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CT 2

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• After the completion of the chapter, the
students will learn
• Composition of cement
• Physical properties of Ordinary Portland
• Definition and process of hydration of cement,
• Fineness,
• initial and final setting times,
• compressive strength
• and soundness of cement
• Different grades of OPC and their specification as
per BIS
• Field tests of cement
• Laboratory tests of cement
• Storing of cement at site
• effect of storage of cement on properties of
• Various types of cement
• Difference between OPC and PPC
• Quality of water to be used in concrete
• Composition of cement
• Ingredient Percentage in cement
• Lime 60-65
• Silica 17-25
• Alumina 3-8
• Magnesia 1-3
• Iron oxide 0.5-6
• Calcium Sulfate 0.1-0.5
• Sulfur Trioxide 1-3
• Alkaline 0-1
• Physical properties of Ordinary Portland
• The physical properties of cement are
• Setting Time
• Soundness
• Fineness
• Strength
• Definition and process of hydration of cement
• Portland cement is a hydraulic cement, hence it
derives its strength from chemical reaction
between the cement and water. The process is
known as hydration.
• A cement of average composition requires
approximately 25% of water by mass of chemical
reaction. In addition, an amount of water is
needed to fill the gel pores. The total amount of
water, therefore needed for chemical reaction
and to fill the gel pores is 42 %.

• Cement consists of the following major
• Tricalcium silicate, C3S
• Dicalcium silicate, C2S
• Tricalcium aluminate, C3A
• Tetracalcium aluminoferrite, C4AF
• Gypsum, CSH2
• Process of hydration
• During hydration when water is added to cement,
the following series of reactions occur:
• The tricalcium aluminate reacts with the gypsum
in the presence of water to produce ettringite
and heat Ettringite consists of long crystals and
does not contribute to the strength of the cement
• The tricalcium silicate (alite) is hydrated to
produce calcium silicate hydrates, lime and heat
.Calcium silicate hydrates contributes greatly to
the initial strength of the cement glue.
• Process of hydration
• Hydration of Di- calcium silicate contributes to
long-term strength of Portland cement
• Tetra-calcium alumino pherite does not
contribute to strength of concrete.
• Fineness of cement
• Fineness is related size of cement particles.
• Cement of smaller particle size will have more
surface area and react much quicker than the
larger particle. A particle with dia 1µm will react
entirely in one day, whereas the particle with dia
10µm takes about one month. So the particle size
distribution is more critical in attaining the final
strength of cement in allowable time.
• But too much of smaller particles in cement
results in quick setting, leaving no time for
mixing, handling and placing. So to increase the
setting time of cement, cement is ground in a
different range of particle sizes.
• Fineness of cement is tested in two ways :
• By sieving.:
• Fineness of Cement is measured by sieving
cement on standard sieve. The proportion of
cement of which the cement particle sizes are
greater than the 90 micron is determined
• Blaine Air permeability method:
• By determination of specific surface (total
surface area of all the particles in one gram of
cement) by air-permeability apparatus.
Expressed as cm2/gm or m2/kg. Generally
Blaine Air permeability apparatus is used.
• Initial setting time of cement
• Initial setting time of cement is the time
between the moments the water is added to
the cement, to the time that the cement paste
starts losing its plasticity.

• Final setting time of cement
• The final setting time is the time elapsed
between the moment the water is added to
Cement, and the time when the paste has
completely lost its plasticity and has attained
sufficient firmness to resist certain definite

• Compressive strength of cement
• Cement hydrates when water is added to it and it
shows cohesion and solidification as the time
elapses. It binds together the aggregates by

• The strength of mortar and concrete depends

upon the type and nature of cement. So, it should
develop a minimum specified strength if it is to
be used in structures Cement is tested for
compressive and tensile strengths.

