U Series Manual (N00 809 03)
U Series Manual (N00 809 03)
U Series Manual (N00 809 03)
N00-809 11/2020
The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical character-
istics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not intended as a
substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user
applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk
analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the relevant specific application or use
thereof. Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for
misuse of the information contained herein. If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments
or have found errors in this publication, please notify us.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, without express written permission of Schneider Electric.
All pertinent state, regional, and local safety regulations must be observed when installing and using this
product. For reasons of safety and to help ensure compliance with documented system data, only the
manufacturer should perform repairs to components.
When devices are used for applications with technical safety requirements, the relevant instructions must
be followed.
Failure to use Schneider Electric software or approved software with our hardware products may result in
injury, harm, or improper operating results.
Failure to observe this information can result in injury or equipment damage.
© 2020 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.
2 N00-809 11/2020
Table of Contents
Safety Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
About the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Scope of the Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 2 Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
General Overview of the ACR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Advanced Controller (ADVC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Optional HV Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 3 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Transport, Handling and Workshop Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Site Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 4 Communications and Accessories Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Customer Accessories and Communication Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Input Output Expander (IOEX3) Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 5 Installation Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Operator Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Terminal Designation and Phase Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Power Flow Direction Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Power Flow Direction Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Chapter 6 Control Electronics Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Chapter 7 Operator Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
setVUE Panel Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
flexVUE Panel Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Chapter 8 Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chapter 9 Power System Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Power System Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 10 Accessories Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Input Output Expander Module (IOEX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Fast Trip Input Module (FTIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
IOEX Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
FTIM Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Chapter 11 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Overview of ACR Maintainance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
ADVC Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Chapter 12 Ratings and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Equipment and Crating Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
ACR General Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
ADVC General Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Appendices ..................................................... 115
Appendix A Replaceable Parts and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
........................................................................ 117
Appendix B Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
........................................................................ 121
Glossary ..................................................... 123
N00-809 11/2020 3
4 N00-809 11/2020
Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with the device before
trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear throughout
this documentation or on the equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that
clarifies or simplifies a procedure.
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by qualified personnel.
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of
electrical equipment and its installation, and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the
hazards involved.
N00-809 11/2020 5
6 N00-809 11/2020
About the Book
At a Glance
Document Scope
This document describes the installation and maintenance procedures for the U-Series Automatic Circuit
Recloser with ADVC Controller Range.
Validity Note
This document is valid for U-Series remotely controlled and monitored automatic circuit recloser (ACR)
which consists of a U-Series automatic circuit recloser (ACR) combined with an ADVC Controller (ADVC).
Related Documents
You can download these technical publications and other technical information from our website at
https://www.se.com/ww/en/download/ .
Trademark Notice
All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies.
N00-809 11/2020 7
8 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 1
This manual describes the installation and maintenance of the U-Series Automatic Circuit Recloser and
the ADVC Controller.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no responsibility is taken for loss or
damage incurred by the purchaser or user due to any error or omission in the document. Inevitably, not all
details of equipment are provided nor are instructions for every variation or contingency during installation,
operation, or maintenance.
For additional information on specific problem or requirements, kindly contact the manufacturer or your
N00-809 11/2020 9
The following symbols are used throughout this manual (and others). They are designed to give a quick
way of indicating information that is designed for specific areas of interest.
Symbol Meaning
The set symbol indicates that the adjacent information only relates to the ADVC SetVUE operator
The flex symbol indicates that the adjacent information only relates to the ADVC flexVUE operator
Panel messages or Menu Navigation follows these icons in DOT MATRIX FONT
Software Identification
The software loaded into the ADVC Controller is identified by its version number which has the form:
This precisely identifies the software loaded into the microprocessor on the controller.
In order to obtain effective technical support from the manufacturer or your distributor, it is necessary to
record the software version and to quote these when making your inquiry. Without this information, it is
impossible for the customer service department to identify the software and provide correct support.
The software version is shown on the Operator Control Panel "Switchgear Wear/ General Details”
page, in the field “App.Ver”:
Revision Record
10 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 2
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
N00-809 11/2020 11
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
The remotely controlled and monitored U-series Automatic Circuit Recloser (ACR) is combined with an
ADVC controller.
The U-Series ACR:
Consists of vacuum interrupters encapsulated with Hydrophobic cyclo-aliphatic epoxy resin casting.
Is operated by a single magnetic actuator ganged with the three Vacuum Interrupters for both tripping
and closing.
The actuator and the associated mechanism is enclosed in a 316-grade stainless steel tank and lid in
the U-series ACR. It is enclosed in a mild steel tank coated with zinc rich epoxy and special powder paint
system for outdoor use in U27 Lite.
The hydrophobic cyclo-aliphatic epoxy resin casting assemblies are bolted to the lid.
An external pointer, clearly visible on the tank, indicates the ON/OFF condition of the ACR.
The upper terminals of the ACR are identified as the X-Side terminals (X, XX, XXX for the three phases)
and the lower terminals of the ACR are identified as the I-Side terminals (I, II, III for the three phases).
Terminal Markers are clearly visible on the side of the tank.
The information such as serial number, switchgear type, operations and contact wear, are stored in an
electronic module mounted on the bottom of the ACR which is independent of the ADVC.
Operation of the ACR is via low voltage magnetic actuator activated by closing and opening capacitors
housed in the ADVC which in turn are charged by the onboard power supply. Power supply system
consists of 2 x 12 V 12Ah sealed lead acid batteries connected in series to provide a system voltage of
24 V DC.
Local electrical close operation of the switchgear is achieved by dedicated keypad buttons on the
ADVC. Red is for close and green is for open. Each button has an inbuilt same colour LED for indication.
NOTE: This ACR is not suitable for use as a point of isolation. If work on the electrical system is to be
carried out, deenergize the recloser and confirm electrical and mechanical indications.
12 N00-809 11/2020
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
CT and CVT Vacuum Interupter
N00-809 11/2020 13
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Current Measurement
Each phase has a current transformer overmoulded on the I side. This enables current measurement on
these phases. For more information, refer to Current Transformers.
Do not operate the manual trip lever when the ACR is in OFF position.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
14 N00-809 11/2020
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
After ensuring the ACR is in open position activate the isolating switches located on the ADVC for lockout-
only feature which when activated inhibits the close command.
The TRIP CIRCUIT: Disables all trip operations. When the switch is in the Disable position, the trip coil in
the recloser is electrically disconnected from the control electronics. Thus, the switch provides a physical
isolation point for the control circuitry. The recloser cannot be opened, and an audible alarm in the panel
sounds and the DISABLED LED in the TRIP key flashes. The TRIP key operates normally when the switch
is in the Enable position. This switch also stops a close operation, so that the switchgear cannot be closed
unless it is able to trip.
THE CLOSE CIRCUIT: Disables all close operations. When the switch is in the disable position, the close
coil in the recloser is electrically disconnected from the control electronics. Thus the switch provides a
physical isolation point for the control circuitry. The recloser cannot be closed and an audible alarm in the
panel sounds and the DISABLED LED in the CLOSE key flashes. The CLOSE key operates normally when
the switch is in the Enable position.
N00-809 11/2020 15
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
The ADVC Controller is a stainless steel 316 enclosure. The U27 Lite controller is a mild steel enclosure
coated with zinc rich epoxy and special powder paint system for outdoor use. The U-series ACR connects
to the ADVC by a control cable that plugs into the bottom of the ACR. Current transformers and voltage
screens embedded in the epoxy resin mouldings send signals to the control electronics which monitors
phase current, earth current, and phase/earth voltages.
