National Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) For The Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Federal Republic of Nigeria

National Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) for the

Federal Republic of Nigeria

Federal Department of Forestry

Federal Ministry of Environment
Federal Republic of Nigeria

January 2019
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National Coordinator, Nigeria REDD+ Programme
Federal Department of Forestry, Federal Ministry of Environment
Plot 393/394, Augustus Aikhomu way, Utako District, Abuja, Nigeria.
E-mail: [email protected]. Or. [email protected]
Phone: +234-8033486909
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Table of Contents

List of Figures .........................................................................................................................................................

List of Tables...........................................................................................................................................................
List of Acronyms....................................................................................................................................................
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................
2. FREL development process .......................................................................................................................................
3. Scale of FREL: Area covered......................................................................................................................................
3.1 Geographical location, relief, climate, soils and Vegetation of Nigeria..................................................................
3.2 Ecological Zones of Nigeria ................................................................................................................................
3.2.1 Mangrove Forest and Coastal Ecological Zone..................................................................11
3.2.2 Freshwater Swamp Forest Ecological Zone ......................................................................12
3.2.3 Lowland Rain Forest Ecological Zone ...............................................................................12
3.2.4 Derived Savanna Ecological Zone ....................................................................................13
3.2.5 Guinea Savanna Ecological Zone .....................................................................................13
3.2.6 Sudan Savanna Ecological Zone.......................................................................................14
3.2.7 Jos Plateau Ecological Zone.............................................................................................15
3.2.8 Montane Region Ecological Zone ....................................................................................15
3.2.9 Sahel Savanna Ecological Zone ........................................................................................16
3.3 Description of Land use /land cover classification scheme for Nigeria ..................................................................
4. Scope: Activities, Pools and gases included................................................................................................................
4.1 Activities included ............................................................................................................................................
4.1.1 Omission of forest degradation .......................................................................................20
4.1.2 Omission of enhancement of forest carbon stocks ...........................................................20
4.2 Pools included ..................................................................................................................................................
4.2.1 Omission of litter ...........................................................................................................21
4.2.2 Omission of soil organic carbon ......................................................................................22
4.3 Gases included .................................................................................................................................................
4.3.1 Omission of non-CO2 gases .............................................................................................25
5. Forest Definition......................................................................................................................................................
6. Estimation of Historical Emissions.............................................................................................................................
6.1 Activity Data ....................................................................................................................................................
6.1.1 Reference period ...........................................................................................................27
6.1.2 General description of approach taken to collect AD ........................................................28
6.1.3 Creation of forest area change map used for stratification ...............................................28
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6.1.4 Reference data collection ...............................................................................................31

6.1.5 Stratification ..................................................................................................................33
6.1.6 Deforestation area estimates..........................................................................................34
6.2 Emission factor estimation ................................................................................................................................
6.2.1 Sampling design for Nigeria Forest Carbon Inventory .......................................................37
6.2.2 Cluster Design and Characteristics...................................................................................37
6.2.3 Sample Plot Design: Mangroves and Freshwater swamp (FWS) .........................................38
6.2.4 Data Collection: Above Ground Biomass ..........................................................................40
6.2.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................44
vi. Estimation of Carbon content.........................................................................................47
7. Transparent, complete, consistent and accurate information .....................................................................................
7.1 Transparent information ...................................................................................................................................
7.2 Complete information ......................................................................................................................................
7.3 Consistent information .....................................................................................................................................
7.4 Accurate information........................................................................................................................................
7.4.1 Accuracy of the estimated activity data ...........................................................................49
7.4.2 Uncertainty of the estimated emission factor ..................................................................49
8. FREL/FRL Construction .............................................................................................................................................
8.1 Historical average of emissions .........................................................................................................................
9. Areas for future improvements ................................................................................................................................
10. References ..............................................................................................................................................................
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List of Figures
Figure 1 Geographical Location of Nigeria in Africa ............................................................................ 9
Figure 2 Soil map of Nigeria............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3 Ecological zones of Nigeria ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 4 Nigeria Land cover 1995 (Source: FORMECU) ..................................................................... 17
Figure 5 Potential areas of peatlands in Nigeria (Source : 24
Figure 6 Decision tree for the creation of the forest change map...................................................... 30
Figure 7 Detail of the forest change map created using GFC tree cover input .................................... 30
Figure 8 Sampling design based on the forest change map............................................................... 32
Figure 9 Example of a sample from the reference data, this concerns an omission of forest loss by the
forest change map. Imagery corresponds to 2005 (Left image) and 2014 (Right image) ..................... 33
Figure 10 Estimated forest loss (deforestation) between 2006-2016 by ecological zones ................... 36
Figure 11 Cluster design used for the inventory ............................................................................... 38
Figure 12 Sketch diagram of sample Transect sampling design for Mangroves and Fresh Water Swamp
Forest. .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 13 Spatial Distribution of Sample Clusters in different Ecological Zones. ................................. 40
Figure 14 Standing deadwood parameters assessment .................................................................... 42
Figure 15 Lying deadwood parameters assessment ......................................................................... 43

List of Tables
Table 1 Ecological zones used for stratification AD and EF ................................................................ 34
Table 2 Error matrix for the interpreted samples ............................................................................. 35
Table 3 Results of Accuracy Assessment and Stratified Area Estimation for Forest Classes for one
interpreter .................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4 Number of Clusters enumerated in different ecological zones in Nigeria ............................... 39
Table 5 Total live and Dead Biomass and Carbon Stocks for different ecological zones in Nigeria ........ 47
Table 6 Uncertainty estimates (95% confidence intervals) for total live and deadwood carbon stocks by
ecological zones ............................................................................................................................ 49
Table 7 Summary computations for Emissions................................................................................. 50
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List of Acronyms
AD Activity Data
AGB Aboveground Biomass
BGB Belowground Biomass
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CP Conference of the Parties
DCC Department of Climate Change
EF Emission Factor
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
FME Federal Ministry of Environment
FORMECU Forestry Management and Evaluation Coordinating Unit
FRA Global Forest Resources Assessment
FREL Forest Reference Emission Level
FRL Forest Reference Level
FRIN Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
GFOI Global Forest Observations Initiative
GHG-I Greenhouse gas Inventory
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LULUCF Landuse, Landuse Change and Forestry
MCCF Ministry of Climate Change and Forestry
MRV Measurement, Reporting and Verification
NAGIS Nasarawa State Geographic Information Services
NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
NASRDA Nigerian Air Space Research and Development Agency
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
NESREA National Environmental Standards & Regulations Enforcement Agency
NFI National Forest Inventory
NFMS National Forest Monitoring System
SAE Stratified Area Estimate
SEPAL System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring
SLMS Satellite Land Monitoring System
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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1. Introduction

The Federal Republic of Nigeria welcomes the invitation to submit a Forest Reference Emission
Levels (FREL) on a voluntary basis as expressed in Decision 12/CP.17, paragraph 13. This FREL
submission is in the context of results-based payments for the implementation of reducing
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation,
sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) under
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The government has followed the guidance provided by the UNFCCC through the decisions taken
at the Conference of the Parties (CP), notably the modalities for forest reference emission levels
and forest reference levels in Decision 12/CP.17 and the guidelines for submission of information
on reference levels in the Annex of Decision 12/CP.17. This submission does not prejudge or
modify any of Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) or Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) pursuant to the Bali Action Plan.
The Government intends to take a step-wise approach to its national FREL development as
stated in Decision 12/CP.17, paragraph 10. As such, the current FRL reflects the best available
information at the time of submission at national level. The scope and methodologies applied
can be modified whenever improved data becomes available; and taking into account the
previously submitted sub-national FREL. The historical period considered, and/or the
construction approach could also be revised.

2. FREL development process

The construction of the FREL in Nigeria began with the development of a sub -national FREL for
Cross River State which was submitted to the UNFCCC for the technical assessment in 2018. The
present national FREL is a follow up to the sub-national FREL, which up-scales it to national level.
The entire FREL process was also subjected to a wider stakeholder consultation and review to
ensure that it reflects the expectations of all stakeholders, and to also consider technical inputs
from this broader group.
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3. Scale of FREL: Area covered

Nigeria’s REDD+ Programme envisioned a two-track approach to achieve REDD+ readiness,

based on: (i) the development of institutional and technical capacities at Federal level, and (ii)
consolidating four key UNFCCC requirements for REDD+ Readiness (Warsaw Framework for
REDD+ elements) on a pilot basis in Cross River State. The present FREL is national and draws
from the sub-national FREL that Nigeria submitted to UNFCCC in 2018.

3.1 Geographical location, relief, climate, soils and Vegetation

of Nigeria

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (henceforth referred to as Nigeria), is located on the West coast
of Africa between latitudes 3°15’ to 13°30’ N and longitudes 2°59’ to 15°00’ E (Figure 1). It is
bordered by Benin in the West, Niger in the North, Chad and Cameroon in the East, and the Gulf
of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean to the South. Nigeria is the 14th largest country in Africa with a
land area of 923,768km2 of which 910768 km2 island and 13,000 km2 is water (FGoN, 20171); and
the most populated country in Africa, with an estimated population of over 182 million by late
2016 (cf. Vanguard, 2016 and Nigeria, NPC, 2017 in FGoN, 2018).

