GM Mastery 01
GM Mastery 01
GM Mastery 01
Brief Word
sessions #1-5 of my d&d 5e “trial” game
pre-generated PCs were subtle. For example, are embedded in a thousand rules, you can’t
one PC had a trait of not being a decision- avoid them all.
maker and was happier following orders. But D&D Next set an expectation early on
That’s a pretty tough pick-up for the GM, that a group who wants more narration with
who’s doing other things and might not notice fewer die interruptions can game that way if
when a player is doing a good job roleplaying desired. Or, you can roll and leave everything
a passive PC. up to chance. Likewise, you can play with
I think I’ll make better notes for next game combat maps and minis or just wage melee
about these PC attributes, but it feels like we in the theatre of your mind.
still need to sort this part of the game out a In the end, we all felt like we played a
bit better. D&D game, we had fun, and we’re going to
The adventure kicked off with a goblin play again in a week. So, so far, thumbs up
attack. The PCs earned a tough victory and for the newest version of the game.
tracked the creatures back to their lair. They
assaulted the goblin cave hideout, but were
repulsed twice. We finished the game with
the second retreat.
On a humorous note, there’s a trap in
the module involving a pair of dammed
ponds. The goblins wait until the PCs are
making their way up the stream bed in the
cavern, and then break a dam to create a
small tsunami down the stream. The first
flood knocked a PC off his feet, but a fellow
member grabbed him just in time and saved
a long tumble downstream. But the second session 2:
flood proved too much. It knocked the same the party splits up
PC down again, and he went pell mell down
GM’d again Friday and had a great time. The
the creek and was spit out of the caverns.
new D&D Next rules are good so far, though
Returning, he triggered another trap, which
we came up with a few corner cases we had
pushed him back into the still flooded stream,
to make quick judgement calls on.
and he went for a tumble again! While badly
The PCs were on a mission to deliver goods
bruised (body and ego), at least one PC got a
to the town of Phandalin for a dwarf. They
good bathing.
discovered the dwarf’s horse and another
I also felt the game required less dice
mount abandoned near what looked to be an
rolling. I prefer to call for a roll only when
ambush site.
it’s important or when I need to stall to
The party followed goblin tracks to a
think. Fewer rolls means more storytelling
nearby cave and got their hats handed to
and sleeker game experience because GM
them. Twice. That’s where we started session
and players are doing more narrating and
can get into a flow. And I find Pathfinder and
The party is joined by new folks looking to
D&D 3+ need a lot more rolls to get the game
help. Together, they re-enter the caves and
done. Sure, the GM has a say, but when rolls
find the lair of the goblin tribe’s second-in-
command. He’s got a hostage. He offers a offer the fighter gets two aces from the same suit
a truce. If accepted, he’ll let the hostage go. dealt to him. He throws the table over and
The PCs agree to the truce. The goblin lets accuses the ruffian of cheating.
the hostage go. Off a cliff. The hostage lands Turns out the ruffian is a member of a
hard and doesn’t move. Goblin archers get gang that’s terrorizing the town. So when
surprise and fire their short bows. the card players knock on the Townmaster’s
While some party members wade into door in the middle of the night to settle the
the humanoids, the monk goes to see if the dispute, he sides with the ruffian. Living up
hostage is still alive. to his class, the fighter fights, loses, and gets
Combat ends fast and the PCs save the tossed into the dungeon.
hostage’s life. They also take a goblin prisoner. The next day the hung-over rogue avoids
The group then has a short rest and chats breakfast, people, and loud songs. The monk
with the hostage, Sildar Hallwinter. They goes shopping. The paladin eats a hearty
gather good intel from him and decide to meal with his new servant. The fighter wakes
explore the caves further. to find the ruffian in his cell.
Soon they reach a large cavern with The ruffian says he likes the fighter’s
huge stalagmites. Hiding behind the rock style and invites him back to gangland HQ
formations are the tribe’s leader, a bugbear to meet the others. Fighter agrees and is
named Klarg, and his two pet wolves. asked to go on a short mission. Turns out
PCs drop but the party prevails and gets some cocky warrior type has come to town
some good loot. A couple potions of healing, with a disgusting goblin servant. The mission
a nice statuette with golden eyes, and some is to slay the goblin and teach the warrior a
silver and copper pieces. lesson about being civilized.
The caves finally cleaned out, the party The fighter agrees and finds the paladin
resumes their travel to the town of Phandalin. and his goblin in the town square. A fight
This is where the train leaves the track ensues and the gang members are caught
and takes a dirt side road. by surprise when the fighter turns on them
The PCs hit the main inn and get rooms. and takes the paladin’s side. The other party
Then the party splits up. members are within earshot and join the fray.
The paladin spends the night After the short but bloody engagement, in
waterboarding the goblin prisoner and which the gambling ruffian is slain and the
succeeds in making the creature a cowed, other two gang members are taken prisoner,
loyal servant. the paladin takes the cloaks from the thugs
The rogue regales the common room with and ties them together to form a crude rope.
tales of adventure. He leads several loud He then hangs the dead ruffian by the neck
songs. And he presses the townsfolk for news in the town square. The goblin cheers.
and rumours. The party splits again. Some PCs follow-
The monk cleans his bloody garb then up on the rumours the rogue gleaned last
meditates. night, others interrogate the captured gang
The fighter, who is addicted to gambling, members.
heads to the seediest tavern in town and Later that day the characters reunite and
gets dealt in. At the table are two alcoholic head to a creepy, ruined manor up on a hill
farmers and a ruffian. The ruffian deals and at the edge of town. It’s the gang HQ. The
fighter leads the way, already familiar with
the path.
session 3:
The group explores the ruins and finds a a near riot
passage into cellars below ground. What does justice mean to you? Does it mean
We end the session there, ready for rehabilitation and redemption? Or does it
exploration into the underground gang base. mean the hangman’s noose?
It was a good session. Lots of action, In Friday’s game the paladin was faced
roleplaying, and party discussion. Some with this choice. Here’s how it turned out.
urban play thrown into the mix. The PCs started five strong in front of the
I like how the party is starting to take door to the Red Cloak hideout. They burst in
advantage of the new 5E subdual rules. It’s after some party discussion of best strategy.
much easier to knock people out now. That The cellar turns out to be empty, and the
makes information gathering, playing moral group cautiously enters, while pumping their
PCs, and urban adventuring much easier. two Red Cloak prisoners for information as
The classes seem distinct for the most part. they go.
It’s low level play, so I don’t yet have a feel if The far door then crashes open and
the current life-or-death nature of fights is a out streams six Red Cloaks, short swords
good game balance thing, or if the PCs will a-whirling.
soon level up into tanks and heavy artillery. Caught flat-footed, the PCs take a beating.
And even better news, the group gave the But the battle eventually turns to the party’s
green light to keep the game going as an favour. Half the thugs are slain, with three
ongoing campaign. So I can start planning escaping deeper into the cellars.
in earnest now. The group marches on, disables a pit trap
We’re set to play in a couple weeks. Should by falling into it, and opens a door to a crypt.
be fun. Skeletons attack, and then a second wave of
Red Cloaks enter and flank the embattled
Those thugs soon perish. As the wizard
put it, “We’ve killed 11 men in three minutes.
What’s going to happen when we’ve been here
an hour?”
Deeper they explore, sussing out villains,
rescuing prisoners, and depleting their health
but not their resolve.
After a short rest or two, they encounter
a strange telepathic monster. They make
friends. And they learn bugbears and goblins
lie in wait.
So the group heads back to town to restock.
With a pair of new Red Cloak prisoners in
hand, they head straight for the town square
and declare the Red Cloak menace has ended.
They stoke up a huge bonfire. And the The group heads back to the ruined manor
paladin makes two nooses. to mop up the bugbears and gobbos. But the
The group demands the Townmaster show creatures had fled during the night.
his face for judgement, as he’s been a Red We ended the session there.
Cloak collaborator. Schedules are tricky for awhile, so we are
Taking silence as permission, the rogue tentatively scheduled for Oct. 3.
and wizard break into the Townmaster’s We started this published adventure to
home and catch him sneaking out the back. test out the D&D 5E rules. Everybody likes
The wizard wants him prisoner, the rogue’s them, so we’ve decided to keep playing after
blades tell another story. They loot the corpse the adventure ends.
then the house. Which means I’ve got a campaign to plan. I
Meanwhile, the paladin draws a crowd have a few ideas, and just need to harmonize
and demands they decide what kind of justice those with my campaign wishlist.
shall be meted out this night. I estimate I’ll need a campaign plan and
The townsfolk demand a hanging, and the next adventure ready by early November.
paladin is only too pleased to oblige. It will be a bit of a shoe horn project
The monk makes a final plea for though, as I plan to pivot to a campaign of my
redemption. The prisoners, given last words, design with PCs and initial storyline already
blame the Black Spider and the wizard created.
Glasstaff for making them do bad things. I also don’t think I’ll be staying in the
With a shrug, the paladin offers the Forgotten Realms. I’m not sure what world
honour of kicking out the stools to a citizen. we’ll end up in.
While justice is being served, the fighter I’ll let you know how it goes.
seeks a card game. He wins a few, loses a few,
and then wins some more. He manages to
kill the card shark’s bank roll, and the card
shark tips his hat and leaves the table. But
not without first picking the fighter’s pocket
and making away with half the winnings.
The fighter soon realizes he’s been robbed
and runs to the square and seeks the card
shark out in the crowd. But he’s unlucky
At last the stools are kicked out and the
Red Cloaks hang. The crowd cheers. And ale
flows to the kicking and thrashing of thug
Mor ning eventually comes. A new
Townmaster is declared, and she sends the
PCs on a quest. The group agrees, but with
caveats. The Townmaster must prepare for
fair elections soon. Or else.
session 4: The mangy dwarf, fighter, and mage decide
to investigate the orc bandits they heard were
assault on orc valley menacing the road up near Wyvern Tor. As
Sometimes the dice tell the story of the the three travel along the Triboar Trail, they
session. Lady luck gives us a happy ending. spot the wispy smoke of a roadside campfire
Or not. Here’s how Friday’s game went down. up ahead. Then they hear the chilling sounds
It’s dark out, and the PCs are still of torture.
celebrating their victory over the local gang The group rushes forward and discovers
of thugs at the inn, despite the ringleader four hobgoblins holding a goblin over a fire,
getting away. demanding to know where Cragmaw Castle
The wizard uses mage hand to impress the - the goblin HQ - is located.
locals and harass the help. The fighter woos a It’s the party’s first encounter with these
farmer’s daughter. The rogue entertains the tough, soldier-like creatures. Though only the
crowd with rowdy songs. druid is harmed, he nearly dies. A hobgoblin
A dirty, smelly dwarf saddles up to the is taken prisoner.
bar and orders a drink (a new PC). He gets T h e g o b l i n i s r e s c u e d o n ly t o b e
hammered fast. When a card game breaks interrogated again, this time by his so-called
out with the gambling addicted fighter and saviours. He tells the PCs the castle is to the
the two locals he cleaned out the other night, south.
the dwarf sits in. Reviving and conversing with the hobgob
Then a stranger saunters in and seats prisoner reveals King Grol and the Spider
himself beside the mage. As they talk he operate out of the castle, as well. The party
notices the mage hand. He asks the mage to makes peace with the hobgob, who offers to
give him a signal if the dwarf has a good hand join their cause against Glasstaff, the goblin
at the card table, then he joins the game. king, and the mysterious Black Spider.
