Deneme 12
Deneme 12
Deneme 12
1-22. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 6. It’s hopeless to try to_______ a new product
düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. without advertising.
A) immediate B) further
C) straight D) seeming 7. Having seen how out of control their children
E) relative have all got here, they now wish they_______ to
a big city.
A) closely B) strictly
C) comparatively D) consequently
E) steadily 8. Now that she_______ to a higher position, she
_______ more satisfied with her job.
A) adversely B) irrelevantly
C) precisely D) readily
E) unusually 9. The tooth_______ me for quite some time when,
at last, I _______ to see my dentist.
A) prefers B) claims
C) provides D) demands 10. The entire audience_______ in applause the
E) confesses minute the final curtain _______ .
A) appreciation B) prosperity 11. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor.
C) certainty D) allegation He …………… for his cigarette lighter.
E) investment
A) was looking B) had been looking
C) has been looking D) looks
E) had looked
12. _______ the huge amount of medicine I took, it 18. He can't possibly have fınished all that work in
took me more than a week to recover from the _______ a short period of time.
A) very B) such
A) In spite of B) Even if C) too D) much
C) Besides D) As though E) so
E) On the contrary
A) which B) where A) on / to
C) whose D) whom B) for / about
E) that C) with / towards
D) upon / with
E) over / between
A) get after
17. After the accident the car was found to be B) go about
_______ damaged to be repaired. C) get along with
D) find out
A) too badly B) worse E) get through
C) the worst D) so badly
E) bad enough
23. -27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış 28. -32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Meditation is an important part of most eastern Cosmetics (28) ....... for thousands of years to
religions and philosophies. The major eastern improve the appearances of people and also to help
religions of Hinduism and Buddhism both (23) ....... keep them clean and healthy. We know that
meditation as part of their philosophies. In these cosmetics were often used in ancient Egypt. Many
religions, meditation is referred to as Yoga. Yoga beautiful jars and bottles (29) ....... held oils and
means: "diversion of the senses from the external perfumes, have been found, and can be seen in
world and concentration of thought within." The aim museums. Men in some primitive tribes and societies
of Yoga is (24) ....... the body and cleanse the mind to also paint their faces and bodies. This is usually
achieve (25) ....... and awareness of the self. Many done to show that they are of some high (30) ....... .
Yoga techniques (26) ....... throughout the world Sometimes, (31) ......., it is used to show that the
today as a form of relaxation. Most meditation starts people of that group are taking part in some form of
with exercises that help control breathing. ceremony. Today, in our society, cosmetics are
Westerners find that Yoga helps them (27) ....... the usually used to (32) ....... the appearance of people
pressures of everyday life. and to make them appear healthy. It is not difficult to
obtain cosmetics today. Many are made cheaply from
synthetic materials and vegetable oils.
A) present B) represent
C) suggest D) achieve 28-
E) gain A) have been used
B) to use
C) have used
D) being used
24- E) use
A) to have controlled
B) to control
C) controlling
D) being controlled
E) having controlled 29-
A) who B) of which
C) which D) where
E) in which
A) purify B) pure
C) purely D) purity 30-
E) purification A) people B) race
C) species D) rank
E) however
A) are used B) are using 31-
C) are used to D) use A) but B) so
E) used C) how D) still
E) however
27- 32-
A) deal with B) cope with A) improvise B) improve
C) catch up with D) count on C) revive D) survive
E) get by E) combine
33-42. sorularda yarım bırakılan cümleyi uygun 36. I am afraid a lot of workers will be made
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. redundant, ......
33. Although she was confined to her home during A) when so many other firms had been closed
the three months of her illness, _______. down
B) just as the global computer market would have
A) she had almost been given the sack by the declined sharply
company. C) since so many of us are looking
B) it seemed absolutely certain that she'd fail the forward to our retirement
final exams. D) unless the company tries to find new markets to
C) They've been trying hard to enable her to walk export its goods
without crutches. E) whatever improvements were planned in the
D) She is still under the influence of the working conditions
tranquillisers she's been given since.