Nigeria is located mainly within the lowland humid tropics, characterized by high temperatures
of up to 32oC in the coastal south and up to 41oC in the North. The climate varies from very wet
typical in coastal areas with annual rainfall greater than 3500mm to dry in the Sahel regi on in the
North West and North-Eastern parts, with annual rainfall below 600mm.
Nigeria has two main relief regions: the high plateaux ranging between 300 and more than 900m
above sea level, and the lowlands, which are generally less than 300 m.
The high plateaux include the North Central Plateau, the Eastern and North Eastern Highlands
and the Western Uplands. The lowlands comprise the Sokoto Plains, the Niger-Benue Trough,
the Chad Basin, the interior coastal lowlands of Western Nigeria, the lowlands and scarplands of
South Eastern Nigeria and coastlands. Most of the country’s rivers take their sources from four
main hydrological basins: the North Central Plateau (Sokoto-Rima, Hadejia, Gongola, and Kaduna
rivers etc.), the Western Uplands (Moshi, Awun, Ogun, Osun, Osse rivers etc.), the Eastern

FGoN (2017). Federal Republic of Nigeria. Retrieved June 15, 2017, from
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Highlands (Katsina-Ala, Donga rivers, etc.) and the Uri Plateau (Anambra, Imo and Cross rivers

Figure 1 Geographical Location of Nigeria in Africa

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The soils in Nigeria (see Figure 2) can broadly be categorized into four groups: sandy soils in the
Northern zone; lateritic soils in the interior zone; forest soils in the Southern belt; and alluvial
soils. The Northern zone of sandy soils lies in the very Northern parts of the country, particularly
in the Sudan and Sahel zones. In some parts, (e.g. Kano, Kaduna and Sokoto States), they are
mainly fine sandy loam soils, friable, and relatively easy to cultivate and good for agricultural
crops, particularly groundnuts. In some parts of the extreme Northern Guinea savanna and
Southern Sudan savanna, (e.g. in Southern Kaduna State), there is a mixture of soils disintegrated
from the local granite, and loess soils brought down by winds from the North. The fertile loam
soils found in the Zaria region are particularly good for agricultural crops like cotton.

Figure 2 Soil map of Nigeria (Source: Nigeria Environmental Report)

The interior zones of lateritic soils are generally found in the guinea savanna, deeply corroded
and grey or reddish in colour. The Guinea savanna also has rich lava soils (e. g. in Biu plateau)
that are productive and offer good prospects for agricultural expansion. The Southern belt of
forest soils coincides roughly with the high forest belt where the wet season is long; and where
vegetation plays the double role of supplying humus to the soil and protecting it from erosion.
The soils here are used to produce cash crops such as cocoa, palm produce and rubber. The zone
of alluvial soils contains soils, which are formed by recent water deposits, and therefore are
found on the flooded plains of rivers, or on deltas, or along the coastal flats. The zone exten ds
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from the coast inland, and runs along the valleys of the Niger and the Benue, thus cutting across
the vegetation belts. Along the courses of rivers, the soils are sandy, and often sterile.

3.2 Ecological Zones of Nigeria

The ecological zones in Nigeria are based on Keay (1949), and are defined from South to North
as follows: Mangrove Swamp and Coastal Vegetation, Freshwater Swamp Forest, Lowland Rain
Forest, Derived Savanna, Guinea Savanna, Sudan Savanna, and Sahel Savanna. A few
mountainous areas are found in the Jos Plateau, Adamawa, Taraba and Northern part of Cross-
River State (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Ecological zones of Nigeria

3.2.1 Mangrove Forest and Coastal Ecological Zone

Mangrove forest is found along the coastal and delta areas of Nigeria where the water is
brackish. The most prominent feature of the mangrove forest are the stilt roots of Rhizophora
spp. which do not penetrate the ground but divide beneath the water surface to form a peculiar
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thick felt raft. Mangroves are dominated by the following species: Rhizophora racemosa, R.
mangle, R. harrisonii, Avicennia africana and Laguncularia racemosa. R. racemosa is the biggest
of the Rhizophora spp., and can attain heights of up to 40 meters and accounts for up to 95% of
the species content of the mangrove forest. In Cross River State, the mangroves are threatened
by the exotic Nypa Palm, Nypa fruticans, that was introduced into Calabar and Oron between
1906 and 1912, and has spread to other Niger states such as Rivers, Delta and Bayelsa. The palm
tends to form pure stands and isolate endemic mangrove trees. Mangrove wood provides
excellent fuel, which burns even when the wood is fresh (Udo, 1978), and because the wood is
not readily attacked by termites, it is used for building, mining props and railway sleepers.

3.2.2 Freshwater Swamp Forest Ecological Zone

The Freshwater swamp forest forms a wide belt inland after the mangrove and coastal
vegetation. The zone has more open canopy, which may reach 45 m in height, densely tangled,
and almost impenetrable undergrowth. It is usually flooded during the wet season and dries out
during the dry season leaving portions of dry forest floor interspersed with permanent pools of
water. Much of this vegetation type has been converted to agricultural and urban lands, and the
original swamp forest remains mostly on alluvial sites along the major rivers. Climbing palms
with hooked spines are particularly characteristic as are clumps of large aroids such as
Cyrtospernia senegalense. Large trees such as Mitragyna ciliata, Spondianthus preussii, Lophira
alata, Anthostema aubryanum and Alstonia congensis occur with smaller trees such as Nauclea
gilletii, Berlinia spp., Grewia coriacea, and Uapaca spp. A number of tree species in this
ecological zone have stilted roots. The Raphia palm (Raphia hookerii) and Lonchocarpus
griffonianus are usually abundant in the outer fringe vegetation which seldomly exceeds 14 m in
height. Behind the fringe, the trees of the freshwater swamp may reach 30 m in height.

3.2.3 Lowland Rain Forest Ecological Zone

This Lowland Rain Forest is located north of the freshwater swamp forest and south of the
Derived Savanna Ecological Zone to the North. It is an area of dense evergreen forest of tall
trees with thick undergrowth consisting of three layers of trees: the emergent layer with trees
more than 36 m high; the middle layer between 15-30 m; while the lowest layer is generally
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below 15 m. The understorey is a shrub stratum composed of single-stemmed shrubs. The forest
in the Northern parts of the zone is characterised by a number of species belonging to th e
Sterculiaceae family, but the Ulmaceae and Moraceae families are also common. Characteristic
species of the lowland rain forest are Terminalia superba, Ricinodendron heudelotii , Aubrevillea
kerstingii and Khaya ivorensis. The families Meliaceae and Fabaceae make up a large proportion
of the tree species in the wetter Southern areas of this zone. In still wetter areas the Sapotaceae
are prominent and the timber trees Lophira alata and Nauclea diderrichii are often abundant.
While a few areas of the rainforest remain untouched (undisturbed) with top canopy closely
interlocked, most rainforest has been disturbed/degraded through conversion to agricultural
farmlands, indiscriminate felling and wood removal, except for parts of the Cross River State. In
some areas, tropical rain forests have become limited to forest reserves, national parks and
game reserves, which are also encroached. The legend classes "disturbed forest" and
"undisturbed forest" were also used in the delineation of this zone.

3.2.4 Derived Savanna Ecological Zone

The Derived Savanna constitute an east-west band between the Lowland Rain Forest and Guinea
Savanna ecological zones, and is characterized by dense populations. The appearance and
composition of Derived savanna, apart from the vestiges of Lowland rainforest, are much the
same as in the Southern areas of Guinea Savanna. However, in some areas especially where
man’s impact on the forests has been high, there is a considerable reduction of vegetation/plant
species. The impact of man has been so intense in this area that areas left to regrow tend to
grow savanna type grasses, thus creating a "derived savanna". Remnants of the high forest may
be present in upland or rocky areas that are not suitable for agriculture.

3.2.5 Guinea Savanna Ecological Zone

The Guinea savanna (or savanna woodland/wooded savanna) is the most extensive vegetation in
the middle belt of Nigeria, and consist of a mixture of trees and grass. It receives annual rainfalls
between 1000 – 1500 mm with about 6-8 months of rainfall. It contains parkland savanna,
gallery forests and derived savanna. The typical vegetation is an open woodland with tall grasses
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(1 to 3m high) in open areas and trees (up to 15m high) usually with short boles and broad
leaves. This vegetation is burnt almost annually by fierce fires in the dry season, therefore fire-
resistant species predominate.
The parkland savanna is a by-product of centuries of tree devastation by man and fire, and a
continuous attempt by plants to adapt themselves to the climatic environment , by developing
long tap roots and thick barks, which enable them to survive the long dry season and resist bush

Species in the Southern areas of the Guinea Savanna zone include Lophira lanceolate, Terminalia
glaucescens, Daniellia oliveri, Hymenocardia acida, Vitex doniana, Detarium microcarpum and
Afzelia africana. All these species have thick bark capable of resisting grass fires. Species of the
Northern Guinea Savanna show close affinities with the East African "miombo" woodlands, and
include, Isoberlinia doka, ldalzielli, Monotes kerstingii and Uapaca togoensis. Open canopy is
dominated by grass, shrubs (e.g., Gardenia spp. and Protes elliottii) and woody climbers (e.g.
Opilia celtidifolia and Uvaria chamae).

