Module and Activities in P.E Week 3
Module and Activities in P.E Week 3
Module and Activities in P.E Week 3
At the end of the lesson the learners are expected determine their resting heart rate,
maximum heart rate and can assess the performance in the different fitness test.
Maintain or even improve the efficient delivery and uptake of oxygen to your body's
Enhance cellular metabolism
Ease the physical challenges of everyday life
There are five areas of health related fitness. They are heart and lung endurance or
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body
Heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance is the ability to exercise the
entire body for long periods of time. It requires a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear blood
vessels to supply the body with oxygen. Activities to improve fitness in this area include running,
swimming and aerobic dance. A person must do the activity continuously for a minimum of 20
minutes within their target heart rate zone. Endurance/cardiovascular activity should be done a
minimum of 3 days per week. Every other day is preferable. The mile or the pacer will measure
fitness testing in this area.
Muscular Strength is the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles. It is often
measured by how much weight you can lift. People with strength have fewer problems with
backaches and can carry out their daily tasks efficiently. Examples of muscular strength include
push-ups, weight lifting heavy weight with few repetitions, and pull-ups. Fitness testing will be
measured by doing push-ups.
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Muscular Endurance is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones,
many times without getting tired. People with good muscular endurance are likely to have better
posture, have fewer back problems, and be better able to resist fatigue than people who lack
muscular endurance. You can improve muscular endurance by lifting weights with many
repetitions or doing sit-ups. Measuring the number of sit- ups you can do correctly is used for
fitness testing.
Flexibility is the ability to use your joints fully. You are flexible when the muscles are
long enough and the joints are free enough to allow movement. People with good flexibility have
fewer sore and injured muscles. Stretching before and after activities will help to improve
flexibility. The sit-and-reach and the trunk lift are two tests used to measure flexibility.
Body Composition is the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body
tissue, such as bone and muscle. People who have a high percentage of fat are more likely to
be ill and have a higher death rate than lean people. Exercise and eating the right foods in the
proper amounts can improve body composition. Body composition can be measured using an
instrument called calipers, a specialized scale, or it can be calculated by using the body mass
index (BMI) which uses height and weight to determine your BMI.
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Output- week 3
Most of the physical activities and exercises involve the heart and the lungs. It is
necessary to monitor how your heart is doing especially during the vigorous workout.
To determine your resting heart rate and the maximum heart rate
Activity notebook/pen
Clock/ stopwatch
1. Get your resting heart rate
Purpose: To set the base or standard for evaluation purposes
Direction: The best time to get the resting heart rate is when you wake up in the
morning. Locate your radial, temporal, femoral (groin), or carotid artery with your
index and middle finger. Do it in one minute. Keep records.
2. Get your maximum heart rate(MHR)
Purpose: To determine the highest rate your heart is capable of attaining
Directions: Subtract your age from 220 (constant)
Example: If you are 16 years old, your maximum heart rate is (220-16)=204 bpm
3. Get your target heart rate zone
Purpose: To determine your aerobic intensity according to a straight percentage
of your MHR, usually 60-90%.
Directions: Get the MHR, multiply it by 60%(0.60) to get the lower limit. Multiply
by 90% (0.90) to get upper limit. Record your target heart rate zone.
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If you are 16 years old, your MHR is 204bpm.
Determine upper lower limit.
(204x0.6) = 122.4 beats per minute
Determine upper limit.
(204x0.9) = 183.6 beats per minute
Thus, your target heart rate for training is between 122.4 to 183. 6 beats per minute.
What did you notice about your heart rates? Do you think it is necessary to learn how to
estimates these types of heart rate? Why?
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