Mining Engineer Feb2021 SME
Mining Engineer Feb2021 SME
Mining Engineer Feb2021 SME
VOL. 73 NO. 2
ShowGuide 2021
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VOL. 73 NO. 2
Feature Articles
22 Turbocharged work, agile methods break records, set
new standards for Freeport-McMoRan
Thomas Stauffer
Associate Editor
Margo Ellis
Managing Technical Editor
Chee Theng
FEBRUARY 2021 [email protected]
VOL. 73 NO. 2
Production Graphic Artist
Ted Robertson
[email protected]
SME News Business Staff
45 Minerals Education Coalition Media Manager/Advertising
46 SME Foundation Gary Garvey
[email protected]
49 Fine Grind
Phone: 1-800-763-3132
50 SME Fellows Fax: 1-303-973-3845
Email: [email protected]
51 AIME Honorary Members
52 SME Division Awards Society for Mining, Metallurgy
59 Young Leaders Committee & Exploration Inc. Officers
60 Safety Share
61 Obituaries/Necrology Robert Schafer
63 Personal News At Freeport-McMoRan’s President-Elect
Morenci Mine in Arizona William Edgerton
there is a success story ris-
ing from the desert. Using Past President
Departments agile methods and learning, Hugh Miller
teams at the mine achieved Executive Director
President’s Page its first-ever quarter averag- David L. Kanagy
8 Politics of Mining ing at least 68 kt/d (75,000
stpd) of ore processed. On
10 Industry Newswatch page 22, Thomas Stauffer Mining Engineering Committee
21 Doug Silver’s Column shares the success story Jeff Gillow (Chair), Tom Meuzlear (Vice
from the mine. How has the Chair), Patsy Moran, Steven Schafrik,
68 Web Directory mining industry fared during
Michael Trevits, Mara Erhardt, Nicole
the COVID-19 pandemic?
69 Professional Services Henderson, Javad Sattarvand, Sekhar
On page 29, Javad Sat-
75 Index of Advertisers tarvand from the University Bhattacharyya, David Waterman, David
of Nevada-Reno shares Meadows, Jaeheon Lee, Nathan Manser,
76 The Drift of Things what he has learned from Abhishek Choudhury.
MINExchange 2021 ShowGuide interviews with a number of
Nevada mining operations.
President’s Page
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Industry Newswatch
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A special virtual live Utility Vehicle drawing will be held during the
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winner will be maneuvering over rugged terrain in style.*
Title Gold Sponsor: Sponsor:
A radial stacker
delivers ore to
the Southwest
The stack of copper ore rapidly raising the
Southwest Mine-For-Leach (MFL) leach pad
at Freeport-McMoRan’s Morenci operations
some of the traditional constraints placed on
teams, they start achieving goals you previously
wouldn’t even have considered attempting,” Sircy
MFL Leach Pad in Eastern Arizona exemplifies a movement said.
at Freeport- building across the company’s global operations:
McMoRan’s Teams are taking agile methods and learnings Aggressive or just plain impossible?
Morenci to the next level, setting and hitting ambitious In operation for more than five years, the
operations. targets in safety and production. Southwest MFL stockpile in Morenci was
The company calls this new paradigm designed to stack 68 kt/d (75,000 stpd) of copper
Freeport Edge, which celebrates innovation, sulfide ore.
challenging old ways of doing things and intense “We had some pretty aggressive production
teamwork. Teams focus on pursuing value by targets and were unable to reliably achieve
combining agile practices with dramatically them for years and years,” said Aaron Draper,
increased collaboration and employee Morenci’s manager–crush and convey. “We had
empowerment. Teams infused with these the best and brightest minds in the company,
learnings have already set records the company very committed leaders and skilled employees
previously thought impossible. working toward this and had made progress, but
More than a few company leaders have we had never gone a quarter with a daily average
characterized the new way of working as that had met that target.”
nothing less than turbocharged. That’s not an Meeting that target was the prime motivator
understatement for Bill Sircy, Morenci’s general in the formation of Morenci’s “Team MFL”
manager–processing. in April 2020. True to agile form, within a
“It’s important that we week, Steve Thames, team product owner and
manage the forecast and superintendent–crush and convey, had put
Thomas Stauffer is senior com-
commitments, but if you've together a diverse team.
munications specialist, Freeport-
got a group of people who can A questionnaire seeking ideas from
McMoRan in Tucson, AZ, email
think without boundaries, and operators, technicians, mechanics, electricians
[email protected].
you let them work without and anyone else willing to weigh in on how to
22 FEBRUARY 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng
Mining in the West
get Southwest MFL to 68 kt/d (75,000 stpd) mechanic, metallurgist, diagnostic electrician,
was circulating week one. Employees quickly reliability engineer and technician. The team was
contributed more than 150 ideas, and Thames just freed from their full-time roles to work on Team
as quickly realized the potential to deliver fast MFL and test its pool of potential improvements.
tons. “The metallurgist I have is from leaching,
“We immediately started within the first and he was instrumental in getting the cameras
week getting the data on the ideas we wanted to and all that stuff done, and cameras were totally
pursue, and by the second week, we were already outside his comfort zone,” Thames said. “The
making plans for improvements,” Thames said. electrical engineer doing (conveyor) belt studies
Draper said the effort to empower didn’t know a thing about belts before this.”
frontline employees not only kick-started the A certain long-acting adrenalin comes from
improvement process but set the team up to pushing your comfort zone and the boundless
succeed. atmosphere that optimizes creativity and
“Having seen how other agile teams experimentation, he noted.
functioned in the past, what struck me about “You have people working unconstrained, so
Steve’s team was the way that they generated you have people doing things they’ve never done
buy-in not just with the questionnaires but as before, and you’re empowering them to focus all
they went about their initiatives,” Draper said. “I their effort on finding and testing whatever they
think their efforts were really well supported by can that will create value right now,” Thames said.
the division, because the team was seen as help
from the beginning.” Quick wins
Early team projects tested the effectiveness
A no-comfort zone of installing cameras above a chute at the fine ore
Team MFL consists of Thames and employees bin, a chute that ate up an average of 300 hours
across departments, including a diagnostic of unscheduled downtime a year due to plugging.
A well-designed High-precision Blast monitoring & Minimized loss Invaluable data for
blast pattern execution fragmentation analysis and dilution continuous improvement
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A view of the
I t’s no secret that student enrollments in
mining engineering programs have been
declining globally. In the United States and
percent saying “very important.”
84 percent agree that “mining is
University of
Arizona campus
Australia, numbers are down by nearly 50 • 49 percent rate the mining industry as in Tucson, AZ,
percent (Roy et al., 2019; Roy, 2019) and as “as responsible as” other industries, with home of the
much as 80 percent (Minerals Council of more students rating it responsible as Lowell Institute
Australia, 2019) from their respective peaks in opposed to irresponsible. for Mineral
2013 and 2012, and it is much the same story • 34 percent rate the mining industry as Resources and
for Canadian schools (Mining Industry Human “as modern as” other industries, with Mining and Geo-
Resources Council, 2018). We’ve all heard plenty more students rating it modern as logical Engineer-
of speculation as to why — young people think opposed to outdated. ing department.
mining is dirty and archaic, it destroys the planet
or maybe they just don’t know it still exists? Students were asked for their feedback on a
Then there’s just straight-up competition from variety of questions regarding mining and we did
other fields. find that roughly half agree with the statement
In an effort to improve our programs, the “Mining harms the environment.” Ninety-two
University of Arizona’s (UArizona) Lowell percent agree with the
Institute for Mineral Resources and Mining statement “Mining provides
and Geological Engineering department started jobs.” Based on responses Jodi Banta, Isabel Barton and
asking students about their awareness and to all the questions, our Lynnette Hutson, members SME,
perception of mining and mineral resources and assessment of student are program manager, Lowell
we learned some very interesting things. perceptions of the industry Institute for Mineral Resources,
According to a recent survey of UArizona is neutral. The perception assistant professor of Mining and
students (UArizona mining perception study of engineering students is Geological Engineering, and Ph.D.
surveys, 2019): significantly more positive student in the Mining and Geo-
than that of students enrolled logical Engineering Department,
• 72 percent agree that mineral resources in other fields. respectively, at the University
are “important” or “very important” In the same survey we of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Email
to their daily lives, with more than 40 found that while 74 percent [email protected].
of UArizona students are aware that Arizona little to no knowledge of mining at all. In other
has active mines, and 66 percent are aware words, awareness and perception, at least of
that UArizona offers a mining engineering the industry at large, and among UArizona
degree, very few students have any knowledge students, are not the main problems here.
of mining — with 67 percent reporting having UArizona students are highly aware of mining
and in general do not have a negative
perception of the industry — in fact,
Figure 2 they’re convinced that it is important,
but they really don’t know anything
Incoming freshmen engineering students want to study fields they are
about it. We’ll come back to knowledge.
interested in and will give them options.
These preliminary findings inspired
When choosing a major, the most important thing to me is (select up to three): us to undertake further research to
N = 363 better understand how students are
I am interested in choosing their engineering field of
learning about the study. In particular, this research seeks
subject. to gain a better understanding of why
particular engineering disciplines —
It will lead to a career
that offers me many including mining engineering — have
options. chronically and consistently lower
enrollment than other engineering
It will lead to a high- disciplines. In the fall of 2020, we
paying job.
implemented a new survey of the
freshman-level UArizona Introduction
It will lead to a job that to Engineering Design course. One
benefits society.
of the objectives of the course is to
introduce students to the 15 different
I think I will be good engineering fields of study available
at it.
to them at UArizona. For this reason,
we chose to run this survey at the
beginning, and again at the end of the
semester to measure the effect of the
class on outcomes related to students’
students saying they know nearly nothing about it. indicate that knowledge of all subjects went
We then asked the students to rate their interest up an average of nearly 40 percent and mining
in the same 15 fields (Fig. 3). Aerospace scored engineering was the biggest mover with average
the highest at 3.5. Other fields that students found knowledge increasing by 70 percent, which
interesting included Mechanical, Electrical & moved it up to fifth place in the knowledge
Computer, Biomedical and Chemical engineering. rankings. From 74 percent of students saying
Mining Engineering again tied for last place, with a they knew nothing or very little about mining
mean score of 2.0, and a full 40 percent of students engineering at the beginning of the semester,
rating it as “completely uninteresting.” only 17 percent said so at the end. Interest also
Not surprisingly, there is a very strong increased, from only 10 percent of students
correlation between students’ knowledge of a rating Mining Engineering as interesting or very
field and their level of interest in it. Students are interesting at the beginning of the semester, to
unlikely to be interested in a subject they know nearly 30 percent by the end. We like to think
little about. our research and corresponding changes to how
So, what do engineering students say they the major is presented are paying off. However,
consider when choosing a major? In our survey, there’s still much more work to do, as while the
they could choose up to three answers (Fig. 2). number of students intending to major in Mining
The top choices were “I am interested in Engineering also increased, the increase was not
learning more about the subject” (58 percent) and as substantial.
“It will lead to a career with a lot of options” (36 Over the coming years, the UArizona will
percent), followed closely by “It will lead to a high- be taking a deeper dive into all of this. We
paying job” (35 percent). will research what students find interesting
Interest in disciplines that “benefits society” about some fields (and not others), how to
is also high with around 30 percent of students identify what students do find interesting about
picking this option. mining engineering and how to communicate
“I think I will be good at it” came in at a distant that effectively to a wider audience, and how
fifth place (23 percent). Other answer choices all to bring to life the variety of career options
received well under 10 percent. available in mining engineering. We’ll also be
When asked about what is important to them seeking a better understanding of students we
in a future career, shown in Fig. 4 (students could are currently successfully attracting to mining
choose up to three answers), not surprising at this engineering, and those we wish we were but are
moment in time, the top choice was “job stability” not.
(51 percent), followed by “high salaries” (46 To learn more about these studies or results,
percent). please contact Jodi Banta [email protected]. n
“Opportunities to invent” and “Opportunities
to solve big problems” followed, each selected by References
about 42 percent and 39 percent of responders, Roy, J., Wilson, C., Erdiaw-Kwasie, A., and Stuppard,
respectively. “Working with/inventing the latest C., 2019, Engineering & Engineering Technology by the
Numbers, 2019. American Society for Engineering Education.
technology” came in at fifth place with about 30 (
percent of responders. Other answer choices were the-Numbers-2019.pdf).
selected by 20 percent of responders or fewer. Roy, J., 2019, Engineering by the Numbers. American
Translating that into intended majors, more Society for Engineering Education. (
than half the class reported intending to major wp-content/uploads/2019/07/2018-Engineering-by-Numbers-
in one of the four most interesting majors:
Minerals Council of Australia, 2019, The next frontier.
Mechanical, Aerospace, Electrical & Computer and (
Biomedical Engineering. Next%20Frontier%20MCA%20Policy%20Priorities.pdf).
When asked about their confidence in their Mining Industry Human Resources Council, 2018,
choice of major, again on a scale from 1 to 5, Canadian Mining Labour Market Outlook, 2019. (https://
the average was 3.5. When asked about their
knowledge of careers associated with choice of UArizona mining perception study surveys were
major, the average rating was 3.0. So at 18 years conducted face-to-face using tablet computers November-
old, with little knowledge of the subjects they December 2019. Sample size = 344, confidence level of 95
may study, or of related careers, it is no surprise percent, and margin of error of +/- 5.25 percent.
students lean toward general interest in a subject UArizona freshmen engineering student surveys were
conducted online (a) September 14-October 26, 2020. Sample
they think they know something about (as opposed size = 363, confidence level of 95 percent, and margin of
to nothing) and something they hope will lead to a error of +/-2.7 percent. (b) November 30-December 6, 2020.
wide range of career options. Sample size = 367, confidence level of 95 percent and margin
Early results from the end-of-semester survey of error of +/-2.7 percent.
learned to share?
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Improving Retention
Operations and Recruitment
Collaborate with SME as we expand our range Funding and
of professional development opportunities and and Its Use Financial
deliver even more timely, relevant and high-quality Accountability/
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education to our audience of practicing mining
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engineering professionals around the world.
MME Technical-Paper Abstracts
To see a specific paper, use the search function or use the paper’s link.
*MME is abstracted and indexed in Web of Science, Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest and many more.
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration,
Keywords: Reduction roasting, Dilute acid leaching, Zinc ferrite, Zinc refinery residue, Zinc extraction
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
Zinc ferrite is the major phase component present in zinc temperature range of 1,100 to 1,500 °C and uses coke as re-
refinery residue (ZRR) and electric arc furnace dust (EAFD). ductant. This study explores a carbon-free and relatively low-
Up to 71 percent zinc ferrite has been reported to be present temperature process for the selective extraction of zinc from
in ZRR, and in most studies zinc ferrite has been deemed the pure zinc ferrite.
major phase in EAFD. In 2010, the global annual production
of EAFD was 3.7 Mt, with 15.20 kg of EAFD generated per Background
ton of recycled steel [1]. The generations of ZRR and EAFD The study aims to reduce pure zinc ferrite into zinc oxide
have been growing over time, requiring a greener approach (ZnO) and magnetite (Fe3O4). The difference in the leaching
for the reutilization and extraction of valuable elements. ZRR properties of ZnO and Fe3O4 induces the selective extrac-
can be a potential source of zinc, as its zinc content is as high tion of Zn. The roasted product obtained was then leached
as 30 percent [2,3]. The presence of zinc ferrite makes the in dilute sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to selectively extract zinc into
extraction of zinc difficult because zinc ferrite is refractory the solution, leaving a residue with high iron content. This
to leaching, and direct leaching is inefficient. The Waelz pro- paper discusses the thermodynamic feasibility of different
cess is currently employed to extract zinc from EAFD and possible solid-gas reactions between zinc ferrite and hydro-
other metallurgical wastes. The Waelz process operates in the gen (H2) gas. It also discusses the roles of various parameters
Time (min) 30, 60, 90 zinc ferrite roasted at different temperatures. Zinc ferrite
Amount of H2 3 × stoichiometric requirement was almost unreacted at 300 °C (Fig. 1a). Although the reac-
tion is thermodynamically feasible, the reaction was not evi-
Percent H2 in reducing gas 10, 20, 30 dent in 90 min of reaction. Figure 1b shows the XRD pattern
Time (min) 30, 60, 120 of zinc ferrite reduced at 450 °C. A small peak of zinc oxide
was obtained, indicating the reduction of zinc ferrite to a
Temperature (°C) 25
very small extent. The desired conversion of zinc ferrite was
S/L (wt/vol) 1:100 achieved by reduction roasting at 550 °C. The major phases
Stirring speed (rpm) 300-500
in zinc ferrite reduced at 550 °C were magnetite and zinc
oxide. A small peak of wustite appeared, which indicates the
Acid concentration (g/L) 20 further reduction of Fe3O4 to a small extent. The partial re-
duction of zinc ferrite was important in order to ease the
subsequent leaching of Zn.
The mixture of zinc oxide
and iron oxide obtained after
reduction roasting was sub-
jected to dilute acid leaching,
resulting in the highly selec-
tive extraction of Zn. The
parameters of roasting and
leaching used for this study
are listed in Table 1.
Figure 2 shows the ex-
traction of Zn with the roast-
ing temperature. The extrac-
tion of Zn is proportional to
the extent of conversion of
zinc ferrite in the roasting
step. The reduction roasting
at 700 °C might have volatil-
ized a part of Zn in the feed
sample, resulting in reduced
Zn extraction (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of roasted zinc ferrite at different roasting temperatures This study aims to ex-
with 90 min roasting time: (a) 300 °C (b) 450 °C (c) 550 °C (d) 700 °C plore a novel approach for
(1 = magnetite, 2 = wustite, 3 = zinc ferrite and 4 = zinc oxide).
34 february 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng
MME Technical-Paper Abstracts
the selective extraction of zinc from zinc ferrite. Partial
reduction of pure zinc ferrite was studied for the selective
extraction of zinc. Leaching of pure zinc ferrite with 20 g/L
H2SO4 for 150 min resulted in only 18.82 percent of Zn ex-
traction, whereas up to 95.84 percent of Zn extraction was
achieved by reduction of zinc ferrite followed by leaching
with 20 g/L H2SO4 for 120 min.
Zinc extraction was found to be dependent on the de-
gree of reduction of zinc ferrite, as ZnO formed after the re-
duction dissolves readily in dilute acid. Roasting and leach-
ing times were found to be the parameters that can be used
to regulate the selectivity and percentage extraction of Zn.
A 90-min roasting time allows the reduction of some of the
magnetite into wustite, thus increasing the amount of Fe in
the leachate. The optimum temperature for the preferential
decomposition of zinc ferrite to ZnO and Fe3O4 was found
to be 550 °C, which is very low relative to those of exist-
ing processes. The optimum roasting and leaching times for
Zn extraction were found to be 90 and 120 min, respective- Fig. 2 Extraction of Zn at different roasting temperatures.
ly, whereas for the selective extraction of Zn, the optimum
roasting and leaching time should be 30 min. Also, an in-
crease in the concentration of H2 in the reducing gas resulted recovery from electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) Part I : Characterization and leaching
in poor selectivity of leaching process with decent Zn and Fe by diluted sulphuric acid. J Hazard Mater 179(1–3):1–7
extraction. ■ 2. Zhang F, Wei C, Deng ZG, Li CX, Li XB, Li MT (2016) Reductive leaching of zinc
and indium from industrial zinc ferrite particulates in sulphuric acid media. Trans
Nonferrous Met Soc China (English Ed) 26(9):2495–2501
References 3. Liu F, Liu Z, Li Y, Liu Z, Li Q, Zeng L (2016) Extraction of gallium and germanium from
1. Oustadakis P, Tsakiridis PE, Katsiapi A (2010) Hydrometallurgical process for zinc zinc refinery residues by pressure acid leaching. Hydrometallurgy 164:313–320
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration,
Keywords: Zoro pegmatite, Spodumene pegmatites, Li, QEMSCAN characterization, Heavy liquid separation
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
A master composite (Master Comp) sample was prepared phates (0.1 percent). Liberation of spodumene (88 percent)
from three pegmatite zones from the Zoro Dyke D1 for min- and gangue minerals, including quartz (89 percent), feldspars
eralogical analysis and heavy liquid separation (HLS). The (94 percent) and micas (83 percent), is very good at this P80 .
mineralogical examination was conducted on a subsample The average lithium (Li) concentration is 3.7 percent in spod-
that was crushed to approximately P80 = 600 μm. The sample umene, 2,196 ppm in micas, 1,001 ppm in tourmaline and 115
consists of spodumene (10.5 percent), quartz (29.3 percent), ppm in K-feldspars. Spodumene accounts for 96 percent of
plagioclase (29.0 percent), K-feldspars (21.3 percent), micas the total Li in the sample. The mineralogical data indicate the
(5.1 percent), tourmaline (2.9 percent) and Fe-Mn-phos- potential to recover spodumene by flotation with minimal Li
The Zoro lithium project is located in east-central Mani-
toba, 20 km east of the historic mining town of Snow Lake.
