Class 2 (Motor)
Class 2 (Motor)
Class 2 (Motor)
-Harmonised survey
-ISM- not too in depth. Just survey times and overview. Mainly asked about DOC
Large 2 stroke main - -from chief telling you surveyor is coming until engine stby
-Services needed
New fitter joins- -what do you check to ensure he is fit for job
DATE: 16th Sep 2014 VENUE: Paisley, Glasgow EXAMINER: Mr. Das TIME: 1030 hrs
5. Prepare IG scrubber tower for class survey & checks to be carried out.
13. What is free surface effect & how will you control it.
14. In the absence of C/E how will you release the CO2 flooding system.
15. How will make sure that all the CO2 bottles have been released.
20. Interim SMC & DOC when will be issued & validity.
1. How does your engine reverse? Draw me the reversing diagram &
2. Overhauling of a start air valve
3. Causes for an airline explosion?
4. Principle of the CPP system
5. How is the signal transmitted after the blades have attained the desired
pitch, in a CPP?
6. What type of engine?
7. Draw the Sea Water system and explain?
8. Explain the MGPS system and the materials used in it?
9. Draw the fuel change-over from LSHFO-MDO in the European ports?
10.Regulations for Sox?
11.What maintenance is carried out on a life boat engine?
12.Do Sox emissions apply for life boat?
13.How many BA sets onboard and illustrate your actions during a fire drill?
14.Give me a layout and explanation of an electronic system and the
working principle? ( drew the electronic governor and explained)
15.Tell a situation of a control system failure and your actions in that
16.How do you calculate power?
17.Why do we calculate power?
18. Injector faulty, draw all the different diagrams you get on the draw
19.How is the fuel timing adjusted?
20.OWS the regulations and the method to check the 15 ppm monitor?
21.How do you familiarize a cadet?
22.What maintenance do you do on a fire detection system?
23.How do you set a boiler safety valve to the appropriate pressure?
24.What tests do you do on the ME crankcase oil?
25.Fresh water tanks- what chemicals do you initially dose the tanks with
and the concentration.
26.Explain the M notices associated with the FW tanks.
27.Company’s enclosed space entry procedure.
28.Sketch the earth fault monitoring circuit and explain the effects of an
earth fault and a short circuit.
29.Draw the air handling unit and explain the maintenance that would be
done on the system?
30.How do you recharge the refrigerant in the AHU?
31. After topping up the systems, where do you make an entry of the gases
used? What else gases would you record?
32.Risk assessment, should it be carried out for all jobs in the engine room?
33.How do you carry out engine room night rounds in a UMS ship?
34.What type of steering gear and list the steering gear alarms?
35.How do you top up the ram type steering gear?
36.List of all certificates?
37.Is PMS compulsory for all ships?
38.What is PSC and their duties?
39.ISM and how does it affect you as a second engineer
40.Explain COSWP?
41.Explain your actions as a second engineer in case of grounding?
42.Should you inspect the intermediate shaft bearing after grounding?
43.Transverse cross-section of a container vessel?
44.What is angle of Loll?
Result: pass
3. What was the engine mounted on? How are chocks distributed around the engine?
5. Main Engine overhaul? (started from spares check & planning stage through risk assessment and
allocation of work to actual pulling out of parts).
6. Stopped me with, ‘What would you do if one of the cylinder head nuts doesn’t come
out?’ cleaning the stud and slightly higher hydraulic pressure didn’t work. Had to cut the
12. How were the power cards taken on your last ship?
16. Main engine fuel consumption has increased but power cards seem normal. What all
could be the reason. (hull fouling, propeller, trim by head)
17. How is quantity of fuel injection changes in engine? ( in b&w electronic engines, solenoid
operated FIVA valve. This supplies hydraulic oil to fuel booster unit with suction valve where fuel reaches the
required injection pressure. Quantity changes according to solenoid position)
18. What needs to be done in purifier when density of new fuel is different from old fuel?
22. Engine cooling water tests. What chemical is dosed into water?
24. Tell me some survey inspections carried out during dry dock. ( I choose hull survey)
27. How often surveys are done? (5 yearly, annual & intermediate)
28. What are the criteria for discharge of clean bilge overboard in special areas?
29. What all details recorded relating to OWS operation and where?
30. Who was responsible for pumping bilges on your last ship? (Duty Engr)
31. If bilge pump has stopped taking suction, what all could be the reasons?
33. What all checks to be made before engine room goes on UMS? Who does these checks?
34. What to do exactly before putting on UMS? (Inform bridge and log time in log book and
37. How were the fire detectors tested and who did it?
39. What is PID controller? (Expanding the letters were not enough. Had to explain those a
41. How to do maintenance on high voltage generator circuit breaker? (My last vessel was of
42. How do you come to know if there is earth fault in your system?
43. How to find out exact earth fault equipment?
45. How were spare parts stored and arranged on your ship?
46. If a cadet joins your ship, how would you deal with a cadet as 2/E?
47. What is SMS? How do you know if it is being followed on your ship?
Paisley Glasgow
Examiner: mr dass
Time 1 10mins
He asked me what kind of vessels have I sailed on, I said offshore supply vessels.
I later remember the name of the device fitted on the safety gear i.e. easing gear. But he said it’s too
late, he cannot pass me that I have a weak knowledge on the the auxiliary safety valve device I
should go back to the college workshop and study the boiler very well and come back after two
weeks, he failed me.
1.Sulzer RND Engine draw crossectional diagram specially showing the scavenge trunk &exhaust
4. What is slow steaming& how it effects the engine& how do we deal with the fauling of the engine
5. Effects on the exhaust valve when slow steaming&how exhaust valve works &how turning is
13. If air pressure for sewage treatment plant is reduced what could be the problem
14.Chloride level is rising in the boiler what will u do &how will u rectify the problem
15.Blanking of the faulty tube of the atmospheric condenser can this job done when the vessel is
16. Large ballast p/p motors in engine room how they are started
20.Why fuses and overcurrent relay are given in star delta starter
21.A motor starts in star changes to delta and the motor trips what could be the fault
22. Fixed fire fighting equipment on ur last ship.In a co2 fixed fighting system why it is not installed
with a push button for discharge the co2
These questions are not in exact order and I cant remember everything, we had some short
questions between time.
Stamped NOE passed before I even finished drawing the Load line diagram, and then said confident I
can sail as 2nd engineer because have enough experience.
18TH AUG 0900HRS
7.a stuck nut on cylinder head, how you deal with it.
9.cheks carried out in dry-dock, was concerned on hull and propellers and anods
12.what is ISM
>>> First he asked If I knew MGN69 and he will ask me from it.
>>> 1. What is ISM and write all the headings in this code ( definition, objective, etc)
>>> 2. Write all the certificates should be carried in ships and which are related to ISM (DOC, SMC)
>>> 3. Chief engineer asks you about main bearing survey, tell me from start. ( deflection, clearance
before start)
>>> 4. Do you have CPP system, explain with aid of diagram how it works, what you will do if it fails?
>>> 5. If the ship sinks how it will be identified? EPIRB SART, What are their frequencies? as second
engineer you should read everything in detail on board the ship.
>>> 8. What are the type of starters on ships? Why star delta used? What is the starting current of a
motor ( 3-8time FLC)
>>> 9. What type of detectors do you have on board the ship, How do you test them?
>>> 10. How you will identify the problem if you have low power in one cylinder? What could be the
reason for low power?
>>> 12.what is the new certificate regarding bunkering of fuel which is amended last year?
1. Please explain how your main engine performance reading’s are taken ?
2. If power imbalance is noted during your test explain ways of restoring power balance on the
units affected.
3. During cylinder monitoring what other defect might you find ? (no/lack of compression
during stroke )
4. Explain possible reasons for lack of or No compression in cylinder? (Cracked piston, worn
liner. worn piston rings).
5. As second engineer explain the removal of a piston from the main engine for inspection
including cylinder head removal and the checks carried out, also explain who you would
delegate to which job and why ?
6. Describe the procedure for a piston inspection, piston ring checks and what measurements
to take and how to carry out cylinder liner checks.
7. You described the removal from a 4-stroke perspective, what differences would you
encounter during the procedure on a 2-stroke?
8. What are crankshaft deflections and why are they taken?
9. Describe the procedure for taking and recording deflections. What can deflection readings
10. After what incident would it be advisable to take deflections as soon as safely possible?
( ship grounding)
11. If the ship has run a ground what is the quickest and safest method of checking if the engine
can be started without further damage? ( insert turning gear and check if it will turn )
12. The ship has been laid up for 2 months and you leave anchor, the engine is operating
correctly but the ship is unable to make full speed why? ( marine growth on underside of
13. What helps to prevent marine growth on the underside of the ship? ( Anti-Fouling Paint )
14. What steps would you take as 2nd engineer to ensure the safety of divers operating on the
underside of the ship during a cleaning process?
15. What are the possible causes of the safety valves lifting on the boiler?
16. Give a brief overview of which items need to be tended to for a 2 ½ yearly survey on an
auxiliary boiler?
17. What preparations as 2nd engineer would you carry out for a ship entering dry dock?
18. If the ship yard connects 380v to your 440v system in dry dock what effect will this have on
ships equipment?
19. If a surveyor was looking to renew the ships IOPP Cert what bit of machinery would they
most likely want to inspect? (OWS).
20. Who issues the IOPP certificate?
21. What other bodies can the classification society issue certificates for on their behalf?
22. With regards to your air pollution prevention certificate what MARPOL annex does it relate
too and what items should you keep a record of as proof of your ship adhering to the annex?
23. How are the ISM code and SMS related?
24. What is your understanding of condition monitoring?
25. How was it implemented on your ship? ( oil tests , boiler tests, vibration monitoring)
He then said he would be more than happy with me to sail as his 2 nd and I had passed.
Do the preparation . He saw what i have written he said he wanted to see the risk matrix.
He asked whether i know what it is ,i said yes it is the risk analyis card,shows likely unlikely
Probability and things like that –he was satisfied.
2) You have mentioned regarding isolating steam valves and checking where they are holding
or not ,what if they are not holding?
Ans-I said blank the line and ensure no back pressure .-he was happy.
3) You will use portable ventilator and hand held lamps ,how you will ensure they are working
fine and certified ?
Ans –I said before taking it for the job we will check and test in the workshop for its visual
appearance ,insulation , continuity and also see the gaurds and covers are all in good cond.
He was not satisfied ,
8) Suppose jacket cooling pump motor is not working and problem is not mechanical ,now you
tell me what you will do ?
Ans-I said first i will change over the pump if not already ,ensure it is working fine and then
isolate mechanically and electrically and lock and tag ,remove fuses and then check phase
voltage in the junction box check earth ,stopped in the middle
10) Asked how will you check the phase voltages and earth –demonstrate?
Ans I showed him with two pens and then he asked
Are you going to check the phase voltages ,wouldn’t you check the incoming voltage ?
Ans- I said,I am sorry , first i will check the incoming supply if i am getting the power at input
that means problem is not at input side not in the cabling its the motor .
11) What if i put two more wires inside the terminal box ,what will it be ?
Ans – I couldn’t get him , after lot of attempts by him to make me understand , finally he said
what you do for moisture , i said , space heater then he was satisfied , he said isolate space
heater connection too.eventually he got the answer out of me ,but i was not sure .
12) You said you will use multi meter , but you did not mentioned that you will test the
multimeter for correct use ,how will you test.?
Ans-I told him ya i missed , i showed him how we will test for continuity and dc voltage and
ac i was not sure what to say .He asked if my ship had electrical workshop.
He said electrician work shop will have an approved arrangement for different voltage check
your instrument there.
13) We started with FO tank survey ,what will be covered in fo tank survey .
Ans- I said condition of the tanks,coils,stiffening arrangement,wastage parts due to steam ,
any signs of steam leakage and damage piping or clamping arrangement,drain suction
overflow pipings , vents ,then he said and go ahead .... i couldnt remember then i told quick
closing valve ..and he said good man !! That is what is most important bit.
