित ॄोतनु िन सभ

वारलकु तॆिलय जेय ु

ु ु
दािर ागराजनक (दय सेयवा)
Oh rAmA! Please reveal to tyAgarAjan how You inform the world about Your
vratam of protecting without fail anyone who sought Your sacred feet as their


prahlAdan begged the Lord to bless him with the same bhakti that sItA had for
Her Lord. He knew SrI hari is without desire or hatred and vowed this way:


aDiyEn begs You and prostrates before You. Please listen to my vow without
refusing it. If the upadeSam I received from sage nAradar is true, then You
should not deceive me.


vowing like this, prahlAdan continued.


He fell at the tender feet of SrI hari and offered his praNAmam-s with his
mind filled with joy as a son who saw his lost mother again and hari held the
hands of prahlAdan and lifted him up.

sanaka and other rSis whispered in the background: "prahlAdan is one who has
crossed the ocean of samsAram now".


SrI hari saw prahlAdan, the loftiest among His bhAgavatAs who was totally
immersed in bhakti towards Him and was like the moon arising from the ocean
of bhakti and hari blessed prahlAdan.


The compassionate lotus-eyed Lord, who is without beginning or end and who is
always under the influence of bhaktA-s lifted prahlAdan up and with great
affection placed him on His lap and embraced him closely to the jingling sound
of His AabharaNams on His wrists.


After that, SrI hari spoke these words to test prahlAdan.


I have not seen until now the confluence of jn~Anam, vairAgyam and bhakti in
one person. Oh prahlAdA! Only in you, I am seeing such a union. There is none
equal to you.

prahlAdA! Oh blemishless one! Listen! I debated with you to know what is on
your mind through your own words. I am very pleased and happy now. All of your
desired wishes will come true and all I am thinking about for you will also be
realized. asura kumArA! May you live with peace and sukham! May you live as
long as there is the Sun, the Moon and the universe! May you enjoy great joy
and live in tranquil state with freedom from diseases!

prahlAdan worshipped SrI hari now with sixteen upAcArams for fulfilling his
wishes. SrI hari is the protector of the devotees, the parama purushan and the
carAcara rUpan (the Lord of sentients and insentients), who adorns the
Sankham and cakram, who has the beautiful eyes resembling the soft lotus, the
ancient One (purANa purushan), who has the divine tEjas, who is of enchanting
beauty in all the three worlds (jaganmOhanAkAran), who adorns the
pItAmbaram, vanamAlai, Who is without beginning, middle or end and Who is
Atma rAman.

pallavi :


brahmAnanda nityAnanda sadAnanda paramAnanda

आनमानमायॆन ु

ॄान िनान सदान परमान

I have gained great bliss. This is brahmAnandam! This is lasting (nitya) Anandam

and sadAnandam!

Nine caraNam-s:

SrIrAma nE dhanyuDaitini Ananda

nIradhilOnIdanaitini rAma

sAreku nI vADani pEru kaluganaitini (Ananda)

ु ितिन आन
ौी राम न े धडै

नीरिधलोनीदन ैितिन राम

सारॆकु नी वाडिन पेकगन ैितिन (आन)

SrI rAmA! I have become a dhanyan (blessed one) today. I am swimming in the

ocean of bliss. I have also gained the title of belonging to You always.

AnATi modalu ninnE vEDiti dushTa

mAnavula celimi vIDiti nA

mAnamE nIdu bhAramanucunu talaciti (Ananda)

आ नािट मॊद िन ु वेिडित 

ु चॆिलिम वीिडित ना

ु नु ु तलिचित (आन)
मानमे नी भारमनच

From an early time, I worshipped You and sought Your refuge. I discarded the
company of dushTAs (wicked ones) thoroughly. I considered that my honor is
Your responsibility.

pApamulaku bhayamanditi hrt

tApamulella calla jEsiti rAma

nI pAdamuramunanunci pUjincanaiti (Ananda)

ु कु भयमिित

ु ॆ चजेिसित राम

ु पूिजन ैित (आन)

नी पादमरु मनु नि

I dreaded sins. I controlled the tApam-s of my heart. I placed Your sacred

feet in my heart and worshipped them.

kalikiyAsalu rOsinAramuyI

kaliki bratuku nAmasaramuyiTlu

paliki paliki tolagi bAya vicAramu (Ananda)

किलिकयास रोिसनारमयु ी
ु ु नामसारमिु यट्
किलिन ॄतक

पिलिक पिलिक तॊलिग पोयॆ िवचारम ु (आन)

I destroyed my desire for women. I recognized that in the Kali yugam, Your
name is the basis for auspicious living. I learnt that we have to repeat and
reflect on this nAma sankIrtanam to gain freedom from sorrows.

ilalO sukhamulEmAyenuyaNTE

kalakanna bhAgya candamAyenu ninnu

kolicidhyAninci telusukoNTi nI mAyanu (Ananda)

ु ल
इललो सखम ु
ु ेमायॆनयण्टे

कल क भाग्य चमायॆन ु िन ु

कॊिलिच ािनि तॆसकॊिण्ट नी मायन ु (आन)

The sukham-s of this world are like the wealth acquired in one's dreams. I
worshipped You, meditated on You to understand this mystery about wealth's

non-lasting nature.

nIyandamu kani sokkitin

eDa bAyani prEma cEta jikkiti nA

prAyamulella nIpAlu cEsi mrokkiti (Ananda)

नीयमनु ु किन सॊिित-

नॆड बायिन ूेम चेत िजिित ना

ु ॆ नी पा चेिस ॆॊिित (आन)


aDiyEn got caught in the net of Your beauty, lost my mind and have been linked
to You with inseparable love. aDiyEn has dedicated my whole life to You and am
worshipping You always.

naluvakainanindrukainanu candra

kalanu dharincu vArikaikananu rAma

talacinadella ceppa taramA nOTiki rAdu (Ananda)

नवकै ननिनु कैनन ु च

कलन ु धिर ु वािनकै नन ु राम

तलिचनदॆ चॆ तरमा नोिटिक रा (आन)

Can brahmA, indran or Lord Siva succeed in articulating with their tongues all
the bliss they experience in their mind (regarding Your divya soundaryam) ?

