The Energy Sustainability of Palazzo Italia at EXPO 2015: Analysis of An nZEB Building
The Energy Sustainability of Palazzo Italia at EXPO 2015: Analysis of An nZEB Building
The Energy Sustainability of Palazzo Italia at EXPO 2015: Analysis of An nZEB Building
The Italian Pavilion aims to be an element of representative innovation within the EXPO 2015 area (1.1
million m2); it will be an a nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB), whose energy needs will be met in large part
from renewable sources, geothermal (ground water) heat pumps and photovoltaic, and - thanks to careful
design of the building - a very efficient building system will be implemented. The aim is to provide an
authoritative case study on Italian territory by the public administration, in view of the definition of an Action
Plan for the transition towards nZEBs.
In this work, we want to focus on the energy performance of the building, pointing to some features of the
building, highlighting some critical issues related to existing legislation, and providing suggestions for the
improvement of legislation in the field of the energy efficiency of buildings, which is constantly evolving in
Italy and in Europe. The work describes advanced solutions in the final design in terms of energy and
environmental sustainability.
Within the building there is a bioclimatic courtyard that allows the building to breathe by means of an air lung
which, in both winter and summer, will maintain better conditions of temperature and humidity than the
outside air and will function through intakes for air from outside and outlets for air conditioning units.
The design of the Italian Pavilion has been geared towards achieving high performance standards in terms of
energy and environment.
Particular attention has been devoted to reducing the energy consumption of the building, orienting the
design in three key directions:
exaltation of the passive behaviour of the building casing;
use of plant systems with high efficiency;
use of equipment for the exploitation of renewable thermal energy (geothermal) and photovoltaic
systems for the production of electricity from solar sources.
The objective is to minimise the withdrawal of energy from external networks, by configuring the structure as
an nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) [1-7] in line with the provisions of the European EPBD Directive
2010/31/UE and with class A+, under the certification system in force in the Region Lombardia where Milano
is located.
climat. estiva invernale
84% 16%
In relation to the figure 2, it is worth noting a first critical issue in current Italian legislation, which provides for
two different definitions for the duration of the heating season and the cooling season, altering the outcome
of the calculations.
The length of the heating season in Italy is defined by Law and, for the location in question (Milano) this
begins on October 15 and ends on April 15.
The length of the cooling season depends on the climatic conditions of the location and the characteristics of
the building, and can be calculated using the following inequality (UNI/TS11300-1, Energy Performance of
Buildings, part 1 – Determination of themal energy need of the building).
Q gn ,day
θ e ,day ≥ θi , set , C−
H ∙ t day
θe,day is the average daily external temperature;
θi,set,C is the internal temperature of adjustment for cooling;
Qgn,day are the average daily internal and solar and internal supplies;
H is the overall heat transfer coefficient of the building, in W/K, determined according to UNI/TS
11300-1, equal to the sum of the overall heat transfer coefficients for transmission and
ventilation, adjusted to take into account the difference in internal-external temperature;
tday is the length of the day.
This may involve (as it does in this case) an illogical superposition of the two periods towards the functioning
of the plants, as represented in the following figure 3.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Figure 3 - Useful energy need of the building for winter and summer conditioning
The fact that there are periods in which there is a simultaneous need for heating and cooling is the result of
an ineffective legislative interpretation, given that the standard evaluation is carried out over 24 hours of
operation. In more immediate terms, an energy need for heating corresponds to situations in which the
internal temperature of the building is less than 20 °C, while a useful energy need for cooling corresponds to
situations in which the internal temperature of the building is higher than 26 °C. It is clearly impossible for
situations to exist in which the internal temperature is both lower than 20 °C and higher than 26 °C, given
that the calculations are developed for the entire building, using the same geometric data, the same physical
and technical data, and the same climatic data (UNI 10349, Heating and cooling for buildings – Climate
It is for this reason, substantiated by common experience and also by studies carried out by the authors
[12] , [13] that we consider it more appropriate to use a different definition of the cooling season, which
considers only the months in which cooling is actually required, and includes the months complementary to
the heating season in the calculation, considering a one-month interval between the two seasons in which
the building is functioning without either heating or cooling.
Following the methodology indicated, the needs of useful energy in the summer season total
14.4 kWh/m3, with one major difference compared with the previous definition (-32%). The figure 4 shows the
breakdown of the useful energy needs considering a cooling season that begins on May 15 and ends on
September 15, highlighting the decrease in the importance of summer air conditioning.
climat. estiva 23%
The chart above shows how modern architecture tends, in contrast with the past, to have low winter needs
and high summer needs: this is the direct result of many insulated building that withhold internal loads
(people, lighting, equipment), with positive effects in winter and negative effects in summer. This is obviously
more marked because of Italy’s climatic conditions which are characterised by non-negligible values for solar
A better performance with respect to energy consumption for air conditioning in summer could be obtained
with greater protection from solar radiation; however, this would entail a worsening of performance, both from
the energy point of view, with an increase in consumption for the lighting of interiors, and from the point of
view of visual comfort.