Samples from three different zones (north, central and south)
were properly blended to generate a master comp that was
used for mineralogical examination and HLS testwork. The
subsample for mineralogical examination was stage-crushed
to approximately P80 = 600 μm and screened into four size
fractions, including +600 μm, −600/+300 μm, −300/+106 μm
and −106 μm. A subsample was stage-crushed to smaller Fig. 2 Grade/recovery and mass pull as a function of HLS density.
than 6.4 mm for the HLS testwork. Following crushing, the
sample was first screened to remove the −600 µm fraction,
which is considered the cut-off particle size for effective matite at 0.34 and 0.39 percent, respectively, but significantly
dense media separation. The −6.4 mm/+600 µm particle size higher in the south zone at 0.54 percent, indicating potential
fraction was then submitted for separate HLS tests, each of zoning or variability within the dyke complex. The lithium
which included eight heavy-liquid specific-gravity cut-points concentration of the Master Comp is 0.44 percent.
(3.10, 3.00, 2.95, 2.90, 2.80, 2.70 and 2.65). QEMSCAN analysis shows that the sample consists of
This paper presents a summary of (1) a mineralogical spodumene (10.5 percent), quartz (29.3 percent), plagio-
evaluation of a finely ground sample to determine the type clase (29.0 percent), K-feldspars (21.3 percent), micas (5.1
of Li minerals and their chemistry, and their liberation to percent), and traces of Li-bearing phosphates (0.1 percent),
predict the flotation response, and (2) preliminary beneficia- tourmaline and other minerals. Quartz is the coarsest min-
tion of a coarsely ground sample using HLS to upgrade the eral with D50 of 247 μm, followed by spodumene at 205 μm
spodumene for the production of a concentrate suitable for and feldspars at 184 μm, with micas the finest at 81 μm. Ex-
lithium extraction. perimental work [2,3] showed that the flotation response
of spodumene varies, depending on the Al-O bonds and
Results changes in its surface crystal chemistry. The {110} plane of
Lithium grades are similar in the north and central peg- spodumene is more favorable for chemisorbing NaOL than
the {001} plane. QEMSCAN can determine the aspect ratio
of the spodumene, which can then be used as a guide to as-
sess the {110} planes.
Liberation of spodumene is very good at 88 percent
(Fig. 1), while the nonliberated spodumene occurs as com-
plex particles (7 percent) and middlings with quartz (4 per-
cent). Liberation of spodumene increases by 14 percent
from the +600 μm to the −106 μm size fraction. Liberation
of the various gangue minerals ranges from 82 to 94 percent,
indicating they could be rejected with flotation to produce a
high-grade Li concentrate. Mineralogically limited projected
Li grades range from 3.2 to 3.7 percent for spodumene re-
covery from approximately 99 to 85 percent.
The average Li concentration is 3.7 percent in spodu-
mene, 2,196 ppm in micas, 1,001 ppm in tourmaline and
115 ppm in K-feldspars. Spodumene accounts for about 96
percent of the total Li and favors a spodumene concentrate,
with minimum losses due to Li hosted by other minerals.
The results of the HLS tests show the spodumene con-
centrate generated in this testwork had a relatively low grade
of 5.42 percent Li2O, which is less than the target 6 percent
Fig. 1 Spodumene liberation and association profile by size Li2O. However, when Fe silicates were rejected by magnetic
fraction and calculated for the head. separation, a concentrate grade of 6.04 percent Li2O (in the
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration,
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
Conveyor systems persist in being a source of injuries and with a fully developed Windows-based human-machine in-
fatalities in the mining industry. To reduce these incidents, bet- terface (HMI) preinstalled, coupled with the availability of a
ter methods are needed to enhance the monitoring of prob- wide variety of sensor nodes and a control node, allowed the
able hazards and improve situational awareness during the solution to be easily optimized to enhance conveyor safety
normal operation and maintenance of conveyor systems. To for mining operations.
address these issues, researchers from the U.S. National Insti- A purpose-built conveyor test bed was developed to as-
tute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) continue sess the selected IoT system’s potential to improve conveyor
to investigate emerging technologies that show the potential to safety. The core of the test bed was a pair of small troughing
improve miner safety around conveyors. This paper presents conveyors (Fig. 1).
a feasibility assessment by NIOSH researchers of a fully in- As implemented, should sensor data (status) indicate an
tegrated, commercially available wireless Internet of Things
(IoT) system to improve situational awareness around con-
veyor systems.
NIOSH researchers continue to investigate emerging
technologies that may be beneficial in improving conveyor
safety, specifically through enhanced situational awareness.
With IoT making inroads into the mining sector and contin-
ually evolving to meet industry needs, low-cost commercially
available IoT systems that are fully integrated (turnkey) so-
lutions were explored.
Operating in the 915 MHz industrial, scientific and medi-
cal (ISM) band, the wireless IoT system selected for assess-
ment had many features that made it suitable for a straight-
forward deployment. The option of a noncloud-based server Fig. 1 Test bed conveyors.
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration,
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
Better understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics of adsorption spectrometer. Both thermodynamic and kinetic
dissolution can benefit several industrial processes. For ex- experiments were done by varying the volumetric ratio be-
ample, iron can be leached from clays, which can be further tween oxalic and sulfuric acid (Ox/H2SO4) under controlled
used as a raw material in the ceramic industry. Another im- temperatures in a 1-dm3 reactor.
portant application is the regeneration of ceramic filter media,
which are used in the dewatering of iron ores. Dissolution of Results and discussion
iron oxides in mixtures of acids is fairly uncommon and a The solubility curves in the thermodynamic experiments
less well-understood phenomenon, but it can result in a more are shown in Fig. 1. The results showed that increasing the
efficient process. This work also shows that the determination temperature from 15 to 50 °C decreased the experimen-
of dissolution mechanisms and kinetics is not straightforward tal time by approximately six times, from 900 to 150 h. A
in different acid systems. small change in temperature that results in a large change
in the kinetics indicates that the dissolution is controlled by
Background a chemical reaction, which can accelerate the generation of
Oxalic acid is a superior leaching agent for iron oxides Fe2+ ions into solution. A second important finding is that a
compared to commonly used sulfuric acid [1]. However, greater amount of oxalic acid in the system improved the
the use of oxalic acid in full-scale processes can have un- equilibrium solubility as well as resulted in accelerated ki-
wanted side effects such as dusting, and it is more costly netics. Oxalic acid is a more expensive chemical than sulfuric
than sulfuric acid. The dissolution mechanisms, kinetics and acid, but even a small amount of it in the system had a posi-
thermodynamics of hematite have been studied extensively, tive effect in terms of the process economy. The behavior of
but full consensus has not been reached across the scientific pH during the dissolution was also investigated. The results
community. Based on present knowledge, the dissolution of indicate that the changes in pH can be a result of dissolution
hematite in oxalic acid undergoes three steps: ligand adsorp- reactions and might represent the reaction steps when the
tion, nonreductive dissolution and reductive dissolution. Re- dissolution changes from one mechanism to another.
ductive dissolution results in iron ions (Fe2+) in the solution, Cornell and Schwertmann [2] outlined several models
which accelerate the dissolution. The dissolution of hematite that could be used to describe the dissolution kinetics. In
in sulfuric acid does not include reduction, so dissolution in this work, the only model able to describe the dissolution
pure sulfuric acid is significantly slower.
Our previous research [1] investigated the dissolution of
magnetite in mixtures of oxalic and sulfuric acid, but some
findings in the kinetic modeling were contradictory to the
original research. Hence, the objective here was to discover
whether the dissolution mechanisms in different acid sys-
tems could be defined, and whether it is feasible to improve
the dissolution of hematite by adding oxalic acid into a sul-
furic acid system.
Table 1 — Kabai model parameters. I and II represent
• Oxalic acid promotes the dissolution of hematite in
the 1st and 2nd parts of the linear fits, respectively.
sulfuric acid.
Ox/H2SO4 K (s−1) a R2 • Higher temperature does not automatically result in
0/100, I 4.00 × 10−7 0.964 1.00 higher solubility.
• The Kabai model fits well with the data in all studied
0/100, II 1.35 × 10−7 0.406 0.98 acid systems.
30/70, I 1.62 × 10−6 0.976 1.00 • Changes in the constant a could describe the chang-
es in the dissolution mechanisms. ■
30/70, II 9.55 × 10 −7
0.528 0.98
50/50, I 2.30 × 10 −6
1.273 0.99 References
1. Salmimies R, Vehmaanperä P, Häkkinen A (2016) Acidic dissolution of magnetite in
50/50, II 1.80 × 10 −6
0.650 1.00 mixtures of oxalic and sulfuric acid. Hydrometallurgy 163:91–98
2. Cornell R M, Schwertmann U (2003) The iron oxides. Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co.
70/30 2.64 × 10−6 1.234 0.99 KGaA, Weinheim
3. Kabai J (1973) Determination of specific activation energies of metal oxides and
100/0 3.71 × 1 6
1.269 0.99 metal oxide hydrates by measurement of the rate of dissolution. Acta Chim Acad
Sci Hung 78:57–73
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2020) 37:1821–1825,
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
Underground positioning and communication are es- and auxiliary operations. Among these technologies, UWB of-
sential technologies for the future of underground mining op- fers many advantages, including higher accuracy, robustness,
erations. In contrast to other positioning and communication resistance against noise and multipath effects, and low power
technologies such as wireless local area network (WLAN) or consumption [1,2]. Underground automation and localization
radio frequency identification (RFID), ultra-wideband (UWB) systems benefit from these advantages and use the technology
radio technology provides significant benefits like accurate to improve efficiency and safety. There are many studies being
and robust positioning of mobile machine equipment, which carried out on this technology to increase the results’ accuracy,
is indispensable for future autonomous systems in under- energy sufficiency and more. Two robust UWB modules that
ground mining processes, such as production, transportation were developed for underground positioning and collision
There are various applications in underground mining
that use UWB technology, such as the positioning of min-
ing machinery and personnel or collision avoidance. This ap-
proach leads to a movement toward autonomous operation
of the machinery and Mining 4.0. In this paper, UWB tech-
nology is first explained. Then, UWB modules developed at
the Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies (AMT) of
RWTH Aachen University are introduced. To test the devel-
oped system, some measurements were performed in under-
ground mining with a technology readiness level (TRL) of 6
Fig. 1 The vehicle is driving toward the person.
in the field of localization systems and collision avoidance in
a nonexplosive area.
Full-text paper:
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2020) 37:1451–1459,
Keywords: Mechanized depillaring, Single-pass pillar extraction, Weak roof, Roof fall, Snook
To read the full text of this paper (free for SME members), see the beginning of this section for step-by-step instructions.
This paper describes the successful mechanized extraction the dip rise of the gallery. A straight line of extraction was
of coal pillars in 11 panels using the fish-tail method from adopted during the mechanized-depillaring operation in the
2010 to 2017 at Pinoura Mine in India. This method proved panel, which commenced from the dipmost/inbye end and
its potential of coal recovery with efficient strata control un- advanced to the rise/outbye side of the panel. Breaker-line
der weak roof due to faster rate of extraction in a single lift. support was installed at the goaf edges [2], and the current
Observations of strata and snook behavior during the field research thrust is to develop various geotechnical design
studies in different panels of the mine are included. norms involved in mechanized depillaring.
A detailed study of the existing rock conditions indi-
Background cated the fish-tail method to be the most suitable for pil-
Pinoura Mine is located in the western part of the Johila lar extraction due to the presence of weak roof strata and
area of South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. in India. Weak roof rock smaller-size pillars, measuring 25 m by 25 m from center to
(RMR 40-45) that is present at the mine (Fig. 1) creates uncer- center. Further, in the fish-tail method, maximum recovery
tainties during development and depillaring. The caveability is possible from a smaller pillar by left and right slicing from
index [1] of roof at the mine was nearly 2350, classified as easy the existing original gallery.
to moderate. The depth of cover at Pinoura was found to vary
between 59 and 149 m due to seam gradient of about 6 de- Method
grees, and the bord-and-pillar mining method was selected for Stress meters (fixed at 1.2 to 1.5 m inside the coal pillars),
the development of coal seam with thickness of 2.8 m. single-height tell tales (SHTT) (fixed at 3 m in the gallery
Continuous-miner-based mechanized depillaring was in- roof), auto-warning tell tales (AWTTs) (fixed at 3 m in the
troduced to extract the developed coal pillars using the fish- gallery roof) and instrumented roof bolts (fixed along the
tail method (Fig. 2). It involved increasing the width of the rows of breaker lines) were installed at judicious locations
galleries to 6.5 m for maneuverability of the machines. After during widening and heightening of the panel. It helped in
widening of the galleries, the width-to-height ratio varied understanding the behavior of roof and pillar during the
from 5.5 to 7.0. Pillar extraction proceeded according to the mechanized-depillaring operation.
sequence shown in Fig. 2. Four slices were driven into the pil- In addition to measurement, efforts were made to moni-
lar along the galleries, and two push-outs were driven along tor the caving behavior. A measured assessment of caving
42 february 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng
MME Technical-Paper Abstracts
was difficult because the void area was unapproachable. As
a result, this assessment is based on visual inspection from a
safe observation point. Monitoring continued until the instru-
ments were accessible in the mechanized-depillaring panel.
Conclusion References
1. Sarkar SK (1998) Mechanized longwall mining – the Indian experiences. Mohan
Nearly 3,200 Mt of coal reserve is locked up in pillars Primlani for Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 27–35
in developed and some abandoned coal seams in India. The 2. Sheorey PR (1992) Pillar strength considering in situ stresses. Information circular
depillaring of these seams entails strata control problems. (IC), 9315, United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, 122–127
3. Ram S, Kumar D, Singh AK, Kumar A, Singh R (2017) Field and numerical studies
Weak (RMR 40-45) and strong overlying strata complicate for an efficient placement of roof bolts as breaker line support. Int J Rock Mech
caving. Wide variations in site conditions require suitable Min Sci 93:152–162
engineering approaches. This study found that time and loss 4. Singh AK, Kumar R, Ram S, Singh AK, Singh R (2013) Rock mechanics considerations
of confinement are the two major factors that decide the sta- during continuous miner based coal pillar extraction in Indian coalfields. National
Workshop on Continuous Miner, DGMS, Vol. I, Dhanbad, 107–118
bility of pillars and overlying strata, especially when depil- 5. Kumar A, Kumar D, Verma AK, Singh AK, Ram S, Kumar R (2018) Influence of overlying
laring is carried out under weak roof strata. The excavation roof strata on rib design in mechanized depillaring. J Geo Soc India 91:341–347
Sponsoring Societies:
Safety Congress 2021 is made possible
with generous support from the McElhattan
Foundation, National Academies, and United
Engineering Foundation. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
Co-Sponsoring Societies:
Featured advertiser:
SRK Consulting
SME Foundation
SME welcomes new members
Juan Carlos Aburto Inostroza, Santiago, Chile Benjamin Arthur Contreras Dimas, Santiago,
Fine Grind James Andrews, Blue Ridge Summit, PA Chile
Ponce Erraez Angelo Manuel, Quito, Ecuador Nicolas Cortes Kallens, Santiago, Chile
50 Brian Ball, Pembine, WI Thu Di, San Jose, CA
SME and AIME Awards Cinthia Gladbet Barboza Bravo, Cajamarca, Peru Denis Namrod Goicochea Chuqiruna, Sr,
Cajamara, Peru
Gerardo Fabian Barrientos Retamal, Santiago,
59 Chile
John Bash, Potsdam, NY
Ms Carla Noemi Gonzalez Werner, Santiago,
Young Leaders Juan Gabriel Bernal Rodroguez, Sr, Cajamara, Peru Luis Alberto Herrera Huaman, Sr, Cajamarca,
Committee Wesley Bluvstein, Tucson, AZ Peru
Dr Bob Brackett, New York, NY Jhover Huaripata Chilon, Cajamarca, Peru
60 Miguel Angel Cabanillas Huaman, Cajamarca, Peru Marlon Anttony Lopez Castro, Cajamarca, Peru
Safety Share Ms Antonia Belen Cabrera Bravo, Santiago, Chile
(continued on page 60) Mınıng engıneerıng FEBRUARY 2021 45
SME News
SME will hold a virtual silent auction
at the Annual Conference
by Megan Martin, SME Foundation Development Coordinator
Friends — up to $5,000
71 Construction Industrial Minerals & Aggregates Division
AIME Iron Woman Construction and Environmental Services LLC
AIPG Foundation Inc Lehigh Hanson
Amazon Smile Foundation M3 Engineering and Technology Corp
Backswing Golf Events, Inc. Martin Marietta
Brooks & Nelson LLC Minnesota Section
Central Appalachian Section Northern MN Subsection SME
Forte Dynamics Ore Reserves Engineering
Freeport-McMoRan Inc Pray & Company
Genesis Alkali LLC RESPEC
Getman Accounting
A s has become a mainstay of MPD Executive Committee members (left to right) Aaron Noble, Jim Metsa, Scott
the Mineral & Metallurgical Shuey, Dave Meadows, Garland Davis, Erik Spiller (2018 Chair) and Tarun Bhambhani,
Processing Division (MPD), rocking it at the 2020 MPD Scotch Nightcap. Not in picture: Ronel Kappes, Jaeheon
this edition of the Fine Grind Lee and Chee Theng.
lends itself to the outgoing MPD
Chair answering the open-ended
question, “After seven years on
the committee and a year as the
Overstuffed Chair: Thoughts?”
With editorial calendars being what
they are, this task takes on even
more significance with pen being
placed to electronic paper in the
last week of December 2020.
Being born and raised in Butte,
MT, the sights, sounds and smells
of mining are part of my childhood,
including the sirens and daily
blasts in the Berkley Pit as well
as faint memories of the swings
and roller coaster at the Columbia
Gardens. With that Butte core
came the sense of community made
even stronger by selecting the
Metallurgical Engineering family at
Montana Tech as a career starting
point. When my career took me
to Chicago in the late 1990s, conversations with those interactions increasingly limited to video conference calls
unfamiliar with natural resources always proved interesting. and higher volumes of emails, rather than meeting up for a
I won’t mention the number of times I would get a cocker- drink or two to discuss the latest and greatest happenings.
spaniel-tilt-of-the-head with the question “We still mine?” This year we will be without the in-person SME Annual
when discussing what I did for a living, but that also showed Conference & Expo in Denver, but with high hopes of
me the value in returning to the deep end of the mining returning to Salt Lake in 2022, where we will be able to
community pool and sense of belonging in the minerals once again shake hands and grab that drink.
engineering world. It is this mining family (perhaps It has been my honor to be on the MPD Executive
dysfunctional at times) that is at the core of SME and the Committee and Chair for the 2020-21 year, following in
MPD. Miners, vendors, engineering houses and academia: the footsteps of many notable individuals in our industry,
you can be working for a major mining company this year building on the accomplishments and momentum obtained
and for an engineering consultancy the next, but the people by those who have come before. If you show up to a plant
and ultimate goals of satisfying careers and leaving the and the mills are running well, flotation is pulling hard with
industry better than we found it remains the same. the right sheen, and the autoclave is humming at steady-
Over eight years on the MPD Executive Committee, I state, the goal is to not screw anything up. Now if we can
have had the opportunity to work directly with 16 members only trust the Mining Department to not start sending ore
of our division who volunteer their time and energy to from a different pit without telling us… n
help manage the ship that is the MPD. This is in addition to
those who volunteer (or are drafted) to other committees Fine Grind serves as a forum for the presentation and
in support of our division’s goals or are solicited for discussion of facts, ideas and opinions pertaining to the
sponsorships or asked to give a presentation and provide interests and technology of the Mineral & Metallurgical Pro-
their technical knowledge. After 25 years in SME and 18 cessing Division. Accordingly, all material published herein
years active in the MPD, the multitude of relationships is signed and reflects the individual views of the authors. It
stemming from my involvement are beyond value and is not an official position of SME or the division. Comments
solidify that sense of community. Enjoying that community by readers will be referred to the division for response. The
has been made somewhat difficult since March 2020 with division chair in 2020 is Scott Shuey.
Engineers & Scientists (AAEES). Awards and recognitions the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2018)
have followed him throughout his career, including Young and PSPE (2019); Diplomate of AAEES (1989); Fellow of
Engineer of the Year from SME in 1983 and Pennsylvania NSPE (2005) and ASCE (2019). He won the Best Value
Society of Professional Engineers (PSPE) in 1986; Engineer in Green Engineering award in the ASCE’s Innovation
of the Year from the Luzerne (1993-94) and Keystone NE Contest in 2017. He received his B.S. in the earth sciences
(2018-19) chapters of PSPE, Lehigh Valley Chapter of (Geology) in 1975 from The Pennsylvania State University.
chaired a Coal & Energy (C&E) Division session at the University in North Carolina and a
MINEXCHANGE 2020 SME Annual Conference & Expo, Ph.D. in mining engineering from
served on the C&E Division Scholarship Committee (2012- Virginia Tech. He is a registered
2017), co-authored a featured article in Mining Engineering professional engineer in several
magazine on “Ventilation Modeling of a Low-Seam Coal states. His past industrial experience
Mine to Optimize Ventilation” (August 2014) and received includes working for 10 years in mining
the 2019 John T. Boyd Memorial Young Engineer Award operations. Reed worked 18 years at
from the SME-Pittsburgh section. NIOSH’s Pittsburgh Mining Research
Division’s dust control, ventilation and
William toxic substances branch, conducting
Stefanko Best Paper Award to Vasu Randolph Reed mine health and safety research on
Gangrade, Todd Grounds, william dust control for both underground and
surface mining operations. His research includes developing
randolph Reed, Garron Ross, Michael R. respirable dust controls for surface mine blasthole drills,
and for underground coal roof bolters, shuttle cars and
Shahan and Kunwar Shandilya Singh longwall operations. He currently works in the NIOSH
The Stefanko Best Paper Award is presented to Vasu
Office of Mine Safety and Health
Gangrade, Todd Grounds, William Randolph Reed, Garron
Ross, Michael R. Shahan and Kunwar Shandilya Singh for
After completing his B.S. in
their paper titled “Field Testing of Roof Bolter Canopy Air
mechanical engineering at West Virginia
Curtain Operating Downwind of the Continuous Miner,”
University Institute of Technology,
presented at the MINEXCHANGE 2020 SME Annual
Ross spent his early career at J.H.
