Inside Artists' Studios: Small-Scale Views: Get Creative! Did You Know?
Inside Artists' Studios: Small-Scale Views: Get Creative! Did You Know?
Inside Artists' Studios: Small-Scale Views: Get Creative! Did You Know?
3a-d and
4.NF.3a-d; 3.B.4; 3.MD.C.7; 4.MD.A.2; 5.NBT.B.5-7; 5.NF.B.3-6; 5.MD.A.1; 6.RP.A.1-3 and 7.RP.A.1-3; 8.EE.B.5
1) Color the bottom (inside) of your shoebox to match one wall of your bedroom. Turn your
shoebox on its side, with your newly created wall facing you – you’re looking into your room!
2) Use the 1:12 scale to build a model of your bed. (Helpful tip: an average twin bed is 3 feet
wide, 6 feet long, and 2 feet high.) Then finish decorating your room with other scaled down