Thanks to a little arcane assistance, the The party agrees. But when the hobgob
stranger does ok. Then the game escalates is released, he immediately attacks. Despite
into a tense hand with a lot of coin being overwhelming odds, the hobgoblin follows his
pushed into the centre of the table. It comes training and honour-bound ways. He dies.
down to the fighter, the stranger, and a card But all the fighting draws the attention of
shark local. If the local wins, the fighter a nearby owlbear, which crashes into the PCs
has to plough the farmer’s field. Cards are and starts beaking and clawing flesh.
revealed, and...the stranger claims victory. The druid turns into a bear, and it’s
Everyone at the table gets suspicious, but Mothra vs. Godzilla for several tense seconds
there’s no evidence of cheating. as both creatures stand on their hind legs
The stranger takes his winnings and and pound away at each other.
leaves the table with the girl the fighter was It turns out the dwarf is a strong addition
flirting with earlier. Everyone drinks more. to the party, for he’s victorious, and the PCs
The next morning, the party splits up. grab what loot they can from the hobgoblin
Some are too hung over and refuse the call camp and continue down the road, but not
to adventure. The paladin and monk meet before killing the goblin.
with the Townmaster to prepare for elections. Two days later Wyvern Tor breaks the
horizon. The tall mountain is f lanked by
two others, giving the appearance of wings. Lady luck blew on those dice that night.
The PCs encounter an orc bandit group and We wrap the session up there. The PCs
dispatch the ugly, brutish creatures. They scout the village again after resting and find
track the orcs back to a valley, where an orc it deserted. With some careful tracking, they
village stretches out. A large ogre sits in the find the creatures holed up in a cave at the
middle of the village, growling orders, while base of Wyvern Tor. They’ll need more help
orcs whip goblin slaves to work harder in the to defeat the entrenched foes.
fields and gardens. I like it when players take chances. You
The party wonders if these odds are too often get great, memorable stories that way.
much even for bears and mage hands to Like this time, when only one roll could save a
overcome. They decide to try a divide-and- TPK, and the group got it. Hopefully my dice
conquer approach. They crawl close to the are lucky next time. ;)
village and let loose their arrows, hitting the We play again in a couple weeks. It should
ogre leader twice with amazing shots. be interesting to see how the cave assault goes.
The orcs charge, a group of almost a dozen I’m off the plot now, with an unscheduled
hot on the retreating heroes’ heels. stop with these orcs. The ogre leader is still
The druid wields his nature magic to help alive, as are his best warriors. This cave is a
the party hide while the orcs run by. Then the holy site to the tribe. The shaman lives there.
PCs strike from behind in ambush. It was only out of desperation they dared
The fight is intense. 11 against three. 3.5 retreat here with their families against the
if you count the druid-bear. evil people from the human town. There’s a
The fighter goes down. He gets healed and surprise waiting in that cave for the PCs. And
bounces up again. Then the druid goes down. it’ll surprise the orcs too....
Then the mage. It’s just the fighter left, and
there’s three orcs.
The foes exchange mighty blows. An orc
falls. Then another. It’s just the fighter, who
has only three health left, and a tall orc
warrior, unharmed and enraged.
The orc hits! But the wily fighter summons
all his willpower and somehow survives and
even gets a second wind just in time for his
counter attack.
With 10 fallen orcs, the fighter knows the
only way he can kill this creature is to hit it
with everything he’s got. Maximum damage
is the only result that will save the party.
The fighter swings.
And hits!
We all wait to see the damage....and it’s
box cars! Maximum damage. The only roll
that would kill the orc in one blow.
Everyone cheers.
session 5: casualties one had a two foot wide head, another had
10 pound testicles.
afflict phandelver Just as the PCs are girding up for another
We played last Friday and had a blast. A foray into the cave, they hear weak cries for
disintegrating blast as you shall soon see. help coming from that tunnel at the back. It
The session starts with the PCs resting doesn’t sound orcish, so they advance. Passing
and preparing to assault the orc shaman’s through the cave piled with orc bodies, they
cave. It is a full table. PCs missing last session discover the dark tunnel is filled with even
jumped in immediately on the premise they more orc carcasses, plus many goblin slave
were getting worried about their friends and carcasses.
went out searching for them. With the party Hopscotching their way through, the party
reunited five strong, they venture forth into enters a smaller cave that must have been
the mists to clean up the orc raider tribe. the shaman’s room. The walls are decorated
As they approach the cave mouth guarded with strange runes, bone mobiles, and wolf
by a pair of sentries, screaming erupts from pelts. In the corner is a bound man. He’s been
the dark hole. Then a clawed-up and bleeding tortured by his captors. He’s naked.
orc body flies out the cave mouth and sails This is the new PC for Chris, the dead
through the air over a cliff. More screams of fighter’s player. He tells the party he saw
pain and terror perforate the morning air. terrifying tentacled creatures burst through a
The PCs advance and quickly take care of hole in the wall at the back of the cave. That’s
the guards. With trepidation, they peer into what’s been making pork pie of the PCs’
the cave. enemies. Based on this news, the party piles
They see mass murder. Blood covers the bodies up to block the hole. Unfortunately,
walls and floor. Claw marks scrape the stone this rouses one of the creatures and it begins
walls. And a terrified huddle of surviving orcs clawing its way through the fleshy barrier.
with backs turned to the characters peer into The creature is fearsome, with two massive
a tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. claw-tipped limbs, a body of a giant lobster,
The PCs charge. And that’s when the and a tentacled mouth.
fighter perishes. Just as the orcs and their The creature latches onto the druid and
ogre leader are falling to the chop-chop- claws then grapples him. The stalwart
chopping of the PCs’ hatred, another wave dwarf fends off the poison now swimming
pours from the tunnel, f leeing from the through his body and counterattacks. It’s a
unknown monstrosity. The party’s main tough battle, but the PCs manage to kill the
murder hobo gets hobbled then murdered as creature by pretending to flee and retreating
fresh pork overwhelms him. to a more defensible position, where they
Finally, the cave goes quiet as the last orc whittle the monster down.
falls. Two mysteries lay before the characters Flush with victory, the party ventures
as they retreat outside for a short rest. back into the shaman cave and begins looting.
First, what was ripping the orcs from Roscoe the rogue discovers a secret door. He
limb to limb? Second, what was causing the opens it and finds a short passage with a
strange mutations they saw amongst the orc solid oak door blocking the end.
foes they just fought? One orc was orange, Curious, the party opens it. This is when
the paladin goes down.
The room beyond the door contains a It’s time to break out my new carousing table
bubbling fountain filled with fetid water. The (I’ve included it at the end of this issue).
walls are covered in more shaman runes and The dwarf wakes up the next morning
fetishes. The newest party member jumps with no memories, naked, and lying beside
into the fountain and frolics. The druid joins the chewed-up body of a humanoid. The
him, as does the paladin’s goblin servant. dwarf’s face and hands are covered in blood.
Meantime, the mage casts detect magic and I forgot to mention that, back at the
realizes there are two magic signatures in the fountain, the fighter received a permanent
room. One is the fountain. One is something hit point after his swim.
big and invisible in the corner. And the dwarf earned an intense fear of
The rogue runs up to the invisible thing orcs. This is unfortunate, because the dwarf’s
and touches it. It’s cold, damp, and spongy. most hated foe is orcs. This must have really
The paladin comes over to investigate, as messed up the dwarf, because the body he
does the druid. This forces the beholder(!) woke up beside was that of an orc.
to attack, making him visible. A ray shoots Roscoe the rogue wakes up with a new
out of one eyestalk. And faster than you can tattoo. Rolling a d6, Jeff gets a 6. Roscoe is
say “Pile of gray dust,” the paladin is hit and now the proud bearer of a unicorn tattoo.
turned into a pile of gray dust. This, just after The mercenary wakes up with vague
acquiring some fine full plate armour from recollections about hearing a terrible secret.
the orc leader minutes ago, the party’s best But he can’t remember the details.
treasure since campaign start. The mage gave all his money to someone
Everyone f lees. Except the mage, who with an incredible money-making scheme.
takes a moment to disbelieve. The beholder The guy has left town.
aims an eyestalk at him. The mage flees. The half-orc barbarian, who makes the
Back to the safety of the entrance, the dwarf very uneasy, did not drink, he just
mage realizes the beholder was not alive. It caroused. So he wakes up with purse, skin,
was dead. It was an undead zombie beholder. and dignity intact.
In a cave. The party retreats back to camp. We end the session there, with the party
Counting their losses, the survivors ready to follow-up a lead back down the
consider themselves lucky and head back to Triboar Trail, questing for a ruined watch
Phandalin. It takes three days to return home. tower.
On the road back they meet a mercenary - I think we won’t play now for another
Jason’s new PC - and he joins up with the month. In two Fridays is Halloween, so we
party. can’t play that night. November 14 will likely
Back at the mining town, the group see our next gaming.
convalesces at the inn. They drink heavily.
COOL AGAIN by Johnn Four
This month’s RPG Blog Carnival is “Things finale. I’ve got many more critters on my list
That Go Bump in the Night”, and is hosted to go.
by Of Dice and Dragons. And I’m taking a half dozen or so for my
Undead are boring. We’ve gamed them so new game and making them undead. These
much they’re predictable and common. But creatures will be the leaders of different
for the fantasy city campaign I’m planning, undead factions operating within the city.
I’m adding undead. Lots of undead. And I While each amazing monster chases its own
have a plan to make them cool, interesting, agenda, they also pursue a terrible common
and scary again. objective. This gives me my bucket list,
Here’s my plan. campaign plot, and city design elements all
on a delicious zombie platter.
give them leaders The tip I’d like to pass on to you is to
with a mission revitalize your undead by combining them
with other creatures and monster types to
The first thing I’m doing is hitting up
surprise your players. A platoon of githyanki
my bucket list. As I mentioned issues
ghasts dive-bombing in on f lying zombie
ago, I have a wishlist of cool gaming
dolphins might just catch the PCs unawares.
moments, elements, and products I
Give your undead a driving urge or motive,
want to GM before I roll my last die.
too. Switch up the classic situation where
they are just lying around for centuries
I keep this wishlist in a small Field Notes
waiting to animate or escape. Instead, have
square grid notebook. If an idea hits me
them animate and escape pre-campaign.
away from home, I’ll add it to Evernote, and
Then give them some form of leadership and
then transcribe it into the notebook. I’ve just
a purpose for the PCs to tangle with during
started this practice. Before, I had only had a
the campaign.
blog post and some notes spread around in
Maybe the mummy storm giant wants
different books. Now I have just one simple
revenge. The lich beholder wants to resume
notebook. And hopefully I fill it with new
his foul arcane experiments. And the death
ideas fast. One can never have enough
knight black dragon has some lands to re-
So in my wishlist are a bunch of monsters
Give undead in your game a role greater
I want to run in upcoming campaigns. I
than XP salad and a side of ribs. Make them
scratched tarrasque off last campaign. That
smart and organized. And have them pursue
bad boy co-destroyed Riddleport in the grand
an evil plan with the intense focus only an
angry alien mind can muster.
give them society give them unexpected
Skeletons keep whacking until they’re a mechanics
pile of bones again. Zombies shuffle along If sentience and personality aren’t enough
until their legs get cut out from under them. to surprise and entertain players, I have two
Ghouls and ghasts just attack until fed. more game mechanics I’m going to layer on.
Where’s the roleplaying? The intrigue? The Infection
plot? Undead are contagious. That should
For this campaign, I’m giving the horde terrify even priests and paladins, because
some culture. I might even teach the yoghurt there’s going to be at least three different
heads some manners. I’m using my 3 Line kinds of infection:
Culture technique to create several factions Bite me. A good solid bite should make
with interesting identities and roleplaying walking dead out of at least a couple party
opportunities. members.
I’ll give each faction a monstrous undead You’ll make a great dad. Riffing off the
leader, who will influence their faction’s: recent Alien article, some undead will lay
their eggs into PCs. A red dot means you’re
¸ Goals
going to be a parent!