E) she kept up her studies and graduated with her
37. _______ when the police took action to break
up the demonstration.
40. ______ but also there will be fringe benefits. 45- "Maybe. Why do you want to know?"
A) The company had employed some new staff A) May I see your ticket, please, Sir?
B) We could have excellent working conditions B) Where are you thinking of going on holiday,
C) Not only has his boss offered him a high salary Madam?
D) He was very impressed by his performance C) What is the reason for his being fired from work?
E) They could have interviewed more applicants D) Will you be in for the next half an hour?
E) Can I reserve a seat on the flight to New York?
A) We were puzzled
B) They didn't assume 46- "Science-fiction — though I don't approve
C) To be honest, I don't see much."
D) They had been denied
E) It has already been A) What kind of books does your daughter read?
B) You should encourage your daughter to read
books, shouldn't you?
C) Does your daughter like science-fiction books
42. ______ that estimating the future requirements like you?
is definitely complicated. D) Why don't you let your daughter read whatever
she likes?
A) From the forgoing discussion it is clear E) Do you approve of your daughter's choice of
B) They were extremely concerned books?
C) It had been under discussion for a long time
D) The director is wondering
E) The committee was asked
48. Başkanın konuşmasından sonra, bütün üyelerin D) Uygarlığın kaçınılmaz bir sonucu, karmaşık
görüşlerini dile getirmesini bekliyoruz. ürünlerden kaynaklanan diş çürümesidir.
E) Diş çürümesi, uygarlığın gelişmesi ve ürünlerin
A) Members can express their ideas when the karmaşık bir hal alması sonucu kaçınılmaz
Chairman's completed his speech. olmuştur.
B) We expect all the members to express their
opinions after the Chairman's speech.
C) Members are expected to state their opinions
only after the Chairman has made his speech.
D) In order for them to state their ideas, all 52. Until recently, there was no international
members will wait until after the Chairman's agreement that forbade whaling.
E) None of the members will be allowed to A) Geçenlerde alınan uluslararası bir kararla,
comment before the Chairman's speech. balina avcılığı yasaklanmıştır.
B) Uluslararası bir anlaşma olmadığı sürece balina
avcılığı yasaklanamaz.
C) Birkaç ay önce, balina avcılığının yasaklanması
49. Singapur'a gittiğinden beri ondan hiç haber için uluslararası bir anlaşmaya varıldı.
alamadım. D) Yakın zamana kadar, balina avcılığını
yasaklayan uluslararası bir anlaşma yoktu.
A) I didn't know that he went to Singapore. E) Uluslararası bir anlaşmaya varmadan balina
B) Since he left Singapore, I didn't hear from him. avcılığı önlenemez.
C) I hadn't heard the news that he went to
D) I wasn't aware that he left for Singapore. 53. This map will appeal mostly to mountaineers
E) I've had no news of him since he left for because of the emphasis on ascent routes in
Singapore. the region.
51-54. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe A) Üniversite, araştırma yapmak isteyen
dengeni bulunuz. öğrencilere çeşitli kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır.
B) Araştırma yapmak isteyen öğrenciler,
51. The decay of teeth is one inevitable product of üniversitenin kendilerine bazı kolaylıklar
civilisation and sophisticated foods. sağlamasını istemişlerdir.
C) Üniversitenin sağladığı kolaylıklar, pek çok
A) Diş çürümesi, uygarlığın ve karmaşık öğrenciyi araştırma yapmaya teşvik etmiştir.
yiyeceklerin kaçınılmaz bir sonucudur. D) Öğrencilerin araştırma yapabilmeleri için
B) Uygarlığın getirdiği karmaşık ürünler, kaçınılmaz üniversite tarafından çeşitli kolaylıklar
olarak diş çürümelerine neden olmaktadır. sağlanmıştır.