17) In the above question i did mentioned about fuel consumption ,he asked how do you
calculate fuel consmpt.
Ans. I said the sfoc formula then he said ,how do you get to it , i got confused , then he said ,
what is thickness of fuel , i said viscousity , then he said anything about specific gravity , i
said , yeah , he asked what is its unit ,
He asked what all information is given in BDN , i said , few , like qty,desnity,sulphur
content ,temp,he said , what else , then he said , don.t you get calorific value, i said , yes we
do get ,,he asked what it is .
18) Then next was on life boat davit load test ,who does that ,how often and validity of the
Ans- I told him all about cargo ships safety certificate but he is looking for something else
and i missed that.
(I got some answers –Intl load test certiciate is issued and annual surveys are done ,need
proper answer though.)
19) You get life raft serviced from shore will you arrange them on board.
Ans-I said yes , then he said how ?
I told him ...then he says draw and show me –not satisfied ,says explain the securing
arangement of life raft with HRU.. i told him then HRU working draw me plss...but he says
weak link is HRU ,I asked him if that is the case then the raft will go away from the ship ,he
got annoyed and said many kinds are there and some have many ropes what is that and why
is that ,i said , painter for securing ,he said then how it will go away.I was quiet.
23) You get trainee and cadets ,how you treat them and trained them .
Ans-I said , will train them for there personal safetys , emer.signal, emer.exit –muster
stations,lifeboat,ship fam,engr fam.will ask him to make lay out of eng room mach.
Will teach him safety of mach.start stop ,precautions,operations,will chalk out the plan for
there training from TRB.Will put them with juniour engineers for auxillary equipment maint.
24) Says ,one of them is not happy onboard ,doesnt feel like working ,in the ships enviroment.
Ans- i will encourage him , will try to make them participate actively,will see that they are
not so much stressed and burdened .
Says still he is lost ,what you will do ..i was thinking then he showed a copy of MLC 2006,he
asked do you kno what it is , have you read?
I said yes i have had an audit of MLC in 2013 and it was world wide third ship for audit ,
He said any thing with the crew refer this , this is a revolution in shipping history ,waste as
some thinks .. but ..yes it is very very important as of now.
25) One new motor man joins and already a senior motor man onboard they argue about the
job , that this is not mine and that is not mine ,you would u deal with that .
Ans-I answered conflict management ,he said spot on ,as a second enginner you must
balance the ship and engine enviroment.Its not the best place to be ..a second engineer me you wouldnt want to be in that postion for long its not same each time .
He said thats it ,how i think i performed , i said , i missed life boat and epirb and few bits,he
said they are safety and people depend on you and he said you missed on legislation but i
wouldnt mind on it ,they are hell lot of them , and they keep changing .
I dont see this of too much to worry as you will learn onboard ,as you answered other
important ones i think i will call it a pass .But promise me you will work on that.It is not the
best place to be as a second if you know what i mean.Fortunately it was one of the good day
Note > Apart from above , had some here and there cross questions and discussions .
I have detailed my oral session , with answers , to facillate for easy references , i hope it will
be help ful .i know it is crazy but i personally would love to get a small answer with the
question ,makes life easy .
Thank you to each and every one .All the best to my class mates!
How will u carry out maintainance of generator air circuit breaker. With all the safety and diagrams
Tyne Dock
December 2013
Tyne Dock
February 2014
Examiner Mr M. Groark.
Tyne Dock
May 2014
Examiner Mr M. Groark.
Examiner started off looking at my certificates of sea service and other documents and immediately
noticed time spent on ship with Sulzer RND90 main engine.
Was looking for longer piston skirt, under piston boost scavenging, exhaust
valves instead of ports, materials used – more modern alloys and piston ring
2. Draw cross section of RND90 and explain. Was particularly interested in ‘S’
shaped scavenge space and reed valves for under piston boost scavenging.
4. Moved on from this and asked what would cause engine automatic slowdown
7. Went back to scavenge fire and said new junior engineer was on watch. He
carried out initial actions, you have arrived in control room and are now in charge. What do
you do…
9. Asked what type of fixed systems exist for fighting scavenge fires.
10. He latched onto steam and said that you have now stopped the ship and steam pressure has
dropped off, why?
Exhaust gas boiler in use whilst underway. Oil fired boiler has not cut in.
Mentioned all trips such as water level, door swing out etc
Went through all basic checks, purging, igniter spark, fuel, water level, resets.
16. Then said if 440v and 230v used for boiler where does high voltage come from.
17. Voltage transformer for igniter burnt out, can we fix it on board.
Said no – replace it.
After risk assessments and tag out… cleaning, connections tight, insulation tests.
21. Said cleaning of transformer was not under PMS. What can you as second engineer do.
Add it to PMS
CEO (in my company). Went on to add that PMS can be adjusted – items
23. Back to scavenge fire, ships stopped in water. What can you do to give bridge some
25. Ship you are on does not have that, what do you do.
Any recent maintenance, air, fuel etc.. Was looking for faulty speed pickup as answer.
28. Engine now running – why do we need another alternator on the board.
30. Draw start delta starter and explain (power side only)
Stuck in Star.
32. How does starting in star reduce starting current and voltage dip.
Went through the whole thing – was looking for field current.
Short circuit protection for fuses and reverse time characteristic of OCR.
fault encountered,
Spoke about location of ship and high humidity. Jacket water header tank
39. Describe test to determine sea water or fresh water contamination in oil.
Kittiwake standard test.
40. What else could you use to determine presence of salt water.
Silver Nitrate.
Fuel dilution.
43. How can fuel get into crankcase oil on four stroke.
As has been said many times before… be careful of what you say in your answers as this may well
lead to your next question. Only talk about things you know or you WILL dig yourself a hole and he
will just sit back and watch you struggle.
After passing my written exam I studied for six weeks which was too long but it gave me the
confidence to speak up. If you are confident and correct in what you say he will move on to another
topic quickly. If the examiner smells fear he will pounce !!!