• Conditions Affecting Strength .
• Cement is very strong at early ages if a high lime
or high alumina content is there. Gypsum and
Plaster of Paris also tend to increase the strength

• In addition to the effect of composition, the

strength of cement is greatly influenced by the
degree of burning, the fineness of grinding, and
the aeration it receives

• Soundness of cement
• Soundness of cement is related to the condition
whether cement shows volumetric expansion
after setting which is harmful for concrete.

• It is very important that the cement after setting

shall not undergo any appreciable change of
volume. Certain cements have been found to
undergo a large expansion after setting causing
disruption of the set and hardened mass.

• This will cause serious difficulties for the
durability of structures when such cement is

• The testing of soundness of cement, to ensure

that the cement does not show any
appreciable subsequent expansion is of prime
• Different grades of OPC and their
specification as per BIS
• Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

• (i) OPC 33 Grade IS 269-1989

• (ii) OPC 43 Grade IS 8112-1989
• (iii) OPC 53 Grade IS 12269-1987
• specifications for OPC 33 grade as per IS 269-1989
• When a 33 grade Ordinary Portland cement sample is
tested for its physical requirements, then it must satisfy
the following specifications given by IS 269.

• The fineness value of 33 grade OPC when tested by

Blaine’s air permeability method shall not be less than
225 m2/kg.

• The expansion value (i.e. soundness) of unaerated

cement when tested by Le-Chatelier method shall not
be more than 10 mm and when tested by autoclave
method shall not be more than 0.8%.

• Initial setting time of 33 grade OPC shall not
be less than 30 minutes.
• Final setting time of 33 grade OPC shall not be
more than 600 minutes.
• The average compressive strength of at least 3
mortar cubes, when tested as per IS-4031-Part
6, shall be as follows.
Sl.No Time Compressive
strength (MPa)

1 72 ± 1 hour Not less than

16 Mpa

2 168 ± 2 hour Not less than

22 Mpa

3 672 ± 4 hour Not less than

33 Mpa
• Specifications for OPC 43 Grade as per IS 8112-1989
• When a 43 grade Ordinary Portland cement sample
is tested for its physical requirements, then it must
satisfy the following specifications given by IS 8112-

• The fineness value of 43 grade OPC when tested by

Blaine’s air permeability method shall not be less
than 225 m2/kg.

• The expansion value (i.e. soundness) of unaerated

cement when tested by Le-Chatelier method shall
not be more than 10 mm and when tested by
autoclave method shall not be more than 0.8%.

• Initial setting time of 43 grade OPC shall not
be less than 30 minutes.
• Final setting time of 43 grade OPC shall not be
more than 600 minutes.
• The average compressive strength of at least 3
mortar cubes, when tested as per IS-4031-Part
6, shall be as follows.
Sl.No Time Compressive strength (MPa)

1 72 ± 1 hour
Not less than 23
2 168 ± 2 hour
Not less than 33
3 672 ± 4 hour
Not less than 43
• Use of 43 grade OPC:
• It can be used for Pre Stressed Concrete
Sleepers, General Civil Construction works like
Residential, Commercial, Industrial Buildings,
Bridges, Flyovers, Culverts etc.

• Specifications for OPC 53 Grade IS 12269-1987
• When a 53 grade Ordinary Portland cement is tested
for its physical requirements, then it must satisfy the
following specifications given by IS 12269-1987
• The fineness value of 53 grade OPC when tested by
Blaine’s air permeability method shall not be less than
225 m2/kg.
• The expansion value (i.e. soundness) of unaerated
cement when tested by Le-Chatelier method shall not
be more than 10 mm and when tested by autoclave
method shall not be more than 0.8%.
• of at least 3 mortar cubes, when tested as per IS-4031-
Part 6, shall be as follows.
• Initial setting time of 53 grade OPC shall not
be less than 30 minutes.
• Final setting time of 53 grade OPC shall not be
more than 600 minutes.
• The average compressive strength of at least 3
mortar cubes, when tested as per IS-4031-Part
6, shall be as follows.

