SF 50 / SFD 50: Temperature Probe With Cable
SF 50 / SFD 50: Temperature Probe With Cable
SF 50 / SFD 50: Temperature Probe With Cable
SF 50 / SFD 50
de silk
Transmitter features
Teflon Working temperature.................... from -50°C to +400°C (PT100 and PT1000)
(According to cable) from -20°C to +120°C (NTC)
Accuracy *..................................... PT100 or PT1000 : see "Tolerances" table
NTC : see "Tolerances" table
Type of sensor............................... PT100 or PT1000 : class B, class A, 1/3 DIN,
1/5 DIN, and 1/10 DIN as per DIN IEC751
NTC : resistance at 25°C, R25 = 10KΩ Nominal
Probe features Beta value B25/85 = 3.695K ±1%
Storage temperature..................... from -20°C to +80°C
· Stainless steel temperature probes with conductive cable. Working temperature of the cable
· Measuring range (according to cable) PVC : from -40°C to +120°C
from -50°C to +400°C (PT100 and PT1000). Silicone : from -50°C to +180°C
from -20°C to +120°C (CTN). Teflon (PFA) : from -50°C to +260°C
· 2 wires for NTC and PT1000 outputs, Glass silk with stainless steel sheet : from -50°C to +400°C
· 3 or 4 wires for PT100 output. Probe.............................................. 316 L stainless steel, watertight crimping with
*all accuracies indicated in this technical datasheet were stated in laboratory conditions, and can be guaranted
for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.
Part numbers
SF - - - - - - - SFD - - - - - - -
Temp °C
Class B Class A 1/3 DIN 1/5 DIN 1/10 DIN
± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms ± °C ± Ohms
Ref. FTang - SF50 - 03/08 B – We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of our products without notice.
-50 0,55 0,22 0,25 0,1 0,19 0,08 0,11 0,04 0,06 0,02
0 0,3 0,12 0,15 0,06 0,1 0,04 0,06 0,02 0,03 0,01
100 0,8 0,3 0,35 0,13 0,27 0,1 0,16 0,05 0,08 0,03
Resistance values for PT1000 (Ω) must be multiplied by 10 for the same corresponding temperature
value (°C). I.e : at 0°C for Class B PT1000 ± 0.3°C → ± 1.2 Ω