C) Uygarlığın beraberinde getirdiği karmaşık E) Öğrencileri araştırma yapmaya yönlendirmesi
yiyeceklerin diş çürümesine yol açması için üniversitenin bazı kolaylıklar sağlaması
kaçınılmazdır. istenmiştir.
55-57. sorularda verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 58-60. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız
When the British government announced the William Caxton introduced the art of printing into
introduction of Concorde flights, there was a great England in a remarkably short span of time. His
deal of opposition from environmental groups, who considerable success as a merchant enabled him to
even tried to block several major roads in the vicinity retire early and devote himself to the literary pursuits
of the airport. But the government soon dismissed he loved so well. He set up his printing press at
the opposition, claiming that some conventional Westminster, where he published nearly a hundred
aircraft were far noisier by comparison and that books in the remaining fourteen years of his life.
much of the opposition to the Concorde was Caxton did not confine himself to printing. Besides
baseless. Supporters of the Concorde also pointed his almost incessant labours at the press, he
out that there had been similar opposition when jet translated as many as twenty books himself. What is
aircraft were first introduced, and that despite some even more important, is that he published books in
negative scientific reports there were other reports to English at a time when most authors’ works
the contrary. appeared in French or Latin. Caxton deliberately
made it his aim to hasten the spread of knowledge by
making books available to the public in English.
55. Some people were opposed to the Concorde
A) despite reports which said that it was safe 58. Prior to publishing, William Caxton _______.
B) because they believed it would cause noise
pollution A) translated about twenty books
C) as the roads leading to the airport were likely to B) worked in trade
become congested with traffic C) wrote books in French and Latin
D) due to the government’s refusal to give them D) helped to spread English to the public
any information about the aircraft E) was involved with Journalism
E) because of the amount of business it would
take away from conventional aircraft.
56. The government claimed that _______. 59. It did not take long for _______.
A) conventional aircraft made much less noise than A) Caxton to become a successful merchant
the Concorde B) the books published by Caxton to reach the
B) the Concorde could fly faster than any other public
plane C) the fırst hundred books to be published in
C) there would be no environmental damage from England
the Concorde D) Caxton to bring in printing in England
D) the Concorde was a lot more economical than E) authors to stop writing in French and Latin
conventional aircraft
E) there were no grounds for a great deal of the
61-63. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 64-66. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
One of the best ways to smooth relations with other Whether work should be placed among the causes of
people is to be skilled at the art of paying a happiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful
compliment. The sincere, appreciative remark helps question. There is certainly much work which is
the other fellow to realise his own inherent worth. exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is
And, what is more, the ability to pay a compliment always very painful. I think, however, that, provided
boosts our own ego which is not a bad thing either. work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest
We never forget a compliment that has deeply work is to most people less painful than idleness. To
pleased us, nor do we forget the person who made it. begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day
Yet often the art lustre of praise is needlessly without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most
dimmed by awkwardness in the manner of its giving. people, when left free to fıll their own time according
Like all ventures in human relations, the art of paying to their own choice. are at a loss to think of anything
a compliment takes thought and practice. We have sufficiently pleasant. And whatever they decide on,
all experienced the remorse of having our praise fall they are troubled by the feeling that something else
flat because we chose the wrong time to give it or the would have been more pleasant.
wrong language to couch it in.