anyamugA jUDa tOcenA ganuka

dhanyOhamani palka yOcanA

mUrdhanyulaina bhaktAnudvAnta virOcana (Ananda)

अमगु ा जूड तोचॆना गनक

धोहमिन प योचना

ु न भाना
र् लै
मूध ु िवरोचन (आन)

Oh Lord who removes the darkness of sorrow form Your bhakta SikhAmaNi-s !
Did you think of considering me as a stranger? If not, I wont fear to call myself
as a dhanyan (bhAgyaSAli).

rAjasa guNamu mAniti rAma

nIjapamunumadi bUniti tyAga

rAju cEsina puNya rASiyaniyenciti (Ananda)

ु नु ु मािनित राम
राजस गणम

नी जपमनु ु मिद पूिनित ाग-
राज ु चेिसन पण्य
ु रािशयिनयॆिित (आन)

aDiyEn has abandoned my rAjasa guNam. aDiyEn has retained Your nAma japam
in my mind. I am emboldened to think that You are the assembly of puNyam-s
accumulated by tyAgarAjan.


prahlAdan was filled with ecstasy and sang mangaLam for the Lord this way:

pallavi :

jayamangaLam nitya Subha mangaLam

जय मंगळं िन शभु मंगळं

Hail to Thee! mangaLam! Always mangaLam to You!

jaya mangaLam! - SrI prahlAda varadar in mohini alankAram

HH prakrtam SrImad azhagiya singar performing ArAdanam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi and SrI R Veeraraghavan swAmi

Three caraNam-s

karuNA rasAkshaya kAmAri vinutAya

taruNAruNAti sundara padAya

nirupama SarIrAya nikhilAgama carAya

sura vinuta caritAya suvratAya (jaya mangaLam)

कणा रसाक्षाय कामािर िवनताय

ु पदाय
तणाणाित सर

िनपम शरीराय िनिखलागम चराय

सरु िवनतु चिरताय सोताय

ु (जय मंगळं )

mangaLam to the Lord with dayA-laden eyes! mangaLam to the One eulogized by
Lord Sivan! mangaLam to the One with beautiful light red feet resembling the
color of sUryan at Dawn! mangaLam to the Lord with unmatched deha
soundaryam! mangaLam to the Lord, Who moves amidst all vedA-s! mangaLam to
the Lord, Whose vaibhavam/caritam is eulogized by all the devA-s! mangaLam to
the Lord with auspicious vows/vratam-s!

kunda sama radanAya kumbhaja sugEyAya

mandarAga dharAya mAdhavAya

kandarpajanakAya kAmita suphaladAya
brndArakArAti bhIkarAya (jaya mangaLam)

कु सम रदनाय कुज सगे

ु याय

मराग धराय माधवाय

कप र् जनकाय कािमत स-फलदाय

बृारकाराित भीकराय (जय मंगळं )

mangaLam to the Lord with dazzling white teeth like the white mullai flower!
mangaLam to the Lord, Whose vaibhavam is sung by sage agastya very well!
mangaLam to the Lord, who carried the mandara mountain on His back during
kUrmAvatAram! mangaLam to the Lord, the divine consort of SrI devi!
mangaLam to the Lord, who is the father of manmathan! mangaLam to the Lord,
who grants all desired boons to His bhaktA-s! mangaLam-s to the Lord, who
causes fears to the enemies of the devA-s!

sarva lOka hitAya sAkEta sadanAya

nirvikArAya mAnita guNAya

sArvabhaumaya pOshita tyAgarAjAya

nirvANa phaladAya nirmalAya (jaya mangaLam)

सवर् लोक िहताय साके त सदनाय

िनिवर्काराय मािनत गणाय

सावर्भौमाय पोिषत ागराजाय

िनवार्ण फलदाय िनमर्लाय (जय मंगळं )

mangaLam to the Lord, Who confers auspiciousness on the beings of the world!
mangaLam to the Lord, who resides in ayOdhyA! mangaLam to the Lord, who
does not undergo any changes (vikAram-s)! mangaLam to the Lord with praise-
worthy Subha guNams! mangaLam to the king of kings

(sArvabhouman)! mangaLam-s to the protector of tyAgarAja! mangaLam-s to

the Lord, who is the grantor of mukti! mangaLam to the Lord, who is

||caturthAngamu samAptamu||

||Fourth act completed||



As prahlAda swAmi enjoyed the sevai of SrI hari and considered the world as a
worthless blade of grass and as he laid immersed in the ocean of bliss, SrI hari
decided to test the mind of His bhaktan further:


Oh prahlAdA! It appears to Me the rest in the minds of My bhaktAs is better

than resting on AdiSeshan in the milky ocean. The heart lotus of that bhaktan
seems to be more lofty than My Adilakshmi at SrI vaikuNTham. It occurs to
Me that residence in the minds of My bhaktA-s is better than constant
residence in sUryan and candran. The minds of My bhaktA-s appear preferable
to the nice minds of those performing rAja yogam.

prahlAdA! I told My dear consort, mahA lakshmi that I will stay on the throne
of Your heart always. It is a long time since I left Her behind. I will return. I
have to go now. Please do not become sorrowful over my absence. I will come


Having heard the words of the Lord that He is going to leave him, prahlAdan's
mind became sad with a mixture of wonder, fear and duhkham. He said:


As I was swimming in the ocean of joy, SrI hari, who destroys the pride of
asurA-s, declared the words suddenly that hurt my ears badly and I reached a
state of weakness. Oh what sorrow-causing words I have heard! What bad

deeds caused this! He looked at SrI hari and spoke.


These are the words spoken again by prahlAdan.


Oh the substratum of this universe! The bhAgyam of looking at Your divine face
alone would be sufficient for me. I do not need this body, parents and brothers,
if I am condemned to be separated from You even for a minute.


nannu viDaci kadalakurA rAmayyA vadalakurA

न ु िविडिच कदलकुरा राम वदलकुरा

Oh rAmayya! Please do not go away from my side even for a moment. Please do
not abandon me.


ninnu bAsiyara nimishamOrvanurA (nannu)

िन ु बािसयर िनिमषमोवर्नरा (न)ु

I cannot be without You even for half a second.

