Chapter 11: Introduction To Parasitology Symbiosis: (E.g.,dog Tapeworm)
Chapter 11: Introduction To Parasitology Symbiosis: (E.g.,dog Tapeworm)
Chapter 11: Introduction To Parasitology Symbiosis: (E.g.,dog Tapeworm)
• a relationship where unlike organisms exist together.
2. Intermediate hosts
Host that are harbor the larval stage of the parasites. For example, some
tapeworms make use of cows, pigs, and fish as intermediate hosts.
3. Reservoir hosts
Are vertebrate hosts that harbor the parasite and may act as additional source
of infection in man. Migratory birds serve as the reservoir host for the parasites.
4. Paratenic hosts
Serve as a means of transport for the parasite (e.g., insect vectors) so that the
infective stage of a certain parasite may reach its final host.
Sources of Exposure to Infection or Infestation
Exposure to parasites may occur through:
Contaminated water
Food containing the parasites infective stage
Blood sucking insect
A domestic or wild animal harboring the parasite
Ones self (auto-infection)
Type of Parasite
Obligate parasite or holoparasite is a parasitic organism that cannot
complete its life-cycle without exploiting a suitable host.
Facultative parasite is an organism that may resort to parasitic activity,
but does not absolutely rely on any host for completion of its life cycle.
Endoparasites live inside an organism
Ectoparasites live on the surface of the host.
Type of Host
accidental host. a host that shelters an organism which does not usually
parasitize that host.
incidental host (a.k.a. dead-end host) a host that shelters an organism but
is unable to transmit the organism to a different host.
primary host (a.k.a. definitive/final host)
reservoir host- an organism that harbors a pathogen but suffers no ill
Parasite-Host Relationship
Symbiosis a relationship where unlike organisms exist together.
Commensalism a symbiotic relationship in which two species live together
and one species benefits from the other without harming or benefitting the
Mutualism a symbiotic relationship in which two organisms mutually benefit
from each other.
Parasitism a symbiotic relationship where one party or symbiont (i.e., the
parasite) benefits to the detriment of the other (the host).
Bloodsucking insects can torment humans and animals and can transmit
disease. They are all parasites of humans or other host animals and are abundant at
certain times of the year. Bloodsucking insects can be grouped as mosquitoes, flies,
lice, and true bugs. Other animals that may serve as sources for parasites include
pigs, cows, and birds.
Modes of Transmission
Ingestion of contaminated food and water (fecal- oral transmission) is the most
common mode of transmission of parasites. Those that are transmitted by ingestion
of contaminated water include the intestinal protozoa (cyst stage) and the
embryonated egg stage of the intestinal roundworms.
Some parasites actively enter the body through penetration of the skin from the
soil or from the contaminated water (eg., blood fluke). Other modes are bite of
blood sucking insect vectors, inhalation of eggs and many more.
The most common exit of parasites is through anus. Eggs of medically important
roundworms are excreted together with human feces and contaminated soil and
water. For example urine may serve as a portal exit for trichomonas vaginalis.
Pathogenesis refers to the dynamics of any disease process. Some parasites
may cause inapparent infection causing no symptoms, and producing no detectable
harm. For example malaria can be inapparent continuously for long periods or
between short periods of relapse.
In this mechanisms, May be due to the direct physical damage caused by the
parasites in the organ or at the point of entry of the parasite. Small lessions may
result the bite of mosquitoes (e.g., malaria) and other insects.
Produced by enzymes produced by some parasites. E.g. Entamoeba histolytica
lyses intestinal cells and produces amoebic ulcers. These enzymnes also enables the
parasite to penetrate the tissue of the colon, producing ulcerations of the colon and
extra- intestinal visceral.
Majority of animal parasites provoke host tissue reactions. These reactions
may be in the form of cellular proliferation and infiltration at the site of the parasite
entry or may involve systemic increase in certain types of cell, especially those
circulating the blood. For example infection with the blood fluke schistosoma
japonicum may eventually lead to development of cancer of the liver.
Classification of Parasites:
There are two major groups of paracites: the single-cell protozoa (sub-kingdom
Protozoa) and the multicellular metazoa (sub-kingdom Metazoa) called Helminths.
They are represented by four major groups namely Flagellates, Ciliates, Sarcodina,
and Sporozoans. In some systems of biological classification, protozoan is a high-
level taxonomic group. The parasitic intestinal helminths can be divided into three
groups which include Nematodes (roundworms), Cestodes (tapeworms), and
Trematodes (flukes).