61. It is implied in the passage that the ability to pay A) work is not a cause of happiness
a compliment _______. B) being idle isn't as painful as having excessive
A) is the most important aspect of human relations C) if our work fills the day, we don't have to think
B) will bring us more friends about anything
C) does not occur naturally, but with effort D) it is never pleasant to have too much work
D) depends on a good knowledge of the language E) dull work is also usually excessive
E) is especially useful when our relations with
others aren't easy
62. Paying a compliment _______. A) have to do jobs which are dull, and thus painful
B) fınd their own choices for occupying their time
A) is beneficial to both people involved unsatisfactory
B) hides any awkwardness we may feel C) are quite lazy when it comes to dull work
C) is the most effective way to boost our own egos D) never have anything pleasant to do in their own
D) allows us to feet we are worthwhile time
E) is most difficult if the language is not your E) think that other people's occupations are better
mother-tongue than theirs
63. When paying a compliment _______. A) even boring work, in reasonable amounts, is
preferable to inactivity
A) it is wrong to consider our own egos B) happiness results from having a job which isn't
B) we should ensure that it won't be forgotten dull
C) the boost to one's ego is more important than C) the freedom to fill one's own time is more
the recipient’s feelings pleasant than having to work
D) we must be certain that the recipient is worthy of D) time spent not working is usually unpleasant
it E) having too much work means lacking time for
E) suitable wording and timing are important. more pleasant things
67-69. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 70-72. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
The first Model T, which left the Ford factory at In 1942, a warship, the Edinburgh, was attacked by a
Detroit in 1908, was neither the fırst nor the fastest submarine, and as she was trying to take refuge at
automobile on American roads. But while other cars the nearest port, she was attacked once more, but
sold by the hundred, production of the Model T grew this time by enemy surface ships. She sank, and of
at a fantastic speed: from about 10, 000 in 1908 to the eight hundred crew, sixty went down with the
over two million in 1923. During the nineteen years of ship and her load of four hundred and fıfty bars of
its production more than 15 million Model Ts were gold. It was not until 1981 that the Edinburgh was
produced and sold - a success story that was to be found. A crew of experts recovered four hundred and
repeated only years later by the Volkswagen Beetle. thirty-one bars of gold. Half of the gold was theirs,
according to the terms of the deal. The rest went
back to Russia, from where it had left in 1942, and to
Britain, in whose ship it had remained hidden for so
67. The production of the Model T car _______. long.
68. It’s clear from the passage that at that time, A) had been taken from Russia before the ship
_______ sank
B) was equally shared between Russia, Britain and
A) the Model T was the fastest car on the road the search crew
B) the roads were not suitable for speedy cars C) was fully recovered from under the sea
C) the Model T was preferred especially by those D) was the cause of the second attack made on the
who didn't like speed Edinburgh
D) the automobile industry was experiencing its E) accelerated the process of sinking because of
golden age its heavy weight
E) there were faster cars than the Model T
73-75. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.
One of the biggest problems facing secondary
education today is providing some form of training 76. They only fire an employee when they feel sure
or qualifications for those young people who don’t that he is quite useless.
want to apply for admission to university and who
aren’t interested in taking traditional examinations. A) They believe that it's worth training an employee
Many students leave school and face unemployment who shows promise for the future
because they are completely unskilled. Modern B) Their policy is not to dismiss an employee
secondary education should include more practical unless he proves to be useless.
subjects and be flexible enough for students to get C) Naturally they want to employ only those who
will be useful for them.
credit for their achievements even if they don’t pass
D) When they are certain that an employee is
written tests. Industry is generally enthusiastic about hopeless, they give him the sack without delay.
introducing job-related education hoping that it will E) They believe that useless workers are not worth
lead to a more professional and efficient workforce. keeping in employment for long.
10 DENEME A/12
79. His attitude throughout the interview showed C) They now belong not to the department of
that he didn't have the least interest in our offer. theology, but to those of literature and taste
D) However earthquakes and floods damaged and
A) We understood from his manner during the covered all the beautiful temples and buildings
interview that he wasn't at all impressed by our in the Olympia valley
offer. E) In honour of the games, magnifıcent temples,
B) My impression from his manner at the interview altars and statues were built in the Olympia
is that he has little interest in our offer. valley
C) During the interview, I tried to work out the
extent of his interest in our offer.
D) He implied at the interview that he didn't find our
offer very interesting.
E) During the interview, we couldn't understand 82. _______. At times, during all of them, we had
exactly how impressed he was by our offer. been decidedly uncomfortable, and we often
kept our thoughts from our aching legs or
empty stomachs by trying to devise the ideal
expedition on which we should live in lazy
luxury, yet fınd the most beautiful and exciting
animals in the world.