Four caraNam-s:

abdhilO munigi SvAasamunu paTTi

ANi mutyamu kannaTlAye SrIramaNa (nannu)

अिलो मिु निग ासमनु ु पि

ु म ु कट्लायॆ ौी रमण
आिण म (न)ु

Oh Lord of SrI dEvi ! My status is like one, who holds his breath, dives deep in
the ocean and returns to the surface with a high quality pearl.

taramugAniyeNDa vELa kalpa

taru nIDa doriginaTlAyenI vELa (nannu)

तरम ु कािनयॆण्ड वेळ क
त नीड दॊिरिगनट्लायॆनी वेळ (न)ु

Oh Lord! My status is like that of the fortunate one, who benefitted from
staying under the shade of the karpaka tree while the entire world is
experiencing the horror of the scorching sun.

vasudhanu khananamu cEsi dhana

bhANDamabbina rIti kanukoNTi DAsi (nannu)

ु ु खननम ु चेिस धन

भाण्डमिन रीित कनकॊिण्ट डािस (न)ु

I have gained You like the miner who dug up the earth and came across a buried

bAguka nannElukommuyila

tyAgarAja nuta tanuvu nI sommu (nannu)

बागगु नेकॊिु यल

“aDiyEn is Your property!”
SrI prahlAda varadar in nAcciyAr tirukkolam - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi and SrI R Veeraraghavan swAmi 172
ागराज नतु तनवु ु नी सॊ ु (न)ु

Please accept me with honor. This body of tyAgarAjan is Your property.

vadalu tagiliyunna vELa goppa

vaDa-gaNDlu gurusinaTlAyenI vELa (nannu)

ु वेळ गॊ
वड तिगिलय

वड-गण् ु कुिरिसनट्लायॆनी वेळ (न)ु

It is as if, there is a heavy hailstorm in the middle of the worst draught. Oh

Lord rAmacandrA ! Please do not move away from me !

sanakar and the rSis recite now a Slokam from the ayOdhyA kANDam of
vAlmIki rAmAyaNam:53.31
na ca sItA tvyAhInA na cAhamapi rAghava

muhUrtamapi jIvAvO jalAn matsyAvivOddhrtau

nahi tAtam naSatrughnam nasumitrAm parantap

drashTumicceya madyAham svargam vApitvyAvinA

न च सीता या हीना न चाहमिप राघव ।

मु र्मिप जीवावो जलाािववोृतौ ।। 2.53.31 ।।

न िह तातं न शऽु ं न सिमऽां

ु परप ।

ििु मेयमाहं ग वािप या िवना ।। 2.53.32 ।।

Oh rAmA! Myself and sItA dEvi cannot survive after separation from You just
as the fish cannot live after being separated from the water.

Oh rAmA! In the event of separation from You, I have no desire to see our
Father, Satrughnan, sumitrai or svargam.


SrI hari performed tattva upadeSam now to prahlAdan, who had declared that
he could not survive even for a fraction of minute after separation from Him.


Oh prahlAdA! Please listen to the secrets of My mind. Is it not true that I

shine in the hearts of My bhaktA-s with a beautiful rUpam, speak to them
auspicious words, bless them with the boons they desire and sport among the
objects of sentient and insentient worlds? I have never been caught by any one
as I have been caught by You now. I would like to see the daughter of the king
of Oceans once and then return to Your side.

What SrI hari said again is:

I will rush back to you in three days from SrI vaikuNTham. Thus He comforted
prahlAdan and slowly arose.

prahlAdan sensed these deceitful words of SrI hari with the intention of
traveling elsewhere and he spoke back with great sorrow.


As SrI hari of moon-like beautiful face moved slowly away while turning back to
look at prahlAdan often, prahlAdan spoke to the Lord with great agitation.




anduNDakanE vEga vaccedanani nApainAna peTTi pOrA

अण्डकन े वेग वॆदनिन नाप ैनान पॆि पोरा

Oh SrI hari! Please vow before me that that You will not stay at SrI
vaikuNTham but will return quickly to my side.


mandaradhara nIvAptulatO kUDi

maracitE yEmi sEtunE O rAghava (andu)

मर धर नीवालतो कू िड
मरिचतेयिे म सेतनु े ओ राघव

Oh Lord who carried mandara mountain on Your back ! Oh rAghavA ! What will I
do, if You join with Your bandhu janam-s (at SrI vaikuNTham) and forget me?

Three caraNam-s :

kanavalenanu vELa lEkunnna kannIru

kAluvagA pArunE

inakulAdhipa nIvu rAnu tAmasamaitE

nillu vAkiliyouanE O rAghavA

कनवलॆनन ु वेळ लेकु की

कावगा पान े

इन कुलािधप नीव ु रान ु तामसमैत-े

िनु वािकिलयौन े ओ राघव

Oh SrI hari! When I want to have Your darSanam and if You are not to be seen,
my eyes flood with tears like the water in a canal. Oh scion of the sUrya kulam!
If You delay Your return, my meekness will become public and I will become a
laughing stock.

nirupamAnadha Sayyapai lEkuNTE

nimishamu yugamounE

paramAtmA nIvu kAnaka bhramasinavELa

parulu navvuTa kounE O rAghavA

िनपमान शप ै लेकुण्टे

िनिमषम ु यगु मौन े

परमा नीव ु कानक ॅमिसन वेळ

प नटु कौन े ओ राघव

Oh rAghavA! When You are not present on the blissful bed of my heart lotus,
every minute stretches like an yugam. Oh Supreme One! If You disappear
without a trace, I will become the object of ridicule for all.

paramabhaktiyu nAprAyamulella dhanujula

pAlugA pOnounE

varada SrI tyAgarAjArcita padayuga

vAridhi mundaranE O rAghAva

परम भिय ु ना ूायमल ु ल

ु ॆ दनज ु

पागा पोनौन े

वरद ौी ागराजािचर्त पद यगु

ु र न े ओ राघव
वािरिध म

should my devotion (bhakti) for You and my life go to waste in the company of
asurAs? Oh vardarAjA! Oh Lord whose sacred feet are worshipped by
tyAgarAja! Please do not be at the other side of the ocean (away from me).


When prahlAdan asked Him to vow to return and then leave, SrI hari, Who is
under the control of His bhaktA-s spoke comforting words.


