SF 50 / SFD 50: Temperature Probe With Cable

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PVC Temperature probe with cable

SF 50 / SFD 50
de silk
Transmitter features

Teflon Working temperature.................... from -50°C to +400°C (PT100 and PT1000)
(According to cable) from -20°C to +120°C (NTC)
Accuracy *..................................... PT100 or PT1000 : see "Tolerances" table
NTC : see "Tolerances" table
Type of sensor............................... PT100 or PT1000 : class B, class A, 1/3 DIN,
1/5 DIN, and 1/10 DIN as per DIN IEC751
NTC : resistance at 25°C, R25 = 10KΩ Nominal
Probe features Beta value B25/85 = 3.695K ±1%
Storage temperature..................... from -20°C to +80°C
· Stainless steel temperature probes with conductive cable. Working temperature of the cable
· Measuring range (according to cable) PVC : from -40°C to +120°C
from -50°C to +400°C (PT100 and PT1000). Silicone : from -50°C to +180°C
from -20°C to +120°C (CTN). Teflon (PFA) : from -50°C to +260°C

· 2 wires for NTC and PT1000 outputs, Glass silk with stainless steel sheet : from -50°C to +400°C

· 3 or 4 wires for PT100 output. Probe.............................................. 316 L stainless steel, watertight crimping with

· For other resistance types PT25, PT50, PT500, PT200 or

NI, please contact us.
heat shrink tubing. (Except glass silk cable
with standard mounting on stainless steel duct)

*all accuracies indicated in this technical datasheet were stated in laboratory conditions, and can be guaranted
for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.

Part numbers

· SF 50 – Single pair probe - · SFD 50 – Multipair Probe -

Type of Accuracy of Type of Accuracy of
sensor the sensor sensor the sensor
Probe diameter
P PVC (mm) Probe
PT100 50 0 CTN from -40°C to +120°C PT100 50 0 NTC Cable
B Class B B Class B diameter
PT1000 51 S Silicone 4 PT1000 51 PB shielded PVC (mm)
NTC 52 A Class A from -50°C to +180°C NTC 52 A Class A
6 from -40°C to +120°C
3 1/3 DIN T Teflon 3 1/3 DIN 6
8 Curve TB shielded Teflon Curve
from -50°C to +260°C 8
....* spring from -50°C to +260°C spring
SV Glass silk ....*
from -50°C to +400°C R R

SF - - - - - - - SFD - - - - - - -

Cable Probe length Cable Probe

Number length (m) 1 50 Number of length (m) 1 50
(mm) length (mm)
of wires (output) 2 100 wires (output) 2 100
3 200 3 150
NTC or PT1000 2 4 300 NTC or PT1000 4 4 200
PT100 3 5 400 PT100 6 ...* ...*
PT100 4 ...* ...*

* Other length available on request * Other length available on request

Example : SF51-B-2-P-1-4-100 Example : SFD51-B-4-PB-1-6-100

Model : Temperature probe PT1000 Class B, 2 wires, PVC cable of 1 m length. Model : Temperature probe PT1000 Class B, 4 wires, shielded PVC cable of 1 m
Stainless steel protective sheath 4 mm Ø , length 100 mm without curve spring. length. Stainless steel protective sheath 4 mm Ø, length 100 mm without curve spring.
Measuring range from -40 to +120°C. Measuring range from -40 to +120°C.
Probes dimensions

Diametre in mm Heat-shrink tubing Heat-shrink tubing

Probe length Cable length 50 mm

Tolerance of PT100 and PT1000 probes.

Norms as per IEC 751 (1993), BS 1904 (1984) and DIN 43760 (1980).

Temp °C
Class B Class A 1/3 DIN 1/5 DIN 1/10 DIN
± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms

Ref. FTang - SF50 - 03/08 B – We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of our products without notice.
-50 0,55 0,22 0,25 0,1 0,19 0,08 0,11 0,04 0,06 0,02
0 0,3 0,12 0,15 0,06 0,1 0,04 0,06 0,02 0,03 0,01
100 0,8 0,3 0,35 0,13 0,27 0,1 0,16 0,05 0,08 0,03

Resistance values for PT1000 (Ω) must be multiplied by 10 for the same corresponding temperature
value (°C). I.e : at 0°C for Class B PT1000 ± 0.3°C → ± 1.2 Ω

Tolerances of NTC probes

Measuring range °C Tolerances °C

from -20°C to 0°C ± 0.5°C
from 0°C to +70°C ± 0.2 °C
from +70°C to +100°C ± 0.5 °C

Accessories (See Datasheet)

· Transmitter output 4/20 mA or 0/10V · Sleeve to weld for food industry

· Wall fixing support · Stainless steel union fitting
· Stainless steel mounting brackets · ½'' Gas or NPT thread cuff
· Stainless
¼ '' or ½'' Gas screw nut · Thermo-conducting silicone grease
· Teflon or stainless
steel compression fitting · Calibration certificate
· steel ferrule for compression fittings · Thermowell

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