Conference & Expo and published in SME’s Mining,
Fletcher & Co. working in research
Metallurgy & Exploration journal, Vol. 38 (2021), Issue 1,
and development. His projects were
pp. 581–592.
primarily related to dust control and
Gangrade is a mining engineer at the National Institute
included multiple studies with NIOSH
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in Pittsburgh, Garron Ross on the development of air-curtain
PA. He is the principal investigator of
canopies used on roof bolters and haulage equipment. Ross
a project to improve ventilation and
has been with J.H. Fletcher & Co. for six years and is now
reduce contaminant exposure in large-
involved in both mining and nonmining projects.
opening underground limestone mines.
LCDR Shahan is an officer in the U.S. Public Health
Before joining NIOSH, he worked as
Service who is currently stationed in NIOSH’s National
a ventilation engineer at the Lively
Personal Protective Technology
Grove Mine in southern Illinois. He
Laboratory. He is a general engineer
holds an M.S. in mining engineering
involved in the respirator approval
from the University of Utah and a B.S.
program, providing approved personal
in mining engineering from the Indian
Vasu Gangrade protective equipment to U.S. workers.
School of Mines. He is active in SME
Shahan joined NIOSH in 2015 as a
and serves as the executive secretary
mechanical engineer in the Pittsburgh
for the Young Leaders Committee. He also serves on the
Mining Research Division.
board of directors for the Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute
Shahan was involved in several
of America. He has published 18 scientific papers in the
projects in the dust, ventilation and
area of mine ventilation and ground control. His ongoing Michael R. toxic substances branch, researching
research work impacts multiple commodities, including Shahan dust-control strategies in underground
coal, stone and shale gas.
coal mines. He is a registered professional engineer and
Grounds graduated with a B.S. in
holds a B.S.and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from
mining engineering in 1984 from the
West Virginia University.
University of Missouri-Rolla. During
Singh graduated with an M.S. in
his 36-year career in mining, he has held
mining engineering from Southern
various positions in both operations
Illinois University, Carbondale in 2008
and safety at several underground coal
and a B.S. from Indian Institute of
mining operations throughout central
Technology, Dhanbad, India, in 2000. In
and southern Illinois. Grounds began
his 20-year career, he has held various
working at Prairie State Generating
positions in technical sales in Delhi and
Co., Lively Grove Mine as the safety
Todd Grounds in mine engineering in Southern Illinois.
manager in April 2013.
Singh began working at Prairie State
Reed received a B.S. in mining engineering from the Kunwar Generating Co., Lively Grove Mine as
University of Missouri-Rolla, an M.B.A. from Wingate Shandilya Singh the engineering manager in May 2012.
toward mitigating the impacts of occupational risk and safety culture (and results) became a subject of pride for all
protecting miners. Lutz has specific expertise in risk people and companies involved.
management, mine safety, diesel particulate matter, silica,
heat strain, noise and infectious diseases.
Additionally, he has extensive practical knowledge Individual Excellence Award to
of global preventive medicine/public DavE D. Lauriski
health, serving as the lead medical The Individual Excellence Award is presented to Dave
intelligence officer for the Arizona D. Lauriski for his leadership at the Mine Safety and Health
National Guard and Department of Administration (MSHA), initiating alliance agreements
Emergency Management COVID-19 with industry and labor while also achieving a significant
response, and as a public health officer reduction in injuries and fatalities.
in the U.S. Air Force, Arizona Air Lauriski, a third-generation miner, has been active
National Guard. Lutz concurrently in the mining industry for more than 50 years. He is the
serves as an adjunct professor at the former president and chief executive
Uniformed Services University for the officer of Safety Solutions International
Eric A. Lutz
Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD, is an and a founding member of Predictive
instructor for the Defense Institute for Medical Operations Safety SRP Inc.
on State Department missions and is the former director of Lauriski served as MSHA’s
the Spokane Mining Research Division, National Institute Assistant Secretary of Labor from
for Occupational Safety and Health. 2001 to 2004. He was responsible for
leading and managing the MSHA
Operational Excellence Award to and for administration of the Federal
Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.
Anagold — SSR Mining Dave D. Lauriski He set in motion the first-ever alliance
The Operational Excellence Award is presented to agreements with industry and labor
Anagold — SSR Mining. Anagold Madencilik delivered organizations that were designed to further enhance safety
world-class performance in health and safety by driving and health in the mining industry.
field-based and systems-operational excellence and Lauriski received the SME Presidential Citation for
achieving more than 22 million work-hours and 1,000 days achievements toward a safer mining industry and the
lost-time injury free at the Copler Mine. Daniel C. Jackling Achievement Award. He is a former
Maintaining SSR Mining’s commitment of placing the board member of the National Mining Hall of Fame and
well-being of their people above all else proved a motivating Museum, member of the Rocky Coal Mining Institute,
challenge for the entire SSR and Anagold team during former chairman of the Utah Board of Oil, Gas, and
the transformative sulfide expansion project execution Mining, board member of the Utah Mining Association
and ramp-up. The world-class safety results were achieved and chairman of the Coal Mine Safety Committee for the
by combining international best practices with a highly former American Mining Congress.
effective and culturally
aware field-based safety
program. SSR and Anagold
created an environment
where safety genuinely
came first through leading
in the field by example and
complementing training
with field-based personnel
whose sole responsibility
was to follow up the training
with active intervention and
coaching. This approach
built on traditional methods
of delivering safety training
and, importantly, crossed
cultural and language
barriers. By catching unsafe
acts before they became a
lagging statistic and positively
changing behavior one
interaction at a time, the Anagold — SSR Mining team. Mınıng engıneerıng FEBRUARY 2021 55
SME Division AwardsSME News
Industrial Minerals & Aggregates Division Awards
A. Frank Alsobrook Distinguished Industrial Minerals & Aggregates
Service Award to Jerry Gauntt Division Young Scientist Award to
The A. Frank Alsobrook Distinguished Service Award is Tathagata Ghosh
presented to Jerry Gauntt for his significant and exemplary The Industrial Minerals & Aggregates Division Young
contributions to SME and the Industrial Minerals & Scientist Award is presented to Tathagata Ghosh for his
Aggregates Division and in recognition outstanding contribution to the field of mineral-processing
of his accomplishments and outstanding problems in the Arctic, his contribution to the area of dry
reputation for professionalism. processing, fine circuit optimization
Gauntt is currently the business and rare earth extraction from
development manager at Brooks & Alaskan coals, and his successful
Nelson, a leading mining industry teaching records.
executive recruiter and human Ghosh is an associate professor of
resources consultant. For most of mining engineering at the University
his career he worked for mining of Alaska-Fairbanks (UAF). He has
companies, including Rio Tinto a B.S. in mining engineering from the
Jerry Gauntt (Luzenac), ASARCO, Imerys and Bengal Engineering College (now
Rocky Mountain Energy. IIEST), Shibpur, India; an M.S. in
He held multiple business development roles for mechanical engineering from AGH
consulting organizations, including Marston & Marston, Tathagata Ghosh University of Science and Technology,
Golder and Kline Group. He has focused on sales of Krakow, Poland; and a Ph.D. in mining
industrial minerals (talc, calcium carbonate and kaolin) as engineering from the University of
well as base and precious metals. Kentucky. Over the past 16 years, Ghosh has been involved
Gauntt has extensive experience helping investors in several federal-, state- and industry-sponsored projects
with due-diligence reviews. He holds a B.A. in political worth more than $10 million. He received the Invent Alaska
science and an M.S. in mineral economics from Penn Award in 2016 and is an SME Young Leader. He was co-
State. He originally joined SME in 1978 during graduate editor of the Proceedings of the 37th APCOM Conference
school. He has twice served as chair of the Industrial and serves on the editorial board of the International
Minerals & Aggregates Division and is currently a Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization. He is chair of
member of the Structure and Governance Committee. 2021 C&E Division Program Committee. Currently, Ghosh
Gauntt will be joining the SME board of directors at the is serving as chair of the mining department and director of
MINEXCHANGE 2021 SME Annual Conference & Expo. the Mineral Industry Research Lab at UAF.
North American and South American founded the Torreon section. She was president of the
members, and for being the only Women Committee of the Mexican Institute of Chemical
International Honorary Member. She Engineers (IMIQ) in 1972.
is commended for her faithful and Lomelín is a member of the Mexican Association of
continuous dedication to furthering the Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists of Mexico
goals and purposes of WAAIME since (AIMMGM). She has participated in several WAAIME
joining in 1971. meetings in the United States and Peru and took
Lomelín was born in Mexico City, communities development training courses in Spain. She is
graduated as a paralegal secretary in an active fundraiser to support earth-sciences students and
Eugenia Lomelín 1952 and worked for the U.S. Embassy promotes English courses to students interested in pursuing
in Mexico from 1956 to 1965. Her graduate studies in the United States. Over the last 40 years
husband joined Peñoles in 1971, and that same year she she has been the international representative of the Mexico
joined the Peñoles Ladies Committee that works for City and Torreon sections in WAAIME and participates
the families of mining communities where the company in the SME Committee. “Education is the most important
operates. In 1971, she joined WAAIME and was president element to develop Mexico, so I will continue helping
of the Mexico City sections 1982-1983 and 1986-1987 and students until the end of my days,” she said. n
ontinued from page 45) Lesly Jacqueline Ocas De La Cruz, Alex Javier Ramos Villanueva, Cajamarca, Peru
Cajamarca, Peru Cajamarca, Peru Walter Rolando Teran Cabanillas,
Carlos Alonso Lopez Mendoza, Esmelin Inelsido Ocon Castrejon, Cody Rapke, Fruita, CO Cajamarca, Peru
Cajamarca, Peru Cajamarca, Peru Karthik Rathnam, Winnemucca, Valeria Francisca Torres Caro,
Heyler Gustvo Manosalva Horna, Tatiane Pereira Possanho, Santiago, NV Santiago, Chile
Sr, Cajamarca, Peru Chile Andy Joel Reyes Liza, Cajamarca, Francisco Javier Vargas Zapata,
Patty Lisbeth Martinez Gonzales, Javiera Cosntanza Poblete Peru Santiago, Chile
Cajamarca, Peru Sandoval, Santiago, Chile Pamela Rivera Daza, Arequipa, Álvaro Fernando Vergara Barria,
Carlos Darwin Mejia Gomez, Marco Esau Portal Valdivia, Peru Santiago, Chile
Cajamarca, Peru Cajamarca, Peru Edward Humberto Sanchez Cacho, Pablo Angel Voight Pinto, Santiago,
Valentina Paz Nunez Nunez, Josias Eliseo Puente Gomez, Quito, Cajamarca, Peru Chile
Santiago, Chile Ecuador Flor Yanina Segobia Campos, Kevin You, Hagerstown, MD
Visit for more industry events or to list your event online.
(continued from page 62) GL Specialties - Linda Schafer to support the future of mining in
Royal Gold Inc. Glenwood Caverns Adventure honor of their loved ones. In 2020, the
Skyline Assayers & Laboratories Park following people remembered their
Solensa Golden Moon Distillery - Jackie Pena loved ones with gifts in their name.
Southwest Energy Goodr - Hanssie Ho
Stantec Goodtimes/Bad Daddy’s Burger Gifts made in memory of Dr. Roshan
Sunwest Supply Bar Bhappu:
Symboticware Great Wolf Lodge - Colorado Wayne Alexander
Unum Springs Winnell Burt
W.W. Williams Bill Hancock Cuvee
Wagner Equipment Hidee Gold Mine John Van De Beuken
Weir Minerals History Colorado Center Stanley Dempsey, Sr.
Steve Holmes Rene Flores
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Pat Frost
In-kind donors Museum
J. H. Fletcher & Co. - Greg Hinshaw
Linda Hancock
Thomas Henderson, Jr.
In 2020 the Foundation received
donated items for use at the Benefit JENNMAR- Tony Calandra Greg Parker
Truck Raffle and Annual Gala Silent Dave and Trish Kanagy Vicki Perkins
Auction. A special thank you to Kendra Scott Jewelry Adib Sabbagh
Empire CAT for the donation of a Mary Korpi Mark Singer
2020 GMC Sierra 2500 Crew Cab Kurt and Norma Kost Humam Sirhal
4WD SLT Diesel truck that was Lawson Consulting Services - Scott Jinnyn Tata
raffled off in February, raising $85,000 Lawson Andrew Templin
for Foundation programs. Thank Minnesota Section of SME - Julie Herbert Welhener
you to the following companies and Marinucci
individuals for donating items in National Mining Hall of Fame and Gifts made in memory of Art Haugen
support of the SME Foundation. Museum - Robin Hall Minnesota Section
National Western Stock Show and Northern MN Subsection SME
Adams Mystery Playhouse Rodeo
Adventure Mining Company - Matt Newmont - Dean Gehring Gifts made in memory of Hedy Kunter
Portfleet Northern MN Subsection - Kurt Richard Kunter
Angelic Healing Crystals – Karin Doran
Contier Ohio Aggregates & Industrial Gifts made in memory of Ken Porter
Arizona Diamondbacks Minerals Association - Pat Jacomet Bruce Geller
Barbara Arnold Pop Culture Classroom
Brent Bailey Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Gifts made in memory of Terry Tew
Busch Gardens Florida Hotel Tonia Lafountain
Capital Genealogy RM Wilson Company - Patrick Dubiel F.W. Matott
CAT Global Mining - Jim Grooss Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
CB Mining - William Powell SynTerra Corporation - Steve Gardner
T. Cook’s in Royal Palm Resort and
Tribute donors
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company Occasionally, people make gifts
LP - Debbie Laney Spa to the Foundation in honor of an
Chicago Cubs The Lodge Casino SME member that is important
Chipotle Trader Joe’s in their lives. These are made to
CONSOL Energy - Eric Shereda Vermeer - Mike Selover recognize an achievement, a birthday,
Denver Broncos Whayne CAT - Steve Richards an anniversary, their long-term
Denver Center for the Performing Tom Rauch membership or just to thank them for
Arts Iris Whinnen-Owen all they do. In 2020, the Foundation
Denver Museum of Nature & Will and Pam Wilkinson received the following tribute gift:
Science Charlie Zimmerman
Denver Zoo Gifts made in honor of George &
Doe Run Company - Genevieve
Sutton Memorial donors Dee Luxbacher
Carrie Buss
E.R.M. - Joe Driscoll Each year, families of those we lost
Dale and Kathy Elifrits remember their loved ones with gifts If your gift was omitted from this
Epiroc - Jess Kindler in their honor to the SME Foundation. list, please accept our apologies and
FLSmidth - Mick McCaslin We appreciate the families thinking of contact us at smefoundation@smenet.
Georgetown Loop - Railroad us in their time of sorrow and helping org. n
64 FEBRUARY 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng
Media Review
Dozens of authors sh
can develop earth re
SME, 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood, co 80112 USA simultaneously addr
sustainability to env
Dedicated to industr
Mineral Exploration
legendary scientist a
Advanced Separatio
The mineral exploration and mining industry is a dynamic, diverse, and profitable sector involving a Dewatering and Drying
Coal Processing
wide range of people in different stages of their professional careers and investments. At the same time,
Gravity Separations
Your printed
in starts and stops over one
or more decades) name mineral-development proposals; or are interested in the
Permitting and
financial analysis
2-7 years (includes feasibility
studies and environmental
$2-$20 million
basics of exploration, discovery, geology, and mining.
2010, 336 pages, 2 lbs GEOLOGY
Book Order No. 9100
$89 Member / $69 Student Member / $99 Non-Member/List MINERAL DEPOSITS
[email protected]
Your most
precious resource. 1.800.763.3132 The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.
12999 East Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood, CO 80112
70th Annual
MPD Meeting
May 24-26, 2021
For Hotel Reservations call “The Broadmoor” Space is Limited— Reserve Now!
1-800-634-7711 Code “SME21”
Craft Metallurgy
Mineral Processing in the New Millennium
Web Directory
Design, Operations and Technical Services, Regional Office: St. Augustine, FL Englewood, CO 80112; Editor, Bill Gleason, 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle,
Arapahoe County, Englewood, CO 80112
Hydrogeology, Mining Engineering, Process (904) 342-8354 10. The owner is The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.,
Plant Evaluation and Design, and Mineral [email protected] 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Arapahoe County, Englewood, CO 80112. A
membership corporation organized as a nonprofit, nonstick corporation
Processing. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders: none
12. Tax status: Has not changed during preceding 12 months: 501 (c) 3 13. Publication title: Mining Engineering
14. Issue date for circulation data below: December, 2020
15. Extent and nature of circulation:
Naylor Pipe Company Average number No. Copies of Single
Manufacturers of Spiralweld Steel Pipe and
FLSmidth Fittings 4” to 102”, #14ga. to 1/2” wall.
copies each issue Issue Published
during preceding 12 months Nearest to Filing Date
Productivity provider #1 for the world’s
largest installed base of original equipment Telephone: (773) 721-9400 a. Total no. copies printed 9,907 10,755
b. Paid and/or requested circulation 9,835 10,678
including: Crushing, Grinding, Classifying, Fax: (773) 721-9494 1) Paid/requested outside-county 0 0
STRUCTURE Serving your needs for seismic and
DESIGN geophysical exploration since 1991.
SOFTWARE We have the tools, knowledge
and expertise for the best quality
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OPTIMIZES buildings, structures and innovative, we are here for you.
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Antraquip Corporation................................................................ 3
Canary Systems...................................................................... 12
Caterpillar...................................................... Outside Back Cover ®
Advertiser Index
AECOM.................................. 11 Hazen Research....................... 22 Naylor Pipe..........................32
Assured Partners..................... 12 Ind. Mining Consultants............ 23 Rail-Veyor Tech Global..........33
Carlson Software..................... 13 Innovative Wireless Tech........... 25 SCHWING BIOSET................35
Dyno Noble............................. 15 Jennmar............Inside Back Cover SmithCo Manufacturing........37
Eclipse Mining.......................... 16 Kalenborn Abresist Corp............. 27 SRK....................................34
Eriez...................................... 17 LC Drives................................ 29 Virginia Tech.......................36
General Kinematics................... 19 Luff Industries......................... 26 Weir...................................39
Golder.................................... 20 Matec..................................... 28 West River Conveyors ..........38
Hawk Measurement.................. 21 Miner Elastomer Products.......... 30 Wirtgen...............................41
Now more than ever, virtual meetings open access to a world of interaction. Exchange
GLOBAL CONNECTIONS perspectives, ideas and information with colleagues from around the globe, broadening your
outlook and expanding your professional network.
Be inspired and support important industry causes through your participation. Our community is
MOVE THE INDUSTRY FORWARD deeply resilient with a past of persevering through historic challenges- rising to the challenges of
COVID-19 is no different.
Featuring SME signature lectures such as the Gaudin, Jackling,
Dreyer, Murray, Wadsworth and Richards along with feature keynotes
each day, this dynamic blend of live and on-demand presentations
and poster sessions bring you vital information about:
Shaking hands. Catching up over a drink. Continuing a discussion from the keynote. Make time to do that online at MINEXCHANGE. New and reimagined
networking events connect you to the colleagues each day. Plan to join us for some of the best parts of any conference!
Celebrate the Industry’s Best Connect with Colleagues Work Hard, Play Hard, Win Big Move Mining Live Competition
There are still opportunities to partner with SME at MINEXCHANGE. Contact us to showcase your brand.
[email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
sponsor listing
Caterpillar Komatsu
Conference Attendee Pack Sponsor Move Mining Title Sponsor
Caterpillar Global Mining and Cat dealers are working together with mining Komatsu is an indispensable partner to the mining, forestry, industrial and
companies worldwide to mine efficiently and productively while doing the construction industries that maximizes value for customers through inno-
utmost to protect the health and safety of miners. No other manufacturer can vative solutions with original equipment and services. Through our full line
offer what Caterpillar does: An unparalleled integration of mining and support of products supported by advanced IoT technologies and our global service
equipment and technologies for both surface and underground mining. Cat network, we help customers safely and sustainably optimize their operations.
products are on more mine sites than any other equipment line. No matter Komatsu Mining provides essential equipment, systems and solutions used
what the mining challenge and no matter where the mine is located, Cater- by companies worldwide to extract fundamental minerals for developing
pillar can help. modern infrastructure, technology and consumer products.
Our partnership goes beyond the iron.