I will return as per My promise to you, child! Please do not have sorrow over
this. All My thoughts are with You. My body roams here and there sportingly.
Saying thus, SrI hari disappeared.


At the disappearance of SrI hari's soothing words, prahlAdan sunk into an

ocean of grief and shed copious tears and forgot himself and spoke as in a


prahlAdan lamented in his state of confusion arising from the disappearance of

SrI hari, looked at the direction He went, shouted "mAdhavA" and with an
agitated mind thought of the Lord and spoke in broken voice.


I have become an orphan like the boy, who does not have his mother by his side
to comfort him. Without SrI hari standing next to me, I experience the deep

sorrow of a pativratai (chaste woman), who does not see her husband in her
home. I am feeling like a cakravAka bird that is all alone after the Sun has set
and the darkness envelops. Like a cow with a parched throat from lack of water
to drink, I am gripped by my sorrow over losing SrI hari.

Did brahma devan write all these sufferings on my forehead? What can I do?
How long will I suffer? Is it just idle speech when I say that I will be united
with Him soon ? How am I going to see the Lord of lakshmi soon?



Emani vEgintunE SrI rAma rAma

एमिन वेिगनु े ौी राम राम

How can I bear this sorrow and suffer? rAma, rAma!


Emani vEgintunentani sairintu

nA muddu dEvuDu nanu bAsenayyayyO

एमिन वेिगनु 
ॆ िन स ैिर ु

ना मु ु देवडु ु नन ु बासॆनो

How will I bear this suffering? For how long can I bear this? Alas! My beautiful

Lord has left me and gone away.
The Beautiful Lord! - SrI prahlAda varadar - SrI ahobilam
Picture Courtesy: SrI A Vasudevan swAmi

paalinci lAlinci palumAru kaugilinci

tElinci nanu paradeSi sEya tOcenO

पािलि लािलि पमा कौिगिलि

तेिलि नन ु परदेिश सेय तोचॆनो

After protecting me, celebrating me, embracing me and consoling me many

times, today He has made me an orphan and an outsider with a hard heart.

ADina muccaTa nAdantarangamu niNDa

nIDu lEdaniyuNTinindAka sarivArilO

ु ट नादरंगम ु िनण्ड-
आिडन म

नीडु लेदिनयिु ण्टिनाक सिरवािरलो

I was proud from His nectarine words that filled my heart and believed
that there is no one comparable to me in this world.

eDabAyaka tyAgarAjunElu SrI harini tolli

baDalikalArci nA ceyi paTTinadi talacucu

ऎड बायक ागराजनु े ौी हिरिन तॊि

ु ु
बडिलकलािचर् ना चॆिय पिनिद तलचच

How am I going to comfort myself now thinking over the separation from the
Lord Who rules over me without interruption, Who in the past removed my
fatigue and uplifted me?

There is no sorrow greater than being rich once and then suffer as a poor man.
There is no misfortune greater than that of a chaste woman, when her husband
leaves her in favor of another woman. There is no sadness greater than an
enlightened AcArya getting a dullard as his Sishyan. For the eyes that
have seen SrI hari, the sorrow arising from seeing others is incomparable. This
day when I have lost SrI hari is the most sorrowful day. hari! hari! How can I
bear this? What can I do? Is it fair for Him to leave me alone and disappear?
Is there no one, who can speak on my behalf to this primordial Lord?

Thus, immersed in the ocean of sorrow, prahlAdan said again:



enta pApinaitinEmi sEyudu hA

ElAgu tALudunE O rAma!

ऎ पािपन ैितन ेिम सेयु हा

एलाग ु ताळु न े ओ राम
What a worse sinner I have become? What can I do? Alas! how can I
suffer? Oh rAma!


anta duHkhamulanu dIrcu harini jUci

entavAraina bAya sahinturE

ु न ु तीच र्ु हिरिन जूिच

अ :खमल

ऎ वारैनन ु बाय सिहरेु

Whoever will stay separated from SrI hari after seeing Him, Who destroys all

Four caraNam-s :

maccikatO tAnumuccaTADi mOsa

bucciyEca madi vaccenO kaTakaTA

मिकतो तान ु म
ु टािड मोस

ु च मिद वॆनो कटकटा

Alas! What came over Him to make me suffer after speaking all those endearing
words to me?

AsaminciyAyAsa baDanu vidhi

vrAsunA nA muddu vEsuni gAnamE

आस िमि आयासपडन ु िविध

ु ना मु ु वेसिन
ोासना ु कानमे

Has brahma devan written in my head that I should suffer because of my

excessive love for the Lord? If not, why am I suffering through separation
from my beautiful Lord?

sEva jEyuTE jIvanamaniyuNTi

daivamA nApAli bhAgyamiTlAyenE

सेव जेयटु े जीवनमिनयिु ण्ट

दैवमा नापािल भाग्यिमट्लायॆन े

I stay committed to perform kaimkaryam for My Lord all my life. Oh Lord! My

fortune has turned this miserable way!

rAjillu SrI tyAgarAju tA pongucu

pUjincu SrI raghurAjindu lEnandukenta

ु ु
रािजु ागराज ु ता पगच

पूिज ु ौी रघ ु रािज लेनकॆ 

Through the absence of SrI raghurAjan here worshipped by tyAgarAjan of

lustrous mind, what a sinner I have become?


After many kinds of appeals laced with sorrow, prahlAdan could not get to see
the Lord and began to think about the permanent places of residence of the all-
pervasive bliss and jn~Anam principle, SrIman nArAyaNa mUrti.

Slokam :

nAham vasAmi vaikunThe na yogi hrdayeravou

madbhaktA yatra gAyanti tatra tishTAmi nArada

I do not reside in SrI vaikuNTham. I do not reside in the middle of the Sun's
orbit or in the hearts of yogi-s. I stay there wherever My devotees sing about
my vaibhavam.

hari appears before His devotees, who perform arcanai-s for Him to the limit
of the strength of their arms and have His darSanam to the full satisfaction of
their eyes. He is close to those pious devotees, who decorate Him well and
offer Him ghee, milk and other delectable victuals as naivedhyam. He rests His
head on the laps of those bhaktA-s, who offer Him sweet tAmbUlam and wish
to embrace Him tightly. He lives closely to the j~nAni-s, who understand clearly
the fruits of His taking saguNa avatAram-s.

prahlAdan who understood very well these tattvam-s started his journey to
find hari with tears welling in his eyes and a softened heart.


