Write Rule Breaker

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Write Rule Breaker

1 2
Alan K Joy Anurag M B
Student, Computer Science and Engineering Department Student, Computer Science and Engineering Department
Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology
Thrissur, India Thrissur, India

3 4
Athil P A Jerin Roy K
Student, Computer Science and Engineering Department Student, Computer Science and Engineering Department
Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology
Thrissur, India Thrissur, India

Ann Rija Paul
Asst. Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department
Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology
Thrissur, India

Abstract:- Online examination will slowly become an characteristics of the human body such as retina, fingerprints,
important form of examination with the combination of sound patterns, facial patterns and other body structures that
Information technology and Online teaching in both can be used for system authentication. So we try to exploit that
schools and colleges. Online exam is a web-based opportunity to implement an efficient examination system just
examination system where examinations are conducted as we write an exam but as an online one where the student
online, either through the internet or intranet using a and faculty are at two different places but it feels like a real
computer system. The main aim of the online examination examination.
system is the effective thorough evaluation of the student
through an automated system that reduces the required II. RELATED WORK
time and obtains fast and accurate results. This technology
can make use of the biometric systems that are highly A. Mobile Examination System
developed for use in various applications. Biometric The Mobile examination system proposed by Prashant K
systems are usually used for the identification and analysis Gupta[1] is a method of conducting the examination without
of the characteristics of the human body such as the employment of pen and paper. According to this method,
fingerprints, sound patterns, facial patterns, retina and the student writing the exam requires a mobile device which
other body structures that can be used for system helps them to take the examination. Immediately after the
authentication. Web Real Time Communication ending of the examinations, the results will be displayed. The
(WebRTC) is a networking technology which is used in this system designed was incorporated with all the technological
project to enable real time video, audio and transmission advancements in mobile device design & wireless technology
of data across the web. The main aim is to develop a which was available then. The inspiration behind this design
prototype of a face-based online exam application to detect of the system was to find an alternative to the traditional
student attendance and behaviour during the exam. method of conducting the examination where there is a lot of
headache involved for both the students as well as examiners.
Keywords:- WebRTC This system was fundamentally an addition to the online
examination system. This system was created under the Qt
I. INTRODUCTION SDK, a freeware IDE provided by Forum Nokia. SQLite is the
backend database used here . This paper has brought out the
An online examination system is a platform which detailed technical design of the mobile examination system
provides online based exams that are having multiple features along with the workflow between various modules of the
and functionalities. It uses an online platform to conduct system.
exams and also the evaluation is done through this same
platform. Such types of online exam platforms are having B. An online examination system supporting user-defined
some advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages question type
include it eliminates the dependency on paper for question and This examination system was proposed and designed by
answer sheets, and eliminates manual work load which is too SHAN Wei-Feng, HUANG Meng, Lijun [2]. The online
much in case of an offline test. By integrating computer examination system not only mirrors the justification but also
science and online teaching, online examination will slowly objectivity of examination, but also releases the amount of
become the leading form of college examination. Various work of teachers, which is accepted by more schools,
technologies are usually used for the identification of the certification organizations, and training organizations. Most

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
online examination systems don't allow users to define their A. Front End
own question types and only support many fixed question Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) along with
types, so they have pool scalability. This paper suggests a new cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) is used to
online examination system, which allows users to define their create the front end of our project. HTML is a conventional
new question types (user-defined question type) through markup language for documents created for the web browser
composing of basic question types and user-defined question shows which is supported by technologies like CSS and
types and also provide several basic questions.This user scripting languages. With the help of HTML and CSS-based
defined question type is realized based on the object-oriented design, the images and other objects such as interactive forms
conception and composite design pattern. This new online may be connected to the rendered page. HTML is a way to
examination system has overcome the drawbacks of old online create structured documents that specify the structure and
examination systems and has better elasticity and flexibility. semantics of the text, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links,
quotes and other items.
Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language
This is an online examination system that supports both used for decorating the presentation of a document written in a
the traditional ways of writing an examination and Multiple language such as HTML. CSS is designed for the division of
choice question type examination. The person writing the presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts.
exam is monitored through a camera in order to prevent This division can improve content material attainability, offer
cheating during the exam. Face detection is also done in order extra flexibility and manipulate within the specification of
to ensure the same. An upgrade given to a traditional way of presentation attributes, allow a couple of internet pages to
writing the exam is that the person can type the words using a percentage formatting with the aid of using specifying the
keyboard instead of writing them down. If the question applicable CSS in a separate .css document which reduces
requires diagrams as a part of the answer then he/she can draw intricacy and recurrence within the structural content material
it on any android device such as a smartphone or tablet which in addition to allowing the .css document to be cached to
has the required application and is paired prior to the enhance the web page load pace among the pages that
examination. percentage the document and its formatting.