Main Office
Main Office 4400 W National Ave
901 W Washington St, CV4144 Milwaukee, WI 53214 USA
East Peoria, IL 61630 USA Phone: (414) 670-4400
Phone: (309) 675-1972
Wagner Equipment
Rio Tinto CMA Awards Presentations Title Sponsor,
Influcencer Sponsor, Technical Presentations CMA Technical Program Sponsor
Sponsor WE’RE WAGNER EQUIPMENT CO. And, we’re proud to be your Caterpillar®
Rio Tinto is a mining and metals company operating in around 36 countries dealer in Colorado, New Mexico and far west Texas. Since 1976, Wagner has
around the world. Our purpose is to produce the materials essential to human been selling and renting quality CAT machines used in heavy construction,
progress. Our four product groups bring this purpose to life: Aluminium, Cop- building construction, mining, waste handling, paving, municipal and govern-
per & Diamonds, Energy & Minerals and Iron Ore. These are complemented mental applications, and more. We are a Cat equipment dealer that prioritizes
by our Growth & Innovation and Commercial groups, as well as our service customer service while boasting a vast inventory that ensures our customers
and support functions. get the Caterpillar equipment, parts, and service they require. Wagner also
represents Challenger and Massey Ferguson Agricultural tractors. Wagner
Main Office Rents - the Cat Rental Store, handles Cat compact machines, and a wide
4700 W Daybreak Pkwy range of contractor’s equipment, tools and supplies for rent or purchase. Be-
South Jordan, UT 84009 yond Wagner Equipment Co. and Wagner Rents, our Power Systems Division
USA provides Caterpillar engines, generator sets and related equipment used to power trucks, provide electric power to buildings, utilities and job sites, run
crushers/other industrial systems, and move petroleum and natural gas.
Main Office
Contact: Brad Cofield
Executive Vice President
Wagner Equipment Co.
6 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
sponsor listing
vironmental, energy, oil and gas, water, high-rise build-
ings and government. As a Fortune 500 firm, AECOM
Influencer companies, including URS Corporation and Hunt Con-
struction Group, have annual revenue of approximately
$18 billion.
Main Office
6200 S Quebec St
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 USA
Phone: (303) 694-2770
Weir Minerals
Technical Program
Freeport-McMoRan Inc Title Sponsor
Women & Diversity Keynote and Technical Presentations Sponsor, Weir Minerals are specialists in deliverying end-to-end
Student Resource Center Sponsor solutions for all mining and minerals processing plants.
FREEPORT: Foremost in Copper We engineer, manufacture, supply and service world-
Freeport-McMoRan is a leading international mining company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. Free- class minerals processing and mine dewatering prod-
port-McMoRan operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and prob- ucts for virtually any application, anywhere in the world.
able reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. The company is one of the world’s largest publicly traded Our advanced product range incorporating brands such
copper producers. as Warman® centrifugal slurry pumps, Linatex® rub-
Freeport-McMoRan’s portfolio of assets includes the Grasberg minerals district in Indonesia, one of the ber products, GEHO® PD slurry pumps, Vulco® wear
world’s largest copper and gold deposits; and significant mining operations in North America and South resistant linings, Cavex® hydrocyclones, Enduron®
America, including the large-scale Morenci minerals district in Arizona and the Cerro Verde operation in Peru. comminution equipment, Isogate® slurry valves, Del-
By supplying responsibly produced copper, the company is proud to be a positive contributor to the world ta™ Industrial knife gate valves, Multiflo® mine dewa-
well beyond its operational boundaries. Additional information about Freeport-McMoRan is available at fcx. tering solutions, Hazleton® specialty slurry pumps, and
com. Trio® crushers and screens.
Metso Outotec
Technical Program
Title Sponsor
shaping urban and production ecosystems to become Metso Outotec is a frontrunner in sustainable technol-
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 7
sponsor listing
members many opportunities to participate in educa- purchasing organization focused on bringing exclusive
tion and tradeshows that include CONEXPO-CON/AGG, savings to the paper-manufacturing industry. With a
AGG1 Academy & Expo, Young Leaders and the NSSGA
Annual Convention.”
membership base of over 45,000 companies, UPG is
able to negotiate volume discounts with the most well-
known business service brands. Your company will
Main Office save on everything from mobile phone lines to office
66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 300 supplies to payroll to shipping. Even better, a UPG
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA membership is absolutely free. By registering at upg.
org, eligible companies will have access to exclusive
Energy Fuels Inc.
Phone: (703) 525-8788 deals on Verizon phone lines and data (22% off), Connector Sponsor
products from Best Buy and Staples and services from Energy Fuels is the #1 U.S. uranium producer, a
Unifirst and ADP, YRC freight and more. Save now with producer of vanadium, and anticipates commencing
Civil & Environmental the power of group purchasing. Join at commercial production of rare earth element (“REE”)
carbonate in 2021. Energy Fuels holds three of Amer-
Consultants ica’s key uranium production centers: The White Mesa
MINEXCHANGE 2021 Virtual Trapper Mining Inc. Mill in Utah, the Nichols Ranch in-situ recovery (“ISR”)
Auction Platinum Title Sponsor Innovator Sponsor Project in Wyoming, and the Alta Mesa ISR Project
CEC provides innovative design solutions and integrat- Trapper Mining is a utility-owned, surface mining com- in Texas. These assets have a combined licensed
ed expertise to all sectors of the mining industry. We pany that operates in Northwest Colorado. Trapper is production capacity of over 11.5 million pounds of
strategically focus on the industry’s business drivers located 6.5 miles southwest of Craig, Colorado with uranium per year. The Company also holds the largest
and challenges, offering solutions related to air quality, annual capacity of 2.6 million tons of sub-bituminous NI 43-101 uranium resource base in the U.S. Energy
civil engineering, ecological sciences, environmental coal. All coal produced is delivered to adjacent Craig Fuels can be reached at [email protected] or
engineering and sciences, manufacturing infrastruc- Generating Station. Trapper Mine takes pride in lead- 303-974-2140.
ture services, survey/geospatial, waste management, ing the coal industry in the areas of safety, reclamation
and water resources needs. With deep bench strength and community involvement with numerous awards.
to tackle tough problems, CEC has successfully com- Most recently in September 2018 receiving the Good
pleted projects for the mining industry ranging from
the design and permitting of refuse disposal areas, to
Neighbor Award from the U.S. Department of the
Interior, Office of Surface Mining ?for achievement of
Luck Stone Corp.
water treatment projects, to large-scale post-mining exemplary interaction, communication and involve- SME/NSSGA 2020-2021
land-use changes, and to ecological resource impact ment with the surrounding land owners and local Student Design Competition
assessments. community. Title Sponsor
Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Luck Stone
Main Office
333 Baldwin Rd
Tri-State Generation and is the nation’s largest family owned and operat-
ed producer of crushed stone, sand and gravel. A
Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA Transmission Association, Inc. responsive and creative partner to the construction,
Phone: (800) 365-2324 civil engineering and environmental industries, Luck
Innovator Sponsor Stone provides consistent, quality aggregate materials
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
Inc., based in Westminster, Colo., is a not-for-profit and services that serve as the foundation of roads,
Barr Engineering cooperative of 45 members, including 42 utility elec- bridges and buildings. Driven by a vision to positively
impact communities by building value inspired by
Technical Program tric distribution cooperative and public power district
members in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and New customers, Luck Stone offers more than 75 crushed
Title Sponsor Mexico. Together, we deliver reliable, affordable and stone products available in a variety of colors, sizes
For 50 years, Barr has been assisting national and responsible power to more than a million electricity and gradations.
international mining clients with complex, large-scale consumers across nearly 200,000 square miles of
projects. We offer a single source for the technical the West. Tri-State was founded by its members in To learn more, visit
and regulatory services needed to take projects from 1952. It continues to provide generation, transmission
conceptual studies and environmental assessments
through facility construction, operations, and closure.
and related services to its members, through efforts Martin Marietta
such as its transitional Responsible Energy Plan, in
Barr’s services include environmental review, permit- accordance with cooperative principles. For more
SME/NSSGA 2020-2021
ting, and compliance; reserve estimation and resource information about Tri-State, visit Student Design Competition
reporting; mine planning; mineral processing; facility Title Sponsor
and site design; electrical and process controls; tailings A member of the S&P 500 Index, Martin Marietta is
and water management; and mine-site remediation Newmont an American-based company and a leading supplier
and reclamation. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Barr Connector Sponsor of building materials - including aggregates, cement,
also has offices in Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Mis- Newmont is the world’s leading gold company and ready mixed concrete and asphalt. Through a network
souri, North Dakota, Utah, and Alberta, Canada. a producer of copper, silver, zinc and lead. The of operations spanning 27 states, Canada and the
Company’s world-class portfolio of assets, prospects Bahamas, dedicated Martin Marietta teams supply the
Main Office and talent is anchored in favorable mining jurisdictions resources necessary for building the solid foundations
4300 MarketPoint Dr, Ste 200 in North America, South America, Australia and Africa. on which our communities thrive. Powered by a talent-
Minneapolis, MN 55435 USA Newmont is the only gold producer listed in the S&P ed and diverse workforce, guided in its work by five
Phone: (952) 832-2600 500 Index and is widely recognized for its principled core values - safety, integrity, excellence, community environmental, social and governance practices. The and stewardship -- Martin Marietta’s goal is to build
Company is an industry leader in value creation, sup- and sustain a world-class organization committed to
Unified Purchasing Group ported by robust safety standards, superior execution
and technical proficiency. Newmont was founded in
the long-term success of all of its stakeholders.”
The EXCHANGE: Conference 1921 and has been publicly traded since 1925.
Newsletter Sponsor
When Every Dollar Counts, UPG Helps You Save
Now, more than ever, you are looking for ways to
reduce your operating expenses. UPG is a group
8 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
sponsor listing
Mines go deeper.
project support personnel. We serve our clients from
JH Fletcher Regulations are more complex. more than 80 offices in the United States, Canada, the
SME Foundation Corporate Automater United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia.
Roundtable Partners Leadership are paying attention.
Update Sponsor Jackson Kelly PLLC
J.H. Fletcher & Co. is one of the top global produc- Automater Sponsor
We’re not in Haynes
ers of custom underground mining equipment. The
company has engineered and manufactured solutions
Boone, it’s
LLP easy. Jackson Kelly is a regional law firm with a national
reputation. With more than 150 attorneys located
since 1937, creating a diverse product line. Fletcher Automater Sponsor
in ten offices across Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky,
roof bolters are world renowned and accompanied by Haynes and Boone is an international corporate law firm
We thrive
Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the District of
an entire product line, including: drill jumbos, powder with offices in Texas, New York, California, Charlotte,
Columbia, and decades of experience, Jackson Kelly
loaders, scalers, and specialty equipment. Fletcher Chicago, Denver, Washington, D.C., London, Mexico
represents a wide variety of clients across a host of in-
equipment is manufactured in a state of the art facility City and Shanghai, providing a full spectrum of legal
dustries and in nearly all aspects of the law. Jackson
services in energy, technology, financial services and
on challenges
in the United States. Products are supported through Kelly is the first law firm ever to be named Law Firm of
a highly skilled staff of field service technicians and private equity. With more than 575 lawyers, Haynes and
the Year” in Mining Law by Best Lawyers of America®
backed by a fully stocked warehouse. Visit our website Boone is ranked among the largest U.S.-based firms by
in the 2010 Best Law Firms rankings, which we
at to learn more about our prod- The National Law Journal, The American Lawyer and
earned again in 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2020.
uct line or call us today at 800-543-5431 to get your The Lawyer. It also was recognized across the board for
solution started. excellence in the BTI Consulting Group’s 2020 “A-Team”
report, which identifies the law firms that in-house coun-
sel commend for providing superior client service.
BEUMER Corporation
Technical Program Sponsor
For material handling between mine and processing
Climax Molybdenum Company (a Freeport-McMoRan
plant and beyond, BEUMER offers the complete solu-
tion. BEUMER brings decades of experience to offer
you the technology suited to your particular task. With
a robust portfolio BEUMER enables you to run your Company)
mine most safely and efficiently. BEUMER supports Automater Sponsor Golder Associates
you from the beginning: starting with the feasibility Climax Molybdenum Company, a subsidiary of Free- Technical Presentations
study, the engineering and supply, installation and port-McMoRan, is the world’s leading molybdenum Sponsor
commissioning, and finally the operation of the plant producer and supplier. Founded in 1916, our global oper- From pre-feasibility to mine closure, Golder thrives
as well as after-sales support – with BEUMER you can ations include both primary and byproduct molybdenum on the challenges that mining presents. Our team of
get everything from a single source. mines. Integrated global operations and local customer professionals in Mine Water, Mine Waste, Mine Envi-
care provide our worldwide partners with the most ronment, Mine Infrastructure and Mine Engineering &
reliable supply and highest quality molybdenum and Stability, and Geology have a long history of delivering
rhenium products. Climax Molybdenum has developed
Cedar Mountain Stone a Responsible Care? Policy as part of our commitment
excellence to our mining clients across North America
SME/NSSGA 2020-2021 Student and the world. Stop by our booth to learn more about
to the Principles of Responsible Care® and to product the Golder difference.
Design Comp Full Sponsor safety, process safety, environmental stewardship,
Established in 1994 by Dalrymple Holding Corp., health, safety, and security at our global operations. We
Cedar Mountain Stone is supplier of quality crushed work together with our customers and other stake- Holland & Hart
stone and related products in Virginia. The Dalrymple’s holders to develop solutions in support of our common Conference Journal Sponsor
have been in the heavy and highway construction and sustainability goals. Founded in 1947, Holland & Hart is a full-service
construction materials industry since 1902. In an effort Am Law 200 firm with offices in eight states and in
to expand their markets, Cedar Mountain Stone was
founded. Cedar Mountain Stone quickly grew into a
Pinnacol Assurance Washington, D.C. We deliver integrated legal solutions
to regional, national, and international clients of all
full service aggregate supplier and their product lines Automater Sponsor sizes in a diverse range of industries. Rooted in the
include many other specialized products. In 2004 Ce- Pinnacol Assurance does just one thing, and does it bet- mining industry for over 70 years, our team works
dar Mountain Stone opened the Gainesville facility in ter than anyone: provide caring workers? compensation on projects at every stage of the mining lifecycle. We
Northern Virginia. The Gainesville yard is a rail served protection to Colorado employers and employees. The bring industry savvy to help our clients anticipate
stone distribution center offering a full line of approved 57,000 employers we insure enjoy fast claims support, evolving developments and stay a step ahead. For
construction aggregate. convenient online tools, a keen understanding of their more information, visit or on
business, and the expertise of the largest workplace Twitter: @HollandHart.
safety team in the state. We’re responsible stewards of
customer premiums, giving back through general divi-
dends and rate decreases for three consecutive years.
Our online home is
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 9
10 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
The goal is to help you avoid tailings dams, produce and to provide a framework for establishing standards
AIME stackable solids, recover process water and ensure of excellence. AIPG emphasizes competency, integrity
The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and operational safety – all while reducing your total cost. and ethics. Its advocacy efforts are focused on the pro-
Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (AIME) supports its four motion of the role of geology and geologists in society.
Member Societies through the conferring of awards, Stop by our booth to learn more about the new era in
scholarships and special grants; and, as one of the five tailings management ushered in by Alfa Laval for the Products & Services
Founder Societies of engineering in the USA, AIME pro- Mining industry. Please visit our website for more in- Educational
vides its Member Societies with national visibility and formation. Professional Society or Association
participation within the larger engineering and scien-
tific community. Products & Services Main Office
Centrifuges 1333 W 120th Ave, Ste 211
Products & Services Classifiers Westminster, CO 80234 USA
Educational Dewatering Equipment Phone: (303) 412-6205
Professional Society or Association Dust and Fume Control Technology Email: [email protected]
Safety Equipment Separators and Concentrators
Main Office Water Clarification and Treatment
12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir Anvil International &
Englewood, CO 80112 USA
Phone: (303) 948-4255
Main Office Smith-Cooper International
5400 International Trade Dr Together, Anvil International and Smith-Cooper provide
Email: [email protected] Richmond, VA 23231 USA the highest-quality PVF products and services with Phone: (804) 536-0869 integrity and dedication to superior customer service. Anvil is one of the largest and most complete manu-
Alfa Laval als-and-pigment/base-minerals-and-mining/sme- facturers of pipe fittings, couplings, pipe hangers and
Alfa Laval offers the most extensive range of equipment 2021/ piping support systems in the world. Smith-Cooper is a
and expertise to help you with tailings dewatering and leading designer and provider of valves, fittings and re-
optimizing key processes in mineral beneficiation and American Institute of lated products. The combined company provides prod-
uct solutions globally to more than 4,000 customers
extraction. Our robustly designed solid-bowl decanter
centrifuges are an effective, high capacity solution for Professional Geologists across diverse end markets that include mechanical/
dewatering tailings and mine wastewater. The American Institute of Professional Geologists was HVAC, industrial, fire protection, oil and gas, commer-
founded in 1963 to promote the profession of geology cial and residential construction, agriculture, food and
chemical processing and waterworks.
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 11
Products & Services Filters, Filter Cloth and Accessories Products & Services
Castings Pumps Insurance
Consulting - Design and Planning Remediation
Couplings - Mechanical, Flexible and Rigid Thickeners Main Office
Fire Protection Water Clarification and Treatment 4582 S Ulster St, Ste 600
Pipes Denver, CO 80237 USA
Training Services Main Office Phone: (303) 228-2205
Valves Via Gessi 16 Email: [email protected]
Lugo 48022 Italy
Main Office Phone: +39054520611
2 Holland Way Email: [email protected]
Exeter, NH 03833 USA ATARFIL Geomembranes
emme-filtration/ ATARFIL is a global manufacturer of high performance
Phone: (800) 301-2701
GEOMEMBRANES (HDPE- LLDPE- PP), specialized in
Email: [email protected]
SAFE CONTAINMENT solutions for highly demanding ARCADIS MINING applications as heap leach pads, tailing dams
Arcadis is the leading global natural and built asset or mine closures. Providing requested engineering ser-
Aqseptence Group Srl design and consultancy firm. Our deep knowledge of vices, technical support and the best adapted product
Diemme® Filtration is focused on Solid/Liquid sepa- the unique and multifaceted mining industry, combined to the demands of the application and the needs of our
ration technologies with filter presses and thickeners; with our extensive global network and decades of ex- customers.
it is all we do. Our experience and competence are at perience, uniquely position us to help you manage your
the service of several Industries such as Mining&Met- asset portfolio while minimizing your operational costs, Products & Services
als, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Oil&Gas and Industrial bringing world-class expertise to support local teams Environmental Control Equipment and Supplies
in general. who understand your concerns. Our expertise includes Remediation
We have done studies on all aspects of our equipment environmental studies, mitigation strategies, planning, Sediment & Erosion Control
in order to develop the most efficient, high performing engineering, procurement, project and construction
management, operations support and improvement.
units available in the market today. Furthermore, we Main Office
design for simplicity to allow for increased reliability We offer unique services tailored to all areas and dis-
324 Moore Ave
and ease of maintenance and operation. Our product ciplines from Pit to Port for the entire mine and project
Suffolk, VA 23434 USA
portfolio includes a wide range of models and sizes life cycles.
Phone: (757) 263-4057
which can be tailor made for any specific application. Email: [email protected]
Products & Services
Products & Services Consulting - Design and Planning
Dewatering Equipment Consulting - Engineering
Environmental Control Equipment and Supplies Consulting - Environmental Barr Engineering Co
Consulting - Management For 50 years, Barr has been assisting national and
Remediation international mining clients with complex, large-scale
Water Clarification and Treatment projects. We offer a single source for the technical
and regulatory services needed to take projects from
Main Office conceptual studies and environmental assessments
630 Plaza Dr, Ste 200 through facility construction, operations, and closure.
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 USA Barr’s services include environmental review, permit-
Phone: (720) 344-3500 ting, and compliance; reserve estimation and resource
Mining Insurance for: Mining Insurance for: reporting; mine planning; mineral processing; facility
and site design; electrical and process controls; tailings
Mines and water management; and mine-site remediation
Association of Mining Engi-
Engineers Geologists neers, Metallurgists and also has offices in Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Mis-
Consultants souri, North Dakota, Utah, and Alberta, Canada.
Geologists Contractors
Geologists of Mexico, AC (AIMMGM)
SME Endorsed Professional Liability program Products & Services
Products & Services Consulting - Design and Planning
We work in all 50 states
Main Office
Liability program
Allan Crumbaker, SVP, SBU Manager
Av del Parque No 54 Col Napoles Main Office
We work in all 50 states
Direct: (303) 228-2205] Main: (303) 863-7788 Cell: (720) 314-4027
4582 S. Ulster St., Suite 600, Denver, CO 80237 Mexico DF 03810 Mexico 4300 MarketPoint Dr, Ste 200
Phone: 55 43 91 30 Minneapolis, MN 55435 USA
Comprehensive Risk Analysis and
[email protected]
12 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
mining process safely without loss of production. We Drilling Equipment Maintenance Equipment and Supplies
specialize in temporary and permanent support appli- Exploration Equipment and Services Roof - Ground Supports
cations, such as shotcrete and shaft lining applications. Mining Contractors Safety Equipment
Pumps Underground - Construction and Structures
Products & Services Ventilation Systems, Materials and Equipment
Concrete Reinforcement and Equipment Main Office
Fire Protection 2455 S 3600 W Main Office
Shotcrete Equipment, Supplies and Services West Valley City, UT 84119 USA 211 Central Ave
Tunnel Lining and Support Materials Phone: (801) 972-6430 Johnstown, PA 15902 USA
Underground Excavation Services and Equipment Phone: (814) 244-0204
Main Office
1395 South Marietta Parkway, Building 500, Suite 100
Marietta, GA 30067-4440 USA
Bradken is a leading heavy engineering company, spe- Canadian Institute of Mining,
cialising in the design, manufacture and supply of parts
Phone: +1 770 421 8520
and equipment to the mining industry. Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM) CIM is the leading not-for-profit technical society of
We also serve highly complex specialist industries with
our technical knowledge and custom metal casting and professionals in the Canadian minerals, metals, ma-
BEUMER Corporation, fabrication capabilities, ensuring all of our customers terials and energy industries. Our members, convened
from industry, academia and government, help shape,
get the right solution.
Conveying and Loading Division Our engineering and design expertise is backed by a lead and connect Canada’s mining industry, both with-
For material handling between mine, processing global network of sales and service teams, foundries, in our borders and across the globe. CIM is a member
plant and beyond, BEUMER offers complete tailor and workshops, meaning our aftermarket service is re- of the Global Mineral Professionals Alliance. Being a
made-solutions. As a leading supplier of curved over- gionally focused, efficient and places our customers at member has its benefits.
land and pipe conveyor systems as well as in-plant the heart of everything we do.
conveyors, bucket elevators, stockyard machinery and The Institute was incorporated in 1898 by an Act of the
shiploaders, BEUMER brings decades of experience. Parliament of Canada as the Canadian Mining Institute.
Products & Services
We match the best and most economical technologies In 1920, it became the Canadian Institute of Mining and
with your particular needs. BEUMER delivers support Metallurgy, and in 1990, the Canadian Institute of Min-
Crushers and Pulverizers
in all phases of a project: starting with trade-off and ing, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
feasibility studies, engineering and supply, installation Excavators
and commissioning. We can further assist in operation Feeders Products & Services
and maintenance of the plant and stand by 24/7 for any Grinding Media and Liners Educational
after-sales support. Grinding Mills Professional Society or Association
Linings and Claddings Publishers
Products & Services Loaders
Blending Systems Pipes Main Office
Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment 3500 de Maisonneuve W, Ste 1250
Conveyor Systems Main Office Montreal, QC H3Z 3C1 Canada
Transportation 90 Richmond St E, Ste 400 Phone: (514) 939-2710
Toronto, ON M5C 1P1 Canada Email: [email protected]
Main Office Phone: (416) 975-8251
7300 W 110th St, Ste 530
Overland Park, KS 66210 USA
Phone: (816) 245-7260
Cancha Geometallurgy
Cancha is the only integrated solution for geometallur-
gical sample selection, result interpretation, prediction
modeling and reporting.
Boart Longyear
Boart Longyear has a rich history, spanning 130 years Products & Services
in the mining and drilling industry. It has a substantial Computer - Software and Services
presence in energy, mining, mine dewatering, explora- Consulting - Design and Planning
tion RC and core drilling, production drilling, oil sands Consulting - Engineering
exploration, water wells and down-hole instrumenta- CAB Consulting - Research
tion. CAB has been recognized worldwide in the mining in- Information Technology Products
dustry for their High Quality Cable Hangers. For over 45
The Global Drilling Services division operates for a di- years CAB has supplied the industry with these hangers Main Office
verse mining customer base spanning a wide range and mine safety products. CAB hangers are widely rec- Calle La Perricholi 110
of commodities. The Global Products division designs, ognized for their strength, quality and safety features. San Isidro 15046 Peru
manufactures and sells drilling equipment, perfor- They are designed to safely support all types of cables Phone: +51999288417
mance tooling, down-hole instrumentation and parts in above/below ground operations.
and services. CAB (Cambria County Association for the Blind and
Handicapped) is dedicated to providing job opportuni-
With six global manufacturing locations, some of the ties and services to persons with physical and mental
most advanced drilling technology on the market, Boart challenges. All of the items in the CAB Product line are
Longyear continues to be innovators of the industry. manufactured by CAB employees with great pride and
Products & Services
Dewatering Equipment Products & Services
Drill Bits - Rock Electrical Equipment and Supplies
Drilling Contractors Longwall Mining Equipment
14 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
copper/iron depression and copper/molybdenum sepa-
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining ration, and Philflo® flotation oils for fertilizer minerals.
Caterpillar Global Mining and Cat dealers are working Performance Pipe is the largest producer of polyeth-
together with mining companies worldwide to mine ylene piping products in North America. DriscoPlex®
efficiently and productively while doing the utmost to industrial pipe is proven performance, quality and in-
protect the health and safety of miners. No other man- novation in natural gas, industrial, municipal, mining,
ufacturer can offer what Caterpillar does: An unparal-
Carlson Software leled integration of mining and support equipment and
oilfield, and utility applications.
See our ad on p. 13 technologies for both surface and underground mining.
Carlson Software, established in 1983, is a privately
Products & Services
Cat products are on more mine sites than any other Pipes
owned technology and software solutions provider equipment line. No matter what the mining challenge Reagents - Chemical and Flocculants
with the a focus on user-led features and in-the-field and no matter where the mine is located, Caterpillar Solvents - Extraction, Mixer and Settlers
functionality. Combining best-in-class products with can help.
award-winning support for its products worldwide, Our partnership goes beyond the iron.
Carlson offers CAD software solutions for mining, Main Office
machine control, and precision laser measurement 10001 Six Pines Dr
Products & Services The Woodlands, TX 77380 USA
systems. Automation Phone: (800) 858-4327
Autonomous Vehicles
Carlson Mining CAD software features Underground, Draglines
Surface, and Geology modules. Carlson Machine Con- Drilling Equipment
trol provides on-machine, GPS guidance for operators Excavators CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc
as well as Carlson Command for fleet management Loaders CiDRA Minerals Processing is a leading supplier of
and supervisor project planning. The Laser Measure- Longwall Mining Equipment process optimization products including the CYCLON-
ment Devices (Carlson LMD) offers a line of precision Parts - Mining Machinery Etrac™ and SONARtrac® systems. CiDRA’s CYCLON-
measurement systems like the all-new Boretrak®2, Rail Systems and Supplies Etrac™ systems are innovative turnkey solutions that
C-ALS®, FiX1, and more. Trucks and Haulage Units provide reliable operation and optimized classification
and grind control, identifying events of low efficiency, at
Products & Services Main Office the level of a single hydrocyclone. SONARtrac systems
Blasting Accessories, Equipment and Agents 901 W Washington St, CV4144 are clamp-on, non-contact systems capable of provid-
Boring Equipment East Peoria, IL 61630 USA ing multi-variable measurements, such as volumetric
Computer - Hardware and Services Phone: (309) 675-1972 flow, speed of sound, and entrained air, in a wide va-
Computer - Software and Services riety of applications - liquids, gases, slurries, and mul-
Drilling Equipment tiphase fluids. CiDRA products and services are being
Exploration Equipment and Services used at more than 400 customer locations in over 45
Measurement and Monitoring Systems Chevron Phillips Chemical countries.
Reclamation Equipment and Services
Surveying Equipment and Supplies
Mining Chemicals and Performance Pipe are divisions Products & Services
Tunnel Boring Equipment Measurement and Monitoring Systems
of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, a joint ven-
ture between Chevron Corporation and Phillips 66. The Meters and Gauges
Main Office Mining Chemical division provides a complete range Process Controls and Instruments
33 E Second St of Orfom® solvent extraction diluents, Orfom® and Sensors
Maysville, KY 41056 USA Molyflo® collectors for copper/molybdenum/gold sul-
Phone: (606) 564-5028 fide mineral flotation, Orfom® D-Series reagents for
16 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Main Office Main Office Colorado Mining Association
50 Barnes Park N 333 Baldwin Rd
Wallingford, CT 06492 USA Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA (CMA)
Phone: (203) 265-0035 Phone: (800) 365-2324 The Colorado Mining Association (CMA), established in 1876, is the oldest professional mining industry trade
association in the U.S. CMA member companies are
actively engaged in the exploration, production, and re-
Civil & Environmental Clariant Corporation fining of metals, coal and industrial minerals. Member-
Clariant Mining Solutions is the only supplier in the
Consultants, Inc (CEC) mining industry to offer customized chemical solu-
ship also includes businesses and individuals that offer
CEC provides innovative design solutions and integrat- services and supplies to the mining industry.
tions for the end-to-end mining process, including
ed expertise to all sectors of the mining industry. We leading technologies in froth flotation chemistry and
strategically focus on the industry’s business drivers Centrally located in Denver, the Colorado Mining As-
explosive emulsifiers. Our iron ore experts work with
and challenges, offering solutions related to air quality, sociation is an advocate for the mining industry and
mine producers in the key iron ore regions of the world,
civil engineering, ecological sciences, environmental strives to educate the public on the importance of min-
addressing key technical challenges and helping them
engineering and sciences, manufacturing infrastruc- ing. CMA members are provided networking opportuni-
stay competitive. With comprehensive global logistics,
ture services, survey/geospatial, waste management, ties that lead to business development and professional
localized production and on-site service, Clariant is
and water resources needs. With deep bench strength growth through membership forums, committees and
able to ensure continuity of supply to our iron ore cus-
to tackle tough problems, CEC has successfully com- events.
tomers, today and in the future as their needs grow.
pleted projects for the mining industry ranging from
the design and permitting of refuse disposal areas, to Products & Services
Products & Services Educational
water treatment projects, to large-scale post-mining
Blasting Accessories, Equipment and Agents
land-use changes, and to ecological resource impact Professional Society or Association
Dust and Fume Control Technology
Explosive Materials and Services
Main Office
Reagents - Chemical and Flocculants
Products & Services Reduction Technologies - Iron Ore, Steel, Mineral
216 16th St, Ste 860
Consulting - Design and Planning Denver, CO 80202 USA
Solvents - Extraction, Mixer and Settlers
Consulting - Engineering Phone: (303) 575-9199
Consulting - Environmental Email: [email protected]
Main Office
Emissions Control
2750 Technology Forest Blvd
Reclamation Equipment and Services
The Woodlands, TX 77381 USA
Phone: (281) 465-9100
Sediment & Erosion Control
Greater Recovery
Better Grade with Eriez Deep Field
3,500 Gauss Magnetic Wet Drums | 814.835.6000
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 17
Epiroc manufactures reliable and productive mining
equipment with value added services. Our mining port-
folio includes rigs and tooling for drilling and blasting,
exploration and geotechnical engineering: Pit Viper and
DM rotary blasthole drills, Boomer underground face
drill rigs, Simba long hole drills, Secoroc bits and ham-
mers, Christensen and Diamec exploration rigs, hy-
draulic attachment tools, Scooptram LHDs, Minetruck
haulers, Boltec roof bolters, Swellex rock bolts and
more including surface crawler blasthole drilling rigs
– SmartROC, FlexiROC and PowerROC. The company,
Mines go deeper. founded in 1873, has a global reach of more than 180
Regulations are more complex.
Stakeholders are paying attention. Products & Services
Drill Bits - Rock
We’re not in mining because it’s easy. Drilling Equipment
Parts - Mining Machinery
We thrive
Roof - Ground Supports
Trucks and Haulage Units
20 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Fiber Optic Sensing
HAWK’s Fiber Optic Sensing System allows for real-time measurements of long assets such as conveyors,
power cables, pipelines, and perimeters by monitoring changes that occur in a fiber optic cable affixed to
the asset. This revolutionary technology has the ability to protect assets, equipment and perimeters.
HAWK’s Fiber Optic Sensing System is modular in design and can monitor up to 50 miles in real-time
24/7. This type of intelligent monitoring is critical to operating efficiently and protecting valuable assets.
22 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Main Office Geosyntec Consultants Products & Services
2121 Innovation Ct, Ste 300 Recruiting/Staffing
De Pere, WI 54115 USA
Products & Services
Phone: (920) 497-2500
Consulting - Environmental Main Office 970 Caughlin Xing, Ste 102
Reno, NV 89519 USA
Main Office
Freeport-McMoRan Inc 900 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Ste 200
Phone: (775) 746-7146
FREEPORT: Foremost in Copper Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA
Freeport-McMoRan is a leading international mining Phone: (786) 312-6015
company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. Free- Global Mining Guidelines Group
port-McMoRan operates large, long-lived, geographi- The Global Mining Guidelines Group (GMG) is a network
cally diverse assets with significant proven and prob-
able reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. The
Geotemps, Inc of representatives from mining companies, original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs), original technol-
As an industry-specific recruiting and staffing firm, Ge-
company is one of the world’s largest publicly traded ogy manufacturers (OTMs), research organizations,
otemps, Inc. and Geopros, Inc. are adept in safety, hu-
copper producers. academia, regulatory agencies, consultancies, and
man resources, and related administration. Geotemps/
Freeport-McMoRan’s portfolio of assets includes the industry associations who collaborate to tackle the
Geopros present a corporate culture based upon three
Grasberg minerals district in Indonesia, one of the challenges facing our industry. GMG aims to accelerate
generations of mining related industry-specific careers.
world’s largest copper and gold deposits; and signif- the improvement of mining performance, safety and
it is philosophically dedicated and culturally invested
icant mining operations in North America and South sustainability by creating guidelines and white papers
in the recruitment and retention of qualified industry
America, including the large-scale Morenci minerals that address common industry challenges, facilitating
professionals – providing temporary and direct place-
district in Arizona and the Cerro Verde operation in Peru. collaboration and expanding the industry’s knowledge
ment recruitment services for the minerals industry
By supplying responsibly produced copper, the compa- base. GMG also hosts and supports events that bring
since 1986.
ny is proud to be a positive contributor to the world well mining stakeholders together along with external in-
beyond its operational boundaries. Additional informa- dustries to address the industry’s challenges, success-
We place technical, mid-level, and skilled profession-
tion about Freeport-McMoRan is available at es and innovations. Learn more about GMG at https://
als. Geotemps/Geopros supports and maintains high in-
dustry standards while providing focused recruitment.
Products & Services Based on individual property, project and company
Mine Operators
needs, identifying the best match to fit your immediate Products & Services
Mineral Prospecting Educational
Professional Society or Association
Main Office
333 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004 USA
Phone: (602) 366-8100
General Kinematics Tel: +1 (520) 294-9861
See our ad on p. 19
For more than sixty years, General Kinematics has
led the Mining industry to innovate vibratory process
General Kinematics is one of the world’s largest sup-
pliers of vibratory processing equipment. GK has made
substantial contributions to the technical advancement
of equipment design and application in the mining in-
dustry. International markets are serviced from subsid-
iary operations and through a combination of represen-
tatives, licensed manufacturers, and strategic alliances
with leading industry-specific organizations in other
strategic locations. Over 50,000 General Kinematics
units are in virtually all of the world’s industrialized
24 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Mine Innovation
starts with IWT
Innovative is not just in our name.
Our engineers thrive on solving tough
mining problems.
Always Thinking.
Always Solving.
Always Innovative.
Main Office
HydroTech Mining 3560 E Gas Rd
Few companies make mine dewatering the corner- Tucson, AZ 85714 USA
stone of their activities. So Hydrotech Mining is clearly Phone: (520) 294-9861
distinguishable in the mining market. The focus of our Independent Mining Email: [email protected]
operations and expertise is based specifically for mov-
ing water.
Consultants, Inc
See our ad on p. 23
The great versatility of our company lies in the fact
that we can offer solutions for pumping dirty water as
For the past 38 years IMC has earned and gained Industrial Scientific
the reputation as one of the most reliable and cost As the global leader in gas detection, Industrial Scien-
well as for clean water, unlike others that provide only
effective sources of consulting services for the tific provides gas detection products and services that
pumping solutions for clean water. HTM is therefore not
base and precious metals, and industrial minerals keep workers safe in hazardous environments. The
limited by the type of mining operations.
marketplaces. IMC not only authors mine feasibility company’s more than 700 employees in 25 countries
studies but mining studies of all levels with experience are committed to preserving human life, and have ded-
Products & Services in NI 43-101, JORC, and Regulation S-K 1300/ SEC
Dewatering Equipment icated their careers to eliminating death on the job by
10K documents. Our Clients include major and minor the year 2050.
commodity producers, junior exploration firms, public
Underground Excavation Services and Equipment
sector entities, and financial institutions. IMC has Products & Services
Water Clarification and Treatment
served the mining industry by working for more than Alarm Systems
250+ Mining Companies on 500+ Mining Projects Analyzers
Main Office across the globe.
297, 7e Rue Fire Protection
Val-d’Or, QC J9P 0G5 Canada Measurement and Monitoring Systems
Products & Services Safety Equipment
Phone: (819) 874-4499
Consulting - Design and Planning Sampling Devices
Consulting - Engineering Sensors
Consulting - Financial Services Training Services
Consulting - Management
Exploration Equipment and Services Main Office
Geological-Physical-Technical Services and Equip One Life Way
Mine Evaluations - Surface and Underground Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA
Mine Operators Phone: (412) 788-4353
26 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
KALIMPACT® Wear Protection Systems
Main Office
26500 Renaissance Pkwy
Cleveland, OH 44128 USA
Phone: (440) 349-4400
IoT Automation
IoT Automation proudly owns the FireFly smart lighting solution. FireFly enables Real
Time Situational Awareness in underground mines through connecting of current safe-
ty and productivity solutions to the Smart Lighting network to alert the mine workforce
of events in the mine that directly affect the worker. Seismic, Gas, Fire, Ground Move-
ment, Traffic Control or mine wide emergency are just some examples of suitable use.
FireFly is purpose built for underground mining, utilizing industry standard cabling
and connectors, IP66 rated modules, and IoT enhanced through onboard Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth radios for wireless device integration (like asset tracking).
Main Office
1624 Market St, Ste 202
Denver, CO 80202 USA
Phone: (720) 446-6603
28 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
munication, tracking, and sensor data. Our revolu- products that make the industries we serve safer and
Itasca International, Inc tionary high-data rate protocol fixes the data retrieval more efficient, and with more than twenty manufac-
Itasca is a global, employee-owned, engineering con- issues facing underground operations today, bringing turing plants,we are uniquely positioned to react to
sulting and software firm, focusing on geomechanical reliable, real-time data from working areas to the peo- ground control needs anywhere, anytime.Our network
and hydrogeological projects. Our consultants solve ple who need it -- wirelessly. IWT provides cohesive, of affiliates includes engineering, resin manufacturing,
complex problems in the fields of mining, civil, environ- integrated, scalable solutions for enhanced safety, rolled-steel and drill-steel manufacturing, custom steel
mental, energy, and materials engineering. Itasca com- increased productivity, and low maintenance for the fabrication, roof, miner and specialty bits, chemical
bines practical engineering and field experience with lowest total cost of ownership solutions available. roof support and sealing products, structure, staffing
expert knowledge of advanced numerical simulation solutions and our own trucking company. Our com-
and analysis. Itasca’s software (3DEC, FLAC, FLAC3D, Products & Services mitment to the customer is guided by three words;
Griddle, MINEDW, PFC, UDEC, and XSite) are highly re- Communications Equipment SAFETY, SERVICE and INNOVATION.
spected and widely used. Our consulting and research Safety Equipment
activities focus on analyzing the behavior of excava- Products & Services
tions and engineered structures in soil and rock, includ-
Main Office Conveyor Systems
ing groundwater, thermal, creep, and dynamic effects. Drill Bits - Rock
1100 Main St
Lynchburg, VA 24504 USA Grouting Services, Equipment and Materials
Products & Services Phone: (434) 316-5230 Inflatable and Mechanical Packers
Computer - Software and Services Email: [email protected] Rail Systems and Supplies
Consulting - Engineering Roof - Ground Supports
Consulting - Environmental Seals
Consulting - Research Underground - Construction and Structures
Ventilation Systems, Materials and Equipment
Main Office
111 3rd Ave S, Ste 450 Main Office
Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA 258 Kappa Dr
Phone: (612) 371-4711 Pittsburgh, PA 15238 USA Phone: (412) 963-9071
IWT Jennmar Corp
See our ad on p. 25 See our ad on Inside Back Cover Johnson Screens
Innovative Wireless Technologies (IWT) the leading JENNMAR, a family-owned company that is leading Mineral processors have discovered dramatic cost-
supplier of underground wireless networks for com- the way in ground control for the mining, tunneling per-ton reductions using Johnson Screens’ products
and civil construction industries. We’re proud to make in particle separating, reducing, sizing, washing, and
dewatering processes. These screening products are
standards for processing coal, gold, phosphate, copper,
bauxite, and gravel processes. Johnson Screens also
provides guidance and support to ensure the custom-
er’s specification is met.
30 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Conveyor Systems construction and recycling. Luff manufactures one of products and technologies along with expertise and
Draglines the most complete product lines due to these different know-how for the tunneling, underground construction
Drilling Equipment application requirements. and mining industries. These solutions include chemi-
Excavators cals for shotcrete, mechanized tunneling, injection and
Feeder Breakers Products & Services waterproofing technologies. These products are man-
Loaders Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment ufactured by MAPEI with the goal of completely satisfy-
Longwall Mining Equipment Conveyor Systems ing every technical requirement of our customers, from
Parts - Mining Machinery applicator to the contractor to the client.