Afterwards prahlAdan recognized the truism of the Lord residing in the heart
lotuses of parama bhAgavatA-s and began to sing with alacrity the ananta
kalyANa guNam-s of the Lord.

“SrI hari lives in the hearts of the j~nAni-s!”
HH prakrtam SrImad azhagiya singar - SrI ahobila maTham
Photo Courtesy: SrI A Vasudevan swAmi 184



O jagannAthayani nE pilicitE

O yani rA rAdA

ओ जगाथायिन न े िपिलिचते

ऒ यिन रा रादा
When I hail You as Oh jagannAthA, why wont You respond and come to me?


rAjIva nayana rAkEndu vadana

rAjillu sItA ramaNi hrt-sadana

राजीव नयन राके  वदन

रािजु सीता रमिण दन

Oh lotus-eyed One! Oh One who has the face like beautiful full Moon! Oh Lord
who resides in the heart lotus of sItA pirATTi! why wont You respond to my call
and come to my side?

Three caraNam-s:
idi vELa kAdu yika tALapOdu

madini nIvE kAni mari gati lEdu

इिद वेळ का ियक ताळ पो

मिदिन नीवे कािन मिर गित ले

Is it not this the time for You to respond? I cannot bear it anymore. There is
no recourse for my mind except You.

iravonda rAkayinka parAkA

dora nIvEyanitOpika gAka

इरवॊ राकियंक पराका

दॊर नीवेयिनतोिपक गाक

Why won’t You come to me, when I call for You longingly and fulfill my heart's
desire? Why are You indifferent?

lAlincu rAjA ravikOTi tEja

lIlAvatAra pAlita tyAgarAja

लािल ु राज रिव कोिट तेज

लीलावतार पािलत ागराज

Oh Lord adored by me! Oh one with the lustre of crores of sUryans! Oh One
taking Your avatArams as a sport! Oh Protector of tyAgarAjA!


Even after the many kinds of sincere appeals by prahlAdan, SrI hari did not
appear before him. Now prahlAdan turned to the assembled bhaktA-s with
intense sorrow about the details on why SrI hari does not respond.

With great sorrow causing uncontrollable tears to well up in his eyes, he asked
the assembly of the bhAgavatA-s about the reasons for the matchless SrI hari
not appearing before him.


pallavi :

celimini jalajAkshu kaNTE

cepparayyA mIru

चॆिलिमिन जलजाक्ष ु कण्टे

चॆरा मी

Oh Sirs! Please tell me if you have seen the lotus-eyed Lord anywhere.


palumAru mrokkadanu dayatO
palukarayyA entO

पमा ॆॊॆ दन ु दयतो

पकरा ऎो

I prostrate before you all many times. Please tell me as much as you can.

Five caraNam-s

Sara cApamu karamunaniDi merayunayyA entO

karunA rasamu niNDina kannulayyA

शर चापम ु करमनु िनिड मॆरयनु ा ऎो

कणा रसम ु िनिण्डन कला

He will have the bow and arrows in His hand. He would have the mercy-laden

jUDa jUDa manasu kargeDu sumukhuDayyA bhaktula

jADa telisi mATalADeDu jANuDayyA

ु डु ा भुल
जूड जूड मनस ु करगे समु ख

जाड तॆिलिस माटलाडे जाणडु ा

The more and more you see Him, His sweet face will make your hearts melt.

SrngAruni bhAsi mEnu cikkaneyyA hari

cenkaTamunnE nAmadi cikkenayyA

ंगािन बािस मेन ु िचॆ ना हिर

ु े ना मिद िचॆ ना

चगट म

I have become thin due to my separation form Him. Even before that, I had lost

my mind to Him.

nAlOni jAlini palka jAlanayyA hari

mIlO mIrE telisi marmamiyyarayya

ना लोिन जािलिन प जाल(न)ा हिर

मीलो मीरे तॆिलिस ममर्िमरा

I cannot describe well the sorrow residing in my heart. Please feel it in your
own minds and describe the subtleties of this sorrow.

tyAgarAja sakhuDani talatunayyA mIru

bAguga nAyangalArpu bAparayyA

ागराज सखडु िन तलतनु ा मी

बागगु नायंगलाप र्ु बापरा

I consider Him as the friend of tyAgarAjan. Please take pity on me and

describe to Him my sufferings.


Moved by the many appeals of heart-broken prahlAdan and not being able to
bear the separation form His dear bhaktan, the Lord of all the devA-s, SrIman
nArAyaNan arrived in this manner at the abode of prahlAdan.


The Lord of crores of brahmA-s and rudrA-s, the primordial One, Who is the
quintessence of jn~Anam, Who follows the minds of His devotees, Who is the
Lord of adoration at His utsavam-s, Who rests on AdiSeshan, Who is the
Mother of all the universe and its beings, Who is the most generous One, that
consort of mahA lakshmi Who chases away the sorrows of His true bhaktA-s
arrived before prahlAdan with mahA lakshmi. His lustre defeated that of
crores of lightnings and He cast His most merciful glances on prahlAdan.


Integrating the essence of the beauties of the lightning, a gold creeper and
manmathan and defeating them all through His splendour, SrI hari rushed with
compassion towards prahlAdan and was seen by prahlAdan from quite
a distance.


Seeing the Lord, who is the embodiment of sattva guNam and blemishless mind,
having changeless jyOti that has no beginning or end and with saccidAnanda
svarUpam, prahlAdan prostrated before Lord rAmacandran accompanied by
sItA pirATTi and eulogized Him this way:



pAhi kalyANa rAma-pAvana guNa rAma

ु राम
पािह काण राम पावन गण

kalyANa rAmA! Oh Lord of blemishless guNams! Please protect aDiyEn!