The front end of the website is made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming
and javascript. The backend of the application is made using language that is consistent with the ECMAScript specification.
the python language. The interface is made such that the JavaScript is a high-level, often at a time of lack, as well as a
student and teacher sit at two different places and the student multi-paradigm language. One of the functions of JavaScript
writes examinations and the answer sheet gets directly stored here is to set the timer and do the functions related to that such
as pdf to the database and the admin can directly access the as ending the exam and so on. JavaScript is the leading client-
answer sheet from there. The admins can directly upload side scripting language of the Web, with 97% of internet sites
marks and question papers to the student page. Here the using it for this purpose. Scripts are embedded in or enclosed
student is monitored using face recognition techniques and if from hypertext markup language documents and move with
more than one face is detected the question paper will not be the DOM. All vital web browsers have an integral JavaScript
displayed. engine that executes the code on the user’s device. JavaScript
is used to create the canvas on which the student or the user is
IV. METHODOLOGY writing their exam. JavaScript also supports WebRTC which is
used for monitoring the user who is writing the exam.
We have used a simple combination of different
technologies to implement a unique and innovative product B. Framework
which doesn’t seem to be a big deal when it comes to the Flask is used in the back end together with python
technologies used but shows and produces maximum output. managing the database and its related activities. Flask is a
web framework, a module of Python that lets anyone do web
applications easily. It has a little and extendable core which is
a microframework that doesn’t include an Object Relational
Manager or such features.

C. Back end
Python is an interpreted high-level programming
language. Python's design ideology provides the ability to read
the code with its remarkable use of indentation. Its language
constructs and its object-oriented approach targets to assist
programmers write uncomplicated, intelligent code for little
and extensive projects. Python is dynamically typed and
garbage-collected. Multiple programming paradigms, such as
Fig.1 Architecture Diagram structured, object-oriented and functional programming are
supported by Python. Python is additionally referred to as a

IJISRT21JUL528 www.ijisrt.com 658

Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
batteries included language thanks to its all-inclusive standard

D. Face Detection Algorithm-Haar Cascade

Haar Cascade is an Object Detection Algorithm which is
used for the identification of faces in an image or a real-time
video. This model has the best possible accuracy and was
created from this training. The storehouse in github provides
many models stored in XML files and can be read with the
OpenCV methods. The models for face detection, eye
detection, upper body, and lower body detection, etc are
included in these XML files.


These are the test results shown when we enter into the
write rule breaker. The general aim of our project was to
change the current manual system into an online one. This
project would be of much use for educational institutions
where the regular assessment of students is necessary. Our
objective proved to be successful as we were able to
implement our ideas to complete the project with an efficiency
of almost 95% accuracy and the test scenarios of the various
Fig.3 Canvas of the examination
modules in our project is shown below:

Fig 2 Signup page

IJISRT21JUL528 www.ijisrt.com 659

Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Most universities, during the initial phases of the

pandemic, made the choice to temporarily avoid all in-person
contact and shut their campuses completely. This was done to
avoid spreading of the disease and due to the limited
knowledge about the coronavirus. Several education
institutions had to cancel their upcoming examinations due to
the sudden attack of the virus. Because there was no proper
understanding of the best measures to stop the virus's spread,
collecting students into one room for a protracted period was
not considered safe. Examinations are a pivotal part of the
upper education mechanism and an obligatory step in
providing students with accurate scores. Canceling pivotal
education examinations entirely was simply not an alternative
Fig.4 Welcome Page according to the University Grants Commission (UGC) of
India. The UGC stated: that the Academic evaluation of
scholars may be a vital milestone in any education system. The
performance in examinations gives confidence and satisfaction
to the scholars and reflects competence, performance, and
credibility for global acceptability. So, with the importance of
those examinations acknowledged, we attempt to exploit that
chance to implement an efficient examination system even as
we write an exam but as a web one where the scholar and
school are at two different places but seems like a true


The present Covid situation demands a much more

reliable online examination system that reduces malpractice
and thereby improves the quality of education. Many
governments and competitive exams such as SSC, CGL,
CHSL, have started to follow online mode for conducting
Fig.5 Question paper upload page tests. In the current scenario, the online examination system is
developing with leaps and bounds. The examination managing
agencies have started preferring computer-based tests over the
offline test to instill their lost faith in the method of conducting
an evaluation. So our project will be the next step in the
conduction of examinations or tests in the future.


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