¸ Membership makeup
Geiger counter. Speaking of Aliens and
¸ Action style
the late artist H.R. Giger who inspired them,
With culture and aims designed, I’ll give some undead will emit radiation that erodes
the undead intra-horde conflicts on three your life force until you are one of them.
different levels: The infection mechanics I think will not
Species vs. species (e.g., dogs hate cats, only change the tone of the campaign to one
vampires hate _____) of fear and horror, but it will transform the
Leader vs. leader (territory and resource setting and nature of gameplay.
disputes, strategy disputes, and rival First, I’ll create an infection meter. It will
vendettas and hatred – a terrific fruit punch climb as the campaign winds on and the
of strife!) undead spread, making the area ever more
The horde’s common goal and what tribe dangerous to trespass. Just having infectious
or faction wins the big prize first undead means they become a dynamic
Last, and perhaps the best way to make campaign factor, a measurable tension, and
undead interesting again in this campaign, a looming doom.
is they can all think and talk. Even the Second, the PCs will have to rethink their
skeletons will become NPCs. And the party hack’n’slash approach. It’s one thing to grind
can interact, roleplay, scheme, and conflict toe-to-toe with skellies and then take their
with them all as they see fit. loot, but it’s another when that fight means
you wake up the next morning with no skin
and a rattle when you walk.
Evolution Or maybe it’s a terrifying family tree
based on infections and spawning more. A
The second mechanic has the undead evolving multi-level mummification pyramid scheme.
rapidly over time. It’s another tension meter If this was your campaign, how would you
pulling at the players to act smart and fast. have the undead become tougher and more
Lower undead transform into higher powerful and evolve while the PCs try to
undead. Skeletons and zombies become survive? Hit reply and let me know.
ghouls and ghasts that become ghosts and
reapers. Did you ever play the board game Wrapping Up
Titan, where monsters travel the board and
Modify your undead in your next campaign
evolve? That’s the type of thing I’m thinking
to catch your players off-guard. Give the
creatures cultures, personalities, and new
And here’s where I need your help. I’m
mechanics. Nothing says you can’t change
struggling to figure out an elegant mechanic
things up and make your campaign special
for this evolution. Is it time based? Or based
this way. Remember, flying zombie dolphins
on kills?
are NPCs too.
A little while ago I shared ideas on how I’ll want to be vampire thralls, and vampires
make undead fun again in my new campaign. don’t want to be slimy tentacle ghoul nests/
After years of GMing skeletons and zombies, breakfast buffets.
I want to shake things up.
In response, several readers wrote in 2) spawning evolution
with great suggestions on the three themes
Undead grow in power as they spread their
I presented:
curse or disease. A vampire with one thrall
¸ Mission is little better than a zombie, but a vampire
¸ Culture with one hundred thralls is a match for a
¸ Mechanics soul-sucker shade. But any vampire thrall
that gets its own vampire thralls gains that
Here are their ideas - maybe they will add
power for itself, it doesn’t all funnel to the
some ghoulish spice to your campaign, as well.
original sire.
because I like the D&D mythology for the
4) ritual evolution
function and purpose of each type of undead
The undead are static beings, in spite of creature.
their seemingly dynamic existence (being For instance, ghosts are bound to specific
formerly dead and all). To evolve, they must location, a wight is made from a person of
individually undergo long, strenuous rituals great vanity and desire who calls out to a
that rip their rotting flesh to engorge their demon upon his or her death, and a wraith
stiffened muscles, burst their decaying blood is made from a person of great evil.
vessels as pure magical energy courses I think it’s important to keep the different
through them, or remodel their very skeleton flavors of undead distinct so they can be used
as spines and spikes grow from spurs along for different storytelling purposes.
their spines and arms.
think long-term
create energy zones Ashley
Joel Roush
I love your undead tips - they’ve inspired me
I thought about your undead evolution and I think I have something special to run
problem. Perhaps an interesting way to go for my group next time we get together. I want
is to have the low-level undead grow more to note two areas I see potential challenges
powerful. with:
According to the D&D mythology, the
undead are suffused and energized by energy
1) giving every undead a voice
from the Negative Plane. I conclude that
the more negative energy present, the more Part of the mystique of the undead is the
powerful the undead. faceless, shambling horde. Sure, maybe
As the undead horde of zombies the zombies will have differences between
and skeletons kills its way through the them as individuals (it’s practically required
countryside, they create more low-level now that one is overweight, one has long
undead. As a result, the amount of negative fingernails, and one is very strong, etc.) but
energy present is greater. Therefore, the the potent part of undeath is “they don’t
original horde of skeletons and zombies listen, they don’t care, and they don’t stop.”
b e c o m e s a u g m e n t e d by th i s e n e rg y, You’ve got to be careful how you stick
strengthening them. Zombies get faster, your personalities in - if you end up with
skeletons earn extra attacks, etc. a cowardly skeleton or an artiste ghoul, it
So, not only is the undead horde greater either needs to be a plot point (“Maybe this
in number, there are also “elite” undead one will help us!”) or else it needs to somehow
among them. This is also a nice way to keep keep the theme of alien, unyielding, familiar,
the fights interesting as your PCs get higher grotesque death.
in level. However, and this is what inspired me:
This strengthening can take on the form what if all of them do have a voice...and then
you mentioned in your blog post, evolving the players realize they’ve been running
them into higher forms of undead - ghosts into the one lone type which doesn’t? Maybe
and such. For me, I’m not into this as much someday they’ll find out why ghasts only
scream and never speak.
(though under your control) the players
2) game balance
probably won’t try to remove it.
A mild note of caution on giving undead the The important thing is not to forget you’ve
ability to infect PCs with undeath, especially cursed the bitten player(s). Nothing’s worse
at low levels: it will raise the challenge of the than getting a character-altering boost and
encounter, possibly to an unbeatable level, if everyone at the table forgets about it!
you don’t do it carefully.
Even if it’s just “don’t roll a 1 on this save”,
a benefit of some sort
someone’s going to roll a 1 - and it’ll probably
be the party paladin or cleric, with my luck! The character now has a nose for the undead,
If things go badly, you might end up with the his wound itches when they’re around, etc.
players protesting, “But I don’t want to play One could even grant a specialized ability of
a skeleton for six levels!” some sort. Track (Undead) might be amusing
Some ideas for low-level consequences that to see on a sheet.
hopefully keep the ick without the potentially Perhaps give it a downside (though not
expensive consequences: enough to make one of those “must find a
cleric to remove this curse!” things). Maybe
the undead seek the character out and try to
longer-term stuff persuade him to their side. Maybe he sees
When the character dies, he’ll become dead stuff all the time and it’s really gross.
a zombie, skeleton, or whatever bit him. Maybe he wakes up with a hit point or two
Doesn’t have to happen right now. Some less every night or his healing rate slows
players might be bothered by this. Some slightly.
might not care. Either way, it removes the
immediate “must go spend a lot of gold on a
pcs can’t get infected
cure” impetus.
And it gives you the option of making no They’re already dead and they just don’t know
cure available - the players might just have to it yet, or they’ve got the favor of the god of
try not to die for the rest of the game, while death, whatever. If you do this, make sure to
engaging in the sorts of derring-do players send lots of henchmen and NPCs their way to
usually perform, the whole while with the get infected right before their eyes, and don’t
knowledge they might turn on their friends tell them they don’t get infected - make them
if something happens. roll for it, and when they roll 1s, pass them
Kind of dark, but it might be what your notes that say “Nothing happens.... YET.”
group likes. Keep the tension alive as long as possible,
and if they start to question, let them dig
into it as a matter of plot. This might not be
an unhealthy connection such a good idea at higher levels, where True
to death
Resurrection is just a few gold away, but at
The character starts having nightmares, lower levels, it might save your game. Never
prophetic visions, seeing ghosts, etc. Useful let the outcome of the campaign rely on a
to deliver plot points if you like a little single die roll.
supernatural in your info-sharing. No obvious Just be sure you have a plan to remove this
way to remove it, but since it’s passably useful mystical protection once they hit the point
where infection no longer holds appropriate what make them powerful...wings, extra
terror for them. “Oh crap. Wee Jas says she limbs, more muscle.
can’t protect us anymore, we’re beyond the Perhaps they are also continuously
reach of her power.” decaying, so they would need more and more
parts to endure time.
as big as the sum of its parts
For the evolution idea, have the skellies
less is more
Michael Garcia
visibly reconfigure themselves into bigger,
badder monsters at the beginning of each I have been thinking of the undead theme a
fight with the PCs. They’re intelligent, they lot lately, because my latest campaign (I have
presumably know how the other skellies died two running at present), which just started,
(give them little undead rats for spies), and will give them a main role. We’re doing AD&D
they’ll work to prevent themselves from dying circa 1986 or so, and one villain in the region
in the same way. is a modified death master (from a Dragon
The image of skeletons tossing each article).
other rib bones and clacking their bones In one way, I agree with you. I want
together to form massive, four-legged beasts something more than the stock monsters
as they prepare for the PCs is enough to (zombies, ho hum). On the other hand, I
make my skin crawl, at least! definitely do NOT want flying undead zombie
Alternatively, take stats of a bigger, more dragon-minotaurs. My players and I love the
powerful monster and apply them to the classic feel of night of the living dead, and I
description of the weaker monster. Maybe the want to give it to them.
ghouls now have four attacks because they’ve The problem is that the monsters are
sewn arms to themselves. Maybe the zombies so old and predictable. So I will put a twist
are getting faster and smarter as the night on them, and cause them to evolve as you
wears on. suggest. Yet, the feel of the campaign will be
What will really make the players’ skin much more realistic. Sometimes less is more
crawl is the moment when the weaknesses (and this is one of those times).
start disappearing. “Crap! It’s immune to I think I might approach undead evolution
fire!” as follows:
First, the corpse will be animated like a
they absorb others zombie, but it will also be infectious from the
Manolo Sampaio start, so physical combat (or even contact)
with it is dangerous. In the beginning, its
There are creatures called Arcbound in Magic
bite is the real danger. As the corpse festers
the Gathering. They are more constructs
(after a few days), it may be able to scratch
than creatures. When one dies, the parts that
and infect PCs (claw attacks).
make him can be transferred to the others on
Side benefit: When a PC previously
the field.
wounded by a claw attack now sees a claw
If you are planning to create a leader, why
attack can infect and kill, he will no doubt
not use necromancers to heal the dead as the
wonder if he is infected. Eventually, mere
priests heal the living? And by this I mean,
contact with the corpse’s infected fluids or
undead would take down targets to absorb
blood may even infect PCs if they are splashed (18 intelligence). Perhaps he can direct the
with the guts during combat. actions of the undead, giving them no real
Perhaps if they do more than 6 points of intelligence, but a frightening appearance
damage on one, they must save against poison of group thought. For example, the zombies
(or perhaps they must save versus poison if all stop their random meandering around
they deal 4+ with an edged weapon or 6+ with the fields, turn as one toward the PCs, and
a bludgeoning weapon). simultaneously lumber toward them. That
Finally, when the creature’s guts liquify, could be creepy.
it may spawn a different creature entirely (a On a related note, years ago I took my first
la Aliens), perhaps by using a PC or other stab at Gothic horror. I had some zombies in
human as a host. I have been dropping hints the cellars beneath this Dracula-esque castle
of some wyrm-like creature “pale as a grave on a cliff. I had done a serious build-up in
worm.” true Gothic horror style, and these were the
I have purposely blurred the wyrm/worm first supernatural creatures the PCs were
distinction, partially to raised doubts and encountering.
confusion, but also to foreshadow some vile In the end, they were just zombies, but
creature they may face. I imagine some the atmosphere was thick. I needed them to
ancient underground creature (which is find a certain item, and they suspected it was
also the focus of a local cult) to be the source down there. Where to hide it?
of the zombie infection. Perhaps it spawns I decided that since the undead were
little worms by means of the above evolution, results of the villain’s brainwashing
though I’m not yet sure what purpose these experiments, there could exist a few
have. that “went really bad.” So in one of the
These zombie-things will not be stock underground cells, I had a zombie that was
monsters (that will cause confusion and frantic and strong, slamming itself against
doubt). They will evolve (only enhancing the the bars like a mental patient. This tiny twist
confusion and doubt). Contact in any way will horrified the players (much to my surprise
put PCs at risk (making them hesitant to and delight). befits a horror movie). This subtle Though they had worked out a systematic
approach should retain the desired horror way to kill zombie after zombie in that cellar,
atmosphere (that flying minotaurs and other they all balked at going into that room.
high fantasy tend to destroy). PC to PC: “You want us to go IN there
As for intelligence... this is tough. I think with THAT thing? Hell, no!” It was hilarious.
undead were originally so horrifying because When they did enter, I decided I needed to
intelligent people have been transformed capitalize on this. I doubled its hit points and
into mindless (and sometimes cannibalistic) attacks. It took three of them to manhandle
things. Giving them back their intelligence this thing, and it dealt them savage blows
makes them less scary, not more. There are before succumbing. They found the statue
exceptions (vampires and ghosts), but smart they sought, but they were so creeped out
skeletons are not scary to me (they’re just they beat a hasty retreat rather than stick
brittle bad guys). around searching for treasure.