“pAhi kalyANa rAmA!” - vaDuvUr SrI kodaNDaramar

{Picture Courtesy: SrI VaDuvUr Rajesh swAmi)
Fifteen caraNam-s :

nA jIvAdhAramu nA SubhAkAramu 

ना जीवाधारम ु ना शभु ाकारम ु

Oh the substrate of my life! Oh grantor of all auspiciousness for me!

nA nOmu phalamu nA mEnu phalamu 

ना नोम ु फलम ु ना मेन ु बलम ु

Oh the fruit of my vratam-s! Oh strength of my body!

nA vamSa dhanamu nAdaidO-tanamu 

ना वंश धनम ु नादैदो-तनम ु

Oh my kula dhanam! Oh the basis of my soumAngalyam (Oh my nAthan)!

nA cittAnandamu nA sukha kandamu 

ना िचानम ु ना सख
ु कम ु
Oh my heart's joy! Oh grantor of sukham for me !

nAdu santOshamu nA muddu vEshamu 

ना सोषम ु ना मु ु वेषम ु

Oh my bliss ! Oh One with the delectable body !

nA manOharamu nAdu SrngAramu 

ना मनो-हरम ु ना ंगारम ु

Oh Lord Who stole my heart! Oh the treasure house of beauty!

nA pAli bhAgyamu nAdu vairAgyamu

ना-पािल भाग्यम ु ना वैराग्यम ु

Oh my good fortune that protects me ! Oh My dispassion !

nAdu jIvanamu nAdu youvanamu 

ना जीवनम ु ना यौवनम ु

Oh my life! Oh My youth!

Aagama sAramu asura dUramu

आगम सारम ु असरु रम ु

Oh the meaning of vedA-s ! Oh One Who is remote from asurA-s!

mul-lOkAdhAramu mutyAla hAramu

ु ोकाधारम ु म
म ु ाल हारम ु

Oh the basis for all the three worlds! Oh beautiful pearl necklace!

dEvAdi daivamu durjanAbhAvamu

देवािद दैवम ु जर्नाभावम ु

Oh the Lord of the devA-s ! Oh destroyer of the evil ones!

paramaina brahmamu pApEbha simhamu

परमैन ॄम ु पापेभ िसम ु

Thou art para brahmam. Thou art the lion for the elephant named the sin.

idi nirvikalpamu ISvara janmamu

इिद िनिवर्कम ु ईर जम ु

You are changeless, You are the form of the Supreme Being.

idi sarvOnnatamu idimAyAtItamu

इिद सवतम ु इिद मायातीतम ु

This is the loftiest of all objects. This is beyond the forces of mAyA.

sAgara guptamu tyAgarAjAptamu

ु ु ागराजाम ु
सागर गम

You are hiding in the ocean. You are the benefactor of tyAgarAjA.


He is the basis of my life. He is the fruit of my vratam-s. He is the One

worshipped by indran and others. He is the One who saved me at the beginning.
He is the Supreme Lord. It is Him! It is Him!


The way in which prahlAdan had the sevai of the Lord, prostrated before Him
after becoming certain that the Lord before him is the Supreme Being, SrIman
nArAyaNan and got rid of all his doubts is :

When prahlAdan saw the Supreme Being, immediately, he fell with joy at His
sacred feet with tears in his eyes and felt like the child that came across its
mother, like the Aambal pushpam on seeing candran, like the lady who
encountered her lover, like the brahmin-s who saw the rise of the Sun.


This is the way SrI hari embraced prahlAdan with great dayA.


SrI hari received prahlAdan, placed him on His lap, embraced him and had
cheek to cheek contact and with happiness stated: "Oh prahlAdA! I am Your
support and succour. I am your rakshakan.” The world praised them and SrI
hari looked into the eyes of prahlAdan and they united together with the
conviction that there are no differences between them and both were
immersed in the ocean of joy.

Now prahlAdan immersed in the ocean of bliss looked at SrI hari and said :


“SrI hari lovingly placed bhakta prahlAdA on HIS lap!”
Artwork Courtesy:

mAyintidAkA--asAvEri--Adi--TVS (Dr BMK) sisters)


raaraa mAyiNTidAka raghuvIra

sukumAra mrokkedaraa

ु सक
रारा माियिण्टदाक रघवीर ु ु मार ॆॊॆ दरा

Oh raghuvIrA! Oh most beautiful One! Please come to my house. aDiyEn

prostrates before You.

raa raa daSaratha kumAra nannElukOrA

tALa lErA rAma

रारा दशरथ कुमार नेकोरा ताळ लेरा

Welcome, son of daSarathA! Please accept me. I cannot bear separation from
You anymore.

Three caraNam-s :

kOrina kOrke-konasAgakanE

nIraja nayana nI-dArini gani

vEsariti gAni-sAdhu janAvana

sAri veDali sAmi nEDaina

कोिरन कोक कॊनसागकने

नीरज नयन नी दािरिन किन

वेसािरित कािन साध ु जनावन

सािर वॆडिल सािम नडे नै

Oh Lotus-eyed One! Before my desires could be fulfilled, I saw You going away
and felt grief stricken. Oh Lord who protects sAdhu janam-s! please start
from Your home now and come to my home atleast now.

prodduna lEci puNyamu tOTi

buddhulu jeppi brOtuvu gAni

muddu gAru nI mOmuna jUcucu

vadda nilici vAramu pUjinceda

ूॊनु लेिच पण्यम ु तोिट

बु 
ु जॆि ॄोतवु ु कािन

मु ु का नी मोमनु ु जूचच

ु ु

व िनिलिच वारम ु पूिजॆद

Please come to my home so that You can instruct me with sanctity on all I
should do at the early morning and receive my worship next as I look at Your
youthful face while standing next to You.

dikku nIvanucu delisi nannu brOva

grakkuna rAvu karuNanu nIcE

jikkiyunnadella maraturAyika

SrI tyAgarAjuni bhAgyamA

ु ु तॆिलिस न ु ॄोव
िदु नीवनच

मुन राव ु कणन ु नीचे

ु दॆ मरतरु ाियक


ु भाग्यमा

Oh tyAgarAjA's good fortune! Knowing full well that You are my sole refuge,
would not You rush to my side with compassion? Have You forgotten again that
I am entwined with You?


brahma devan came down to earth to see this vaibhavam of the union of the
Lord and His bhaktA and to hear the joyous conversation between SrI hari and
prahlAdan this way :


brahma devan with the vAhanam of swan and who is eulogized by paramahamsa
sanyAsi-s travelled with great joy with His wife, saraswati, for the darSana
soubhAgyam of SrI hari, who destroyed the evil kamSan.


kamala bhavuDu veDale kanugonarE

कमल भवडु ु वॆडलॆ कनगॊनरे

Please see brahma devan born from the lotus arrive.


vimala hrdayamuna vishNuni talacucu

िवमल दयमनु िविु न तलचच

ु ु

Please see brahma arrive with dhyAnam of vishNu in his blemishless heart.

