Emergency Response Plan H S: Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited (Iraq Branch)
Emergency Response Plan H S: Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited (Iraq Branch)
Emergency Response Plan H S: Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited (Iraq Branch)
(Iraq Branch)
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
Classification Restricted
Copy No. 1 PetroChina
Document Control
Copy No. 2 HSSE Office File
Copy No.3-7 Rig Sites
Prepared By
Humam Salih HSE Vice Manager
Approved By
Xiong Zhan Project Manager
The HSE Department is responsible for the development and maintenance of this
procedure. All subsequent revisions of the procedure shall be reviewed by the HSE Manager
and approved by Project Manager.
Emergency siren arrangement in case of H2S is 10 seconds on, 3 seconds off, 10
seconds on,,, and so on… followed by horn announcement
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
1. Introduction
Considering the Halfaya as H2S zone (infact it already have been confirmed that
Mishrif and Saadi formation contains rich quantity of H2S of 5000 ppm) therefore
it is deem necessary to dedicate a separate section to this subject. This document deals
with the identification and assessment of H2S hazards, their control and recovery from
H2S hazardous events.
The major hazard of H2S is its ability to cause rapid damage to health or
sudden death due to accidental exposure
50 per cent of the people killed in H2S incidents were trying to rescue others.
If the reader does not understand any part of this document he must discuss it
with someone who does.
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
Toxicity Table
100 ppm or 0.01% The sense of smell lost on this concentration. Irritation in eyes, throat and nose
begins. The effect may be headache, upset stomach and increase in pulse rate
200 ppm or 0.02% The sense of smell lost immediately. Eyes, nose and throat start feel burning
500 ppm or 0.05% At this concentration, it attacks the nerve centre causing loss of sense of
reasoning and balance. The breathing can be stopped within 10 to 15 minutes
700 ppm or 0.07 % The victim becomes unconscious very quickly. Breathing stops and death will
happen if prompt rescue actions are not taken
1000 ppm or 0.1% The v i c t i m becomes unconscious very quickly. Permanent brain damaged
may result if rescue is not carried out
The major hazard of H2S is its ability to cause rapid damage to health or
sudden death due to accidental exposure.
Odor cannot be relied upon to detect the presence of dangerous
concentrations of H2S.
Personnel at risk from exposure to H2S must be trained to know what to do if
H2S is detected or if an unconscious person has to be rescued. Such training is
vital as per BHDC management system, since to some extent it is necessary to
control the 'conditioning' that might result in an individual hurrying
immediately to the aid of someone overcome by H2S.
However, consideration will also be given to installing H2S detection systems where such
concentrations exceed 0.0001 per cent volume (1 ppm), particularly where dispersion of
leaked gas could be hindered or where escape is difficult. Mandatory locations of sensors will
be as under
Well head
Overhead/Flow Line
Mud Tank
Rig floor
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
4.3 MusterPoint
Two muster points will be established at rig site to in order provide
alternate route in case of emergency keeping in view varying wind
direction. Signs for these muster point should also be displayed in all
working languages.
Rig floor
Meeting room
Company Man
Mud logging cabin
Drilling engineer
Mud tanks
Rig manager
Hose-line work units, with emergency escape cylinders, will be provided at rig floor,
on handrail near shale shaker, on rack near mud mixing area, near choke manifold and
in derrick for derrick man. Two spare sets of SCBA along with spare bottles and
two spare sets of escape units will be provided against the number being used.
1) Breathing apparatus shall be a positive pressure type unit. The air supply
shall be rated as a thirty (30) minute supply; pressure shall be 2218
psig (15,300 kpa). Spare, fu lly charged cylinder for each breathing
apparatus o r immediately available the facility to recharge spent
cylinders must be in place.
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
The face piece is to be immersed in this solution for ten (10) minutes, rinsed in
clear water and hung to dry. Do not hang to dry in direct sunlight. When
the face piece is dry it should be stored in a closed plastic bag inside the
breathing apparatus case.
6. Training programme:
Moreover keeping in H2S risk in operational area a separate portion will be dedicated to
H2S Training in Monthly Training plan as well as H2S drill will be conducted once in
week as per PCH drill matrix.
H2S introduction
Effects on equipment
Safety signs
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
Personal Portable
Positioning Alarm
Sensitivity settings
breathing apparatus
Air hose breathing apparatus
7. Emergency Response
Emergency Response Team Leaders
Locate the alarm and activate it. Sound is 10 second on, 3 second off and 10
second on followed by horn announcement.
If the alarm is in the release area or no suitable alarm is available, then try to
warn others by calling out “ALARM|”.
Inform emergency team leaders
Without any delay, get out of the area. Doesn’t matter how
important/critical work/job person is doing.
Identify the source of leakage and its concentration if concentration lies
Within range of condition 3 inform local community.
Determine the wind direction.
Move Opposite to wind direction to avoid being caught in line with the
HSE supervisor/responsible person will inform local hospital and ask them
about help if essential.
1) Each supervisor will be responsible for counting for his workers and
reporting the status to the Tool pusher at the muster site. In the event a
supervisor is missing, the Tool pusher will count for those supervisors’
workers in the head count. The Tool pusher is responsible for ensuring that all
personnel who were present on the rig site are considered for in an
evacuation. Rig manager/HSE supervisor will be responsible of
supervising evacuation and coordination between site and top
2) After counting all personnel the Tool pusher & Rig manager will assess the
emergency situation which necessitated the evacuation and the personnel
requirements for dealing with the emergency. Personnel will
be divided into three groups with corresponding actions as follows:
a) Unnecessary P e r s o n n e l : Removed t o c a m p o r o t h e r
remote muster point to stand by.
b) Back-up Team: Consisting of personnel necessary to
maintain communication, coordination, and back-up of
emergency contingency actions. These personnel will be
stationed at the muster point/safe briefing area or other
designated staging area a safe distance upwind of the well bore.
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
Following steps will be ensured for the safety of OPF working with BHDC against
untoward incident of H2S
1) New OPF employees will be inducted properly.
2) All OPF personnel employed on rig site will be included in relevant regular training
3) All OPF employees will be included in drills particularly conducted for H2S.
4) Systematic knowledge level verification will be ensured frequently.
5) In case of emergency they will be informed using existing communication setup and
further they will follow BHDC emergency protocol.
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch
12 Rig Manager
13 Company Man
14 Drilling Engineer
15 Tool Pusher
16 Medic
Bohai Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Iraq Branch