To preserve the gist of what you wrote, Even better, it raised serious questions.
I will have the death master be intelligent What the hell was that? Where did it come
from? What is it doing down there? Are you well. At 2nd level, my party entered a house
telling me no one KNOWS it’s down there? with a monster that nearly performed a TPK.
The whole episode cast suspicion on all The party went back at 4th level, and again,
the good guys living in the castle, and it also near TPK. They did research, and took steps
raised the tension level. Great memories! to protect themselves. They went back at
6th level and discovered there were two of
make it uneven the monsters, not one. Finally, when they
Jeremy Brown defeated the twin perils, they were happy. I
was too. I had recycled the same area and the
In Mystara, I believe it was, there was a same monster for four different encounters.
type of double undead that appeared to be The second situation involved a haunted
zombies, but when you killed them, they water tower. The first two times the party
returned within like 1d3 rounds as a wraith went there they encountered only ghostly
rising from the decaying corpse. This made manifestations of two boys. However, once
for a very nasty encounter, and a surprisingly they stirred up the major evil entity of
difficult one for higher level players who the town, the third time at the tower they
discounted mere zombies. encountered one of its servitors, a chuul. The
As to how to increase your threat level chuul almost performed a TPK. My party,
throughout the game I recommend don’t getting smart, bought fishing tackle and a
increase it. Instead, make it uneven. spear gun. They used a heavy fishing net to
Create scripted areas and situations entangle the chuul and then the spear gun
party level or lower. But create other areas to help kill it. They felt deeply vindicated by
of the campaign deliberately too tough. Give this maneuver, and it helped them to see the
the PCs free reign. They will quickly learn campaign world wasn’t static.
to do research, gather information, cast You could do the undead as an increasing
divinations, and do whatever it takes to know plague or infection. Just make infection
what kind of combat they’re walking in to and resistance more difficult over time.
how to give themselves an edge. In the kind Another way would be to make infection
of campaign you described, I think this is a simpler mechanic, akin to the massive
a more realistic and faster way of handling damage save of d20 modern. If a character
difficulty. ever takes their constitution score in damage
The scripted railroad track laden scenarios they have to save versus infection. This isn’t
still ramp up with party level. But if the likely to occur until higher levels, so you can
party goes to Joe’s Bar at 4th level and gets make the difficulty nasty.
their asses kicked, go to Joe’s Bar at 7th One last thing: if you want undead to
level and gets their asses kicked, and then at truly be horrific, besides infection, consider
10th level finally survive the experience, it using some form of fear or madness. The
gives the PCs a lot of “Wow, we’ve progressed” Adamant Entertainment system in the back
moments. Further, if they kick Joe’s Bar’s ass of theirVictorian Monstrosities book works
at 9th level because of clever planning and well for this. Or you could adapt the system
forethought, it makes them feel good. fromTrue 20. Both are simple, fast to run,
When I ran my horror campaign, there and use simple saving throw language to
were two situations that illustrated this determine success.
kamikaze ghouls band became that much more powerful, which
made it dangerous to kill them (obviously).
Paul Simmons
Maybe some undead who are somewhat
similar, in that they are created as a group
Have you thought that skeletons could strip
(perhaps having been the former bodyguard
the f lesh off corpses then return to their
of a slain king, a group of wizards a holy
enclave to have it grafted on their bones, thus
order, etc.) who are even linked together after
death, in such a way that killing one of them
You could also use the “Black Cauldron”
results in the growth of power of the rest of
as a method zombies evolve. Two or three
the group.
sacrifice to create a greater undead.
Just a thought, brainstorming and all that
Ghouls could require a Kamikaze sacrifice
Good luck with your campaign.
that in doing so raises them as ghosts.
make an npc class spirit-bound
Heiko Mueller, Berlin, Germany Chuck
Thank you for the undead ideas. I also like to Perhaps instead of all undead being
make them dangerous again and surprise my intelligent, you make just the leaders possess
players. For evolving them I see it unrealistic this unusual talent. The grunts might still be
(oh, what word in a fantasy rpg) to alter mindless corpses.
skeletons to zombies, zombies to ghouls and I’m thinking intelligent undead must have
on this way for evolution. some sort of spirits bound to their bodies. For
I would prefer to level them up but keep some, perhaps an ancient mage who learned
their initial stance. So an evolved skeleton the forbidden art of Spiritbinding imprisoned
still looks like a skeleton but sports 1 HD them. For others, perhaps they were exposed
more, +1 on attack and AC. At Level 4 they to some source of spiritual energy, such as
may get incorporeal. At Level 6 they might a rift in the astral plane or a magical item
drain levels. bound with more than one spirit. Some spirits
So there might be an undead class or may even have voluntarily bound themselves
template for NPCs, where all these abilities into a corpse or item of power.
are described like in PC classes, according to And powerful magical items and artifacts
the game system used, handling attack, AC, are in fact items that have been infused with
saves and special abilities. a once autonomous spirit. Created by the
For gaining levels, I think best is to base it same necromantic rituals that bind undead.
on kills. Depending on undead level, distinct Evolved undead are those that have
kills are needed to advance. Real kills. Not absorbed the spirit of another being, such as
bringing someone to -1 HP. So these do not a living person, a magical item, or another
stop if a PC or NPC falls to the ground. They undead. When an undead absorbs enough
continue until they are really dead. That’s energy of its own, it can then imbue a
the fuel they are longing for! A level gain also corpse or item with that energy to create or
puts them back up to full HP. strengthen a thrall or bound item, at a cost
A first level undead (e.g. Skeleton) needs of weakening its own spirit. Mighty undead
2 kills to get level 2. A second level undead almost always carry powerful magical gear.
needs 4 kills to get level 3, doubling every
next level. For a vampire it is tough to level desecrated areas
up, for the minions it is much easier. Joe Z
People killed by these evolving undead
loose also more than their life. Their life force I am running a campaign that has undead
is consumed on the kill. So raising them is as one of the main types of antagonists. So I
more complicated, more expensive, and happen to have some tricks and methods for
riskier than normal kills by normal enemies. evolving undead.
Think of a horde of level 1 skeletons I don’t let undead change types unless
attacking a farmer village. The PCs, even there is a thematic “upgrade” already in
when at level 5, have to hurry to defeat them the books (ghouls to ghasts, for instance,
before they kill many townspeople and grow wraiths to specters). Instead I use “advanced”
stronger. :) templates or add extra hit dice.
Undead are powered by negative energy. platoon of soldiers killed specifically so they
They don’t eat or drink or sleep. So, to can fight in death) or in death.
make undead more powerful, you give them This creates some fun opportunities:
more negative energy. What I use as the The 3 Legged Dog Squad. Losers of this
justification is the desecrate spell. It’s an undead army, front-line shock troops never
area of cursed earth that makes undead meant to ‘live’ too long, lead by a ghoul
powerful. I use this as a foundation for a determined to show his leadership skills will
cursed location that over time causes undead eventually pay off. Even though the ghoul
to grow in power. Desecrate attunes that area suffers defeat after defeat, he manages
to negative energy, making it stronger and to gather around him a group of rag-tag
more easily available. irregulars that eventually get ‘promoted’.
Once there, an evil priest can use his But being more than monsters, now these
various harm spells to infuse the undead with ghasts and ghouls have a unique power or
negative energy, accelerating the process. You two, something to throw the PCs off and add
did mention having undead with intelligent character. An insignia or badge is a must,
leaders, right? Well, these locations would as is some lovable/hated character tropes -
need some sort of either a spell think Inglorious Basterds.
caster or some sort of focus/macguffin to On the flip side, you have the Elite Troops,
make them work. a division or battalion expected to do well
The longer one of these sites is allowed from the word go. These guys are tough. And
to infuse the undead, the more powerful while they started out like everyone else
they become. So, this allows you to tailor the (zombies and skeletons) muscle memory and
power level to the PCs. The last one of these training helps them rise to the top. The twist
locations will usually be the one that’s been is, their leader and his commanders rise to
around the longest and so the most potent match the PCs as they grow. They are Lawful
and nasty undead will be found there. Evil, they live (unlive?) by a code, they respect
This also gives the players a sense of tough opponents, they salute accordingly.
satisfaction as they take down not just some They are, in a way, the dragon-rider that
random undead but the cursed site that killed Sturm in the Dragonlancebooks. Like
makes them. It also gives them hints and everyone else, they also have a badge. The
clues as to what to look for....for others like players know what they are facing when it
them. helps the story. Certain mid-level leaders will
become apparent over time (Gragnock likes to
roleplay it ambush, Lyndon leads from the front, at least
Bryan Crosswait for the first three rounds, Zorn and his devil-
dogs use missile weapons to great advantage).
I think undead advancement should be role- By using badges and symbols, players
playing based. You mentioned skeletons will get to know who is who. As the leaders
and zombies will become NPCs. How about manage to escape to fight another day the
companies, squads, and platoons? PCs will begin to identify them. The players
The undead are separated, either based will get to plan while the baddies do too. Now
on who and what they were in life (an entire everyone is plugged in, the players and NPCs
are plotting alike, and as the players level
so do those that lead the legions the players having some of those recently slain undead
have thrown themselves against. that jumped them in a back alley return
The final battle(s) will seem like a pre- with extra parts sewn or grown on them, and
ordained event, a homecoming of sorts, until make it a recurring encounter! If the party
the players encounter their first surprise and finds a way to slay them for good, throw in
realize these undead are actively thinking a few more with different abilities that test
and have the players in their cross hairs. the party’s prowess in different ways (the
plagues you mentioned in the article would
acheron brandy work nicely for sure!).