Three caraNam-s :

daNDamu paTTi kamaNDalamunu pUni

koNDADucunu kOdaNDapANini jUDa

दण्डम ु पि कमण्डलम ु पूिन

कॊण्डाडुचनु ु कोदण्ड पािणिन जूड

Holding the staff and the kamaNDalm in his hands and praising vishNu with his
tongue, brahma arrives to see SrI hari.

sAreku hari nAma sAramu krOlucu

dhIruDu nIradhi tIramunaku nEDu

सारॆकु हिर नाम सारम ु बोच ु

धीडु नीरिध तीरमनु कु नडे ु

The brave brahma drinking the essence of hari nAmam always is arriving at the
sea-shore now.

AajAnu bAhuDu amarEndra vinutuDu

rAjIvAkshuni tyAgarAaja nutuni jUDa

आजान-बाडु अमरे िवनतु डु ु

राजीवाक्षिु न ागराज नतु िु न जूड

brahma arrives to have the sevai of SrI hari with long arms. He arrives to have

the darSanam of the lotus-eyed SrI hari worshipped by tyAgarAjA and indrA.


The way in which devendran arrived from svarga lokam to see this eye filling
scene is :


Oh People! Please enjoy the way in which joyous indran decorated himself
beautifully and arrived majestically to have the darSanam of the Supreme
Being, who blesses one with limitless bliss.


dorakunAyani surula

dora veDalenu ganarE

दॊरकुनायिन सल

दॊर वॆडलॆन ु कनरे

Please see devendran arriving with wonder about his good fortune to have such

anupallavi :

karagu bangAru valva-gaTTi sommulu peTTi

hari sEva kanulAranantarangamunanu gana

करग ु बा व कि सॊ

ु पॆि

हिर सेव कनलारनरम ु नन ु कन

Is it easy to see SrI hari in ekAntam wearing golden pItAmbaram and exquisite

Three caraNam-s:

ghanamaina harinAma - gAnamonarinci

canavunanu harisEva salpanevvarikaina

घनमैन हिर नाम गानमॊनिरि

चनवु नु न ु हिर सेव सनॆिरकै न

Is it possible for anyone to have the bhAgyam of singing hari's nAmA-s and
perform kaimkaryam-s for SrI hari in a loving way ?

nEDu tana nOmu phalamIDErenani harini

pADucunu manasAra-vEDucunu sEvimpa

न ेडु तन नोम ु फलमीडेरॆनिन हिरिन

पाडुचनु ु मनसार वेडुचनु ु सेिव

Is it possible to eulogize SrI hari, praying to Him earnestly and thanking one's
good fortune to have the darSanam of Him today?

rAjamukhuDavnijA-ramaNitO celagaga

pUjincu SrI tyAgarAja sannutini gana

ु डु विनजा रमिणतो चॆलगग

राज मख

पूिज ु ौीागराज सतु िु न कन

Is it possible (within easy reach of every one) to see the lotus-eyed Lord with
mahAlakshmi worshipped by tyAgarAjan?

As the retinue of brahmA, indran and other devA-s enjoyed the sevaa of the

Lord with limitless Anandam, prahlAdan worshipped SrI hari with sixteen kinds
of upacAram-s.
The deities in the swarNa maNDapam - SrI ahobila maTham

Picture Courtesy: SrI Shreekrishna Akilesh swAmi


callarE rAmacandrunipai pUla

चरे रामचुिनप ै पूल

Please shower the flowers on rAmacandran!

Six caraNam-s:

sompaina manasutOnimpaina bangAru

gampalatO manci campakamulanu

सॊ ैन मनसतोिन ैन बा

ु नु
गलतो मि चकमल

With a heart filled with gratitude, please shower campaka flowers from the
golden baskets!

pAmaramula mAni nEmamutOnu

ramA manOharuni paini tAmara pUla

ु मािन नमे मतु ोन ु


रमा मनो-हिन प ैिन तामर पूल

Abandoning pApa karma-s, please shower lotus flowers on SrI lakshmi kAntan
with rigour!

I jagatini dEva-pUjArhamou pUla

rAjillu mElaina-jAji sumamUla

ई जगितिन देव पूजाहर्मौ पूल

रािजलो मेलन ु ल
ै जािज समम ु

Please shower on the Lord the jAti pushpam-s, which are best for deva pUjA!

amita parAkrama dyu-maNi kulArNava

vimala candrunipai hrt-kumuda sumamulu

अिमत पराबम -ु मिण कुलाणर्व

िवमल चुिनप ै ुमदु समम

ु लु

The deities at SrI ahobila maTham, Chembur
Picture Courtesy: SrI R Veeraraghavan swAmi
Please shower the kumudA flowers of your hearts on the Lord of limitless
valour, who arose as the blemishless moon from the ocean of sUrya kulam.

dhAta vinutuDaina sItApati paini

cEtulatO pArijAta sumamula

धात िवनतु डु नै सीता पित प ैिन

ु तो पािरजात समम
चेतल ु लु

Please shower hands full of pArijAtA flowers on sItA nAyakan eulogized by

brahma devan!

ennarAni janana maraNamulu lEkuNDa

manasAra tyAgarAja nutuni paini pUla

ु लेकुण्ड
ए रािन जनन मरणम

मनसार ागराज नतु िु न प ैिन पूल

Please shower (fragrant) flowers on the object of worship of tyAgarAjan, SrI

hari, who banishes limitless numbers of births and deaths in this samsAram!



nI nAma rUpamulaku nitya jaya mangaLam

ु कु िन जय मळं
नी नाम पमल

Oh Lord! Eternal mangaLam to Your sacred name and divine Form!