1 72 ± 1 hour
Not less
than 27
2 168 ± 2 hour
Not less
than 37
3 672 ± 4 hour
Not less
than 53
• Field tests of cement
If the cement supply is doubtful and it is not
possible to conduct laboratory test, its purity
and quality can be judged by the following tests.

• 1. The colour of pure cement should be

uniformly greenish gray.
• 2. When rubbed in between thumb and fore
finger it should feel smooth.
• Grittiness shows adulteration.
• 3. A small quantity of cement thrown into a
bucket of water should float, case it is a good
quality. If it sinks it contain impurities.
• 4. It should not feel oily when touched.
• 5. Any lump of cement should break when
pressed between thumb and fore finger. If it
does not break, the cement has developed air
• 6. If hand put into a cement bag, it should feel
cool and not warm.
• Storing of cement at site
• Cement should be stored in a building which is dry, leak
proof and moisture proof as far as possible.
• There should be minimum number of windows in the
storage building.
• Stack the cement bags off the floor on wooden planks
in such a way, so that it is about 150 mm to 200 mm
above the floor.
• The floor may comprise of lean cement concrete or
two layers of dry bricks laid on well consolidated earth.
• Maintain a space of 600 mm all-round between the
exterior walls and the stacks
• Stack the cement bags close to each other to reduce
circulation of air.
• The height of stack should not be more than 10
bags to prevent the possibility of lumping under
• The width of the stack should not be more than
four bags length or 3 meters.
• In stacks more than 8 bags high, the cement bags
should be arranged alternately length-wise and
cross-wise, so as to tie the stacks together and
minimize the danger of toppling over.
• Stack the cement bags in such a manner so as to
facilitate their removal and use in the order in
which they are received.
• Put label showing date of receipt of cement on
each stack of cement bags to know the age of
• When it is required to store cement for a long
period of time or during the monsoon
completely enclose the stack by a water
proofing membrane such as polyethylene.

• Different types of cement must be stacked and

stored separately.
• Put label showing date of receipt of cement
on each stack of cement bags to know the age
of cement.
• Effect of storage of cement on physical
properties of concrete
• In spite of the best precautions taken to store
cement, it is found that its strength is reduced
due to long storage.
• Efforts should, therefore, be made to store the
cement for lesser time.
• The strength of the cement, which has been
stored for a long time, should be checked
before it is used on important works.
• The expected reduction in strength of
concrete with stored cement is given below.
Period of Storage Relative Strength (percent) at 28

Fresh 100

3 months 80

6 months 70

1 year 60

5 year 50
• Various types of cement

• The different types of cement with their is Codes are:

• 1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

• (i) OPC 33 Grade IS 269-1989
• (ii) OPC 43 Grade IS 8112-1989
• (iii) OPC 53 Grade IS 12269-1987
• 2. Rapid Hardening Cement IS 8041-1990
• 3. Sulphate Resisting Cement IS 12330-1988
• 4. Air-entraining Cement
• 5. Coloured Cement and White Cement IS: 8042-1989
• 6. High Alumina Cement IS 6452-1989
• 7. Blast Furnace slag cement IS 455-1989
• 8. Low Heat Cement IS 12600-1889
• 9. Portland Pozzolana Cement
• 10.Oil Well Cement IS : 8229-1986
• 11. Masonry Cement IS : 1489 (Part I) 1991
(Fly Ash Based) (Part II) 1991 (Calcined clay)
• 12.Quick Setting Cement IS : 3466-1988
• 1. Ordinary Portland Cement:
• Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is the most
important type of cement.
• Approximately about 60% 0f the cement used in
the Country is ordinary cement.
• Ordinary Portland cement has a medium rate of
strength development and heat generation. This
type of cement is also called Normal setting
cement since its setting is normal when mixed
with water. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
has graded the ordinary Portland cement into
three grades.

