Sanskriti University: Department of Management B.B.A
Sanskriti University: Department of Management B.B.A
Sanskriti University: Department of Management B.B.A
Disclaimer: The syllabus is uploaded as given by the Faculty concerned to the Academic Council.
Medium: English
Internal Assessment:
Semester II
SL Sub. Paper Periods Marks
No Type Code Subject Credit Final Internal Total
Examination Assessment
1 C6 BBA
102 Business Environment 4 0 0 4 50 50 100
2 F3 BBA
104 Business Communication 4 0 0 4 50 50 100
3 C7 BBA
106 Indian Economy 4 0 0 4 50 50 100
4 C8 BBA
108 Principles of Accounting 3 2 0 4 50 50 100
5 C9 BBA 3 2 0 4 100
Principles of Macro
110 50 50
6 F4 BBA 3 2 0 4 100
112 Business Statistics 50 50
Total 24 600
Semester IV
Semester V
Semester VI
Unit IV : Lectures-10
Leadership: Concept and Styles; Trait and Situational Theory of Leadership.
Motivation: Concept and Importance; Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory; Herzberg Two Factors
Theory, McGregor and Ouchi theory. Control: Concept and Process. Communication: Process
and Barriers. Transactional Analysis (TA), Johari Window.
Change Management: Resistance to change and strategies to manage change, conflict levels,
causes and resolution. Functional and Dysfunctional aspects of conflict. Emerging issues in
Unit V Lectures-6
Conceptual framework of Marketing Management, Financial Management, and Human
Resource Management.
Suggested Readings:
1. Singh, B.P. & Chhabra, T.N., Business Organization and Management, Sun India
Publications, New Delhi.
2. Shankar, Gauri; Modern Business Organization, Mahavir Book Depot, New Delhi.
3. Tulsian, P.C.; Business Organization & Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Business Mathematics
Unit I- Lecture-08
Matrix: Introduction, Square Matrix, Row Matrix, Column Matrix, Diagonal
matrix, Identity Matrix, Addition, Subtraction &Multiplication of Matrix, Use of
Matrix in Business Mathematical Induction.
Unit II- Lecture-08
Inverse of Matrix, Rank of Matrix, Solution to a system of equation by the adjoint
matrix methods & Gaussian Elimination Method.
Unit III- Lecture-08
Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Mathematical Series- Arithmetic,
Geometric & Harmonic, Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
Unit IV- Lecture-08
Set theory- Notation of Sets, Singleton Set, Finite Set, Infinite Set, Equal Set Null Set,
Subset, Proper Subset, Universal Set, Union of Sets, Inter-section of Sets, Use of set
theory in business, Permutation & Combination.
Unit V- Lecture-08
Concept of Differentiation and Integration, Maxima and Minima in Differentiation,
Application of Differentiation & Integration in Business (No proof of theorems. Etc)
Suggested Books:
Unit I: Lecture-08
Introduction-Demand and Supply: Determinants of demand, movements vs. shift in demand curve,
Determinants of Supply, Movement along a supply curve vs. shift in supply curve; -Market
equilibrium and price determination. Elasticity of demand and supply. Application of demand and
Unit V- Lectures-08
Issue of shares and debentures, Issue of bonus shares and right issue, Redemptioment preference
shares and debentures.
Suggested Books:
Unit I- Lecture-08
Indian Contract Act: Definition and essentials, Contracts agreements, Offer &
Acceptance Consideration, Capacity of parties Free Consent, Performance of Contracts,
Terminal of Contract, Consequence and Remedies of Contract terminal.
Unit II- Lecture-08
Contingent contract, Implied, Quasi contract, Indemnity Contract, Guarantee contract,
Bailment, Lien, Pledge contract, Agency Contract.
Unit III- Lecture-08
Sales of Goods Act: Sale contract-Definition, Features, Formation of Contract
Contents of sale contract-Goods, Price, Condition and Warranty, Ownership of goods
and transfer, Performance of sale contract, Delivery, Rights of unpaid sellers, Auction
Unit IV- Lecture-08
Indian Partnership Act: Definition and Nature of Partnership, Partnership deed Mutual
and Third parties relation of Partners, Registration of Partnership Dissolution of
Unit V- Lecture-08
Definition Features Types Recognition and Endorsement of Negotiable Instruments.