Subphylum Subphylum
Sarcodina Mastigophora
Class Class
Lobosea Zoomastigophora Class Class
(amoebas) (flagellates) Kinetofragminophorea Sporozoa
Figure 11.2
Phylum Phylum
Nemathelminthes Platyhelminthes
Figure 11.3
Table 11.3
Amoeba Unicellular; cyst Binary Pseudopods Facultative Assimilation by
and trophozoite fission anaerobe pinocytosis or
forms phagocytisis
Flagellates Unicellular cyst Binary Flagella Facultative Simple diffusion or
and trophozoite fission anaerobe ingestion via
forms cytostome, pinocytosis
or phagocytosis
Cilliates Unicellular cyst Binary cilia Facultative Ingestion via
and trophozoite fission or anaerobe cytostome, food
forms conjugation vacuole
Sporozoa Unicellular, Schizogony None Facultative Simple diffusion
frequently and anaerobe
intracellular; sporogony
multiple forms ,
cysts (oocysts),
Microscopic Examination
1. Place a small amount of unfixed stool on a glass slide
2. Add a drop of 0.85% saline
3. Mix using a wooden applicator stick
4. Place a cover slip on the slide
5. Examine slide using both low - power and high power objectives of the
Variation include addition of a drop of iodine (lugol’s or D’antoni’s) to enhance the
detail of protozoan cysts. This is called direct iodine wet preparation.
Concentration method
to aggregate parasites present into a small volume of the sample that
enables the detection of small number of parasites that might not be
detected in direct wet preparation.
To remove debris and other contaminants that might interfere with the
microscopic examination.
Principle: this is based on specific gravity, parasites are heavier that the solution
used and thus sttle in the sediment of the tube while the fecal debris which are
lighter will rise to the upper layer of the test tube
Principle: this is based on differences in a specific gravity and the sample debris. The
zinc sulfate used has a specific gravity of 1.18- 1.20 and it used as the concentrating
Advantage: It is able to remove more fecal debris, hence will yield a cleaner
Disadvantage: some helminths eggs are denser and may not float to the upper layer
of the test tub.
Permanent Stains
This serves as the final step in microscopic examination for detection of parasites. A
small amount of the fixed sample is placed on the slide glass and allowed to dry
after which it is stained. It design to confirm the presence of cysts and trophozoites
of protozoans. Stain that may be be used include wheatly trichome, iron
hematoxylin (to demonstrate morphology of intestinal protozoa) and other
specialized stains.
Duodenal Material
This may be collection using a nasogastric tube (NGT) or through the enteric capsule
test (entero test). the collected duodenal fluid must be examined immediately to
prevent rapid deterioration of trophozoites, the sample undergoes centrifugation
prior to microscopic examination of the sediment.
In Entero test the patient is made to swallow a gelatin capsule that contains a coil of
yarn that is weighted. The yarn released and carried to the duodenum as the
dissolves in the stomach. The bile-stained material attached to the string is then
examined microscopically with wet preparation followed by application of
permanent stains.
Sigmoidoscopy Material
Sigmoidoscopy is used to collect and examine material from the colon and this is
helpful for the diagnosis of infection with entamoeba bistolytiea. Biopsy of colon
material may be done.
This procedure is done to detect eggs of the pinworm enterobius vermicularis. The
female parasite migrates to the anus at night where it lays it eggs , it may also be
used to detect eggs of the tape worm taenia spp.
Examination of blood can detect the presence of blood - borne parasites such as
leisbmania, trypanosoma , Plasmodium and the filarial worm. Universal precautions
and asepsis must be observed during the collection and handking of blood
specimen. In cases of suspected malaria infection , thick smears serve for screening
purposes and be used when parasites are few in number while the thin smears are
best to demonstrate the malarial parasites in the red blood cells. The prepared
smears may be stained using wright’s stain or giemsa stain.
CSF may be used to diagnose certain amebic infection . it may also be used in
patients with african sleeping sickness. Similar to blood , the csf must be
immediately examined if detection of parasites motility is desired. Wet preparation
can be done to detect characteristic morphologic forms of Naegleria, Acanthatoeba
and Typanosoma as well as Toxoplasma gondii, Taenia solium (cysticercosis), and
Tissue and biopsy Specimens
Genitourinary Secretions
The specimen of choice for detecting the blood fluke sehistosoma baeatobium is
urine. It may also be used to detect triebomonas vaginallis , which may also be
Isolated from genital secretions. Urine samples are centrifuged and the sediments
examined for the presence of the parasites. Genital secretions may be collected
using sterile cotton swab . saline wet preparation is then performed to demonstrate
the trophzoite of parasites.
The most common source of parasites is contaminated soil and water . other
sources include :
1. Food contaminating the parasites infective stages
2. A blood sucking insects,
3. A domestic or wild animal harboring the parasites
4. Another person and his or her clothing, bedding or the immediate
environment he or she has contaminated
5. One’s self (auto infection)
The most common mode of parasites is through ingestion of contaminated
food and water (fecal - oral transmission)
Other means by which parasites are transmitted are through;
1. Bite of an insect vector
2. Skin penetration
3. Sexual intercourse
4. Transplacental transfer (mother of fetus)
5. Mother’s milk (transmammary)
The most common portal exit of parasites is through the anus
Parasites produces disease though the five basic mechanism ;
1) Traumatic or physical damage
2) Lytic necrosis
3) Toxic or allergic phenomena
4) Stimulation of host tissue reaction
5) Opening of pathways for entry of other pathogens into the tissues
Stool is the most common specimen used to detect the presence of parasites
Other specimens include :
1. Urine,
2. Genital secretion
3. Blood
4. Sputum
5. CSF
6. And other sterile body secretions.
Microscopic examination of the stool specimen is the most widely used to
detect presence of parasites.