If the control cable is disconnected (at either end) the CT's and voltage screens are automatically shorted
by circuitry on the Switchgear Cable Entry Module (SCEM) card mounted inside the tank of the circuit
The ADVC Controller reads and displays the information which is stored in the ACR and provides
protection* and communication properties for the ACR.
NOTE: * For protection, communication, and measurement features, refer the ADVC Controller
Operational Manual (N00-812).
The ADVC Controller is powered by an auxiliary voltage supply of 110, 220, or 240 Vac.
The customer compartment provides ample room for equipment. Standard communications cables can be
used for connection to the communications ports on the ADVC and power is readily accessible from the
programmable power terminal block. For more information, refer to Communications and Accessories
Installation (see page 41).
16 N00-809 11/2020
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Optional HV Accessories
Surge Arresters
Surge arresters can be directly fitted to the ACR, using surge arrester mounting bracket (depending on
mounting method) and should be fitted during installation.
External CVT
Some automation systems may require voltage sensing on both sides of the ACR when it is open. To
satisfy this requirement, optional Capacitive Voltage Transformers (CVT) may be installed to provide
voltage sensing on the X-Side terminals of the ACR.
An external transformer is mounted on the power pole as shown in the below figure which also shows
suggested HV connections. The secondary of the external transformer connects into the SCEM on the
underside of the circuit breaker. To connect the transformer secondary remove the SCEM compartment
cover plate, pass the cable which is pre-fitted with a cable gland through the hole, secure the gland,
connect the auxiliary supply to the screw terminal block on the SCEM and replace the compartment cover
N00-809 11/2020 17
Design Overview U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
18 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 3
N00-809 11/2020 19
Each crate includes the following:
Automatic Circuit Recloser (ACR).
Pole mounting bracket with clamps if ordered. If a substation mounting bracket was ordered, it should
be attached to the outside of the crate.
Six connectors if ordered (15TP or 30TP) (see page 117).
The appropriate mounting kit.
ADVC Controller cubicle (which normally contains two batteries unless arrangements have been made
to ship batteries separately).
Control cable.
On receipt, the contents should be checked for shipping damage and the manufacturer informed
immediately if any is found.
Ensure that the ADVC Controller is stored indoors until installation on site. If storage outdoors is
unavoidable, ensure that the ADVC Controller is kept in an upright position.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Unpacking Procedure
The basic list of tools which are required for unpacking are as follows:
Wrecking bar to remove nails.
Four D-shackles, four slings and crane with a working load of 200 kg to lift the ACR.
Screwdriver or battery drill with 8 mm socket.
16 mm Spanner or Socket.
Do not drop the bracket onto the ACR. The bracket mass is approximately 30 kg (66 lb).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
20 N00-809 11/2020
The following is the list of correct technique of the cable connection towards the controller side:
Power down the control cubicle by switching off all Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs). This should be
done whenever connecting or disconnecting the control cable.
To connect the control cable, hold the plug by the long sides, check orientation, gently locate it on the
socket and push firmly home. Check whether it has locked by wriggling the plug. Ensure that the
connector is oriented in the correct direction. If the plug cannot be pushed on with moderate force, then
it has not been located properly. Heavy force is never required.
To disconnect the control cable, Hold the plug by the short sides and grip hard to release the clips inside
the plug (not visible). Wriggle the plug to allow the clips to release. Then pull out the plug.
The following is the list of correct technique of the cable connection towards the switchgear side:
Power down the control cubicle by switching off all Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs). This should be
done whenever connecting or disconnecting the control cable.
To connect the control cable to the switch gear, match the slot of umbilical cable plug with recloser
connector and rotate the plug cover clockwise till it “clicks” on the recloser connector. Heavy force is not
required. Make sure to match slots properly.
To disconnect the control cable, hold the plug cover and rotate anticlockwise till the umbilical cable
connection become loose. Then pull the umbilical cable away from the recloser connector. Heavy force
is not required.
Never pull out the plug by the cable.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Tighten the Control Cable clockwise until it clicks.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
Handling the control cable plug towards the controller side Handling the control cable plug towards the switchgear side
N00-809 11/2020 21
Turn on the battery and auxiliary supply circuit breakers at the bottom of the control cubicle and perform
the following tests:
Manually trip the ACR and close it by means of ADVC.
Perform the megger test on the recloser terminals to ensure that the insulation has not been damaged
during shipping.
Configure the protection settings.
Perform primary current injection as required.
Perform secondary current injection (if required by your Authority) using a Test and Training Set (TTS).
Fit and test a radio or modem if required.
Attend to the battery using the care instructions given in Battery Care.
NOTE: An application note detailing workshop and field test procedures is available. Contact your agent
or distributor.
Transport to Site
If the unpacking and testing was carried out in the workshop, then the ACR and ADVC must be transported
properly to site. It is recommended the following steps are carried out:
Turn off all ADVC MCBs and disconnect all auxiliary power supplies. Disconnect the control cable from
both ACR and ADVC and replace the cover plate on the bottom of the ACR.
Transport the ACR, ADVC and all accessories in a secure manner to the site.
Ensure that the ACR is upright and is in vertical position. Make sure there is nothing resting on the poles
and terminals.
22 N00-809 11/2020
Site Installation
NOTE: If you are replacing a pole-top control cubicle (PTCC) or an original ADVC Controller (Ver 43 or
earlier) with an ADVC Controller (Ver 44 or above), the following should be considered:
The following steps are performed for installing the ADVC Controller:
The ADVC mounting points are different.
NOTE: An accessory mounting bracket can be purchased to allow the use of the same mounting holes
as were used with the manufacturer’s PTCC (Part No. 99800125).
The connection to the auxiliary supply enters the cubicle at a different point.
The earth stud is in a different position.
Accessory cables may need extending.
Unlike the PTCC which required an auxiliary power supply rating of 50 VA, the ADVC Controller requires
100 VA.
If the auxiliary supply is provided by an external VT connected through the ACR, there are limitations to
the supply ratings of equipment that customers may fit. For more information, refer Radio/Modem Power
Supply Continuous Current (see page 43).
The ADVC Controller (Ver 50 or above) door is held open by a door stay mechanism which stop the door
swinging or blowing shut. To disengage the door stay follow the directions on the operator sheet located
on the inside of the door.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
Tools Required
Torque wrench and metric socket set, normal engineers tools.
Tools to prepare pole as required.
Crane or other lift for ACR and ADVC, four D-shackles, and slings.
Parts Required (Not supplied by the manufacturer)
Two 20 mm galvanised or stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts and so on. to bolt the ACR
mounting bracket to power pole. For more information, refer to figure ACR End Mounting and
Dimensions (see page 29) and Centre Mounting and Dimensions (see page 33). If the optional pole
clamps have been purchased, this is not required.
Mounting parts for the ADVC Controller. Either 20 mm steel strapping or 10 mm galvanised or stainless
steel bolts, nuts, and so on.
Fixing hardware for the control cable. This is a 27 mm (1 1/16 in) diameter sheathed conduit and can
be fixed to the pole with ties, straps, P-clips, or saddles.
Earth wire and lugs for the earthing wiring diagram and parts for LV mains auxiliary power connection.
For more information, refer figure Auxiliary Supply Connection (see page 27), Center Mounting
Example (see page 36) and Utility Auxiliary Transformer (see page 39).
20 mm sealing cable entry glands to suit auxiliary supply mains cables, 16 mm sealing cable entry
glands to suit antenna or communications cable as required.
Antenna, antenna feeder cable, and surge arrester as required if a modem is fitted (unless supplied by
the manufacturer).