Finlay McDonald (2nd attempt) March 2014
13. With regards to above mentioned certificates what conventions were they issued
1. What type of ships you have done so far? (OBO & Chemical Tanker)
2. What was the type of Chemical Tanker? (Type 2 & 3, could carry Oil and Molasses as well)
3. Write down all the statutory certificates required for a Chemical Tanker.
4. What is the difference between Flag state & Port State Control?
5. Which memorandum covers the European Waters? (Paris MoU)
6. A North American country is a member of Paris Mou, can you name it? (he gave the hint in
the question itself, hence I answered Canada)
7. If a London registered ship enters Glasgow Port, will it be subjected to PSC inspection? (No,
only foreign ships are subjected to PS control, that ship will undergo Flag state inspection)
8. What coating was there in your cargo tanks? ( Stainless Steel)
9. What all protective devices were present in the cargo tank?
10. Chief Engineer informs you about the cargo tank survey in next port, consider Chief Officer is
not present, as a second engineer you are responsible for the job, how will you prepare for
11. What was the type of Main Engine onboard?
12. What is the material of the Cylinder Liner? (I explained the properties of the material as well
and hence why it is preferred)
13. In older ships what were the common problems faced regarding the liner?
14. How in modern engines those problems are rectified?
15. A new oiler joins your ship, as a second engineer what all documents will you check to see
whether he is competent for the job?
Comments: Wanted me to study up a bit on legislation and to read the bunker receipt more often.
William Gourlay Attended Oral Exam Paisley 23rd December, duration 30 minutes, Pass
Chief tells you the surveyor wants to see a main engine bearing opened up, describe how you
would go about opening up a main bearing on the main engine? The ship is at anchor!
I spent a lot of time telling him about the planning, hours of work, inspection of equipment,
spare parts, risk assessments (refer to CoSWP), weather permitting, isolation permit, enclosed
space entry precautions. Spent at least 10 minutes talking about work prep before even going
into carrying out the task.
He ended the exam there and said he was very happy with the answers given.
12/December/2013 -- PASS
1. Started with my sea service records and vessel I have sailed on.
2. Since I have sailed on both BMW - MEC & WATZILA Flex engines he asked me to
explain the difference between both the engines.
3. Can you explain me the starting air system of the engine? ( I draw basic line diagram
and explained he was ok with that )
4. Can you tell me what are the safety’s present in the starting air line and explain why
we have them?
5. In an event if the starting air line gets heated up what will be the reason?
6. How do you know it’s hot when you are taking round in E/R? ( He wants to hear by
feeling it or by smell)
7. Ok now you have identified that starting air valve is leaking what is the cause of leak?
( I said may be fault fuel injector or staring air valve seat crake)
8. How will you change the starting air valve while the ship is in manoeuvring? ( he
was looking for isolation of that unit by stopping fuel )
9. Ok somehow you have brought the ship to the port explain me how you do overhaul?
10. You said the leak of the starting air valve is due to faulty fuel injector tell me how the
fuel injector become faulty? ( I told him nozzle, spring setting , atomisation, wrong
cam timing)
11. How will you test your fuel injector?
12. What are all checks do you do in the injector?
13. What is early injection & late injection draw and explain?
14. What happens when early injection happens?
15. Draw 2 stroke timing diagram and explain me the early injection in it?
16. What type of test do you carry out onboard? ( L.O, BLR water, Jacket water)
17. Ok tell me what test do you do for L.O?
18. What is TBN why we need TBN for?
19. Why cylinder L.O TBN is more?
20. Draw and explain jacket water system?
21. What test do you carry out for jacket water?
22. One of your cylinder head is leaking how will you come to know, while engine is
23. What are the indications involved in it? ( told him about P/P pressure, Expansion tank
he was happy)
24. Second officer is calling you from bridge and telling you that steering gear is not
responding what is your action as a second engineer on watch?
25. Draw and explain the steering gear system?
26. What king of pump is used in steering gear? ( I told him swash plate P/P )
27. Ok explain me the working principle of Swash plate P/P?
28. If helman is giving 15deg to port what happens to the pump, once the command is
achieved does the pump stops or it will keep on running? ( I drew a block diagram
from the bridge to the steering gear he wants to hear the hunting gear )
29. Draw and explain STAR & DELTA circuit diagram?
30. Why we have fuse & OCR in the line explain?
31. What is single phasing?
32. What king of fixed fire fighting system do you have in your ship? ( I told him fixed
CO2 system)
33. Ok can you explain me a hyper mist system?
PAISLEY 15/08/13 TIME:1300-1440 Surveyor: Mr. DAS
candidate:Antony pradeep
PASS 45 mins
2.WRITE DOWN ALL CERTIFICATES CARRIED ONBOARD - I had written all certificates including
INTERIM DOC and INTERIM SMC. He told to explain these two and also asked if a CARGO SHIP
SAFETY CERTIFICATE carried onboard then whether need to carry RADIO, EQUIPMENT and
CONSTRUCTION certificates and why? certificates validity and intermediate surveys.
3.WHO BRINGS ANY REGULATIONS INTO FORCE.(he wanted the answer parliament)
6. CROSS SECTION OF A BEARING AND WHAT ALL MATERIALS(white metal, nickel barrier, alloy).
Date 10.06.2013 Paisley Second Engineer Orals Question Time:50 min PASS
2. Draw a Layout of the Inert Gas System and Explain. (This question was asked since I’ve
sailed on Tankers)
4. Vessel travelling from Cold Weather to Hot Weather, what will happen to IG in the Tank
which is loaded?
5. Vessel travelling from Hot Weather to Cold Weather, what will happen to IG in the Tank
which is loaded? (Wanted to know the Operation of PV Valve)
8. Which chapter of ISM tells you about the daily jobs carried out in Engine Room?
9. Ship is at Anchor, and the Chief Engineer informs you that after 2 days Boiler Survey is to
be carried out. Prepare for survey?
