VRaySun and VRaySky Examples
VRaySun and VRaySky Examples
VRaySun and VRaySky Examples
Note: All the images are rendered with Color mapping: HSV exponential, Dark multiplier: 1.0, Bright multiplier:
1.0 (exceptions are the images in Example 6)
Enabled: on, Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 1.0
Enabled: on, Height Z: 1200, Turbidity is 2.0, Intensity multiplier is 0.01, Size multiplier: 10.0
Enabled: on, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Shadow subdivision: 8, Size multiplier: 1.0
Turbidity is 2.0 Turbidity is 4.0 Turbidity is 8.0
Height: Z = 0, Intensity mult: 0.01 Height: Z = 0, Intensity mult: 0.03 Height: Z = 0, Intensity mult: 0.05
Height: Z = 500, Intensity mult: 0.01 Height: Z = 500, Intensity mult: 0.03 Height: Z = 500, Intensity mult: 0.05
Enabled: on, Height Z: 800,Turbidity: 3.0, Shadow subdivision: 8, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 1.0
Enabled: on, Turbidity: 2.0, Shadow subdivision: 36, Intensity multiplier: 0.01, Size multiplier: 10.0