Trucks and Haulage Units Main Office
235010 Wrangler Rd Products & Services
Main Office Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3 Canada Consulting - Design and Planning
4400 W National Ave Phone: (403) 279-3555 Lubricants and Equipment
Milwaukee, WI 53214 USA Sediment & Erosion Control
Phone: (414) 670-4400 Shotcrete Equipment, Supplies and Services Tunnel Lining and Support Materials
Mackay School of Earth Underground Excavation Services and Equipment
LC Drives Sciences and Engineering
Internationally renowned for its academic programs in Main Office
See our ad on p. 29
the earth, mineral and engineering sciences, and for 1144 E Newport Center Dr
LC Drives is revolutionizing the design and manufac-
its diverse research activities, Mackay has earned its Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 USA
ture of power-dense, liquid-cooled Permanent Magnet
reputation for excellence by providing the mining, en- Phone: (888) 365-0614
(PM) electrical machines. The Company designs and
gineering and minerals industries with highly trained Email: [email protected]
manufactures light-weight motors and generators
graduates, by conducting cutting-edge research and its
that are purpose-built for a range of industries and
applications including conveyors, pumps and fans. continuous offering of public service to Nevada and the
nation. Maptek
Products & Services Maptek™ is a global provider of innovative software,
Electric Motors and Generators Products & Services hardware and services for mining. Founded 40 years
Educational ago, Maptek offers a unique combination of domain
Main Office knowledge, technical expertise and engineering re-
67 Main St, Damon Hall Main Office sources. We develop leading edge systems to collect,
Potsdam, NY 13676 USA 1664 N Virginia St, Univ of NV, College of Science analyse and circulate critical information within the op-
Phone: (315) 854-0239 Reno, NV 89557 USA erational cycle, closing the loop between planning, pro-
Email: [email protected] Phone: (775) 784-6987 duction and results. Reliable solutions allow customers to improve safety, productivity and profitability.
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 31
Consulting - Management Main Office Email: [email protected]
Mining Contractors 5100 E Skelly Dr, Ste 100
Tulsa, OK 74135 USA
Main Office
6446 S Kenton St, Ste 100
Phone: (866) 367-6879 McLellan Industries, Inc McLellan is a major manufacturer of grinding mill liner
Centennial, CO 80111 USA
handlers, liner-bolt removal tools, rod chargers, mobile
Phone: (303) 390-3077 McLanahan Corp systems for transporting feed chutes, water-fuel-lube
McLanahan Corporation is an ISO 9001:2015 certified truck bodies, mechanic service trucks, extreme duty
company that manufactures equipment that helps hose reels, hydraulic oil pumps, and grease pumps.
Matrix Service producers do more than ever in today’s tough market- McLellan, also a research and development special-
Matrix Service is a leader in the design and construc- place. From crushing to water management, McLana- ist, has been serving the mining industry for over 47
tion of industrial infrastructure serving the mining and han custom engineers processing solutions to help you years. McLellan holds a ASME certification, employs a
minerals markets across North America. Matrix also be more efficient, more productive and more profitable. full engineering staff for design. McLellan uses com-
provides on-site maintenance, repair, and industrial Sales, engineering and customer service personnel are puter plasma burn table and both vertical and hori-
cleaning services. constantly working together to improve standard de- zontal CNC milling centers. McLellan is the leader in
signs to help producers do more with their resources. specialized design of equipment. We also offer full on
Our parent company has twice been named by Forbes site service with MSHA certified technicians.
as one of America’s Most Trustworthy Companies, con- Products & Services
sistently ranks among ENR’s Top 100 contractors and is Crushers and Pulverizers Products & Services
certified as a Great Place to Work®. Feeder Breakers Grinding Media and Liners
Feeders Grinding Mills
Products & Services Sampling Devices Maintenance Equipment and Supplies
Automation Screens Safety Equipment
Bins, Hoppers, Silos and Storage Scrubbers Trucks and Haulage Units
Construction - Contracting Services Thickeners
Consulting - Design and Planning Washing Plants Main Office
Consulting - Engineering Water Clarification and Treatment 13221 Crown Ave
Consulting - Management Hanford, CA 93230 USA
Conveyor Systems Main Office Phone: (559) 582-8100
Maintenance Services 200 Wall St
Mining Contractors Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 USA
Phone: (814) 695-9807
32 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
mining sectors. With our commitment to incorporating
ME Elecmetal MEA Inc the latest technological innovations and our drive to set
ME Elecmetal offers more than mill liners, grinding me- MEA Inc. has been making industrial hydraulic actu- industrial standards, the Meridian product line-up is the
dia and crusher wear parts — we offer innovation, sup- ators that safeguard critical flow processes for more best solution for storage and conveyance operations.
port, custom designs and valuable tools to develop a than five decades. We have been designing and man- Meridian continues to develop economical, reliable and
total milling and comminution solution specific to your ufacturing custom hydraulic, actuator, measurement environmentally responsible options for unsurpassed
needs. As your trusted partner at every stage of the op- and control systems since 1963. Our product lineage customer service.
timization process, we provide valuable insight based includes hydraulic innovations for history’s most chal-
on our decades of experience and advanced technol- lenging applications. Products & Services
ogies. We will help you optimize your process, reduce Bins, Hoppers, Silos and Storage
downtime and increase productivity, resulting in higher Products & Services
profits. Products include: grinding mill liners, grinding Automation Main Office
media, crusher wear parts, ladles and slag pots, 3D Controls - Electrical and Electronic 3125 – 24th Ave N
laser scanning services, reline simulation services and Controls - Hydraulic and Pneumatic Lethbridge, AB T1H 5G2 Canada
2D/3D simulation services. Hydraulic System Components Phone: (780) 672-4516
Maintenance Equipment and Supplies Email: [email protected]
Products & Services Maintenance Services
Castings Parts - Mining Machinery
Crushers and Pulverizers Process Controls and Instruments
Fasteners - Industrial Refinery Equipment Metso Outotec
Grinding Media and Liners Valves Metso Outotec is a frontrunner in sustainable technol-
Linings and Claddings ogies, end-to-end solutions and services for mining,
Parts - Mining Machinery Main Office metals refining, aggregates production, and recycling.
2600 American Ln We help our customers improve efficiency, increase
Main Office Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 USA productivity and reduce environmental and economic
3901 University Ave, NE Phone: (847) 766-9040 risks. Metso Outotec has a complete portfolio of pro-
Minneapolis, MN 55421 USA Email: [email protected] cess solutions, equipment and services, as well as
Phone: (480) 730-7500 plant delivery capability for mining operations.
Email: [email protected] Products & Services
Meridian Manufacturing Inc Crushers and Pulverizers
Meridian Manufacturing Inc. is a proven leader in qual- Dewatering Equipment
ity storage and handling products for the industrial and Filters, Filter Cloth and Accessories
Rail-Veyor is the material haulage solution which combines the best of
other haulage methods and improves operations for both surface and
underground applications. ■ With Rail-Veyor’s TrulyAutonomous™
system, operators can be removed from hazardous areas to
monitor remotely. ■ There’s no diesel exhaust or batteries to
charge. ■ The carbon footprint of the Rail-Veyor
system is measurably lower resulting in a lighter
environmental impact. ■ Rail-Veyor optimizes
material transport to enhance profitability. ■
Quickly deployed, relocated or extended,
Rail-Veyor is adaptable to any terrain
and cuts operating costs.
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 33
Flotation Machines and Equipment Quality Improvement
Grinding Media and Liners Surveying Equipment and Supplies
Grinding Mills
Kilns Main Office
Maintenance Services 6500 S Quebec St, Ste 280
Parts - Mining Machinery Centennial, CO 80111 USA
Pumps Phone: (303) 996-6270
Main Office
20965 Crossroads Cir
Waukesha, WI 53186 USA
Phone: (262) 717-2500
MICROMINE is an independent provider of intuitive software solutions to the mining
and exploration industry. From capturing, managing, visualizing and understanding
data to controlling and reporting on mine production, MICROMINE has a solution. Miner Elastomer Products
See our ad on p. 30
MICROMINE provides solutions that are relevant to every stage of the mining pro- Miner Elastomer Products Corporation (MEPC®) is a division of Miner Enterprises,
cess. This means that our clients can source all of their software and consulting a company founded in 1894 on the basic principle of selling high-quality shock
needs through the one local vendor. absorption components. MEPC’s proprietary TecsPak® material is a highly engineered
elastomeric product that absorbs more energy per unit of weight and volume than
With offices in 18 of the world’s mining capitals, MICROMINE’s specialists have the many known materials. This material has been applied to haul truck suspensions,
local knowledge to provide solutions that are relevant to your geographic location mining shovel components, wheel chocks and other industrial applications. TecsPak®
and operation, maximizing the return on your investment. is known to lower maintenance cost and increase machine availability for numerous
mining applications. MEPC® also offers EU Rollers™ for harsh mining conveyor
applications. These idlers meet the CEMA 502-2016 standard!
Products & Services
Aerial Mapping and Surveying
Computer - Hardware and Services Products & Services
Computer - Software and Services Continuous Mining Machines
Exploration Equipment and Services Conveyor Systems
Geological-Physical-Technical Services and Equip Drilling Equipment
Information Technology Products Parts - Mining Machinery
Maintenance Services Trucks and Haulage Units
Underground Excavation Services and Equipment
Main Office
1200 E State St
Geneva, IL 60134 USA
Phone: (630) 232-3129
Mineral Technologies
Mineral Technologies has been involved in the mineral processing industry for more
than 70 years supplying process equipment and specialized engineering services. Min-
eral Technologies specializes in the supply of fine mineral concentration and separation
equipment including: MD Spiral Separators and Up-Current Classifiers, Kelsey Centrif-
ugal Jigs, Reading Magnetic Separators, Carrara Electrostatic Separators and Gemeni
Gold Tables. Additionally, it provides metallurgical services as well as design and supply
of mineral separation plants.
Main Office
24 Cathedral Pl, Ste 208
St Augustine, FL 32084 USA
Phone: (904) 342-8354
34 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
[email protected]
ern society and human well-being. velop extraction systems. Our office locations include:
Minerals Education Coalition Some of the key programs include: Support of educa- Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Santiago (Chile), Lima
(MEC) tional programs; Support of the Women’s Mining Coa-
lition at the yearly Fly-In program on Capitol Hill; Qual-
(Peru), and Mendoza (Argentina).
The Minerals Education Coalition (MEC) is the SME
Foundation’s designated program to develop and de- ified Professional program; support legacy Abandoned Products & Services
liver accurate and timely K-12 education materials Mine Lands clean-up efforts; monitor and comment on Consulting - Design and Planning
and activities and conduct public awareness outreach government regulations and legislation. Consulting - Environmental
about the importance of mining and minerals in their Consulting - Research
daily lives. MEC also supports the community outreach Products & Services Geological-Physical-Technical Services and Equip
efforts of SME members, sections and student chap- Professional Society or Association Measurement and Monitoring Systems
ters with free and low cost educational materials like Remediation
lessons, activities, posters and kits on MineralsEduca- Main Office MEC conducts outreach to teacher PO Box 8383 Main Office
and Scouting groups, and conducts the exciting, award Pueblo, CO 81008 USA 1550 E Prince Rd
winning Move Mining and Move Mining Next Gen com- Phone: (303) 726-6431 Tucson, AZ 85719 USA
petitions. Phone: (520) 881-4912
Products & Services Mining People Magazine
Educational Mining People Magazine reports on People, Places, and Motion Metrics International
Products related to all mining sectors, including aggre-
Main Office gates. Corp
12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir Whether you want to kick up your feet and read a re- Motion Metrics provides industry-leading equipment
Englewood, CO 80112-4167 USA laxing article, or be updated on the latest news and monitoring solutions that leverage the latest in machine
Phone: (303) 948-4200 innovations, Mining People is your magazine! Available learning technology to improve safety, productivity, and
Email: [email protected] in-print and on-line to suit any reader’s preference. efficiency at mines and quarries worldwide. Our format is unique, informative and entertaining, fo- Our camera- and sensor-based solutions provide miss-
cusing on personalities and news, highlighting present ing tooth detection and wear monitoring for shovels and
loaders, payload monitoring for shovels, and fragmen-
Mining & Metallurgical Society issues and events, business profile articles, future fore-
casts, new product and service technology, and histor- tation analysis for shovels, conveyor belts, and portable
of America (MMSA) ical articles and human interest features. devices. All networked equipment interfaces with our
web-based data analysis platform, MetricsManager™
The Society serves the national welfare of the United
States of America as it relates to the advancement of Products & Services
the mineral industries. The Society is dedicated to in- Publishers
creasing public awareness and understanding about Our solutions have been installed at more than 60
mining and why mined materials are essential to mod- mines and quarries worldwide. We have experienced
Main Office
significant growth, hitting 30% year-over-year revenue
PO Box 6247
growth four years running.
Charleston, WV 25362 USA
Phone: (864) 278-8227
Email: [email protected]
Products & Services
Computer - Software and Services
Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment
Missouri University of Science Information Technology Products
& Technology
Measurement and Monitoring Systems
Largest mining engineering program in the US. First Safety Equipment
University to offer a minor and an MS in explosives en- Sensors
gineering. Emphasis areas in quarry, explosives, safety
and health, coal, mineral processing and sustainability.
Main Office
101-2389 Health Sciences Mall
Products & Services
TECHNICAL Educational
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 Canada
Phone: (604) 822-5842
Main Office
226 McNutt Hall
Rolla, MO 65409 USA Nalco Water, an Ecolab
Phone: (573) 341-4753
As the global leader in mineral processing reagents and
ADAPTABILITY water treatment, Nalco Water provides essential exper-
Montgomery & Associates tise to the Mining & Mineral Processing industry with
Montgomery & Associates is a water-resources con- technically, economically and environmentally sustain-
sulting company that has served the mining industry able solutions from mine-to-mill. Our experienced on-
since 1984. We assist our clients through all phases site engineers help our customers achieve their goals
of the mine life cycle, from feasibility and environmen- by selecting, implementing and optimizing water and
tal impact studies to mine water supply, dewatering, process technologies to increase recovery, improve fin-
36 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Main Office
66 Canal Center Plaza, Ste 300
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA
Phone: (703) 525-8788
Naylor Pipe Co
& STRUCTURE FOR HEAVY BULK See our ad on p. 32
MATERIALS OPERATIONS Naylor spiralweld steel pipe is manufactured in accordance with ASTM A-139,
ASTM A-252, and ASTM A-211. Applications for Naylor spiralweld in mining
service include water, high and low pressure air, ventilation, tailings or slurry lines
and shaft casing. It is available in carbon and abrasion-resistant steel in diameters
Impact Beds from 4 in. to 96 in. and thicknesses from 1/16 in. to 1/2 in. Also available are
the necessary fittings and couplings, including the exclusive Naylor heavy duty
wedgelock coupling, coatings and linings to complete your pipe systems.
Main Office
1230 E 92nd St
Rigid Rail Structure Chicago, IL 60619 USA
Phone: (773) 721-9400
Learn more by calling 800 332.2781
or by visiting our website.
38 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Deliver up to 30% additional capacity.
Turbulence Reduction
Design a new feed chamber for
an even smoother slurry flow.
Intelligent Performance
with Synertrex® IIoT
Greater Separation Ensure continual operation at an
optimum level.
Reduce the fines reporting
to the underflow and decrease
misplaced coarse particles
to the overflow.
Create a More
Sustainable Hydrocyclone
Reduce water and power consumption.
40 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Proven Concept –
new machine
220 SM / 220 SMi: Economical, safe, selective. The WIRTGEN Surface Miner 220 SM / 220 SMi is the new specialist
for raw material extraction using the windrowing process. It is ideal for use in small to medium-sized mining operations.
Routing work? No problem! High productivity at low operating costs is its hallmark. Drilling and blasting? Superfluous!
WIRTGEN surface miners have proven their value worldwide for decades. Take advantage of innovative solutions from
the technology leader.
WIRTGEN AMERICA, INC. · 6030 Dana Way · Antioch, TN 37013 · Telephone: (615) 501-0600
Information Technology Products
PhotoSat Ramboll Laboratory and Scientific Services
Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consul- Measurement and Monitoring Systems
Products & Services tancy company employing 16,500 experts. Our pres- Mine Evaluations - Surface and Underground
Aerial Mapping and Surveying ence is global with especially strong representation in
the Nordics, UK, North America, Continental Europe, Main Office
Main Office Middle East and Asia Pacific. 3824 Jet Dr
1188 W Georgia St Our globally recognized Environment & Health practice Rapid City, SD 57703 USA
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 Canada has earned a reputation for technical and scientific Phone: (605) 394-6400
Phone: (604) 681-9770 excellence, innovation and client service. Advances in science and technology and evolving regulatory, legal
and social pressures create increasingly complex chal-
lenges. We constantly strive to achieve inspiring and Rio Tinto
Presto Geosystems exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to Rio Tinto is a mining and metals company operating
Presto Geosystems® partners with engineers and our clients, end-users and society at large. in around 36 countries around the world. Our purpose
owners to solve soil stability problems in all aspects is to produce the materials essential to human prog-
of mining operations. Presto’s GEOWEB® system is a Products & Services ress. Our four product groups bring this purpose to life:
proven 3D soil stabilization structure that provides cost Consulting - Engineering Aluminium, Copper & Diamonds, Energy & Minerals
reduction in applications ranging from haul roads and Consulting - Environmental and Iron Ore. These are complemented by our Growth
underground roadways to slope reclamation, geomem- Remediation & Innovation and Commercial groups, as well as our
brane protection of waste containment facilities and service and support functions.
stormwater control channels. Presto offers compli-
Main Office
mentary project evaluation service. Products & Services
1999 Broadway, Ste 2225
Denver, CO 80202 USA Mine Operators
Products & Services Phone: (303) 382-5460
Consulting - Environmental Main Office
Environmental Control Equipment and Supplies 4700 W Daybreak Pkwy
Geological-Physical-Technical Services and Equip South Jordan, UT 84009 USA
Linings and Claddings Rapat Corporation Phone: (801) 204-2000
Pollution Control Equipment At Rapat Corporation, our only business is moving bulk
Rail Systems and Supplies products. We design each conveyor to meet the specific
Reclamation Equipment and Services needs of the application. We don’t force off-the- shelf
Remediation products into unique applications. It is this desire to Rulmeca
Sediment & Erosion Control make each component fit into each situation that trans- Rulmeca is the forefront of technology, design and con-
Underground - Construction and Structures lates to a high quality finished product. struction of a vast array of conveyor components. Rul-
meca stands alone in its commitment to supply only the
Main Office Products & Services most robust conveyor products on the market today.
670 N Perkins St Conveyor Systems From our engineering and quality control, to our tech-
Appleton, WI 54914 USA nical sales and field service staff, Rulmeca’s dedication
Phone: (920) 738-1328 Main Office to our clients remains as strong today as it did 55 years 919 O’Donnell St ago. Our goal is simple: “Extend the life & safety of our
Hawley, MN 56549 USA client’s conveyor systems.” Achieving this goal allows
Phone: (218) 483-3344 us to offer the lowest cost of ownership in the industry.
Rail-Veyor Technologies
GlobaI Inc Products & Services
Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment
See our ad on p. 33
Rail-Veyor® is an industrial material handling solution
RESPEC Conveyor Systems
RESPEC integrates engineering and geoscience with
for underground or surface applications with all the applied technology solving complex challenges for
best features from conveyors, rail and truck haulage Main Office
clients worldwide. RESPEC includes: Mining & Energy, 75 Mason St
in one complete package. The electrically powered Water & Natural Resources, and Information Technolo-
Rail-Veyor® system operates remotely through a Wallaceburg, ON N8A 4L7 Canada
gies – and now through the acquisition of PDC, Infra- Phone: (519) 627-2277
control centre and incorporates a light rail track with structure. PDC brings 60+ years of design experience
one or more trains. A Rail-Veyor® train is constructed Email: [email protected]
in facilities, transportation, land development, and
of a series of two wheeled cars that form a continuous utilities to RESPEC. Supporting the development of nu-
open trough to transport bulk material. The Rail-Veyor merous commodities, core service areas include rock
can be used for the bulk material handling of mineral mechanics and testing, geotechnical, instrumentation, Rulmeca Corporation
ores, aggregate, coal, wood chips and more. resource/reserve estimation, mine planning, permit- Located in Wilmington, NC, Rulmeca Corporation is the
ting, reclamation, road and infrastructure design and designated Motorized Pulley Center of Excellence for
Products & Services surveying. Rulmeca Group. Rulmeca Corporation is responsible for
Autonomous Vehicles sales, assembly and service of Rulmeca Motorized Pul-
Conveyor Systems RESPEC also offers drill hole and sample management leys for North and South America. Rulmeca Motorized
Rail Systems and Supplies software through GeoSequel, protecting data integrity Pulleys were first produced in 1953 to offer conveyor
Transportation while interfacing with lab and mining software. belt operators and designers a compact, hermetically
Trucks and Haulage Units sealed, highly efficient conveyor belt drive. The Rul-
Products & Services meca Motorized Pulley is quick and simple to install
Main Office Computer - Software and Services and requires almost no maintenance. This conveyor
129 Fielding Rd Consulting - Design and Planning belt drive resists the effects of abrasive dust, water, oil,
Lively, ON P3Y 1L7 Canada Consulting - Engineering grease, and many other harmful substances.
