Episode 3 FS 2 The Three Domains of Knowledge Learning Activites
Episode 3 FS 2 The Three Domains of Knowledge Learning Activites
Episode 3 FS 2 The Three Domains of Knowledge Learning Activites
classify the lesson/s under Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge and Kendall’s and
Marzano’s domain of learning activities.
reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on the domains of
knowledge and learning activities
My Performance Criteria:
Concrete examples:
Mental Procedures – Conducting proofs and figuring the length of the side of
a right triangle
Cognitive examples:
Subject Area:
Filipino Date:
1. Cognitive Domain – Information The teacher taught the children how to read
(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, certain words in Filipino. There was also a
terms, facts, concepts, principle, point where they read a poem about their
hypothesis, theory families, clearly indicating that their topic of
interest is about family.
Domain of Learning
4. Affective – values, attitudes In the end of the class, I believe the students
understood how important family is and the role
each member has, to promote happiness and
respect inside the home.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnk-eWoEtsU
1. Cognitive Domain – Information What the teachers are trying to teach here is
(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, how technology can be an aid in the success of
a class to promote learning that is easier and
more manageable.
terms, facts, concepts, principle,
hypothesis, theory
Domain of Learning
4. Affective – values, attitudes I can see the values that can be attributed here
is more of persistence and diligence, since I
believe that the teachers are also still making
steps towards fully utilizing technology to its full
potential and with that, it shows how dedicated
they are, and students will learn that valuable
quality from them.
Domain of Learning
My Analysis:
There were different variations and approaches used in a single class setting. I
couldn’t stress it enough how important it is to be as flexible as possible . Not only it
helps with making your lesson plan wide ranged, but it also gives you more room to
interpret what you are teaching in a more personalized way.
2. Were the lessons focused on cognitive content only or psychomotor content only or
affective content only? Or were the lessons combinations of two or three? Explain
your answer.
It is a combination of the three for the most part. Usually, when there is only one
content emphasized for the whole duration, the class could either not learn anything
or gets information overload.
3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on only one domain?
From my experience, focusing on one domain only can still produce a desired
learning outcome, but it doesn’t unlock all that learning has to offer . True, it is still
part of the process but not in its entirety.
4. Is it really possible to teach only in one domain like affective only or cognitive only or
psychomotor only? Or based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s taxonomy, information
only or mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Explain your
Just as I mentioned, it is possible to teach only in one domain, however, the desired
outcome might be quite far from expected. However, nothing is not achievable even
if you only focus on one domain, take for example a physical education class, it
won’t make sense if all they do or even if 90% of what they do in class is just discuss
things and only spend 5-10 minutes of physical activity.
No, because the two taxonomy’s emphasis is with every domain that a student must
augment for their high-thinking skills.
My Reflections
For the lesson lecture to be effective, the use of the three domains such as
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor will promote the students’ engagement to
the subject topic. Some of the learning approaches that could be integrated in a
thorough approach can include self-guided learning, mutual learning, role playing,
behavioral practice, peer education and parent connection.
Teacher Mila taught the parts of a microscope, demonstrated how to focus t under
the low power objective, then asked 3 students to try to focus it with her guidance as
the class looked on. She asked the class if the 3 students did focus the microscope
correctly and ended her lesson citing the “don’ts” and explaining the “why’s” behind the
“don’ts” in focusing the microscope. Before she did all these, she asked the class if it
is / is not important for them to learn how to focus the microscope.
1. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domains was Teacher
Mila’s lesson?
A. I only C. II only
B. I, II and III D. I and II
A. No
B. Yes, 21st century students learn skill very fast.
C. Yes, but risky.
D. No, it is basic for students to know the function of each part. This
guides the students on how to focus the microscope.
5. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for Teacher Mila to realize her
lesson objective / intended learning outcome, what does this imply on lesson
planning and development for whole and meaningful learning.
The following learning competencies were based from the Curriculum Guide of
Media and Information Literacy subject: