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At the point when audino is increased with sensors and actuators, the innovation turns into an
occurrence of the more broad class of digital physical frameworks, which likewise
incorporates advances. For Example, keen networks, virtual power plants, brilliant homes,
astute transportation and shrewd urban communities. Among the difficulties that confront in
everyday life one of most unavoidable test is parking the car wherever people go. As our need
expands our setting out increments however because of extreme increment in utilization of
vehicles and increment in populace this project confront the intense assignment of parking car
especially amid busiest hours of the day. Amid pinnacle hours the majority of the saved
parking zone gets full and this leaves the client to scan for their parking among other parking
area which makes more movement and abandons them with no sign on accessibility of parking
spot. To defeat this issue there is certainly a requirement for composed parking in business
condition. To outline such parking there need to assess reservation of parking space with ideal
parking spot which relies upon cost and time. However this project compose the time driven
grouping strategy which takes care of the issue of parking utilizing opening assignment
technique. The fundamental inspiration of this venture is to diminish the movement clog that
happens in and around the urban zones which is brought on by vehicles looking for parking.
In the daily papers, many articles with respect to the stopping issue all over India like Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and numerous metropolitan urban areas. Developing populace
has made numerous issues; stopping issue is one of the enormous issues in our everyday life.
In a current study, analysts have found that for one year, car cruising for stopping made what
might as well be called 38 times trips far and wide, consuming 177914.8 liters of fuel and
delivering 730 tons of CO2. To diminish every one of these elements we go for the savvy
stopping framework.

a) To build up a canny, easy to understand robotized car stopping framework which diminishes
the labour and movement blockage.

b) To offer sheltered and secure stopping openings inside constrained territory.

Parking garage Problems

Trouble in Finding Vacant Spaces, Quickly finding an empty space in a multilevel parking
garage is troublesome if not unthinkable, particularly on ends of the week or open occasions.
Discovering spaces amid ends of the week or open occasions can take over 10 minutes for
around 66% of guests. Stadiums or shopping center are swarmed at pinnacle periods, and
trouble in finding empty openings at these spots is a noteworthy issue for clients. Inadequate
car parking space \ prompt activity blockage and driver disappointment.


2.1 Mr. Basavaraju S R-2015 has proposed An Carmatic Smart Parking System using Internet
of Things (IOT) Internet of Things (IOT) plays a vital
role in connecting the surrounding environmental things to the network and made easy to
access those un-internet things from any remote location. It’s inevitable for the people to
update with the growing technology. And generally people are facing problems on parking
vehicles in parking slots in a city. In this study we design a Smart Parking System (SPS) which
enables the user to find the nearest parking area and gives availability of parking slots in that
respective parking area. And it mainly focus on reducing the time in finding theparking lots
and also it avoids the unnecessary travelling through filled parking lots in a parking area. Thus
it reduces the fuel consumption which in turn reduces carbon footprints in an atmosphere.

Our system is a Raspberry pi based parking sensor which contains pi-camera to detect the
empty parking spaces and sends this data to server, this stored data is accessed by users.

This enhances the user to check the status/availability of parking spaces before setting their
journey. Here the challenge is to use the existing resources in optimum level to reduce the
searching time, traffic congestion in the city. Some embedded systems such as auridino, raspberry
pi, Tsgate, Tsmote etc. are used to develop internet of things applications.

A few existing parking system which uses sensors to collect the information but using sensors
like video sensors in a parking system are expensive so our aim is to develop a system with less
cost with more performance.
2.2 Deepthi. S, Anil A R has proposed A Survey on Smart Parking System Based
on Internet of Things
In today life people don’t depend
on public vehicles. They use their own vehicles to travel. So traffic increases. When people travel
through a city the most difficult problem is to park the vehicle. It causes not only a waste of time
and fuel for drivers looking for parking but it also leads to additional waste of time and fuel for
other drivers as a result of traffic congestion. At first we use PGI (Parking Guidance Information)
for better parking management. Parking information may be displayed on VMS (Variable
Message Sign) at major roads or streets or it may be disseminated through the internet. In PGI
systems e-parking is an innovative platform which allows drivers to obtain parking information
before or during a trip and reserve a parking spot.

To overcome the limitations of PGI system Yanfeng Geng proposes [3] a new concept “Optimal
parking based on resource allocation and reservation”. It uses the concept of mixed integer linear
problem. When people go through a downtown area, there much rush and traffic. In this case to
find the available location for parking is very difficult. So implementing optimal parking people
can easily park vehicle in the reserved locations. When a person with disability trying to park a
vehicle in a city having heavy traffic, So he faces several problems in such a situation to search
and park the vehicle difficult. The disabled person can park the vehicle in a specially designed
location. The intelligent parking finds the best available parking, minimizing the cost. The
parking and un parking can be done with the help of an android application. User has to install
the android application on his/her smart phone devices, which would have the facility to pre-
book the parking slot.

D. J. Bonde Jan-2012 has proposed “Carmated car parking system commanded by android
application” The aim of this project is to carmate the
car and car parking as well. A miniature model of an carmated car parking system that can
regulate and manage number of cars that can be parked in given space at any given time based
on the availability of parking slot. Carmated parking is a method of parking and existing cars
using sensing device.
Abhirup Khanna-2016 has worked on IOT based smart parking system Recent times the

concept of smart cities have gained grate popularity. Thanks to the evolution of Internet of
things the idea of smart city now seems to be achievable. Consistent efforts are being made in
the field of IoT in order to maximize the productivity and reliability of urban infrastructure.
Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking facilities and road safety are being
addressed by IoT. In this paper, we present an IoT based cloud integrated smart parking
system. The proposed Smart Parking system consists of an on-site deployment of an IoT
module that is used to monitor and signalize the state of availability of each single parking

The concept of Smart Cities have always been a dream for humanity. Since the past couple of
years large advancements have been made in making smart cities a reality. The growth of
Internet of Things and Cloud technologies have give rise to new possibilities in terms of smart
cities. Smart parking facilities and traffic management systems have always been at the core
of constructing smart cities. In this paper, we address the issue of parking and present an IoT
based Cloud integrated smart parking system. The system that we propose provides real time
information regarding availability of parking slots in a parking area. Users from remote
locations could book a parking slot for them by the use of our mobile application. The efforts
made in this paper are indented to improve the parking facilities of a city and thereby aiming
to enhance the quality of life of its people.

R. Yusnita, FarizaNorbaya, and Norazwinawati Basharuddin-2012 has proposed “Intelligent

Parking Space Detection System Based on Image Processing” This paper aims to
present an intelligent system for parking space detection based on image processing technique
that capture and process the brown rounded image drawn at parking lot and produce the
information of the empty car parking spaces. It will be display at the display unit that consists
of seven segments in real time. The seven segments display shows the number of current
available parking lots in the parking area. This proposed system, has been developed in
software and hardware platform.
M. M. Rashid, A. Musa, M. AtaurRahman, and N. Farahana, A. Farhana- 2012 has proposed
“Carmatic Parking Management System and Parking Fee Collection Based on Number Plate
Recognition”-----This paper discussed on carmatic parking system and electronic parking fee
collection based on vehicle number plate recognition. The aim of this research is to develop
and implement an carmatic parking system that will increase convenience and security of the
public parking lot as well as collecting parking fee without hassles of using magnetic card. The
car parking system will able to have less interaction of humans and use no magnetic card and
its devices. In additions to that, it has parking guidance system that can show and guide user
towards a parking space. The system used image processing of recognizing number plates for
operation of parking and billing system. Overall, the systems run with pre-programmed
controller to make minimum human involvement in parking system and ensure access control
in restricted places.

D.B.L. Bong, K.C. Ting and K.C. Lai- 2007 has worked on Integrated approach in the design of
car park occupancy information system (coins)----- In large parking areas such as those at mega
shopping malls or stadiums, drivers always have difficulty to find vacant car park lots especially
during peak periods or when the parking lots are almost full. A solution to reduce the drivers’
searching time for vacant car-park lots will greatly save time, reduce cost and improve the traffic
flow in the car park areas. In this paper, a research project which was developed to acquire car-
park occupancy information using integrated approach of image processing algorithms is
presented. Security surveillance cameras which are readily available in most car parks can be
used to acquire the images of the car park. This project is called as Car-Park Occupancy
Information System (COINS), and it was tested using simulation model and also in real-case
scenarios. Many different parking guidance systems have been developed and designed to
shorten the searching time for vacant parking lots. This is especially crucial for drivers who need
to search for available car parks during peak hours or when the car parks are almost full.
Researches on car park occupancy information generally fall into four categories – counter-
based, wired- based, wireless-based and image-based systems. Results from the tests have been
presented in this paper and shows accurate detection result of the car park occupancy. Feature
detection stream is able to compensate the presence of image noise while edge detection stream
is able to compensate weakness caused by low surrounding illumination.
2.3 Ivan Ganchev and Mairtin O’ Droma has proposed et.at [6] “A cloud based intelligent car
parking services for smart cities” In this the IOT

sub system includes sensor layer, communication layer and application layer. The primary goal
of the intelligent car parking system is to find, allocate and reserve the best available car
parking lot for a user who is driving a car in a particular area and to provide instructions for
reaching this lot. Sensor layer detecting the car lot occupancy. A car parking lot detection
method is proposed based on carmatic threshold algorithm. An infostation based multi-agent
system facilitating a car parking locator service is proposed. An access control system for
reducing the waiting time proposed. At the application layer, an information centre provides
cloud based service. An IOT management centre administrates the smart city via an IOT
integrated service portal. A number of business services explore interfaces to the sensor layer.
These includes a car parking locator service, car parking supervision service, car parking
information service, GIS and GPS services, vehicle license patrolling, vehicle tracking service.
At the communication layer various wireless technologies provide connection between the
application and the sensor layer based on the ABC&S(Always Best Connected and Best Served
Communication paradigm. A 3-tier infostation based network architecture could be integrated
in this layer to enable” anytime-anywhere-anyhow communication” among smart cities.
Different sensing technologies could be utilized at the sensor layer such as Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), laser, infrared, radar, ultrasonic, CCTV, acoustic. RFID used for
embedded parking solutions. CCTV with video image processing for detecting the status of
parking lots. Communication layer includes3G, 4G, ZigBee, Wifi, wiMax, V2X,WSN,
VANET. 3G/4G communication module used for car’s tracking and tracing. Parking meter is
an optimal element needed only for paid car parks. The architecture consists of a cloud tier,
mobile apps tier, OSGI web servers tier. Cloud tier provides data storage and computing
resources for the car parking service. It stores available car parking lots, car’s location, user’s
location, profiles etc. The recent data is usually stored in Hadoop’s Hbase it support real time
queries. The OSGI web server, it acts as bridge between mobile application tier and cloud tier.
Considering the great number of web applications running in this tier, it should support the
deployment of new or updated application without stopping or restarting the web server. The
OSGi provides an environment to modularize web applications into bundles. The bundles are
registering itself in its environment. A distributed collecting system collects web server’s log
data and sends them to the cloud. In the mobile application tier, the first version of the car
parking mobile application is developed for android mobile phones. When a user enters into a
city an carmatic request is sent by the application to a OSGi car parking web server asking for
available car parking lots. The server finds the best available car parking lots for this user based
on their preferences specified in the user profile. Driving directions are returned to the user
along with a detailed map.

2.4 A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking System Based on Internet-of-Things Technologies---

This paper provides a unique algorithm which increases the capability of the current cloud
based smart parking system [5] and it also develops a network architecture based on the
Internet of Things technology. This system helps the users to find a free parking space with
minimal cost based on new performance metrics which is carmatic. This metrics will calculate
the user spaces in each car park. To enhance the parking management, an intelligent parking
system was developed which reduced the purpose of hiring people to maintain the parking
system [1]. In this paper it proposes an effective cloud-based Smart parking system based on
the Internet of Things. The data that includes the vehicle GPS location and distance between
car parks and number of free parking space in car parks will be sent to the data center. Here
the data center is presented as a cloud server which calculates the costs of a user parking
request and this information is regularly updated and is made available to the vehicles in the
network at any time. In this proposed system, each car park is an IoT network and it operates
independently as a regular car park. This paper implements a system model with wireless
access in an open-source physical computing platform based on Arduino with RFID
technology. It uses smartphone that acts as a user interface between the cloud and the vehicles
to check the feasibility of the proposed system [4].

2.5 A New “Smart Parking” System Based on Optimal Resource Allocation and
In this system a new smart parking system is implemented for cities. This system assigns and
reserves a parking space for a user (driver) based on the users distance from the parking area
and parking cost and also ensures that the overall parking capacity is effectively utilized. Their
approach solves a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) problem at each decision point in a
time-driven sequence [3]. For each MILP there is a solution which gives an optimal allocation
based on user’s current state information and also supports random events such as new user
requests and parking space availability. The allocation is updated at the next decision point
which ensures that there is no parking slot reservation conflict and that no user is ever assigned
a parking slot with higher than the current cost function value. This mechanism ensures a better
response from the system along with assured reservations.

2.6 Faiz Shaikh1, Nikhilkumar B.S.2, Omkar Kulkarni3, Pratik Jadhav4 ,Saideep
Bandarkar5-2015 has proposed A Survey on “Smart Parking” System-----People owning
vehicles face parking problems in most metropolitan area, especially during peak hours. The
difficulty roots from not knowing where the parking spaces are available at the given time,
even if this is known; many vehicles may pursue a small number of parking spaces which in
turn leads to serious traffic congestion. This paper focuses on different smart parking
techniques developed to overcome said problem using various wireless sensor network and
providing real-time data analysis

from the sensors, some papers include system based on resource allocation and reservation of
parking lot which have various problems in efficiently achieving the goals. The given paper
would be useful for new researchers for study of various guided parking and information
techniques and algorithms which are covered in this paper.

2.7 Prof. Yashomati R. Dhumal1, Harshala

A. Waghmare2, Aishwarya S. Tole2, Swati R. Shilimkar2-2016 has proposed Android Based
Smart Car Parking System-----The purpose of this system is to computerize the parking space
reservation. Its talk about undertaking which introduces a miniature model of car parking that
can direct and manage the number of cars that can be parked in given space at any given time
based on availability of parking space after doing the registration by user using android
application on his smart phone. Carmated parking is a strategy for parking and leaving cars
utilizing detecting device i.e., sensors. The entering to or leaving from parking lot is also
commanded by an android based application. This provide users to book parking spaces online
in advance for given location and then park the vehicle with minimal fees. We have concentrated
on some current systems and it shows that the current systems are not totally carmated and require
a certain level of human interference and communication with the system. The difference
between our system and existing systems is that we intend to make our system as less human
independent by carmating whole parking area.

2.8 Vishwanath Y1, Aishwarya D Kuchalli2, Debarupa Rakshit-2016 has proposed A survey
paper on smart parking system based on internet of things a Smart Parking system---- It provides
an optimal solution for parking problem in metropolitan cities. Due to rapid increase in vehicle
density especially during the peak hours of the day, it is a difficult task for the drivers to find a
parking space to park their vehicles. The aim of the paper is to resolve the above mentioned issue
which provides the Smart Parking system. This system uses cloud computing and Internet of
Things (IOT) technology. A suitable shortest path algorithm is used to find the minimum distance
between the user and each car park in the system. Thus, the waiting time of the user is minimized
.The paper also introduces the usage of android application using smart phone for the interaction
between the Smart Parking system and the user. RFID technology is used in this system to avoid
the human intervention which minimizes the cost.

Shrewd Car Parking System Using Arduino UNO Designing, creating and delivering a main
edge stopping innovation is called as Smart stopping. It is a vehicle stopping framework that
helps drivers locate an empty spot. Utilizing the Ultrasonic sensors in each stopping space, it
identifies the nearness or nonattendance of a vehicle. Brilliant Parking framework is
demonstrated as a correct, strong and cost effective approach to guarantee that street clients
know precisely where empty car parking spots are

Figure 1: Proposed Architecture

Figure 2: Demonstration of Parking Slot

3.1 The elements of the proposed framework are:

• Drivers find accessible parking spots close to them.
• Less number of drivers seeking to stop, in this way decreases the movement clog.
• Avoids air contamination and a dangerous atmospheric deviation.
• Scalable, hearty and solid.
• Reduces the driver stretch and enhances the urban range.
• Provides devices to streamline the parking spot administration accurately discover the
vehicle inhabitancies progressively.

3.2 Disgraceful Parking :

In the event that an car is parked such that it involves two parking slots instead of one, this is
called disgraceful parking. Parking can happen when a driver is not cautious about another
driver's rights. This is handled by the advancement of robotized keen car parking framework.


1. It guarantees snappy and computerized parking and simple recovery of vehicles.
2. Up to 3 cars can be effectively and securely parked in the outlined model.
3. The surface space required is identical to the parking spot of two cars as it were.
4. Most reasonable for parking in workplaces, shopping centers and comparable spots.
5. Low support levels are required by the framework.
6. Sensors utilized have high affectability and are anything but difficult to deal with.
7. Minimal effort framework, giving most extreme computerization.
8. It doesn't require observable pathway operation.
9. Cordial reorientation of cars for driving in and out.
10. Security of vehicle.

4.1 Hardware Connections:

Figure 3: Working model of Smart Car Parking System

• Connect the Vcc stick to the positive rail on your breadboard.

• Connect the Gnd stick to the negative rail on your breadboard.
• Connect the Trig stick to any advanced stick on the arduino.
• Connect the Echo stick to any computerized stick on the arduino.
• Finally, interface the positive rail of the breadboard to 5V stick on the arduino and the
negative rail of the breadboard to the Gnd stick on the arduino.

Our project detects the empty slots and helps the drivers to find parking space in unfamiliar
city. The average waiting time of users for parking their vehicles is effectively reduced in this
system. The optimal solution is provided by the proposed system, where most of the vehicles
find a free parking space successfully. Our preliminary test results show that the performance
of the Arduino UNO based system can effectively satisfy the needs and requirements of
existing car parking hassles thereby minimizing the time consumed to find vacant parking lot
and real time information rendering. This smart parking system provides better performance,
low cost and efficient large scale parking system. When car enters the parking area, the driver
will park the car in the nearest empty slot when slot is occupied the LED light glows and when
slot is empty LED lights are turned off carmatically indicating that the parking slot is empty
to be occupied. It also eliminates unnecessary travelling of vehicles across the filled parking
slots in a city.
In future works, this framework can be enhanced by including different applications, For
Example, internet booking by utilizing GSM. The driver or client can book their parking area
at home or while in transit to the shopping center. This can diminish the season of the client to
seeking the empty parking area. As a further review, distinctive sensor frameworks can be
added to enhance this framework to distinguish the question and guide the driver or clients
speediest. We will attempt to decrease the mechanical structure and attempt to make it
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