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Ayurvedic Approach To Maternal Health: A Review of Literature

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REVIEW ARTICLE Ayurvedic approach to maternal health:

A review of literature
Janmejaya Samal
Research Consultant, International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), Pune,
Maharashtra, India


Maternal health refers to the health aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum care. Ayurveda may offer
some solutions to maternal health problems. Hence, a review of the literature was carried out to understand the
role of Ayurveda in maternal health using internet based search engines; PubMed and Google Scholar. Of 70
articles identified six articles were finally selected for this review based on full text articles from both the sources.
It was observed that original clinical research in this particular subject is comparatively few. The records found in
these databases are primarily theoretical research or review articles. Of these six titles: one article (n = 6) is related
to growth-related problems, four articles (n = 6) are related to maternal anemia, and one article (n = 6) is related
to pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. None of the original research is related to childbirth or post-partum
care; hence, this review primarily focused on pregnancy-related problems and their ayurvedic approach. Poor
research in this direction indicates that either research is very few in this area, or the research results are not being
disseminated in the form of research publications. Ayurvedic principles and therapeutic regimens may offer some
solution for various types of pregnancy-related problems hence research in this clinical area is highly desirable.
Given the situation of maternal morbidity and mortality, research regarding the role of Ayurveda in pregnancy and
other areas of maternal health should be fostered across the health system.

Key words: Ayurveda, fetal growth retardation, Garvini pandu, maternal anemia, maternal health

INTRODUCTION degree of variation in maternal health situation in India among

different states, rural-urban distribution pattern, rich and poor
aternal health constitutes the health socio-economic status and level of education, and availability
of women during the pregnancy, of health services. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is used as
childbirth, and post-partum period.[1] the best indicator to measure the maternal health situation
Among these three important components, in any nation.[5] As per the Sample Registration System of
pregnancy forms the foundation of maternity India, the current MMR is 167/100,000 live births during
cycle and strongly influences the outcome 2011-2013, with the majority of deaths occurring in the age
of two other components; childbirth and group of 20-24 years.[6] Figure 2 shows the trend of MMR
post-partum care. Moreover, maternity cycle in India. The variation in MMR in different Indian states
includes five important phases; (a) Fertilization, shows a wide gap, which ranges from 285 in Uttar Pradesh,
(b) antenatal or prenatal period, (c) intra-natal being the highest, to 61 in Kerala, being the lowest.[6] The
period, (d) post-natal period, and (e) inter- current rate of reduction of MMR in India is 5.5% and has
conceptional period.[2] In general, motherhood achieved around 62% reductions toward the target of 109 by
is very often a positive and fulfilling experience
2015.[7] Ayurveda, one of the ancient medical doctrines of
in developed countries. However, in many
developing countries, motherhood is associated
Address for correspondence:
with suffering, ill-health, and even death.
Dr. Janmejaya Samal, C/O - Mr. Bijaya Ketan
The predominant direct causes of maternal
Samal, At-Pansapalli, Po-Bangarada, Via-Gangapur,
morbidity and mortality include hemorrhage,
Ganjam - 761 123, Odisha, India. E-mail: janmejaya_
infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion,
[email protected]
and obstructed labor.[1] Figure 1 shows the
percentage distribution of different causes of
Received: 12-12-2015
maternal death in India.[3,4] In the Indian context,
Revised: 27-01-2016
the milieu of maternal health has always been
Accepted: 28-01-2016
a great public health concern. There is a great

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Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

human civilization, may offer some solutions to the maternal on full text articles from both the sources. Figure 3 shows
health problems in India and contribute to alleviate the public the search strategy adopted for the process of the literature
health burden owing to maternal health. These practices search.
based on strong theoretical foundations of Ayurveda can offer
safe, cost-effective, and relevant management to the most
important phases such as puberty, pregnancy, birth, and post- STUDIES ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF
natal care. Moreover, mainstreaming the ayurvedic practices MATERNAL HEALTH
in maternal health care appears to be the most effective
remedial measure to lower MMR and promote maternal Out of 70 (66 from PubMed and 4 from Google Scholar)
health in India.[8] Hence, a review was carried out based on articles identified 15 titles are found relevant to the subject
the original researches on the role of Ayurveda in maternal of maternal health and Ayurveda. Out of total 15 titles;
health. 8 articles are relevant to the role of Ayurveda in pregnancy,
1 title for childbirth, 2 titles for post-partum care, and 4 titles
for maternal health in general. After rejecting reviews, case
STRATEGIES FOR THIS REVIEW OF reports, editorials, commentaries 6 titles were finally selected
LITERATURE for the review. All the articles are associated with pregnancy-
related problems only.
The review of the literature was carried out in two phases
adopting two search engines, PubMed and Google Scholar.
Role of Ayurveda in Maternal Anemia
Key words were used as per the definition of maternal health
by World Health Organization; these include “pregnancy,”
Four studies (n = 6) reported about the role of Ayurveda in
“childbirth,” “post-partum care,” “maternal health,” and
maternal anemia. These studies primarily reported about
“Ayurveda.” The literature review was carried out from
different ayurvedic formulations and their efficacy on maternal
September 2015 to November 2015. In the first phase,
anemia and more specifically iron deficiency anemia. The
PubMed search engine was used for literature search using
study conducted at Dharmartha Ashtang Ayurveda Hospital,
the above-mentioned key words one after another using each
Pune, among 35 subjects with anemia during pregnancy
word with Ayurveda. In the second phase, the similar search
reported about the clinical efficacy of Dadimadi Ghrita.[10]
was adopted using Google Scholar search engine. After initial
Dadimadi Ghrita is composed of six ingredients; Dadima
screening, 6 titles were finally selected for the review based
(Punica granatum Linn.), Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum
Linn.), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Shunthi (Zingiber
officinalis Roscoe), Pippali (Piper longum Linn.), and Ghrita
(Cow ghee).[15] This drug was administered in empty stomach
with a dosage of 10 ml every morning before 8 am with
lukewarm water. Relief of anemia was observed among 16
subjects up to 51-75% followed by 8 subjects up to 76-100%
and 11 subjects up to 26-50%.[10] Similarly, the second
study conducted at the outpatient department of Stree roga
and Prasuti tantra (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Gujarat

Figure 1: Causes of maternal death in India[3,4]

Figure 2: Trend of maternal death in India.[6] Source: Sample Figure 3: Flowchart showing the selection of articles for this
Registration System, Government of India review

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Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

Ayurveda University, among 22 pregnant women revealed (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), “Ela” (Elettaria cardamomum),
the comparative efficacy of two hematinics (anti-anemic “Tejpatra” (Cinnamomum tamala), “Marich” (P. nigrum),
drugs) preparations; Dhatrilauhavati and Pandughnivati.[12] “Shunthi’ (Zingiber officinale), “Dhanyak” (C. sativum),
Pandughnivati is composed of Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica “Krishna jeerak” (Carum bulbocastanum), “Chavya” (Piper
Roxb.), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.), Punarnava retrofractum), “Devdaru” (Cedrus deodara), and “Draksha”
(Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.), Vidanga (Embelia ribes Burm. f.), (Vitis vinifera). All the ingredients in same quantity except
Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), Maricha (Piper nigrum “Lohbhasma” (half quantity then others) were triturated in
Linn.), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.), and the extract of “Vishnukranta” (Clitoria ternatea).[22] 94 of
Pippali (P. longum Linn.) each in equal amount. Bhavana these study participants were categorized into two groups,
(Trituration) of Kumari Swarasa (extract of Aloe barbadensis of which 55 women were administered with 120 mg of
miller) (one time), Gomutra (cow urine) (1 time), Punarnava Garbhpal Ras twice daily along with folic acid while in
(B. diffusa Linn.) (2 times), and Amalaki Swarasa (extract the control group 39 pregnant women were administered
of E. officinalis Gaertn.) (2 times) were given during the with folic acid only. At the time of trial, nausea was found
preparation of the Vati. The second drug Dhatrilauhavati in 69.23% (n = 39) pregnant women in the control group
is composed of four parts Dhatri (Phyllanthus emblica), while it was 67.23% (n = 55) in the trial group. At the time
two parts Lauha Bhasma (an Ayurvedic medicine prepared of second follow-up, significant changes were observed in
from iron), and one part Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Garbhpal Ras administered pregnant women in comparison
Bhavana (trituration) with Amruta Kwatha (Decoction of to control group, and the symptoms disappeared completely
Tinospora cordifolia Wall. ex Sringe.) for seven times was after 3 months of pregnancy on its own. In the 3rd follow-up,
given during the preparation of the Vati.[12] In Group B, where nausea was still observed in 3.62% (n = 55) women in trial
Dhatrilauhavati was administered, the results obtained were group compared to 15.38% (n = 39) in control group. Similarly,
highly significant. Statistically highly significant (P < 0.001) at the time of trial initially, 60% (n = 55) and 58.97% (n = 39)
result was observed in all the subjective parameters such as women of trial and control group, respectively, suffered from
Panduta (pallor) (50%) and Shwasa (dyspnea) (56.25%). vomiting. The severity of symptom was more in the control
Similarly, in other subjective parameters, significant (<0.05) group; 7.96% (n = 39) cases of severe degree of vomiting
results were obtained; Shrama (fatigue) (61.54%), Hridrava in the control group and 1.82% (n = 55) in the trial group.
(palpitation) (55.55%), Aruchi (anorexia) (42.85%), and During follow-up, it was observed that relief in vomiting
Pindikodvestan (leg cramps) (49.49%). Hemoglobin (Hb) was more in the trial group; none of the women of Garbhpal
concentration, total red blood cell, and packed cell volume Ras group had vomiting until the 3rd follow-up. Statistically
were slightly increased, and total iron binding capacity was significant difference was observed comparing 3rd follow-up
decreased in Group B, whereas no result was found in other with initial observation in the trial group.[11]
objective parameters.[12] This observation was significantly
better compared to another group where Pandughnivati was
Role of Ayurveda in Fetal Growth
administered; hence, the study recommends Dhatrilauhavati
as a right choice for iron deficiency anemia during
A clinical trial was conducted at the antenatal clinic unit
pregnancy.[12] Furthermore, two more studies reported about
of the Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research
the clinical efficacy of Dhatrilauhavati.[13,14] The salient
in Ayurveda, Jamnagar among 60 pregnant women of the
observations of this drug in both these studies are described
2nd and 3rd trimester. The 60 subjects were equally divided
in Table 1. In addition to the above mentioned drugs, several
and were administered with powder of AtiBala in one group,
of clinical studies are available on the role of Punarnavadi
and the other group received the powder of combination of
Mandura in managing maternal anemia which is an effective
Amalaki (E. officinalis Gaertn.), Godanthi (gypsum/calcium
hematinic.[16-21] However, the same is not reviewed in this
sulfate dihydrate), and Grabhapala Rasa. Group 1 received
study as the studies are primarily on the trial of Punarnavadi
powder of Amalaki, Godanthi, and Grabhapala Rasa with a
Mandura and its effect on iron deficiency anemia which is
dosage of 1.5 g divided into 3 equal parts, thrice a day with
beyond the scope of this review.
lukewarm water for 12 weeks period and Group 2 AtiBala
(Abutilon indicum) powder with a dosage of 9 g/day in three
Role of Ayurveda in Pregnancy-related Nausea and equally divided doses, with lukewarm water for 12 weeks.[9]
Vomiting The study concluded that the powder of AtiBala was better
when compared with the powder of Amalaki, Godanthi, and
The study conducted among 94 pregnant women at the Out Grabhapala Rasa in the case of growth retarded symptoms of
Patient Department, Prasuti tantra, Sir Sunderlal Hospital, pregnancy. The results were statistically significant in all the
BHU, Varanasi revealed the clinical efficacy of Garbhpal subjective parameters; biparietal diameter (P < 0.01), head
Ras in pregnancy-induced nausea and vomiting.[11] Garbhpal circumference/abdominal circumference (AC) (P < 0.1),
Ras is composed of “Hingula” (Cinnabar - Hgs), “Vang” femoral length/AC (P < 0.01), fetal weight (P < 0.02), volume
(Tin - Sn), “Nag” (lead - Pb), and “Lohbhasma” (Iron - Fe). of amniotic fluid (P < 0.01), maternal weight (P < 0.01), and
Herbal contents of “Garbhpal Ras” include “Dalchini” maternal AC (P < 0.001).[9]

International Journal of Green Pharmacy • Jan-Mar 2016 • 10 (1) | 21

Table 1: Studies on the role of Ayurveda in pregnancy‑related problems (n=6)[9‑14]
Authors Journal YOP Study type Methodology and setting Major findings
Dayani et al. International 2015;5:1‑9 Clinical trial 60 pregnant women/ANC Clinic of IPGT and The subjects were treated for GRS. Physical
Journal of (Randomized) RA Hospital. The group was equally divided parameters such as uterine height, maternal
Ayurvedic into 30 subjects for the control and trial group. weight and AC and USG parameters such as
and Herbal The control group was treated with compound BPD, AC, FL, HC, and AFV were assessed.
Medicine consists of Amalaki, Godanthi, and Grabhapala Significant observations were made in the trial
Rasa in powder form with a thrice daily dose group with respect to maternal weight, maternal
of 1.5 g equally divided into three parts with AC, and fetal weight, AFV, FL/AC, HC/AC,
lukewarm water for 12 weeks. The trial group and BPD
was administered with AtiBala with a thrice
daily dose of 9 g equally divided into three parts
with lukewarm water for 12 weeks
Arankalle[10] Journal of 2014;2:1‑10 Clinical trial Setting – Dharmartha Ashtang Ayurveda Relief of anemia was observed among 16 subjects
Ayurveda (open) Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra. 35 subjects with up to 51‑75% followed by 8 subjects up to
and Holistic anemia during pregnancy were administered 76‑100% and 11 subjects up to 26‑50%. Elevation
Medicine with Dadimadi ghrita with a dosage of 10 ml of Hb g% was observed among 15 (42.86%)
orally, at morning, empty stomach with a cup of subjects up to 1 g%, in 10 (28.57%) subjects up
warm water for 30 days to 1.5 g%, in 5 (14.28%) subjects up to 0.5 g%,
more than 2 g% in 3 (8.57%) subjects
Deepa et al.[11] International 2012;3:170‑6 Clinical trial Setting ‑ OPD, Department of Prasuti Tantra, At the end of the study, reduction
Journal of Sir Sunderlal Hospital, BHU, Varanasi. 55 of nausea ‑ 96.36% (initial vs. final
Ayurvedic subjects constituted the trial group and were follow‑up – χ2=14.565, P<0.01) in TG and
Medicine administered with “Garbhpal Ras” 120 mg 84.62% (initial vs. final follow‑up – χ2=5.183,
twice daily with milk and 3‑4 “munakka” (dried P<0.05) in CG. Similarly, reduction
Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

form of V. vinifera) as anupan and folic acid of vomiting ‑ 100% (initial vs. final

5 mg/day. 39 subjects constituted the control follow‑up – χ2=7.165, P<0.01) in TG and
group and received routine medication of folic 87.18% (initial vs. final follow‑up – χ2=1.524,
acid 5 mg/day and B‑complex and additionally P>0.05) in CG
a combination of pyridoxine and doxylamine

International Journal of Green Pharmacy • Jan-Mar 2016 • 10 (1) | 22

succinate was advised to patients as per need.
The patients were followed up at 15 days
interval up to 3 follow‑ups from 2nd month
onward. Final lab investigations were made on
the 9th month of gestation

Table 1: (Cond....)
Authors Journal YOP Study type Methodology and setting Major findings
Rupapara et al. Ayu 2013;34:276‑80 Clinical trial 22 patients selected from the outpatient On comparison, a significant level of improvement
department of Stree roga and was observed in Group B (Dhatrilauhavati) in
Prasutitantra (Obstetrics and Gynecology), terms of subjective and objective parameters than
Gujarat Ayurveda University, were randomly Group A (Pandughnivati). In Group B, results
divided into two groups; Group A (n=12) observed were highly significant (P<0.001)
Pandughnivati two tablets of 500 mg thrice in pallor and dyspnea. The results in fatigue,
daily and Group B (n=10) Dhatrilauhavati one palpitation, anorexia, leg cramps were
tablet of 500 mg thrice daily significant (<0.05). Hb%, TRBC, PCV were
slightly increased, and TIBC was decreased
in Group B, whereas no result was observed in
other objective parameters
Roy and Dwivedi[13] Ayu 2014;35:283‑8 Clinical trial 58 cases of pregnant women were selected Dhatrilauha showed statistically
by simple random sampling between 4th and significant (P<0.01) improvement in the majority
7th months of pregnancy with clinical diagnosis of sign and symptoms. The improvements in
and laboratory confirmation of iron deficiency subjective parameters include weakness, fatigue,
anemia. 500 mg tablets of Dhatrilauha, in two palpitation, breathlessness, heartburn, pallor,
divided doses, with normal potable water, was constipation. Similarly, the objective parameters
administered after food for 45 days with three such as Hb, RBC, hematocrit, mean corpuscular
follow‑ups, each of 15 days intervals. The study volume, mean corpuscular Hb concentration,
was carried out at the OPD of Prasuti Tantra, RBC distribution width, mean platelet volume,
Faculty of Ayurveda, Sir Sundarlal Hospital, serum iron, and TIBC showed statistically
Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

IMS, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India significant results

Ramadevi et al.[14] International 2014;5:708‑12 Clinical trial 50 pregnant women qualifying the diagnostic Dhatri Lauha showed significant improvement
Journal of criteria of iron deficiency anemia (Pandu roga) in subjective and objective parameters of the
Research were selected from the OPD and IPD of SDM study subjects. The subjective parameters
in Ayurveda Ayurveda Hospital, Udupi, Karnataka. These included weakness, fatigue, dizziness, palpitation,
and subjects were administered with 500 mg of exertional dyspnea and tastelessness. The

International Journal of Green Pharmacy • Jan-Mar 2016 • 10 (1) | 23

Pharmacy Dhatri Lauha tablet thrice a day orally for objective parameters include Hb g%, RBC,
4 weeks PCV, MCV, MCH, and MCHC
IDA: Iron deficiency anemia, TRBC: Total red blood cell, MCV: Mean corpuscular volume, MCH: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration,
PCV: Packed cell volume, TIBC: Total iron binding capacity, Hb: Hemoglobin, BPD: Biparietal diameter, AC: Abdominal circumference, FL: Femoral length, HC: Head circumference,
AFV: Volume of amniotic fluid, OPD: Outpatient department, GRS: Growth retarded symptoms, V. vinifera: Vitis vinifera, TG: Treatment group, CG: Control group, RBC: Red blood cells,
IPD: Inpatient department
Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

CRITICAL APPRAISAL ON THE ROLE OF hematinic, tested and proved to be significantly effective in
AYURVEDA IN MATERNAL HEALTH AS reducing anemia. It is composed of Lauha Bhasma, which is
an iron supplement and has Deepana (stomachic) property
PER ABOVE STUDIES that leads to proper metabolism and Dhatu poshana (tissue
nourishment). Amalaki (E. officinalis Gaertn.) and Amruta
Ayurveda, the classical medical doctrine, has its own
(T. cordifolia Wall. ex Sringe.) help in the nourishment
approach in describing the concepts of maternal health. It
of tissue and are supportive for the absorption of iron.
has also its own approach of managing conditions relevant
Yastimadhu (G. glabra) has Shonitasthapana (hemostatic
to pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum care. It has its own
and coagulative) property. The cumulative effects of all
approach regarding conception, antenatal care, embryology,
the ingredients lead to correction of metabolism, iron
and management of complications arising due to pregnancy, absorption, and improved blood formation thereby correction
management of abortion, normal delivery, and post-partum of anemia.[12] In addition, to above-mentioned drugs,
care. Similarly, Ayurveda has got specific approaches for the Punarnavadi Mandura has been studied extensively for its
vitiated breast milk and management of child after drinking hematinic properties and is currently in use at community
the vitiated milk.[8,23-25] In Ayurveda, the concept of eugenics is level supplemented under National Rural Health Mission in
called as Supraja, and there are prescribed guidelines for this India. It is now a part of the Accredited Social Health Activist
in Ayurveda.[25] When it comes to management of pregnancy, (ASHA) - A community health volunteer drugs kit and is
Ayurveda lays strong emphasis on the management of Vata freely available to all the pregnant women.[29,30]
dosha (one of the three humors described in the classical
treatises of Ayurveda). Through various therapeutics and Nausea and vomiting are the common symptoms affecting
regimens and principles of Ayurveda, the Vata dosha is 70-85% of women during pregnancy. The Ayurvedic
pacified well in advance for a fruitful pregnancy outcome. formulations may have a good impact on nausea and vomiting
All through the pregnancy, Ayurveda lays emphasis on Vata induced due to pregnancy. Garbhpal Ras through its active
Anulomana (ensuring that the flow of Vata is unobstructed ingredients helps immensely in reducing the emesis during
and in the right direction). Furthermore, it has been observed pregnancy. The main ingredients responsible for this effect
that women who are given therapies for the management are Shunthi (Z. officinale), Dhanyak (C. sativum), and Ela
of vitiation of Vata have surprisingly easy pregnancies and (E. cardamomum). The role of Shunthi in alleviating emesis
deliveries compared to those who do not.[25] Moreover, during pregnancy is well-known.[31-33] Similarly, Dhanyak[34]
Ayurveda describes certain diseases which are due to the state and Ela[35] have a similar effect which is the main reason of
of pregnancy and are peculiar to pregnancy. These are called the antiemetic effect of Garbhpal Ras.
as Garbhopadravas (complications due to pregnancy) and
include conditions such as nausea, anorexia, vomiting, fever, Growth retardation during pregnancy or intra-uterine growth
edema, anemia, and diarrhea.[26] Acharya Kashyap, one of the retardation is responsible for low birth weight babies and at least
proponents of Ayurveda, opines that proper management of 60% of the 4 million neonatal deaths occurring worldwide.[36]
Garbhopadravas is of paramount importance for the mother Some Ayurvedic formulations may exhibit Garbha Sthapaka
and the child as well.[27] (maintenance of pregnancy) and GarbhaVruddhikara
Prabhava (fetal growth promotion) properties that can
Anemia is one of the most common complications of address growth retardation during pregnancy. One of such
pregnancy and contributes directly or indirectly to 20% of drug is AtiBala (A. indicum) which is well-accepted as a
deaths in third world countries.[28] In Ayurveda, anemia during nourishing and strength promoting agent during pregnancy.
pregnancy is termed as Garbhini pandu and primarily accrues Furthermore, it has Rasayana (rejuvenative) and fetal growth
to Rasa Dhatu (one of the seven tissues described in Ayurveda) promoting properties that invariably helps in proper growth
vitiation. According to Ayurveda, during pregnancy, Rasa of the fetus during pregnancy.[9]
Dhatu has got three times more responsibilities than in normal
individuals. It becomes responsible for the nourishment of
three factors; fetus, breast, and the pregnant woman. Due to CONCLUSION
this stress on Rasa Dhatu during pregnancy, there are more
chances that the pregnant woman gets affected with Garbhini Ayurveda, the science of life, has different types of therapeutic
pandu.[28] For the management of Garbhini pandu, several regimens that can offer a better solution to maternal health
therapeutics have been proposed in classical treatises of problems. Many of those therapeutic agents that can offer a
Ayurveda, of those few have been clinically tested and are better solution to pregnancy-related problems are delineated
reviewed in this study. Dadimadi ghrita, as a hematinic in this review. The important limitation of this study is that
(anti-anemic drug), acts by increasing the level of Hb and it could not explore the role of Ayurveda, both therapeutics
by reducing Pandutva (faintness of nails, eyes and skin), and principles, in other two important components of
Pindikodveshatana (pain in calf muscles), Hritspanda maternal health; childbirth and post-partum care. Hence,
(increased heart rate), Akshikutashotha (swelling around studies need to be conducted in these two important aspects
eyes), and Klama (fatigue).[10] Dhatrilauhavati, another of maternal health to find out effective solutions to the

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Samal: Ayurveda and maternal health

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which can effectively be used for iron deficiency anemia on the effect of Pandughnivati and Dhatrilauhavati in
during pregnancy. Currently, Punarnavadi Mandura is being the management of Garbhinipandu (iron deficiency
promoted as a drug of choice for combating maternal anemia anemia). Ayu 2013;34:276-80.
in the community and is a part of ASHA drugs kit. Several 13. Roy A, Dwivedi M. Dhatrilauha: Right choice for iron
trials have been carried out using drugs for maternal health deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Ayu 2014;35:283-8.
problems which need to be standardized and used to address 14. Ramadevi G, Jonah S, Prasad UN. A clinical study on
such huge public health problems in the community. Non- the effects of Dhatri Lauha in Garbhinipandu (iron
availability of research publications in this clinical area may deficiency anemia). Int J Res Ayu Pharm 2014;5:708-12.
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