From Crisis To Conquest in Utilities: Audio Transcript
From Crisis To Conquest in Utilities: Audio Transcript
From Crisis To Conquest in Utilities: Audio Transcript
Helping the utilities sector in India outmaneuver Number 1: DISCOMS are losing money
uncertainty by becoming digital enterprises because of high Aggregate Technical and
Commercial (AT&C) losses of approximately 20
The utilities sector has always been at the percent
forefront of preparedness to deal with changing
situations, natural disasters and economic Number 2: A supply-demand mismatch and
impacts. However, like most industries, COVID- regional imbalances are leading to frequent
19 caught utilities off guard and plunged them outages
into a state of limbo. As the keeper of lifeline
services, how can utilities, especially DISCOMS, Number 3: Developers trying to set up solar or
maintain business continuity and show resiliency wind farms are facing slow pace of greener
during the pandemic and beyond? The answer transmission corridor buildup due to Right of
lies in embracing digital technologies, smart Way issues and financial challenges
devices and data analytics.
The COVID-19 situation also witnessed the CHALLENGE NUMBER 1: THE IMPACT ON
white-collar workforce moving fromtier-1 cities to POWER GENERATION
either semi-urban or rural areas to work from
home. These areas, which were being earlier With the lockdown confining people to their
neglected by the DISCOMS, will now require a homes, the demand for power has shifted from
more robust and reliable power supply network. industrial and commercial (I&C) customer
As a result, these areas will need more segments to residential segments, leading to a
investments to upgrade the transmission and significant drop in the overall demand. As a
distribution network as well as bring changes to result, power generation companies have been
the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contracts forced to either shut down specific units within
to ensure uninterrupted power supply, thereby the power plant or operate at a very low Plant
affecting all players in the power value chain. Load Factor (PLF), as low as 50 percent in
some cases, making them economically