10. On what pressure would you set the Safety Valve? And the setting procedure?
12. Write down the List of all the Certificates carried onboard.
13. How would you Test the Lube Oil Low Pressure Alarm of the Main Engine?
14. What equipment would you use to Test the Low Pressure Alarm?
15. Draw and Describe the function of Brushless Excitation System?
16. What are the Critical equipments onboard and how are the jobs reported in PMS?
Result: pass
3. What was the engine mounted on? How are chocks distributed around the engine?
5. Main Engine overhaul? (started from spares check & planning stage through risk assessment and
allocation of work to actual pulling out of parts).
6. Stopped me with, ‘What would you do if one of the cylinder head nuts doesn’t come
out?’ cleaning the stud and slightly higher hydraulic pressure didn’t work. Had to cut the
12. How were the power cards taken on your last ship?
16. Main engine fuel consumption has increased but power cards seem normal. What all
could be the reason. (hull fouling, propeller, trim by head)
17. How is quantity of fuel injection changes in engine? ( in b&w electronic engines, solenoid
operated FIVA valve. This supplies hydraulic oil to fuel booster unit with suction valve where fuel reaches the
required injection pressure. Quantity changes according to solenoid position)
18. What needs to be done in purifier when density of new fuel is different from old fuel?
22. Engine cooling water tests. What chemical is dosed into water?
24. Tell me some survey inspections carried out during dry dock. ( I choose hull survey)
27. How often surveys are done? (5 yearly, annual & intermediate)
28. What are the criteria for discharge of clean bilge overboard in special areas?
29. What all details recorded relating to OWS operation and where?
30. Who was responsible for pumping bilges on your last ship? (Duty Engr)
31. If bilge pump has stopped taking suction, what all could be the reasons?
33. What all checks to be made before engine room goes on UMS? Who does these checks?
34. What to do exactly before putting on UMS? (Inform bridge and log time in log book and
37. How were the fire detectors tested and who did it?
39. What is PID controller? (Expanding the letters were not enough. Had to explain those a
41. How to do maintenance on high voltage generator circuit breaker? (My last vessel was of
42. How do you come to know if there is earth fault in your system?
46. If a cadet joins your ship, how would you deal with a cadet as 2/E?
47. What is SMS? How do you know if it is being followed on your ship?
Paisley Glasgow
Examiner: mr dass
Time 1 10mins
He asked me what kind of vessels have I sailed on, I said offshore supply vessels.
I later remember the name of the device fitted on the safety gear i.e. easing gear. But he said it’s too
late, he cannot pass me that I have a weak knowledge on the the auxiliary safety valve device I
should go back to the college workshop and study the boiler very well and come back after two
weeks, he failed me.
1.Sulzer RND Engine draw crossectional diagram specially showing the scavenge trunk &exhaust
4. What is slow steaming& how it effects the engine& how do we deal with the fauling of the engine
5. Effects on the exhaust valve when slow steaming&how exhaust valve works &how turning is
13. If air pressure for sewage treatment plant is reduced what could be the problem
14.Chloride level is rising in the boiler what will u do &how will u rectify the problem
15.Blanking of the faulty tube of the atmospheric condenser can this job done when the vessel is
16. Large ballast p/p motors in engine room how they are started
20.Why fuses and overcurrent relay are given in star delta starter
21.A motor starts in star changes to delta and the motor trips what could be the fault
22. Fixed fire fighting equipment on ur last ship.In a co2 fixed fighting system why it is not installed
with a push button for discharge the co2
These questions are not in exact order and I cant remember everything, we had some short
questions between time.
Stamped NOE passed before I even finished drawing the Load line diagram, and then said confident I
can sail as 2nd engineer because have enough experience.
7.a stuck nut on cylinder head, how you deal with it.
9.cheks carried out in dry-dock, was concerned on hull and propellers and anods
12.what is ISM
>>> Nasr Al Bulushi Duration: 1hour Date: 29/07/14 Examiner: Das. Result:pass
>>> First he asked If I knew MGN69 and he will ask me from it.
>>> 1. What is ISM and write all the headings in this code ( definition, objective, etc)
>>> 2. Write all the certificates should be carried in ships and which are related to ISM (DOC, SMC)
>>> 3. Chief engineer asks you about main bearing survey, tell me from start. ( deflection, clearance
before start)
>>> 4. Do you have CPP system, explain with aid of diagram how it works, what you will do if it fails?
>>> 5. If the ship sinks how it will be identified? EPIRB SART, What are their frequencies? as second
engineer you should read everything in detail on board the ship.
>>> 8. What are the type of starters on ships? Why star delta used? What is the starting current of a
motor ( 3-8time FLC)
>>> 9. What type of detectors do you have on board the ship, How do you test them?
>>> 10. How you will identify the problem if you have low power in one cylinder? What could be the
reason for low power?
>>> 12.what is the new certificate regarding bunkering of fuel which is amended last year?
26. Please explain how your main engine performance reading’s are taken ?
27. If power imbalance is noted during your test explain ways of restoring power balance on the
units affected.
28. During cylinder monitoring what other defect might you find ? (no/lack of compression
during stroke )
29. Explain possible reasons for lack of or No compression in cylinder? (Cracked piston, worn
liner. worn piston rings).
30. As second engineer explain the removal of a piston from the main engine for inspection
including cylinder head removal and the checks carried out, also explain who you would
delegate to which job and why ?
31. Describe the procedure for a piston inspection, piston ring checks and what measurements
to take and how to carry out cylinder liner checks.
32. You described the removal from a 4-stroke perspective, what differences would you
encounter during the procedure on a 2-stroke?
33. What are crankshaft deflections and why are they taken?
34. Describe the procedure for taking and recording deflections. What can deflection readings
35. After what incident would it be advisable to take deflections as soon as safely possible?
( ship grounding)
36. If the ship has run a ground what is the quickest and safest method of checking if the engine
can be started without further damage? ( insert turning gear and check if it will turn )
37. The ship has been laid up for 2 months and you leave anchor, the engine is operating
correctly but the ship is unable to make full speed why? ( marine growth on underside of
38. What helps to prevent marine growth on the underside of the ship? ( Anti-Fouling Paint )
39. What steps would you take as 2nd engineer to ensure the safety of divers operating on the
underside of the ship during a cleaning process?
40. What are the possible causes of the safety valves lifting on the boiler?
41. Give a brief overview of which items need to be tended to for a 2 ½ yearly survey on an
auxiliary boiler?
42. What preparations as 2nd engineer would you carry out for a ship entering dry dock?
43. If the ship yard connects 380v to your 440v system in dry dock what effect will this have on
ships equipment?
44. If a surveyor was looking to renew the ships IOPP Cert what bit of machinery would they
most likely want to inspect? (OWS).
45. Who issues the IOPP certificate?
46. What other bodies can the classification society issue certificates for on their behalf?
47. With regards to your air pollution prevention certificate what MARPOL annex does it relate
too and what items should you keep a record of as proof of your ship adhering to the annex?
48. How are the ISM code and SMS related?
49. What is your understanding of condition monitoring?
50. How was it implemented on your ship? ( oil tests , boiler tests, vibration monitoring)
He then said he would be more than happy with me to sail as his 2 nd and I had passed.
26) Please write down the risk assessment for FO Tank survey .?
Ans- I wrote the planning Part and continued to write preparation around 14 points so far.
He stopped me there and said lets see whatever you have covered.Explain how you will
Do the preparation . He saw what i have written he said he wanted to see the risk matrix.
He asked whether i know what it is ,i said yes it is the risk analyis card,shows likely unlikely
Probability and things like that –he was satisfied.
27) You have mentioned regarding isolating steam valves and checking where they are holding
or not ,what if they are not holding?
Ans-I said blank the line and ensure no back pressure .-he was happy.
28) You will use portable ventilator and hand held lamps ,how you will ensure they are working
fine and certified ?
Ans –I said before taking it for the job we will check and test in the workshop for its visual
appearance ,insulation , continuity and also see the gaurds and covers are all in good cond.
He was not satisfied ,
29) Still some fuel is left how you get rid of them ?
Ans- I said tanks are sloped and by vaccum pump or wildon pump ,
He said still some left you might have to send some one ,
I said , i will follow enclosed space entry ,
He said how you will ensure tank is safe ,i said i will test by multi gas detector and portable
oxygen meter will be there,
Then he said what if tank is long what if gas pockets are there , when you agitate the fuel it
will release hydrocarbons how will you deal with that.
I realised missing part and i said,Breathing apparatus .He wanted that- insisted to use BA.
33) Suppose jacket cooling pump motor is not working and problem is not mechanical ,now you
tell me what you will do ?
Ans-I said first i will change over the pump if not already ,ensure it is working fine and then
isolate mechanically and electrically and lock and tag ,remove fuses and then check phase
voltage in the junction box check earth ,stopped in the middle
34) Why you will check earth when motor is already earthed.
Ans- I said most of the time it is painted and in deteriorated condition and to ensure that it is
safe inside no fault .
He was happy with the word paint ,and was annoyed with people who get them painted .
35) Asked how will you check the phase voltages and earth –demonstrate?
Ans I showed him with two pens and then he asked
Are you going to check the phase voltages ,wouldn’t you check the incoming voltage ?
Ans- I said,I am sorry , first i will check the incoming supply if i am getting the power at input
that means problem is not at input side not in the cabling its the motor .
36) What if i put two more wires inside the terminal box ,what will it be ?
Ans – I couldn’t get him , after lot of attempts by him to make me understand , finally he said
what you do for moisture , i said , space heater then he was satisfied , he said isolate space
heater connection too.eventually he got the answer out of me ,but i was not sure .
37) You said you will use multi meter , but you did not mentioned that you will test the
multimeter for correct use ,how will you test.?
Ans-I told him ya i missed , i showed him how we will test for continuity and dc voltage and
ac i was not sure what to say .He asked if my ship had electrical workshop.
He said electrician work shop will have an approved arrangement for different voltage check
your instrument there.
38) We started with FO tank survey ,what will be covered in fo tank survey .
Ans- I said condition of the tanks,coils,stiffening arrangement,wastage parts due to steam ,
any signs of steam leakage and damage piping or clamping arrangement,drain suction
overflow pipings , vents ,then he said and go ahead .... i couldnt remember then i told quick
closing valve ..and he said good man !! That is what is most important bit.
40) Take round in the engine room of the ship you joined ?
Ans – i said as a second engineer i will start my round from galley and he started laughing ..
I said i will check the galley equipment at the same time having word with galley staff ,look
around panels and on my way to fridge rooms then out to air con room and then on deck
from funnel to incinerator ,boiler area .Up to wards expansion tank and then i covered until
main engine .
He stopped me there and he said
42) In the above question i did mentioned about fuel consumption ,he asked how do you
calculate fuel consmpt.
Ans. I said the sfoc formula then he said ,how do you get to it , i got confused , then he said ,
what is thickness of fuel , i said viscousity , then he said anything about specific gravity , i
said , yeah , he asked what is its unit ,
He asked what all information is given in BDN , i said , few , like qty,desnity,sulphur
content ,temp,he said , what else , then he said , don.t you get calorific value, i said , yes we
do get ,,he asked what it is .
43) Then next was on life boat davit load test ,who does that ,how often and validity of the
Ans- I told him all about cargo ships safety certificate but he is looking for something else
and i missed that.
(I got some answers –Intl load test certiciate is issued and annual surveys are done ,need
proper answer though.)
44) You get life raft serviced from shore will you arrange them on board.
Ans-I said yes , then he said how ?
I told him ...then he says draw and show me –not satisfied ,says explain the securing
arangement of life raft with HRU.. i told him then HRU working draw me plss...but he says
weak link is HRU ,I asked him if that is the case then the raft will go away from the ship ,he
got annoyed and said many kinds are there and some have many ropes what is that and why
is that ,i said , painter for securing ,he said then how it will go away.I was quiet.
48) You get trainee and cadets ,how you treat them and trained them .
Ans-I said , will train them for there personal safetys , emer.signal, emer.exit –muster
stations,lifeboat,ship fam,engr fam.will ask him to make lay out of eng room mach.
Will teach him safety of mach.start stop ,precautions,operations,will chalk out the plan for
there training from TRB.Will put them with juniour engineers for auxillary equipment maint.
49) Says ,one of them is not happy onboard ,doesnt feel like working ,in the ships enviroment.
Ans- i will encourage him , will try to make them participate actively,will see that they are
not so much stressed and burdened .
Says still he is lost ,what you will do ..i was thinking then he showed a copy of MLC 2006,he
asked do you kno what it is , have you read?
I said yes i have had an audit of MLC in 2013 and it was world wide third ship for audit ,
He said any thing with the crew refer this , this is a revolution in shipping history ,waste as
some thinks .. but ..yes it is very very important as of now.
50) One new motor man joins and already a senior motor man onboard they argue about the
job , that this is not mine and that is not mine ,you would u deal with that .
Ans-I answered conflict management ,he said spot on ,as a second enginner you must
balance the ship and engine enviroment.Its not the best place to be ..a second engineer me you wouldnt want to be in that postion for long its not same each time .
He said thats it ,how i think i performed , i said , i missed life boat and epirb and few bits,he
said they are safety and people depend on you and he said you missed on legislation but i
wouldnt mind on it ,they are hell lot of them , and they keep changing .
I dont see this of too much to worry as you will learn onboard ,as you answered other
important ones i think i will call it a pass .But promise me you will work on that.It is not the
best place to be as a second if you know what i mean.Fortunately it was one of the good day
Note > Apart from above , had some here and there cross questions and discussions .
I have detailed my oral session , with answers , to facillate for easy references , i hope it will
be help ful .i know it is crazy but i personally would love to get a small answer with the
question ,makes life easy .
Thank you to each and every one .All the best to my class mates!
How will u carry out maintainance of generator air circuit breaker. With all the safety and diagrams
Tyne Dock
December 2013
Tyne Dock
February 2014
Examiner Mr M. Groark.
Tyne Dock
May 2014
Examiner Mr M. Groark.
Examiner started off looking at my certificates of sea service and other documents and immediately
noticed time spent on ship with Sulzer RND90 main engine.
Was looking for longer piston skirt, under piston boost scavenging, exhaust
valves instead of ports, materials used – more modern alloys and piston ring
2. Draw cross section of RND90 and explain. Was particularly interested in ‘S’
shaped scavenge space and reed valves for under piston boost scavenging.
4. Moved on from this and asked what would cause engine automatic slowdown
7. Went back to scavenge fire and said new junior engineer was on watch. He
carried out initial actions, you have arrived in control room and are now in charge. What do
you do…
9. Asked what type of fixed systems exist for fighting scavenge fires.
10. He latched onto steam and said that you have now stopped the ship and steam pressure has
dropped off, why?
Exhaust gas boiler in use whilst underway. Oil fired boiler has not cut in.
Mentioned all trips such as water level, door swing out etc
Went through all basic checks, purging, igniter spark, fuel, water level, resets.
16. Then said if 440v and 230v used for boiler where does high voltage come from.
17. Voltage transformer for igniter burnt out, can we fix it on board.
Said no – replace it.
After risk assessments and tag out… cleaning, connections tight, insulation tests.
21. Said cleaning of transformer was not under PMS. What can you as second engineer do.
Add it to PMS
CEO (in my company). Went on to add that PMS can be adjusted – items
23. Back to scavenge fire, ships stopped in water. What can you do to give bridge some
25. Ship you are on does not have that, what do you do.
Any recent maintenance, air, fuel etc.. Was looking for faulty speed pickup as answer.
28. Engine now running – why do we need another alternator on the board.
30. Draw start delta starter and explain (power side only)
Stuck in Star.
32. How does starting in star reduce starting current and voltage dip.
Went through the whole thing – was looking for field current.
Short circuit protection for fuses and reverse time characteristic of OCR.
fault encountered,
Spoke about location of ship and high humidity. Jacket water header tank
39. Describe test to determine sea water or fresh water contamination in oil.
Kittiwake standard test.
40. What else could you use to determine presence of salt water.
Silver Nitrate.
Fuel dilution.
43. How can fuel get into crankcase oil on four stroke.
As has been said many times before… be careful of what you say in your answers as this may well
lead to your next question. Only talk about things you know or you WILL dig yourself a hole and he
will just sit back and watch you struggle.
After passing my written exam I studied for six weeks which was too long but it gave me the
confidence to speak up. If you are confident and correct in what you say he will move on to another
topic quickly. If the examiner smells fear he will pounce !!!
Finlay McDonald (2nd attempt) March 2014
30. With regards to above mentioned certificates what conventions were they issued
18. Type of ships (all tankers, last ship was bulk carrier)
19. Told me to choose only ship I would be comfortable.
20. Engine (MAN B&W 6S60MC – slow speed diesel)
21. What is ISM, write all the points.
22. What certificates ISM has (I took time to answer this hence told me to write
down all certificates)
23. I wrote about 14 certificates, not documents.
24. ISM has SMC, DOC, still not happy, told me one certificate without which ship
cannot sail. Finally, he answered “Anti-fouling Certificate”.
25. Chief tells you tomorrow power cards to be taken, prepare; confirm with
bridge, speed and course not to be altered, go through previous history to
check any particulars, unit need attention.
26. How was performance taken on your ship (Indicator drive)
27. How do you know indicator drive working correct (compression and expansion
line coincide)
28. Now proceed to take performance (he mentioned about fire detectors/alarm
isolated before blow through)
29. What parameter to be taken (temp, flowmeter)
30. Chief tells you to prepare two days before for boiler survey.
31. How to test alarm for LO pressure (I did not want to know stop pump)
32. How is “accumulation pressure” done for boiler?
33. Are you confident to sail as a Second Engineer.
34. Took about half an hour on ISM and the certificates.
16. What type of ships you have done so far? (OBO & Chemical Tanker)
17. What was the type of Chemical Tanker? (Type 2 & 3, could carry Oil and Molasses as well)
18. Write down all the statutory certificates required for a Chemical Tanker.
19. What is the difference between Flag state & Port State Control?
20. Which memorandum covers the European Waters? (Paris MoU)
21. A North American country is a member of Paris Mou, can you name it? (he gave the hint in
the question itself, hence I answered Canada)
22. If a London registered ship enters Glasgow Port, will it be subjected to PSC inspection? (No,
only foreign ships are subjected to PS control, that ship will undergo Flag state inspection)
23. What coating was there in your cargo tanks? ( Stainless Steel)
24. What all protective devices were present in the cargo tank?
25. Chief Engineer informs you about the cargo tank survey in next port, consider Chief Officer is
not present, as a second engineer you are responsible for the job, how will you prepare for
26. What was the type of Main Engine onboard?
27. What is the material of the Cylinder Liner? (I explained the properties of the material as well
and hence why it is preferred)
28. In older ships what were the common problems faced regarding the liner?
29. How in modern engines those problems are rectified?
30. A new oiler joins your ship, as a second engineer what all documents will you check to see
whether he is competent for the job?
Comments: Wanted me to study up a bit on legislation and to read the bunker receipt more often.
William Gourlay Attended Oral Exam Paisley 23rd December, duration 30 minutes, Pass
Chief tells you the surveyor wants to see a main engine bearing opened up, describe how you
would go about opening up a main bearing on the main engine? The ship is at anchor!
I spent a lot of time telling him about the planning, hours of work, inspection of equipment,
spare parts, risk assessments (refer to CoSWP), weather permitting, isolation permit, enclosed
space entry precautions. Spent at least 10 minutes talking about work prep before even going
into carrying out the task.
He ended the exam there and said he was very happy with the answers given.
12/December/2013 -- PASS
34. Started with my sea service records and vessel I have sailed on.
35. Since I have sailed on both BMW - MEC & WATZILA Flex engines he asked me to
explain the difference between both the engines.
36. Can you explain me the starting air system of the engine? ( I draw basic line diagram
and explained he was ok with that )
37. Can you tell me what are the safety’s present in the starting air line and explain why
we have them?
38. In an event if the starting air line gets heated up what will be the reason?
39. How do you know it’s hot when you are taking round in E/R? ( He wants to hear by
feeling it or by smell)
40. Ok now you have identified that starting air valve is leaking what is the cause of leak?
( I said may be fault fuel injector or staring air valve seat crake)
41. How will you change the starting air valve while the ship is in manoeuvring? ( he
was looking for isolation of that unit by stopping fuel )
42. Ok somehow you have brought the ship to the port explain me how you do overhaul?
43. You said the leak of the starting air valve is due to faulty fuel injector tell me how the
fuel injector become faulty? ( I told him nozzle, spring setting , atomisation, wrong
cam timing)
44. How will you test your fuel injector?
45. What are all checks do you do in the injector?
46. What is early injection & late injection draw and explain?
47. What happens when early injection happens?
48. Draw 2 stroke timing diagram and explain me the early injection in it?
49. What type of test do you carry out onboard? ( L.O, BLR water, Jacket water)
50. Ok tell me what test do you do for L.O?
51. What is TBN why we need TBN for?
52. Why cylinder L.O TBN is more?
53. Draw and explain jacket water system?
54. What test do you carry out for jacket water?
55. One of your cylinder head is leaking how will you come to know, while engine is
56. What are the indications involved in it? ( told him about P/P pressure, Expansion tank
he was happy)
57. Second officer is calling you from bridge and telling you that steering gear is not
responding what is your action as a second engineer on watch?
58. Draw and explain the steering gear system?
59. What king of pump is used in steering gear? ( I told him swash plate P/P )
60. Ok explain me the working principle of Swash plate P/P?
61. If helman is giving 15deg to port what happens to the pump, once the command is
achieved does the pump stops or it will keep on running? ( I drew a block diagram
from the bridge to the steering gear he wants to hear the hunting gear )
62. Draw and explain STAR & DELTA circuit diagram?
63. Why we have fuse & OCR in the line explain?
64. What is single phasing?
65. What king of fixed fire fighting system do you have in your ship? ( I told him fixed
CO2 system)
66. Ok can you explain me a hyper mist system?
PAISLEY 15/08/13 TIME:1300-1440 Surveyor: Mr. DAS
candidate:Antony pradeep
PASS 45 mins
2.WRITE DOWN ALL CERTIFICATES CARRIED ONBOARD - I had written all certificates including
INTERIM DOC and INTERIM SMC. He told to explain these two and also asked if a CARGO SHIP
SAFETY CERTIFICATE carried onboard then whether need to carry RADIO, EQUIPMENT and
CONSTRUCTION certificates and why? certificates validity and intermediate surveys.
3.WHO BRINGS ANY REGULATIONS INTO FORCE.(he wanted the answer parliament)
6. CROSS SECTION OF A BEARING AND WHAT ALL MATERIALS(white metal, nickel barrier, alloy).
Date 10.06.2013 Paisley Second Engineer Orals Question Time:50 min PASS
18. Draw a Layout of the Inert Gas System and Explain. (This question was asked since I’ve
sailed on Tankers)
20. Vessel travelling from Cold Weather to Hot Weather, what will happen to IG in the Tank
which is loaded?
21. Vessel travelling from Hot Weather to Cold Weather, what will happen to IG in the Tank
which is loaded? (Wanted to know the Operation of PV Valve)
24. Which chapter of ISM tells you about the daily jobs carried out in Engine Room?
25. Ship is at Anchor, and the Chief Engineer informs you that after 2 days Boiler Survey is to
be carried out. Prepare for survey?
26. On what pressure would you set the Safety Valve? And the setting procedure?
28. Write down the List of all the Certificates carried onboard.
29. How would you Test the Lube Oil Low Pressure Alarm of the Main Engine?
30. What equipment would you use to Test the Low Pressure Alarm?
31. Draw and Describe the function of Brushless Excitation System?
32. What are the Critical equipments onboard and how are the jobs reported in PMS?