11 DENEME A/12
84. _______. This was made worse when the driver 86-90. sorularda verilen durumda söylenebilecek
had to stop near the top to avoid hitting a log ifadeyi bulunuz.
lying in the middle of the road. Immediately
there was a loud crash from behind. The driver 86. Your old neighbour is in a nostalgic mood, but
looked out of the window and noticed that one you have to leave for work. You want to escape
of the barrels had slid off the back. inoffensively from the next story, so you say:
A) He was driving on a deserted road stretching A) I've had enough of your old stories.
ahead as far as the eye could see B) I will visit you as soon as I return from work to
B) As a long distance lorry driver, he was discuss this.
accustomed to driving in such bad road C) This is all very interesting but it was before my
conditions time.
C) Even though the driver himself was very D) Oh yes, I remember that. I used to work near
cautious because of the dense fog, it was still there.
risky to continue E) I'm terribly sorry but I must go or I shall be late
D) A heavy load of wine barrels made it difficult for for work.
the lorry to climb the hill
E) The lorry driver was able to stop promptly upon
noticing the danger ahead, but the driver of the
car following too close to him couldn't.
12 DENEME A/12
89. You're visiting a famous church and want to 92. Jane : Have you sent any postcards to your
know about an ancient inscription on a tomb. family?
You politely interrupt the guide who's showing Julia : _______
your group round and ask him: Jane : We should send some soon.
A) The architecture of these old churches has A) I'm enjoying my holiday, are you?
always interested me. B) Yes, I sent some yesterday.
B) Excuse me, could you possibly tell me what this C) No, but I've decided not to bother.
says, and how old it is? D) My family don't like postcards or holidays.
C) Excuse me. Could you tell me how old the E) No, not yet. It slipped my mind!
tombs a re?
D) Sorry to bother you but could you tell me more
about this famous church?
E) I really have no idea what an inscription is. 93. Man : I'll have steak and chips to start, and
chocolate cake for dessert.
Waiter : _______.
Man : Not yet, thank you. Perhaps a coffee
after the meal
13 DENEME A/12
96-100. sorularda anlam bakımından parçaya 99. (I) In the year AD 79, the people of Pompeii were
uymayan cümleyi bulunuz? starting the day in the usual way.
(II) Suddenly it grew dark and they saw a great
96. (I) Living in a multi-racial society can be very cloud was leaving the top of Mount Vesuvius.
difficult sometimes, especially if you are part of (III) They realised, in horror, that Vesuvius was
a minority group. (II) Differences in religion and erupting. (IV) Even volcanoes, however, which
culture can produce tension and prejudice. seemed to be extinct have erupted. (V) They all
(III) There are so many people all over the world started to run out of the town, but they couldn't
even today who lack the opportunity to live for the town was soon completely buried under
unhampered by racism. (IV) Yet, living in a stones and cinder.
multiracial society can also have advantages.
(V) There is certainly more variety in music and A)I B) II C)III D)IV E)V
art, for example, in such societies.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
98. (I) The baby soon learns that, whenever he cries 100. (I) The famous Dutch graphic artist, Maurits
persistently enough, he'll receive attention. Cornelius Escher, was no good at maths at
(II) In that case, some soothing syrup, taken school. (II) But his drawings nearly all show an
after consulting a doctor, can be helpful. understanding of mathematical principles and
(III) Sometimes, when he has no outlet for his perspective. (III) Belvedere and Day and Night
energies because of the lack of materials, he are two of his most famous drawings.
cries from sheer boredom. (IV) By this means he (IV) Indeed, mathematicians are fascinated by
consciously brings his will to bear upon people his drawings, in particular his "impossible"
as well as upon materials. (V) So, the greater buildings. (V) He himself was aware of this, and
part of the baby's crying is merely the means of once said that he had more in common with
enforcing his will which he has found mathematicians than with his fellow artists.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
14 DENEME A/12