Six caraNam-s

pavamAna sutuDu paTTu


ु कु
पवमान सतु डु ु प ु पादारिवमल

Eternal mangaLam to the sacred feet of the Lord held by vAyu putran,

pankajAkshi nelakonna

yanga yugamunaku

पजािक्ष नॆलकॊयंग यगु मनु कु

Eternal mangaLam to the Lord's lap, where sItA devi sits!

navamuktA hAramulu

naTiyincu yuramunaku

ु निटियेयरु मनु कु
ु ा हारम
नव म

Eternal mangaLam to the Lord's chest, where the high quality pearl
necklaces swing gently!

naLinAri kEru ciru

navvu gala mOmunaku

निळनािर के  िच न ु गल मोमनु कु

Eternal mangaLam to the Lord's face that defeats candran in its beauty, which
adorns a gentle smile!

prahlAda nArAdAdi

bhaktulu pogaDucuNDu

ूाद नारदािद भु पॊगडुचण्डे

Eternal mangaLam to the Lord's name and form, which is eulogized (constantly)
by prahlAdan, nArAdar and other bhaktA-s!

rAjIva nayana tyAgarAja

vinutamaina (nI nAma)

ु न
राजीव नयन ागराज िवनतमै

Oh Lotus-eyed Lord! Eternal mangaLam to Your sacred name and beautiful form
eulogized by tyAgarAja!


As prahlAda swAmi worshipped SrI hari in many ways and invoked mangaLam

for Him, sUryodayam happened and it looked as though sUryan Himself arrived
to witness the splendid vaibhavam of his Lord.

suryaprabhai vAhanam in upper and lower ahobilam

Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi


Amidst His bhakta koTi-s, sanakar, sanandanar, brahman, nAradar, indran and
others, the enemy of asurA-s, SrI hari sat radiantly. To witness this wondrous
scene, Sun, the friend of the lotus flower arrived.



varamaina nEtrOtsavamunu kanugona

taraNi veDale jUDarE

वरमैन न ेऽोवमनु ु कनगॊन

तरिण वॆडलॆ जूडरे

People! Come and see sUryan arriving to see this rare sight!


dharanu vidhIndrulu kara cAmaramula

niru gaDalanu meraya

niratamunanu gaganamuna surala cEti

virula vAna kuriya

धरन ु िवधीु  कर चामरमल

ु -
िन-गडलन ु मॆरय

िनरतमनु न ु गगनमनु सल

ु चेित

िवल वान कुिरय

Come and see this rare sight with brahma and indran using camaram-s
to refresh the Lord and the devA-s raining down flowers from the sky on SrI
hari !

Two caraNam-s:

parama bhAgavata cayamulu bAguga hari nAmamu sEya

duramuna prahlAduDu kanikaramuna hariyani talapOya

ु बागगु हिर नामम ु सेय

परम भागवत चयम

रमनु ूाडु किनकरमनु हिरयिन तल-पोय

Come and see this rare sight of parama bhAgavata SreshTA-s performing hari
nAma pArAyaNam and prahlAdan movingly reciting hari's name loud !

“Hail to the Lord of SrI mahAlakshmI!” - SrI cenjulakshmi tAyAr
SrI ahobilam (Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi) 208
vAridhi rAju nArada sanakAdulu

sAreku nutiyimpaga

vAramu SrI tyAgarAja varaduDalla

vAralakani brovaga

वािरिध राज ु नारद सनका

सारॆकु नितियग

वारम ु ौी ागराज वरड

वारल किन ॄोवग

Come and see this rare sight of samudra rAjan, sage nAradA, sanakar and
others eulogize the Lord without let and with and the Lord worshipped by
tyAgarAja casting His benevolent glances assuring protection.


jaya mangaLam nitya Subha mangaLam

जय मळं िन शभु मळं

May auspicious victory fall on Him! May auspicious mangaLam fall on Him!


mangaLam mangaLam mA rAmacandrunaku

mangaLam mangaLam mAdhavunaku

मळं मळं मा राम चुनकु

मळं मळं माधवनु कु

Hail to our rAmacandran! Hail to the Lord of mahAlakshmi !

Three caraNam-s

nija dAsa pAlanaku - nitya svarUpanaku

aja-rudra vinutunaku – nagadharunaku

िनज दास पानकु िन पनक

ु ु

अज ि िवनतु नु कु नग धनकु

May auspiciousness befall our Lord, who protects His bhaktA-s, who has eternal
presence, who is worshipped by brahma, Sivan and other devA-s and who bore

mandara mountain on His back!

“The Lord worshipped by brahma and Sivan!”

SrI cenjulakshmi tAyAr tirukkalyANam with SrI jwAlA nrsimhar
SrI ahobilam
(Picture Courtesy: SrI Prasad Uppala swAmi)

nityamai satyamai -nirmalambaina

Adityakula tilakunaku dhIrunakunu

िनमै समै िनमर्लैन

आिद कुल ितलकुनकु धीनकुन ु

mangaLam to Hero of sUrya vamSam, Who is eternal, true and blemish free!

rAjAdhi rAjunaku -ravikOti tEjunaku

tyAgarAja nutanaku rAma- ratnamunaku

ु ु रिव कोिट तेजनक

राजािधराजनक ु ु

ागराज नतु नु कु राम रमनु कु
All mangaLam-s to rAma ratnam, who is the king of kings, who has the lustre of
crores of Suns and who is worshipped by tyAgarAjan !


mangaLam jAnakISAya mahArAja sutAya ca

mAyA mAnusha veSAyA mahAtmane sumangaLam

mangaLam to the bhagavAn, the mahAtmA, who incarnated as the son of

Emperor daSarathan, who became the consort of sItA pirATTi and who
took His incarnation sportingly as a human being !


SrI rAmabrahma tanaya tyAgarAjena nirmitam

prahlAda bhakta vijaya prabhandam bhakti muktidham

ye gAyanti sadA bhaktyA SruNvanti ca SraddhayA

ye patanti sadA prItyA teshAm sarvAgha nASanam

The gEya nATakam of prahlAda bhakta vijayam created by tyAgarAjan, son of
rAma brahmam, grants bhakti, mukti, mangaLam-s in this world and in the other
world. Whoever sings this prabhandam with faith and reverence and hears this
with mahA viSvAsam and reads it with desire would shed all their sins.

||prahlAda bhakta vijayamu pancAngamutO samAptamu ||

||With this fifth chapter, prahlAda bhakta vijayam concluded||

SrI rAmacandra parabrahmaNe namaH

dAsan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


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