• 1. Ordinary Portland Cement:
(i) 33 grade (ii) 43 grade (iii) 53 grade The
compressive strength of these cements at 28
days is not less than 33 MPa (33 N/mm2), 43
MPa (43 N/mmz) and 53 MPa (53 N/mmz)
• It is used in important structures where
greater strength is required such as buildings,
bridges, foundations etc. It is used for
drainage and water supply works.
• 2. Rapid Hardening Cement:
• This cement is much similar to ordinary
Portland cement. As the name indicates, it
attains its strength at a much rapid rate than
normal cement.
• The strength of rapid hardening cement at 3
days is equal to 7 days strength of OPC with
similar water-cement ratio. The increased rate
of gain of strength is achieved by a higher C3 S
content and by finer grinding of clinkers.
• 2. Rapid Hardening Cement:
• Rapid Hardening cement is used when a rapid
development is desired e.g. when formework
is to be removed for reuse an in the case of
precast concrete (e.g., electric poles, posts
• It is used for the repairs road or airfield, where
it is important to open development roads to
traffic without delay.

• 3.Sulphate Resisting Cement:
• The reaction of C3A with gypsum (CaSO4.2H.O)
forms calcium sulphoaluminate and causes
expansion or soundness in cement.
• Ordinary Portland cement is susceptible to
the attack of sulphates e.g., magnesium
sulphate. Solid sulphate does not attack the
cement compound but calcium hydroxide,
calcium aluminate and hydrated silicates. This
is known as sulphate attack which may results
in cracks, mostly occur in marine structures.

• Uses:
• (i) It is used for construction of foundations
where soil is rich in sulphates.
• (ii) It is also used in the construction of
sewage treatment works.
• (iii) It is used for construction of concrete
structures in marine condition.
• (iv) It is used for structures which are likely to
be damaged by severe alkaline conditions like
culverts. Canal lining under side of Railway
Bridge, etc.
• 4. Air-Entraining Cement:
• This cement is manufactured by mixing a small
amount of air-entraining agents with ordinary
portland cement during the process of grinding.
• The following types of air-entraining agent could
be used. Synthetic detergents of the alkyl aryl
• Calcium salts of glues etc. Use of air-entraining
cement produces minute (0.075 min to 1.25 min
in diameter) and well distributed air bubbles in
the body of concrete which will modify the
properties of plastic concrete with respect to
workability, segregation and bleeding.

• (i) It is helpful in making the concrete free
from bleeding and segregation.

• (ii) It is used to get better workability with low

water cement ratios.

• (iii) It is helpful in making concrete walls and

roofs for sound and heat insulation properties.
• 5. Coloured Cement and White Cement :
• The ordinary portland cement is greyish in colour
due to presence of iron oxide. White cement is
manufactured of from pure white chalk (CaCO3)
and fine clay which is free from iron oxide.
• Coloured cement consists of portland cement
with 5-10% of pigment. For uniform mixing of
Pigment, it is necessary to grind the pigment and
cement together. The process of manufacturing
of white cement is almost same as ordinary
portland cement.

• Uses:
• (i) Coloured cement are also helpful in joining
marble slab, floor wall tile.
• (ii) This types of cement is useful for
decorative works such as floor finish, face
works etc.
• (iii) They are also used for ornamental
construction work.
• 6. High Alumina Cement :
• These types of cement are obtained by fusing
a mixture of alumina and calcareous
materials, in suitable proportion and grinding
the resultant product to a fine powder. The
fusion takes place at temperatures about
1550°C-1600°C). These types of cement are a
type of rapid hardening cement.
• This cement has higher impermeability and is
used for special works. This cement may not
be used with accelerators like calcium

• Due to large generation of heat of hydration it

cannot be used in mass concrete works like
dams, retaining walls etc.
• Uses :
• (i) It is used in under-water construction.

• (ii) These types of cement are suitable for

manufacturing of these sections like electric
poles, piles road slops etc.

• (iii) This cement is suitable for colder regions

because of its advantage of high early strength
and heat of hydration.

• 7. Blast Manufactured Slag Cement:
• The Portland cement obtained by mixing
Portland cement clinkers, gypsum and
granulated blast furnace slag in suitable
proportions and guiding the mixtures to
obtain a through mixture between the
ingredient is called blast furnace slag cement.
• It has low early days strength and hence, it
requires long curing period. It generates less
heat of hydration.

• Uses:
• (i) Due to low heat of hydration, it is suitable
for mass concrete works such that dams
retaining walls, etc.

• (ii) It is more resistance to sulphate attack,

therefore, it can be used for marine works or
cement pipes carrying chemicals.
• 8. Low heat cement:
• Low heat cement generally contains lower
percentage of tricalcium (03A) and tricalcium
silicates (C38) and higher percentage of
dicalcium silicate (028). This types of cement
generates lesser amount of heat of hydrations.
• 8. Low heat cement:
• The mains feature of the low heat cement is
slow rate of gain of strength but the ultimate
strength is same as that of ordinary portland
• As per Indian standards. The specifications for
the heat of hydrations of low heat cement
shall be not more than 65 calories/gm for 7
days , Not more than 75 calories/gm for 28
• Uses:
• (i) It is used only in large mass concrete works
like dams, retaining wall, bridge abutments,
etc. chances of cracks are reduced.

• (ii) It is helpful to resist moderate sulphate

• 9. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC):

• Portland pozzolanic cement is manufactured by grinding the

ordinary portland cement clinkers with 10-25% pozzolanic
• The pozzolanic materials generally used for manufactured of PFC
are fly ash (IS: 1489 part I of 1991) or calcined clay (IS:1489 part II).
Portland pozzolana Cement can be generally be used where
ordinary portland cement is usable. In PPC being finer than OPC and
hence reduces permeability. In PPC costly clinker is replaced by
cheaper pozzolanic materials and hence economical. It generates
reduced heat of hydration and that too at a low permeability. The
initial setting time should not be less than 30 minutes and final
setting time not more than 10 hours. The compressive strength
values shall not be less than 17.5 N/mm2 after 7 days (where
standard sand is used).

• Uses:

• (i) It is used for sewers and sewage disposal

works etc.
• (ii) It is used for mass concrete structures like
dams, bridge piers etc.
• (iii) PPC can be used in all situations where
OPC is used except where high early strength
is required.
• 10. Oil Well Cement:
• This cement is mainly used for sealing
the sides of oil wells so that the sides of
the freshly drilled well from collapsing
can be prevented.
• Oil wells are drilled through stratified
rock through a great depth in search of
• It also helps to keep the water out of the
wall shaft.
• 10. Oil Well Cement:
• The cement produced by inter grinding
portland clinkers, fly ash, gypsum and
admixtures (retarders) in suitable proportions
has been found to conform to the
requirements of an oil-well cement.
• These retarders prevent quick setting and
retain slurry in mobile condition to facilitate
penetration to all fissures and cavities.

• The composition and properties are governed

by IS: 8229-1986. These properties can be
obtained in two ways by adding retarders to
OPC to have very little C3A.
• 11. Masonry Cement:

• Masonry cement is a type of cement which is

particularly made with such combination of materials,
which used for making mortar, must have all the good
properties of time mortar and discards all the least
important proprieties of cement mortar. Masonry
cement consists of OPC clinkers.

• Limestone gypsum and air-entraining agent. The

compressive strength of this cement is 17.5 N/mm2 at
28 days of curing when standard sand is used. This kind
of cement is mostly used for masonry construction.
• 12. Quick-setting cement:

• This type of cement sets very early. It contains

less gypsum and is finer than OPC. The initial
setting starts within 5 minutes and final
setting takes place within 30 minutes. Less
amount of gypsum and fine grinding are
responsible for accelerating action of cement.
It is mostly used in under water construction
Where pumping is involved. It may also find
it's used in some grouting operations.

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