Phone: (844) 288 0450 Consulting - Environmental
Email: [email protected] Consulting - Research Products & Services Geological-Physical-Technical Services and Equip
42 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
Conveyor Systems the world leader in the development and demonstration
Drives - Belt, Chain, Fluid and Gear of bankable flowsheets, pilot plant programs, advanced
Electric Motors and Generators systems, in-plant services, uranium services, mineral-
Gears - Pullers, Reducers and Pinions ogy, technical audits and geometallurgy.
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 43
Main Office best practices for safety, environmental stewardship Fans and Blowers
1A-30528 Great Northern Ave and moving mining forward. Scrubbers
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H4 Canada Tunnel Boring Equipment
Phone: (604) 288-2500 SME. Inspiring mining professionals worldwide. Ventilation Systems, Materials and Equipment
Email: [email protected] Main Office Main Office
12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir PO Box 4308
Englewood, CO 80112 USA Grand Junction, CO 81502 USA
SLR International Corporation Phone: (303) 948-4200 Phone: (970) 243-3429
Email: [email protected]
Products & Services
Consulting - Design and Planning
Consulting - Engineering SRK Consulting (US), Inc
Consulting - Environmental SmithCo Mfg See our ad on p. 34
Consulting - Financial Services See our ad on p. 37 SRK Consulting is an independent, international
Consulting - Management Side-Dump Trailers built for mining applications. Sin- consulting practice that provides focused advice and
Consulting - Research gle trailers from 60 to 100 ton capacity. Trailers pulled solutions to clients, mainly in the earth and water
in train to 200 ton plus. resource industries. For mining projects, SRK offers
Main Office services from exploration to mine closure, includ-
22118 20th Ave SE, Ste G202 Products & Services ing feasibility studies, due diligence reviews, and
Bothell, WA 98021 USA Trucks and Haulage Units production optimization. Established in 1974, SRK now
Phone: (425) 402-8800 employs more than 1,400 professionals internationally Main Office in over 45 offices on 6 continents.
30902 C38
Le Mars, IA 51031 USA Products & Services
SME Foundation Phone: (800) 779-8099 Consulting - Design and Planning
The mission of the SME Foundation is to be the source Consulting - Engineering
of funding for education and outreach of the Society for Consulting - Environmental
Mining and Exploration and the community it serves. Consulting - Financial Services
The SME Foundation fulfills its mission by supporting South Dakota School of Mines Consulting - Management
projects that disseminate mining/mineral information With over 100 undergraduate and 30 graduate stu- Consulting - Research
and technology worldwide; encourage professional dents, the Mining Engineering and Management De- Exploration Equipment and Services
development; educate children, teachers, and the pub- partment at South Dakota Mines offers bachelor and Reclamation Equipment and Services
lic about the significant role that the minerals indus- master of science degrees in mining engineering. Ventilation Systems, Materials and Equipment
try plays in their everyday lives; build consensus for The MS program is offered fully online, but can also Water Clarification and Treatment
a strong, environmentally sound minerals industry in be completed on-campus. The department has seven
the United States and the world; and support of col- faculty with expertise in rock mechanics, mine plan-
Main Office
lege-level students and programs meeting industry ning and optimization, mineral economics, ventilation,
1125 17th St, Ste 600
demands for engineers and researchers in the future. underground and surface mining operations, geology,
Denver, CO 80202 USA
permitting and reclamation, reliability and mainte-
Phone: (303) 985-1333
Products & Services nance, automation, and mine management. The job
Educational placement for graduates has been >98% for the past
several years and we are focused on continued growth
Main Office of opportunities for our graduates. SRS Crisafulli, Inc
12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir Manufacturer of pumps and dredge systems for tailings
Englewood, CO 80112 USA Products & Services pond maintenance with liner protection.
Phone: (303) 948-4246 Educational
Email: [email protected] Products & Services Main Office Dewatering Equipment
501 E St Joseph St Dredges
Rapid City, SD 57701 USA Environmental Control Equipment and Supplies
SME Latin America Phone: (605) 394-1973 Flotation Machines and Equipment Pumps
Main Office Reclamation Equipment and Services
12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir Sediment & Erosion Control
Englewood, CO 80112 USA Spendrup Fan Co Water Clarification and Treatment
Phone: (303) 948-4228 Since 1968, Spendrup Fan Co. has designed and man-
ufactured quality vane axial fans and accessories for all
Main Office
types of mining and industrial applications. Spendrup
SME Membership fans are designed to withstand the harshest environ-
1610 Crisafulli Dr, PO Box 1051
Glendive, MT 59330 USA
Be the best you can be – become an SME member ments. Fan casings are made of 5/16” steel. Impeller
Phone: (406) 365-3393
today. hubs are fabricated from mild steel. Impeller blades are
Email: [email protected]
356-T6 hardness, to resist highly abrasive conditions.
The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration brings Spendrup Fan Co. designs fans to meet client specifica-
together the brightest and most dedicated profession- tions. Spendrup Fan can meet client needs, from MSHA
als in the mining, minerals and underground construc- Sch. 2-G, U/L approved explosion proof, marine duty, to Stantec Consulting
tion industries. As a member of SME, you’ll be one of fans that provide trouble-free service in high-tempera- We take advantage of innovations in diverse industries
13,000 global members who advance their careers ture or corrosive environments. worldwide and apply them to even the most complex
with world-class technical resources, educational pro- mining projects. With over 30 years of creative solu-
grams, networking opportunities and professional de- Products & Services tions for clients and communities around the world, we
velopment tools. SME members are focused on sharing Dust and Fume Control Technology understand that our clients need to think beyond the
44 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
project to the social environment in which they work. Products & Services Main Office
We help mining companies safely access natural re- Consulting - Design and Planning 365 South Holland Drive
sources and conduct business in an environmentally Consulting - Engineering Pendergrass, GA 30567 USA
sustainable way. From front-end studies to mine clo- Conveyor Systems Phone: (706) 693-1855
sure and reclamation, we keep clients at the forefront Crushers and Pulverizers Email: [email protected]
of a rapidly changing industry with innovative designs Dewatering Equipment
that advance their businesses and the communities Excavators
they serve. Flotation Machines and Equipment
Parts - Mining Machinery
TerraSource Global
Products & Services TerraSource Global is the partner of choice for top min-
Process Controls and Instruments
Consulting - Design and Planning ing firms around the world. Our trusted flagship brands
Consulting - Engineering (Gundlach Crushers, Jeffrey Rader, and Pennsylvania
Consulting - Environmental Crusher) provide customers with top-quality OEM parts
Main Office
Consulting - Management and equipment, backed by our service-first mental-
4643 S Ulster St, Regency Plaza, Ste 900
ity and broad engineering expertise. Our TerraSource
Denver, CO 80237 USA
Main Office team is here to help your company build ROI through
Phone: +1 (303) 714-8050
3133 W Frye Rd, Ste 300 our equipment’s efficiency and reliability. Find out how
Email: [email protected]
Chandler, AZ 85226-5110 USA our industry-leading impact crushers, roll crushers, and
Phone: (480) 687-6100 vibrating feeders can be the ideal solution to overcome unique material processing and handling challenges.
TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
TDS Fluid Industries offers our customers a compre- Products & Services
Sumitomo Drive Technologies hensive set of services for the design, fabrication, and Crushers and Pulverizers
Sumitomo Drive Technologies has been trusted for over procurement of their mechanical seal and fluid system Feeders
130 years to provide quality products and innovative requirements.These seals are of many types (industri- Grinding Mills
solutions to help our customers solve their complex al pump mechanical seals, mixer and agitator seals, Maintenance Services
challenges. This rich history has made us a leading cartridge seals, metal bellows seals) for a large variety Parts - Mining Machinery
manufacturer of power transmission and control prod- of industries (petroleum, chemical, refineries, paper Quality Improvement
ucts in a wide variety of applications for leading brands making, pharmaceutical, food preparation, automotive, Screens
around the globe. etc.). We also supply impellers for various applications,
from automotive cooling system pumps to petrochem- Main Office
Products & Services ical applications. 200 N Broadway, Ste 1735
Agitators, Vibrators and Mixers Tungsten Carbide drill bits for HPGR is one of our new St Louis, MO 63102 USA
Conveyor Systems products. Phone: (866) 231-8153
Crushers and Pulverizers Email: [email protected]
Dredges Products & Services
Excavators Agitators, Vibrators and Mixers
Feeder Breakers Centrifuges
Grinding Mills Dewatering Equipment
Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc
Kilns Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. headquartered in Phoenix, Ar-
Drill Bits - Rock
Pumps izona, produces and markets specialty chemical solu-
Grinding Mills
Separators and Concentrators tions, including industrial and mining chemicals, fertil-
izers, crop protection chemicals and technical services
Main Office to diverse markets around the globe. TKI operates 10
4200 Holland Blvd manufacturing plants in North America, in addition to
Main Office
Chesapeake, VA 23323 USA an extensive terminal network. TKI is a subsidiary of the
7646 Pebble Dr
Phone: (757) 485-3355 Tessenderlo Group, Brussels, Belgium.
Fort Worth, TX 76118 USA Phone: (817) 616-3296
Products & Services
Reagents - Chemical and Flocculants
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 45
dustry-respected professionals provide a full range of Main Office U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
capabilities to advise, study, engineer, construct, and 6400 S Fiddlers Green Cir, Ste 700
remediate mining projects around the world. NASDAQ: Greenwood Village, CO 80111 USA Mineral Resources Program
TTEK. Phone: (303) 770-0808 (MRP)
The USGS serves the nation by providing reliable scien-
Products & Services
tific information to describe and understand the Earth;
Consulting - Design and Planning
Consulting - Engineering
TOMRA Sorting Solutions minimize loss of life and property from natural disas-
Sensor-based ore sorting technology for the mineral ters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral re-
Consulting - Environmental
processing industry. sources; and enhance and protect the quality of life. As
Mine Evaluations - Surface and Underground
A more efficient way to process global resources. the nation’s largest water, earth, and biological science
TOMRA Sorting Mining provides proven sensor-based and civilian mapping agency, the USGS collects, mon-
sorting technology for efficient material separation in itors, analyzes, and provides scientific understanding
Main Office various mineral and ore applications such as in the about natural resource conditions, issues, and prob-
350 Indiana St, Ste 500 processing of gold, diamonds, gemstones, industrial lems. The diversity of its scientific expertise enables
Golden, CO 80401 USA minerals, and metal recovery from slag. World-wide, the organization to carry out large-scale, multi-disci-
Phone: (303) 217-5700 numerous sorting systems are already contributing to plinary investigations and provide impartial scientific more energy-efficient and cost effective pre-concen- information to resource managers, planners, and other
trations as well as material recovery. TOMRA´s sen- customers. Mineral resources information available.
The Mining Record sor-based solutions help to extend the life of mining
The Mining Record has been in continuous publication operations and increase the value of the deposit. Products & Services
for 130 years and is recognized as the industry’s lead- Educational
ing newspaper. The Mining Record has an internation- Products & Services Government Agency - Entity
al readership. It focuses on timely and credible news Analyzers Information Technology Products
reporting on exploration, discovery, development, pro- Classifiers
duction, joint ventures, acquisitions, operating results, Sensors Main Office
and metals prices. Its readership is concentrated in the Separators and Concentrators 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr, MS 913
mining industry proper - mining companies, engineers, Reston, VA 20192 USA
geologists, mine supervisory personnel, company offi- Main Office Phone: (703) 648-6108
cers and individuals engaged in exploration and large 1536 Cole Blvd, Ste 225 Email: [email protected]
or small mine production. The newspaper is available Lakewood, CO 80401 USA
monthly in print media or daily online. Phone: (303) 626-7740 al-resources-program
Email: [email protected]
Products & Services
Unified Purchasing Group
Tons Per Hour (UPG)
Main Office Tons Per Hour, Inc. is the turn-key solution for liq- When Every Dollar Counts, UPG Helps You Save
PO Box 1630 uid-solid separation needs. Protecting natural resourc- Now, more than ever, you are looking for ways to re-
Castle Rock, CO 80104 USA es and cost effectively assisting our clients to comply duce your operating expenses. UPG is a group pur-
Phone: (303) 663-7820 with environmental regulation via solid-state, reliable, chasing organization bringing exclusive savings to solid-liquid separation systems is our priority. mining equipment manufacturers. With a 45,000 mem-
ber-companies, we are able to negotiate volume dis-
thyssenkrupp Industrial Tons Per Hour offers practical solutions that separate counts with well-known business brands. Even better,
a UPG membership is free. By registering at,
solids from liquids; yielding manageable, dry solid
Solutions (USA), Inc waste and high value concentrates while returning wa- eligible companies can access exclusive deals on Ver-
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions designs, supplies and ter for reuse. izon corporate lines (22% off), products from Best Buy
constructs a wide range of equipment including over- and Staples and services from Unifirst and ADP, YRC
land conveying systems, In-Pit Crushing systems, pri- • Combining innovative technology with conventional freight and more. Save now with the power of group
mary and secondary crushers, Polycom® HPGR, VELIX practices for practical, cost effective, solutions to many purchasing. Join at
fine grinding mills, pyro-processing systems, stockyard of the modern industry challenges
and port bulk material handling systems. Our extensive • In-house design and engineering Products & Services
range of products and services are used in the mining, • Partnered with global manufacturing leader Information Technology Products
mineral processing, aggregate, and industrial minerals
industries. thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions welcomes Products & Services Main Office
the opportunity to put our expertise to work for you in Dewatering Equipment 901 W Baxter Dr
your new plant, expansion, conversion, or optimization Filters, Filter Cloth and Accessories South Jordan, UT 84095 USA
project. Parts - Mining Machinery Phone: (801) 784-8744
Pumps Email: [email protected]
Products & Services Quality Improvement
Blending Systems Reagents - Chemical and Flocculants
Conveyor Systems
Crushers and Pulverizers
University of Arizona Mining
Feeders Water Clarification and Treatment and Geological Engineering
Furnaces - Industrial Process The University of Arizona is the new face of mining.
Grinding Mills Main Office The Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources and the
Kilns 13 Carry Way Department of Mining and Geological Engineering rep-
Pyrometallurgical Processing Mound House, NV 89607 USA resent the largest interdisciplinary mineral resources
Phone: (916) 663-3800 research group in the US. Our students have diverse
Email: [email protected] backgrounds that demonstrate cultural competency; they are adept at creative problem solving, leadership,
46 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
communication, with strong fundamentals in engineer- Main Office
ing and science. Our innovative research emphasizes 4001 Weston Pkwy
Wagner Equipment Co
leading technologies that solve tomorrow’s problems. Wagner carries crushers and pulverizers, loaders,
Cary, NC 27513 USA longwall mining equipment, pumps, shortwall mining
Graduate programs are offered both on-campus and Phone: (919) 653-4544
online. equipment, underground excavation services and other
Email: [email protected] Equipment from Caterpillar, Metso-Outotec, McCloskey and many others. We carry the full Caterpillar prod-
Products & Services
Consulting - Engineering uct line and have the knowledgeable staff ready and
Educational available to meet all you parts, service, sales and rental
needs. Wagner is your Caterpillar dealer for Colorado,
New Mexico and Far West Texas since 1976.
Main Office
1235 E James E Rogers Way, Rm 229
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA Products & Services
Phone: (520) 621-6063 Virginia Tech Department of Air Compressors
Mining & Minerals Engineering Continuous Mining Machines
See our ad on p. 36 Conveyor Systems
VDG (Van der Graaf) Virginia Tech’s Mining and Minerals Engineering Crushers and Pulverizers
With 35 years of experience, continuous investment department is one of the nation’s largest minerals and Draglines
into R&D, and in-house manufacturing in USA and Can- energy-related programs, enjoying a strong reputation Drilling Equipment
ada, VDG provides a robust and reliable conveyor belt for academic, research, and public service programs. Excavators
drive solution for heavy industry applications. The in- Housed within a nationally ranked College of Engineer- Loaders
ternally driven VDG Drum Motor is designed for 80,000 ing, the department consists of eleven tenure-track Longwall Mining Equipment
hours of continuous operation before maintenance, faculty, additional research faculty, over 25 graduate
and eliminates all externally mounted components of students, and two acclaimed research centers. With Main Office
conventional conveyor drives, including chains and research expenditures exceeding $5M per year, its 18000 Smith Rd
guarding, increasing worker safety and efficiency. The research program focuses on issues critical to modern Aurora, CO 80111 USA
new VDG patented IronGrip™ Lagging System extends resource industries, including sustainable mineral and Phone: (303) 739-3000
the lifespan of the conveyor system by eliminating lag- energy development, occupational health and safety,
ging delamination and uneven belt wear, improving belt mine ventilation, separation process optimization,
tracking and increasing belt traction by 40%. coalbed methane and shale gas recovery, and ad-
vanced underground mine monitoring methods. WEG Electric Corp
Products & Services Founded in 1961, WEG has grown into a global solu-
Belts - Power Transmission Products & Services tions provider of industrial electrical technologies. WEG
Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment Consulting - Research is the largest industrial electric motor manufacturer in
Conveyor Systems Educational the Americas and one of the largest manufacturers of
Drives - Belt, Chain, Fluid and Gear electric motors in the world producing more than 10
Drives - Magnetic and Variable Main Office million units annually. Committed to growth on a glob-
Electric Motors and Generators 118A Surge Bldg, 400 Stanger St al scale, WEG continually invests in state-of-the-art
Power Transmission Equipment Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA manufacturing facilities and processes, and the de-
Phone: (540) 231-6671 velopment of new and improved industrial electrical
solutions. WEG offers a diverse and integrated product
Main Office Email: [email protected] line that includes motors, drives, controls, transformers,
13771 Cavaliere Dr
and generators. WEG has committed to an R&D invest-
Shelby Township, MI 48315 USA
ment of 3% of annual global sales.
Phone: (888) 326-1476
Email: [email protected]
For 100 years, WAAIME volunteers have been rendering Products & Services
service to the country and to the community through all Automation
that pertains to the interest of the profession of Mining, Controls - Electrical and Electronic
Veolia Water Technologies Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineering; promoting Drives - Magnetic and Variable
Veolia Water Technologies partners with exploration, the interchange of ideas and work amongst members; Electric Motors and Generators
engineering, and mining companies to solve their wa- and securing and maintaining a fund for the purposes of Gears - Pullers, Reducers and Pinions
ter issues, from production of potable water or desali- voluntarily assisting promising young men and women
nated water in remote locations to process water and to obtain a technical education in Mining, Metallurgical Main Office
wastewater solutions for all types of hard and soft rock and Petroleum Engineering, or allied subjects. WAAIME 6655 Sugarloaf Pkwy
mining sites including solution mining. is a division of SME with 13 sections throughout the Duluth, GA 30097 USA
We provide specialized water systems, thanks to our USA, Peru, Mexico and Chile. Phone: (678) 249-2000
understanding of the unique requirements of mine Email: [email protected]
operations and our worldwide expertise in mine water Products & Services
issues. Focusing on system performance, compliance Educational
with process and environmental requirements and
long-term cost-effectiveness, we are able to meet the Main Office Weir Minerals - North America
demanding reliability, safety and quality standards of 12999 E Adam Aircraft Cir See our ad on p. 39
the mining industry. Englewood, CO 80112 USA Weir Minerals are specialists in deliverying end-to-
Phone: (303) 948-4211 end solutions for all mining and minerals processing
Products & Services plants. We engineer, manufacture, supply and service
Filters, Filter Cloth and Accessories ime world-class minerals processing and mine dewatering
Ion Exchange Equipment and Resins products for virtually any application, anywhere in the
Remediation world.
Water Clarification and Treatment Our advanced product range incorporating brands such
as Warman® centrifugal slurry pumps, Linatex® rub-
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 47
ber products, GEHO® PD slurry pumps, Vulco® wear production and stripping operations. Wherever you are and whatever you mine, we deliver
resistant linings, Cavex® hydrocyclones, Enduron® services across the entire life cycle of mining projects
comminution equipment, Isogate® slurry valves, Del- Products & Services from front-end geology, process and environmental
ta™ Industrial knife gate valves, Multiflo® mine dewa- Aerial Mapping and Surveying consulting, through to conceptual and detailed design,
tering solutions, Hazleton® specialty slurry pumps, and Automation project management, construction, operations and
Trio® crushers and screens. Computer - Hardware and Services mine closure. Our concept-through-closure capabilities
Computer - Software and Services provide continuity of support and knowledge synergy
Products & Services Consulting - Engineering across the project phases.