Site Procedure
NOTE: The ADVC mounts have key holes as shown here so that you can lift the ADVC on to the mounting
bolt and slide it into position.
N00-809 11/2020 23
To erect and test the ACR and ADVC, carry out the following steps. Mounting details are given in figure
ACR End Mounting and Dimensions (see page 29) and Center Mounting and Dimensions (see page 33).
1. Transport to site and carry out testing before erection as required.
2. Connect cable tails and surge arresters before raising the ACR. Refer Surge Arrester Mounting and
Terminating (see page 26).
3. Ensure that the pole is of sufficient strength to support the ACR. A structural engineer may be needed
to calculate the stresses involved.
4. Securely mount the ACR mounting bracket on the power pole. For more information, refer figures ACR
End Mounting (see page 29), Center Mounting Example (see page 36), Center Mounting and
Dimensions (see page 33).
5. Lift the ACR into position for more information please refer to Recloser lifting procedure and lower it onto
the mounting bracket so that it sits on the mounting bracket. For more information, refer figures ACR
End Mounting (see page 29), Center Mounting Example (see page 36), Center Mounting and
Dimensions (see page 33).
When lifting the ACR:
Do not allow the slings to come in contact with the bushings or terminals.
Avoid dropping objects on the sheds.
Ensure that your are not exposed to any sharp or pointed objects with in the Device.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
6. Bolt the ACR to the mounting bracket with the four 12 mm nuts and bolts provided. Tighten to 50 Nm.
7. Complete the earth connections as described in Earthing (Grounding) (see page 27).
Carry out earthing wiring diagram as instructed.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
8. Complete the power (HV) cable connections to the top terminal by tightening to 15 Nm.
For lug connections, the tightening torque for the M12 bolt is to be 50 Nm.
For clamp stud connectors, the tightening torque is to be 40Nm.
24 N00-809 11/2020
9. Unbolt the SCEM compartment cover plate from the bottom of the ACR. Connect the control cable to
plug P1 on the SCEM located inside the ACR. Then bolt up the cover.
For more information, refer Handling control cable plug (see page 20) for the correct way to
connect/disconnect the control cable.
10. Run the control cable from the ACR down to the ADVC.
11. If the ADVC cubicle is to be bolted to the pole, drill the top hole and fit the bolt. If it is to be strapped,
feed the straps through the slots on the upper and lower mounting brackets.
12. Power down the ADVC by switching off all MCBs. This should be done whenever connecting or
disconnecting the control cable from the ADVC.
13. Lift the ADVC into position and bolt or strap it to the power pole.
14. Attach the control cable to the power pole maintaining maximum available separation from the main
earth bond (at 200 mm for wood and concrete poles and 150 mm for steel poles). Ensure that there is
enough cable available at each end to permit connection to the equipment.
15. Connect the control cable from the ACR through the base of the
16. For LV mains supply run auxiliary wiring as shown in figure Common Earthing and LV Supply
(see page 37). Make the connection inside the ADVC as shown in figure Auxiliary Supply Connection
(see page 27).
17. For LV supply from a dedicated transformer supplied by the utility, connect as shown in figure Utility
Auxiliary Transformer (see page 39).
18. For Integrated supply from an external transformer, connect as shown in figure Utility Auxiliary
Transformer. (see page 39).
N00-809 11/2020 25
Maintain proper polarity when connecting and inserting batteries, to avoid damage to electronic
Fitting the batteries with reverse polarity cause damage to the electronic systems.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
If the arresters are not mounted close and connected to the ACR, the protection they provide is reduced.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
Do not apply voltage higher than rated maximum across the open contact without being protected with
appropriate shielding.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
26 N00-809 11/2020
Earthing (Grounding)
Do not earth surge arresters by a different path, doing this may cause damage to the control
electronics or ACR.
Also, any antenna must be bonded to the ACR or the main earth bond.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
Figure Common Earthing and LV Supply (see page 37) shows the earthing common to the installations.
This arrangement earths the ACR frame and the surge arresters directly to earth through a main earth bond
consisting of a copper conductor of 70 mm2. Any surges flow down this path. The control cubicle is
connected to this main earth bond by a tee-off. The control cubicle electronics are internally protected from
potential differences which may occur between the ACR frame and control cubicle frame while surge
currents are flowing down the main earth bond. No other connections to earth from the control cubicle are
allowed since surge currents will also flow in those paths. Follow this arrangement on both conducting and
insulating power poles. Keep the main earth bond physically separated from the control cable, as they run
down the power pole, by the maximum spacing available and at least 150 mm.
N00-809 11/2020 27
If the secondary of the VT is earthed, electronics damage occurs.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
28 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 29
30 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 31
32 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 33
34 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 35
NOTE: While fitting the connectors to the switchgear, the orientation/faces of connectors should be parallel
to each other as shown in the figure below.
36 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 37
38 N00-809 11/2020
N00-809 11/2020 39
40 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Communications and Accessories Installation
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 4
Communications and Accessories Installation
N00-809 11/2020 41
Communications and Accessories Installation
Radio Antenna
Mount the antenna and run the antenna feed or an external communication cable to the ADVC. The
communication cable/radio antenna, enters the cubicle via the 16 mm hole that is provided below the
Switch off the ADVC before installing the accessories.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
Customer Compartment
At the bottom of the customer equipment tray, is an accessory mounting rail to install the customer
equipment and accessories.
Equipment installed in this compartment can be powered from the terminal block and can also be mounted
on the rail.
Connecting to the Terminal Block
Step A: Insert a 4 mm screwdriver or similar tool into the square hole above the appropriate wiring point
on the terminal block. Angle the head of the screwdriver slightly upwards and push it in, then lever it
42 N00-809 11/2020
Communications and Accessories Installation
Step B: This action correctly positions the wiring clamp so that the stripped end of the cable can be
inserted. Release and remove the screwdriver, then gently tug the inserted cable so that it is firmly gripped.
Refer above image.
Radio/Modem Power
The battery-backed power supply for a radio/modem is provided on the terminal block as described above.
For correct radio connection point, refer to above figure for Accessory Mounting Tray and Terminal Block
The radio/modem power supply voltage is set by the user in the following menu page:
N00-809 11/2020 43
Communications and Accessories Installation
IOEX3 module is a die-cast, sealed enclosure that provides optically isolated inputs and voltage free
outputs to allow connection to external devices.
Either one or two IOEX3 modules can be used with each ADVC Controller. The second IOEX3 module is
only available with the ADVC ULTRA cubicle, fitted with the optional upper customer tray. When two IOEX3
modules are used, they are designated as IOEX-A and IOEX-B.
IOEX3 modules, purchased at the time of initial ordering, comes readily installed in the cubicle, located on
the customer tray, powered and earthed via the terminal block located accessory mounting rail on the side-
mounted customer tray.
If an IOEX3 module is purchased separately, refer to installation instructions available with the separate
module. For more information on IOEX dimensions, refer Dimensions (see page 121)
If one IOEX3 is fitted in the factory, it is connected to IOEX/WSOS RS-232 Port, with the baud rate of
19,200 to match that of the IOEX3. If a second IOEX3 is fitted, it can be connected to either to the MODEM
RS-232 Port or to any of the three USB ports, using a suitable USB to RS-232 converter. If it is necessary
to modify the baud rate of an RS-232 port with an IOEX3 connected, for example, IOEX/WSOS Port; do
the following:
Communications → IOEX+
44 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Installation Testing
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 5
Installation Testing
Installation Testing
N00-809 11/2020 45
Installation Testing
Operator Tests
The following section details about the ACR installation. For more information, refer Installation
(see page 19).
NOTE: Check that the installation and external connections have been carried out as described in this
manual and in accordance with local regulations.
Check that no visible damage has occurred during the installation. Carry out any visual and electrical tests,
such as insulation and contact resistance, considered necessary to prove that the installation is sound.
Carry out earthing scheme as instructed.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
The batteries are capable of supplying high currents. Always turn off the battery circuit breaker before
connecting or disconnecting the batteries in the cubicle.
Never leave fly leads connected to the battery.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
Steps Action
Turn on the single pole battery circuit breaker, located above the icon.
Turn on the dual pole auxiliary supply circuit breaker, located above the icon if the auxiliary supply is
being provided by either an LV mains or dedicated auxiliary transformer.
If a second AC input is provided, the dual pole MCB located above the icon should be turned on as well.
4 Turn on the VT supply to cubicle circuit breaker if the auxiliary supply is being provided by an integrated
transformer (single pole MCB above the icon, if fitted).
46 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
Steps Action
5 Powering up the ADVC with the recloser connected will cause the ADVC to read data from the SCEM card
in the recloser.
This will take up to 60 seconds during which time the message below will flash at the top of the display:
The flexVUE O.I. will create an ALERT with the same message.
6 If the configuration file containing the settings to be used in operation has not previously been loaded, it
should be loaded now using WSOS. Alternatively the settings could be entered via the OCP.
NOTE: If you are familiar with navigating operator control interface display groups, proceed with the checks
described below. For more information refer, Operator Control Panel (see page 65) before proceeding.
The ACR will now be ready for operation. Before energizing the recloser, you should perform the following
checks to confirm that the equipment is fully operational and properly configured.
1. Check battery status, which is found on the following menu page:
If the battery status is Low but the voltage is close to the normal range lower limit, the battery
should recharge providing the auxiliary supply is turned on.
If the voltage is low, the battery must be replaced.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
At this point, the battery state should be Normal with a voltage within the range 23 to 29.5 V. Aux Supply
status should be Normal. If not, you cannot perform the remaining battery checks at this stage.
2. Switch off the battery circuit breaker and check whether the battery status changes to off status in 3 -
5 seconds.
3. Refer Event Log (see page 79) for details on how to do this, and check that the bottom line of the display
(the most recent event) displays the battery off event.
4. Again switch the battery ON.
N00-809 11/2020 47
Installation Testing
Auxiliary Supply
1. Check the Auxiliary Supply Status, which is found on the following menu page:
If the battery voltage is continuously dropping, then the battery state is LOW and the batteries may be
If the batteries are flat, they must be replaced.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
Work Tag
1. Check that Local Control is ON. This setting is found in the following:
48 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
The message: Work Tag Applied will flash at the top of the display.
Work Tag Applied will be displayed in the Alerts Menu, which is on the same level as that of the
Operator and Engineer menus.
NOTE: For more details, refer the Event Log (see page 79), check that the bottom line of the display
(the most recent event) contains the Work Tag Applied event.
5. Return to WORK TAG STATUS and change the setting back to OFF
2. Press to modify the setting. This will cycle A, B & C Phase through the six possible phase/bushing
N00-809 11/2020 49
Installation Testing
Incorrect terminal designation may cause incorrect operation, false trips, or even damage to the switch
gear or controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
On the ADVC flexVUE O.I., Terminal Designation is set from the following:
1. Press the SELECT key and then use and to cycle through the possible combinations of
bushing/phase relationship until the one representing the correct physical connection is found.
50 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
Enable/Disable Switches
For each of the TRIP and CLOSE keys in turn, test ENABLE and DISABLE by:
Disable either mechanism (e.g.CLOSE) using Disabled Switches located underneath the O.I.
Go to the EVENT LOG and check that the bottom line of the display (the most recent event) contains
the Close Coil Disconnect event. (For the same test of the TRIP mechanism the Event Log should
display Trip Coil Disconnect.)
With both mechanisms disabled, check that pressing each of the CLOSE and TRIP keys are ineffective.
Enable both TRIP and CLOSE mechanisms.
NOTE: For more details, refer Event Log (see page 79), check that the bottom line of the display (the most
recent event).
Mechanical Trip
Step Action
1 Use a hook stick to manually trip the recloser via the manual trip lever.
2 For more details, refer Event Log (see page 79), check that the bottom line of the display (the most recent
event) contains the Mechanical Trip event.
3 With the manual trip lever still in the lock position, attempt to close the switchgear from the CLOSE key on the
control panel. The switchgear should not close and the event log should display:
Panel Close Request
Mechanical Interlocked
Operation Denied
4 Use the hook stick to return the manual trip lever to its normal position and check that the switchgear can be
closed from the operator panel.
N00-809 11/2020 51
Installation Testing
The power system phase assigned to each set of bushings on the recloser must be correctly configured at
the time of installation of the ACR. This process is called “setting the phasing”. Setting the phasing affects
all the displays, events, and so on, that are concerned with switchgear terminals, for example: voltage
measurements, live/dead terminal displays and maximum current events.
Normal/default Phasing is A, B and C for bushings I/X, II/XX and III/XXX respectively. Normal/ default
phase rotation is ABC.
If the Phasing at the recloser and/or phase rotation of the network are different from the defaults, you must
set the Phasing and/or the Phase rotation.
On the setVUE O.I., Phasing is set from the following:
2. Press to modify the setting. This will cycle A, B & C Phase through the six possible phase/bushing
Incorrect terminal designation may cause incorrect operation, false trips, or even damage to the switch
gear or controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.
52 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
On the ADVC flexVUE O.I., Terminal Designation is set from the following:
1. Press the SELECT key and then use and to cycle through the possible combinations of
bushing/phase relationship until the one representing the correct physical connection is found.
N00-809 11/2020 53
Installation Testing
The recloser is a symmetrical device meaning that, either side (I or X) can be connected to the supply. So,
after installation, the controller must be configured to designate, which is the source side.
The power flow direction may be either Source I, Load X or Source X, Load I and is configured on page:
Enable/Disable Switches
For each of the TRIP and CLOSE keys in turn, test ENABLE and DISABLE by:
Disable either mechanism (e.g.CLOSE) using Disabled Switches located underneath the O.I.
Go to the EVENT LOG and check that the bottom line of the display (the most recent event) contains
the Close Coil Disconnect event. (For the same test of the TRIP mechanism the Event Log should
display Trip Coil Disconnect.)
With both mechanisms disabled, check that pressing each of the CLOSE and TRIP keys are ineffective.
Enable both TRIP and CLOSE mechanisms.
NOTE: For more details, refer Event Log (see page 79), check that the bottom line of the display (the most
recent event).
Mechanical Trip
Step Action
1 Use a hook stick to manually trip the recloser via the manual trip lever.
2 For more details, refer Event Log (see page 79), check that the bottom line of the display (the most recent
event) contains the Mechanical Trip event.
3 With the manual trip lever still in the lock position, attempt to close the switchgear from the CLOSE key on
the control panel. The switchgear should not close and the event log should display:
Panel Close Request
Mechanical Interlocked
Operation Denied
4 Use the hook stick to return the manual trip lever to its normal position and check that the switchgear can be
closed from the operator panel.
54 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
N00-809 11/2020 55
Installation Testing
NOTE: Power flow direction test is valid only, if there closer is being supplied from a single source and can
be energized before closing.
This test is to ensure that the source and load designations are correct.
Since either side of the recloser can be connected to the power source, the controller must be configured
to designate which is the source side.
For more information about the configuration of Power Flow, refer Power Flow Direction Setting
(see page 54).
If the I-side bushings are connected to the source, the Source/Load setting should be Source I, Load X.
1. Display the page as shown and check the Source/Load configuration.
56 N00-809 11/2020
Installation Testing
5. If steps 3 and 4 indicate an incorrect power low setting, return to step 1, modify the setting and repeat
steps 2 to 4.
On Load Checks
Once the recloser is closed and taking load, the following on-load checks can be carried out. To confirm
correct operation, check the current against a known reading.
1. Check system currents on:
System Measurements
NOTE: Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
This information displays system voltage as phase-ground or phase-phase values as configured on the
System Status, Phase Voltage & Power Flow pages.
N00-809 11/2020 57
Installation Testing
Source and load side voltages should be the same, when the recloser is closed.
58 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Control Electronics Operation
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 6
Control Electronics Operation
The ADVC is designed for outdoor pole mounted operation. Both the ULTRA and COMPACT cubicles are
vented and insulated to minimize internal temperature variation and maximize battery life. For more
information about cubicle dimensions, refer Appendix B ADVC COMPACT Dimensions and ADVC ULTRA
Dimensions (see page 121).
The controller consists of three submodules.
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Control and protection enclosure (CAPE) with Operating Interface (O.I.)
Customer Compartment
For more information, refer to ADVC Block Diagram (see page 63).
PSU Module
The PSU module supplies power to the CAPE, and controls the supply from external auxiliary sources.
The power supply module encloses all 115/230 Vac mains connections. Internally, it provides terminals for
the auxiliary power supply connection. Cable-tie points are provided to secure the auxiliary supply cables.
Circuit breakers are used to protect and switch the battery and auxiliary power supplies on/off. A durable
cover is used to enclose all the terminations.
NOTE: The 115/230 Vac mains connection can handle a -20 % to +10 % variance from the auxiliary
CAPE Module
The main module of control electronics is the Control and Protection Enclosure (CAPE). The CAPE
digitizes the current transformer (CT) signals and capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) signals from the
recloser. These are used to provide various data for the operator.
The CAPE module contains the PCOM board, PSSM board, trip/close capacitors, and O.I. assembled into
a housing that provides protection from the environment, sealing, and EMC shielding.
N00-809 11/2020 59
Control Electronics Operation
Operator Interface
The O.I. is mounted on the CAPE and is accessed by opening the cubicle door. Operators can view
switchgear and system data as well as control and configure the system via the O.I. The O.I. has its own
electronic processing and driver circuit, and operator control panel with LCD, membrane keyboard, and
status LEDs.
WSOS5 Interface
To use WSOS5 to upload or download data, connect between either:
a serial port on the WSOS PC and the IOEX/WSOS RS-232 Port. Use an RS-232, DB9 female to DB9
female, crossover cable (also known as Null Modem).
USB on the WSOS PC and the USB port on the controller. Use a standard USB Type A to Type B cable.
100Base-T Ethernet ports. Either a standard Ethernet cable or a cross-over cable can be used.
60 N00-809 11/2020
Control Electronics Operation
Customer Compartments
The COMPACT cubicle compartment is fitted with an accessory tray that facilitates the mounting of your
equipment, for example, a radio or modem.
The ULTRA cubicle has one standard, and one optional accessory tray to allow for more equipment. The
standard tray has a terminal block for the radio power supply and power for accessories such as an IOEX3.
N00-809 11/2020 61
Control Electronics Operation
Ancillary Equipment
The ADVC Controller is fitted with a standard customer compartment tray that facilitates the mounting of
ancillary equipment, for example, a radio or modem including any special interfaces. The compartment has
a terminal block for the radio supply and power for accessories such as, an IOEX3.
62 N00-809 11/2020
Control Electronics Operation
N00-809 11/2020 63
Control Electronics Operation
64 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Operator Control Panel
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 7
Operator Control Panel
N00-809 11/2020 65
Operator Control Panel
setVUE Panel
66 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
Display Groups
The top line of the display is the page title. To the right of the title is a letter, indicating the display group to
which the page belongs:
N00-809 11/2020 67
Operator Control Panel
The next three lines are the data on display. Most displays have six data fields. A field may contain either:
a setting, which can be changed - ON/OFF is the most common; or
a status
Changing Settings
Three types of settings can be changed:
Operator settings
Password protected settings
Protection settings
Operator Settings
To change an operator setting:
Steps Action
1 Navigate to the display page containing the setting to be changed
2 Press the MENU key to step through the Display Groups.
3 Communications Group (only) is divided into subgroups for different protocols. Press SELECT to
display the subgroup required.
When the Display Group containing the setting to be changed is displayed, press or to locate
the correct page.
5 Press SELECT until the field containing the setting to be changed is flashing.
Once you have selected the field to be changed, use or to change its setting.
7 Press ENTER to put the new setting into service.
NOTE: If a QUICK KEY is linked to the setting to be changed, you can use it to go directly to the relevant
display page where the field with that setting will be selected. For more information, refer Quick Keys
(see page 69).
Password Protected Settings
Some settings are password protected. You are prompted for a password before you can change the
setting. To enter the password:
Step Action
Press either of the / keys until the first character of the password is displayed.
2 Press the SELECT key to move to the next character selection.
3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the password is complete.
4 Press ENTER.
While the operator panel remains ON, you will not be required to enter the password again.
The default factory password is AAAA but you can change it using the Windows Switchgear Operator
System (WSOS5) program. The factory password does not have to be remembered - the controller
prompts you for it automatically.
68 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
Protection Settings
Protection settings are password protected. To change a protection setting, follow the steps detailed in the
Operator Settings section above but, in addition, enter the password when prompted. When you have
completed the setting change by pressing ENTER, the following message flashes at the top of the screen:
Active Protection Setting has changed.
At this point, the changed setting is displayed but not in service. If further setting changes are required,
they can be made now.
When you have completed making all the setting changes you require, press ENTER. The following text is
The changed active PROTECTION SETTINGS are now in service.
Select the MENU or ENTER key to continue.
The changed settings are now in service. Press MENU or ENTER to return to the normal menu display.
Quick Keys
The operator settings that you will frequently change can each be linked to a QUICK KEY. You use a
QUICK KEY for instant display and selection of the linked setting which, otherwise, you would have to find
by navigation.
You can link operator settings to individual Quick Keys using the Operator Interface or WSOS5.
A QUICK KEY can be set to blank if it is not required.
Otherwise, any one of the settings in below table, can be linked to one of the four Quick Keys.
Configurable Quick Key Settings
For more information, refer to the ADVC Controller Operations manual (N00-812).
N00-809 11/2020 69
Operator Control Panel
flexVUE Panel
70 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
[For example]
The configuration of the status lamps can be changed within WSOS Version
8 TRIP key Trips the switchgear to Lockout and the green lamp located inside the button
indicates the open state of the recloser.
9 CLOSE key Closes the switchgear and the red lamp located inside the button indicates
the close state.
10 LAMP DATA key Provides the operator with additional data specific to each status lamp.
11 LAMP RESET key Resets the status lamps.
Lamps requiring further attention from the operator remains lit.
NOTE: Some of the status lamps such as “controller power” and “terminal
live” are continuously updated and therefore not affected by the reset
12 EVENT LOG key Displays the recloser and controller Event Log on the LCD display. Older
events can be viewed by pressing the UP arrow key.
13 Quick Action Key Unlock To use the Quick Action Keys, an operator must first press the unlock key.
The lamp above the unlock key remains lit while the quick action keys are
To deactivate the quick action keys an operator can press the unlock key
again. The lamp turns off.
Alternatively the quick action keys will be deactivated automatically a short
configurable delay after the last quick action key was selected.
14 Quick Action Keys (QAK) Allows the user to activate/deactivate functions directly from the interface
without having to use the menu.
The status of the function is indicated by the lamp next to the button. The
lamp can be configured to be red, green, or orange in color and flashing.
Before using the quick action keys, it is necessary to unlock the keys using
the unlock button described above. Pressing a quick action key applies that
action without any further confirmation and the lamp next to the key indicates
the new status.
15 Enable/ Disable TRIP Disables all trip operations.
CIRCUIT key When the switch is in the Disable position, the trip coil in the recloser is
electrically disconnected from the control electronics. Thus the switch
provides a physical isolation point for the control circuitry. The recloser
cannot be opened, and an audible alarm in the panel sounds and the
DISABLED LED in the TRIP key flashes. The TRIP key operates normally
when the switch is in the Enable position. This switch also stops a close
operation, so that the switchgear cannot be closed unless it is able to trip.
16 Enable/ Disable CLOSE Disables all close operations.
CIRCUIT When the switch is in the disable position, the close coil in the recloser is
electrically disconnected from the control electronics. Thus the switch
provides a physical isolation point for the control circuitry. The recloser
cannot be closed and an audible alarm in the panel sounds and the
DISABLED LED in the CLOSE key flashes. The CLOSE key operates
normally when the switch is in the Enable position.
N00-809 11/2020 71
Operator Control Panel
Default Configuration
The status lamps and the quick action keys are programmed in the factory to a default configuration. This
can be changed to suit the needs of the user through Windows Switchgear Operating System (WSOS5).
Status Lamps
These lamps are used to indicate the controller and switchgear status. The default configuration is shown
below. Each lamp indicates that the state of the function described next to it. When a state is active, the
lamp is lit.
For example:
When, the recloser is in Lockout the lamp next to "Lockout" is on. Conversely, if the lamp is off, the recloser
is not in a lockout state.
72 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
It is possible to press a sequence of quick action keys while the unlock LED is lit. The keys will be locked
automatically after a short delay after the last key press or alternatively when the unlock key is pressed a
second time.
This controller is programmed with a default quick action key configuration that provides access to
frequently used actions. The default configuration is shown below.
N00-809 11/2020 73
Operator Control Panel
Display Groups
The flexVUE O.I. displays are organized into three logical groups. Within each group is a menu of pages
and those pages have various sub-menus.
The top line of the display is the page title. The top line of the display shows the current menu position and
the second line lists the options available one option at a time. An operator uses the UP and DOWN arrows
to scroll through the list of options. The RIGHT arrow will progress to the next level of the option shown on
the second line of the display. Use the LEFT arrow to go back one level. When an operator is editing a
setting, the top line of the display shows a few basic instructions and the bottom line shows the setting
74 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
Changing Settings
Three types of settings can be changed:
Operator settings
Password protected settings
Protection settings
Operator Settings
Find the display page containing the setting to be changed:
Step Action
1 Press the MENU key to enter the menu structure.
Press the arrow and then the arrow to enter the Operator Menu.
Use the or arrow keys to navigate to the setting to be changed.
4 Press SELECT key.
Use or arrow keys to change the setting.
Press the SELECT key to accept the change, or press the arrow to escape and leave the setting
Step Action
1 Press the QAK UNLOCK.
2 Press the required Quick Action Key within 10 s (Configurable).
NOTE: Actions are executed without any confirmation via the arrow or select keys. The LED indicates the
new state.
Step Action
Press the or arrows until you find the required character for the password.
Press the arrow key.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the password is complete
4 Press SELECT to enter the password.
While the operator panel remains ON, you will not be required to enter the password again.
The default factory password is AAAA but you can change it using Windows Switchgear Operator System
(WSOS5) software. The factory password does not need to be remembered - the controller prompts you
for it automatically.
Alerts Menu
TheflexVUE panel provides the user with a specific location to deal with alerts from the controller. The
ALERTS MENU is found as part of the MAIN MENU on the operator interface. You can view these alerts
in the same way you would view any other menu options. Alerts are split into two categories, critical and
Normal Alerts
All normal alerts go into the ALERTS MENU. The activation of a normal alert causes the title line of the
current display to show:
N00-809 11/2020 75
Operator Control Panel
xx Alerts Active
This alternates with the current display title at a sufficient rate that the current display is easily readable so
that panel usage and field editing can easily continue. XX is the number of alerts that are present at the
The displayed number of normal alerts may change from one flash to the next if a new alert is added or an
old one is removed.
The title of the alert menu contains the number of alerts that are present. This is shown as:
Where ‘X’ is the alert currently displayed and ‘Y’ is the total number of alerts present.
A normal alert message will generally be longer than 20 characters and will automatically scroll to allow
viewing of the complete message. If, a normal alert is present a beep occurs at a fixed time interval.
All buttons function normally while a normal alert is present.
Critical Alerts
A critical alert will completely subvert the operation of the LCD display regardless of what is being
displayed. There is no way to remove the critical alert from the display while it is active.
If a critical alert is present, a beep occurs at a fixed time interval.
All buttons except for the navigation buttons ( , , , MENU, SELECT, LAMP DATA, EVENT LOG)
operates normally while a critical alert is present.
Activating Protection Settings
When settings are changed in the Active protection group (via the flexVUE O.I.), those new settings are
saved but will not be put into service until they are made ACTIVE
When changing Active Protection Group settings, once the first setting is changed the following screen
appears: (scrolling)
NOTE: Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
The operator has to press the UP or DOWN ARROW key. That displays the following:
NOTE: Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
76 N00-809 11/2020
Operator Control Panel
When the operator scrolls to YES and presses SELECT, the settings are put in service. If the operator
selects NO and presses the SELECT key, the following message is displayed: (scrolling)
NOTE: Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
N00-809 11/2020 77
Operator Control Panel
78 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Event Log
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 8
Event Log
Event Log
Event Log
The ADVC maintains a log of up to 100,000 events that record changes to the status of the switchgear,
control electronics, and ADVC logic. The log also records critical setting changes. The events can be
viewed via the O.I. in the EVENT LOG display group.
The event log display updates automatically as new events occur. The most recent event appears on the
bottom line of the display and older events are scrolled upwards. When the event log is full, the oldest
events are deleted to allow new events to be logged as they occur.
All events are date and time stamped to a 1 ms resolution and displayed in the order that they occurred.
The source of each event is also recorded.
It is possible to apply event category filters when viewing events via the O.I.
WSOS5 software can also be used to upload and display the event log. In addition to O.I.-like time stamp,
source identification and filter category features, it also allows text searches and go to a particular
date/time. The event log can be saved as a text file or as a .csv file. For more information, refer to the
WSOS5 help file.
On the flexVUE panel, the event log is found via a dedicated key on the O,I.
The EVENT LOG is navigated slightly differently depending on which O.I. is installed. For more information
on navigation diagrams, refer the following figures below for setVUE Navigation Diagram and flexVUE
Navigation Diagram.
N00-809 11/2020 79
Event Log
80 N00-809 11/2020
Event Log
The following EVENTLOG is an example of a sequence reset (some events are not displayed for simplicity)
Display of Events
The difference in the display on the setVUE and flexVUE are shown in the following example.
Consider the following events, as shown on the setVUE:
NOTE: Images shown are for illustration purposes only.
The flexVUE, by default, would display the bottom two lines (the most recent) first. See below:
From this screen, a complete TIME or EVENT DESCRIPTION is available by pressing the or keys
In this example, pressing the twice would scroll to the next two events.
N00-809 11/2020 81
Event Log
If the ALT key ( ) or EVENT LOG key ( ) is pressed whilst the event log is on the display then
the date and time details are replaced with extra information that includes the setting source and, if
applicable, the protection group, curve, and trip number. Pressing the ALT ( ) or EVENT LOG
As it is possible for multiple WSOS5 applications to be simultaneously connected to the controller via
Ethernet, a source identification of ‘WSOS’ can be insufficient information. For WSOS5 over Ethernet
connections the first four letters of the PC login name are logged. The usage of ‘WSOS’ is therefore
restricted to serial port point-to-point communication links only.
For example, a setVUE event log display that looks like this:
82 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Power System Measurements
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 9
Power System Measurements
The Current Transformer (CT) signals and voltage screen (CVT) signals from the recloser are digitized by
the ADVC Controller and used to provide various data for the operator.
The ADVC Controller measures up to 10 power system components:
A, B, C, phase and spill currents,
Phase to earth voltage on all six terminals.
The ADVC Controller uses the above measurements to derive many system measurements including:
phase to phase voltages
total and per phase power (kW, kVA,and kVAR)
total and per phase power factor
earth current, and
sequence components
In addition, the ADVC Controller also measures internal values such as:
CAPE temperature
auxiliary voltage
battery voltage.
N00-809 11/2020 83
Power System Measurements
System Measurements
84 N00-809 11/2020
Power System Measurements
N00-809 11/2020 85
Power System Measurements
86 N00-809 11/2020
U-Series ACR with ADVC Controller
Accessories Installation
N00-809 11/2020
Chapter 10
Accessories Installation
Accessories Installation
N00-809 11/2020 87
Accessories Installation
The IOEX is an ADVC Controller Range accessory that accepts external control signals from third-party
devices. It provides optically isolated inputs and voltage-free outputs. These allow connection of an
external protection relay or Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The electronic circuit is installed in a die cast,
sealed enclosure which is attached to the upper accessory mounting tray of an ADVC ULTRA controller.
IOEX Compatibility
The IOEX is compatible with the ULTRA model of the ADVC Controller range where the upper accessory
tray is used to mount the IOEX module. The controller electronics includes a regulated power supply for
the IOEX module/s. Connection to the power supply is via two terminals mounted on the side accessory
RS-232 communications is used to interface the IOEX module/s to the control electronics.
The ADVC ULTRA model includes the following features to accommodate the IOEX module/s:
Upper accessory tray for up to two IOEX modules
Additional holes in the base of the controller for IOEX cable entry.
Cable tie point on the cubicle side helps to protect the cables.
NOTE: Shielded cable (not supplied) for external connections and the EMC gland are essential for reliable
88 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
IOEX Specifications
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
N00-809 11/2020 89
Accessories Installation
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth or use double pole switching for all inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth or use double pole switching for all inputs.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
90 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
The FTIM is an ADVC Controller range accessory that accepts external control signals from third-party
devices. It provides optically isolated inputs. These allow connection of an external protection relay or
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The electronic circuit is installed in a die cast, sealed enclosure which is
attached to the upper accessory mounting tray of an ADVC ULTRA controller.
It is possible to interface external trip, close, or block signals to the recloser controller via the FTIM.
FTIM Compatibility
The FTIM is compatible with the ADVC Controller range. If a controller is to be used with an FTIM, a
connection cable for the module has to be included during manufacturing. It is therefore necessary to
specify the intended use of an FTIM when ordering the controller. Note this connection cable cannot be
retrofitted in the field.
Part Number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
86xxxx2xxx 8 6 x x x x 2 x x x
86xxxx3xxx 8 6 x x x x 3 x x x
86xxxx5xxx 8 6 x x x x 5 x x x
The part number has to start with 86 and the 7th digit must be a 2, 3 or 5.
FTIM Specifications
N00-809 11/2020 91
Accessories Installation
To install the upper tray, locate the accessory tray hinges to the left of the brackets in the top corner of
the cubicle. Use the corner as a guide and slide the tray to your right. The self-locating hinges guide the
tray into the brackets. Continue to slide the tray until the hinges are completely inside the brackets.
Rotate the tray into the lock-down position and fasten the nuts.
2. Attaching the IOEX:
Remove the upper accessory mounting tray from the ADVC ULTRA cubicle;
The design of the mounting tray provides flexibility in terms of how the device is mounted.
It is recommended that Nyloc nuts be used for fastening the device where possible.
Slot width on the tray is 6 mm; bolts may require stacking mud-guard washers with standard washers
for bolts smaller than M5. For example, for M3 bolts, it is recommended to use M5 mud-guard
washers, M3 flat washer, and a M3 Nyloc nut.
Holes provided on the customer tray act as a guide holes to identify the equipment position for
installation. It is recommended that at least one guide hole is used for installing the device.
Fit the tray containing the IOEX in the upper accessory mounting space using the existing mounting
points. Refer below figure for Accessory tray removal.
If Connecting an IOEX
3. Connect the IOEX to the controller:
Connect the IOEX power supply lead to the terminals on the side accessory tray. The terminals are
marked with the following symbols.
Ground Terminal
92 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
Using the RS233 cable (ADC-640), connect the IOEX/WSOS Port on the ADVC Controller to the
Before you can use the IOEX, make IOEX available in the WSOS Feature Selection tool,
download the configuration map, and select the IOEX communication port. For more information,
refer the ADVC Operation Guide (ADVC2- 1160) and Configurable IOEX manual (N00-685).
When connecting the FTIM to the CAPE, the controller must be switched off to avoid unwanted
trip/close operation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
4. If Connecting an FTIM
Turn off power to the controller.
Connect the shielded 15-pin D-connector to the FTIM. Fasten the connector properly to ensure a
reliable connection.
N00-809 11/2020 93
Accessories Installation
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
94 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth or use double pole switching for all input.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth or use double pole switching for all input.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
N00-809 11/2020 95
Accessories Installation
96 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
Field excitation must not be provided from the battery nor the radio power supply.
Isolate the field excitation power supply from earth or use double pole switching for all input.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Shielded Cable
For the external connections, shielded cable with the following main characteristics is recommended:
Operating Temperature:
-55 °C to +105 °C
Voltage Rating:
600 V
Product Description:
Conductor: stranded tinned copper
Area Conductor: 0.22 mm2
External Diameter: 6-12 mm
Screen Diameter: 5 mm min
Insulation: Colour-Coded PVC
Shield: Braided Tinned Copper (90 % coverage)
Jacket: PVC
N00-809 11/2020 97
Accessories Installation
Correct installation of the EMC gland is essential for reliable operation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Do not push the cable in the opposite direction, doing so damages the gland.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
2. Push the end of the cable that is connected to the IOEX/FTIM through the cable gland in the direction
as shown.
3. Continue pushing the cable through the gland, until the earth braid aligns with the gland.
98 N00-809 11/2020
Accessories Installation
4. Ensure that the earth braid is in contact with the braid connection ring in the gland.
NOTE: Shielded cable is essential for reliable operation. Refer figure Shielded Cable (see page 97).
5. Ensure that the seal and clamping mechanism is overlapping with the plastic sheath. Tighten the gland
sleeve to firmly grip the cable in place.
6. Select a 20 mm hole in the base of the controller. The two holes on the right-hand side are provided for
this purpose.
Cable termination
Use cable ties to fix the cable to the cubicle wall.
Cut the cable to the appropriate length, and terminate the cable at the IOEX/FTIM connectors.
N00-809 11/2020 99
Accessories Installation
Using the bolts provided, fix the cable to the accessory mounting tray.
Rate the auxiliary 1 power source appropriately to provide GPO current of max 2 A required.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
NOTE: Auxiliary power supply 1 is used to supply power to the GPO socket.
Plug the IEC male cable end connector into the female connector on the side of the power supply
Chapter 11
Maintenance can be carried out using standard electricians and mechanics tools.
Avoid water entering into the circuit breakers or general power outlet, when working on the ADVC with
the door open during heavy rain.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
A alert message is displayed in the event log when the remaining contact life reaches 20 %.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
Maintenance of the ADVC is required every five years. The manufacturer recommends the work described
Defect Finding
ADVC Controller Check
Defect finding within the ADVC involves determining whether the defect lies in the electronic modules, the
wiring or elsewhere. The electronic modules are user replaceable items. Other defects require the ADVC
to be returned to the factory.
A suggested defect finding approach is as follows:
1. If the System OK LED(s), located on the on the operator interface (O.I.), are flashing then the CAPE
microprocessor is running. If the O.I. does not operate then follow Step 4.
System OK LEDs are located in different places on the setVUE and flexVUEpanels:
Chapter 12
Ratings and Specifications
Equipment Weights
Part Weight kg (lbs)
Control cable 6 (13)
ULTRA/LITE 46 (101.4)
COMPACT 40 (88.2)
Pole Mounted ACR 118 (261)
Pole mounting bracket 24 (53)
Surge Arrester Mounting Bracket 16 (36)
Sundry Mounting items 8 (18)
Gross weight of crate 297 (655)
Dimensions mm (in)
Cubicle (for more information, refer Appendix B
(see page 121))
ULTRA/LITE 1000 x 375 x 305 mm (39.4 in x 14.8 in x 12.0 in)
COMPACT 750 x 350 x 450 mm (29.52 in x 13.78 in x 17.72 in)
Crate Dimensions
Width 1150 / 45.3
Depth 1150 / 45.3
Height 570 / 22.4
Breaking Duty
The duty limits of the ACR are shown in the following table.
ACR is rated for ANSI C37.60 duty cycle. Contact wear is automatically calculated for each interrupter by
the control cubicle based on fault current and mechanical operations.
The remaining contact life is shown on the operator control panel.
Duty Cycle
Maximum allowable duty cycle at full short circuit current rating:
Open-0.3 s-Close
Open-2 s-Close
Open-2 s-Close
Open followed by 300 second recovery time
Terminal Clearance/Creepage
Current Transformers
There is no access to current transformer connections on the equipment.This data is supplied for
information only.
Ratio 2000:1
Accuracy 10 – 630 A ±1 %
Accuracy 630 – 12500 A ±2.5 %
Basic Timings
Immunity Tests
Standard Description Application Test Level
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Contact +/- 8 kV
Air +/- 15 kV
IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated Electromagnetic Four faces (Door open) 10 V/m, 80 MHz-1000 MHz
10 V/m, 1000 MHz-2700 MHz
(Antennae transmitting 3M
IEC 61000-4-4 Fast Transient A.C. Power Port +/- 4 kV
(5ns/50ns 5 kHz, 15 ms burst
RS232 (WSOS) +/- 4 kV
300 ms spaced)
RS232 (Modem) +/- 4 kV
USB (WSOS) +/- 4 kV
USB1 + USB to RS485 +/- 4 kV
isolated converter
LAN 1 +/- 4 kV
LAN 2 +/- 4 kV
Umbilical port +/- 4 kV
IOEX2 port input +/- 4 kV
IOEX2 port output +/- 4 kV
FTIM2 port +/- 4 kV
IEC 61000-4-5 Surge A.C. Power Port +/- 4 kV line-to-earth, +/- 2 kV
line-to-line, 1.25/50 μsec
RS232 (WSOS) +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
RS232 (Modem) +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
USB (WSOS) +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
USB1 + USB to RS485 +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
isolated converter
LAN 1 +/- 4 kV, 10/700 μsec
LAN 2 +/- 4 kV, 10/700 μsec
Umbilical port +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
IOEX2 port input +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
IOEX2 port output +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
FTIM2 port +/- 4 kV, 1.25/50 μsec
Immunity Tests
Standard Description Application Test Level
IEC 61000-4-6 Conduced Disturbances A.C. Power Port 10 V RMS
RS232 (WSOS) 10 V RMS
RS232 (Modem) 10 V RMS
USB1 + USB to RS485 10 V RMS
isolated converter
LAN 1 10 V RMS
LAN 2 10 V RMS
Umbilical port 10 V RMS
IOEX2 port intput 10 V RMS
IOEX2 port output 10 V RMS
FTIM2 port 10 V RMS
IEC 61000-4-8 Power Frequency Magnetic Three axis X, Y, Z 100 A/m continuous,
Field 1000 A/m for 1 s
IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips and Interruptions A.C. Power Port Voltage dips - 0% 1 cycle,
40% for 10 cycles, 70% for 25
cycles, 80% for 250 cycles
Voltage interruptions - 0% for
250 cycles
IEC 61000-4-12 Oscillatory Wave immunity A.C. Power Port 1 kV common mode, 0.5 kV
test differential mode
Umbilical port 2.5 kV common mode
IEC 61000-4-16 Conducted Common mode A.C. Power Port 30 V continuous, 300 V 1 sec,
disturbances 0-150 kHz 50/60 Hz
(direct on L and N) Umbilical port 30 V continuous, 300 V 1 sec,
50/60 Hz
IEC 61000-4-18 Damped Oscillatory Wave A.C. Power Port 2.5 kV common mode, 1 kV
(Decaying waveform) diff. @ 100 kHz and 1 MHz
Umbilical port 2.5 kV common mode @
100 kHz and 1 MHz
Standard Description Application Test Level
EN61000-6-4 Emission for Industrial A.C. Power Port + Class A
Environmental Enclosure
EN61000-3-2 Harmonics A.C. Power Port (50 Hz & Class A
60 Hz)
EN61000-3-3 Voltage Fluctuations and A.C. Power Port (50 Hz & Pst<1,
Flicker 60 Hz) Pl<0.65%,Dc<3.3%,Dmax<
4%,Dt<3.3% for less
500 ms
FCC Part 15 Subpart B Radio Frequency Devices: A.C. Power Port + Class A digital devices
(Similar to EN61000-6-4 but Unintentional radiators Enclosure
American standard)
Mains set to 110 VAC
60 HZ
N00-809 11/2020
Appendix A
Replaceable Parts and Tools
Appendix B
Automatic Circuit Recloser
ADVC Controller
Basic Display Unit
Control and Protection Enclosure
Current Transformer
Capacitive Voltage Transducer
Human Machine Interface
Liquid Crystal Display
Light Emitting Diode
Miniature Circuit Breaker
Operator Interface
Operator Control Panel
Protection and Communication Module
Power Supply and Switchgear Module
Power Supply Unit
Pole Top Control Cubicle
Quick Action Keys
Switch Cable Entry Module
Switchgear Module
Windows Switchgear Operating System
Schneider Electric Industries SAS As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation
35, rue Joseph Monier of the information given in this publication.
F - 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex
www.schneider-electric.com 11/2020