DM Atticus You could roll a d% for this type of
encounter starting with a certain number
Is your undead settlement relatively tolerant (let’s say 15%) and add on 10% every time
of the living? If I’m not mistaken, most they go from place to place, resetting it to the
undead according to D&D lore despise the base number after each encounter.
living to the point of murdering them on sight. Another idea is to have the undead evolve
So why not introduce some alchemy in the into higher tier undead because the party’s
form of a scheming drug peddler? Humanoid very presence in an undead town causes it.
settlements definitely have issues like these Much like mice wandering into a house full
low lifes. of cats, the undead are tame until they see
The alchemist creates a potion or living flesh, which make the gluttonous ones
consumable goo. Let’s call it Acheron Brandy. ( I’m looking at you, ghouls!) turn mad for
It gives people horrifying mutations like fresh meat. Some may visibly try to resist the
extra limbs, whiplike tongues, eyes on all urge so the party understands it’s not just
sides, incorporeal-at-will powers, life draining typical undead doing what typical undead
skin, etc. However, the undead who receive do, but rather their presence alone causes
this goo have been targeted because of either problems here.
their station or usefulness, as the last dose You could also have a town that remains
the dealer gives them also enslaves them to civilized only because of magic or alchemy
a particular type of mind control, maybe off that sates those supernatural urges to devour
of a command word. flesh and gives the mindless undead some
Watch this cutscene from Bioshock (a sentience too. Though when the party arrives,
major spoiler if you ever plan to play it, they soon find out the undead are slowly
but it’s a good idea to use and abuse). leaning towards those typical tendencies
[] because the magic that kept the undead civil
The now enslaved and hyper-mutated has been tampered with or stopped altogether.
undead serve as assassins and obstacles for The party will have a fire under their butts to
the party, controllable by the alchemist and complete their adventure when all the friends
perhaps whomever hired him to go through they’ve made begin turning on them out of
all this trouble. The undead begin to evolve lack of self control.
more and more as the party mills about the Also, I think it would be cool to have an
town by the day, or by the encounter. Make undead with some kind of fungus growing
them feel like they can’t just spend all day in them that gives them unique powers, like
shopping for a designer mithril waffle iron by spores for hallucinations, control over other
creatures (and undead), etc. The fungus is its multiple lesser henchmen to get away
the one doing the controlling and spreading and wreak havoc through the countryside -
around of its own kind. Perhaps this could causing the local military to be unavailable
be the plague you mentioned in the article? for the final fight. Directly inf luencing
the mayor to leave office and become a
four ideas professional whatever results in worsening
KindredWolf town conditions due to the new mayor being
a pawn of the big bad evil guy.
idea #1: plotting Assign new sub-commanders at specific
Create a stronger undead by applying the party levels, maybe removing old ones (use
“Entropic Creature” template from the Planar them up as a means of party harassment
Handbook (pg 122-124) (Level Adjust +2) or plot development), and perhaps boost or
Use the Necrosis Carnex from MM4 pg hinder the enemies when certain party goals
104 with the above template for added oomph. are achieved/failed. This is slightly different
I would run intelligent undead as field than the above plot branches - running
commanders and spies in an RP heavy game independently of plot points.
where the end results of failed missions or
encounters on the PCs’ behalf would allow idea #2: monster template -
the undead to attain specific military/cultural antipodean
growth points.
Can be applied to any undead creature whose
For example: Main low level villain
life is based on negative energy.
defeated...but the unwholesome site becomes
Creature subtype changes from Evil
a desecrated evil place without further PC
to Good, any aura and energy effects the
intervention, allowing the villain to return
creature has based on negative energy are
as undead.
now based on positive energy - healing
Above ground random encounters start
instead of damaging living creatures (and
including more underground type creatures.
damaging instead of healing undead).
(Umber hulks, bullets and purple worms
Uncontrolled mindless undead will actively
are being controlled or manipulated into
avoid an Antipodean. Free-willed undead will
new areas and disrupting local underdark
seek to actively destroy an Antipodean.
environs to create a necropolis.)
You’d have to use a little imagination when
Clue the PCs into the disruptions through
creating an Antipodean Vampire. Perhaps its
underdark NPC interactions. Branch out
draining bite becomes a kiss of life?
from there with various plots and devices to
hook and snare the PCs.
Branches in plot each carry consequences
idea #3: ritual enhancement
that might bite the PCs in the back, Certain rituals created or discovered allow
sometimes taking several adventures to fully battlefield enhancements to everything
realize. Perhaps bolstering the city guard at undead (like an entropic field, linked undead
the gate during a night time attack allows health pools, negative level slam attacks,
a vital NPC to die or run away (no longer turn resistance, etc.).
accessible in a later fight). Taking the time to
properly disperse an undead’s remains allow
Rituals can be disrupted, stolen before use, Bor rowing from the previous idea,
falsified, sabotaged, or modified further by a perhaps different factions of extremely
ritual of the PCs’ own. powerful wizards or druids exist that could
be convinced to speed up or slow down the
idea #4: mirrored evolution phases of the moon? In this case, they might
create even more adventures, some of which
Give the big bad undead guy a direct soul
may be impossible to complete by combat (the
link to one or more of the PCs (think Harry
Circle of Nine can be convinced to temporarily
Potter) but it directly affects what class, level,
alter reality, for a price, but they can’t be
or power the big bad guy and his minions
attacked or threatened into doing anything!).
This might spawn more adventures (the price
Perhaps a Mirror of Opposition is what
is the ancient MacGuffin of Doom that must
spawned the villain to begin with, and
be recovered).
revelation of this fact would cause lots of
Additionally, what will the gods think of
reputation loss for the party.
such things? Maybe each deity will sponsor a
BTW - I’ve had this idea in the back
champion to see the evil plan fail or succeed
burner zone for a loooong time: the big bad
(thus keeping it “fair”) creating built-in
is a Lich (perhaps a former living rival) who
character concepts for PCs and NPCs.
found or created a mirror of opposition and
The more I think about it the more I want
has already defeated her own duplicate, thus
to run it!
placing her phylactery jewel as the top center
piece of the mirror’s frame. Would be extra
fun if the lich/PC specializes in mirror magic.
ghoul friends
Brent Davis
kill anyone. They could only eat “unclaimed leprosy-like symptoms. It’s a fine blue powder.
dead” that had been left for more than three Coincidentally, the color of ghoul milk is blue.
days. The Sewer Patrol knew of and protected The drug was being distributed by the city
the ghouls, as long as the pact was kept. The guard, through a married troll couple who
first time the PCs encountered the ghouls (a lived in the undercity. They had a “pet” young
pack of lesser ghouls), the creatures cowered boy they used to catch children to eat.
away and hissed about “the Pact, the Pact”
and wouldn’t fight back until a few were slain. flesh currency
Then it became no-holds-barred mayhem James Singaram
because SW ghouls have hella high Agility.
Brought before The Baron, he explained I thought of a possible mechanism for
the Pact, sort of. I kind of took a bit from the advancing undead. In a similar way to how
Vampire/World of Darkness type games with souls grant power to fiends, flesh could grant
a sardonic undead thing that looked like a power to undead. All undead would have the
handsome teenage boy. The Baron alluded to capability to cast a Flesh Harvest Ritual
food or something to convert the PCs if they on humanoids and beasts slain within the
slew any more of his subjects and told them last ten days. For each minute, one unit of
to get out of his area of the undercity. My flesh is collected, up to a maximum amount
twisted mind had the idea of the milk of a determined by the target’s size:
female ghoul forcibly fed to the character to
¸ Tiny - 5
“peacefully” convert someone to being a ghoul.
¸ Small - 20
Anyway, after that a female ghoul was
¸ Medium - 50
encountered in one of the dance clubs of the
¸ Large - 200
city in the form of a woman the PCs had tried
¸ Huge - 500
and failed to protect. She came pretty close
¸ Gargantuan - 1000
to seducing one of the PCs. Not sure what
kind of repercussions THAT might have had... The ritual would preserve the f lesh
ghoul infection maybe? I did have the clue harvested with necrotic magic to prevent
that, no matter what, a ghoul always smells decay. Harvested f lesh would be used for
faintly of death. I figured they level up just currency with undead as well a system for
like a PC. Doing whatever ghoul society advancement. All undead would have a
things would gain them experience points, second ritual, Consume Flesh, that would
and eating people to gain knowledge and allow them to merge flesh with their body at a
powers. rate of 1 unit per minute. Undead would then
It did make a more dangerous monster out advance through the ranks by how much flesh
of something my ex-D&D players thought of they have cumulatively grafted onto itself.
as a push-over.
There was also a faction of ghouls who had
split away from the Baron and were involved
in the manufacture of a narcotic called “the
Blue.” It’s a euphoric hallucinogen that
slowly turned the user in to a ghoul. Slowly
and painfully as they started to rot and have
¸ Skeleton - 0 (all undead start here) All undead above ghasts are able to create
¸ Zombie* - 50 a skeleton using a fresh corpse. There is no
¸ Ghoul - 200 cost in f lesh to raise a creature, however
¸ Ghast - 500 the flesh on the corpse cannot be harvested
¸ Mummy or Wight - 1000 (undead’s before or after the ritual. The time taken is
choice) two minutes per available flesh on the corpse.
¸ Vampire Spawn (if Mummy) or Wraith For instance, a mummy could raise a recently
(if Wight) - 2500 slain human by casting a 100 minute ritual.
¸ Vampire (if vampire spawn) - 5000 No f lesh would be collected or consumed
¸ Lich (if vampire) - 15000 during this process.
Undead follow a hierarchy in a similar
At a cost of 250 flesh a Mummy may be
fashion as devils. Lesser undead would collect
transformed into a Wight, or vice versa.
flesh for and carry out the will of its leaders,
Weapon and skill proficiencies are
who would in turn reward skill or loyalty with
retained upon advancement. For example, a
flesh and advancement. A lich would rule
zombie would be able to wield weapons after
over an entire undead realm with a dozen or
advancing from a skeleton.
so vampire underlings. Each vampire would
Flesh could also be used to create more
lead a city, assisted by a half dozen vampire
specialized undead, taking one minute per
spawn and upwards of twenty wraiths.
flesh consumed in the ritual.
Vampire spawn and wraiths would both lead
¸ Shadow (Wraith only) - 100 mummies and wights, who would in turn
¸ Specter (Wraith only) - 200 command ghasts. They would direct ghouls.
¸ Will-o’-wisp (Wraith only) - 500 With only the faintest spark of intelligence,
¸ Banshee (Wraith only) - 1000 zombies and skeletons would be at the bottom
¸ Flameskull (Vampire Spawn, Vampire, of the ladder.
or Lich) - 1000 + humanoid skull Ghasts and higher undead would deal
¸ Revenant (Vampire Spawn, Vampire, with disobedient or treasonous underlings
or Lich) - 1000 + humanoid body, by using the Flay Flesh ritual, taking one
decays after one year flesh per minute cast from the target undead,
¸ F l e s h G o l e m ( Va mp i r e S p aw n , possibly demoting the victim in the process.
Vampire, or Lich) - 2500 Skeletons and zombies possess neither the
¸ Demilich (Vampire or Lich) - 10000 + cunning or inclination to cheat their masters
ashes of a slain lich* for their own progression, so such measures
¸ Dracolich (Lich only) - 25000 + skeleton would primarily be used against higher
of a dragon undead.
Because demotion is a real possibility
* Phylactery destroyed for undead who fail their master, some
All undead created through these rituals commanders will f lay their underlings to
are bound to the undead that created them. advance themselves and complete their
There is no limit on how many creatures an objective. Having its flesh stolen is the only
undead can raise, giving rise to entire armies time undead feel pain. Upon being demoted
created over centuries. to a skeleton an undead will lose all memory
of its previous existence. These memories will
be missing even if the undead advances in the before the drain happens, maybe points lost
future. Because of the violent nature of this per minute instead of per round.
ritual, only 50% of flesh taken is salvageable. Another thought would be to have
Certain undead enlist mortal followers monsters imitate undead. In my campaign,
in their armies. Often these mortals appear I have a band of goblins that prey on grave
slender and gaunt. To prove their loyalty they robbers, using a puppet ghost, chains, and
are required to make a flesh sacrifice to their moaning horns. They selectively target
master. In addition to providing useful skills, victims one at a time, picking them off. The
such as spell casting, they do not require goblins use the dark of night and tombstones
payment in flesh and are more easily able to hide their actions and gain cover.
to infiltrate mortal settlements. In times of
need, these mortals can be harvested for flesh. evolve through death
Some undead prefer a peaceful existence Mark of the Pixie
over that of domination. In these rare
circumstances, undead will seek out I have used a slightly different method in one
alternative methods of flesh collection. Cattle of my games: undead get more powerful when
farms and fishing ships crewed by skeletons they are destroyed. Doesn’t work well on the
are not unheard of. More advanced undead lesser undead, but a wight (weakest of the
might seek employment in a morgue where higher undead in my game) who is killed can
they can steal flesh from their clients. In later come back as a spectre or a wraith (both
exceptional cases, advanced undead will more powerful types of undead). If the soul of
live with subterranean humanoids, such as the person is so strong it can come back from
kobolds. In exchange for the colony’s dead, death, then odds are it can do it again.
they provide magical support in times of need
and alleviate the need for corpse disposal pits. go mythic
All listed undead above were created using Paul Frische-Mouri
the 5E MM.