This consideration highlights a second critical issue in current Italian legislation, which takes into account
only performance related to air conditioning and does not include energy consumption related to lighting, nor
does it consider the comfort of occupants.
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76% 24%
The result of the calculations is shown in the figure 5. At parametric level, the primary energy need for winter
heating amounts to 5.7 kWh/m3, and for summer air conditioning 17.9 kWh/m3.
Through the use of groundwater as a heat source, it is possible to obtain high yields from the generation
subsystem which, for both winter and summer conditioning, are greater for the unit in terms of primary
energy. There is therefore a sharp decrease in the needs indicated above: the primary energy need for
winter heating is 2.3 kWh/m3, and that for summer air conditioning 9.8 kWh/m 3.
At this point, the evaluation of generation yield warrants consideration.
On the basis of before mentioned Legislative Decree 28/2011, renewable energy is the energy produced by
heat pumps "whose yield in terms of heat significantly exceeds the primary energy needed to drive it".
This produces a differentiation between the evaluation of winter performance and that of summer. In both
cases, the yield is greater than one, and in both cases there was a significant decrease in primary energy
needs. The winter supply is considered renewable, while the summer supply is not. The same decree
indirectly excludes such supply from the count when it states that "the heat generated by passive energy
systems, through which lower energy consumption is achieved passively through building design" should be
excluded from the count and considered as savings, thus not considering active systems.
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climat. estiva
Figure 6 - Breakdown by uses of primary energy needs
This then highlights a fourth critical issue, consisting of an incomplete and non-exhaustive definition capable
of correctly classifying all the energy supplies and, in particular, those of generation systems with higher
yields for the unit.
Through the use of a photovoltaic system integrated in the casing, as well as the virtuous adoption of devices
integrated into the structure (that is, with no land use), will minimise the withdrawal of energy from external
networks by configuring the structure as an NZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) in line with the provisions of
the European directive and with class A+, under the current certification system..
In order to maximise the productivity of the PV system, simulations have been carried out in order to
evaluate the correct positioning of the panels to avoid shadowed areas or an area with low irradiation.
Based on the coverage surfaces available and the simulations performed, it was decided to equip the
building with a photovoltaic plant with a total capacity of 150 kWp, capable of producing 150,000 kWh of
electricity, equivalent to 326.100 kWh of primary energy.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Oct Nov Dec
Figure 7 - Equivalent in terms of primary energy of the electricity produced by the photovoltaic system
The figure 7 shows a negative sign for the equivalent in terms of primary energy for electricity produced by
the PV to represent the contribution of the system to reducing the energy needs indicated above.
The following table shows the use made of electricity (calculated in terms of primary energy) produced by the
photovoltaic system.
The left column of the table indicates that in some months the energy produced by the PV system is greater
than that required for air conditioning.
Here lies a fifth critical issue concerning the current legislation, which does not allocate the surplus to the
months in which there is a deficit. The very definition of surplus must be completed: it is evident that a
surplus is generated only when the local generation from renewable sources exceeds all energy uses of the
building, thus having included lighting and general electrical uses (appliances).
It is also necessary to consider that the management of nZEBs on a small scale (of building or of district, [3],
[7]) and on a large scale (regional or national) will become more important and difficult with the growth of the
share of non-programmable renewable energy. This aspect must also necessarily be further developed,
establishing connecting bonds to the territorial energy infrastructure which, in its simplest configuration, may
consist of an obligation (or a reward) in the case of installation of energy storage systems.
Having subtracted photovoltaic production, the primary energy need for winter conditioning is 1.3 kWh/m 3
and that for summer air conditioning 5.5 kWh/m 3. Given the volumes of the building, the surplus thus
identified would permit a further reduction of 1.4 kWh/m 3 in the primary energy needs of the building.
climat. estiva
rinnovabile fotov
climat. invernale
climat. estiva
Rinnovabile? climat. invernale
Risparmio? rinnovabile
34% 15%
climat. invernale
rinnovabile fotov
climat. estiva
The energy analysis of the Italian Pavilion, designed for EXPO 2015 with the aim of constructing an NZEB,
was performed order to constitute an authoritative case study by the public administration on Italian territory,
in view of the definition of an Action Plan for the transition to nZEBs.
The energy analysis has made it possible to identify some critical issues concerning European and Italian
regulations that deserve further investigation or clarification:
it is necessary to clarify in a single definition the limits for winter and summer, in order to avoid
overlap between the two seasons;
it is important to consider that the passive protection offered by the casing has a much greater effect
in countries where the winter season is more important;
it is necessary to include in the analysis of buildings all energy uses through a simplified evaluation;
in particular, it is very important to consider the energy needs for lighting, given that a reduction in
needs for summer air conditioning in some cases may entail an increase in needs for building
the definition of renewable energy does not appear complete; the interpretation to be given to the
contributions of all generation plant systems characterised by a higher yield for the unit is not clear; it
is also crucial the yield of national electrical systems be updated frequently;
how to count any monthly surplus of energy production for the purposes of the energy performance
of the building is not well specified;
there are no obligations or awards for the installation of energy storage systems.
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