3.2.6 Sudan Savanna Ecological Zone

The Sudan savanna belt is found to the Northern parts of Nigeria, and stretches from the
Sokoto Plains through the Northern section of the High Plains of Nigeria to the Chad Basin. It
includes areas around Sokoto, Kaduna, Kano and Borno States of Nigeria, comprising an area
over a quarter of the country. Rainfall ranges from about 600-1000 mm and the relative
humidity is generally below 40%, except for the few rainy months when this can rise to 60% and
above. The zone experiences a dry season of about 4-6 months. The zone has the largest
population density in Northern Nigeria, produces important economic crops such as groundnuts,
cotton, millet, and maize and has the highest concentration of cattle in the country. Sudan
savanna has consequently suffered great impact from man and livestock. The landscape has less
vegetation than the Guinea savanna. Existing vegetation consist mainly of short grasses, about 1 -
2 m high, and some stunted tree species, such as Acacia species, the silk cotton Ceiba pentandra
(silk cotton) and the Adansonia digitata (baobab).
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3.2.7 Jos Plateau Ecological Zone

Jos Plateau Ecological Zone is based on the distinctness of the vegetation of the plateau (altitude
about 1200 m) for two reasons. First, the high plateau has suffered widespread degradation by
man so that only relics of Guinea woodland remain. Presently, the plateau is almost devoid of
trees. Second, the flora on the Plateau is peculiar with many species of woody and herbaceous
plants not found elsewhere in West Africa, alongside many typical Guinea Savanna species. The
endemic species peculiar to the Jos Plateau include Terminalia brozenii, Morea zambesiaca and
the orchids Disperis johnstoni and Disa hircicornis.

3.2.8 Montane Region Ecological Zone

These highlands and plateaus are characterized by grassland vegetation at the base, forest
vegetation on the windward slope and grassland vegetation on the Plateaux. The lower slopes
of highlands located in the forest belt such as Bamenda Highlands (in Cameroon) and the Obudu
Hills are covered with forest vegetation, while the upper slopes and the plateau surfaces have
grassland vegetation, which normally supports cattle population.
This region is found along the south Eastern border of Nigeria in the Cameroon mountains.
Forest vegetation extends as high as 1600 to 2400 m and ecotone with mountain grassland.
There are two main types of montane forest. From about 1000 to 1800 m altitude the forest is
enveloped in mist for long periods and is referred to as Mist Forest. The tree canopy is irregular
and is composed of species such as Polyscias ferruginea, Entandrophragma angolense,
Turreanthus africanus and at higher altitudes Schefflera hookeriana and species of Ficus and
Conopharyugia. The high humidity results in a profusion of mosses and various kinds of
epiphytes. Above the mist zone the forest is drier, more stunted, and more susceptible to fire.
Typical tree species include Syzygium standtii, Schefflera abyssinica, Schefflera mannii,
Lachnopylis mannii and Pittosporum mannii. Masses of lichens beard the branches of the trees.
At the upper limit of the forest there is a scrubby zone of Rapanca neurophylla, Agauria
saheifolia and Laisiosiphon glaucus. In the lower grasslands most of the grasses are tussocky,
have flat leaves, and reach 0.6 m in height, or slightly more. The family Compositae is well
represented in this grassland. At about 3000 m there is a marked change, the flat -leaved
tussocky grasses, such as Andropogon distachvus are replaced by grasses with more compact
shorter tussocks of narrow rolled leaves, such as Festuca abyssinica. Trees are absent from this
upper grassland, with only a few bushy plants such as Blaeria mannii, Senecio clarenceanus and
Helichrysum mannii.
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3.2.9 Sahel Savanna Ecological Zone

The Sahel savanna, is found to the extreme Northwest and Northeast of the country, where
the annual rainfall is less than 600 mm and with dry seasons exceeding 8 months. Typically the
vegetation consists of grasses, open thorn shrub savanna with scattered trees, 4 to 9 m in height
most of them are thorny, and extensive sparse grasses. Main tree species include Acacia
raddianna, A. Senegal, A. laeta and Commiphora africana; the shrubs are Salvadora persica,
Leptadenia pyrotechnica, and four species of Grewia; while the grasses include Aristida stipoides,
Schoenefeldia gracilis and Chloris priean. The legend class "dominantly grasses with
discontinuous shrubs and scattered trees" was the primary class used to delineate this ecological
zone. The class extensive small holder rainfed agriculture with denuded areas" was also common
in this ecological zone.

3.3 Description of Land use /land cover classification scheme

for Nigeria

The classification system adopted is based on a national land use and cover classification scheme
developed in 1995 mapping project in Nigeria (FORMECU, 1998), The classification consisted of
36 land use/land cover classes, but it was deemed necessary to aggregate the classes into a few
easily mapped classes that can be distinguished with high confidence on satellite imagery. In
consultation with relevant stakeholders working in the land base sector in Nigeria (e.g. the
National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), the 36 classes were aggregated
into 12 classes which were further grouped into forest and non-forest classes. The forest classes
include, Undisturbed Forest (UF), Disturbed Forest (DF), Mangroves (M), Forested Freshwater
Swamp (FWS), and Forest Plantation (FP). The non-forest classes include Arable land (AL),
Grassland (G), Savannah Woodland (SW), Tree Crop Plantation (TCP), Settlements (S), Bare
Surfaces (BS) and Water Body (WB). Figure 4 shows the aggregated FORMECU Vegetation/Land
Use Map (1993/1995) using the 12 land use classes.

Undisturbed Forest (UF): This forest type include high forest of evergreen hydrophilic (water
tolerant) plant of high species diversity, the canopy can be of three layers with the topmost
(emergent layer) of 24-50 meters high which may consist of scattered, very tall trees that do no t
form a continuous canopy. The middle layer (16-40 m high) is also discontinuous but taken
together with the upper layer form a continuous canopy. The lower tree layer (10-16m high)
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forms a more or less continuous canopy. Below the trees are the shrubs and herbs layers that
contain young trees and seedlings with the canopy closure of at least 70%. This could be found
mainly in the southern Nigeria.

Figure 4 Nigeria Land cover 1995 (Source: FORMECU)

Disturbed Forest (DF): The forest type is similar to the undisturbed forest except that it has been
degraded by cultural activities. The canopy can be two or three layers but usually the topmost
layer comprises of scattered trees and the canopy closure is between 30% and less than 70%.
This is usually referred to as secondary vegetation as it can include abandoned farmlands and
fallow lands.

Freshwater Swamp (FWS): This land cover types comprise of all type of vegetation along the
freshwater, river banks and marshy areas. The canopy closure can range between 60 to 100
percent depending on the nature of cultural activities taking place. They are usually inaccessible
for logging but fuel wood harvest is common and can be found in the lower course of the big
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river channel. The signatures in the medium resolution images are similar to the disturbed forest
but they are usually found in close proximity to fresh water river channels.

Mangrove Forest (M): Mangrove forest is marine vegetation type found in close proximity to the
ocean, creeks and estuaries. They can be pure stand or with mixture of other vegetation such as
Nypa palm, Raphia and other vegetative bluff. The canopy closure is usually between 30% and
70% depending on the nature of logging activities taking place in the creeks.

Forest Plantation (FP): This represents forest cover that was planted for commercial logging or
conservation purposes, which includes both public and private owned forest plantation estate
scattered across the country. The signatures of forest plantation on the images are similar to the
disturbed forest or tree crop plantation but the canopy closure usually ranges between 60 % and
70% and can contain one or more layers. The canopy closures in matured forest plantation can
be less due to logging and fuel wood harvesting.

Arable Land (AL): This type of land cover represents all lands for arable agriculture and are
represented by regular boundaries of cultivation which are distinct from fallow land and
secondary vegetation. This is one of the most varied land use classes in the country. The crops
often grown include millet, sorghum, and maize in the northern parts of Nigeria, while yam,
cocoyam, and cassava, intermixed with maize are the dominant crops in the southern part of
Nigeria. The land use and cover types include intensive row crops with minor grazing, large
assemblages of small plot farms. The signature of cropland varies markedly as you progress from
south to the north.

Savanna Woodland (SW): This non forest class is mainly found in the Guinea and Sudan Savanna
ecological zones of Nigeria which includes grasslands but with scattered trees. The presence of
trees can range between 4 to 10 trees per hectare and have signatures that are very similar to
grassland and bare land depending on the period or seasons of data capture.

Grassland (G): This non forest class represent continuous grassland often interspersed with
patches of bare soil. It is predominant in most parts of northern Nigeria especially where
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overgrazing and wood harvest have degraded savannah woodland to largely grassland; and
where erosion processes can further degrade them to bare land.

Tree Crop Plantation (TCP): Tree crop plantations are characterized by regular boundaries
similar to arable land but usually have very tall tree crop and have two or three layers of vegetal
storeys. The tree crop plantation includes cocoa, rubber and palm plantation s, mostly found in
the southern rainforest, mangrove and forested freshwater areas. The signatures on the satellite
images are similar to disturbed forest but they could be distinguished by their regular shaped
boundaries. A typical tree crop plantation can have a canopy closure of up to 70% depending on
the nature of the tree crop and the farming system used.
Bare Surfaces (BS): This class represents land surfaces with no plant cover. It may be covered
with aeolian deposits or sand dunes; or could be an overgrazed area or area of massive wind or
water erosion.
Settlements(S): Settlements represent human habitation in form of villages, towns and cities
which are scattered all over the country and have signatures of very high tones. The signatures
of the roof tops of cities in the southern part of Nigeria especially the older part of the city is
relatively brownish while the tone in the northern parts are greyish.
Water Bodies (WB): This class represents all types of water including, streams, rivers, lake,
ponds, dams and oceans etc. The signature can vary according to the location, size and depth.

4. Scope: Activities, Pools and gases included

4.1 Activities included

The Cancun Agreement defines REDD+ activities as follows: reduction of emissions from
deforestation, reduction of emissions from forest degradation, sustainable management of
forests, enhancement of forest carbon stocks, and conservation of forest carbon stocks.
Deforestation is the conversion of forest land to non-forest land (cropland, grassland,
settlement, wetlands and other lands). Forestland is considered as in the forest definition
adopted for Nigeria (see section 5), and any conversion below the threshold of forest definition
is considered deforestation. Deforestation is currently the only REDD+ activity included in the
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submission due to the fact that this is considered the most significant REDD+ activity and the lack
of reliable data to assess the remaining REDD+ activities with sufficient reliability.

Forest degradation results in the loss of carbon stocks and biodiversity in the forest remaining
forests category, while enhancement is both the enrichment in carbon stocks and biodiversity in
forest remaining forest and non forest land converted to forest land. Nigeria believes that all
carbon fluxes from forest are covered through the activities deforestation (forest land to non
forest land), degradation (emissions from forest land remaining forest land) and enhancement
(both non forest land converted to forest land and removals in forest land remaining forest
land). The activities sustainable management of forest and conservation fully overlap with these
three activities.

4.1.1 Omission of forest degradation

While forest degradation (from logging, fuel wood extraction, charcoal production, forest fires,
etc.) may constitute a significant source of emissions, it has not been included in the present
FREL due to lack of reliable, accurate and consistent data at state and federal levels. However,
Nigeria did perform a preliminary assessment to approximate its significance (see sect ion 6).
Nigeria assessed pixel count of tree cover loss in patches corresponding to the minimum area in
the forest definition (0.5 ha), which retain a cover >15% to estimate the area of degradation. Of
the overall map area of tree cover loss in forest area (deforestation and degradation) assessed in
the forest change map described in section 6, 72% of the loss concerned deforestation while 28%
concerned degradation. In addition, the EF for degradation will be smaller than the EF for
deforestation since only part of the forest carbon stock is lost with degradation. In the NFI, the
average carbon contents for intact and disturbed forest has been assessed. The difference
between the average stocks currently suggests a 61% lower carbon contents in disturbed forest
sites as opposed to intact ones. If we would use this value to approximate the EF for degradation
this would suggest degradation to consist of 17% of total emissions from both deforestation and
degradation. It is envisaged that forest degradation will eventually be included in a stepwise
manner, as data becomes available.

4.1.2 Omission of enhancement of forest carbon stocks

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Nigeria considers the REDD+ activity “enhancement of forest carbon stocks” to be both
enrichment in carbon stocks in forest remaining forest, as well as enrichment in carbon stocks
through afforestation/reforestation and natural regeneration of forest. The country has
promoted natural forest restoration and plantation silviculture that leads to reduction in
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. However, no reliable data on forest
enhancement is available, so this REDD+ activity has not been included in the p resent FREL
submission. Nigeria would like to include this activity in the future in order to assess the
performance of its afforestation and restoration efforts.

4.2 Pools included

While IPCC recognises five carbon pools: above ground (live tree) biomass, b elowground (live
tree) biomass, deadwood (standing and lying/down), litter, and soil organic carbon; only
significant pools need to be included (cf. SBSTA Decision from COP17). Key category analysis is
needed to determine which carbon pools should be included to capture significant emissions and
removals from changes in forest cover, taking into account their magnitude and cost -
effectiveness to monitor the pools. The above-ground biomass constitutes the main
component/largest pool and has been included in the FRELs/FRLs. Belowground biomass
constitutes a significant pool however, its estimation is expensive and was indirectly undertaken
using IPCC default root-to-shoot (R/S) ratio. With the present national forest inventory design,
data was collected to estimate deadwood pool and this pool is now included.

4.2.1 Omission of litter

Litter and non-herbaceous biomass pools constitute a small proportion of biomass and has not
been included. For tropical forests litter pools are usually small except for peatlands. According
to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, litter pool can be estimated at a tier 1 level for deforestation. The
2006 IPCC Guidelines provides a default value of 2.1 tC/ha for tropical broadleaf deciduous
forests (see Table 2.2: Chapter 2, IPCC 2006). During the inventory undertaken, litter and non-
herbaceous pool was sampled on 1m 2 quadrats in some plots in the Derived Savanna, Lowland
Rainforest, and Montane, and the analysis found that litter contents was 1.61 tC/ha for Derived
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Savanna, 2.06tC/ha for Lowland Rainforest, 8.65 tC/ha for Montane (4.96tC/ha for the
aggregated Lowland Rainforest and Montane); corresponding to 2.3%, 2.1%, 7.5% (4.9%
aggregate) respectively of the total live biomass estimated for the different ecological zones.
These percentages are low, and could be omitted, given the tedious and cost incurred to sample
the litter pool.

4.2.2 Omission of soil organic carbon

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important carbon pool, however major changes in the soil carbon
stock only occur when forest is converted to non-forest, and the emissions occur over a long
period of time. IPCC distinguishes between mineral soils and organic soils (peatlands). According
to the harmonized world soil database (HWSD: Batjes, 2009) Nigeria has mainly low activity clay
(LAC) soils, high activity clay (HAC) and wetland soils in the coastal region, which are mineral
soils. Nigeria estimated emissions from deforestation happening on mineral soils and explored
further data to confirm the absence of peatlands in the country.

Estimation of emissions from mineral soils

Deforestation in Nigeria is most common in the Guinea Savanna forest and Lowland Rainforest
(see section 6). To estimate per hectare emissions from soils associated with deforestation,
Nigeria follows IPCC Equation 2.25:

(𝑆𝑂𝐶0 − 𝑆𝑂𝐶(0−𝑇) )
𝑆𝑂𝐶 = ∑(𝑆𝑂𝐶𝑅𝐸𝐹𝑐,𝑠,𝑖 ×𝐹𝐿𝑈𝑐,𝑠,𝑖 ×𝐹𝑀𝐺𝑐,𝑠,𝑖
×𝐹𝐼 𝑐,𝑠,𝑖 )

ΔC Mineral = annual change in carbon stocks in mineral soils, tons C yr-1

SOC0 = soil organic carbon stock in the last year of an inventory time period, tons C

SOC(0-T) = soil organic carbon stock at the beginning of the inventory time period, tons C

SOC0 and SOC(0-T) are calculated using the SOC equation in the box where the refere nce
carbon stocks and stock change factors are assigned according to the land -use and
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management activities and corresponding areas at each of the points in time (time = 0
and time = 0-T)

T = number of years over a single inventory time period, yr

D = Time dependence of stock change factors which is the default time period for
transition between equilibrium SOC values, yr. Commonly 20 years, but depends on
assumptions made in computing the factors FLU, FMG and FI. If T exceeds D, use the
value for T to obtain an annual rate of change over the inventory time period (0-T

c = represents the climate zones, s the soil types, and i the set of management systems
that are present in a country.

SOCREF = the reference carbon stock, tons C ha -1

FLU = stock change factor for land-use systems or sub-system for a particular land-use,

FMG = stock change factor for management regime, dimensionless

FI = stock change factor for input of organic matter, dimensionless

Instead of the default IPCC reference carbon stock, Nigeria uses a recent study by Akpa et al.
(2016) that estimates forest soils (0-30cm) to contain 49.9 tC/ha in Nigeria. The values for F LU,
FMG and FI are selected from IPCC 2006 guidelines (Table 5.5). The FLU value varies between 0.58
– 1, the FMG value between 0.93 – 1 and the FI value between 0.88-1, suggesting per hectare
emissions from soil to be in the range of 0.44 – 1.05 tCO2/ha/yr. The weighted average EF for
deforestation is 198 tCO2/ha meaning even after 20 years the cumulative emissions from soil
would still be <10% of emissions from the other pools for deforestation. As such, emissions from
soil are estimated not to be significant.

Potential emissions from organic soils

Nigeria reviewed different literature sources which estimate the extent of peatland in the
country. The estimates range according to one source between 120 km2-7000 km2 (Page et al
2011), or between 1,100 km2 (Joosten, 2009) and more than 21,000 km2 (CIFOR). However, the
Page 24 of 54

area suggested by the CIFOR study (Figure 5) appears to be the mangrove and fresh water
swamp ecological zone in Nigeria. Part of these may be on peatlands but it is more likely that the
CIFOR study approximated potential peatlands including all locations with wet soils and
therefore the estimate of 21,000 km 2 is likely an overestimation. Nonetheless, if there is any
peatland in Nigeria it would likely occur in the Mangrove/Freshwater swamp ecozone.
Deforestation in this ecozone is not widespread, with only 4% of the country’s deforestation
occurring in this ecozone (see section 6) and only a fraction of that could be potentially on peat
soils. Furthermore, in addition to deforesting the land it would also need to be drained for peat
soil emissions to occur. Therefore, with the current available data it seems emissions from
deforestation happening on peat soils are not significant and can be omitted.

Figure 5 Potential areas of peatlands in Nigeria (Source :


4.3 Gases included

Among the three greenhouse gases associated with land use change emissions, namely carbon
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), CO2 is the main gas emitted in the forest
sector. However, significant non-CO2 gases (CH4 and N2O) can also be emitted when land use
change is as a result of fire incidences. Unfortunately, no data exist on forest fire. However,
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based on our knowledge of the region we can conclude that fires are relatively controlled and
not very frequent, as such emissions from fire are not expected to be significant. Methane is also
produced when mangroves are disturbed, but no data exist in Nigeria at the moment. Therefore,
only CO2 emissions have been considered in the present submission.

4.3.1 Omission of non-CO2 gases

To assess whether non-CO2 emissions from fire are significant or not, Nigeria has used IPCC
equation 2.27 using the average burned forest area as estimated by FAO (FRA 2015) for Nigeria
for the years falling in the reference period of the FREL (2006-2016) for which data is available in
FRA 2015 (2006-2012).

𝐿𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 = 𝐴×𝑀𝐵 ×𝐶𝑓 ×𝐺𝑒𝑓


Lfire = amount of greenhouse gas emissions from fire, tons of each GHG e.g., CH4, N2O,

A = area burnt, ha

MB = mass of fuel available for combustion, tons ha-1. This includes biomass, ground
litter and dead wood.

Cf = combustion factor, dimensionless

Gef = emission factor, g kg-1 dry matter burnt

As such, the average burned forest area, A, is approximately 12,571 ha per year. For M B , Nigeria
uses the weighted EF for deforestation (115 tdm/ha) as obtained from the NFI. For C f the value
0.59 is taken from the default values provided by IPCC in Table 2.5 and for G ef the values 104, 6.8
and 0.2 are taken for CO, CH4 and N2O respectively from IPCC Table 2.5. Finally the values are
converted into CO2 equivalent multiplying with 2, 21 and 310 for CO, CH4 and N 2 O respectively.
The final estimate suggests emissions from non-CO2 gases associated with forest fire consist of
352,348 tCO2 per year or 1.1% of the total emissions. Nigeria therefore concludes that emissions
from non-CO2 gases are not significant.
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5. Forest Definition

When submitting a FRELs/FRLs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), countries are expected to provide a definition of what they mean by forest in their
FREL/FRL construction and, demonstrate how the definition is in line with the definition used in
the national GHG inventory or in other international reporting. Forest definition in the context
of REDD+ has to take into account UNFCCC thresholds which are currently defined as follows:
- Minimum tree crown cover between 10 and 30%
- Minimum land area between 0.05 and 1 hectare
- Minimum tree height between 2 and 5 meters (at maturity in situ)
Nigeria had no country-specific forest definition, but had been using the FAO FRA default
definition for forests, which is defined as follows:

“Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of
more than 10 percent or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that
is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use”.

During the workshop of 24th to 26th May 2016, participants went through brain storming sessions
in order to craft a forest definition for FREL purposes. An initial stage involved an appraisal of
existing definitions and/or descriptions of forest in the forest laws, policies and Acts and oth er
documents. They explored and reviewed some policy documents, at Federal and State levels, in
order to have an in-depth understanding of what the law and policies documents consider as
forest across the different States. Based on the above background information, participants
arrived at the following functional forest definition for FREL/FRL in Nigeria.

An ecological community predominated by trees and other layers of woody plants with a
minimum area of 0.5ha, a minimum tree height of 3metres, and a minimum tree canopy cover of
15%, or stands with potentials to reach the above thresholds in situ.
The above Forest Definition applies to the entire country and was provided after due
consideration for the ecological variations including the characteristic strong latitudinal zones
which become progressively drier as one moves North from the coast. In other words, the
definition has to a large extent, taken care of the progressive variations from the Mangrove
Swamp and Coastal Vegetation in the south to the Sahel Savanna in the North. It is important to
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note that, the definition would be used in future GHG inventory reporting such as national
communications and the Biennial Update Reports (BUR).

Further details on the consultations and processes undertaken to arrive at the forest definition
were detailed in the sub-national FREL submitted by Nigeria to UNFCCC in January 2018.

6. Estimation of Historical Emissions

IPCC (Guidelines for National GHG Inventories in AFOLU, 2006) provides the framework for
estimating emissions and removals of CO 2 in the AFOLU sector. Two basic inputs needed are:
Activity data (AD: the extent of human activities resulting in forest emissions/removals e .g. area
of deforestation) and emission factors (EF/RF: that is, emissions/removals per unit ‘activity’, e.g.
tCO2/ha of deforestation). The product of AD by EF/RF produces an estimate of the amount of
emissions/removals in a given year as a result of the activity.

6.1 Activity Data

Activity data is mostly obtained from land use change studies using satellite imagery. Several
land use studies have been undertaken in Nigeria; however, their use is limited due to the fact
that they were sample-based (not ‘wall-to-wall’), and used different methodologies and
classification systems. The only study that produced wall-to-wall estimates of land use change
was the 1976/78 and 1993/95 Vegetation and Land use Assessment by FORMECU, Federal
Department of Forestry. The study also produced a national classification system for Nigeria that
is being used for reporting of global forest assessment (e.g. FRA (2015) for Nigeria). These
datasets are also outdated and obsolete.

6.1.1 Reference period

The initial reference period will include data from 2006 to 2016 and annual historical
deforestation rates have been considered for this period. Nigeria has chosen this period seeking
to follow guidance from the FCPF methodological framework (which suggests a preference for a
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recent 10-year period) and the GCF scorecard (which suggests a preference for a 10-15 year

6.1.2 General description of approach taken to collect AD

The approach taken for assessing the activity data (deforestation) over the reference period
(2006-2016) is a stratified random sampling approach (Olofsson et al. 2013, 2014). The approach
uses a land cover change map to stratify reference data points to be collected and the resulting
statistics are referred to as stratified area estimators. Reference data was obtained through
interpretation of very high spatial and temporal resolution satellite data which was carefully
visually interpreted by experts skilled in interpreting remote sensing imagery and with good
knowledge of the situation of the ground.

The points were further intersected with the ecological zone map to breakdown the activity data
by ecozone class.

6.1.3 Creation of forest area change map used for stratification

A change map based on the Global Forest Change (GFC) tree cover and loss year layers (Hansen
et al. 2013), and taking into account the national definition of forests in Nigeria was first
established. The Nigeria map was created using the following three classes: stable forest, stable
non-forest, forest loss based on the GFC map with a tree cover threshold of 15% and a loss
period from 2006-2016. The activity data (AD) is however derived from the reference data, the
map is only used for stratification and the final estimates do not correspond to the areas in the

The layers from the version 1.4 of the Global Forest Change product

were combined into a forest change map.

The criteria corresponding to the national definition of forests are:

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15% canopy cover

0.5 ha minimum mapping unit

The “treecover2000” layer from GFC, which contains information on percent tree cover in each
30m pixel for the year 2000, was first filtered with a value of 15% tree cover to match the canopy
cover threshold in the forest definition. Next, all tree cover change between 2001 and 2005 was
combined with the 2000 tree cover/non-tree cover to reclassify change before 2006 as non-tree
cover and create a 2006 tree cover/non-tree cover map. In addition, adjacent pixels with the
same value were grouped into patches and any tree cover patch smaller than 6 pixels were
excluded from the forest class and considered “trees outside forest”, while all tree cover patches
with size 6 pixels and above were considered “forest”. Using patch size and canopy cover to
distinguish between tree cover and forest harmonizes the map classes with the forest definition.
The minimum mapping unit (MMU) of the forest definition is 0.5 hectare, and the GFC product
pixel size is 27.5m, grouped into six pixels as the minimum size does not underestimate the
forest areas (27.5*27.5*6 = 0.45 ha).

Similarly, the “lossyear” layer was filtered for all values between 6 and 15 to only consider the
loss occurring between 2006 and 2015. As the process applied to distinguish forest from non -
forest, all tree cover losses with patch size 6 pixels or larger were considered “deforestation”.
Loss patches with less than 6 pixels were overlaid with the forest and trees outside of forest in
2006 to identify “degradation” and “degradation of trees outside forests”.

These filtered layers were further combined into one single change map with the following

1: Stable Forest

2: Stable Non Forest

4: Deforestation

5: Degradation

6: Trees outside forest

7: Degradation of trees outside forest

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The combination was done through a decision tree that is illustrated in a simplified version
below (Figure 6):

Figure 6 Decision tree for the creation of the forest change map

For the final stratification, the map was aggregated into 3 classes of interest for the activity data
estimates: stable forest, stable non-forest and deforestation. A probability based sample design,
stratified by the 3 map classes, was used to distribute 1215 samples to assess the area of
deforestation, following the recommendations of Olofsson et al. (2013). The degradation pixel
count was used as a preliminary indicator of the magnitude of degradation at the national scale.

The processing chain was implemented in the SEPAL cloud computing platform and is available

A screenshot of the resulting forest change map (or activity data map) is provided in Figure 7.
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Figure 7 Detail of the forest change map created using GFC tree cover input

6.1.4 Reference data collection

GFOI (2016) suggests that for accuracy assessment and estimation to be valid for an area of
interest (AOI) the reference data must be collected using a probability sampling design
(McRoberts, 2014; FAO 2016). Nigeria adopted a stratified random sampling using the forest
change map for stratification into three strata or classes: forest loss, stable forest and stable
non-forest. Forest gain was not included as no reliable data was available for that period (GFC
provides gain up to 2012 only). Gain can be added in the future when Nigeria has collected
sufficient locations of known forest area increase.

The minimum number of reference data points to be collected per stratum were assessed
following the formulas by Cochran (1977 in Olofsson et al 2014). This method assesses the
accuracy of the map and stratified area estimates based on the reference data wi th associated
Page 32 of 54

confidence intervals. A total of 1215 samples were distributed in the 3 strata and assessed by the

The sampling design was created using the stratified area estimator modality in SEPAL and
resulted in the design shown in Figure 8 below.

Figure 8 Sampling design based on the forest change map

The reference data was collected using Open Foris Collect Earth, a tool for collecting and storing
samples collected through visual image interpretation. The reference data were generated and
interpreted by 6 interpreters, providing a rigorous method for assigning the reference class
labels for the samples. The interpretation between the 6 interpreters were compared and the
class with the majority vote (the mode) between interpreters was used, in compliance with
recommendations by McRoberts et al. (2018) to ensure high quality of reference data. There
were 73 samples which did not have a majority vote (i.e., 3 interpreters labelled the sample as
stable forest and 3 interpreters labelled the sample as stable non -forest). Those samples were
Page 33 of 54

reinterpreted by a panel of 4 remote sensing experts, who came to a consensus for a final
interpretation of those sample points.

An example of omission of loss in the forest change map is provided in Figure 9-, i.e. the forest
change map had classified below location as stable forest, instead the reference data
interpretation suggested the reference point to concern forest loss.

Figure 9 Example of a sample from the reference data, this concerns an omission of forest loss
by the forest change map. Imagery corresponds to 2005 (Left image) and 2014 (Right image)

6.1.5 Stratification

In its first sub-national FREL submission for Cross River State, Nigeria applied a single weighted
emission factor to approximate carbon loss per hectare deforestation. For its national FREL
submission, Nigeria intended to improve the estimates by applying a stratification according to
homogenous carbon contents. For this stratification, Nigeria follows the ecological zones with
the associated vegetation types as described in section 3.3. However, to allow for sufficient
representation of data per stratum, i.e. a statistically representative number of sample points for
both the AD and EF estimates, Nigeria has aggregated some ecological zones based on proximity
and homogeneity of the carbon contents in its associated forest types in Table 1.
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Table 1 Ecological zones used for stratification AD and EF

Ecozone Ecozone (aggregated for FREL)

Derived Savanna Derived Savanna
Guinea Savanna Guinea Savanna
Lowland Rainforest Rainforest and montane
Freshwater Swamp Forest Mangrove and swamp
Mangrove Forest Coastal Vegetation Mangrove and swamp
Montane Forest Rainforest and montane
Sudan Savanna Dry Savanna
Jos Plateau Dry Savanna
Sahel Savanna Dry Savanna

6.1.6 Deforestation area estimates

The error matrix and the stratified area estimates for the three classes (Stable Forest, Stable
Non-forest, Forest Loss) were calculated using the formulas as found in Olofsson et al (2014).
Table 2 shows the error matrix for the interpreted samples while results of the accuracy
assessment are presented in Table 3 and has been based on the agreement amongst 3
interpreters. The overall weighted accuracy is 81% with a confidence interval for forest loss of ±
46%. The results were also analysed by major ecological zones. The forest loss class is what
constitutes deforestation. Figure 10 shows the estimated forest losses (deforestation) between
2006 and 2016 by ecological zones. The activity data per ecozone was calculated according to
the methods for post-stratification of a stratified random sample as described in Stehman
(2014). As Stehman (2014) notes, some of the post-strata (activity data class within the
ecozones) are represented by few or no sample units. Nigeria identifies as area for improvement
in the AD, the use of a larger sample size and consideration of the ecozones in the stratified
random sampling design, to increase the accuracy of the emission estimates.
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Table 2 Error matrix for the interpreted samples

Reference data
Stable Stable non- Total samples
Forest Loss Forest forest in map class User's Accuracy
Map data

Forest loss 32 35 45 112 29%

Stable Forest 6 335 198 539 62%
Stable non-Forest 10 54 500 564 89%

Total reference samples per class 48 424 743 1215

Producer's accuracy 67% 79% 67% Overall accuracy 71%
Weighted Producer Accuracy 12% 71% 86% Weighted overall accuracy 81%

Table 3 Results of Accuracy Assessment and Stratified Area Estimation for Forest Classes for
one interpreter

Results stratified area estimates for:

Entire Dry Guinea Derived Rainforest and Mangrove
Nigeria Savanna Savanna savanna Montane and Swamp

Stratified Area Estimate

163,359 6,807 95,293 13,613 40,839
loss (ha/yr) 6,807
Standard error (ha/yr) 38,048 1585 22194 3170 9512 1585
95%Confidence Interval 74,573 3,107 43,501 6,214 18,643 3,107
Page 36 of 54

Deforestation by ecozone in Nigeria, 2006-2016


Area of deforestation (1000 hectares)







Derived Savanna Guinea Savanna Mangrove and Dry Savanna Rainforest and
Swamp Montane

Figure 10 Estimated forest loss (deforestation) between 2006-2016 by ecological zones

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6.2 Emission factor estimation

Emission factors are derived from forest inventory data. A review of historical inventories in
Nigeria revealed a lot of limitations in their usage for forest biomass estimation, and carbon
stocks determination; and hence, their use for estimating emission factors for REDD+ purposes.
The inventories were originally designed for timber volume estimation for commercial tree
species and not for all tree species, and estimations were limited to bole volume, and not for all
carbon pools. Furthermore, results for forest inventory for Cross River State which were used for
the sub-national FREL were limited to CRS and did not capture all land use/land cover t ypes in
Nigeria. In order to circumvent this situation a national forest carbon inventory was designed
and (partially) implemented to sample all main ecological zones and land use land cover types in

6.2.1 Sampling design for Nigeria Forest Carbon Inventory

The sampling design consisted of nested sample plots that were randomly distributed across all
ecological zones. A stratified random sampling design was used in order to capture spatial
variability of land-use/land cover types and forest carbon stocks. The design was consistent with
the one previously used for Cross River State. The stratification was based on main ecological
zones as defined in FORMECU (1998): the Mangrove forest and coastal vegetation, Freshwater
swamp forest, Lowland rainforest, Derived savanna, Guinea savanna, Montane forest, Sudan
savanna, and Sahel savanna. However, due to various risks levels associated with some States the
sampling was further constrained by eliminating high risks States.

6.2.2 Cluster Design and Characteristics

Each cluster covered an area of 205 m x 205 m, and consisted of three plots of 35 m x 35 m
arranged in an L-shaped configuration (Figure 11) : the Elbow or central plot, the Northern and
the Eastern plots distant at 100 m from the central plot, and arranged in an alternate manner.
Each plot has three nested sub-plots of 25 m x 25 m, 7 m x 7 m and 2 m x 2 m.
All trees with diameters greater than 40 cm were measured within the 35 m x 35 m plot; those
between 20 cm and 40 cm were measured in the 25 m x 25 m nest and those between 5 cm
and 20 cm were measured in the 7 m x 7 m nest. Regeneration was tallied in the 2 m x 2m nest.
Standing dead trees were measured in the corresponding nests using the same diameter cut-off
Page 38 of 54

points as for life trees. Fallen dead trees with diameter greater than 10 cm were measured in the
entire plot; while those below 10 cm were measured in the 7 m x 7 m sub-plot.

Figure 11 Cluster design used for the inventory

6.2.3 Sample Plot Design: Mangroves and Freshwater swamp (FWS)

An initial attempt to sample mangroves and fresh water swamps using the above design failed
due to the conditions of these ecosystems. Hence, we resorted to use a design similar to the one
used for Cross River State Inventory as described in Ajonia (2008). The design uses three- 10m x
20 m rectangular plots laid along a transect at intervals of 10 m; with 5 m x 5 m sub-plots nested
within them, and in an alternate manner shown below (Figure 12).

All trees with diameter > 10 cm were measured in the entire plot (for trees with stilt/roo ts,
measure diameter at 0.3 m (30 cm) above stilt. On the 5 m x 5 m sub-plot, all trees with diameter
< 10 cm and height > 1.3 m were measured in the 5 m x 5 m subplot. Stilts were sampled in a 1 m
x 1 m randomly located quadrat; soil samples were collected for soil organic carbon estimation.
Page 39 of 54

Figure 12 Sketch diagram of sample Transect sampling design for Mangroves and Fresh Water
Swamp Forest.

Table 4 shows the number clusters by State and ecological zone, while Figure 13 shows the
spatial location of the clusters sampled in various ecological zones, while

Table 4 Number of Clusters enumerated in different ecological zones in Nigeria

Mangro Freshwater
Lowland Derived Guinea Sudan Sahel Montane
State ve Swamp TOTAL
Rainforest Savanna Savanna Savanna Savanna Forest
Forest Forest
Jigawa 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
Katsina 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3
Kebbi 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3
Nasarawa 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10
Ogun 3 7 13 4 0 0 0 0 27
Ondo 9 3 24 4 0 0 0 0 40
Oyo 0 0 4 5 3 0 0 0 12
Taraba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 18
TOTAL 12 10 41 13 13 4 5 18 116
Page 40 of 54

Figure 3 Spatial Distribution of Sample Clusters visited and measured in different Ecological

6.2.4 Data Collection: Above Ground Biomass

i. Stem Diameter Measurements.

All trees in the plot above 5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were identified as
much as possible to species level and measured at 1.3 m from the ground, with
diameter-tape. However, for trees with anomalies and/or multiple stems,
measurements were made according to the instructions in the box below:

The distribution presented here refers to the actual clusters visited in the field, which is a sub-set of the sampling
frame that consisted of 240 clusters. Due to budgetary constraints and time limitation, barely 50% of the clusters in
the design were visited and data collected.
Page 41 of 54

ii. Tree Height Measurements

The TruPulse 200B Laser Rangefinder was used to measure tree heights (bole and total heights)
on a sample of trees whose boles were clearly visible from base to top. Specific crew members
were assigned the task of height measurements based on their good mastery of the laser
equipment following training received prior to the field work. In addition to height
measurements, three diameter measurements were measured with the Criterion RD1000 Laser
Dendrometer: diameter at tree base (Dbase), diameter at mid-stem (Dm) and diameter below large
branch (Dtop). These measurements, plus the bole height were used to compute tree bole
volumes using Newton’s Log Formula.

iii. S
trees were measured for diameters and heights concurrently with live trees, and in the
corresponding nests, according to tree sizes. Three diameter measurements were taken using
the Criterion RD1000 laser dendrometer: diameter at the base of the dead tree (Dbase); diameter
at breast height (dbh), and diameter at top of dead tree (Dtop) (Figure 14). Deadwood bole height
(H) was measured with the TruPulse 200B Ranger finder.
Page 42 of 54

Figure 4 Standing deadwood parameters assessment

Two deadwood status were distinguished:

Category 1, included trees with branches and twigs that resembled live trees (except for the
absence of leaves);
Category 2 - Tree without twigs and branches, and already showing signs of decomposition or
The decay categories were determined using a “Matchete Test” which assigns deadwood
(standing or lying) into one of three density categories: sound (S), intermediate (I) or rotten (R),
by striking the wood with a matchete. If on striking the deadwood the matchete:
1. bounces back, then the piece is classified as sound (S)
2. partly sinks into the wood then it is classified as intermediate (I)
3. sinks into the wood and the wood crumbles then the wood is categorized as rotten
Stumps were measured for diameter and height in corresponding subplots based on their sizes.

iv. Lying (down) Deadwood or Coarse Woody Debris

Only lying deadwood (and dead branches) that had a minimum diameter of 10 cm diameter and
at least 1 m long were measured. Where a dead lying tree contained the stump part with some
roots; the stump data is recorded in the stumps section on the field form. The “ matchete test”
was used to determine the decay category as (described above). Deadwood with diameter>10
cm and greater than 1 m long were measured in the entire plot; while fine woody debris (FWD)
(diameter between 2 cm to 10 cm, and deadwood with diameter > 10 cm but with length < 1m)
were measured only within the 7m x 7 m nest. All sections of the deadwood falling outside the
plot boundaries were excluded (see illustration below).
Page 43 of 54

Measurements taken included a diameter at tree base (Dbase), diameter at top (Dtop) and
deadwood length (L) (Figure 15). These measurements were used to compute deadwood
volumes using Smalian formula.

Figure 5 Lying deadwood parameters assessment

v. Extraction of Core Samples for Wood Density Determination.

Wood core samples were extracted from tree species using an increment borer for wood density
determination. Trees were cored from bark towards the pith, where possible, at breast height
with a 5.15 mm diameter increment borer. The bark was removed from the cores, and the
samples weighed (fresh weight) on an electronic balance, labelled and placed in increment core
holders. The fresh volume of each sample was calculated using the diameter of the borer (d) and
the length of the core (L) as follows:

𝑉 = [𝑑 2 𝐿]/4

where V is volume, d is mean diameter, L is length, π=3.14.

The samples were oven-dried to constant weight, and weighed with an electronic balance. The
dry weight divided by the fresh volume for each sample gave the wood density. Wood density of
a species was computed as the arithmetic average value of all samples of that species.
Page 44 of 54

6.2.5 Data Analysis

i. Above Ground Biomass

The conversion of field data collected to forest biomass and carbon stocks requires the use of biomass
allometric equations. The following steps were used to estimate above ground biomass for each land
use/land cover type:

1. For each tree in the plot/nest the above ground dry biomass was estimates using the
selected allometric equation.

2. Its biomass was then multiplied by the correct scaling factor based on the sub-plot
size in which the tree was measured to get the biomass in Kg/ha.

3. The biomass in kilograms was converted to biomass in tons per hectare.

4. Biomass per hectare of all trees in each plot were summed to get an estimate of total
biomass per hectare.

In the absence of country-specific allometric equations, a pan-tropical allometric equation by Chave et al

(2014) below was used to estimate above ground biomass from field measurements.

𝐴𝐺𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 = (0.0673𝜌𝐷 2 𝐻)0.976

( =0.357, AIC=3130, df=4002).


AGBest = above ground biomass (kg)

 =species wood density (g/cm3)

D=diameter at breast height (cm)

H=tree height (m)

The equation also requires an estimate of tree height, and wood density. Given that tree heights were not
measured on all trees during the inventory, we developed a height-diameter equation using the height-
diameter measurements made during the inventory. The equation is as follows:

𝐻𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 1.3 + 30.441065[1 − exp⁡(−0.040144 ∗ 𝑑𝑏ℎ0.8239 )]

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Wood density estimates were obtained from core samples collected during inventory (as described
above), and additional data from a number studies undertaken in Nigeria (Chenge, 2017; Aghimien, 2018;
Akindele (unpublished)), and from global database (Zanne et al. 2009), for species without local wood
density values.

Above ground biomass (including stilt roots) for trees sampled in mangroves was estimated using the
following equations for all mangrove species developed by Komiyama et al (2005), and which has been
widely used (cf. Komiyama et al. 2008; Kauffman and Donato, 2012; Allemayehu et al. 2014.):

𝑊𝑡𝑜𝑝 = 0.251. 𝜌. 𝐷 2.46 ⁡: R2=0.98, n=104

ii. Standing Dead Wood

Standing deadwood measurements included diameter at tree base (D ba s e ), diameter at top of tree bole
(Dtop ), bole height (H), and determination of decomposition status of the deadwood. The volume of each
deadwood was then calculated assuming the tree is a frustum of truncated cone. Depending on whether or
not the diameter at bole top is available, the following formulae was used to estimate standing
deadwood volume.

( ) (𝑫𝟐𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 + (𝑫𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 .𝑫𝒕𝒐𝒑 ) + 𝑫𝟐𝒕𝒐𝒑 ), 𝒊𝒇⁡𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆⁡𝒊𝒔⁡𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒅⁡𝒇𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒎⁡𝒐𝒇⁡𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅⁡𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒆⁡
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 = 𝟐
𝝅∗𝑯 𝑫𝟐𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆
( ).( ) ⁡𝒊𝒇⁡𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆⁡𝒊𝒔⁡𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒅⁡𝒇𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒎⁡𝒐𝒇⁡𝒂⁡𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒆⁡(𝑫𝒕𝒐𝒑 = 𝟎)
{ 𝟑 𝟐

Deadwood volumes were converted to dry biomass using deadwood density values based on deadwood
density values obtained during the inventory and also from a study by Akindele (unpublished). The values
used are 0.46 for sound standing deadwood, and 0.36 for Intermediate standing deadwood.

iii. Lying Dead Wood

Lying (down) deadwood volume is computed using Smalian’s formula, assuming frustum of a paraboloid:

𝜋. 𝐿 2 2 )
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = (𝐷𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 + 𝐷𝑡𝑜𝑝

Biomass of lying deadwood was then estimated as Volume x Density.

The value for sound dead wood density used were based on a study by Akindele (unpublished), which
provided the following density estimates: 0.31 for sound lying deadwood, 0.26 for intermediate lying
deadwood and 0.21 for rotten deadwood.

Stump biomass
Page 46 of 54

The volume of the stump was estimated using the formula below:

𝜋. 𝐻𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑝 ∗ 𝐷𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑝
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 =

Biomass of stump was then estimated as Volume x Density.

Page 47 of 54

iv. Below Ground Biomass

The estimation of below ground biomass (BGB) is difficult and expensive to undertake in most tropical
high forest, and few country-specific allometric equations exist for BGB. Most projects or studies
therefore resort to the use of a proxy root-to-shoot (R/S) ratios (Kauffman and Donato, 2012). In the
present study we used a ratio equation for moist tropical forests developed by Mokany et al. (2006; also
reported in the IPCC 2006 AFOLU), which predicts below ground biomass (BGB) based on above ground
𝟎. 𝟐𝟑𝟓 ∗ 𝑨𝑮𝑩⁡𝒊𝒇⁡𝑨𝑮𝑩 > 62.5𝒕⁡𝑪/𝒉𝒂
biomass (AGB) as follows: 𝑩𝑮𝑩 = {
𝟎. 𝟐𝟎𝟓 ∗ 𝑨𝑮𝑩⁡𝒊𝒇⁡𝑨𝑮𝑩 ≤ 𝟔𝟐. 𝟓⁡𝒕⁡𝑪/𝒉𝒂

Belowground biomass for mangroves (excluding stilt roots) was estimated using the following equation
by Komiyama et al (2005) :

𝑊𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑡 = 0.199. 𝜌0.899 𝐷 2.22 R2=0.95; n=26.

v. Estimation of Carbon content

The carbon content of biomass was estimated by applying a conversion factor of 0.47 to total biomass,
0.47 is default carbon fraction or conversion factor applicable for tropical and sub-tropical species (range
0.44 - 0.49) (see Table 4.3 Chap. 4. IPCC 2006), while the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2e) was computed
by multiplying the carbon content by 3.67 (44/12) (IPCC, 2006). Table 7 present summary results for the
total live carbon stock estimates (for above and below ground biomass) and total deadwood carbon
stocks (sum total for standing deadwood, lying deadwood and stumps) for different for major ecological
zones. Detailed tables for intermediate calculations have been left out and can be found in the forest
carbon inventory report. The estimates retained are those to serve as emission factors for FREL

Table 5 Total live and Dead Biomass and Carbon Stocks for different ecological zones in Nigeria

Total Live [95% CI] Total [95% CI] Total Live &
Carbon stock Deadwood Dead Carbon
95% Confidence
(tCO2/ha) Carbon stock stock
Ecozone Interval (CI)
(tCO2/ha) (tCO2e/ha)
Mean ± CI% Mean ± CI% Mean ± CI
StdError StdError StdError (tCO2e/ha)
Derived Savanna 253.88±99.84 77.1% 19.71±5.31 52.8% 273.59±99.98 195.95 71.6%
Dry Savanna 20.18±4.16 40.4% 3.77±?? ---- 23.95±4.16 8.15 34.0%
Guinea Savanna 98.76±18.72 37.2% 3.93±0.65 32.3% 102.69±18.73 36.71 35.8%
Rainforest and Montane 368.59±31.65 16.8% 30.79±3.87 24.7% 399.39±31.88 62.49 15.6%
Mangrove and Swamp 321.02±66.57 40.6% 15.76±2.83 35.1% 354.53±70.81 138.78 39.1%
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7. Transparent, complete, consistent and accurate information

7.1 Transparent information

During the development of the FREL document, all processes followed and methodologies used
for the estimation of activity data and emission factors were documented in a transparent
manner. Some information is provided in the appendices to this document. All maps used for
estimating activity data have been referenced, and both metadata and spatial datasets are
available in a spatial database. Also for the estimation of emission factors, based on forest
inventory data, all calculations have been done in a transparent manner. The spreadsheets are
available, and some detail results have been included in the Appendix to this document.

7.2 Complete information

Annex I in Decision 12/CP.17 indicates that complete information means information provided
that allows for the reconstruction of forest reference emission levels and/or forest reference
levels. All information used in the context of the construction of the present FREL has been
developed by Nigeria, and allows for the reconstruction of the FREL and is publicly available.
Nigeria also ascertains that all information used for the construction of Nigeria’s FREL will be
uploaded to the website and is available for download.

7.3 Consistent information

Consistency with the national greenhouse gas inventory paragraph 8 in Decision 12/CP.17
establishes that FRELs and/or FRLs shall maintain consistency with anthropogenic forest related
greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks as contained in the country’s
national greenhouse gas inventory. Compared to the second National GHG Inventory (NGHGI)
submitted by Nigeria in its Second National Communication, there was no clear forest definition
used. The second NGHGI did not include a forest definition and was using data available at the
time which concerning forests is likely to have been focussed on tropical high forest only.
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7.4 Accurate information

7.4.1 Accuracy of the estimated activity data

Same process was repeated for Hansen maps for the purpose of comparison. The results of the
comparative analysis informed the decision to opt for Hansen datasets for the creation of new
change layer through direct change assessment using FAO-SEPAL platform at FAO Rome.
Reference data were generated for the accuracy assessment using land use/land cover maps in
section 5.1.3 for Nigeria and Hansen maps stratifications.

7.4.2 Uncertainty of the estimated emission factor

The estimation of emission factors is associated to many sources of uncertainty, including the
use of default values, sampling errors and bias from field measurements, etc. All biomass
estimates (Tables 7) from the inventory were reported with 95% uncertainty values associated
with them. Also, Table 8 gives 95% uncertainty estimates for above and below biomass carbon
pools for different land use types. The uncertainties are all below 100%; with those for

Table 6. Uncertainty estimates (95% confidence intervals) for total live and deadwood carbon
stocks by ecological zones

Uncertainty Estimates (% of mean values) for:

Total (ABG & BGB) Live Total Deadwood Carbon Total Live and Dead wood
Ecozone Carbon Stock (tCO2/ha) Stocks (tCO2/ha) Carbon Stocks (tCO2/ha)
Derived Savanna ±77.1% ±52.8% ±71.6%
Guinea Savanna ±37.2% ±32.3% ±35.8%
Rainforest and Montane ±16.8% ±27.5% ±15.6%
Mangrove and swamp ±40.6% ±35.1% ±39.1%
Dry Savanna ±40.4% - ±34.0%
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8. FREL/FRL Construction

8.1 Historical average of emissions

Emission Factors and Activity Data have been estimated by ecological zones and are shown in
Tables 19 below. The annual emissions for the period 2006-2016 was estimated as the product
of the average annual deforestation (Activity Data: AD) and the estimated CO2 e per hectare
(Emission Factor) by ecological zone, then summed up to provide the average annual emissions
(Table 7). Average values for emissions and their confidence intervals were also computed in
order to determine the upper and lower limits of the estimates.

Table 7. Summary computations for Emissions

Activity Data Annual Emissions [2006-2016:

[AD] Emission Factors[EF] tCO2e]
StdError EF StdError Emissions
Aggregated Ecozone loss CI(EF*AD) CI%
(ha/yr) (tCO2e/ha) (tCO2e/ha) (EF*AD)

Derived Savanna
13,613 3,171 273.59 99.97 3,724,449 3,163,180 84.93%

Guinea savanna
95,293 22,194 102.69 18.73 9,785,616 5,673,900 57.98%

Rainforest and Montane

40,840 9,512 399.39 31.88 16,310,992 7,871,105 48.26%

Mangrove and Swamp

6,807 1,585 354.53 70.81 2,413,155 1,451,188 60.14%

Dry Savanna
6,807 1,585 23.95 4.16 163,019 92,834 56.95%
10,308,623 31.82%
Annual Emissions (tCO2e/yr) 32,397,230
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9. Areas for future improvements

FREL/FRL development is a stepwise process and Parties are encouraged to improve and update
it as soon as more accurate information becomes readily available. The present FREL constitutes
an up-scaled version of the Sub-National FREL developed for Cross River State and submitted for
technical assessment in January 2018. A number of improvements highlighted in the sub -
national FRELs, including data collection for deadwood carbon pool, tree height measurements
and providing justification for omissions have been captured in the national FRELs. Furthermore,
core samples were extracted from live trees for wood density determination, as well as
deadwood density determination; and a litter sampling was done in a small sample of plots in
some ecological zones. The activity data has also been stratified by main ecological zones.

Never-the-less, there are still several avenues for further improvement to the present national
FREL document. Some important areas for improvement are as follows:

1. On the Scope of activities: Deforestation is the main emission activity addressed in the
present FREL. Further improvement will require the inclusion of forest degradation which
also leads to a lot of emissions through timber harvesting, fuelwood harvesting, and forest
fires. The estimation of emissions from forest degradation is more challenging than for
deforestation. Afforestation (enhancement) could be one of the areas of improvement
given the long history of plantation silviculture in Nigeria; during which parts of forest
reserves were replanted. Field inventory revealed this, especially in the lowland rainforest.
2. As regards emission factors (EF) determination, the inventory design attempted to sample
all major ecological zones from coastal mangroves and Fresh Water Swamps to Sudan and
Sahel savanna ecosystems; and EFs have been computed per major ecological zones.
However, from the confidence intervals obtained, the level of uncertainty is still high for
some ecological zones, and it will be important (subject to availability of funds), that
additional and intensive inventories be undertaken to improve on the precision and
accuracy of the estimates. The estimates used in the present FREL can serve in the
optimization of a future inventory sampling design.
3. Regarding the activity data (AD), work was undertaken to produce land use/land cover maps, change
detection analysis and accuracy assessment. However, considering the large size of the country, and
problems with “pixel-based” change analysis, the use of Hansen GFC data was recommended for AD
estimation. Further improvements could be made on the land use land cover maps.
Page 52 of 54

10. References

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