Bins, Hoppers, Silos and Storage Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment
Conveyor Systems Measurement and Monitoring Systems Products & Services
Crushers and Pulverizers Rail Systems and Supplies Consulting - Design and Planning
Dewatering Equipment Scales Consulting - Engineering
Hoses - Valves and Fittings Surveying Equipment and Supplies Consulting - Environmental
Pumps Consulting - Management
Screens Main Office Laboratory and Scientific Services
Steel Pipe 2205 S Holtzclaw Ave Mine Evaluations - Surface and Underground
Valves Chattanooga, TN 37404 USA Remediation
Washing Plants Phone: (423) 698-0100 Transportation Water Clarification and Treatment
Main Office
2701 S Stoughton Rd Main Office
Madison, WI 53716 USA 111 Dunsmuir St
Phone: (608) 221-2261 Vancouver, BC V6B 5W3 Canada Phone: (604) 664-4778
West River Conveyors & Wirtgen America
Machinery Co See our ad on p. 41 World Coal - Global Mining
See our ad on p. 38
Products & Services
West River Conveyors manufactures underground and World Coal is the leading technical trade publication
overland conveyor systems including conveyors, tail Continuous Mining Machines for the global coal industry. Covering the mining, pro-
sections, take up units, belt storage units, winches, cessing and transportation of coal, every issue of World
discharge/transfer stations, chutes, starters, power Main Office Coal features technical papers and case studies from
packs and their own line of conveyor structure. In 6030 Dana Way leading international OEMs, consultancies and research
addition to new conveyors, West River also sells con- Antioch, TN 37013 USA organisations.
veyor belt, conveyor components and new and used Phone: (615) 501-0600 Global Mining Review magazine focuses on technolo-
conveyor parts. West River has surplus new inventory gy and market trends in the international mining and
that can be used in many ways to suit your budgetary mineral processing industries. Each issue includes re-
needs from parts to complete conveyors. Women’s Mining Coalition gional reports, case studies on major mining projects
Since 1993, the Womens Mining Coalition has been worldwide, and detailed technical articles covering
Products & Services communicating that a strong mining industry is import- underground and opencast mining, minerals process-
Belts - Power Transmission ant to the US, that US jobs depend on mining, and that ing and materials handling. Distributed globally, Global
Conveyor Belting - Accessories and Equipment todays industry uses effective environmental and safe- Mining Review receives bonus distribution at key min-
Conveyor Systems ty protection. WMC is an organization with nationwide ing events throughout the year.
Drives - Belt, Chain, Fluid and Gear representation, with members working as scientists,
Gears - Pullers, Reducers and Pinions engineers, miners, and administrators. The modern Products & Services
Parts - Mining Machinery domestic mining industry has WMC members work- Publishers
ing in all sectors, including industrial minerals, metals,
Main Office and coal mining; energy generation and distribution; Main Office
8936 Dismal River Rd manufacturing and transportation; and in the service 15 South St
Oakwood, VA 24631 USA industries. Farnham GU9 7QU United Kingdom
Phone: (276) 991-4450 Phone: +44 1252 718999 Products & Services
Wingfield Scale & Measure Professional Society or Association
Wingfield Scale & Measure specializes in inventory and
measurement services. Consisting of four departments Main Office
we develop, track, maintain, and optimize your site. PO Box 10101
Scale– Custom design, maintenance/repair, sales, and Reno, NV 89510 USA
certification of laboratory scales, belt scales, haul truck Phone: (406) 861-2154
scales, including rail scales.
Rental– Wingfield has the largest rental scale fleets.
Measure– Specializing in LiDAR & UAV stockpile in- Wood
ventories, underground, and quarry work, Wingfield For over 60 years, we have been trusted to deliver
uses the latest technology to safely map and inventory some of the world’s most logistically and technical-
mines. ly challenging projects. We add value from concept
Wingscan– Real time LiDAR measurements for convey- through closure across a diverse range of commodi-
or belts and haul trucks. Systems are installed at site ties with capabilities that support mines of the future.
and help manage inventories and bring true insight to
48 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
products & services
Aerial Mapping and Surveying Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd Centrifuges
Hexagon’s Mining division Schwing Bioset Inc Alfa Laval
Maptek Simem Underground Solutions, Derrick Corporation
MICROMINE USA Inc TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
Belts - Power Transmission Classifiers
Wingfield Scale & Measure
ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc Alfa Laval
Air Compressors VDG (Van der Graaf) Derrick Corporation
Wagner Equipment Co West River Conveyors & Machin- General Kinematics
ery Co TOMRA Sorting Solutions
Alarm Systems
Hawk Measurement Bins, Hoppers, Silos and Clutches - Fluid, Friction and
Industrial Scientific Storage Magnetic
IoT Automation Hawk Measurement Force Control Industries, Inc
Matrix Service
Analyzers Meridian Manufacturing Inc Coal Preparation Plants
Emerson Schwing Bioset Inc FGX SepTech, LLC
Industrial Scientific Simem Underground Solutions, Hawk Measurement
Malvern Panalytical Inc
TOMRA Sorting Solutions Weir Minerals - North America Communications Equipment
Assay Equipment Blasting Accessories, Hexagon’s Mining division
PerkinElmer Equipment and Agents IoT Automation
Carlson Software IWT
Clariant Corporation
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining Compactors
Dyno Nobel
Emerson Wagner Equipment Co
Phoenix Lighting
IoT Automation Blending Systems Computer - Hardware and
Malvern Panalytical BEUMER Corporation, Convey- Services
Matrix Service ing and Loading Division 3D-P
MEA Inc thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu- Carlson Software
Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company tions (USA), Inc Hexagon’s Mining division
Sandvik Mining and Rock Tech- Boring Equipment Wingfield Scale & Measure
nology Carlson Software
Simem Underground Solutions, Computer - Software and
Inc Brakes - Dynamic, Friction Services
WEG Electric Corp Disk - Block, Magnetic 3D-P
Wingfield Scale & Measure Force Control Industries, Inc Cancha Geometallurgy
Carlson Software
Autonomous Vehicles Buildings Eclipse Mining Technologies
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining Norseman Structures Hexagon’s Mining division
Hexagon’s Mining division Howden
Rail-Veyor Technologies GlobaI Itasca International, Inc
Anvil International &
Inc Maptek
Smith-Cooper International
Backfilling Bradken
Motion Metrics International
Aerix Industries ME Elecmetal
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 49
products & services
Corp Stantec Consulting Consulting - Environmental
Wingfield Scale & Measure Tetra Tech ARCADIS
Wood Barr Engineering Co
Concrete Reinforcement and
Civil & Environmental Consul-
Equipment Consulting - Engineering
tants, Inc (CEC)
Aerix Industries 3D-P
ConeTec Inc
AGRU America, Inc AECOM
Foth Infrastructure & Environ-
ment, LLC
Barr Engineering Co
Construction - Contracting Geosyntec Consultants
Cancha Geometallurgy
Services Hazen Research
Civil & Environmental Consul-
AECOM Itasca International, Inc
tants, Inc (CEC)
Howden Montgomery & Associates
Colorado School of Mines - De-
MasTec Power Corp NewFields
partment of Mining Engineering
Matrix Service Presto Geosystems
NewFields Ramboll
Dyno Nobel
Norseman Structures RESPEC
SLR International Corporation
Foth Infrastructure & Environ-
Consulting - Design and ment, LLC
SRK Consulting (US), Inc
Planning Stantec Consulting
Hazen Research
3D-P Tetra Tech
Hexagon’s Mining division
Anvil International & HUESKER Inc
Smith-Cooper International Consulting - Financial Services
Independent Mining Consul- Independent Mining Consul-
ARCADIS tants, Inc
Barr Engineering Co tants, Inc
Itasca International, Inc SLR International Corporation
Cancha Geometallurgy Maptek
Civil & Environmental Consul- SRK Consulting (US), Inc
MasTec Power Corp
tants, Inc (CEC) Matrix Service Consulting - Management
Dyno Nobel Mineral Technologies ARCADIS
Foth Infrastructure & Environ- NewFields Foth Infrastructure & Environ-
ment, LLC Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd ment, LLC
Hazen Research Ramboll Independent Mining Consul-
Hexagon’s Mining division RESPEC tants, Inc
Independent Mining Consul- Simem Underground Solutions, MasTec Power Corp
tants, Inc Inc Matrix Service
MAPEI Corporation SLR International Corporation NewFields
Maptek SRK Consulting (US), Inc SLR International Corporation
Matrix Service Stantec Consulting SRK Consulting (US), Inc
Mineral Technologies TAKRAF Stantec Consulting
Montgomery & Associates Tetra Tech Wood
NewFields University of Arizona Mining
Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd and Geological Engineering Consulting - Research
RESPEC Wingfield Scale & Measure Cancha Geometallurgy
SLR International Corporation Wood Colorado School of Mines - De-
SRK Consulting (US), Inc partment of Mining Engineering
50 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
products & services
Hazen Research Sempertrans USA McLanahan Corp
Itasca International, Inc VDG (Van der Graaf) ME Elecmetal
Montgomery & Associates West River Conveyors & Machin- Metso Outotec
RESPEC ery Co Sandvik Mining and Rock Tech-
SLR International Corporation Wingfield Scale & Measure nology
SRK Consulting (US), Inc Sumitomo Drive Technologies
Virginia Tech Department of Conveyor Systems TAKRAF
Mining & Minerals Engineering AGUDIO Ropeways TerraSource Global
BEUMER Corporation, Convey- thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu-
Continuous Mining Machines ing and Loading Division tions (USA), Inc
Komatsu Endurance Belting Wagner Equipment Co
Miner Elastomer Products FLSmidth Weir Minerals - North America
Mineral Technologies General Kinematics
Sandvik Mining and Rock Tech- Jennmar Corp Cyanide Process Equipment
nology Komatsu Derrick Corporation
Wagner Equipment Co Luff Industries Ltd
Wirtgen America Matrix Service DC Power
Miner Elastomer Products Phoenix Lighting
Controls - Electrical and Rail-Veyor Technologies GlobaI
Electronic Dewatering Equipment
Emerson Alfa Laval
Rapat Corporation
Howden Aqseptence Group Srl
IoT Automation Boart Longyear
Rulmeca Corporation
MEA Inc Derrick Corporation
Schenck Process
Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd General Kinematics
Simem Underground Solutions,
WEG Electric Corp HUESKER Inc
HydroTech Mining
Sumitomo Drive Technologies
Controls - Hydraulic and Johnson Screens
Pneumatic Metso Outotec
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu-
Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch Schwing Bioset Inc
tions (USA), Inc
Rexroth Corp) SRS Crisafulli, Inc
VDG (Van der Graaf)
Wagner Equipment Co
TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
Conveyor Belting - Accessories Weir Minerals - North America
TenCate Geotube
and Equipment West River Conveyors & Machin-
Tons Per Hour
AGUDIO Ropeways ery Co
Weir Minerals - North America
BEUMER Corporation, Convey- Coolers
ing and Loading Division Diesel Equipment Lighting
Endurance Belting Systems
Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch Couplings - Mechanical, Phoenix Lighting
Rexroth Corp) Flexible and Rigid Draglines
Hawk Measurement Anvil International & Bradken
Luff Industries Ltd Smith-Cooper International Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining
Motion Metrics International Composit LLC Komatsu
Corp Naylor Pipe Co Wagner Equipment Co
Phoenix Lighting
Rulmeca Crushers and Pulverizers
Schenck Process Bradken
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 51
products & services
52 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
products & services
International Society of Explo- Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company Grinding Mills
sives Engineers (ISEE) SRS Crisafulli, Inc Bradken
Maptek TAKRAF FLSmidth
General Kinematics
Fans and Blowers Gears - Pullers, Reducers and
McLellan Industries, Inc
Howden Pinions
Metso Outotec
Spendrup Fan Co Rulmeca Corporation
Mineral Technologies
WEG Electric Corp
Fasteners - Industrial Schenck Process
West River Conveyors & Machin-
ME Elecmetal Sumitomo Drive Technologies
ery Co
TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
Feeder Breakers Geological-Physical-Technical TerraSource Global
Komatsu thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu-
Services and Equip
McLanahan Corp tions (USA), Inc
AGRU America, Inc
Sumitomo Drive Technologies
ConeTec Inc Grouting Services, Equipment
Feeders Costmine
and Materials
Bradken Hazen Research
Aerix Industries
ERIEZ Independent Mining Consul-
Jennmar Corp
General Kinematics tants, Inc
Simem Underground Solutions,
McLanahan Corp IoT Automation
Schenck Process Maptek
Schwing Bioset Inc MICROMINE USA HealthCare
TerraSource Global Montgomery & Associates PerkinElmer
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu- NewFields
tions (USA), Inc Presto Geosystems Heavy Media Recovery Units
Filters, Filter Cloth and
Accessories Government Agency - Entity Hoses - Valves and Fittings
National Institute for Occupa- Composit LLC
Aqseptence Group Srl
tional Safety & Health Weir Minerals - North America
Johnson Screens
Metso Outotec U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
Mineral Resources Program Hydraulic System Components
Schenck Process Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch
Schwing Bioset Inc (MRP)
Rexroth Corp)
Tons Per Hour Gravity Separators MEA Inc
Veolia Water Technologies ERIEZ
FGX SepTech, LLC Inflatable and Mechanical
Fire Protection Packers
Anvil International & Mineral Technologies
Jennmar Corp
Smith-Cooper International Grinding Media and Liners
Bekaert Bradken Information Technology
Industrial Scientific Johnson Screens Products
McLellan Industries, Inc 3D-P
Flotation Machines and Cancha Geometallurgy
ME Elecmetal
Equipment Costmine
Metso Outotec
ERIEZ Eclipse Mining Technologies
FLSmidth Emerson
Metso Outotec Hexagon’s Mining division
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 53
products & services
MICROMINE USA Liquid Level Indicators and Measurement and Monitoring
Motion Metrics International Switches Systems
Corp Hawk Measurement 3D-P
PerkinElmer Carlson Software
RESPEC Loaders CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Bradken ConeTec Inc
Mineral Resources Program Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining Emerson
(MRP) Epiroc Hawk Measurement
Unified Purchasing Group (UPG) Komatsu Industrial Scientific
Motion Metrics International IoT Automation
Ion Exchange Equipment and Corp Malvern Panalytical
Resins Schenck Process Maptek
Veolia Water Technologies Wagner Equipment Co Montgomery & Associates
Kilns Longwall Mining Equipment Motion Metrics International
Metso Outotec Corp
Sumitomo Drive Technologies RESPEC
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining
thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu- Wingfield Scale & Measure
tions (USA), Inc Komatsu Meters and Gauges
Line Power Manufacturing CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc
Laboratory and Scientific
Wagner Equipment Co Hawk Measurement
Energy Laboratories Inc Lubricants and Equipment Mine Evaluations - Surface and
Hazen Research MAPEI Corporation
Mineral Technologies
Magnetic Separators Dyno Nobel
ERIEZ Hexagon’s Mining division
Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd
Mineral Technologies Independent Mining Consul-
tants, Inc
SGS Minerals Services Maintenance Equipment and NewFields
Supplies RESPEC
CAB Tetra Tech
Laboratory Equipment and McLellan Industries, Inc Wood
Supplies MEA Inc
Mine Operators
Malvern Panalytical
Maintenance Services AECOM
Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch Freeport-McMoRan Inc
Lighting Systems and Lamps Rexroth Corp) Independent Mining Consul-
IoT Automation Matrix Service tants, Inc
Phoenix Lighting MEA Inc Rio Tinto
Metso Outotec
Linings and Claddings MICROMINE USA Mineral Prospecting
AGRU America, Inc FGX SepTech, LLC
TerraSource Global
Bradken Freeport-McMoRan Inc
ME Elecmetal
Mining Contractors
Norseman Structures
Presto Geosystems
Boart Longyear
54 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
products & services
Independent Mining Consul- Professional Society or SRS Crisafulli, Inc
tants, Inc Association Sumitomo Drive Technologies
MasTec Power Corp AIMC TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
Matrix Service AIME Tons Per Hour
American Institute of Profession- Weir Minerals - North America
Parts - Mining Machinery al Geologists
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining
Association of Mining Engineers,
Pyrometallurgical Processing
Epiroc Hazen Research
Metallurgists and Geologists of
Komatsu thyssenkrupp Industrial Solu-
Mexico, AC (AIMMGM)
ME Elecmetal tions (USA), Inc
Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM) Quality Improvement
Metso Outotec
Colorado Mining Association Independent Mining Consul-
Miner Elastomer Products
(CMA) tants, Inc
Phoenix Lighting
Global Mining Guidelines Group MICROMINE USA
Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd
TerraSource Global
del Peru (IIMP) TerraSource Global
Tons Per Hour
International Society of Explo- Tons Per Hour
West River Conveyors & Machin-
sives Engineers (ISEE)
ery Co
Mining & Metallurgical Society Rail Systems and Supplies
Pipes of America (MMSA) Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining
AGRU America, Inc National Stone, Sand & Gravel Jennmar Corp
Anvil International & Association (NSSGA) Presto Geosystems
Smith-Cooper International Women’s Mining Coalition Rail-Veyor Technologies GlobaI
Bradken Inc
Publishers Wingfield Scale & Measure
Chevron Phillips Chemical Co
Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM) Reagents - Chemical and
Composit LLC
Costmine Flocculants
Naylor Pipe Co
Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas Chevron Phillips Chemical Co
Pollution Control Equipment del Peru (IIMP) LP
Presto Geosystems International Mining Clariant Corporation
International Society of Explo- PerkinElmer
Power Transmission Equipment sives Engineers (ISEE) Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc
ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc Mining People Magazine Tons Per Hour
Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch The Mining Record
Rexroth Corp) World Coal - Global Mining Reclamation Equipment and
VDG (Van der Graaf) Review Services
Aerix Industries
Process Controls and Instru- Pumps Carlson Software
ments Aqseptence Group Srl Civil & Environmental Consul-
CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc Boart Longyear tants, Inc (CEC)
Emerson FLSmidth Maptek
Hawk Measurement HydroTech Mining Presto Geosystems
Malvern Panalytical Metso Outotec SRK Consulting (US), Inc
MEA Inc National EWP SRS Crisafulli, Inc
PerkinElmer Schwing Bioset Inc TenCate Geotube
TAKRAF Simem Underground Solutions,
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 55
products & services
SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021 Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 2021 SME ShowGuide 57
e x h i b i t o r L is t i n g
3D-P Hagglunds Drives Div (Bosch Rexroth Corp) Phoenix Lighting
ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc Hawk Measurement PhotoSat
AECOM Hazen Research Presto Geosystems
Aerix Industries Hexagon Mining Rail-Veyor Technologies GlobaI Inc
AGRU America, Inc Howden Ramboll
AGUDIO Ropeways HUESKER Inc Rapat Corporation
AIMC HydroTech Mining RESPEC
AIME Independent Mining Consultants, Inc Rio Tinto
Alfa Laval Industrial Scientific Rulmeca
American Institute of Professional Geolo- Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru Rulmeca Corporation
gists (IIMP) Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology
Anvil International & Smith-Cooper Inter- Integrity Mining and Industrial Schenck Process
national International Mining Schwing Bioset Inc
Aqseptence Group Srl International Society of Explosives Engi- Sempertrans USA
ARCADIS neers (ISEE) SGS Minerals Services
Association of Mining Engineers, Met- IoT Automation Shotcrete Technologies, Inc
allurgists and Geologists of Mexico, AC Itasca International, Inc Simem Underground Solutions, Inc
(AIMMGM) IWT SLR International Corporation
Assured Partners of Colorado Jennmar Corp SME Foundation
ATARFIL Geomembranes Johnson Screens SME Latin America
Barr Engineering Co Komatsu SME Membership
Bekaert LC Drives SmithCo Mfg
BEUMER Corporation, Conveying and Load- Line Power Manufacturing South Dakota School of Mines
ing Division Luff Industries Ltd Spendrup Fan Co
Boart Longyear Mackay School of Earth Sciences and SRK Consulting (US), Inc
Bradken Engineering SRS Crisafulli, Inc
CAB Malvern Panalytical Stantec Consulting
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & MAPEI Corporation Sumitomo Drive Technologies
Petroleum (CIM) Maptek TAKRAF
Cancha Geometallurgy MasTec Power Corp TDS Fluid lndustries LLC
Carlson Software Matrix Service TenCate Geotube
Caterpillar Inc - Global Mining McLanahan Corp TerraSource Global
Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP McLellan Industries, Inc Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc
CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc ME Elecmetal Tetra Tech
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc (CEC) MEA Inc The Mining Record
Clariant Corporation Meridian Manufacturing Inc thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (USA), Inc
Colorado Mining Association (CMA) Metso Outotec TOMRA Sorting Solutions
Colorado School of Mines - Department of MICROMINE USA Tons Per Hour
Mining Engineering Miner Elastomer Products U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Mineral
Composit LLC Mineral Technologies Resources Program (MRP)
ConeTec Inc. Minerals Education Coalition (MEC) Unified Purchasing Group (UPG)
Costmine Mining & Metallurgical Society of America University of Arizona Mining and Geological
Derrick Corporation (MMSA) Engineering
Dyno Nobel Mining People Magazine VDG (Van der Graaf)
Eclipse Mining Technologies Missouri University of Science & Technology Veolia Water Technologies
Emerson Montgomery & Associates Virginia Tech Department of Mining & Min-
Endurance Belting Motion Metrics International Corp erals Engineering
Energy Laboratories Inc Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company WAAIME
Epiroc National EWP Wagner Equipment Co
ERIEZ National Institute for Occupational Safety & WEG Electric Corp
FGX SepTech, LLC Health Weir Minerals - North America
FLSmidth National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association West River Conveyors & Machinery Co
Force Control Industries, Inc (NSSGA) Wingfield Scale & Measure
Forgen Naylor Pipe Co Wirtgen America
Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC NewFields Women’s Mining Coalition
Freeport-McMoRan Inc Norseman Structures Wood
General Kinematics Original Creations Inc
Geosyntec Consultants Paterson & Cooke USA, Ltd
Geotemps, Inc Penn State University
Global Mining Guidelines Group PerkinElmer
58 2021 SME ShowGuide R Mınıng engıneerıng February 2021 SHOWGUIDE exhibitor listings as of January 15, 2021
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