I too wanted to have an evolution mechanic
check rolemaster that would make the lesser zombies still a
threat. My solution is using the Pathfinder
Alex Ulmer
Mythic rule set. I’m treating the zombies as
You might want to check out Rolemaster’s being reanimated and sustained by a magical
treatment of undead. They use many levels disease that will be the source of their mythic
of the same basic undead type (5 or 6 skeleton powers. Perhaps the PCs share a genetic
levels). As the undead gain strength they anomaly that allows them to resist the
also gain powers. Rolemaster also says the transformation, or they discover an ancient
stronger undead drain constitution points. In antidote in the crypts of the castle that halts
a d100 system, draining 1-5 points per round the progress of the disease but doesn’t leave
doesn’t kill the PC quickly, but it does drive them completely unaffected. Either way, the
home the point that the constitution drain players will be infected early on as the city is
will be deadly in the long run. For a D20 quickly overtaken. Their mythic progression
based system, you might increase the time represents the disease evolving in them, and
thus will be the tracker for the rest of the
infected (think Resident Evil).
For the lower minions I’m planning on H ave yo u eve r u s e d a ny k i n d o f
making a progressive template. For a few sanity rules? I haven’t but would like to
tiers it will be universal in adding some incorporate that with the PCs and NPCs as
buffs to the base creature. But it soon begins the destruction of their way of life and the
to branch into different “species” of undead horrors of the evolving undead weigh on them.
creating fast zombies, strong zombies, smart
zombies, zombies with extra limbs, zombies
Reply From Johnn: Just in a Cthulhu
game. We went crazy pretty fast.
that explode, zombies that cast random
A simple mechanic would be a pool based
magical spells, f lying zombies, invisible
on PC WIS score. After any horrific event,
zombies. I plan on making a table and rolling
PCs make a save. If they fail they get +1d3
for the templates used. This means each
Insanity. If Insanity ever matches WIS
encounter could have some nasty surprises
the character is insane but can be healed.
if the players aren’t careful and don’t scout.
If Insanity exceeds WIS the character is
The big bads will have their own tiers
permanently insane.
in addition to the templates. What I hadn’t
Then I would create several adventure-
considered until your email was the idea
based triggers for healing Insanity, like elven
of having these different species creating a
glens and halfling parties and magic pools.
society. This opens up so many possibilities!
Maybe an ancient potion or two.
I could see clan wars or even civil wars
I would also make an insanity table that
sprouting from this.
allows players to continue playing their
And since the undead will be animated
insane PC, but like the Confusion spell
from a disease and not from negative energy,
where a roll determines how a PC behaves
positive energy will not harm them (and
temporarily, a roll on the Insanity table
might actually heal their wounded, dead
determines PC actions for awhile. Also add
flesh). This is my explanation as to how the
some triggers so the player knows when
disease spreads so easily, catching those
insanity rolls can be expected.
wielding positive energy completely off guard
Hope this helps!
as they are overwhelmed by undead that defy
all their training! Should be a good initial
surprise to the party.
by Raldog
Thank you for the link to “How To Be A Better Playing.” Everybody else at the table laughed
Player.” [] I’ve be because they remembered him doing those
GMing a group of guys who only liked hack n things, only he didn’t. He actually denied he
slash. Absolutely no role playing whatsoever had said such things. That went on for about
on their part, only on mine. A couple of guys 30-45 seconds, then I showed them fools how
actually said role playing was “kinda weird”, role-playing was done. Including him.
but was okay because it was different. I had,
and still have, no response to that.
step 3: Right off the bat we were employed by
a casino owner who had us try to collect from
I had gotten to where I didn’t really plan
some people who owned him money, which
our games anymore since all they wanted to
we did, but boy were they tough. Almost too
do was to fight. I’ve been playing for 30 years,
tough. While we were fighting the bad guys
so I know how to provide fun things to do, but
I made it a point to role play my attacks and
if the party doesn’t want to do them, doesn’t
trash talk.
take the bait, or worse yet, completely ignores
On our way back to the casino I began
the bait, what can I do? I’ve hated hack n
telling the party the casino owner set us
slash forever and here I was doing it.
up. He was trying to kill us by having us go
Anyway, one of the main role-playing
against people who weren’t playing. Well, we
haters was tired of my once-a-month game,
weren’t going to play that either!
so he decided he was going to try running
We confronted the casino owner by
his own game, which he promised would be
threatening him and telling him if this was
more often than mine. I didn’t have a problem
going to be amateur hour then he’d need to
with that.
double our pay, and pay us up front. The GM
step 1: The new GM has never allowed an and I role played that entire conversation,
evil PC in the game. Ever. He’s been playing which took about 5 minutes. The rest of the
25+ years, so it took quite a bit of convincing party just watched in awe, and were grateful
on my part, but he eventually allowed me to for the money.
roll up a neutral evil sorcerer. I instructed
him that I would never turn on my fellow
step 4: Our next mission took us to the
docks, where we promptly got into a fight
PC’s. That’s not how you have fun!
with some folks who didn’t think they owed
step 2: The first time we sat down, and he the casino anything. The last enemy standing
began role-playing as GM, 30 seconds into was kicking our butts. We weren’t taking him
the session I did the same exact thing he down. Only one other enemy was alive, but he
has always done to me. “Naw!! Don’t care! was on the ground and bleeding out. When it
Nope! I don’t care what he says. I’m Not Role- became my turn I grabbed the last enemy’s
attention by yelling at him, and when he We won the fight, and cut off the head
looked my way, I punched my dagger through of the boss thug. One of the other party
his dying friend’s head. Then I told the enemy members suggested we load the dead bodies
to lay down his weapon, which he did. My onto a wagon, and leave it in front of the
group still did nothing but watch. compound the thugs were associated with.
Finally the group was learning how to role
Step 5: We tied up the last guy, and after play.
questioning him, I sliced open his face, and
During my games there is a LOT of
instructed him to tell others there is a new
conversation about all kinds of stuff which
group handling collections for the casino.
has nothing to do with the game. There was
Step 6: We instituted a no weapon policy so much action that they weren’t playing
in the casino, which everyone minded except video games on their laptops, (because the
for a couple of members of the City Watch. fights are fun), but now that they’re learning
We role-played the “Don’t wear your weapon how to role play maybe that trend will end.
in here ever again” conversation, which was We’ll see.
pretty tense, but they got the message. We We haven’t played my game yet, but so
spoke to their boss, and we instructed him far, three of the players want to change their
that if any of his men wore their weapons alignments from good to evil, including Mr.
into the casino ever again there’s going to I’m Not Roleplaying. They now know how to
be problems. Official business or not. That make D&D fun, but unfortunately, I couldn’t
conversation took about 10 minutes, and one properly voice how that should be done. I
other player actually joined in. could only show them. The website you’ve
shared explains more succinctly than I ever
Step 7: One night, immediately after closing, could. I have passed the link onto my group.
some thugs attacked us by kicking open the I love your blog, but the thing I love most
doors, and breaking through the windows. is your game summations. I love reading
While the fight was going on, during my turn those. Thanks Johnn. No matter what, you’ve
I was yelling about how much those doors and made my game better in more ways than you
windows were going to cost, and that they can possibly imagine.
were going to repay us with their blood.
How to Create a
time per stage, letting you know if there are
discover dead ends
uneven or poor pacing moments.
Discover dead ends, infinite loops, and cul
de sacs. Your map will reveal these game
killers and more. Even on paper, you can spot
grinding or loops. And something not often thought of, a
I recently played Steve Jackson’s CYA walkthrough helps promote your game. Don’t
book, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. After wait to see if a fan creates one. Do it yourself
crossing the river I got stuck in a loop, was and spread the word it exists. This will help
hitting the same four-way intersection, and stuck players, add credibility to your title,
couldn’t penetrate deeper, even though I tried and give you more content online for people
every exit. Frustrating. to find and discover your game.
Any waste? Needless excess also kills fun. Are there multiple or parallel paths
Any loops or frustrating dead ends? through your game? If so, challenge the
What’s the story like? Grab an empty doc design of each. Would your game be better if
and write the terse story of the critical path. you merged sub-critical or non-critical paths?
Then decide if it’s complete and interesting, Would your game improve if you cleaved a
or if you need to add or subtract to improve it. certain part into optional gameplay?
How’s the pacing feel?
At this most simple view, you can fix a lot Step 7
with your design before wasting resources
Now we’re getting closer to the traditional
fiddling with the smaller bits.
walkthroughs you see posted online or
written in books. Plot out the specific actions
Step 4 players must take to walkthrough each
For each step in your map, note dependencies. screen, location, scene, encounter, or event.
What does the player and toon need to In sandbox situations, run through the
progress? Also top line what players must do basic actions players can take. For example:
in each scene or screen. Step back and see
¸ Move
how this sits with you. Look for repetitive
¸ Talk
play, such as similar quests back-to-back.
¸ Attack
¸ Open/Search/Smash/Close
Step 5 ¸ Use skill or ability
Now we get granular. Break sections and
Test these core actions against expected
levels into their distinct screens, locations,
current toon states. Look for problems and
events. It might be room-by-room, or a more
fix. Also look for repetitive tasks, grinding,
abstract screen or encounter series. Use your
and dull gameplay.
map, and break its areas into their atomic
gameplay scenes.
Step 8
Step 6 Estimate the time each encounter will take to
complete. Add times up to get an estimated
Step back again. Do a quick walkthrough of
critical path total. How do you feel about
each section. Repeat the checks in step 3 to
that time? Give it the Goldilocks treatment:
spot bad gameplay.
too much, too little, or just right? View this
Also check logical end points such as
through player experience and game dev and
milestones, quest completions, level-ups,
resource requirements lenses.
and achievements. You’re looking for logic
problems, dependency issues, and pacing. Tip: When you build and run your game,
For example, does an important quest time play again to see how accurate your
happen too fast while a minor quest goes initial estimates were. Use this feedback to
on for too long? Does the player reach a improve your next estimates.
milestone in gameplay that’s out of synch
with story or toon advancement?
build walkthroughs This diagnostic tool will save you time
and money because you can spot problems
before graphics & in moments and fix them before digging into
coding coding and asset pipelines.
I f yo u u p d a t e yo u r c r i t i c a l p a t h
A critical path walkthrough of your game,
walkthrough again just before you ship,
whether done on paper or in charting
as a final check, you can also publish the
software, helps you see your game more
walkthrough online as another marketing
objectively, from an experiential perspective.
tactic to draw more attention to your game.
Focusing on what’s essential to see your end
Try it out and let me know how it goes!
screen gives you feedback on how your game
flows, how your story matches up to toon and
gameplay advancement, and if the minimum
sequence of play creates gaps or dead ends.
RPT reader Paul sent this request about Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is a
jumping back into the hobby: good place to start, because you are keeping
I thought of an article I would read up with others as far as the release schedule
- “Been Away Too Long- How To come Back and learning curve goes. Virtually everyone
To The Game You Love.” I am in my mid- is a new player with this new system.
forties and haven’t been involved in the rpg The Starter Set with the introductory
scene in awhile mostly due to family, raising adventure, The Lost Mine of Phandelver, is
kids, etc. I want to not only play but run a good way to get into game. You can also
games. Any suggestions would be welcome :) grab the D&D Basic Rules for free and start
- Paul playing 5th Edition for your own campaign,
Roleplaying Tip reader Da’ Vane has assuming you don’t mind winging things a bit
been going through similar issues, and she or cribbing content from other sources.
has the following advice. If anybody else has What if I Don’t Want D&D or the 5th
suggestions about how to Get Back in the Edition?