Suggested Books:
Unit-I: Lecture-08
Organization Behaviour -Introduction, nature and scope of OB, Challenges and
opportunities for OB, Organization Goals, Models of OB, Impact of Global and
Cultural diversity on OB.
Unit V: Lecture-08
Management of Change: Change and Organizational development, Resistance to
change, Approaches to managing organizational change, Organizational
effectiveness, Organizational culture, Power and Politics
in Organizational Quality of work life, Recent advances in OB.
Suggested Readings:
1. Bennis, W.G. Organisation Development
2. Breech Islwar Oragnaistion-the frame-Work of Management
3. Dayal, Keith Organizational Development
4. Sharma, R.A. Organizational Theory and Behavior
5. Prasad, L.M. Organizational Behavior
BBA- II Semester
BBA N 206 Business Statistics
Unit I Statistics: Concept, significance & Limitation T
Business Ethics
Unit I- Lecture-08
Business Ethics- An overview-Concept, nature, evolving ethical values, Arguments
against business Ethics.
Unit V- Lecture-08
Corporate Social Responsibility-Social Responsibility of business with respect to
different stakeholders, Arguments for and against Social responsibility of business,
Social Audit.
Business Environment
Unit I- Lecture-08
Concept, Significance, Components of Business environment, Factor affecting
Business Environment, Social Responsibilities of Business.
Unit II- Lecture-08
Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Mixed Economy-Public
Sector & Private Sector
Unit III- Lecture-08
Industrial Policy –Its historical perspective (In brief); Socio-economic Implications
of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization.
Unit IV- Lecture-08
Role of Government in Regulation and Development of Business; Monetary and
Fiscal Policy; EXIM Policy, FEMA
Unit V- Lecture-08
Overview of International Business Environment, Trends in World Trade: WTO-
Objectives and role in international trade.
Business Communication
Unit I- Lecture-08
Meaning and objective of Business communication, Forms of Communication,
Communication model and process, Principles of Effective Communication
Unit V- Lecture-08
Modern forms of communication, international communication, Cultural sensitiveness
and cultural context, Writing and presenting in international situations
Suggested Books:
Unit V- Lecture-08
Service and Entrepreneurial Sector, role of Commercial Bank and Financial
Institutions, Role of Small Scale Industries in Indian Economy.
Suggested Readings:
Unit I- Lecture-08
Accounting standards in India, Concept of GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles) International Accounting Standards, and Accounting
for Price level changes.
Unit II- Lecture-08
Accounting of Non-trading Institutions, Joint Venture and Consignment.
Unit III- Lecture-08
Accounts of banking companies and General Insurance companies,
Department and Branch account.
Unit IV- Lecture-08
Accounts related to Hire Purchase and Installment payment transactions,
Royalty Accounts
Unit V- Lecture-08
Partnership Accounts: Final Account, Reconstitution of Partnership firms-
admission, retirement and death of a partner, Dissolution of Partnership
(Excluding insolvency of Partner).
Suggested Readings:
1. Agrawal, B.D. Advanced Accounting
2. Chawla & Jain Financial Accounting
3. Chakrawarti, K.S. Advanced Accounts
4. Shukla, M.B. Financial Analysis and Business Forecasting
5. Jain & Narang Advanced Accounts
Principles of Macro Economics
Unit I: Lecture-08
Introduction-Concepts and variables of macroeconomics, income, expenditure and the circular
Unit II: Lecture-08
National Income Determination-Actual and potential GDP; Aggregate Expenditure –
Consumption Function, Investment Function; Equilibrium GDP; Concepts of MPS, APS, MPC,
APC. Autonomous Expenditure; The Concepts of Multiplier; National Income Determination in
an Open Economy with Government- Fiscal Policy – Impact of Changes in Govt. Expenditure
and Taxes, Net Export Function, Net Exports and Equilibrium GDP.
UnitIII: Lecture-08
Inflation-Causes of rising and falling inflation, inflation and interest rates, social costs of
inflation. Unemployment – natural rate of unemployment, frictional and wait unemployment.
Labour market and its interaction with production system. Phillips curve, the trade-off between
inflation and unemployment.
Unit IV: Lecture-08
Open Economy-Flows of goods and capital, saving and investment in a small and a large open
economy, exchange rates, Mundell – Fleming model with fixed and flexible prices in a small
open economy with fixed and with flexible exchange rates, interest-rate differentials case of a
large economy.
UnitV: Lecture-08
IS-LM Framework-Derivation of IS and LM Functions; Joint determination of National
Income and rate of Interest.
Suggested Readings
1. R. G. Lipsey and K. A. Chrystal –Economics, Chapters 20 to 28; (Oxford University
2. Mankiw N. Gregory, Macroeconomic, McMillan Worth Publishers, New York.
3. Dornbusch Rudiger and Stanley Fisher, Macroeconomic, McGraw Hill.
4. Deepashree, Vanita Agrawal, “Macro Economics”, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
Business Statistics
Unit I- Lecture-08
Statistics: Concept, significance & Limitation Type of Data, Classification &
Tabulation, Frequency Distribution & graphical representation.
Unit V- Lecture-08
Sampling Method of sampling, sampling and Non-sampling errors. Test of
Hypothesis, Type- I and Type –II Errors, Large sample tests
Advertising Management
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Advertising Copy-meaning components types of advertising copy, importance of creativity in
advertising; Media planning-importance, strategies, media mix.
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Indian Banking System : Structure and organization of banks; Reserve bank of India; Apex
banking institutions; Commercial banks; Regional rural banks; Co-operative banks;
Development banks.
Unit II Lecture-08
State Bank of India: Brief History; Objectives Functions; Structure and organization; Working
and progress.
Banking Regulation Act, 1949: History; Social Control; Banking Regulation Act as applicable
to banking companies and public sector banks; Banking Regulation Act as applicable to Co-
operative banks.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Regional Rural and Co-operative banks in India: Functions; Role of regional rural and co-
operative bank in rural India; Progress and performance.
Unit V Lecture-08
Reserve Bank of India; Objectives; Organization; functions and working; monetary policy
credit control measures and their effectiveness.
Suggested Readings:
1. Basu A.K. : Fundamentals of banking- Theory and Practice; A. Mukherjee and Co.,
6. Tennan M.L.: Banking-Law and Practice in India; India law House, New Delhi.
Human Resource Management
Unit I Lecture-08
Introduction to HRM & HRD: Concept of HRM, Objectives, Process, HRM vs. Personnel
engagement, HRM vs. HRD, Objectives of HRD, focus of HRD System, Structure of HRD
System, role of HRD manpower.
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Employee Compensation: Wage policy, Wage determination, Wage boar, factors affecting
wages & Salary, systems of payments,
Unit V Lecture-08
Employee relations: Discipline & Grievance handling types of trade unions, problems of trade
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Marketing: Definition, nature, scope & importance, Marketing Management, Core concepts
of marketing, selling concept, production concept, modern marketing concept,
Societal marketing.
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Marketing Research: Importance, Process & Scope Marketing Information Systems: Meaning
Importance and Scope Consumer Behavior: Concept, Importance and factors influencing
consumer behavior.
Suggested Books:
1. Marketing Mgt. by Philip Kotlar (PHI) 2.Marketing by Etzet, Walker, Stanton 3.Marketing
Management by Rajan Saxena
Company Accounts
Unit I Lecture-08
Joint Stock Companies- its types and share capital, Issue, for future and Re-issue of shares,
Redemption of preference shares, Issue and Redemption of Debenture.
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies with one Subsidiary Only.
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Books:
1.Gupta R.L. Radhaswamy M, Company Accounts, Sultan chand & 2.Maheshwari, S.N.,
Corporate Accounting, Vikas Publishing 3.Monga J.R., Ahuja, Girish, and Sehgal Ashok,
Financial Accounting
4.Shukla, M.C., Grewal T.s. and Gupta, S.C. Advanced Accounts, S. Chand & Co. 5.Moore
C.L. and Jaedicke R.K., Management Accounting
Company Law
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Majority Powers and minority Rights Prevention of oppression and mismanagement, winding
up-Kinds and Conduct.
Suggested Books:
1.Grower L.C.B. Principles of Modern Company Law, Stevens & Sons, London
4.Kuchal, M.C. Modern Indian Company Law, Sri Mahavir Books, Noida
Unit I Lecture-08
Introduction to consumer Behavior (CB)- Importance, Scope, need for studying CB,
Consumer research process.
Unit II Lecture-08
Consumer models: Economic model, Psychoanalytic model, Sociological model, Howard &
Seth model, Nicosia model, Engel- kollat-Blackwell model.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Influences & Consumer Decision making : Family, reference group, personal, social and
cultural influence on CB, Consumer Decision making process, Consumer Communication
process, consumer satisfaction.
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Management of Fixed Capital: Cost of Capital, Nature & Scope of Capital budgeting-payback
NPV, IRR and ARR methods and their practical applications. Analysis of risk & uncertainty.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Management of Working Capital: Concepts of working Capital, Approaches to the financing
of current Assets determining capital (with numerical problems) Management of different
components of working capital.
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Types of manufacturing Systems: Intermitted & Continuous Systems etc., Product design &
Unit IV Lecture-08
Materials Management & Inventory Control: Purchasing Economic lot quality/Economic
order quantity (EOR), Lead time, Rorder level. Brief of ABC analysis, Stock Keeping.
Unit V Lecture-08
Quality Control: Quality, Quality assurance, Quality Circles, TQM, JIT, Statistical Quality
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Prospecting, pre-approach and post- approach, - Organizing display, showroom & exhibition,
Unit IV Lecture-08
Distribution network Management, Types of Marketing Channels, Factors affecting the choice
of channel, Types of middleman and their characteristics, Concept of physical distribution
Unit V Lecture-08
Sales Force Management, Recruitment and Selection, Sales Training, Sales Compensation
Suggested Books:
1.Sales Management -Cundiff, Still, Govoni
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Sampling Design- Census & Sample Surveys; Steps in Sampling Design; Types of Sample
designs-Probability & Non Probability sampling.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Processing & Analysis of Data- Processing operations; problems in processing; types of
analysis Hypothesis Testing- Chi-square test, Z test, t-test, f-test.
Unit V Lecture-08
Presentation- Diagrams; graphs; chars. Report writing; Layout of Research report; Types of
Reports; Mechanism of writing a Research report; Precaution for writing report.
Reference Books:
Operation Research
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Transportation-North West Corner Rule, matrix Minima & VAM Methods, Degenerating,
MODI Method. Assignment Problems
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
PERT & CPM-Introduction, Network Analysis, Time Estimates in Network Analysis, Critical
Path Method; Programme Evaluation & Review Technique.
Reference Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Nature and Scope: Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, its relationship with other
subjects. Fundamental Economic Tools-Opportunity cost concept, Intermental concept,
Principle of time perspective, discounting principle and Equimarginal principle.
Unit II Lecture-08
Demand Analysis: Concept and importance of Demand & its determinants Income &
Substitution effects. Various Elasticities of demand, using Elasticities in managerial
decisions, revenue concepts, and relevance of demand forecasting and methods of demand
Cost Concept : Various cost concepts and classification, Cost output relationship in short run
& long run cost curves). Economics and diseconomies of scale, Cost control and Cost
reduction, Indifferent curves.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Pricing: Pricing methods, Price and output decisions under different market structures-perfect
competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly.
Unit V Lecture-08
Profit Mgt & Inflation: Profit, Functions of profit, Profit maximization, Break Even analysis.
Elementary idea of Inflation.
Suggested Readings:
Objective: The objective of the course is to familarise the students with the basic concepts of
Unit I Lecture-08
Name & Scope Role & Importance in Indian Economy, Theories of Entrepreneurship
,traits of entrepreneur, entrepreneurs Vs professional managers, problems faced by
Unit II Lecture-08
Transportation-North West Corner Rule, matrix Minima & VAM Methods, Degenerating,
MODI Method. Assignment Problems Unit IV Project & Reports Search for business
idea, transformation of idea into reality: projects and classification. Identification of
projects, project design and network analysis, project appraisal plant layout.
Unit V Lecture-08
Small industry setup Types of organization-sole proprietorship, partnership, Joint Stock
Company, co-operative organization, their merits, limitations, suitability. Organizational
locations, steps in starting a small industry, incentives and subsidies available, export
Reference Books:
Objectives- It enables the student to know the basics of Income Tax and its implications.
Unit I Lecture-08
Basic Concept: Income, Agriculture Income, Casual Income, Assessment Year, Previous
Year, Gross Total Income, Total Income, Person, Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Tax Planning.
Unit II Lecture-08
Basis of Charge: Scope of Total Income, Residence and Tax Liability, Income which does not
form part of Total Income.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Heads of Income: Profit and Gains of Business or Profession, Including Provisions relating to
specific business, Capital Gains, Income from other sources.
Unit V Lecture-08
Aggregation of Income, Set off and Carry forward of losses, deduction from gross total
Suggested Readings:
2. Prasad, Bhagwati Income Tax Law and Practice 3.Chandra Mahesh and Shukla D.C.
Income Tax Law and Practice
Unit I Lecture-08
Introduction : Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting, Cost, concepts and Classification,
Methods and Techniques, Installation of Costing System.
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Readings:
Unit III -Industrial dispute act 1947, Minimum wages act 1948 Lecture-08
Suggested Readings:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Input-Output Devices : Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, touch screens, VDU, Scanners, MICR,
OCR, OMR, Printers and its type, Plotters, Microfilm, Microfiche, Voice Recognition and
Reponses Devices.
Storage Devices : Primary and Secondary Storage devices- RAM, ROM, Cached Memory,
Registers, Storage Concept, Hard disk, Floppy disk, CD-ROM, Magnetic tapes and cartridges,
comparison of sequential and direct- Access devices.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Operating System & Internet : Definition and functions of O.S. Batch Processing,
Multipurpose, Multiprogramming, time sharing, On-line process, Real time process.
Introduction to window-98, Internet & its uses, terminology of internet, Browser, Search
engines, E-Mail, Video conferencing.
Reference Books:
4.Window-98 Manual
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Foreign trade & economic growth: Foreign trade & economic growth, balance of trade,
balance of payments, free trade, forms and restrictions.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Recent trends in India’s foreign trade: Recent trends in India’s foreign trade, institutional
frastructure for export promotion in India, projects & consultancy exports.
Unit V Lecture-08
India’s Trade Policy: India’s Trade policy, export assistance, marketing plan for exports.
Suggested Readings:
Strategic Management & Business Policy
Unit I Lecture-08
Nature & importance of Business Policy, Development & Classification of Business Policy;
Unit II Lecture-08
Corporate Planning; Concept of long term planning, Strategic Planning, Nature, Process &
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Suggested Readings:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Assessment, levy, collection and payment of service tax, exemptions, CENVAT credit
for service tax, Filing of Returns, Appeals, Revisions.
Recommended Books:
1. Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Dr. Girish Ahuja and Dr. Ravi Gupta Bharat law
Unit I Lecture-08
Management Information System( MIS): Concept & definition, Role of MIS, Process of Management,
MIS-A tool for management process, Impact of MIS, MIS & computers, MIS & the user, IMS- a
support to the Management.
Unit II Lecture-08
Planning & Decision making: The concept of corporate planning, Strategic planning, Type of
strategic, Tools of Planning, MIS- Business Planning; Decision making concepts, Methods, tools
and procedures, Organizational Decision making, MIS & Decision making concepts.
Information & System: Information concepts, Information: A quality product classification of the
information, Methods of data & information collection, Value of information, MIS & System
concept, MIS & System analysis, Computer System design.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Development of MIS: Development of long rage plans of the MIS. Ascertaining the class of
information, determining the information requirement, Development and implementation of the MIS,
Management of quality in the MIS, organization for development of the MIS, MIS: the factors of
success and failure.
Unit V Lecture-08
Decision Support System (DSS): Concept and Philosophy, DSS: Deterministic Systems, Artificial
intelligence(AI) System, Knowledge based expert system(KBES), MIS & the role of DSS, Transaction
Processing System(TPS), Enterprise Management System(EMS), Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) System, Benefits of ERP, EMS & ERP
Reference Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Introduction: Meaning and objectives of Auditing, Types of Audit, Internal Audit, Audit
Programme, Audit Notebook, Routine Checking and Test Checking.
Unit II Lecture-08
Internal Check System: Internal Control, audit Procedure: Vouching Verification of Assets
and Liabilities.
Unit IV Lecture-08
Unit V Lecture-08
Recent trends in Auditing: Nature and Significance of Cost Audit, Tax Audit, Management
Suggested Books:
Unit I Lecture-08
Unit II Lecture-08
Internet: Concept & evaluation, Characteristics of Internet: email, WWW. Ftp, telnet, Intranet
& Extranet, Limitation of internet, Hardware & Software requirement of Internet, searches
Electronic Payment Systems: E-Cash, e-cheque, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, E-
Banking, Manufacturing information systems.
Unit IV Lecture-08
EDI introduction, networking infrastructure of EDI, Functions & Components of EDI File
types of EDI.
Unit V Lecture-08
Security issues of e-commerce: Firewall, E-locking, Encryption; Cyber laws- aims salient
provisions; PKI (Public key infrastructure)
Reference Books: