3 DepEd Apayao Implementation, M&E and Communication Plan
3 DepEd Apayao Implementation, M&E and Communication Plan
3 DepEd Apayao Implementation, M&E and Communication Plan
Curricu- Managed the Expand and intensify Disseminates Implements Proper June ITO, Div.
lum and implementation the implementation of guidelines to the alternative implementation 2020 Info. Officer
Instruct- of the Learning alternative delivery schools and ensure delivery modes in of alternative
ion Continuity Plan mode its proper accordance to the delivery mode
Manage- implementation in guidelines
ment the schools
Develops guide for Implements the Setting the tone August PDO, YF,
the conduct of guide for setting activities 2020 EPS. AP
activities to set the the tone for implemented in 5,000.00
tone for curriculum curriculum all schools
implementation implementation
Develop Conduct IS using Supervision of June CES, CID
contextualized the contextualized instruction onwards
instructional guide issued by conducted in 20,000.00
supervision guide the SDO accordance to
for supervisors and contextualized
school heads guidelines
Guided school heads Teachers- CID
and supervisors in Implement
conducting instructional agreements
supervision in
the delivery of the
different alternative Provision of TA on Instructional August 120,000.00
delivery modes Instructional delivery skills 2020
Provided technical Delivery School Head- improved onwards
assistance to teachers Follow up
on implementation of
instructional delivery agreements
Mobilized Engage all education Formulate Social Formulate Social Partnership June 25,000.00
resources in stakeholders in Mobilization Plan in Mobilization Plan agreements onwards SEPS, SMN
support of the implementing the support of the LCP in support of the forged
LCP Learning Continuity (Resource LCP (Resource
Operational Generation, Generation,
Plan in the new normal Community Community
setting Engagement, IEC) Engagement, IEC)
Provide TA to
schools on Social
Human Enhanced Provision of TA to school Conduct training on Attend training on ALL school June to SEPS,
Resource capability of heads and supervisors monitoring & monitoring and heads trained July 2020 SMME
Manage school heads in in monitoring the evaluation in the evaluation in the SEPS, HRD
ment and monitoring & implementation of the new normal for new normal
Develop evaluation in LCP school heads
ment the new normal