Game, please drop me a note. Take it away, If you find Dungeons and Dragons 5th
Da’ Vane! Edition isn’t for you, a quick visit to D&D
Classicsallows you to check out some of the
Hi Paul, other versions available.
This subject is a matter close to my heart Yo u c a n a l s o l o o k a t t h e D & D -
- I have been trying to get back into the game esque Pathfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo,
for a while. which is based on D&D 3.5. You can check
out a free version of the rules before investing
rediscovering d&d in any of the books.
Older editions of D&D are also popular
Now is a great time to get back into RPGs.
these days. The Old School Revival (OSR)
It is the 40 year anniversary of Dungeons
movement dedicates themselves to preserving
and Dragons, and Wizards of the Coast have
and recreating the earlier versions of D&D.
decided to celebrate this with the 5th Edition
Described as retro-clones, you can find one of
of Dungeons and Dragons.
the most common ones, Swords & Wizardry,
In the aftermath of the Edition Wars,
for free at Mythmere Games.
which started when 3.x was released in
For non-D&D games, check
2000, and exasperated even further with 4th
out FATE and Savage Worlds, excellent,
Edition in 2008, it can be a confusing time to
multi-genre, rules-light games.
get back into D&D since there are so many
You can find many other games at
DriveThruRPG. Most publishing companies
have PDFs of their systems and supplements So organise something social and less
available here. You can also find interesting intensive to start with, particularly with non-
things in the free products section as gamers. Try board games, card games, and
companies like to release lite versions of their similar fun-related hobbies to build a gaming
systems for potential customers to try. habit.
Once your friends and family are used to
other ways to play a social group, you can direct them towards
different activities that lead up to you
All of this assumes you have a gaming group.
running your own game for them to try it out.
If you are having trouble finding a group,
Whatever you do, the trick is to have
check Johnn’s guide to the top online Player
patience and never give up. The last thing
Finder services and tips for finding offline
you want to do is alienate people by being too
groups, Filling the Empty Chair.
pushy for them to game with you. This will
What if gaming around a table is not an
make the entire task that much harder. Try
option for you? For many, online gaming is a
to remain positive, engage your friends and
good substitute for tabletop games, allowing
family with your hobby, and see who takes
you to talk and play with gamers from all
an interest.
around the globe. Roll20 is a good online
virtual tabletop.
You might also look into playing by email
(PbeM) games. A good site for this is PbeM There are many ways to get back into gaming.
Players. It has a vibrant community of PbeM Finding GMs and players can be tricky, so
gamers. In addition, you can always find out sometimes you need to look towards playing
how to run your own PbeM games, which the long game. If you can’t find a group,
might be another way to engage friends and create one. And if you can’t find gamers, then
family who have scheduling issues when it look at how you can spark the gaming bug
comes to attending a social session. within people you know.
gm toolbox:
Rickard Elimää
The following article is based on a discussion Sulphur) when I clearly stated several times
I had with Rickard Elimää, where I asked to the players that it was going to be a hard
him the following question: railroad. One player said afterwards that he
RPGs are interactive, so we can’t get the felt their choices mattered. How did I manage
finely groomed and polished story of a book to do that?
or movie. So I guess my larger question is, I can see three techniques that I use:
what methods can a GM use to help produce
¸ Cementing
those great emotional moments a writer has
¸ Shifting
the luxury of crafting, especially through re-
¸ Delegation
Rickard responded with great insight, and All three are about how to structure an
I have compiled the content into an article adventure by how different information is
for your gaming edification. Take it away, presented, to be able to steer the players in a
Rickard! way so they can get a sense of the plot, setting,
- Johnn or history. Which one depends on what effect
the game master wants to achieve.I’m mostly
sequential play: into delivering a surprise through giving the
cementing, shifting, players an insight.
and delegation The definition of sensation, as one of the
reasons of why to participate in a task:
I’m playing with either fish tanks, sequential
“To experience something. To escape from
play, or collaborative storytelling. Each
reality. To get an insight or to live out a
one has got their own advantages, and
different perspective.”
I’m even mixing them up in the same
If you ever watched the movie Man From
session. Feng Shui (sequential play)
Earth, you know what I’m saying when I talk
and InSpectres (collaborative storytelling)
about seeing things in another perspective.
will sound the same when I’m playing them.
It’s hard to analyze myself about how I
game master, but I remember one specific
Sequential Play
episode when we were playing Svavelvinter Sequential play is a way of structuring how
(an adventure module; Eng. Winter of the game is played, very similar — if not the
same — as designing a game system. If I ¸ Cementing
want to present a sensation for my players, I ¸ Shifting
will go with either: ¸ Delegation
of 4 times to him being framed and often So what should be cemented to not make
killed by the others). the characters run away and contact the
We started out playing with all characters police in Call of Cthulhu?
sitting in a house. It was raining outside and Cementing through the use of unavoidable
the dad had died. I then took the liberty to scenes. If something must happen, start with
jump backwards in time and frame some it. It sets the tone of the game.
scenes to show the behaviour of the abusive Cementing through the use of background
father. I cemented that too. information. People will begin to expect
When all this was done, I returned to something. Use this expectation to your
the house in the rain. The players were advantage. The example above shows how you
thinking the dad was dead. Suddenly, the can break the expectation to gain an effect.
door is thrown open and the dad is standing Cementing through the use of goals. This
in the rain, all wet, walking in like nothing makes the players believe that it’s what they
had happened. Imagine the players’ faces. want when it’s really the adventure itself that
Imagine the unease they suddenly felt. controls what they strive for.
In the adventure suite Svavelvinter the
linear story goes as follows: shifting
Characters discover that a temple is
Shifting is another structure I use when
abandoned. They are contacted by a group
I do sequential play. Playing out a story in
of local barbarians. They are sent to retrieve
roleplaying games is done through scenes,
magic items. An undead king awakes,
where a new scene occurs when there is a
wanting his sword back, which is one of the
(significant) change in either place or time.
magic items they stole. They go to a castle
There are two types of scenes:
where an evil cult had their residence to kill
Resting: These scenes wait until the
them. So why should the characters want to
characters do something, such as entering a
go to the temple? Why should they want to
place, visiting a person, triggering a situation,
retrieve the magic items? Why should they
or fulfilling any other kind of requirements.
go to the castle of that evil cult?
Delayed: These scenes will happen no
The adventure itself gives out a couple
matter what the players do but will show up
of goals and character suggestions. One is a
later. Something will happen after the second
priest that wants to contact the temple - only
day has passed, or they will be contacted by
to discover the priests have been kidnapped
an organization because of the character’s
(by the cult). Another has a mission to look
(cemented) agenda.
for a person. A person who the character later
As previously mentioned, in Svavelvinter,
finds out joined a cult.
the characters got hold of an artifact sword.
One player, who already played the
This triggered the awakening of a skeleton
adventure, came up with the idea of playing a
king. During any point of the adventure, the
pathfinder guiding the characters. (And why
king will step in, grab the sword, and go away.
would a player want to replay an adventure?
(It was a setup for the metaplot later to be
Because of the sensation the adventure’s
setting brought combined with my game
I played Svavelvinter because I wanted to
playtest my now published game Matiné. The
characters got involved in a skirmish, and the
game system said a combat should come to shifting. Having events waiting to happen at
an end after 5-6 turns, otherwise the game the right moment, that’s shifting. The players
master had to narrate its ending. Again, a will still go through the scene, but when you
skirmish. The possibility it was going to end feel it’s appropriate.
in 5-6 turns was slim. Shifting can be used to adapt to the
So when it was time for me to end the players’ plans and actions to reward
combat, I remembered the skeleton king them. Make them feel smart. Make them feel
wanted his sword back. A huge army of like they contributed with something. Never
skeletons flooded the battlefield, making all take that feeling away from them.
participants flee or be killed. A huge knight Shifting can be used to add twists. Playing
with old armor covered with cobwebs went up out a large battlefield between humans? How
to the character that had the sword, looked at about throwing in a third party of undead?
him, took the sword without a word, and went
off. I could had done this scene at any time, delegation
but here seemed an appropriate moment.
I remember when I was in my teens and the
What I find is interesting is that I tend to
players started out imprisoned. I thought out
use shifting while playing other forms of play
thirteen different ways of fleeing. The players
structures, like collaborative storytelling or
did the fourteenth. That made me realize
an open-ended fish tank. The fish tank is a
some things shouldn’t be prepared.
model where the relations between factions
I noticed that if I ever had a solution to a
(an umbrella term I use for events, items,
problem I threw in front of the players, then
people, and groups) ARE the scenario. It’s
the possibility for me to block the players’
used to play out mysteries and intrigues, and
ideas would increase. Why didn’t I like
the players discover the story by having the
that the game master should come up with
game master reveal the relations. I use the
solutions to skill contests in D&D 4E? Yeah,
revelation as a reward for interacting with
you probably understand my answer to that.
other people.
So I only come up with the problems, but
When the players talk to someone, I
never the solutions. When I read about bangs,
look down at the relationship map that
I got the similar notion. Only throw in bangs
is typical for the fish tank. I choose one or
at the players. See how they react. React, to
more relations to be revealed and also come
take a stand where your character is. It’s
up with a reason why the person knows that
one way of helping out the portrayal of the
relation. Someone can always have heard of
another relation in form of a rumor.
When I prepare a sequential story, I do
I talked about three different styles of
that to bring a sensation to the players, but
structures within sequential play: linear,
they can also give themselves a sensation
assembly, and ballistic play. This is one part
by portraying a character. Nothing in my
of assembly play, where you’ve got a lot of
preparations hinders the players, but unlike
scenes but they can occur in any order.
bangs, it doesn’t help either. On the other
Shifting can only occur with the right type
hand, you could cement personality traits
of preparations. Placing a band of bandits
or relations between the characters if you
in one place will make them fixed. Having a
want to put focus on either reacting through
band of bandits to throw in at any time, that’s
personality or creating relationship drama.
So what does this have to do with this way of playing. That’s why I used the
sequential play? The immersive experience wordresponsibility.
through the sensation of another person’s Let the players come up with ways to come
perspective might seem to have little to do to the end. This will ease the burden for you
with it, but the process of not thinking up as a game master, and lets you have less
solutions does. Even if a scene is bound to prepared.
happen, when I game master, the players can Let the players take care of coming up
still choose from where to enter that scene with the solution to the problems they face. It
and where to end it. I will leave that up to will make the game master more open to the
them. players’ solutions, but also make the players
When I play Feng Shui, it’s going to start more involved.
with me cementing some goals through the Let the players take care of coming up
fight at the beginning of the session and then with their own goals. InSvavelvinter, I can
letting the players take their own way to the see the game master saying, “Hey, you’re
fight in the end. Sometimes I have scenes to going to fight an evil cult. I want you to come
throw in, assembly style. Sometimes I do a up with reasons to why you want that cult
pure ballistic play where the players have a destroyed”. It’s their decision, but based on
picture frame to paint whatever they want, as your premise.
long as they are inside the frame.
This Is Pulp is collaborative storytelling, Sequential Play and
but it’s also ad hoc linear play. All the Adventure Design
participants will make up tropes - People,
When I wrote these previous sections,
Rumors, Events, and Places - as P.R.E.P. The
I began to realize how close writing an
players then form together a goal to follow,
adventure and these techniques were:
based on the tropes, and the game master
then uses all this to come up with an Sequential play: Following the structure
antagonist. That person then frames scenes of a combat round.
using the tropes to create dangers for the
characters. Cementing: Picking skills, setting the tone,
The players can do anything to overcome choosing class, and race.
the danger but only af fecting what’s
Shifting: Creating a rule system that
happening in the scene. The game master
adapts to the players’ ideas. The moves
will still steer the character, and the story,
in Apocalypse World is an example of this.
towards ending with a fight between the
antagonist and the characters. The game Delegation: Writing background and
takes 1.5 hours to play, so it’s not like you personality for their characters. Coming up
need diversity in how the frames are set. with relatives.
Let the players take the responsibility of
So I wonder if you can create a whole
portraying their character.This will add to
game based purely on the structure of how
the general atmosphere for the session. You
you write an adventure, and why isn’t this
do, however, need the players to buy into
used more in roleplaying games?
sequential play: And then you’ve got narrative techniques,
themes that excite the audience, and similar
uncertainty, things that are components of a good story.
investment, and Like I said, it’s a hard question to answer. I
reincorporation began to think of some of my own successful
experiences, and I wonder what things I use
This is a really hard question to answer,
that I cannot see.
possibly because it’s a big one. If I paint
in broad strokes, I would say uncertainty,
investment, and reincorporation. Each one
is a topic of it’s own. I would say it depends. Sequential play is
Secrets and twists, are good examples of used to create a sensation for the players, and
uncertainties. Conflicts is a third, which is there you can control a lot through cementing
why we see so many games having combat and shifting. I should say a fish tank is
systems. You don’t have to have conf licts instead about making the players’ decisions
to weave a good plot though, even if it’s a important by showing the consequences
common belief. of the their actions. The sandbox is
Investment can come in several different about exploration. And finally, you’ve got
ways. Uncertainty is one of them, where it collaborative storytelling where you thrive
(hopefully) sparks curiosity to find out more. in creativity and the feel of togetherness.
Making an effort to discover builds up the So creating an emotional experience varies
investment. Contributing and taking a part depending on what the players get from
in the game also builds investment. Having playing with you. The important part is to
your choices made meaningful is a yet another be able to mash story and game together, but
one. also consider the players as a component in
Reincorporation is something that Keith the game system and take them into account.
Johnstone talks about in Impro, but you can
also find it in Dan “Community” Harmon’s useful links
Story Circle. You can add new things all the Story Circle []
time, and that will bring uncertainty, but it’s Impro comments []
not until you start to reincorporate what you
Fish Tank []
previously experienced that the feeling of the
Games are the new frontier [
story coming to an end begins.
How Would You
WORLD? Johnn Four
That’s the question I asked in the GM Tips Plan out the culture pretty well.
group, and there were several interesting Make notes like NPCs for places that
responses. surround where the PCs are adventuring.
Here’s the original request I made: This will tell you basic cultural norms. When
the characters meet someone from that
How would you bootstrap your world? culture, you know what his culture is. Then
I am creating a world for a new RPG adjust the NPC based on how well he would
campaign with my friends. The game fit in.
rules have some links to the world, such
as gods grant certain powers, cultures Just define a small area with a single
offer certain traits, etc. town or similar. Keep the PCs local for a
while. Expand on it as they explore and when
I don’t have time for weeks and months of you get time between sessions. Make stuff up
detailed world building, as my friends would when put on the spot.
hang me to wait that long to start playing. So
I’m wondering if there are methods or models
Build a story that would reduce the
for creating the basics and then iterating over
need for travel outside the starting
culture, but start exposing them to touches
of other parts of the world as you can.
And here are the tips from the GMs:
Use this completely fun mini-game Let the players do some of the
before the main event. It’s called Dawn defining as you go along. They decide
to go to a town, so you ask “Ok, what sort
of the Worlds and is free [
of town?” Let them throw in details and riff
off that. If they define things in a way too
Use a pre-made setting that is light favorable to them, throw in a “yes but.”
and portable to whatever rules “Everyone in this town considers wizards
you’re using. For example, Beasts & to be gods.”
Barbarians for Savage Worlds, Legend of “Yes, but they sacrifice their gods at
Steel for Barbarians of Lemuria, or the “Point midsummer, and that’s tomorrow.” “There’s
of light” ones. This saves tons of prep time a diamond mine!”
to get started, but offers more then enough “Yes, but the dirt there’s poisonous, which
room to insert your own stuff piece by piece is why no food grows here, and why the
when necessary. zombies have moved in.”
There is an RPG called Microscope. setup, ask players what they are most
It lets you play out a timeline for a setting interested in doing. That helps you focus on
and is great as a first session if you want a place and time. Then encourage players to
players to influence it. It’s also interesting help build up information. For example, one
to play as a game in itself, and a great way might create myths for her character’s people.
to let players shape the tone of the world Another might create the calendar.
without them knowing too many details of Thanks to these bright GMs for their
what they’re going to meet. tips: Andrew Knighton, David Tannen, Dirk
Collins, Jeffery Ingram, Josh Pearce, Marcus
After you have the main themes, creation Burggraf, Robert Neaves.
myths, races, geography, and overall history
Johnn Four
This issue is full of a ton of ideas. I get back to it later. For example, “Undead
overwhelmed when I read articles like this Ideas RPT #629”.
or when I find long forum threads full of Then make all the text italic. I do this so I
awesome. know the text isn’t my writing (for copyright,
How do I grapple with all these ideas, put attribution, etc.). It also helps separate my
them into some kind of order, and integrate thoughts, which is important for a later step.
them into my campaign?
Here’s my iterative process. step 3: read & comment
step 1: setup your With a good, findable, and reliable spot for all
my ideas created, and text pasted in from an
idea container article and italicized, next I read through the
Paste all the content and ideas into MyInfo, text and write ideas inline as I go.
Evernote, OneNote, or tool of your choice. I keep my ideas in regular text, not
Create a container for these ideas so they italicized. You could make your text bold,
are separate from your other notes and you red, or whatever you like to identify it as your
can find them quick. writing.
In MyInfo, create a parent document in As I read, I write any ideas that come
the tree and file your ideas underneath as to mind below the text that inspired me.
child documents. So eventually the article is a bunch of
In Evernote, create a Notebook for your alternating text, with the original article
campaign and create new notes in it tagged interspersed with my thoughts and reactions
“Idea”. and ideas.
In OneNote, create a Page in a Section of If there are long passages I don’t find
your campaign’s Notebook, and paste ideas useful or inspiring, I delete them. You don’t
into themed sub-pages as you go. have to do this, especially if you want to
preserve all the original text. But I do this to
step 2: paste ideas in shorten up my docs, as I’m focused more on
the ideas I produce from this exercise than on
Copy the article, posts, or content into your
keeping a library of articles.
ideas container.
Comments I make include ideas that pop
Also paste in the URL or make a note
into mind as I read, thoughts on how I’d
about the source in case you want to refer
integrate the ideas into my campaign, and
who or what the idea might get attached to.
For example, if an idea is good for a PC, In addition, as I re-read and update good
I’ll write the PC’s name at the start. “Roscoe: ideas, I’ll start weaving in campaign details,
undead pick HIS pockets.” In my current especially pronouns. Names of people, places,
campaign, Roscoe is a rogue, so it was an or things the idea relates to.
amusing idea to me.
I might also “tag” ideas with NPC names, step 5: integrate
locations, “history”, region names, “treasure”,
Ok. I’ve now got a doc full of great ideas. And
and any other labels that might apply. This
I know what ideas are the winners. Next, I
just gives me an idea later on where my head
have to decide what to do with them. There
was at with the idea. “Ok past Johnn, how
are three options:
were you thinking of applying this to the
Leave them in this doc for future
campaign? Oh, this is a trap idea - got it.”
In addition, I can search by keyword or tag
Copy them into standalone campaign
now, and find ideas by topic fast. For example,
notes for future use
I can just search for “Trap:” or “Roscoe:” and
Integrate them with existing campaign
hit search again and again to cycle through
notes to help flesh out my campaign right
all related ideas.
additions to existing canon so my campaign long-term memory. I find I often don’t need to
info is always up to date. refer to my notes during games with this stuff,
This sounds like a lot of work, but that’s because I’ve gone through it and processed it
because I broke the process into steps to a few times. This means I ad-lib and improv
explain it all. It feels pedantic, but really I’m much better, and I GM faster because I don’t
just using stuff from Roleplaying Tips and need to look stuff up as often in my notes.
other sources to fuel ideas for my campaign. So even though it’s fun getting inspired
I write ideas down as they come to me, flesh by great articles and ideas from others, it’s
them out a bit, and then slot them into my also fun having this stuff in your brain’s back
campaign notes. pocket to summon up on command whenever
There’s a big added benefit to this you need ideas.
approach as well. As I read, write, re-read,
and refine, I’m cramming more stuff into my
For Your Game
So You Get Drunk at the Tavern....
d20 carousing consequences
1. One-night stand with a half-orc. (Alternate: rival, enemy, least desirable partner.) 1-2 They are engaged. 3-4
They become parents in nine months. 5 PC acquires disease. 6 Enraged spouse eventually hunts PC down.
2. Became a drinking buddy with someone who shared an important secret. PC has forgotten a key piece of
information though, and just remembers enough fragments to track down the secret if they work at it.
3. PC revealed a terrible secret to someone. Pick the worst person who could learn that secret. 1-2 PC doesn’t
remember who they told. 3-4 they remember who but don’t know what they told. 5-6 they remember everything.
4. Picks a fight with someone they shouldn’t have. 1-2 PC wins. 3-5 PC loses, wakes up with half hit points. 6 A
draw, PC at 1 hit point.
5. PC sang a terrible song that offended almost everyone, including someone they’ll regret offending.
6. PC and a drinking buddy broke into a place and stole something valuable. 1-2 Buddy has the loot. 3-4 PC
has the loot. 5 Loot was buried in a place PC remembers. 6 Loot was buried in a place PC doesn’t remember.
7. PC offends a witch, who cursed them.
8. PC bought the house several rounds. Total cost: 10d10 gp.
9. PC made a bet with someone they don’t want to cross and lost. They must now perform a humiliating chore
or act in public.
10. PC and 1d4 drinking buddies carried back to the tavern something large, something heavy, and something
that belongs to the 1-2 Mayor, 3-4 Villain, 5-6 Arch-Bishop.
11. PC wakes up in puddle of own vomit. 1-2 They also puked on someone else last night. 3-4 Vomit contains
fingers. 5-6 It’s not their vomit.
12. PC gets a tattoo. 1-2 It’s cool. 3-4 It’s of a secret crush. 5-6 It’s a unicorn.
13. PC gets rowdy and arrested. Must pay 10x10 gp fine for release.
14. PC was robbed and is missing the most valuable thing that was in their possession last night. 1-2 They have
no memory of when it happened. 3-4 They remember when and the general circumstances. 5-6 They know
who did it.
15. PC wakes up naked and tied to a bed. 1-2 It’s his bed. 3-4 It’s not his bed. 5-6 It’s in a monster lair.
16. PC wakes up in the stocks in the city square.
17. PC wakes up in the woods near town, naked. There’s a dead, half-eaten carcass nearby and there’s blood on
the PC’s face and hands. 1-2 It’s a deer carcass. 3-4 It’s a skunk carcass. 5-6 It’s a humanoid body.
18. PC wakes up with his head stuck in a soup bowl.
19. PC joined a secret cult. 1-2 The cult is crazy but harmless. 3-4 The cult is crazy but dangerous. 5-6 The cult
is dangerous, well-organized, and well-connected.
20. 20 PC gave all his available money to a crazy scheme. 1-2 Money and schemer are long-gone. 3-4 The schemer
succeeds and returns in d4 weeks with 200% repayment. 5-6 Schemer returns in 1d4 days for more money and
a strong quest hook.
Card Game Events
A character in my campaign is addicted to gambling. So I made this table up for him. Maybe
you can use it in your game too.
Thanks to the following for their great ideas: Ivan Sorensen, Kabuki Kaiser, Brett Slocum,
James Holloway, MoonSylver, Joseph Teller and Tor-Ivar Krogsæter.
One Last Word